feat(new-tool): jwt parser (#262)

* npm install jwt-decode

* added base tool structure

* added function to decode JWT and display header and payload

* use a table to display the data

* show human readable values

* added switch to toggle display of parsed values

* lint

* replaced basic package-lock.json with pnpm-lock.json

* change the icon of the tool

* simplify return

* use camelCase

* added description of the tool

* always parse the values

* use camelCase...
This commit is contained in:
bastantoine 2022-12-27 09:38:35 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent ebb7301a98
commit acc7f0a586
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 567 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
"fuse.js": "^6.6.2",
"highlight.js": "^11.6.0",
"json5": "^2.2.1",
"jwt-decode": "^3.1.2",
"lodash": "^4.17.21",
"mathjs": "^10.6.4",
"mime-types": "^2.1.35",

View File

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ specifiers:
highlight.js: ^11.6.0
jsdom: ^19.0.0
json5: ^2.2.1
jwt-decode: ^3.1.2
less: ^4.1.3
lodash: ^4.17.21
mathjs: ^10.6.4
@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ dependencies:
fuse.js: 6.6.2
highlight.js: 11.6.0
json5: 2.2.1
jwt-decode: 3.1.2
lodash: 4.17.21
mathjs: 10.6.4
mime-types: 2.1.35
@ -4838,6 +4840,10 @@ packages:
promise: 7.3.1
dev: true
resolution: {integrity: sha512-UfpWE/VZn0iP50d8cz9NrZLM9lSWhcJ+0Gt/nm4by88UL+J1SiKN8/5dkjMmbEzwL2CAe+67GsegCbIKtbp75A==}
dev: false
resolution: {integrity: sha512-dcS1ul+9tmeD95T+x28/ehLgd9mENa3LsvDTtzm3vyBEO7RPptvAD+t44WVXaUjTBRcrpFeFlC8WCruUR456hw==}
engines: {node: '>=0.10.0'}

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ import {
} from 'naive-ui';
@ -111,6 +112,7 @@ const components = [
export const naive = create({ components });

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import { tool as jwtParser } from './jwt-parser';
import { tool as chmodCalculator } from './chmod-calculator';
import { tool as mimeTypes } from './mime-types';
import { tool as otpCodeGeneratorAndValidator } from './otp-code-generator-and-validator';
@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ export const toolsByCategory: ToolCategory[] = [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
<em>{{ claim }}</em>
<span v-if="label.label !== claim">
<n-popover placement="right" trigger="hover">
<template #trigger>
<n-icon :component="InfoCircle" trigger />
{{ label.label }}
<template v-if="label.ref !== ''" #footer> {{ label.ref }} </template>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed } from 'vue';
import { InfoCircle } from '@vicons/tabler';
import { getClaimLabel } from './jwt-parser.service';
const props = defineProps({
claim: {
type: String,
default: '',
const label = computed(() => getClaimLabel(props.claim ? props.claim : ''));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import { Key } from '@vicons/tabler';
import { defineTool } from '../tool';
export const tool = defineTool({
name: 'JWT parser',
path: '/jwt-parser',
description: 'Parse a JWT (JSON Web Token) to display its content.',
keywords: ['jwt', 'parser'],
component: () => import('./jwt-parser.vue'),
icon: Key,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
import jwt_decode, { InvalidTokenError } from 'jwt-decode';
interface JWT {
header: Map<string, unknown>;
payload: Map<string, unknown>;
export function safeJwtDecode(rawJwt: string): JWT {
try {
const header = jwt_decode(rawJwt, { header: true }) as Map<string, unknown>;
const payload = jwt_decode(rawJwt) as Map<string, unknown>;
return { header, payload };
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof InvalidTokenError) {
return { header: new Map<string, unknown>(), payload: new Map<string, unknown>() };
} else {
throw e;
export function getClaimLabel(claim: string): { label: string; ref: string } {
const infos = STANDARD_CLAIMS.find((info) => info.name === claim);
if (infos) {
return { label: infos.long_name, ref: infos.ref };
switch (claim) {
case 'typ':
return { label: 'Type', ref: '' };
case 'alg':
return { label: 'Algorithm', ref: '' };
return { label: claim, ref: '' };
export function parseClaimValue(claim: string, value: unknown): { value: unknown; extension?: unknown } {
switch (claim) {
case 'exp':
case 'nbf':
case 'iat': {
// Convert to milliseconds, JWT specs says it should be in seconds, JS
// works with milliseconds
value = typeof value === 'string' ? parseInt(value) : value;
const date = new Date((value as number) * 1000);
return { value: `${date.toLocaleDateString()} ${date.toLocaleTimeString()}`, extension: value };
case 'alg':
return { value: AlgorithmKeyDescriptionMapping[value as string], extension: value };
if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
// Perhaps there's a better way to do this?
return { value: value ? 'true' : 'false' };
return { value: value };
// From https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7518#section-3.1
const AlgorithmKeyDescriptionMapping: { [k: string]: string } = {
HS256: 'HMAC using SHA-256',
HS384: 'HMAC using SHA-384',
HS512: 'HMAC using SHA-512',
RS256: 'RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256',
RS384: 'RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-384',
RS512: 'RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-512',
ES256: 'ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256',
ES384: 'ECDSA using P-384 and SHA-384',
ES512: 'ECDSA using P-521 and SHA-512',
PS256: 'RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256 and MGF1 with SHA-256',
PS384: 'RSASSA-PSS using SHA-384 and MGF1 with SHA-384',
PS512: 'RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512 and MGF1 with SHA-512',
none: 'No digital signature or MAC performed',
// List extracted from IANA: https://www.iana.org/assignments/jwt/jwt.xhtml
name: 'iss',
long_name: 'Issuer',
ref: '[RFC7519 - Section 4.1.1]',
name: 'sub',
long_name: 'Subject',
ref: '[RFC7519 - Section 4.1.2]',
name: 'aud',
long_name: 'Audience',
ref: '[RFC7519 - Section 4.1.3]',
name: 'exp',
long_name: 'Expiration Time',
ref: '[RFC7519 - Section 4.1.4]',
name: 'nbf',
long_name: 'Not Before',
ref: '[RFC7519 - Section 4.1.5]',
name: 'iat',
long_name: 'Issued At',
ref: '[RFC7519 - Section 4.1.6]',
name: 'jti',
long_name: 'JWT ID',
ref: '[RFC7519 - Section 4.1.7]',
name: 'name',
long_name: 'Full name',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'given_name',
long_name: 'Given name(s) or first name(s)',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'family_name',
long_name: 'Surname(s) or last name(s)',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'middle_name',
long_name: 'Middle name(s)',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'nickname',
long_name: 'Casual name',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'preferred_username',
long_name: 'Shorthand name by which the End-User wishes to be referred to',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'profile',
long_name: 'Profile page URL',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'picture',
long_name: 'Profile picture URL',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'website',
long_name: 'Web page or blog URL',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'email',
long_name: 'Preferred e-mail address',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'email_verified',
long_name: 'True if the e-mail address has been verified; otherwise false',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'gender',
long_name: 'Gender',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'birthdate',
long_name: 'Birthday',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'zoneinfo',
long_name: 'Time zone',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'locale',
long_name: 'Locale',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'phone_number',
long_name: 'Preferred telephone number',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'phone_number_verified',
long_name: 'True if the phone number has been verified; otherwise false',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'address',
long_name: 'Preferred postal address',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'updated_at',
long_name: 'Time the information was last updated',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 5.1]',
name: 'azp',
long_name: 'Authorized party - the party to which the ID Token was issued',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 2]',
name: 'nonce',
long_name: 'Value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 2]',
name: 'auth_time',
long_name: 'Time when the authentication occurred',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 2]',
name: 'at_hash',
long_name: 'Access Token hash value',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 2]',
name: 'c_hash',
long_name: 'Code hash value',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section]',
name: 'acr',
long_name: 'Authentication Context Class Reference',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 2]',
name: 'amr',
long_name: 'Authentication Methods References',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 2]',
name: 'sub_jwk',
long_name: 'Public key used to check the signature of an ID Token',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Section 7.4]',
name: 'cnf',
long_name: 'Confirmation',
ref: '[RFC7800 - Section 3.1]',
name: 'sip_from_tag',
long_name: 'SIP From tag header field parameter value',
ref: '[RFC8055][RFC3261]',
name: 'sip_date',
long_name: 'SIP Date header field value',
ref: '[RFC8055][RFC3261]',
name: 'sip_callid',
long_name: 'SIP Call-Id header field value',
ref: '[RFC8055][RFC3261]',
name: 'sip_cseq_num',
long_name: 'SIP CSeq numeric header field parameter value',
ref: '[RFC8055][RFC3261]',
name: 'sip_via_branch',
long_name: 'SIP Via branch header field parameter value',
ref: '[RFC8055][RFC3261]',
name: 'orig',
long_name: 'Originating Identity String',
ref: '[RFC8225 - Section 5.2.1]',
name: 'dest',
long_name: 'Destination Identity String',
ref: '[RFC8225 - Section 5.2.1]',
name: 'mky',
long_name: 'Media Key Fingerprint String',
ref: '[RFC8225 - Section 5.2.2]',
name: 'events',
long_name: 'Security Events',
ref: '[RFC8417 - Section 2.2]',
name: 'toe',
long_name: 'Time of Event',
ref: '[RFC8417 - Section 2.2]',
name: 'txn',
long_name: 'Transaction Identifier',
ref: '[RFC8417 - Section 2.2]',
name: 'rph',
long_name: 'Resource Priority Header Authorization',
ref: '[RFC8443 - Section 3]',
name: 'sid',
long_name: 'Session ID',
ref: '[OpenID Connect Front-Channel Logout 1.0 - Section 3]',
name: 'vot',
long_name: 'Vector of Trust value',
ref: '[RFC8485]',
name: 'vtm',
long_name: 'Vector of Trust trustmark URL',
ref: '[RFC8485]',
name: 'attest',
long_name: 'Attestation level as defined in SHAKEN framework',
ref: '[RFC8588]',
name: 'origid',
long_name: 'Originating Identifier as defined in SHAKEN framework',
ref: '[RFC8588]',
name: 'act',
long_name: 'Actor',
ref: '[RFC8693 - Section 4.1]',
name: 'scope',
long_name: 'Scope Values',
ref: '[RFC8693 - Section 4.2]',
name: 'client_id',
long_name: 'Client Identifier',
ref: '[RFC8693 - Section 4.3]',
name: 'may_act',
long_name: 'Authorized Actor - the party that is authorized to become the actor',
ref: '[RFC8693 - Section 4.4]',
name: 'jcard',
long_name: 'jCard data',
ref: '[RFC8688][RFC7095]',
name: 'at_use_nbr',
long_name: 'Number of API requests for which the access token can be used',
ref: '[ETSI GS NFV-SEC 022 V2.7.1]',
name: 'div',
long_name: 'Diverted Target of a Call',
ref: '[RFC8946]',
name: 'opt',
long_name: 'Original PASSporT (in Full Form)',
ref: '[RFC8946]',
name: 'vc',
long_name: 'Verifiable Credential as specified in the W3C Recommendation',
ref: '[W3C Recommendation Verifiable Credentials Data Model 1.0 - Expressing verifiable information on the Web (19 November 2019) - Section 6.3.1]',
name: 'vp',
long_name: 'Verifiable Presentation as specified in the W3C Recommendation',
ref: '[W3C Recommendation Verifiable Credentials Data Model 1.0 - Expressing verifiable information on the Web (19 November 2019) - Section 6.3.1]',
name: 'sph',
long_name: 'SIP Priority header field',
ref: '[RFC9027]',
name: 'ace_profile',
long_name: 'The ACE profile a token is supposed to be used with.',
ref: '[RFC-ietf-ace-oauth-authz-46 - Section 5.10]',
name: 'cnonce',
'client-nonce. A nonce previously provided to the AS by the RS via the client. Used to verify token freshness when the RS cannot synchronize its clock with the AS.',
ref: '[RFC-ietf-ace-oauth-authz-46 - Section 5.10]',
name: 'exi',
'Expires in. Lifetime of the token in seconds from the time the RS first sees it. Used to implement a weaker from of token expiration for devices that cannot synchronize their internal clocks.',
ref: '[RFC-ietf-ace-oauth-authz-46 - Section 5.10.3]',
name: 'roles',
long_name: 'Roles',
ref: '[RFC7643 - Section 4.1.2][RFC9068 - Section]',
name: 'groups',
long_name: 'Groups',
ref: '[RFC7643 - Section 4.1.2][RFC9068 - Section]',
name: 'entitlements',
long_name: 'Entitlements',
ref: '[RFC7643 - Section 4.1.2][RFC9068 - Section]',
name: 'token_introspection',
long_name: 'Token introspection response',
ref: '[RFC-ietf-oauth-jwt-introspection-response-12 - Section 5]',

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
<n-form-item label="JWT to decode" :feedback="validation.message" :validation-status="validation.status">
<n-input v-model:value="rawJwt" type="textarea" placeholder="Put your token here..." rows="5" />
<td colspan="2" class="table-header"><strong>Header</strong></td>
<tr v-for="[key, value] in Object.entries(decodedJWT.header)" :key="key">
<td class="claims"><claim-vue :claim="key" /></td>
<value-vue :claim="key" :value="value" />
<td colspan="2" class="table-header"><strong>Payload</strong></td>
<tr v-for="[key, value] in Object.entries(decodedJWT.payload)" :key="key">
<td class="claims"><claim-vue :claim="key" /></td>
<value-vue :claim="key" :value="value" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed, ref } from 'vue';
import jwt_decode from 'jwt-decode';
import { useValidation } from '@/composable/validation';
import { isNotThrowing } from '@/utils/boolean';
import { safeJwtDecode } from './jwt-parser.service';
import claimVue from './claim.vue';
import valueVue from './value.vue';
const rawJwt = ref(
const decodedJWT = computed(() => {
return safeJwtDecode(rawJwt.value);
const validation = useValidation({
source: rawJwt,
rules: [
validator: (value) => value.length > 0 && isNotThrowing(() => jwt_decode(value, { header: true })),
message: 'Invalid JWT',
<style lang="less" scoped>
.table-header {
text-align: center;
.claims {
width: 20%;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
{{ value.value }}
<em v-if="value.extension">({{ value.extension }})</em>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed } from 'vue';
import { parseClaimValue } from './jwt-parser.service';
const props = defineProps({
claim: {
type: String,
default: '',
value: {
type: String,
default: '',
const value = computed(() => parseClaimValue(props.claim, props.value));