2024-06-24 11:14:08 +02:00

1775 lines
56 KiB

"""Test the helper method for writing tests."""
from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
from collections.abc import Callable, Coroutine, Mapping, Sequence
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager, contextmanager
from datetime import UTC, datetime, timedelta
from enum import Enum
import functools as ft
from functools import lru_cache
from io import StringIO
import json
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import threading
import time
from types import FrameType, ModuleType
from typing import Any, Literal, NoReturn
from unittest.mock import AsyncMock, Mock, patch
from aiohttp.test_utils import unused_port as get_test_instance_port # noqa: F401
import pytest
from syrupy import SnapshotAssertion
from typing_extensions import AsyncGenerator, Generator
import voluptuous as vol
from homeassistant import auth, bootstrap, config_entries, loader
from homeassistant.auth import (
models as auth_models,
permissions as auth_permissions,
providers as auth_providers,
from homeassistant.auth.permissions import system_policies
from homeassistant.components import device_automation, persistent_notification as pn
from homeassistant.components.device_automation import ( # noqa: F401
_async_get_device_automation_capabilities as async_get_device_automation_capabilities,
from homeassistant.config import async_process_component_config
from homeassistant.config_entries import ConfigEntry, ConfigFlow
from homeassistant.const import (
from homeassistant.core import (
from homeassistant.helpers import (
area_registry as ar,
category_registry as cr,
device_registry as dr,
entity_registry as er,
floor_registry as fr,
issue_registry as ir,
label_registry as lr,
restore_state as rs,
from homeassistant.helpers.dispatcher import (
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
from homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform import AddEntitiesCallback
from homeassistant.helpers.json import JSONEncoder, _orjson_default_encoder, json_dumps
from homeassistant.helpers.typing import ConfigType, DiscoveryInfoType
from homeassistant.util.async_ import run_callback_threadsafe
import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util
from homeassistant.util.json import (
from homeassistant.util.signal_type import SignalType
import homeassistant.util.ulid as ulid_util
from homeassistant.util.unit_system import METRIC_SYSTEM
import homeassistant.util.yaml.loader as yaml_loader
from .testing_config.custom_components.test_constant_deprecation import (
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CLIENT_ID = "https://example.com/app"
CLIENT_REDIRECT_URI = "https://example.com/app/callback"
async def async_get_device_automations(
hass: HomeAssistant,
automation_type: device_automation.DeviceAutomationType,
device_id: str,
) -> Any:
"""Get a device automation for a single device id."""
automations = await device_automation.async_get_device_automations(
hass, automation_type, [device_id]
return automations.get(device_id)
def threadsafe_callback_factory(func):
"""Create threadsafe functions out of callbacks.
Callback needs to have `hass` as first argument.
def threadsafe(*args, **kwargs):
"""Call func threadsafe."""
hass = args[0]
return run_callback_threadsafe(
hass.loop, ft.partial(func, *args, **kwargs)
return threadsafe
def threadsafe_coroutine_factory(func):
"""Create threadsafe functions out of coroutine.
Callback needs to have `hass` as first argument.
def threadsafe(*args, **kwargs):
"""Call func threadsafe."""
hass = args[0]
return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(
func(*args, **kwargs), hass.loop
return threadsafe
def get_test_config_dir(*add_path):
"""Return a path to a test config dir."""
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "testing_config", *add_path)
def get_test_home_assistant() -> Generator[HomeAssistant]:
"""Return a Home Assistant object pointing at test config directory."""
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
context_manager = async_test_home_assistant(loop)
hass = loop.run_until_complete(context_manager.__aenter__())
loop_stop_event = threading.Event()
def run_loop() -> None:
"""Run event loop."""
loop._thread_ident = threading.get_ident()
hass.loop_thread_id = loop._thread_ident
orig_stop = hass.stop
hass._stopped = Mock(set=loop.stop)
def start_hass(*mocks: Any) -> None:
"""Start hass."""
asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(hass.async_start(), loop).result()
def stop_hass() -> None:
"""Stop hass."""
hass.start = start_hass
hass.stop = stop_hass
threading.Thread(name="LoopThread", target=run_loop, daemon=False).start()
yield hass
loop.run_until_complete(context_manager.__aexit__(None, None, None))
class StoreWithoutWriteLoad[_T: (Mapping[str, Any] | Sequence[Any])](storage.Store[_T]):
"""Fake store that does not write or load. Used for testing."""
async def async_save(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Save the data.
This function is mocked out in tests.
def async_save_delay(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Save data with an optional delay.
This function is mocked out in tests.
async def async_test_home_assistant(
event_loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop | None = None,
load_registries: bool = True,
config_dir: str | None = None,
) -> AsyncGenerator[HomeAssistant]:
"""Return a Home Assistant object pointing at test config dir."""
hass = HomeAssistant(config_dir or get_test_config_dir())
store = auth_store.AuthStore(hass)
hass.auth = auth.AuthManager(hass, store, {}, {})
orig_async_add_job = hass.async_add_job
orig_async_add_executor_job = hass.async_add_executor_job
orig_async_create_task_internal = hass.async_create_task_internal
orig_tz = dt_util.get_default_time_zone()
def async_add_job(target, *args, eager_start: bool = False):
"""Add job."""
check_target = target
while isinstance(check_target, ft.partial):
check_target = check_target.func
if isinstance(check_target, Mock) and not isinstance(target, AsyncMock):
fut = asyncio.Future()
return fut
return orig_async_add_job(target, *args, eager_start=eager_start)
def async_add_executor_job(target, *args):
"""Add executor job."""
check_target = target
while isinstance(check_target, ft.partial):
check_target = check_target.func
if isinstance(check_target, Mock):
fut = asyncio.Future()
return fut
return orig_async_add_executor_job(target, *args)
def async_create_task_internal(coroutine, name=None, eager_start=True):
"""Create task."""
if isinstance(coroutine, Mock) and not isinstance(coroutine, AsyncMock):
fut = asyncio.Future()
return fut
return orig_async_create_task_internal(coroutine, name, eager_start)
hass.async_add_job = async_add_job
hass.async_add_executor_job = async_add_executor_job
hass.async_create_task_internal = async_create_task_internal
hass.data[loader.DATA_CUSTOM_COMPONENTS] = {}
hass.config.location_name = "test home"
hass.config.latitude = 32.87336
hass.config.longitude = -117.22743
hass.config.elevation = 0
await hass.config.async_set_time_zone("US/Pacific")
hass.config.units = METRIC_SYSTEM
hass.config.media_dirs = {"local": get_test_config_dir("media")}
hass.config.skip_pip = True
hass.config.skip_pip_packages = []
hass.config_entries = config_entries.ConfigEntries(
"_": (
"Not empty or else some bad checks for hass config in discovery.py"
" breaks"
# Load the registries
# setup translation cache instead of calling translation.async_setup(hass)
hass.data[translation.TRANSLATION_FLATTEN_CACHE] = translation._TranslationCache(
if load_registries:
with (
patch.object(StoreWithoutWriteLoad, "async_load", return_value=None),
"homeassistant.helpers.storage.Store", # Floor & label registry are different
await ar.async_load(hass)
await cr.async_load(hass)
await dr.async_load(hass)
await er.async_load(hass)
await fr.async_load(hass)
await ir.async_load(hass)
await lr.async_load(hass)
await rs.async_load(hass)
hass.data[bootstrap.DATA_REGISTRIES_LOADED] = None
def clear_instance(event):
"""Clear global instance."""
# Give aiohttp one loop iteration to close
hass.loop.call_soon(INSTANCES.remove, hass)
hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_CLOSE, clear_instance)
yield hass
# Restore timezone, it is set when creating the hass object
def async_mock_service(
hass: HomeAssistant,
domain: str,
service: str,
schema: vol.Schema | None = None,
response: ServiceResponse = None,
supports_response: SupportsResponse | None = None,
raise_exception: Exception | None = None,
) -> list[ServiceCall]:
"""Set up a fake service & return a calls log list to this service."""
calls = []
def mock_service_log(call): # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
"""Mock service call."""
if raise_exception is not None:
raise raise_exception
return response
if supports_response is None:
if response is not None:
supports_response = SupportsResponse.OPTIONAL
supports_response = SupportsResponse.NONE
return calls
mock_service = threadsafe_callback_factory(async_mock_service)
def async_mock_intent(hass, intent_typ):
"""Set up a fake intent handler."""
intents = []
class MockIntentHandler(intent.IntentHandler):
intent_type = intent_typ
async def async_handle(self, intent_obj):
"""Handle the intent."""
return intent_obj.create_response()
intent.async_register(hass, MockIntentHandler())
return intents
def async_fire_mqtt_message(
hass: HomeAssistant,
topic: str,
payload: bytes | str,
qos: int = 0,
retain: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Fire the MQTT message."""
# Local import to avoid processing MQTT modules when running a testcase
# which does not use MQTT.
# pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel
from paho.mqtt.client import MQTTMessage
# pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel
from homeassistant.components.mqtt.models import MqttData
if isinstance(payload, str):
payload = payload.encode("utf-8")
msg = MQTTMessage(topic=topic.encode("utf-8"))
msg.payload = payload
msg.qos = qos
msg.retain = retain
msg.timestamp = time.monotonic()
mqtt_data: MqttData = hass.data["mqtt"]
assert mqtt_data.client
mqtt_data.client._async_mqtt_on_message(Mock(), None, msg)
fire_mqtt_message = threadsafe_callback_factory(async_fire_mqtt_message)
def async_fire_time_changed_exact(
hass: HomeAssistant, datetime_: datetime | None = None, fire_all: bool = False
) -> None:
"""Fire a time changed event at an exact microsecond.
Consider that it is not possible to actually achieve an exact
microsecond in production as the event loop is not precise enough.
If your code relies on this level of precision, consider a different
approach, as this is only for testing.
if datetime_ is None:
utc_datetime = datetime.now(UTC)
utc_datetime = dt_util.as_utc(datetime_)
_async_fire_time_changed(hass, utc_datetime, fire_all)
def async_fire_time_changed(
hass: HomeAssistant, datetime_: datetime | None = None, fire_all: bool = False
) -> None:
"""Fire a time changed event.
If called within the first 500 ms of a second, time will be bumped to exactly
500 ms to match the async_track_utc_time_change event listeners and
DataUpdateCoordinator which spreads all updates between 0.05..0.50.
Background in PR https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/82233
As asyncio is cooperative, we can't guarantee that the event loop will
run an event at the exact time we want. If you need to fire time changed
for an exact microsecond, use async_fire_time_changed_exact.
if datetime_ is None:
utc_datetime = datetime.now(UTC)
utc_datetime = dt_util.as_utc(datetime_)
# Increase the mocked time by 0.5 s to account for up to 0.5 s delay
# added to events scheduled by update_coordinator and async_track_time_interval
utc_datetime += timedelta(microseconds=event.RANDOM_MICROSECOND_MAX)
_async_fire_time_changed(hass, utc_datetime, fire_all)
_MONOTONIC_RESOLUTION = time.get_clock_info("monotonic").resolution
def _async_fire_time_changed(
hass: HomeAssistant, utc_datetime: datetime | None, fire_all: bool
) -> None:
timestamp = dt_util.utc_to_timestamp(utc_datetime)
for task in list(hass.loop._scheduled):
if not isinstance(task, asyncio.TimerHandle):
if task.cancelled():
mock_seconds_into_future = timestamp - time.time()
future_seconds = task.when() - (hass.loop.time() + _MONOTONIC_RESOLUTION)
if fire_all or mock_seconds_into_future >= future_seconds:
with (
fire_time_changed = threadsafe_callback_factory(async_fire_time_changed)
def get_fixture_path(filename: str, integration: str | None = None) -> pathlib.Path:
"""Get path of fixture."""
if integration is None and "/" in filename and not filename.startswith("helpers/"):
integration, filename = filename.split("/", 1)
if integration is None:
return pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("fixtures", filename)
return pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.joinpath(
"components", integration, "fixtures", filename
def load_fixture(filename: str, integration: str | None = None) -> str:
"""Load a fixture."""
return get_fixture_path(filename, integration).read_text(encoding="utf8")
def load_json_value_fixture(
filename: str, integration: str | None = None
) -> JsonValueType:
"""Load a JSON value from a fixture."""
return json_loads(load_fixture(filename, integration))
def load_json_array_fixture(
filename: str, integration: str | None = None
) -> JsonArrayType:
"""Load a JSON array from a fixture."""
return json_loads_array(load_fixture(filename, integration))
def load_json_object_fixture(
filename: str, integration: str | None = None
) -> JsonObjectType:
"""Load a JSON object from a fixture."""
return json_loads_object(load_fixture(filename, integration))
def json_round_trip(obj: Any) -> Any:
"""Round trip an object to JSON."""
return json_loads(json_dumps(obj))
def mock_state_change_event(
hass: HomeAssistant, new_state: State, old_state: State | None = None
) -> None:
"""Mock state change event."""
event_data = {
"entity_id": new_state.entity_id,
"new_state": new_state,
"old_state": old_state,
hass.bus.fire(EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, event_data, context=new_state.context)
def mock_component(hass: HomeAssistant, component: str) -> None:
"""Mock a component is setup."""
if component in hass.config.components:
raise AssertionError(f"Integration {component} is already setup")
def mock_registry(
hass: HomeAssistant,
mock_entries: dict[str, er.RegistryEntry] | None = None,
) -> er.EntityRegistry:
"""Mock the Entity Registry.
This should only be used if you need to mock/re-stage a clean mocked
entity registry in your current hass object. It can be useful to,
for example, pre-load the registry with items.
This mock will thus replace the existing registry in the running hass.
If you just need to access the existing registry, use the `entity_registry`
fixture instead.
registry = er.EntityRegistry(hass)
if mock_entries is None:
mock_entries = {}
registry.deleted_entities = {}
registry.entities = er.EntityRegistryItems()
registry._entities_data = registry.entities.data
for key, entry in mock_entries.items():
registry.entities[key] = entry
hass.data[er.DATA_REGISTRY] = registry
return registry
def mock_area_registry(
hass: HomeAssistant, mock_entries: dict[str, ar.AreaEntry] | None = None
) -> ar.AreaRegistry:
"""Mock the Area Registry.
This should only be used if you need to mock/re-stage a clean mocked
area registry in your current hass object. It can be useful to,
for example, pre-load the registry with items.
This mock will thus replace the existing registry in the running hass.
If you just need to access the existing registry, use the `area_registry`
fixture instead.
registry = ar.AreaRegistry(hass)
registry.areas = ar.AreaRegistryItems()
for key, entry in mock_entries.items():
registry.areas[key] = entry
hass.data[ar.DATA_REGISTRY] = registry
return registry
def mock_device_registry(
hass: HomeAssistant,
mock_entries: dict[str, dr.DeviceEntry] | None = None,
) -> dr.DeviceRegistry:
"""Mock the Device Registry.
This should only be used if you need to mock/re-stage a clean mocked
device registry in your current hass object. It can be useful to,
for example, pre-load the registry with items.
This mock will thus replace the existing registry in the running hass.
If you just need to access the existing registry, use the `device_registry`
fixture instead.
registry = dr.DeviceRegistry(hass)
registry.devices = dr.ActiveDeviceRegistryItems()
registry._device_data = registry.devices.data
if mock_entries is None:
mock_entries = {}
for key, entry in mock_entries.items():
registry.devices[key] = entry
registry.deleted_devices = dr.DeviceRegistryItems()
hass.data[dr.DATA_REGISTRY] = registry
return registry
class MockGroup(auth_models.Group):
"""Mock a group in Home Assistant."""
def __init__(self, id: str | None = None, name: str | None = "Mock Group") -> None:
"""Mock a group."""
kwargs = {"name": name, "policy": system_policies.ADMIN_POLICY}
if id is not None:
kwargs["id"] = id
def add_to_hass(self, hass: HomeAssistant) -> MockGroup:
"""Test helper to add entry to hass."""
return self.add_to_auth_manager(hass.auth)
def add_to_auth_manager(self, auth_mgr: auth.AuthManager) -> MockGroup:
"""Test helper to add entry to hass."""
auth_mgr._store._groups[self.id] = self
return self
class MockUser(auth_models.User):
"""Mock a user in Home Assistant."""
def __init__(
id: str | None = None,
is_owner: bool = False,
is_active: bool = True,
name: str | None = "Mock User",
system_generated: bool = False,
groups: list[auth_models.Group] | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize mock user."""
kwargs = {
"is_owner": is_owner,
"is_active": is_active,
"name": name,
"system_generated": system_generated,
"groups": groups or [],
"perm_lookup": None,
if id is not None:
kwargs["id"] = id
def add_to_hass(self, hass: HomeAssistant) -> MockUser:
"""Test helper to add entry to hass."""
return self.add_to_auth_manager(hass.auth)
def add_to_auth_manager(self, auth_mgr: auth.AuthManager) -> MockUser:
"""Test helper to add entry to hass."""
auth_mgr._store._users[self.id] = self
return self
def mock_policy(self, policy: auth_permissions.PolicyType) -> None:
"""Mock a policy for a user."""
self.permissions = auth_permissions.PolicyPermissions(policy, self.perm_lookup)
async def register_auth_provider(
hass: HomeAssistant, config: ConfigType
) -> auth_providers.AuthProvider:
"""Register an auth provider."""
provider = await auth_providers.auth_provider_from_config(
hass, hass.auth._store, config
assert provider is not None, "Invalid config specified"
key = (provider.type, provider.id)
providers = hass.auth._providers
if key in providers:
raise ValueError("Provider already registered")
providers[key] = provider
return provider
def ensure_auth_manager_loaded(auth_mgr: auth.AuthManager) -> None:
"""Ensure an auth manager is considered loaded."""
store = auth_mgr._store
if store._users is None:
class MockModule:
"""Representation of a fake module."""
def __init__(
domain: str | None = None,
dependencies: list[str] | None = None,
setup: Callable[[HomeAssistant, ConfigType], bool] | None = None,
requirements: list[str] | None = None,
config_schema: vol.Schema | None = None,
platform_schema: vol.Schema | None = None,
platform_schema_base: vol.Schema | None = None,
async_setup: Callable[[HomeAssistant, ConfigType], Coroutine[Any, Any, bool]]
| None = None,
async_setup_entry: Callable[
[HomeAssistant, ConfigEntry], Coroutine[Any, Any, bool]
| None = None,
async_unload_entry: Callable[
[HomeAssistant, ConfigEntry], Coroutine[Any, Any, bool]
| None = None,
async_migrate_entry: Callable[
[HomeAssistant, ConfigEntry], Coroutine[Any, Any, bool]
| None = None,
async_remove_entry: Callable[
[HomeAssistant, ConfigEntry], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]
| None = None,
partial_manifest: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
async_remove_config_entry_device: Callable[
[HomeAssistant, ConfigEntry, dr.DeviceEntry], Coroutine[Any, Any, bool]
| None = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the mock module."""
self.__name__ = f"homeassistant.components.{domain}"
self.__file__ = f"homeassistant/components/{domain}"
self.DOMAIN = domain
self.DEPENDENCIES = dependencies or []
self.REQUIREMENTS = requirements or []
# Overlay to be used when generating manifest from this module
self._partial_manifest = partial_manifest
if config_schema is not None:
self.CONFIG_SCHEMA = config_schema
if platform_schema is not None:
self.PLATFORM_SCHEMA = platform_schema
if platform_schema_base is not None:
self.PLATFORM_SCHEMA_BASE = platform_schema_base
if setup:
# We run this in executor, wrap it in function
# pylint: disable-next=unnecessary-lambda
self.setup = lambda *args: setup(*args)
if async_setup is not None:
self.async_setup = async_setup
if setup is None and async_setup is None:
self.async_setup = AsyncMock(return_value=True)
if async_setup_entry is not None:
self.async_setup_entry = async_setup_entry
if async_unload_entry is not None:
self.async_unload_entry = async_unload_entry
if async_migrate_entry is not None:
self.async_migrate_entry = async_migrate_entry
if async_remove_entry is not None:
self.async_remove_entry = async_remove_entry
if async_remove_config_entry_device is not None:
self.async_remove_config_entry_device = async_remove_config_entry_device
def mock_manifest(self):
"""Generate a mock manifest to represent this module."""
return {
**loader.manifest_from_legacy_module(self.DOMAIN, self),
**(self._partial_manifest or {}),
class MockPlatform:
"""Provide a fake platform."""
__name__ = "homeassistant.components.light.bla"
__file__ = "homeassistant/components/blah/light"
def __init__(
setup_platform: Callable[
[HomeAssistant, ConfigType, AddEntitiesCallback, DiscoveryInfoType | None],
| None = None,
dependencies: list[str] | None = None,
platform_schema: vol.Schema | None = None,
async_setup_platform: Callable[
[HomeAssistant, ConfigType, AddEntitiesCallback, DiscoveryInfoType | None],
Coroutine[Any, Any, None],
| None = None,
async_setup_entry: Callable[
[HomeAssistant, ConfigEntry, AddEntitiesCallback], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]
| None = None,
scan_interval: timedelta | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the platform."""
self.DEPENDENCIES = dependencies or []
if platform_schema is not None:
self.PLATFORM_SCHEMA = platform_schema
if scan_interval is not None:
self.SCAN_INTERVAL = scan_interval
if setup_platform is not None:
# We run this in executor, wrap it in function
# pylint: disable-next=unnecessary-lambda
self.setup_platform = lambda *args: setup_platform(*args)
if async_setup_platform is not None:
self.async_setup_platform = async_setup_platform
if async_setup_entry is not None:
self.async_setup_entry = async_setup_entry
if setup_platform is None and async_setup_platform is None:
self.async_setup_platform = AsyncMock(return_value=None)
class MockEntityPlatform(entity_platform.EntityPlatform):
"""Mock class with some mock defaults."""
def __init__(
hass: HomeAssistant,
) -> None:
"""Initialize a mock entity platform."""
if logger is None:
logger = logging.getLogger("homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform")
# Otherwise the constructor will blow up.
if isinstance(platform, Mock) and isinstance(platform.PARALLEL_UPDATES, Mock):
def _async_on_stop(_: Event) -> None:
hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_STOP, _async_on_stop)
class MockToggleEntity(entity.ToggleEntity):
"""Provide a mock toggle device."""
def __init__(self, name: str | None, state: Literal["on", "off"] | None) -> None:
"""Initialize the mock entity."""
self._name = name or DEVICE_DEFAULT_NAME
self._state = state
self.calls: list[tuple[str, dict[str, Any]]] = []
def name(self) -> str:
"""Return the name of the entity if any."""
self.calls.append(("name", {}))
return self._name
def state(self) -> Literal["on", "off"] | None:
"""Return the state of the entity if any."""
self.calls.append(("state", {}))
return self._state
def is_on(self) -> bool:
"""Return true if entity is on."""
self.calls.append(("is_on", {}))
return self._state == STATE_ON
def turn_on(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Turn the entity on."""
self.calls.append(("turn_on", kwargs))
self._state = STATE_ON
def turn_off(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Turn the entity off."""
self.calls.append(("turn_off", kwargs))
self._state = STATE_OFF
def last_call(self, method: str | None = None) -> tuple[str, dict[str, Any]]:
"""Return the last call."""
if not self.calls:
return None
if method is None:
return self.calls[-1]
return next(call for call in reversed(self.calls) if call[0] == method)
except StopIteration:
return None
class MockConfigEntry(config_entries.ConfigEntry):
"""Helper for creating config entries that adds some defaults."""
def __init__(
title="Mock Title",
) -> None:
"""Initialize a mock config entry."""
kwargs = {
"data": data or {},
"disabled_by": disabled_by,
"domain": domain,
"entry_id": entry_id or ulid_util.ulid_now(),
"minor_version": minor_version,
"options": options or {},
"pref_disable_new_entities": pref_disable_new_entities,
"pref_disable_polling": pref_disable_polling,
"title": title,
"unique_id": unique_id,
"version": version,
if source is not None:
kwargs["source"] = source
if state is not None:
kwargs["state"] = state
if reason is not None:
object.__setattr__(self, "reason", reason)
def add_to_hass(self, hass: HomeAssistant) -> None:
"""Test helper to add entry to hass."""
hass.config_entries._entries[self.entry_id] = self
def add_to_manager(self, manager: config_entries.ConfigEntries) -> None:
"""Test helper to add entry to entry manager."""
manager._entries[self.entry_id] = self
def mock_state(
hass: HomeAssistant,
state: config_entries.ConfigEntryState,
reason: str | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Mock the state of a config entry to be used in tests.
Currently this is a wrapper around _async_set_state, but it may
change in the future.
It is preferable to get the config entry into the desired state
by using the normal config entry methods, and this helper
is only intended to be used in cases where that is not possible.
When in doubt, this helper should not be used in new code
and is only intended for backwards compatibility with existing
self._async_set_state(hass, state, reason)
def patch_yaml_files(files_dict, endswith=True):
"""Patch load_yaml with a dictionary of yaml files."""
# match using endswith, start search with longest string
matchlist = sorted(files_dict.keys(), key=len) if endswith else []
def mock_open_f(fname, **_):
"""Mock open() in the yaml module, used by load_yaml."""
# Return the mocked file on full match
if isinstance(fname, pathlib.Path):
fname = str(fname)
if fname in files_dict:
_LOGGER.debug("patch_yaml_files match %s", fname)
res = StringIO(files_dict[fname])
setattr(res, "name", fname)
return res
# Match using endswith
for ends in matchlist:
if fname.endswith(ends):
_LOGGER.debug("patch_yaml_files end match %s: %s", ends, fname)
res = StringIO(files_dict[ends])
setattr(res, "name", fname)
return res
# Fallback for hass.components (i.e. services.yaml)
if "homeassistant/components" in fname:
_LOGGER.debug("patch_yaml_files using real file: %s", fname)
return open(fname, encoding="utf-8")
# Not found
raise FileNotFoundError(f"File not found: {fname}")
return patch.object(yaml_loader, "open", mock_open_f, create=True)
def assert_setup_component(count, domain=None):
"""Collect valid configuration from setup_component.
- count: The amount of valid platforms that should be setup
- domain: The domain to count is optional. It can be automatically
determined most of the time
Use as a context manager around setup.setup_component
with assert_setup_component(0) as result_config:
setup_component(hass, domain, start_config)
# using result_config is optional
config = {}
async def mock_psc(hass, config_input, integration, component=None):
"""Mock the prepare_setup_component to capture config."""
domain_input = integration.domain
integration_config_info = await async_process_component_config(
hass, config_input, integration, component
res = integration_config_info.config
config[domain_input] = None if res is None else res.get(domain_input)
"Configuration for %s, Validated: %s, Original %s",
return integration_config_info
assert isinstance(config, dict)
with patch("homeassistant.config.async_process_component_config", mock_psc):
yield config
if domain is None:
assert (
len(config) == 1
), f"assert_setup_component requires DOMAIN: {list(config.keys())}"
domain = list(config.keys())[0]
res = config.get(domain)
res_len = 0 if res is None else len(res)
assert (
res_len == count
), f"setup_component failed, expected {count} got {res_len}: {res}"
def mock_restore_cache(hass: HomeAssistant, states: Sequence[State]) -> None:
"""Mock the DATA_RESTORE_CACHE."""
data = rs.RestoreStateData(hass)
now = dt_util.utcnow()
last_states = {}
for state in states:
restored_state = state.as_dict()
restored_state = {
"attributes": json.loads(
json.dumps(restored_state["attributes"], cls=JSONEncoder)
last_states[state.entity_id] = rs.StoredState.from_dict(
{"state": restored_state, "last_seen": now}
data.last_states = last_states
_LOGGER.debug("Restore cache: %s", data.last_states)
assert len(data.last_states) == len(states), f"Duplicate entity_id? {states}"
hass.data[key] = data
def mock_restore_cache_with_extra_data(
hass: HomeAssistant, states: Sequence[tuple[State, Mapping[str, Any]]]
) -> None:
"""Mock the DATA_RESTORE_CACHE."""
data = rs.RestoreStateData(hass)
now = dt_util.utcnow()
last_states = {}
for state, extra_data in states:
restored_state = state.as_dict()
restored_state = {
"attributes": json.loads(
json.dumps(restored_state["attributes"], cls=JSONEncoder)
last_states[state.entity_id] = rs.StoredState.from_dict(
{"state": restored_state, "extra_data": extra_data, "last_seen": now}
data.last_states = last_states
_LOGGER.debug("Restore cache: %s", data.last_states)
assert len(data.last_states) == len(states), f"Duplicate entity_id? {states}"
hass.data[key] = data
async def async_mock_restore_state_shutdown_restart(
hass: HomeAssistant,
) -> rs.RestoreStateData:
"""Mock shutting down and saving restore state and restoring."""
data = rs.async_get(hass)
await data.async_dump_states()
await async_mock_load_restore_state_from_storage(hass)
return data
async def async_mock_load_restore_state_from_storage(
hass: HomeAssistant,
) -> None:
"""Mock loading restore state from storage.
hass_storage must already be mocked.
await rs.async_get(hass).async_load()
class MockEntity(entity.Entity):
"""Mock Entity class."""
def __init__(self, **values: Any) -> None:
"""Initialize an entity."""
self._values = values
if "entity_id" in values:
self.entity_id = values["entity_id"]
def available(self) -> bool:
"""Return True if entity is available."""
return self._handle("available")
def capability_attributes(self) -> Mapping[str, Any] | None:
"""Info about capabilities."""
return self._handle("capability_attributes")
def device_class(self) -> str | None:
"""Info how device should be classified."""
return self._handle("device_class")
def device_info(self) -> dr.DeviceInfo | None:
"""Info how it links to a device."""
return self._handle("device_info")
def entity_category(self) -> entity.EntityCategory | None:
"""Return the entity category."""
return self._handle("entity_category")
def extra_state_attributes(self) -> Mapping[str, Any] | None:
"""Return entity specific state attributes."""
return self._handle("extra_state_attributes")
def has_entity_name(self) -> bool:
"""Return the has_entity_name name flag."""
return self._handle("has_entity_name")
def entity_registry_enabled_default(self) -> bool:
"""Return if the entity should be enabled when first added to the entity registry."""
return self._handle("entity_registry_enabled_default")
def entity_registry_visible_default(self) -> bool:
"""Return if the entity should be visible when first added to the entity registry."""
return self._handle("entity_registry_visible_default")
def icon(self) -> str | None:
"""Return the suggested icon."""
return self._handle("icon")
def name(self) -> str | None:
"""Return the name of the entity."""
return self._handle("name")
def should_poll(self) -> bool:
"""Return the ste of the polling."""
return self._handle("should_poll")
def supported_features(self) -> int | None:
"""Info about supported features."""
return self._handle("supported_features")
def translation_key(self) -> str | None:
"""Return the translation key."""
return self._handle("translation_key")
def unique_id(self) -> str | None:
"""Return the unique ID of the entity."""
return self._handle("unique_id")
def unit_of_measurement(self) -> str | None:
"""Info on the units the entity state is in."""
return self._handle("unit_of_measurement")
def _handle(self, attr: str) -> Any:
"""Return attribute value."""
if attr in self._values:
return self._values[attr]
return getattr(super(), attr)
def mock_storage(data: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> Generator[dict[str, Any]]:
"""Mock storage.
Data is a dict {'key': {'version': version, 'data': data}}
Written data will be converted to JSON to ensure JSON parsing works.
if data is None:
data = {}
orig_load = storage.Store._async_load
async def mock_async_load(
store: storage.Store,
) -> dict[str, Any] | list[Any] | None:
"""Mock version of load."""
if store._data is None:
# No data to load
if store.key not in data:
# Make sure the next attempt will still load
store._load_task = None
return None
mock_data = data.get(store.key)
if "data" not in mock_data or "version" not in mock_data:
_LOGGER.error('Mock data needs "version" and "data"')
raise ValueError('Mock data needs "version" and "data"')
store._data = mock_data
# Route through original load so that we trigger migration
loaded = await orig_load(store)
_LOGGER.debug("Loading data for %s: %s", store.key, loaded)
return loaded
async def mock_write_data(
store: storage.Store, path: str, data_to_write: dict[str, Any]
) -> None:
"""Mock version of write data."""
# To ensure that the data can be serialized
_LOGGER.debug("Writing data to %s: %s", store.key, data_to_write)
if "data_func" in data_to_write:
data_to_write["data"] = data_to_write.pop("data_func")()
encoder = store._encoder
if encoder and encoder is not JSONEncoder:
# If they pass a custom encoder that is not the
# default JSONEncoder, we use the slow path of json.dumps
dump = ft.partial(json.dumps, cls=store._encoder)
dump = _orjson_default_encoder
data[store.key] = json_loads(dump(data_to_write))
async def mock_remove(store: storage.Store) -> None:
"""Remove data."""
data.pop(store.key, None)
with (
yield data
async def flush_store(store: storage.Store) -> None:
"""Make sure all delayed writes of a store are written."""
if store._data is None:
await store._async_handle_write_data()
async def get_system_health_info(hass: HomeAssistant, domain: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Get system health info."""
return await hass.data["system_health"][domain].info_callback(hass)
def mock_config_flow(domain: str, config_flow: type[ConfigFlow]) -> None:
"""Mock a config flow handler."""
original_handler = config_entries.HANDLERS.get(domain)
config_entries.HANDLERS[domain] = config_flow
_LOGGER.info("Adding mock config flow: %s", domain)
if original_handler:
config_entries.HANDLERS[domain] = original_handler
def mock_integration(
hass: HomeAssistant,
module: MockModule,
built_in: bool = True,
top_level_files: set[str] | None = None,
) -> loader.Integration:
"""Mock an integration."""
integration = loader.Integration(
if built_in
else f"{loader.PACKAGE_CUSTOM_COMPONENTS}.{module.DOMAIN}",
def mock_import_platform(platform_name: str) -> NoReturn:
raise ImportError(
f"Mocked unable to import platform '{integration.pkg_path}.{platform_name}'",
integration._import_platform = mock_import_platform
_LOGGER.info("Adding mock integration: %s", module.DOMAIN)
integration_cache = hass.data[loader.DATA_INTEGRATIONS]
integration_cache[module.DOMAIN] = integration
module_cache = hass.data[loader.DATA_COMPONENTS]
module_cache[module.DOMAIN] = module
return integration
def mock_platform(
hass: HomeAssistant,
platform_path: str,
module: Mock | MockPlatform | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Mock a platform.
platform_path is in form hue.config_flow.
domain, _, platform_name = platform_path.partition(".")
integration_cache = hass.data[loader.DATA_INTEGRATIONS]
module_cache = hass.data[loader.DATA_COMPONENTS]
if domain not in integration_cache:
mock_integration(hass, MockModule(domain), built_in=built_in)
_LOGGER.info("Adding mock integration platform: %s", platform_path)
module_cache[platform_path] = module or Mock()
def async_capture_events(hass: HomeAssistant, event_name: str) -> list[Event]:
"""Create a helper that captures events."""
events = []
def capture_events(event: Event) -> None:
hass.bus.async_listen(event_name, capture_events)
return events
def async_mock_signal(
hass: HomeAssistant, signal: SignalType[Any] | str
) -> list[tuple[Any]]:
"""Catch all dispatches to a signal."""
calls = []
def mock_signal_handler(*args: Any) -> None:
"""Mock service call."""
async_dispatcher_connect(hass, signal, mock_signal_handler)
return calls
_SENTINEL = object()
class _HA_ANY:
"""A helper object that compares equal to everything.
Based on unittest.mock.ANY, but modified to not show up in pytest's equality
assertion diffs.
_other = _SENTINEL
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
"""Test equal."""
self._other = other
return True
def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
"""Test not equal."""
self._other = other
return False
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Return repr() other to not show up in pytest quality diffs."""
if self._other is _SENTINEL:
return "<ANY>"
return repr(self._other)
def raise_contains_mocks(val: Any) -> None:
"""Raise for mocks."""
if isinstance(val, Mock):
raise TypeError(val)
if isinstance(val, dict):
for dict_value in val.values():
if isinstance(val, list):
for dict_value in val:
def async_get_persistent_notifications(
hass: HomeAssistant,
) -> dict[str, pn.Notification]:
"""Get the current persistent notifications."""
return pn._async_get_or_create_notifications(hass)
def async_mock_cloud_connection_status(hass: HomeAssistant, connected: bool) -> None:
"""Mock a signal the cloud disconnected."""
# pylint: disable-next=import-outside-toplevel
from homeassistant.components.cloud import (
if connected:
state = CloudConnectionState.CLOUD_CONNECTED
state = CloudConnectionState.CLOUD_DISCONNECTED
async_dispatcher_send(hass, SIGNAL_CLOUD_CONNECTION_STATE, state)
def import_and_test_deprecated_constant_enum(
caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture,
module: ModuleType,
replacement: Enum,
constant_prefix: str,
breaks_in_ha_version: str,
) -> None:
"""Import and test deprecated constant replaced by a enum.
- Import deprecated enum
- Assert value is the same as the replacement
- Assert a warning is logged
- Assert the deprecated constant is included in the modules.__dir__()
- Assert the deprecated constant is included in the modules.__all__()
constant_prefix + replacement.name,
def import_and_test_deprecated_constant(
caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture,
module: ModuleType,
constant_name: str,
replacement_name: str,
replacement: Any,
breaks_in_ha_version: str,
) -> None:
"""Import and test deprecated constant replaced by a value.
- Import deprecated constant
- Assert value is the same as the replacement
- Assert a warning is logged
- Assert the deprecated constant is included in the modules.__dir__()
- Assert the deprecated constant is included in the modules.__all__()
value = import_deprecated_constant(module, constant_name)
assert value == replacement
assert (
f"{constant_name} was used from test_constant_deprecation,"
f" this is a deprecated constant which will be removed in HA Core {breaks_in_ha_version}. "
f"Use {replacement_name} instead, please report "
"it to the author of the 'test_constant_deprecation' custom integration"
) in caplog.record_tuples
# verify deprecated constant is included in dir()
assert constant_name in dir(module)
assert constant_name in module.__all__
def import_and_test_deprecated_alias(
caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture,
module: ModuleType,
alias_name: str,
replacement: Any,
breaks_in_ha_version: str,
) -> None:
"""Import and test deprecated alias replaced by a value.
- Import deprecated alias
- Assert value is the same as the replacement
- Assert a warning is logged
- Assert the deprecated alias is included in the modules.__dir__()
- Assert the deprecated alias is included in the modules.__all__()
replacement_name = f"{replacement.__module__}.{replacement.__name__}"
value = import_deprecated_constant(module, alias_name)
assert value == replacement
assert (
f"{alias_name} was used from test_constant_deprecation,"
f" this is a deprecated alias which will be removed in HA Core {breaks_in_ha_version}. "
f"Use {replacement_name} instead, please report "
"it to the author of the 'test_constant_deprecation' custom integration"
) in caplog.record_tuples
# verify deprecated alias is included in dir()
assert alias_name in dir(module)
assert alias_name in module.__all__
def help_test_all(module: ModuleType) -> None:
"""Test module.__all__ is correctly set."""
assert set(module.__all__) == {
itm for itm in dir(module) if not itm.startswith("_")
def extract_stack_to_frame(extract_stack: list[Mock]) -> FrameType:
"""Convert an extract stack to a frame list."""
stack = list(extract_stack)
_globals = globals()
for frame in stack:
frame.f_back = None
frame.f_globals = _globals
frame.f_code.co_filename = frame.filename
frame.f_lineno = int(frame.lineno)
top_frame = stack.pop()
current_frame = top_frame
while stack and (next_frame := stack.pop()):
current_frame.f_back = next_frame
current_frame = next_frame
return top_frame
def setup_test_component_platform(
hass: HomeAssistant,
domain: str,
entities: Sequence[Entity],
from_config_entry: bool = False,
built_in: bool = True,
) -> MockPlatform:
"""Mock a test component platform for tests."""
async def _async_setup_platform(
hass: HomeAssistant,
config: ConfigType,
async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback,
discovery_info: DiscoveryInfoType | None = None,
) -> None:
"""Set up a test component platform."""
platform = MockPlatform(
# avoid creating config entry setup if not needed
if from_config_entry:
async def _async_setup_entry(
hass: HomeAssistant,
entry: ConfigEntry,
async_add_entities: AddEntitiesCallback,
) -> None:
"""Set up a test component platform."""
platform.async_setup_entry = _async_setup_entry
platform.async_setup_platform = None
mock_platform(hass, f"test.{domain}", platform, built_in=built_in)
return platform
async def snapshot_platform(
hass: HomeAssistant,
entity_registry: er.EntityRegistry,
snapshot: SnapshotAssertion,
config_entry_id: str,
) -> None:
"""Snapshot a platform."""
entity_entries = er.async_entries_for_config_entry(entity_registry, config_entry_id)
assert entity_entries
assert (
len({entity_entry.domain for entity_entry in entity_entries}) == 1
), "Please limit the loaded platforms to 1 platform."
for entity_entry in entity_entries:
assert entity_entry == snapshot(name=f"{entity_entry.entity_id}-entry")
assert entity_entry.disabled_by is None, "Please enable all entities."
state = hass.states.get(entity_entry.entity_id)
assert state, f"State not found for {entity_entry.entity_id}"
assert state == snapshot(name=f"{entity_entry.entity_id}-state")