Paulus Schoutsen cdd45e7878 Foundation for users (#13968)
* Add initial user foundation to Home Assistant

* Address comments

* Address comments

* Allow non-ascii passwords

* One more utf-8 hmac compare digest

* Add new line
2018-05-01 18:20:41 +02:00

707 lines
21 KiB

"""Test the helper method for writing tests."""
import asyncio
from datetime import timedelta
import functools as ft
import os
import sys
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock, Mock
from io import StringIO
import logging
import threading
from contextlib import contextmanager
from homeassistant import (
auth, core as ha, loader, data_entry_flow, config_entries)
from homeassistant.setup import setup_component, async_setup_component
from homeassistant.config import async_process_component_config
from homeassistant.helpers import (
intent, entity, restore_state, entity_registry,
from homeassistant.util.unit_system import METRIC_SYSTEM
import homeassistant.util.dt as date_util
import homeassistant.util.yaml as yaml
from homeassistant.const import (
from homeassistant.components import mqtt, recorder
from homeassistant.util.async_ import (
run_callback_threadsafe, run_coroutine_threadsafe)
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def threadsafe_callback_factory(func):
"""Create threadsafe functions out of callbacks.
Callback needs to have `hass` as first argument.
def threadsafe(*args, **kwargs):
"""Call func threadsafe."""
hass = args[0]
return run_callback_threadsafe(
hass.loop, ft.partial(func, *args, **kwargs)).result()
return threadsafe
def threadsafe_coroutine_factory(func):
"""Create threadsafe functions out of coroutine.
Callback needs to have `hass` as first argument.
def threadsafe(*args, **kwargs):
"""Call func threadsafe."""
hass = args[0]
return run_coroutine_threadsafe(
func(*args, **kwargs), hass.loop).result()
return threadsafe
def get_test_config_dir(*add_path):
"""Return a path to a test config dir."""
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'testing_config', *add_path)
def get_test_home_assistant():
"""Return a Home Assistant object pointing at test config directory."""
if sys.platform == "win32":
loop = asyncio.ProactorEventLoop()
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
hass = loop.run_until_complete(async_test_home_assistant(loop))
stop_event = threading.Event()
def run_loop():
"""Run event loop."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
loop._thread_ident = threading.get_ident()
orig_stop = hass.stop
def start_hass(*mocks):
"""Start hass."""
run_coroutine_threadsafe(hass.async_start(), loop=hass.loop).result()
def stop_hass():
"""Stop hass."""
hass.start = start_hass
hass.stop = stop_hass
threading.Thread(name="LoopThread", target=run_loop, daemon=False).start()
return hass
# pylint: disable=protected-access
def async_test_home_assistant(loop):
"""Return a Home Assistant object pointing at test config dir."""
hass = ha.HomeAssistant(loop)
hass.config_entries = config_entries.ConfigEntries(hass, {})
hass.config_entries._entries = []
hass.config.async_load = Mock()
store = auth.AuthStore(hass)
hass.auth = auth.AuthManager(hass, store, {})
orig_async_add_job = hass.async_add_job
def async_add_job(target, *args):
"""Add a magic mock."""
if isinstance(target, Mock):
return mock_coro(target(*args))
return orig_async_add_job(target, *args)
hass.async_add_job = async_add_job
hass.config.location_name = 'test home'
hass.config.config_dir = get_test_config_dir()
hass.config.latitude = 32.87336
hass.config.longitude = -117.22743
hass.config.elevation = 0
hass.config.time_zone = date_util.get_time_zone('US/Pacific')
hass.config.units = METRIC_SYSTEM
hass.config.skip_pip = True
if 'custom_components.test' not in loader.AVAILABLE_COMPONENTS:
yield from loop.run_in_executor(None, loader.prepare, hass)
hass.state = ha.CoreState.running
# Mock async_start
orig_start = hass.async_start
def mock_async_start():
"""Start the mocking."""
# We only mock time during tests and we want to track tasks
with patch('homeassistant.core._async_create_timer'), \
patch.object(hass, 'async_stop_track_tasks'):
yield from orig_start()
hass.async_start = mock_async_start
def clear_instance(event):
"""Clear global instance."""
hass.bus.async_listen_once(EVENT_HOMEASSISTANT_CLOSE, clear_instance)
return hass
def get_test_instance_port():
"""Return unused port for running test instance.
The socket that holds the default port does not get released when we stop
HA in a different test case. Until I have figured out what is going on,
let's run each test on a different port.
def async_mock_service(hass, domain, service, schema=None):
"""Set up a fake service & return a calls log list to this service."""
calls = []
def mock_service_log(call): # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda
"""Mock service call."""
domain, service, mock_service_log, schema=schema)
return calls
mock_service = threadsafe_callback_factory(async_mock_service)
def async_mock_intent(hass, intent_typ):
"""Set up a fake intent handler."""
intents = []
class MockIntentHandler(intent.IntentHandler):
intent_type = intent_typ
def async_handle(self, intent):
"""Handle the intent."""
return intent.create_response()
intent.async_register(hass, MockIntentHandler())
return intents
def async_fire_mqtt_message(hass, topic, payload, qos=0, retain=False):
"""Fire the MQTT message."""
if isinstance(payload, str):
payload = payload.encode('utf-8')
msg = mqtt.Message(topic, payload, qos, retain)
hass.async_run_job(hass.data['mqtt']._mqtt_on_message, None, None, msg)
fire_mqtt_message = threadsafe_callback_factory(async_fire_mqtt_message)
def async_fire_time_changed(hass, time):
"""Fire a time changes event."""
hass.bus.async_fire(EVENT_TIME_CHANGED, {'now': time})
fire_time_changed = threadsafe_callback_factory(async_fire_time_changed)
def fire_service_discovered(hass, service, info):
"""Fire the MQTT message."""
ATTR_SERVICE: service,
def load_fixture(filename):
"""Load a fixture."""
path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', filename)
with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as fptr:
return fptr.read()
def mock_state_change_event(hass, new_state, old_state=None):
"""Mock state change envent."""
event_data = {
'entity_id': new_state.entity_id,
'new_state': new_state,
if old_state:
event_data['old_state'] = old_state
hass.bus.fire(EVENT_STATE_CHANGED, event_data)
def async_mock_mqtt_component(hass, config=None):
"""Mock the MQTT component."""
if config is None:
config = {mqtt.CONF_BROKER: 'mock-broker'}
with patch('paho.mqtt.client.Client') as mock_client:
mock_client().connect.return_value = 0
mock_client().subscribe.return_value = (0, 0)
mock_client().publish.return_value = (0, 0)
result = yield from async_setup_component(hass, mqtt.DOMAIN, {
mqtt.DOMAIN: config
assert result
hass.data['mqtt'] = MagicMock(spec_set=hass.data['mqtt'],
return hass.data['mqtt']
mock_mqtt_component = threadsafe_coroutine_factory(async_mock_mqtt_component)
def mock_component(hass, component):
"""Mock a component is setup."""
if component in hass.config.components:
AssertionError("Component {} is already setup".format(component))
def mock_registry(hass, mock_entries=None):
"""Mock the Entity Registry."""
registry = entity_registry.EntityRegistry(hass)
registry.entities = mock_entries or {}
hass.data[entity_registry.DATA_REGISTRY] = registry
return registry
class MockUser(auth.User):
"""Mock a user in Home Assistant."""
def __init__(self, id='mock-id', is_owner=True, is_active=True,
name='Mock User'):
"""Initialize mock user."""
super().__init__(id, is_owner, is_active, name)
def add_to_hass(self, hass):
"""Test helper to add entry to hass."""
return self.add_to_auth_manager(hass.auth)
def add_to_auth_manager(self, auth_mgr):
"""Test helper to add entry to hass."""
auth_mgr._store.users[self.id] = self
return self
def ensure_auth_manager_loaded(auth_mgr):
"""Ensure an auth manager is considered loaded."""
store = auth_mgr._store
if store.clients is None:
store.clients = {}
if store.users is None:
store.users = {}
class MockModule(object):
"""Representation of a fake module."""
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
def __init__(self, domain=None, dependencies=None, setup=None,
requirements=None, config_schema=None, platform_schema=None,
async_setup=None, async_setup_entry=None,
"""Initialize the mock module."""
self.DOMAIN = domain
self.DEPENDENCIES = dependencies or []
self.REQUIREMENTS = requirements or []
if config_schema is not None:
self.CONFIG_SCHEMA = config_schema
if platform_schema is not None:
self.PLATFORM_SCHEMA = platform_schema
if setup is not None:
# We run this in executor, wrap it in function
self.setup = lambda *args: setup(*args)
if async_setup is not None:
self.async_setup = async_setup
if setup is None and async_setup is None:
self.async_setup = mock_coro_func(True)
if async_setup_entry is not None:
self.async_setup_entry = async_setup_entry
if async_unload_entry is not None:
self.async_unload_entry = async_unload_entry
class MockPlatform(object):
"""Provide a fake platform."""
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
def __init__(self, setup_platform=None, dependencies=None,
platform_schema=None, async_setup_platform=None,
"""Initialize the platform."""
self.DEPENDENCIES = dependencies or []
if platform_schema is not None:
self.PLATFORM_SCHEMA = platform_schema
if setup_platform is not None:
# We run this in executor, wrap it in function
self.setup_platform = lambda *args: setup_platform(*args)
if async_setup_platform is not None:
self.async_setup_platform = async_setup_platform
if async_setup_entry is not None:
self.async_setup_entry = async_setup_entry
if setup_platform is None and async_setup_platform is None:
self.async_setup_platform = mock_coro_func()
class MockEntityPlatform(entity_platform.EntityPlatform):
"""Mock class with some mock defaults."""
def __init__(
self, hass,
async_entities_added_callback=lambda: None
"""Initialize a mock entity platform."""
if logger is None:
logger = logging.getLogger('homeassistant.helpers.entity_platform')
# Otherwise the constructor will blow up.
if (isinstance(platform, Mock) and
isinstance(platform.PARALLEL_UPDATES, Mock)):
class MockToggleDevice(entity.ToggleEntity):
"""Provide a mock toggle device."""
def __init__(self, name, state):
"""Initialize the mock device."""
self._name = name or DEVICE_DEFAULT_NAME
self._state = state
self.calls = []
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the device if any."""
self.calls.append(('name', {}))
return self._name
def state(self):
"""Return the name of the device if any."""
self.calls.append(('state', {}))
return self._state
def is_on(self):
"""Return true if device is on."""
self.calls.append(('is_on', {}))
return self._state == STATE_ON
def turn_on(self, **kwargs):
"""Turn the device on."""
self.calls.append(('turn_on', kwargs))
self._state = STATE_ON
def turn_off(self, **kwargs):
"""Turn the device off."""
self.calls.append(('turn_off', kwargs))
self._state = STATE_OFF
def last_call(self, method=None):
"""Return the last call."""
if not self.calls:
return None
elif method is None:
return self.calls[-1]
return next(call for call in reversed(self.calls)
if call[0] == method)
except StopIteration:
return None
class MockConfigEntry(config_entries.ConfigEntry):
"""Helper for creating config entries that adds some defaults."""
def __init__(self, *, domain='test', data=None, version=0, entry_id=None,
source=data_entry_flow.SOURCE_USER, title='Mock Title',
"""Initialize a mock config entry."""
kwargs = {
'entry_id': entry_id or 'mock-id',
'domain': domain,
'data': data or {},
'version': version,
'title': title
if source is not None:
kwargs['source'] = source
if state is not None:
kwargs['state'] = state
def add_to_hass(self, hass):
"""Test helper to add entry to hass."""
def add_to_manager(self, manager):
"""Test helper to add entry to entry manager."""
def patch_yaml_files(files_dict, endswith=True):
"""Patch load_yaml with a dictionary of yaml files."""
# match using endswith, start search with longest string
matchlist = sorted(list(files_dict.keys()), key=len) if endswith else []
def mock_open_f(fname, **_):
"""Mock open() in the yaml module, used by load_yaml."""
# Return the mocked file on full match
if fname in files_dict:
_LOGGER.debug("patch_yaml_files match %s", fname)
res = StringIO(files_dict[fname])
setattr(res, 'name', fname)
return res
# Match using endswith
for ends in matchlist:
if fname.endswith(ends):
_LOGGER.debug("patch_yaml_files end match %s: %s", ends, fname)
res = StringIO(files_dict[ends])
setattr(res, 'name', fname)
return res
# Fallback for hass.components (i.e. services.yaml)
if 'homeassistant/components' in fname:
_LOGGER.debug("patch_yaml_files using real file: %s", fname)
return open(fname, encoding='utf-8')
# Not found
raise FileNotFoundError("File not found: {}".format(fname))
return patch.object(yaml, 'open', mock_open_f, create=True)
def mock_coro(return_value=None):
"""Return a coro that returns a value."""
return mock_coro_func(return_value)()
def mock_coro_func(return_value=None):
"""Return a method to create a coro function that returns a value."""
def coro(*args, **kwargs):
"""Fake coroutine."""
return return_value
return coro
def assert_setup_component(count, domain=None):
"""Collect valid configuration from setup_component.
- count: The amount of valid platforms that should be setup
- domain: The domain to count is optional. It can be automatically
determined most of the time
Use as a context manager around setup.setup_component
with assert_setup_component(0) as result_config:
setup_component(hass, domain, start_config)
# using result_config is optional
config = {}
def mock_psc(hass, config_input, domain):
"""Mock the prepare_setup_component to capture config."""
res = async_process_component_config(
hass, config_input, domain)
config[domain] = None if res is None else res.get(domain)
_LOGGER.debug("Configuration for %s, Validated: %s, Original %s",
domain, config[domain], config_input.get(domain))
return res
assert isinstance(config, dict)
with patch('homeassistant.config.async_process_component_config',
yield config
if domain is None:
assert len(config) == 1, ('assert_setup_component requires DOMAIN: {}'
domain = list(config.keys())[0]
res = config.get(domain)
res_len = 0 if res is None else len(res)
assert res_len == count, 'setup_component failed, expected {} got {}: {}' \
.format(count, res_len, res)
def init_recorder_component(hass, add_config=None):
"""Initialize the recorder."""
config = dict(add_config) if add_config else {}
config[recorder.CONF_DB_URL] = 'sqlite://' # In memory DB
with patch('homeassistant.components.recorder.migration.migrate_schema'):
assert setup_component(hass, recorder.DOMAIN,
{recorder.DOMAIN: config})
assert recorder.DOMAIN in hass.config.components
_LOGGER.info("In-memory recorder successfully started")
def mock_restore_cache(hass, states):
"""Mock the DATA_RESTORE_CACHE."""
key = restore_state.DATA_RESTORE_CACHE
hass.data[key] = {
state.entity_id: state for state in states}
_LOGGER.debug('Restore cache: %s', hass.data[key])
assert len(hass.data[key]) == len(states), \
"Duplicate entity_id? {}".format(states)
hass.state = ha.CoreState.starting
mock_component(hass, recorder.DOMAIN)
class MockDependency:
"""Decorator to mock install a dependency."""
def __init__(self, root, *args):
"""Initialize decorator."""
self.root = root
self.submodules = args
def __enter__(self):
"""Start mocking."""
def resolve(mock, path):
"""Resolve a mock."""
if not path:
return mock
return resolve(getattr(mock, path[0]), path[1:])
base = MagicMock()
to_mock = {
"{}.{}".format(self.root, tom): resolve(base, tom.split('.'))
for tom in self.submodules
to_mock[self.root] = base
self.patcher = patch.dict('sys.modules', to_mock)
return base
def __exit__(self, *exc):
"""Stop mocking."""
return False
def __call__(self, func):
"""Apply decorator."""
def run_mocked(*args, **kwargs):
"""Run with mocked dependencies."""
with self as base:
args = list(args) + [base]
func(*args, **kwargs)
return run_mocked
class MockEntity(entity.Entity):
"""Mock Entity class."""
def __init__(self, **values):
"""Initialize an entity."""
self._values = values
if 'entity_id' in values:
self.entity_id = values['entity_id']
def name(self):
"""Return the name of the entity."""
return self._handle('name')
def should_poll(self):
"""Return the ste of the polling."""
return self._handle('should_poll')
def unique_id(self):
"""Return the unique ID of the entity."""
return self._handle('unique_id')
def available(self):
"""Return True if entity is available."""
return self._handle('available')
def _handle(self, attr):
"""Helper for the attributes."""
if attr in self._values:
return self._values[attr]
return getattr(super(), attr)