2023-02-20 11:42:56 +01:00

235 lines
6.5 KiB

"""Test Home Assistant util methods."""
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
import pytest
from homeassistant import util
import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util
def test_raise_if_invalid_filename() -> None:
"""Test raise_if_invalid_filename."""
assert util.raise_if_invalid_filename("test") is None
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_raise_if_invalid_path() -> None:
"""Test raise_if_invalid_path."""
assert util.raise_if_invalid_path("test/path") is None
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert util.raise_if_invalid_path("~test/path")
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
assert util.raise_if_invalid_path("~/../test/path")
def test_slugify() -> None:
"""Test slugify."""
assert util.slugify("T-!@#$!#@$!$est") == "t_est"
assert util.slugify("Test More") == "test_more"
assert util.slugify("Test_(More)") == "test_more"
assert util.slugify("Tèst_Mörê") == "test_more"
assert util.slugify("B8:27:EB:00:00:00") == "b8_27_eb_00_00_00"
assert util.slugify("test.com") == "test_com"
assert util.slugify("greg_phone - exp_wayp1") == "greg_phone_exp_wayp1"
assert (
util.slugify("We are, we are, a... Test Calendar")
== "we_are_we_are_a_test_calendar"
assert util.slugify("Tèst_äöüß_ÄÖÜ") == "test_aouss_aou"
assert util.slugify("影師嗎") == "ying_shi_ma"
assert util.slugify("けいふぉんと") == "keihuonto"
assert util.slugify("$") == "unknown"
assert util.slugify("") == "unknown"
assert util.slugify("") == "unknown"
assert util.slugify("$$$") == "unknown"
assert util.slugify("$something") == "something"
assert util.slugify("") == ""
assert util.slugify(None) == ""
def test_repr_helper() -> None:
"""Test repr_helper."""
assert util.repr_helper("A") == "A"
assert util.repr_helper(5) == "5"
assert util.repr_helper(True) == "True"
assert util.repr_helper({"test": 1}) == "test=1"
tz = dt_util.get_time_zone("Europe/Copenhagen")
with patch("homeassistant.util.dt.DEFAULT_TIME_ZONE", tz):
assert (
util.repr_helper(datetime(1986, 7, 9, 12, 0, 0))
== "1986-07-09T12:00:00+02:00"
def test_convert() -> None:
"""Test convert."""
assert util.convert("5", int) == 5
assert util.convert("5", float) == 5.0
assert util.convert("True", bool) is True
assert util.convert("NOT A NUMBER", int, 1) == 1
assert util.convert(None, int, 1) == 1
assert util.convert(object, int, 1) == 1
def test_ensure_unique_string() -> None:
"""Test ensure_unique_string."""
assert util.ensure_unique_string("Beer", ["Beer", "Beer_2"]) == "Beer_3"
assert util.ensure_unique_string("Beer", ["Wine", "Soda"]) == "Beer"
def test_throttle() -> None:
"""Test the add cooldown decorator."""
calls1 = []
calls2 = []
def test_throttle1():
@util.Throttle(timedelta(seconds=4), timedelta(seconds=2))
def test_throttle2():
now = dt_util.utcnow()
plus3 = now + timedelta(seconds=3)
plus5 = plus3 + timedelta(seconds=2)
# Call first time and ensure methods got called
assert len(calls1) == 1
assert len(calls2) == 1
# Call second time. Methods should not get called
assert len(calls1) == 1
assert len(calls2) == 1
# Call again, overriding throttle, only first one should fire
assert len(calls1) == 2
assert len(calls2) == 1
with patch("homeassistant.util.utcnow", return_value=plus3):
assert len(calls1) == 2
assert len(calls2) == 1
with patch("homeassistant.util.utcnow", return_value=plus5):
assert len(calls1) == 3
assert len(calls2) == 2
def test_throttle_per_instance() -> None:
"""Test that the throttle method is done per instance of a class."""
class Tester:
"""A tester class for the throttle."""
def hello(self):
"""Test the throttle."""
return True
assert Tester().hello()
assert Tester().hello()
def test_throttle_on_method() -> None:
"""Test that throttle works when wrapping a method."""
class Tester:
"""A tester class for the throttle."""
def hello(self):
"""Test the throttle."""
return True
tester = Tester()
throttled = util.Throttle(timedelta(seconds=1))(tester.hello)
assert throttled()
assert throttled() is None
def test_throttle_on_two_method() -> None:
"""Test that throttle works when wrapping two methods."""
class Tester:
"""A test class for the throttle."""
def hello(self):
"""Test the throttle."""
return True
def goodbye(self):
"""Test the throttle."""
return True
tester = Tester()
assert tester.hello()
assert tester.goodbye()
@patch.object(util, "random")
def test_get_random_string(mock_random) -> None:
"""Test get random string."""
results = ["A", "B", "C"]
def mock_choice(choices):
return results.pop(0)
generator = MagicMock()
generator.choice.side_effect = mock_choice
mock_random.SystemRandom.return_value = generator
assert util.get_random_string(length=3) == "ABC"
async def test_throttle_async() -> None:
"""Test Throttle decorator with async method."""
async def test_method():
"""Only first call should return a value."""
return True
assert (await test_method()) is True
assert (await test_method()) is None
@util.Throttle(timedelta(seconds=2), timedelta(seconds=0.1))
async def test_method2():
"""Only first call should return a value."""
return True
assert (await test_method2()) is True
assert (await test_method2()) is None