repos: - repo: rev: v0.1.15 hooks: - id: ruff args: - --fix - id: ruff-format files: ^((homeassistant|pylint|script|tests)/.+)?[^/]+\.py$ - repo: rev: v2.2.2 hooks: - id: codespell args: - --ignore-words-list=additionals,alle,alot,bund,currenty,datas,farenheit,falsy,fo,haa,hass,iif,incomfort,ines,ist,nam,nd,pres,pullrequests,resset,rime,ser,serie,te,technik,ue,unsecure,withing,zar - --skip="./.*,*.csv,*.json,*.ambr" - --quiet-level=2 exclude_types: [csv, json] exclude: ^tests/fixtures/|homeassistant/generated/|tests/components/.*/snapshots/ - repo: rev: v4.4.0 hooks: - id: check-executables-have-shebangs stages: [manual] - id: check-json exclude: (.vscode|.devcontainer) - id: no-commit-to-branch args: - --branch=dev - --branch=master - --branch=rc - repo: rev: v1.32.0 hooks: - id: yamllint - repo: rev: v3.0.3 hooks: - id: prettier - repo: rev: v0.6.0 hooks: # Run `python-typing-update` hook manually from time to time # to update python typing syntax. # Will require manual work, before submitting changes! # pre-commit run --hook-stage manual python-typing-update --all-files - id: python-typing-update stages: [manual] args: - --py311-plus - --force - --keep-updates files: ^(homeassistant|tests|script)/.+\.py$ - repo: local hooks: # Run mypy through our wrapper script in order to get the possible # pyenv and/or virtualenv activated; it may not have been e.g. if # committing from a GUI tool that was not launched from an activated # shell. - id: mypy name: mypy entry: script/ mypy language: script types: [python] require_serial: true files: ^(homeassistant|pylint)/.+\.py$ - id: pylint name: pylint entry: script/ pylint -j 0 --ignore-missing-annotations=y language: script types: [python] files: ^homeassistant/.+\.py$ - id: gen_requirements_all name: gen_requirements_all entry: script/ python3 -m script.gen_requirements_all pass_filenames: false language: script types: [text] files: ^(homeassistant/.+/manifest\.json|homeassistant/brands/.+\.json|pyproject\.toml|\.pre-commit-config\.yaml|script/gen_requirements_all\.py)$ - id: hassfest name: hassfest entry: script/ python3 -m script.hassfest pass_filenames: false language: script types: [text] files: ^(homeassistant/.+/(icons|manifest|strings)\.json|homeassistant/brands/.*\.json|\.coveragerc|homeassistant/.+/services\.yaml|script/hassfest/(?!metadata|mypy_config).+\.py)$ - id: hassfest-metadata name: hassfest-metadata entry: script/ python3 -m script.hassfest -p metadata pass_filenames: false language: script types: [text] files: ^(script/hassfest/metadata\.py|homeassistant/const\.py$|pyproject\.toml)$ - id: hassfest-mypy-config name: hassfest-mypy-config entry: script/ python3 -m script.hassfest -p mypy_config pass_filenames: false language: script types: [text] files: ^(script/hassfest/mypy_config\.py|\.strict-typing|mypy\.ini)$