Pino Toscano f55c401b20 Refactor the document search interfaces, as discussed on the mailing list.
Merge the search in normal mode and the type-ahead in a search bar that appears on the bottom of the page view. This should work nicely.
In presentation mode, add a small floating search toolbar that takes care of searching during the presentation mode, on document request. This is not working yet, but basically most of the work is done.

Please test and report any problems you find.

CCMAIL: okular-devel@kde.org

svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/okular/; revision=643607
2007-03-17 22:58:41 +00:00

95 lines
2.9 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2007 by Pino Toscano <pino@kde.org> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
// qt/kde includes
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qmenu.h>
#include <qtoolbutton.h>
#include <kicon.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
// local includes
#include "findbar.h"
#include "searchlineedit.h"
#include "core/document.h"
FindBar::FindBar( Okular::Document * document, QWidget * parent )
: QWidget( parent )
QHBoxLayout * lay = new QHBoxLayout( this );
lay->setMargin( 2 );
QToolButton * closeBtn = new QToolButton( this );
closeBtn->setIcon( KIcon( "fileclose" ) );
closeBtn->setIconSize( QSize( 24, 24 ) );
closeBtn->setToolTip( i18n( "Close" ) );
closeBtn->setAutoRaise( true );
lay->addWidget( closeBtn );
m_text = new SearchLineEdit( this, document );
m_text->setSearchCaseSensitivity( Qt::CaseInsensitive );
m_text->setSearchMinimumLength( 0 );
m_text->setSearchType( Okular::Document::NextMatch );
m_text->setSearchId( PART_SEARCH_ID );
m_text->setSearchColor( qRgb( 255, 255, 64 ) );
m_text->setSearchMoveViewport( true );
lay->addWidget( m_text );
KPushButton * findNextBtn = new KPushButton( KIcon( "find-next" ), i18n( "Find Next" ), this );
lay->addWidget( findNextBtn );
QPushButton * optionsBtn = new QPushButton( this );
optionsBtn->setText( i18n( "Options" ) );
QMenu * optionsMenu = new QMenu();
m_caseSensitiveAct = optionsMenu->addAction( i18n( "Case sensitive" ) );
m_caseSensitiveAct->setCheckable( true );
optionsBtn->setMenu( optionsMenu );
lay->addWidget( optionsBtn );
connect( closeBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( close() ) );
connect( findNextBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( findNext() ) );
connect( m_caseSensitiveAct, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( caseSensitivityChanged() ) );
QString FindBar::text() const
return m_text->text();
Qt::CaseSensitivity FindBar::caseSensitivity() const
return m_caseSensitiveAct->isChecked() ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive;
void FindBar::focusAndSetCursor()
void FindBar::findNext()
void FindBar::caseSensitivityChanged()
m_text->setSearchCaseSensitivity( m_caseSensitiveAct->isChecked() ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive );
#include "findbar.moc"