Pino Toscano e5037f45b1 Refator a bit the way Document and the generators use to read the font information from a document.
Instead of having a synchronous function that extracts all the information at once, use a function to read the fonts of a single page.
This way, we can get all the result step by step (aka page by page), and possibly in an asynchronous way.
The resuls of the font "scanning" are sent via signals, as well the end of the work.
So, instead of block waiting for the results of all the document at once, the Fonts tab in the properties dialog can have a progress bar with the progress, and the results (the fonts) that are added incrementally to the list.

Only two minor things are left:
- the process is always asynchronous at the moment, as the only generator that can provide this kind of information is the Poppler one (safe)
- there is no check for duplicate fonts
But they should be easy to solve.

svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdegraphics/okular/; revision=685002
2007-07-07 20:35:01 +00:00

543 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2004-5 by Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it> *
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Piotr Szymanski <niedakh@gmail.com> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include <okular/core/okular_export.h>
#include <okular/core/fontinfo.h>
#include <okular/core/global.h>
#include <okular/core/pagesize.h>
#include <QtCore/QList>
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtCore/QSharedDataPointer>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
#include <QtCore/QVector>
#include <kmimetype.h>
// KDE_EXPORT is correct here - the function needs to be exported every time
#define OKULAR_EXPORT_PLUGIN( classname ) \
extern "C" { \
KDE_EXPORT Okular::Generator* create_plugin() { return new classname(); } \
class KAboutData;
class KComponentData;
class KIcon;
class KPrinter;
class kdbgstream;
namespace Okular {
class Document;
class DocumentFonts;
class DocumentInfo;
class DocumentSynopsis;
class EmbeddedFile;
class ExportFormatPrivate;
class GeneratorPrivate;
class Page;
class PixmapRequest;
class TextPage;
/* Note: on contents generation and asynchronous queries.
* Many observers may want to request data syncronously or asynchronously.
* - Sync requests. These should be done in-place.
* - Async request must be done in real background. That usually means a
* thread, such as QThread derived classes.
* Once contents are available, they must be immediately stored in the
* Page they refer to, and a signal is emitted as soon as storing
* (even for sync or async queries) has been done.
* @short Defines an entry for the export menu
* This class encapsulates information about an export format.
* Every Generator can support 0 or more export formats which can be
* queried with @ref Generator::exportFormats().
class OKULAR_EXPORT ExportFormat
typedef QList<ExportFormat> List;
* Creates an empty export format.
* @see isNull()
* Creates a new export format.
* @param description The i18n'ed description of the format.
* @param mimeType The supported mime type of the format.
ExportFormat( const QString &description, const KMimeType::Ptr &mimeType );
* Creates a new export format.
* @param icon The icon used in the GUI for this format.
* @param description The i18n'ed description of the format.
* @param mimeType The supported mime type of the format.
ExportFormat( const KIcon &icon, const QString &description, const KMimeType::Ptr &mimeType );
* Destroys the export format.
* @internal
ExportFormat( const ExportFormat &other );
* @internal
ExportFormat& operator=( const ExportFormat &other );
* Returns the description of the format.
QString description() const;
* Returns the mime type of the format.
KMimeType::Ptr mimeType() const;
* Returns the icon for GUI representations of the format.
KIcon icon() const;
* Returns whether the export format is null/valid.
* An ExportFormat is null if the mimetype is not valid or the
* description is empty, or both.
bool isNull() const;
* Type of standard export format.
enum StandardExportFormat
PlainText, ///< Plain text
PDF ///< PDF, aka Portable Document Format
* Builds a standard format for the specified @p type .
static ExportFormat standardFormat( StandardExportFormat type );
bool operator==( const ExportFormat &other ) const;
bool operator!=( const ExportFormat &other ) const;
friend class ExportFormatPrivate;
QSharedDataPointer<ExportFormatPrivate> d;
* @short [Abstract Class] The information generator.
* Most of class members are virtuals and some of them pure virtual. The pure
* virtuals provide the minimal functionalities for a Generator, that is being
* able to generate QPixmap for the Page 's of the Document.
* Implementing the other functions will make the Generator able to provide
* more contents and/or functionalities (like text extraction).
* Generation/query is requested by the Document class only, and that
* class stores the resulting data into Page s. The data will then be
* displayed by the GUI components (PageView, ThumbnailList, etc..).
* @see PrintInterface, ConfigInterface, GuiInterface
class OKULAR_EXPORT Generator : public QObject
friend class PixmapGenerationThread;
friend class TextPageGenerationThread;
* Describe the possible optional features that a Generator can
* provide.
enum GeneratorFeature
TextExtraction, ///< Whether the Generator can extract text from the document in the form of TextPage's
ReadRawData, ///< Whether the Generator can read a document directly from its raw data.
FontInfo, ///< Whether the Generator can provide information about the fonts used in the document
PageSizes ///< Whether the Generator can change the size of the document pages.
* Creates a new generator.
* Destroys the generator.
virtual ~Generator();
* Loads the document with the given @p fileName and fills the
* @p pagesVector with the parsed pages.
* @returns true on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool loadDocument( const QString & fileName, QVector< Page * > & pagesVector ) = 0;
* Loads the document from the raw data @p fileData and fills the
* @p pagesVector with the parsed pages.
* @note the Generator has to have the feature @ref ReadRawData enabled
* @returns true on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool loadDocumentFromData( const QByteArray & fileData, QVector< Page * > & pagesVector );
* This method is called when the document is closed and not used
* any longer.
* @returns true on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool closeDocument() = 0;
* This method returns whether the generator is ready to
* handle a new pixmap request.
virtual bool canGeneratePixmap() const;
* This method can be called to trigger the generation of
* a new pixmap as described by @p request.
virtual void generatePixmap( PixmapRequest * request );
* This method returns whether the generator is ready to
* handle a new text page request.
virtual bool canGenerateTextPage() const;
* This method can be called to trigger the generation of
* a text page for the given @p page.
* The generation is done synchronous or asynchronous, depending
* on the @p type parameter and the capabilities of the
* generator (e.g. multithreading).
* @see TextPage
virtual void generateTextPage( Page * page, enum GenerationType type = Synchronous );
* Returns the general information object of the document or 0 if
* no information are available.
virtual const DocumentInfo * generateDocumentInfo();
* Returns the 'table of content' object of the document or 0 if
* no table of content is available.
virtual const DocumentSynopsis * generateDocumentSynopsis();
* Returns the 'list of embedded fonts' object of the specified \page
* of the document.
* \param page a page of the document, starting from 1 - 0 indicates all
* the other fonts
virtual FontInfo::List fontsForPage( int page );
* Returns the 'list of embedded files' object of the document or 0 if
* no list of embedded files is available.
virtual const QList<EmbeddedFile*> * embeddedFiles() const;
* This enum identifies the metric of the page size.
enum PageSizeMetric
None, ///< The page size is not defined in a physical metric.
Points ///< The page size is given in 1/72 inches.
* This method returns the metric of the page size. Default is @ref None.
virtual PageSizeMetric pagesSizeMetric() const;
* This method returns whether given @p action (@ref Permission) is
* allowed in this document.
virtual bool isAllowed( Permission action ) const;
* This method is called when the orientation has been changed by the user.
virtual void rotationChanged( Rotation orientation, Rotation oldOrientation );
* Returns the list of supported page sizes.
virtual PageSize::List pageSizes() const;
* This method is called when the page size has been changed by the user.
virtual void pageSizeChanged( const PageSize &pageSize, const PageSize &oldPageSize );
* This method is called to print the document to the given @p printer.
virtual bool print( KPrinter &printer );
* This method returns the meta data of the given @p key with the given @p option
* of the document.
virtual QVariant metaData( const QString &key, const QVariant &option ) const;
* Returns the list of additional supported export formats.
virtual ExportFormat::List exportFormats() const;
* This method is called to export the document in the given @p format and save it
* under the given @p fileName. The format must be one of the supported export formats.
virtual bool exportTo( const QString &fileName, const ExportFormat &format );
* Query for the specified @p feature.
bool hasFeature( GeneratorFeature feature ) const;
* Returns the component data associated with the generator. May be null.
const KComponentData* componentData() const;
* This signal should be emitted whenever an error occurred in the generator.
* @param message The message which should be shown to the user.
* @param duration The time that the message should be shown to the user.
void error( const QString &message, int duration );
* This signal should be emitted whenever the user should be warned.
* @param message The message which should be shown to the user.
* @param duration The time that the message should be shown to the user.
void warning( const QString &message, int duration );
* This signal should be emitted whenever the user should be noticed.
* @param message The message which should be shown to the user.
* @param duration The time that the message should be shown to the user.
void notice( const QString &message, int duration );
* This method must be called when the pixmap request triggered by generatePixmap()
* has been finished.
void signalPixmapRequestDone( PixmapRequest * request );
* Returns the image of the page as specified in
* the passed pixmap @p request.
* @warning this method may be executed in its own separated thread if the
* @ref Threaded is enabled!
virtual QImage image( PixmapRequest *page );
* Returns the text page for the given @p page.
* @warning this method may be executed in its own separated thread if the
* @ref Threaded is enabled!
virtual TextPage* textPage( Page *page );
* Returns a pointer to the document.
const Document * document() const;
* Toggle the @p feature .
void setFeature( GeneratorFeature feature, bool on = true );
* Sets a new about @p data for the generator. The base generator
* class will take ownership of the data.
* Create it on the heap (\b never on the stack!), and fill it with
* data like:
* @code
KAboutData *about = new KAboutData(
"generator_foo", 0, // we reccomend to use okular_xxx for the component name
ki18n( "Foo Backend" ), "0.1",
ki18n( "A foo backend" ),
ki18n( "Copyright (c) 2007 Developer" ) );
about->addAuthor( ki18n("Joe Developer"), ki18n( "Developer" ), " joe@host.com" );
setAboutData( about );
* @endcode
void setAboutData( KAboutData* data );
friend class GeneratorPrivate;
GeneratorPrivate* const d;
friend class Document;
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d, void pixmapGenerationFinished() )
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d, void textpageGenerationFinished() )
* @short Describes a pixmap type request.
class OKULAR_EXPORT PixmapRequest
friend class Document;
* Creates a new pixmap request.
* @param id The observer id.
* @param pageNumber The page number.
* @param width The width of the page.
* @param height The height of the page.
* @param priority The priority of the request.
* @param asynchronous The mode of generation.
PixmapRequest( int id, int pageNumber, int width, int height, int priority, bool asynchronous );
* Destroys the pixmap request.
* Returns the observer id of the request.
int id() const;
* Returns the page number of the request.
int pageNumber() const;
* Returns the page width of the requested pixmap.
int width() const;
* Returns the page height of the requested pixmap.
int height() const;
* Returns the priority (less it better, 0 is maximum) of the
* request.
int priority() const;
* Returns whether the generation should be done synchronous or
* asynchronous.
* If asynchronous, the pixmap is created in a thread and the observer
* is notified when the job is done.
bool asynchronous() const;
* Returns a pointer to the page where the pixmap shall be generated for.
Page *page() const;
* Internal usage.
void swap();
* Internal usage.
void setPriority( int priority );
* Internal usage.
void setAsynchronous( bool asynchronous );
* Internal usage.
void setPage( Page *page );
Q_DISABLE_COPY( PixmapRequest )
class Private;
Private* const d;
kdbgstream& operator<<( kdbgstream &str, const Okular::PixmapRequest &req );