Pino Toscano e4dc8d8126 Load and save in the XML document info all the properties of the various View's, that are specific to each document.
At the moment, they are the zoom mode and level of the page view.
BUG: 155752

svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdegraphics/okular/; revision=814998
2008-05-31 21:13:15 +00:00

219 lines
7.7 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it> *
* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 by Albert Astals Cid <aacid@kde.org> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include "document.h"
// qt/kde/system includes
#include <QtCore/QHash>
#include <QtCore/QLinkedList>
#include <QtCore/QMap>
#include <QtCore/QMutex>
#include <kcomponentdata.h>
#include <kservicetypetrader.h>
// local includes
#include "fontinfo.h"
#include "generator.h"
class QEventLoop;
class QTimer;
class KTemporaryFile;
struct AllocatedPixmap;
struct RunningSearch;
namespace Okular {
class ConfigInterface;
class SaveInterface;
class Scripter;
class View;
struct GeneratorInfo
GeneratorInfo( const KComponentData &_data )
: generator( 0 ), data( _data ),
config( 0 ), save( 0 ),
configChecked( false ), saveChecked( false )
Okular::Generator * generator;
KComponentData data;
QString catalogName;
Okular::ConfigInterface * config;
Okular::SaveInterface * save;
bool configChecked : 1;
bool saveChecked : 1;
namespace Okular {
class FontExtractionThread;
class DocumentPrivate
DocumentPrivate( Document *parent )
: m_parent( parent ),
m_lastSearchID( -1 ),
m_tempFile( 0 ),
m_docSize( -1 ),
m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory( 0 ),
m_warnedOutOfMemory( false ),
m_rotation( Rotation0 ),
m_exportCached( false ),
m_bookmarkManager( 0 ),
m_memCheckTimer( 0 ),
m_saveBookmarksTimer( 0 ),
m_generator( 0 ),
m_generatorsLoaded( false ),
m_closingLoop( 0 ),
m_scripter( 0 ),
m_fontsCached( false )
// private methods
QString pagesSizeString() const;
QString localizedSize(const QSizeF &size) const;
void cleanupPixmapMemory( qulonglong bytesOffset = 0 );
void calculateMaxTextPages();
qulonglong getTotalMemory();
qulonglong getFreeMemory();
void loadDocumentInfo();
void loadViewsInfo( View *view, const QDomElement &e );
void saveViewsInfo( View *view, QDomElement &e ) const;
QString giveAbsolutePath( const QString & fileName ) const;
bool openRelativeFile( const QString & fileName );
Generator * loadGeneratorLibrary( const KService::Ptr &service );
void loadAllGeneratorLibraries();
void loadServiceList( const KService::List& offers );
void unloadGenerator( const GeneratorInfo& info );
void cacheExportFormats();
void setRotationInternal( int r, bool notify );
ConfigInterface* generatorConfig( GeneratorInfo& info );
SaveInterface* generatorSave( GeneratorInfo& info );
// private slots
void saveDocumentInfo() const;
void slotTimedMemoryCheck();
void sendGeneratorRequest();
void rotationFinished( int page );
void fontReadingProgress( int page );
void fontReadingGotFont( const Okular::FontInfo& font );
void slotGeneratorConfigChanged( const QString& );
void refreshPixmaps( int );
void _o_configChanged();
void doContinueNextMatchSearch(void *pagesToNotifySet, void * match, int currentPage, int searchID, const QString & text, int caseSensitivity, bool moveViewport, const QColor & color, bool noDialogs, int donePages);
void doContinuePrevMatchSearch(void *pagesToNotifySet, void * theMatch, int currentPage, int searchID, const QString & text, int theCaseSensitivity, bool moveViewport, const QColor & color, bool noDialogs, int donePages);
void doContinueAllDocumentSearch(void *pagesToNotifySet, void *pageMatchesMap, int currentPage, int searchID, const QString & text, int caseSensitivity, const QColor & color);
void doContinueGooglesDocumentSearch(void *pagesToNotifySet, void *pageMatchesMap, int currentPage, int searchID, const QString & text, int caseSensitivity, const QColor & color, bool matchAll);
// generators stuff
* This method is used by the generators to signal the finish of
* the pixmap generation @p request.
void requestDone( PixmapRequest * request );
void textGenerationDone( Page *page );
* Sets the bounding box of the given @p page (in terms of upright orientation, i.e., Rotation0).
void setPageBoundingBox( int page, const NormalizedRect& boundingBox );
* Request a particular metadata of the Document itself (ie, not something
* depending on the document type/backend).
QVariant documentMetaData( const QString &key, const QVariant &option ) const;
// member variables
Document *m_parent;
// find descriptors, mapped by ID (we handle multiple searches)
QMap< int, RunningSearch * > m_searches;
int m_lastSearchID;
bool m_searchCancelled;
// needed because for remote documents docFileName is a local file and
// we want the remote url when the document refers to relativeNames
KUrl m_url;
// cached stuff
QString m_docFileName;
QString m_xmlFileName;
KTemporaryFile *m_tempFile;
qint64 m_docSize;
// viewport stuff
QLinkedList< DocumentViewport > m_viewportHistory;
QLinkedList< DocumentViewport >::iterator m_viewportIterator;
DocumentViewport m_nextDocumentViewport; // see Link::Goto for an explanation
// observers / requests / allocator stuff
QMap< int, DocumentObserver * > m_observers;
QLinkedList< PixmapRequest * > m_pixmapRequestsStack;
QLinkedList< PixmapRequest * > m_executingPixmapRequests;
QMutex m_pixmapRequestsMutex;
QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * > m_allocatedPixmapsFifo;
qulonglong m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory;
QList< int > m_allocatedTextPagesFifo;
int m_maxAllocatedTextPages;
bool m_warnedOutOfMemory;
// the rotation applied to the document
Rotation m_rotation;
// the current size of the pages (if available), and the cache of the
// available page sizes
PageSize m_pageSize;
PageSize::List m_pageSizes;
// cache of the export formats
bool m_exportCached;
ExportFormat::List m_exportFormats;
ExportFormat m_exportToText;
// our bookmark manager
BookmarkManager *m_bookmarkManager;
// timers (memory checking / info saver)
QTimer *m_memCheckTimer;
QTimer *m_saveBookmarksTimer;
QHash<QString, GeneratorInfo> m_loadedGenerators;
Generator * m_generator;
QString m_generatorName;
bool m_generatorsLoaded;
QVector< Page * > m_pagesVector;
QVector< VisiblePageRect * > m_pageRects;
// cache of the mimetype we support
QStringList m_supportedMimeTypes;
QEventLoop *m_closingLoop;
Scripter *m_scripter;
QPointer< FontExtractionThread > m_fontThread;
bool m_fontsCached;
FontInfo::List m_fontsCache;
QSet< View * > m_views;