Fabio D'Urso c5391e4643 Restore default "Note" stamp for linked text annotations
It was "Note" before d2fa4c9, but it was changed to "Comment" for
compatibility reasons. Setting it to "Note", this time in UI code,
doesn't break d2fa4c9 and restores the default icon users are used to.
2012-06-07 18:59:45 +02:00

937 lines
35 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2005 by Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include "pageviewannotator.h"
// qt / kde includes
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qset.h>
#include <qvariant.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <kuser.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kmenu.h>
// system includes
#include <math.h>
// local includes
#include "core/area.h"
#include "core/document.h"
#include "core/page.h"
#include "core/annotations.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "annotationtools.h"
#include "pageview.h"
/** @short PickPointEngine */
class PickPointEngine : public AnnotatorEngine
PickPointEngine( const QDomElement & engineElement )
: AnnotatorEngine( engineElement ), clicked( false ), pixmap( 0 ),
xscale( 1.0 ), yscale( 1.0 )
// parse engine specific attributes
pixmapName = engineElement.attribute( "hoverIcon" );
QString stampname = m_annotElement.attribute( "icon" );
if ( m_annotElement.attribute( "type" ) == "Stamp" && !stampname.simplified().isEmpty() )
pixmapName = stampname;
center = QVariant( engineElement.attribute( "center" ) ).toBool();
bool ok = true;
size = engineElement.attribute( "size", "32" ).toInt( &ok );
if ( !ok )
size = 32;
m_block = QVariant( engineElement.attribute( "block" ) ).toBool();
// create engine objects
if ( !pixmapName.simplified().isEmpty() )
pixmap = new QPixmap( DesktopIcon( pixmapName, size ) );
delete pixmap;
QRect event( EventType type, Button button, double nX, double nY, double xScale, double yScale, const Okular::Page * page )
pagewidth = page->width();
pageheight = page->height();
// only proceed if pressing left button
if ( button != Left )
return QRect();
// start operation on click
if ( type == Press && clicked == false )
clicked = true;
// repaint if moving while pressing
else if ( type == Move && clicked == true )
// operation finished on release
else if ( type == Release && clicked == true )
m_creationCompleted = true;
return QRect();
// update variables and extents (zoom invariant rect)
point.x = nX;
point.y = nY;
if ( center && pixmap )
rect.left = nX - ( pixmap->width() / ( xScale * 2.0 ) );
rect.top = nY - ( pixmap->height() / ( yScale * 2.0 ) );
rect.left = nX;
rect.top = nY;
rect.right = rect.left + ( pixmap ? pixmap->width() / xScale : 0 );
rect.bottom = rect.top + ( pixmap ? pixmap->height() / yScale : 0 );
QRect boundrect = rect.geometry( (int)xScale, (int)yScale ).adjusted( 0, 0, 1, 1 );
if ( m_block )
Okular::NormalizedRect tmprect( qMin( startpoint.x, point.x ), qMin( startpoint.y, point.y ), qMax( startpoint.x, point.x ), qMax( startpoint.y, point.y ) );
boundrect |= tmprect.geometry( (int)xScale, (int)yScale ).adjusted( 0, 0, 1, 1 );
return boundrect;
void paint( QPainter * painter, double xScale, double yScale, const QRect & /*clipRect*/ )
if ( clicked )
if ( m_block )
QPen origpen = painter->pen();
QPen pen = painter->pen();
pen.setStyle( Qt::DashLine );
painter->setPen( pen );
Okular::NormalizedRect tmprect( qMin( startpoint.x, point.x ), qMin( startpoint.y, point.y ), qMax( startpoint.x, point.x ), qMax( startpoint.y, point.y ) );
QRect realrect = tmprect.geometry( (int)xScale, (int)yScale );
painter->drawRect( realrect );
painter->setPen( origpen );
if ( pixmap )
painter->drawPixmap( QPointF( rect.left * xScale, rect.top * yScale ), *pixmap );
QList< Okular::Annotation* > end()
m_creationCompleted = false;
// find out annotation's description node
if ( m_annotElement.isNull() )
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >();
// find out annotation's type
Okular::Annotation * ann = 0;
QString typeString = m_annotElement.attribute( "type" );
// create TextAnnotation from path
if ( typeString == "FreeText") //<annotation type="Text"
//note dialog
QString prompt = i18n( "Text of the new note:" );
bool resok;
QString note = KInputDialog::getMultiLineText( i18n( "New Text Note" ), prompt, QString(), &resok );
//add note
Okular::TextAnnotation * ta = new Okular::TextAnnotation();
ann = ta;
ta->setInplaceText( note );
ta->setTextType( Okular::TextAnnotation::InPlace );
//set boundary
rect.left = qMin(startpoint.x,point.x);
rect.top = qMin(startpoint.y,point.y);
rect.right = qMax(startpoint.x,point.x);
rect.bottom = qMax(startpoint.y,point.y);
kDebug().nospace() << "xyScale=" << xscale << "," << yscale;
static int padding = 2;
QFontMetricsF mf(ta->textFont());
QRectF rcf = mf.boundingRect( Okular::NormalizedRect( rect.left, rect.top, 1.0, 1.0 ).geometry( (int)pagewidth, (int)pageheight ).adjusted( padding, padding, -padding, -padding ),
Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::TextWordWrap, ta->inplaceText() );
rect.right = qMax(rect.right, rect.left+(rcf.width()+padding*2)/pagewidth);
rect.bottom = qMax(rect.bottom, rect.top+(rcf.height()+padding*2)/pageheight);
ta->setBoundingRectangle( this->rect );
ta->window().setSummary( i18n( "Inline Note" ) );
else if ( typeString == "Text")
Okular::TextAnnotation * ta = new Okular::TextAnnotation();
ann = ta;
ta->setTextType( Okular::TextAnnotation::Linked );
ta->setTextIcon( "Note" );
ta->window().setText( QString() );
//ta->window.flags &= ~(Okular::Annotation::Hidden);
double iconhei=0.03;
rect.left = point.x;
rect.top = point.y;
ta->setBoundingRectangle( this->rect );
ta->window().setSummary( i18n( "Note" ) );
// create StampAnnotation from path
else if ( typeString == "Stamp" )
Okular::StampAnnotation * sa = new Okular::StampAnnotation();
ann = sa;
sa->setStampIconName( pixmapName );
// set boundary
rect.left = qMin( startpoint.x, point.x );
rect.top = qMin( startpoint.y, point.y );
rect.right = qMax( startpoint.x, point.x );
rect.bottom = qMax( startpoint.y, point.y );
QRectF rcf = rect.geometry( (int)xscale, (int)yscale );
const int ml = ( rcf.bottomRight() - rcf.topLeft() ).toPoint().manhattanLength();
if ( ml <= QApplication::startDragDistance() )
double stampxscale = size / xscale;
double stampyscale = size / yscale;
if ( center )
rect.left = point.x - stampxscale / 2;
rect.top = point.y - stampyscale / 2;
rect.left = point.x;
rect.top = point.y;
rect.right = rect.left + stampxscale;
rect.bottom = rect.top + stampyscale;
sa->setBoundingRectangle( rect );
// create GeomAnnotation
else if ( typeString == "GeomSquare" || typeString == "GeomCircle" )
Okular::GeomAnnotation * ga = new Okular::GeomAnnotation();
ann = ga;
// set the type
if ( typeString == "GeomSquare" )
ga->setGeometricalType( Okular::GeomAnnotation::InscribedSquare );
ga->setGeometricalType( Okular::GeomAnnotation::InscribedCircle );
ga->style().setWidth( 5 );
//set boundary
rect.left = qMin( startpoint.x, point.x );
rect.top = qMin( startpoint.y, point.y );
rect.right = qMax( startpoint.x, point.x );
rect.bottom = qMax( startpoint.y, point.y );
ga->setBoundingRectangle( rect );
// safety check
if ( !ann )
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >();
// set common attributes
ann->style().setColor( m_annotElement.hasAttribute( "color" ) ?
m_annotElement.attribute( "color" ) : m_engineColor );
if ( m_annotElement.hasAttribute( "opacity" ) )
ann->style().setOpacity( m_annotElement.attribute( "opacity", "1.0" ).toDouble() );
// return annotation
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >() << ann;
bool clicked;
Okular::NormalizedRect rect;
Okular::NormalizedPoint startpoint;
Okular::NormalizedPoint point;
QPixmap * pixmap;
QString pixmapName;
int size;
double xscale,yscale;
double pagewidth, pageheight;
bool center;
bool m_block;
/** @short PolyLineEngine */
class PolyLineEngine : public AnnotatorEngine
PolyLineEngine( const QDomElement & engineElement )
: AnnotatorEngine( engineElement ), last( false )
// parse engine specific attributes
m_block = engineElement.attribute( "block" ) == "true";
bool ok = true;
// numofpoints represents the max number of points for the current
// polygon/polyline, with a pair of exceptions:
// -1 means: the polyline must close on the first point (polygon)
// 0 means: construct as many points as you want, right-click
// to construct the last point
numofpoints = engineElement.attribute( "points" ).toInt( &ok );
if ( !ok )
numofpoints = -1;
QRect event( EventType type, Button button, double nX, double nY, double xScale, double yScale, const Okular::Page * /*page*/ )
// only proceed if pressing left button
// if ( button != Left )
// return rect;
// start operation
if ( type == Press )
newPoint.x = nX;
newPoint.y = nY;
if ( button == Right )
last = true;
// move the second point
else if ( type == Move )
movingpoint.x = nX;
movingpoint.y = nY;
QRect oldmovingrect = movingrect;
movingrect = rect | QRect( (int)( movingpoint.x * xScale ), (int)( movingpoint.y * yScale ), 1, 1 );
return oldmovingrect | movingrect;
else if ( type == Release )
Okular::NormalizedPoint tmppoint;
tmppoint.x = nX;
tmppoint.y = nY;
if ( fabs( tmppoint.x - newPoint.x + tmppoint.y - newPoint.y ) > 1e-2 )
return rect;
if ( numofpoints == -1 && points.count() > 1 && ( fabs( points[0].x - newPoint.x + points[0].y - newPoint.y ) < 1e-2 ) )
last = true;
points.append( newPoint );
rect |= QRect( (int)( newPoint.x * xScale ), (int)( newPoint.y * yScale ), 1, 1 );
// end creation if we have constructed the last point of enough points
if ( last || points.count() == numofpoints )
m_creationCompleted = true;
last = false;
normRect = Okular::NormalizedRect( rect, xScale, yScale );
return rect;
void paint( QPainter * painter, double xScale, double yScale, const QRect & /*clipRect*/ )
if ( points.count() < 1 )
if ( m_block && points.count() == 2 )
Okular::NormalizedPoint first = points[0];
Okular::NormalizedPoint second = points[1];
// draw a semitransparent block around the 2 points
painter->setPen( m_engineColor );
painter->setBrush( QBrush( m_engineColor.light(), Qt::Dense4Pattern ) );
painter->drawRect( (int)(first.x * (double)xScale), (int)(first.y * (double)yScale),
(int)((second.x - first.x) * (double)xScale), (int)((second.y - first.y) * (double)yScale) );
// draw a polyline that connects the constructed points
painter->setPen( QPen( m_engineColor, 2 ) );
for ( int i = 1; i < points.count(); ++i )
painter->drawLine( (int)(points[i - 1].x * (double)xScale), (int)(points[i - 1].y * (double)yScale),
(int)(points[i].x * (double)xScale), (int)(points[i].y * (double)yScale) );
painter->drawLine( (int)(points.last().x * (double)xScale), (int)(points.last().y * (double)yScale),
(int)(movingpoint.x * (double)xScale), (int)(movingpoint.y * (double)yScale) );
QList< Okular::Annotation* > end()
m_creationCompleted = false;
// find out annotation's description node
if ( m_annotElement.isNull() )
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >();
// find out annotation's type
Okular::Annotation * ann = 0;
QString typeString = m_annotElement.attribute( "type" );
// create LineAnnotation from path
if ( typeString == "Line" || typeString == "Polyline" || typeString == "Polygon" )
if ( points.count() < 2 )
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >();
//add note
Okular::LineAnnotation * la = new Okular::LineAnnotation();
ann = la;
QLinkedList<Okular::NormalizedPoint> list;
for ( int i = 0; i < points.count(); ++i )
list.append( points[ i ] );
la->setLinePoints( list );
if ( numofpoints == -1 )
la->setLineClosed( true );
la->setBoundingRectangle( normRect );
// safety check
if ( !ann )
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >();
// set common attributes
ann->style().setColor( m_annotElement.hasAttribute( "color" ) ?
m_annotElement.attribute( "color" ) : m_engineColor );
if ( m_annotElement.hasAttribute( "opacity" ) )
ann->style().setOpacity( m_annotElement.attribute( "opacity", "1.0" ).toDouble() );
// return annotation
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >() << ann;
QList<Okular::NormalizedPoint> points;
Okular::NormalizedPoint newPoint;
Okular::NormalizedPoint movingpoint;
QRect rect;
QRect movingrect;
Okular::NormalizedRect normRect;
bool m_block;
bool last;
int numofpoints;
/** @short TextSelectorEngine */
class TextSelectorEngine : public AnnotatorEngine
TextSelectorEngine( const QDomElement & engineElement, PageView * pageView )
: AnnotatorEngine( engineElement ), m_pageView( pageView ),
selection( 0 )
// parse engine specific attributes
delete selection;
QRect event( EventType type, Button button, double nX, double nY, double xScale, double yScale, const Okular::Page * /*page*/ )
// only proceed if pressing left button
if ( button != Left )
return QRect();
if ( type == Press )
lastPoint.x = nX;
lastPoint.y = nY;
QRect oldrect = rect;
rect = QRect();
return oldrect;
else if ( type == Move )
if ( item() )
QPoint start( (int)( lastPoint.x * item()->uncroppedWidth() ), (int)( lastPoint.y * item()->uncroppedHeight() ) );
QPoint end( (int)( nX * item()->uncroppedWidth() ), (int)( nY * item()->uncroppedHeight() ) );
delete selection;
selection = 0;
Okular::RegularAreaRect * newselection = m_pageView->textSelectionForItem( item(), start, end );
if ( !newselection->isEmpty() )
QList<QRect> geom = newselection->geometry( (int)xScale, (int)yScale );
QRect newrect;
Q_FOREACH ( const QRect& r, geom )
if ( newrect.isNull() )
newrect = r;
newrect |= r;
rect |= newrect;
selection = newselection;
delete newselection;
else if ( type == Release && selection )
m_creationCompleted = true;
return rect;
void paint( QPainter * painter, double xScale, double yScale, const QRect & /*clipRect*/ )
if ( selection )
painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
QColor col = m_engineColor;
col.setAlphaF( 0.5 );
painter->setBrush( col );
foreach( const Okular::NormalizedRect & r, *selection )
painter->drawRect( r.geometry( (int)xScale, (int)yScale ) );
QList< Okular::Annotation* > end()
m_creationCompleted = false;
// safety checks
if ( m_annotElement.isNull() || !selection )
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >();
// find out annotation's type
Okular::Annotation * ann = 0;
QString typeString = m_annotElement.attribute( "type" );
Okular::HighlightAnnotation::HighlightType type = Okular::HighlightAnnotation::Highlight;
bool typevalid = false;
// create HighlightAnnotation's from the selected area
if ( typeString == "Highlight" )
type = Okular::HighlightAnnotation::Highlight;
typevalid = true;
else if ( typeString == "Squiggly" )
type = Okular::HighlightAnnotation::Squiggly;
typevalid = true;
else if ( typeString == "Underline" )
type = Okular::HighlightAnnotation::Underline;
typevalid = true;
else if ( typeString == "StrikeOut" )
type = Okular::HighlightAnnotation::StrikeOut;
typevalid = true;
if ( typevalid )
Okular::HighlightAnnotation * ha = new Okular::HighlightAnnotation();
ha->setHighlightType( type );
ha->setBoundingRectangle( Okular::NormalizedRect( rect, item()->uncroppedWidth(), item()->uncroppedHeight() ) );
foreach ( const Okular::NormalizedRect & r, *selection )
Okular::HighlightAnnotation::Quad q;
q.setCapStart( false );
q.setCapEnd( false );
q.setFeather( 1.0 );
q.setPoint( Okular::NormalizedPoint( r.left, r.bottom ), 0 );
q.setPoint( Okular::NormalizedPoint( r.right, r.bottom ), 1 );
q.setPoint( Okular::NormalizedPoint( r.right, r.top ), 2 );
q.setPoint( Okular::NormalizedPoint( r.left, r.top ), 3 );
ha->highlightQuads().append( q );
ann = ha;
delete selection;
selection = 0;
// safety check
if ( !ann )
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >();
// set common attributes
ann->style().setColor( m_annotElement.hasAttribute( "color" ) ?
m_annotElement.attribute( "color" ) : m_engineColor );
if ( m_annotElement.hasAttribute( "opacity" ) )
ann->style().setOpacity( m_annotElement.attribute( "opacity", "1.0" ).toDouble() );
// return annotations
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >() << ann;
// data
PageView * m_pageView;
// TODO: support more pages
Okular::RegularAreaRect * selection;
Okular::NormalizedPoint lastPoint;
QRect rect;
/** PageViewAnnotator **/
PageViewAnnotator::PageViewAnnotator( PageView * parent, Okular::Document * storage )
: QObject( parent ), m_document( storage ), m_pageView( parent ),
m_toolBar( 0 ), m_engine( 0 ), m_textToolsEnabled( false ), m_toolsEnabled( false ),
m_continuousMode( false ), m_lastToolID( -1 ), m_lockedItem( 0 )
// load the tools from the 'xml tools definition' file. store the tree internally.
QFile infoFile( KStandardDirs::locate("data", "okular/tools.xml") );
if ( infoFile.exists() && infoFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
QDomDocument doc( "annotatingTools" );
if ( doc.setContent( &infoFile ) )
m_toolsDefinition = doc.elementsByTagName("annotatingTools").item( 0 ).toElement();
// create the AnnotationToolItems from the XML dom tree
QDomNode toolDescription = m_toolsDefinition.firstChild();
while ( toolDescription.isElement() )
QDomElement toolElement = toolDescription.toElement();
if ( toolElement.tagName() == "tool" )
AnnotationToolItem item;
item.id = toolElement.attribute("id").toInt();
item.text = i18n( toolElement.attribute( "name" ).toUtf8() );
item.pixmap = toolElement.attribute("pixmap");
QDomNode shortcutNode = toolElement.elementsByTagName( "shortcut" ).item( 0 );
if ( shortcutNode.isElement() )
item.shortcut = shortcutNode.toElement().text();
QDomNodeList engineNodeList = toolElement.elementsByTagName( "engine" );
if ( engineNodeList.size() > 0 )
QDomElement engineEl = engineNodeList.item( 0 ).toElement();
if ( !engineEl.isNull() && engineEl.hasAttribute( "type" ) )
item.isText = engineEl.attribute( "type" ) == QLatin1String( "TextSelector" );
m_items.push_back( item );
toolDescription = toolDescription.nextSibling();
kWarning() << "AnnotatingTools XML file seems to be damaged";
kWarning() << "Unable to open AnnotatingTools XML definition";
delete m_engine;
void PageViewAnnotator::setEnabled( bool on )
if ( !on )
// remove toolBar
if ( m_toolBar )
m_toolBar = 0;
// deactivate the active tool, if any
slotToolSelected( -1 );
// if no tools are defined, don't show the toolbar
if ( !m_toolsDefinition.hasChildNodes() )
// create toolBar
if ( !m_toolBar )
m_toolBar = new PageViewToolBar( m_pageView, m_pageView->viewport() );
m_toolBar->setSide( (PageViewToolBar::Side)Okular::Settings::editToolBarPlacement() );
m_toolBar->setItems( m_items );
m_toolBar->setToolsEnabled( m_toolsEnabled );
m_toolBar->setTextToolsEnabled( m_textToolsEnabled );
connect( m_toolBar, SIGNAL(toolSelected(int)),
this, SLOT(slotToolSelected(int)) );
connect( m_toolBar, SIGNAL(orientationChanged(int)),
this, SLOT(slotSaveToolbarOrientation(int)) );
connect( m_toolBar, SIGNAL(buttonDoubleClicked(int)),
this, SLOT(slotToolDoubleClicked(int)) );
// show the toolBar
void PageViewAnnotator::setTextToolsEnabled( bool enabled )
m_textToolsEnabled = enabled;
if ( m_toolBar )
m_toolBar->setTextToolsEnabled( m_textToolsEnabled );
void PageViewAnnotator::setToolsEnabled( bool enabled )
m_toolsEnabled = enabled;
if ( m_toolBar )
m_toolBar->setToolsEnabled( m_toolsEnabled );
bool PageViewAnnotator::routeEvents() const
return m_engine && m_toolBar;
QRect PageViewAnnotator::routeEvent( QMouseEvent * e, PageViewItem * item )
if ( !item ) return QRect();
AnnotatorEngine::EventType eventType;
AnnotatorEngine::Button button;
// figure out the event type and button
AnnotatorEngine::decodeEvent( e, &eventType, &button );
// if the right mouse button was pressed, we simply do nothing. In this way, we are still editing the annotation
// and so this function will receive and process the right mouse button release event too. If we detach now the annotation tool,
// the release event will be processed by the PageView class which would create the annotation property widget, and we do not want this.
if ( button == AnnotatorEngine::Right && eventType == AnnotatorEngine::Press )
return QRect();
else if ( button == AnnotatorEngine::Right && eventType == AnnotatorEngine::Release )
return QRect();
// find out normalized mouse coords inside current item
const QRect & itemRect = item->uncroppedGeometry();
const QPoint eventPos = m_pageView->contentAreaPoint( e->pos() );
double nX = item->absToPageX( eventPos.x() );
double nY = item->absToPageY( eventPos.y() );
QRect modifiedRect;
// 1. lock engine to current item
if ( m_lockedItem && item != m_lockedItem )
return QRect();
if ( !m_lockedItem && eventType == AnnotatorEngine::Press )
m_lockedItem = item;
m_engine->setItem( m_lockedItem );
// 2. use engine to perform operations
QRect paintRect = m_engine->event( eventType, button, nX, nY, itemRect.width(), itemRect.height(), item->page() );
// 3. update absolute extents rect and send paint event(s)
if ( paintRect.isValid() )
// 3.1. unite old and new painting regions
QRegion compoundRegion( m_lastDrawnRect );
m_lastDrawnRect = paintRect;
m_lastDrawnRect.translate( itemRect.left(), itemRect.top() );
// 3.2. decompose paint region in rects and send paint events
QVector<QRect> rects = compoundRegion.unite( m_lastDrawnRect ).rects();
const QPoint areaPos = m_pageView->contentAreaPosition();
for ( int i = 0; i < rects.count(); i++ )
m_pageView->viewport()->update( rects[i].translated( -areaPos ) );
modifiedRect = compoundRegion.boundingRect() | m_lastDrawnRect;
// 4. if engine has finished, apply Annotation to the page
if ( m_engine->creationCompleted() )
// apply engine data to the Annotation's and reset engine
QList< Okular::Annotation* > annotations = m_engine->end();
// attach the newly filled annotations to the page
foreach ( Okular::Annotation * annotation, annotations )
if ( !annotation ) continue;
annotation->setCreationDate( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
annotation->setModificationDate( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
annotation->setAuthor( Okular::Settings::identityAuthor() );
m_document->addPageAnnotation( m_lockedItem->pageNumber(), annotation );
if ( annotation->openDialogAfterCreation() )
m_pageView->openAnnotationWindow( annotation, item->pageNumber() );
if ( m_continuousMode )
slotToolSelected( m_lastToolID );
return modifiedRect;
bool PageViewAnnotator::routeKeyEvent( QKeyEvent * event )
if ( event->key() == Qt::Key_Escape )
return true;
return false;
bool PageViewAnnotator::routePaints( const QRect & wantedRect ) const
return m_engine && m_toolBar && wantedRect.intersects( m_lastDrawnRect ) && m_lockedItem;
void PageViewAnnotator::routePaint( QPainter * painter, const QRect & paintRect )
// if there's no locked item, then there's no decided place to draw on
if ( !m_lockedItem )
#ifndef NDEBUG
// [DEBUG] draw the paint region if enabled
if ( Okular::Settings::debugDrawAnnotationRect() )
painter->drawRect( paintRect );
// move painter to current itemGeometry rect
const QRect & itemRect = m_lockedItem->uncroppedGeometry();
painter->translate( itemRect.topLeft() );
// TODO: Clip annotation painting to cropped page.
// transform cliprect from absolute to item relative coords
QRect annotRect = paintRect.intersect( m_lastDrawnRect );
annotRect.translate( -itemRect.topLeft() );
// use current engine for painting (in virtual page coordinates)
m_engine->paint( painter, m_lockedItem->uncroppedWidth(), m_lockedItem->uncroppedHeight(), annotRect );
void PageViewAnnotator::slotToolSelected( int toolID )
// terminate any previous operation
if ( m_engine )
delete m_engine;
m_engine = 0;
m_lockedItem = 0;
if ( m_lastDrawnRect.isValid() )
m_pageView->viewport()->update( m_lastDrawnRect.translated( -m_pageView->contentAreaPosition() ) );
m_lastDrawnRect = QRect();
if ( toolID != m_lastToolID ) m_continuousMode = false;
// store current tool for later usage
m_lastToolID = toolID;
// handle tool deselection
if ( toolID == -1 )
m_pageView->displayMessage( QString() );
// for the selected tool create the Engine
QDomNode toolNode = m_toolsDefinition.firstChild();
while ( toolNode.isElement() )
QDomElement toolElement = toolNode.toElement();
toolNode = toolNode.nextSibling();
// only find out the element describing selected tool
if ( toolElement.tagName() != "tool" || toolElement.attribute("id").toInt() != toolID )
// parse tool properties
QDomNode toolSubNode = toolElement.firstChild();
while ( toolSubNode.isElement() )
QDomElement toolSubElement = toolSubNode.toElement();
toolSubNode = toolSubNode.nextSibling();
// create the AnnotatorEngine
if ( toolSubElement.tagName() == "engine" )
QString type = toolSubElement.attribute( "type" );
if ( type == "SmoothLine" )
m_engine = new SmoothPathEngine( toolSubElement );
else if ( type == "PickPoint" )
m_engine = new PickPointEngine( toolSubElement );
else if ( type == "PolyLine" )
m_engine = new PolyLineEngine( toolSubElement );
else if ( type == "TextSelector" )
m_engine = new TextSelectorEngine( toolSubElement, m_pageView );
kWarning().nospace() << "tools.xml: engine type:'" << type << "' is not defined!";
// display the tooltip
else if ( toolSubElement.tagName() == "tooltip" )
QString tip = toolSubElement.text();
if ( !tip.isEmpty() )
m_pageView->displayMessage( i18nc( "Annotation tool", tip.toUtf8() ), QString(), PageViewMessage::Annotation );
// consistancy warning
if ( !m_engine )
kWarning() << "tools.xml: couldn't find good engine description. check xml.";
// stop after parsing selected tool's node
void PageViewAnnotator::slotSaveToolbarOrientation( int side )
Okular::Settings::setEditToolBarPlacement( (int)side );
void PageViewAnnotator::slotToolDoubleClicked( int /*toolID*/ )
m_continuousMode = true;
void PageViewAnnotator::detachAnnotation()
m_toolBar->selectButton( -1 );
#include "pageviewannotator.moc"
/* kate: replace-tabs on; indent-width 4; */