2021-08-29 08:52:35 +00:00

342 lines
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// -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-brace-offset: 0; -*-
// Class: dviRenderer
// Class for rendering TeX DVI files.
// Part of KDVI- A previewer for TeX DVI files.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2006 Stefan Kebekus
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#ifndef _dvirenderer_h_
#define _dvirenderer_h_
#include "bigEndianByteReader.h"
//#include "documentRenderer.h"
#include "dviexport.h"
//#include "dvisourceeditor.h"
#include "anchor.h"
#include "dviPageInfo.h"
#include "fontpool.h"
#include "pageSize.h"
#include "prebookmark.h"
#include <QExplicitlySharedDataPointer>
#include <QHash>
#include <QMutex>
#include <QPolygon>
#include <QPrinter>
#include <QProgressDialog>
#include <QStack>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QUrl>
#include <QVector>
class Anchor;
class DocumentWidget;
class dvifile;
class dviRenderer;
class ghostscript_interface;
class QEventLoop;
class QProgressDialog;
class PreBookmark;
class TeXFontDefinition;
extern const int MFResolutions[];
class DVI_SourceFileAnchor
DVI_SourceFileAnchor(const QString &name, quint32 ln, quint32 pg, const Length _distance_from_top)
: fileName(name)
, line(ln)
, page(pg)
, distance_from_top(_distance_from_top)
QString fileName;
quint32 line;
quint32 page;
Length distance_from_top;
/** Compound of registers, as defined in section 2.6.2 of the DVI
driver standard, Level 0, published by the TUG DVI driver
standards committee. */
struct framedata {
long dvi_h;
long dvi_v;
long w;
long x;
long y;
long z;
int pxl_v;
/* this information is saved when using virtual fonts */
typedef void (dviRenderer::*set_char_proc)(unsigned int, unsigned int);
typedef void (dviRenderer::*parseSpecials)(char *, quint8 *);
struct drawinf {
struct framedata data;
TeXFontDefinition *fontp;
set_char_proc set_char_p;
QHash<int, TeXFontDefinition *> *fonttable;
TeXFontDefinition *_virtual;
class dviRenderer : public QObject /*: public DocumentRenderer*/, bigEndianByteReader
explicit dviRenderer(bool useFontHinting);
~dviRenderer() override;
virtual bool setFile(const QString &fname, const QUrl &base);
dvifile *dviFile;
virtual bool supportsTextSearch() const
return true;
bool showPS()
return _postscript;
int curr_page()
return current_page + 1;
virtual bool isValidFile(const QString &fileName) const;
/** This method will try to parse the reference part of the DVI
file's URL, (either a number, which is supposed to be a page
number, or src:\<line\>\<filename\>) and see if a corresponding
section of the DVI file can be found. If so, it returns an
anchor to that section. If not, it returns an invalid anchor. */
virtual Anchor parseReference(const QString &reference);
Anchor findAnchor(const QString &);
virtual PageNumber totalPages() const;
void setEventLoop(QEventLoop *el);
// These should not be public... only for the moment
void read_postamble();
void draw_part(double current_dimconv, bool is_vfmacro);
void set_vf_char(unsigned int cmd, unsigned int ch);
void set_char(unsigned int cmd, unsigned int ch);
void set_empty_char(unsigned int cmd, unsigned int ch);
void set_no_char(unsigned int cmd, unsigned int ch);
void applicationDoSpecial(char *cp);
void special(long nbytes);
void printErrorMsgForSpecials(const QString &msg);
void color_special(const QString &msg);
void html_href_special(const QString &msg);
void html_anchor_end();
void draw_page();
void export_finished(const DVIExport *);
// void editor_finished(const DVISourceEditor*);
QVector<PreBookmark> getPrebookmarks() const
return prebookmarks;
* The following three signals are modeleed on the corresponding signals
* of the Document class.
void error(const QString &message, int duration);
void warning(const QString &message, int duration);
void notice(const QString &message, int duration);
public Q_SLOTS:
void exportPS(const QString &fname = QString(), const QStringList &options = QStringList(), QPrinter *printer = nullptr, QPrinter::Orientation orientation = QPrinter::Portrait);
void exportPDF();
void handleSRCLink(const QString &linkText, const QPoint point, DocumentWidget *widget);
void embedPostScript();
virtual void drawPage(RenderedDocumentPagePixmap *page);
virtual void getText(RenderedDocumentPagePixmap *page);
SimplePageSize sizeOfPage(const PageNumber page);
const QVector<DVI_SourceFileAnchor> &sourceAnchors()
return sourceHyperLinkAnchors;
private Q_SLOTS:
/** This method shows a dialog that tells the user that source
information is present, and gives the opportunity to open the
manual and learn more about forward and inverse search */
// void showThatSourceInformationIsPresent();
friend class DVIExportToPS;
friend class DVIExport;
// friend class DVISourceEditor;
/** URL to the DVI file
This field is initialized by the setFile() method. See the
explanation there. */
QUrl baseURL;
/** This method parses a color specification of type "gray 0.5", "rgb
0.5 0.7 1.0", "hsb ...", "cmyk .." or "PineGreen". See the source
code for details. */
QColor parseColorSpecification(const QString &colorSpec);
/** This map contains the colors which are known by name. This field
is initialized in the method parseColorSpecification() as soon as
it is needed. */
QMap<QString, QColor> namedColors;
/** This method locates special PDF characters in a string and
replaces them by UTF8. See Section 3.2.3 of the PDF reference
guide for information */
QString PDFencodingToQString(const QString &pdfstring);
void setResolution(double resolution_in_DPI);
fontPool font_pool;
double resolutionInDPI;
// @@@ explanation
void prescan(parseSpecials specialParser);
void prescan_embedPS(char *cp, quint8 *);
void prescan_removePageSizeInfo(char *cp, quint8 *);
void prescan_parseSpecials(char *cp, quint8 *);
void prescan_ParsePapersizeSpecial(const QString &cp);
void prescan_ParseBackgroundSpecial(const QString &cp);
void prescan_ParseHTMLAnchorSpecial(const QString &cp);
void prescan_ParsePSHeaderSpecial(const QString &cp);
void prescan_ParsePSBangSpecial(const QString &cp);
void prescan_ParsePSQuoteSpecial(const QString &cp);
void prescan_ParsePSSpecial(const QString &cp);
void prescan_ParsePSFileSpecial(const QString &cp);
void prescan_ParseSourceSpecial(const QString &cp);
void prescan_setChar(unsigned int ch);
/* */
QVector<PreBookmark> prebookmarks;
/** Utility fields used by the embedPostScript method*/
QProgressDialog *embedPS_progress;
quint16 embedPS_numOfProgressedFiles;
/** Shrink factor. Units are not quite clear */
double shrinkfactor;
QString errorMsg;
/** Methods which handle certain special commands. */
void epsf_special(const QString &cp);
void source_special(const QString &cp);
/** TPIC specials */
void TPIC_setPen_special(const QString &cp);
void TPIC_addPath_special(const QString &cp);
void TPIC_flushPath_special();
// List of source-hyperlinks on all pages. This vector is generated
// when the DVI-file is first loaded, i.e. when draw_part is called
// with PostScriptOutPutString != NULL
QVector<DVI_SourceFileAnchor> sourceHyperLinkAnchors;
// If not NULL, the text currently drawn represents a source
// hyperlink to the (relative) URL given in the string;
QString *source_href;
// If not NULL, the text currently drawn represents a hyperlink to
// the (relative) URL given in the string;
QString *HTML_href;
QString editorCommand;
/** Stack for register compounds, used for the DVI-commands PUSH/POP
as explained in section 2.5 and 2.6.2 of the DVI driver standard,
Level 0, published by the TUG DVI driver standards committee. */
QStack<framedata> stack;
/** A stack where color are stored, according to the documentation of
QStack<QColor> colorStack;
/** The global color is to be used when the color stack is empty */
QColor globalColor;
/** If PostScriptOutPutFile is non-zero, then no rendering takes
place. Instead, the PostScript code which is generated by the
\special-commands is written to the PostScriptString */
QString *PostScriptOutPutString;
ghostscript_interface *PS_interface;
/** true, if gs should be used, otherwise, only bounding boxes are
drawn. */
bool _postscript;
/** This flag is used when rendering a dvi-page. It is set to "true"
when any dvi-command other than "set" or "put" series of commands
is encountered. This is considered to mark the end of a word. */
bool line_boundary_encountered;
bool word_boundary_encountered;
unsigned int current_page;
/** Data required for handling TPIC specials */
float penWidth_in_mInch;
QPolygon TPIC_path;
quint16 number_of_elements_in_path;
drawinf currinf;
RenderedDocumentPagePixmap *currentlyDrawnPage;
QMap<const DVIExport *, QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<DVIExport>> all_exports_;
// QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<DVISourceEditor> editor_;
/** Flag if document is modified
This flag indicates if the document was modified after it was
loaded. It is set to 'false' in the constructor, in the clear() and
setFile() method. It can be set to 'true' be methods that modify the
document (e.g. the deletePages() method of the djvu implementation
of this class).
bool _isModified;
QMutex mutex;
quint16 numPages;
// TODO: merge into dviPageInfo
QVector<SimplePageSize> pageSizes;
QMap<QString, Anchor> anchorList;
QEventLoop *m_eventLoop;
QPainter *foreGroundPainter;
// was the locateFonts method of font pool executed?
bool fontpoolLocateFontsDone;