Pino Toscano d6e7010942 Refactor a bit the way we load the generator libraries: hide the hash with the Generator completely into the Document, so the Document have the complete control over them.
Add fillConfigDialog() and supportedMimeTypes() to the Document, so the Part can get all the info it needs with no need to own the generator structure.
This also loads all the generators when asking for their config widget, but that can be improved easily now; furthermore, all the generators used to load documents are kept.

svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/okular/; revision=627909
2007-01-28 15:46:10 +00:00

1566 lines
52 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2002 by Wilco Greven <greven@kde.org> *
* Copyright (C) 2002 by Chris Cheney <ccheney@cheney.cx> *
* Copyright (C) 2002 by Malcolm Hunter <malcolm.hunter@gmx.co.uk> *
* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 by Christophe Devriese *
* <Christophe.Devriese@student.kuleuven.ac.be> *
* Copyright (C) 2003 by Daniel Molkentin <molkentin@kde.org> *
* Copyright (C) 2003 by Andy Goossens <andygoossens@telenet.be> *
* Copyright (C) 2003 by Dirk Mueller <mueller@kde.org> *
* Copyright (C) 2003 by Laurent Montel <montel@kde.org> *
* Copyright (C) 2004 by Dominique Devriese <devriese@kde.org> *
* Copyright (C) 2004 by Christoph Cullmann <crossfire@babylon2k.de> *
* Copyright (C) 2004 by Henrique Pinto <stampede@coltec.ufmg.br> *
* Copyright (C) 2004 by Waldo Bastian <bastian@kde.org> *
* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 by Albert Astals Cid <aacid@kde.org> *
* Copyright (C) 2004 by Antti Markus <antti.markus@starman.ee> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
// qt/kde includes
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qsplitter.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <kvbox.h>
#include <qtoolbox.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kactioncollection.h>
#include <kdirwatch.h>
#include <kinstance.h>
#include <kprinter.h>
#include <kstandardaction.h>
#include <kparts/genericfactory.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <kfind.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kfinddialog.h>
#include <knuminput.h>
#include <kio/netaccess.h>
#include <kmenu.h>
#include <kxmlguiclient.h>
#include <kxmlguifactory.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include <kservicetypetrader.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <ktemporaryfile.h>
#include <ktoggleaction.h>
#include <ktogglefullscreenaction.h>
#include <kio/job.h>
#include <kicon.h>
#include <kfilterdev.h>
// local includes
#include "part.h"
#include "ui/pageview.h"
#include "ui/toc.h"
#include "ui/searchwidget.h"
#include "ui/thumbnaillist.h"
#include "ui/side_reviews.h"
#include "ui/minibar.h"
#include "ui/newstuff.h"
#include "ui/embeddedfilesdialog.h"
#include "ui/propertiesdialog.h"
#include "ui/presentationwidget.h"
#include "ui/pagesizelabel.h"
#include "ui/bookmarklist.h"
#include "conf/preferencesdialog.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "core/bookmarkmanager.h"
#include "core/document.h"
#include "core/generator.h"
#include "core/page.h"
#include "interfaces/configinterface.h"
typedef KParts::GenericFactory<Part> okularPartFactory;
K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(libokularpart, okularPartFactory)
Part::Part(QWidget *parentWidget,
QObject *parent,
const QStringList & /*args*/ )
: KParts::ReadOnlyPart(parent),
m_showMenuBarAction(0), m_showFullScreenAction(0), m_actionsSearched(false),
m_searchStarted(false), m_cliPresentation(false)
QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/okular", this, QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSlots);
// connect the started signal to tell the job the mimetypes we like
connect(this, SIGNAL(started(KIO::Job *)), this, SLOT(setMimeTypes(KIO::Job *)));
// load catalog for translation
m_tempfile= 0L;
// create browser extension (for printing when embedded into browser)
m_bExtension = new BrowserExtension(this);
// we need an instance
// build the document
m_document = new Okular::Document();
connect( m_document, SIGNAL( linkFind() ), this, SLOT( slotFind() ) );
connect( m_document, SIGNAL( linkGoToPage() ), this, SLOT( slotGoToPage() ) );
connect( m_document, SIGNAL( linkPresentation() ), this, SLOT( slotShowPresentation() ) );
connect( m_document, SIGNAL( linkEndPresentation() ), this, SLOT( slotHidePresentation() ) );
connect( m_document, SIGNAL( openUrl(const KUrl &) ), this, SLOT( openUrlFromDocument(const KUrl &) ) );
connect( m_document->bookmarkManager(), SIGNAL( openUrl(const KUrl &) ), this, SLOT( openUrlFromBookmarks(const KUrl &) ) );
connect( m_document, SIGNAL( close() ), this, SLOT( close() ) );
if ( parent && parent->metaObject()->indexOfSlot( SLOT( slotQuit() ) ) != -1 )
connect( m_document, SIGNAL( quit() ), parent, SLOT( slotQuit() ) );
connect( m_document, SIGNAL( quit() ), this, SLOT( cannotQuit() ) );
// widgets: ^searchbar (toolbar containing label and SearchWidget)
// m_searchToolBar = new KToolBar( parentWidget, "searchBar" );
// m_searchToolBar->boxLayout()->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
// QLabel * sLabel = new QLabel( i18n( "&Search:" ), m_searchToolBar, "kde toolbar widget" );
// m_searchWidget = new SearchWidget( m_searchToolBar, m_document );
// sLabel->setBuddy( m_searchWidget );
// m_searchToolBar->setStretchableWidget( m_searchWidget );
// widgets: [] splitter []
m_splitter = new QSplitter( parentWidget );
m_splitter->setOpaqueResize( true );
m_splitter->setChildrenCollapsible( false );
setWidget( m_splitter );
// widgets: [left panel] | []
m_leftPanel = new QWidget( m_splitter );
m_leftPanel->setMinimumWidth( 90 );
m_leftPanel->setMaximumWidth( 300 );
QVBoxLayout * leftPanelLayout = new QVBoxLayout( m_leftPanel );
leftPanelLayout->setMargin( 0 );
m_splitter->setCollapsible( 0, true );
// widgets: [left toolbox/..] | []
m_toolBox = new QToolBox( m_leftPanel );
leftPanelLayout->addWidget( m_toolBox );
int tbIndex;
// [left toolbox: Table of Contents] | []
m_toc = new TOC( m_toolBox, m_document );
connect( m_toc, SIGNAL( hasTOC( bool ) ), this, SLOT( enableTOC( bool ) ) );
tbIndex = m_toolBox->addItem( m_toc, KIcon(QApplication::isLeftToRight() ? "leftjust" : "rightjust"), i18n("Contents") );
m_toolBox->setItemToolTip( tbIndex, i18n("Contents") );
enableTOC( false );
// [left toolbox: Thumbnails and Bookmarks] | []
KVBox * thumbsBox = new ThumbnailsBox( m_toolBox );
thumbsBox->setSpacing( 4 );
m_searchWidget = new SearchWidget( thumbsBox, m_document );
m_thumbnailList = new ThumbnailList( thumbsBox, m_document );
// ThumbnailController * m_tc = new ThumbnailController( thumbsBox, m_thumbnailList );
connect( m_thumbnailList, SIGNAL( urlDropped( const KUrl& ) ), SLOT( openUrlFromDocument( const KUrl & )) );
connect( m_thumbnailList, SIGNAL( rightClick(const Okular::Page *, const QPoint &) ), this, SLOT( slotShowMenu(const Okular::Page *, const QPoint &) ) );
tbIndex = m_toolBox->addItem( thumbsBox, KIcon("thumbnail"), i18n("Thumbnails") );
m_toolBox->setItemToolTip( tbIndex, i18n("Thumbnails") );
m_toolBox->setCurrentIndex( m_toolBox->indexOf( thumbsBox ) );
// [left toolbox: Reviews] | []
Reviews * reviewsWidget = new Reviews( m_toolBox, m_document );
m_toolBox->addItem( reviewsWidget, KIcon("pencil"), i18n("Reviews") );
// [left toolbox: Bookmarks] | []
BookmarkList * bookmarkList = new BookmarkList( m_document, m_toolBox );
connect( bookmarkList, SIGNAL( openUrl(const KUrl &) ), this, SLOT( openUrlFromDocument(const KUrl &) ) );
m_toolBox->addItem( bookmarkList, KIcon("bookmark"), i18n("Bookmarks") );
// widgets: [../miniBarContainer] | []
QWidget * miniBarContainer = new QWidget( m_leftPanel );
leftPanelLayout->addWidget( miniBarContainer );
QVBoxLayout * miniBarLayout = new QVBoxLayout( miniBarContainer );
miniBarLayout->setMargin( 0 );
// widgets: [../[spacer/..]] | []
miniBarLayout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 6, 6, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
// widgets: [../[../MiniBar]] | []
QFrame * bevelContainer = new QFrame( miniBarContainer );
bevelContainer->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken );
QVBoxLayout * bevelContainerLayout = new QVBoxLayout( bevelContainer );
bevelContainerLayout->setMargin( 4 );
m_progressWidget = new ProgressWidget( bevelContainer, m_document );
bevelContainerLayout->addWidget( m_progressWidget );
miniBarLayout->addWidget( bevelContainer );
miniBarLayout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 6, 6, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
// widgets: [] | [right 'pageView']
QWidget * rightContainer = new QWidget( m_splitter );
QVBoxLayout * rightLayout = new QVBoxLayout( rightContainer );
rightLayout->setMargin( 0 );
rightLayout->setSpacing( 0 );
// KToolBar * rtb = new KToolBar( rightContainer, "mainToolBarSS" );
// rightLayout->addWidget( rtb );
m_topMessage = new PageViewTopMessage( rightContainer );
connect( m_topMessage, SIGNAL( action() ), this, SLOT( slotShowEmbeddedFiles() ) );
rightLayout->addWidget( m_topMessage );
m_pageView = new PageView( rightContainer, m_document );
m_pageView->setFocus(); //usability setting
connect( m_pageView, SIGNAL( urlDropped( const KUrl& ) ), SLOT( openUrlFromDocument( const KUrl & )));
connect( m_pageView, SIGNAL( rightClick(const Okular::Page *, const QPoint &) ), this, SLOT( slotShowMenu(const Okular::Page *, const QPoint &) ) );
connect( m_document, SIGNAL( error( const QString&, int ) ), m_pageView, SLOT( errorMessage( const QString&, int ) ) );
connect( m_document, SIGNAL( warning( const QString&, int ) ), m_pageView, SLOT( warningMessage( const QString&, int ) ) );
connect( m_document, SIGNAL( notice( const QString&, int ) ), m_pageView, SLOT( noticeMessage( const QString&, int ) ) );
rightLayout->addWidget( m_pageView );
QWidget * bottomBar = new QWidget( rightContainer );
QHBoxLayout * bottomBarLayout = new QHBoxLayout( bottomBar );
m_pageSizeLabel = new PageSizeLabel( bottomBar, m_document );
bottomBarLayout->setMargin( 0 );
bottomBarLayout->setSpacing( 0 );
bottomBarLayout->addWidget( m_pageSizeLabel->antiWidget() );
bottomBarLayout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 5, 5, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) );
m_miniBar = new MiniBar( bottomBar, m_document );
bottomBarLayout->addWidget( m_miniBar );
bottomBarLayout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 5, 5, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) );
bottomBarLayout->addWidget( m_pageSizeLabel );
rightLayout->addWidget( bottomBar );
connect( reviewsWidget, SIGNAL( setAnnotationWindow( Okular::Annotation* ) ),
m_pageView, SLOT( setAnnotationWindow( Okular::Annotation* ) ) );
connect( reviewsWidget, SIGNAL( removeAnnotationWindow( Okular::Annotation* ) ),
m_pageView, SLOT( removeAnnotationWindow( Okular::Annotation* ) ) );
// add document observers
m_document->addObserver( this );
m_document->addObserver( m_thumbnailList );
m_document->addObserver( m_pageView );
m_document->addObserver( m_toc );
m_document->addObserver( m_miniBar );
m_document->addObserver( m_progressWidget );
m_document->addObserver( reviewsWidget );
m_document->addObserver( m_pageSizeLabel );
m_document->addObserver( bookmarkList );
KActionCollection * ac = actionCollection();
// Page Traversal actions
m_gotoPage = KStandardAction::gotoPage( this, SLOT( slotGoToPage() ), ac );
ac->addAction("goto_page", m_gotoPage);
m_gotoPage->setShortcut( QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_G) );
// dirty way to activate gotopage when pressing miniBar's button
connect( m_miniBar, SIGNAL( gotoPage() ), m_gotoPage, SLOT( trigger() ) );
m_prevPage = KStandardAction::prior(this, SLOT(slotPreviousPage()), ac);
ac->addAction("previous_page", m_prevPage);
m_prevPage->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Moves to the previous page of the document" ) );
m_prevPage->setShortcut( 0 );
// dirty way to activate prev page when pressing miniBar's button
connect( m_miniBar, SIGNAL( prevPage() ), m_prevPage, SLOT( trigger() ) );
connect( m_progressWidget, SIGNAL( prevPage() ), m_prevPage, SLOT( trigger() ) );
m_nextPage = KStandardAction::next(this, SLOT(slotNextPage()), ac );
ac->addAction("next_page", m_nextPage);
m_nextPage->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Moves to the next page of the document" ) );
m_nextPage->setShortcut( 0 );
// dirty way to activate next page when pressing miniBar's button
connect( m_miniBar, SIGNAL( nextPage() ), m_nextPage, SLOT( trigger() ) );
connect( m_progressWidget, SIGNAL( nextPage() ), m_nextPage, SLOT( trigger() ) );
m_firstPage = KStandardAction::firstPage( this, SLOT( slotGotoFirst() ), ac );
ac->addAction("first_page", m_firstPage);
m_firstPage->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Moves to the first page of the document" ) );
m_lastPage = KStandardAction::lastPage( this, SLOT( slotGotoLast() ), ac );
m_lastPage->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Moves to the last page of the document" ) );
m_historyBack = KStandardAction::back( this, SLOT( slotHistoryBack() ), ac );
m_historyBack->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Go to the place you were before" ) );
m_historyNext = KStandardAction::forward( this, SLOT( slotHistoryNext() ), ac);
m_historyNext->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Go to the place you were after" ) );
m_prevBookmark = ac->addAction("previous_bookmark");
m_prevBookmark->setText(i18n( "Previous Bookmark" ));
m_prevBookmark->setIcon(KIcon( "previous" ));
m_prevBookmark->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Go to the previous bookmarked page" ) );
connect( m_prevBookmark, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( slotPreviousBookmark() ) );
m_nextBookmark = ac->addAction("next_bookmark");
m_nextBookmark->setText(i18n( "Next Bookmark" ));
m_nextBookmark->setIcon(KIcon( "next" ));
m_nextBookmark->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Go to the next bookmarked page" ) );
connect( m_nextBookmark, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( slotNextBookmark() ) );
m_copy = KStandardAction::create( KStandardAction::Copy, m_pageView, SLOT( copyTextSelection() ), ac );
// Find and other actions
m_find = KStandardAction::find( this, SLOT( slotFind() ), ac );
ac->addAction("find", m_find);
m_find->setEnabled( false );
m_findNext = KStandardAction::findNext( this, SLOT( slotFindNext() ), ac);
m_findNext->setEnabled( false );
m_saveAs = KStandardAction::saveAs( this, SLOT( slotSaveFileAs() ), ac );
m_saveAs->setEnabled( false );
QAction * prefs = KStandardAction::preferences( this, SLOT( slotPreferences() ), ac);
ac->addAction("preferences", prefs);
if ( parent && ( parent->objectName() == QLatin1String( "okular::Shell" ) ) )
prefs->setText( i18n( "Configure okular..." ) );
// TODO: improve this message
prefs->setText( i18n( "Configure Viewer..." ) );
QAction * genPrefs = KStandardAction::preferences( this, SLOT( slotGeneratorPreferences() ), ac );
ac->addAction("generator_prefs", genPrefs);
genPrefs->setText( i18n( "Configure Backends..." ) );
QString constraint("([X-KDE-Priority] > 0) and (exist Library) and ([X-KDE-okularHasInternalSettings])") ;
KService::List gens = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("okular/Generator",constraint);
if (gens.count() <= 0)
genPrefs->setEnabled( false );
m_printPreview = KStandardAction::printPreview( this, SLOT( slotPrintPreview() ), ac );
m_printPreview->setEnabled( false );
m_showLeftPanel = ac->add<KToggleAction>("show_leftpanel");
m_showLeftPanel->setText(i18n( "Show &Navigation Panel"));
m_showLeftPanel->setIcon(KIcon( "show_side_panel" ));
connect( m_showLeftPanel, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( slotShowLeftPanel() ) );
m_showLeftPanel->setShortcut( QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_L) );
m_showLeftPanel->setCheckedState( KGuiItem(i18n( "Hide &Navigation Panel" ) ));
m_showLeftPanel->setChecked( Okular::Settings::showLeftPanel() );
QAction * importPS = ac->addAction("import_ps");
importPS->setText(i18n("&Import Postscript as PDF..."));
connect(importPS, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotImportPSFile()));
QAction * ghns = ac->addAction("get_new_stuff");
ghns->setText(i18n("&Get Books From Internet..."));
connect(ghns, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotGetNewStuff()));
ghns->setShortcut( Qt::Key_G );
m_showProperties = ac->addAction("properties");
connect(m_showProperties, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotShowProperties()));
m_showProperties->setEnabled( false );
m_showEmbeddedFiles = ac->addAction("embedded_files");
m_showEmbeddedFiles->setText(i18n("&Embedded Files"));
connect(m_showEmbeddedFiles, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotShowEmbeddedFiles()));
m_showEmbeddedFiles->setEnabled( false );
m_showPresentation = ac->addAction("presentation");
m_showPresentation->setIcon(KIcon( "kpresenter_kpr" ));
connect(m_showPresentation, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotShowPresentation()));
m_showPresentation->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_P ) );
m_showPresentation->setEnabled( false );
m_exportAs = ac->addAction("file_export_as");
m_exportAs->setText(i18n("E&xport As"));
QMenu *menu = new QMenu(widget());
connect(menu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction *)), this, SLOT(slotExportAs(QAction *)));
m_exportAs->setMenu( menu );
m_exportAsText = menu->addAction( KIcon( "text" ), i18n( "Text..." ) );
m_exportAsText->setEnabled( false );
// attach the actions of the children widgets too
m_pageView->setupActions( ac );
// apply configuration (both internal settings and GUI configured items)
QList<int> splitterSizes = Okular::Settings::splitterSizes();
if ( !splitterSizes.count() )
// the first time use 1/10 for the panel and 9/10 for the pageView
splitterSizes.push_back( 50 );
splitterSizes.push_back( 500 );
m_splitter->setSizes( splitterSizes );
// get notified about splitter size changes
connect( m_splitter, SIGNAL( splitterMoved( int, int ) ), this, SLOT( splitterMoved( int, int ) ) );
// document watcher and reloader
m_watcher = new KDirWatch( this );
connect( m_watcher, SIGNAL( dirty( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( slotFileDirty( const QString& ) ) );
m_dirtyHandler = new QTimer( this );
m_dirtyHandler->setSingleShot( true );
connect( m_dirtyHandler, SIGNAL( timeout() ),this, SLOT( slotDoFileDirty() ) );
// [SPEECH] check for KTTSD presence and usability
KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("DBUS/Text-to-Speech", "Name == 'KTTSD'");
Okular::Settings::setUseKTTSD( !offers.isEmpty() );
rebuildBookmarkMenu( false );
// set our XML-UI resource file
delete m_toc;
delete m_pageView;
delete m_thumbnailList;
delete m_miniBar;
delete m_progressWidget;
delete m_pageSizeLabel;
delete m_document;
delete m_tempfile;
qDeleteAll( m_bookmarkActions );
bool Part::openDocument(const KUrl& url, uint page)
Okular::DocumentViewport vp( page - 1 );
if ( vp.isValid() )
m_document->setNextDocumentViewport( vp );
return openUrl( url );
void Part::startPresentation()
m_cliPresentation = true;
void Part::openUrlFromDocument(const KUrl &url)
void Part::openUrlFromBookmarks(const KUrl &_url)
KUrl url = _url;
Okular::DocumentViewport vp( _url.htmlRef() );
if ( vp.isValid() )
m_document->setNextDocumentViewport( vp );
url.setHTMLRef( QString() );
if ( m_document->currentDocument() == url )
if ( vp.isValid() )
m_document->setViewport( vp );
openUrl( url );
void Part::setMimeTypes(KIO::Job *job)
if (job)
QStringList supportedMimeTypes = m_document->supportedMimeTypes();
job->addMetaData("accept", supportedMimeTypes.join(", ") + ", */*;q=0.5");
connect(job, SIGNAL(mimetype(KIO::Job*,const QString&)), this, SLOT(readMimeType(KIO::Job*,const QString&)));
void Part::readMimeType(KIO::Job *, const QString &mime)
m_jobMime = mime;
void Part::slotGeneratorPreferences( )
// an instance the dialog could be already created and could be cached,
// in which case you want to display the cached dialog
if ( KConfigDialog::showDialog( "generator_prefs" ) )
// we didn't find an instance of this dialog, so lets create it
KConfigDialog * dialog = new KConfigDialog( m_pageView, "generator_prefs", Okular::Settings::self() );
dialog->setCaption( i18n( "Configure Backends" ) );
m_document->fillConfigDialog( dialog );
// (for now don't FIXME) keep us informed when the user changes settings
// connect( dialog, SIGNAL( settingsChanged() ), this, SLOT( slotNewConfig() ) );
void Part::notifySetup( const QVector< Okular::Page * > & /*pages*/, bool documentChanged )
if ( !documentChanged )
void Part::notifyViewportChanged( bool /*smoothMove*/ )
// update actions if the page is changed
static int lastPage = -1;
int viewportPage = m_document->viewport().pageNumber;
if ( viewportPage != lastPage )
lastPage = viewportPage;
void Part::notifyPageChanged( int /*page*/, int flags )
if ( !(flags & Okular::DocumentObserver::Bookmark ) )
void Part::goToPage(uint i)
if ( i <= m_document->pages() )
m_document->setViewportPage( i - 1 );
void Part::openDocument(KUrl doc)
uint Part::pages()
return m_document->pages();
uint Part::currentPage()
return m_document->pages() ? m_document->currentPage() + 1 : 0;
KUrl Part::currentDocument()
return m_document->currentDocument();
//this don't go anywhere but is required by genericfactory.h
KAboutData* Part::createAboutData()
// the non-i18n name here must be the same as the directory in
// which the part's rc file is installed ('partrcdir' in the
// Makefile)
KAboutData* aboutData = new KAboutData("okularpart", I18N_NOOP("okular::Part"), "0.1");
aboutData->addAuthor("Wilco Greven", 0, "greven@kde.org");
return aboutData;
bool Part::slotImportPSFile()
QString app = KStandardDirs::findExe( "ps2pdf" );
if ( app.isEmpty() )
// TODO point the user to their distro packages?
KMessageBox::error( widget(), i18n( "The program \"ps2pdf\" was not found, so okular can not import PS files using it." ), i18n("ps2pdf not found") );
return false;
KUrl url = KFileDialog::getOpenUrl( KUrl(), "application/postscript", this->widget() );
if ( url.isLocalFile() )
KTemporaryFile tf;
tf.setSuffix( ".pdf" );
tf.setAutoRemove( false );
if ( !tf.open() )
return false;
m_temporaryLocalFile = tf.fileName();
m_file = url.path();
KProcess *p = new KProcess;
*p << app;
*p << m_file << m_temporaryLocalFile;
m_pageView->displayMessage(i18n("Importing PS file as PDF (this may take a while)..."));
connect(p, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess *)), this, SLOT(psTransformEnded()));
p -> start();
return true;
return false;
bool Part::openFile()
KMimeType::Ptr mime;
if ( m_bExtension->urlArgs().serviceType.isEmpty() )
if (!m_jobMime.isEmpty())
mime = KMimeType::mimeType(m_jobMime);
if ( !mime )
mime = KMimeType::findByPath( m_file );
mime = KMimeType::findByPath( m_file );
mime = KMimeType::mimeType( m_bExtension->urlArgs().serviceType );
bool ok = m_document->openDocument( m_file, url(), mime );
bool canSearch = m_document->supportsSearching();
// update one-time actions
m_find->setEnabled( ok && canSearch );
m_findNext->setEnabled( ok && canSearch );
m_saveAs->setEnabled( ok );
m_printPreview->setEnabled( ok );
m_showProperties->setEnabled( ok );
bool hasEmbeddedFiles = ok && m_document->embeddedFiles() && m_document->embeddedFiles()->count() > 0;
m_showEmbeddedFiles->setEnabled( hasEmbeddedFiles );
if ( hasEmbeddedFiles )
m_topMessage->display( i18n( "This document has embedded files. <a href=\"okular:/embeddedfiles\">Click here to see them</a> or go to File -> Embedded Files." ), KIcon( "attach" ) );
m_showPresentation->setEnabled( ok );
if ( ok )
m_exportFormats = m_document->exportFormats();
QList<Okular::ExportFormat>::ConstIterator it = m_exportFormats.constBegin();
QList<Okular::ExportFormat>::ConstIterator itEnd = m_exportFormats.constEnd();
QMenu *menu = m_exportAs->menu();
for ( ; it != itEnd; ++it )
const Okular::ExportFormat &format = *it;
if ( !format.icon().isNull() )
menu->addAction( format.icon(), format.description() );
menu->addAction( format.description() );
m_exportAsText->setEnabled( ok && m_document->canExportToText() );
// update viewing actions
if ( !ok )
// if can't open document, update windows so they display blank contents
return false;
// set the file to the fileWatcher
if ( !m_watcher->contains(m_file) )
// if the 'OpenTOC' flag is set, start presentation
if ( m_document->metaData( "OpenTOC" ).toBool() && m_toolBox->isItemEnabled( 0 ) )
m_toolBox->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
// if the 'StartFullScreen' flag is set, or the command line flag was
// specified, start presentation
if ( m_document->metaData( "StartFullScreen" ).toBool() || m_cliPresentation )
if ( !m_cliPresentation )
KMessageBox::information( m_presentationWidget, i18n("The document is going to be launched on presentation mode because the file requested it."), QString::null, "autoPresentationWarning" );
m_cliPresentation = false;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotShowPresentation", Qt::QueuedConnection);
/* if (m_document->getXMLFile() != QString::null)
m_document->setupGui( actionCollection(), m_toolBox );
return true;
bool Part::openUrl(const KUrl &url)
// note: this can be the right place to check the file for gz or bz2 extension
// if it matches then: download it (if not local) extract to a temp file using
// KTar and proceed with the URL of the temporary file
const QString path = url.path();
const KMimeType::Ptr mimetype = KMimeType::findByPath( path );
bool isCompressedFile = false;
KUrl tempUrl;
if (( mimetype->name() == "application/x-gzip" )
|| ( mimetype->name() == "application/x-bzip2" )
|| ( mimetype->parentMimeType() == "application/x-gzip" )
|| ( mimetype->parentMimeType() == "application/x-bzip2" )
// this calls in sequence the 'closeUrl' and 'openFile' methods
bool openOk;
if ( !isCompressedFile )
openOk = KParts::ReadOnlyPart::openUrl(url);
else openOk = KParts::ReadOnlyPart::openUrl(tempUrl);
if ( openOk )
m_viewportDirty.pageNumber = -1;
// if the document have a 'DocumentTitle' flag set (and it is not empty), set it as title
QString title = m_document->metaData( "DocumentTitle" ).toString();
if ( !title.isEmpty() && !title.trimmed().isEmpty() )
emit setWindowCaption( title );
emit setWindowCaption( url.fileName() );
emit enablePrintAction(openOk);
return openOk;
bool Part::closeUrl()
if (!m_temporaryLocalFile.isNull())
QFile::remove( m_temporaryLocalFile );
m_find->setEnabled( false );
m_findNext->setEnabled( false );
m_saveAs->setEnabled( false );
m_printPreview->setEnabled( false );
m_showProperties->setEnabled( false );
m_showEmbeddedFiles->setEnabled( false );
m_exportAsText->setEnabled( false );
QMenu *menu = m_exportAs->menu();
QList<QAction*> acts = menu->actions();
int num = acts.count();
for ( int i = 1; i < num; ++i )
menu->removeAction( acts.at(i) );
delete acts.at(i);
m_showPresentation->setEnabled( false );
emit setWindowCaption("");
emit enablePrintAction(false);
m_searchStarted = false;
if (!m_file.isEmpty()) m_watcher->removeFile(m_file);
return KParts::ReadOnlyPart::closeUrl();
void Part::close()
if (parent() && (parent()->objectName() == QLatin1String("okular::Shell")))
else KMessageBox::information( widget(), i18n( "This link points to a close document action that does not work when using the embedded viewer." ), QString::null, "warnNoCloseIfNotInOkular" );
void Part::cannotQuit()
KMessageBox::information( widget(), i18n( "This link points to a quit application action that does not work when using the embedded viewer." ), QString::null, "warnNoQuitIfNotInOkular" );
void Part::splitterMoved( int /*pos*/, int index )
// if pageView has been resized, save splitter sizes
if ( index == 1 )
void Part::slotShowLeftPanel()
bool showLeft = m_showLeftPanel->isChecked();
Okular::Settings::setShowLeftPanel( showLeft );
// show/hide left panel
m_leftPanel->setVisible( showLeft );
// this needs to be hidden explicitly to disable thumbnails gen
m_thumbnailList->setVisible( showLeft );
void Part::saveSplitterSize()
Okular::Settings::setSplitterSizes( m_splitter->sizes() );
void Part::slotFileDirty( const QString& fileName )
// The beauty of this is that each start cancels the previous one.
// This means that timeout() is only fired when there have
// no changes to the file for the last 750 milisecs.
// This ensures that we don't update on every other byte that gets
// written to the file.
if ( fileName == m_file )
m_dirtyHandler->start( 750 );
void Part::slotDoFileDirty()
// do the following the first time the file is reloaded
if ( m_viewportDirty.pageNumber == -1 )
// store the current viewport
m_viewportDirty = m_document->viewport();
// store if presentation view was open
m_wasPresentationOpen = ((PresentationWidget*)m_presentationWidget != 0);
// inform the user about the operation in progress
m_pageView->displayMessage( i18n("Reloading the document...") );
// close and (try to) reopen the document
if ( KParts::ReadOnlyPart::openUrl(m_file) )
// on successful opening, restore the previous viewport
if ( m_viewportDirty.pageNumber >= (int) m_document->pages() )
m_viewportDirty.pageNumber = (int) m_document->pages() - 1;
m_document->setViewport( m_viewportDirty );
m_viewportDirty.pageNumber = -1;
if (m_wasPresentationOpen) slotShowPresentation();
emit enablePrintAction(true);
// start watching the file again (since we dropped it on close)
m_dirtyHandler->start( 750 );
void Part::updateViewActions()
bool opened = m_document->pages() > 0;
if ( opened )
bool atBegin = m_document->currentPage() < 1;
bool atEnd = m_document->currentPage() >= (m_document->pages() - 1);
m_gotoPage->setEnabled( m_document->pages() > 1 );
m_firstPage->setEnabled( !atBegin );
m_prevPage->setEnabled( !atBegin );
m_lastPage->setEnabled( !atEnd );
m_nextPage->setEnabled( !atEnd );
m_historyBack->setEnabled( !m_document->historyAtBegin() );
m_historyNext->setEnabled( !m_document->historyAtEnd() );
m_gotoPage->setEnabled( false );
m_firstPage->setEnabled( false );
m_lastPage->setEnabled( false );
m_prevPage->setEnabled( false );
m_nextPage->setEnabled( false );
m_historyBack->setEnabled( false );
m_historyNext->setEnabled( false );
void Part::enableTOC(bool enable)
m_toolBox->setItemEnabled(0, enable);
//BEGIN go to page dialog
class GotoPageDialog : public KDialog
GotoPageDialog(QWidget *p, int current, int max) : KDialog(p)
setCaption(i18n("Go to Page"));
setButtons(Ok | Cancel);
QWidget *w = new QWidget(this);
QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(w);
e1 = new KIntNumInput(current, w);
e1->setRange(1, max);
QLabel *label = new QLabel(i18n("&Page:"), w);
// A little bit extra space
int getPage() const
return e1->value();
KIntNumInput *e1;
//END go to page dialog
void Part::slotGoToPage()
GotoPageDialog pageDialog( m_pageView, m_document->currentPage() + 1, m_document->pages() );
if ( pageDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
m_document->setViewportPage( pageDialog.getPage() - 1 );
void Part::slotPreviousPage()
if ( m_document->isOpened() && !(m_document->currentPage() < 1) )
m_document->setViewportPage( m_document->currentPage() - 1 );
void Part::slotNextPage()
if ( m_document->isOpened() && m_document->currentPage() < (m_document->pages() - 1) )
m_document->setViewportPage( m_document->currentPage() + 1 );
void Part::slotGotoFirst()
if ( m_document->isOpened() )
m_document->setViewportPage( 0 );
void Part::slotGotoLast()
if ( m_document->isOpened() )
m_document->setViewportPage( m_document->pages() - 1 );
void Part::slotHistoryBack()
void Part::slotHistoryNext()
void Part::slotPreviousBookmark()
uint current = m_document->currentPage();
// we are at the first page
if ( current == 0 )
for ( int i = current - 1; i >= 0; --i )
if ( m_document->isBookmarked( i ) )
m_document->setViewportPage( i );
void Part::slotNextBookmark()
uint current = m_document->currentPage();
uint pages = m_document->pages();
// we are at the last page
if ( current == pages )
for ( uint i = current + 1; i < pages; ++i )
if ( m_document->isBookmarked( i ) )
m_document->setViewportPage( i );
void Part::slotFind()
KFindDialog dlg( widget() );
dlg.setHasCursor( false );
if ( !m_searchHistory.empty() )
dlg.setFindHistory( m_searchHistory );
dlg.setSupportsBackwardsFind( false );
dlg.setSupportsWholeWordsFind( false );
dlg.setSupportsRegularExpressionFind( false );
if ( dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
m_searchHistory = dlg.findHistory();
m_searchStarted = true;
m_document->resetSearch( PART_SEARCH_ID );
m_document->searchText( PART_SEARCH_ID, dlg.pattern(), false,
dlg.options() & KFind::CaseSensitive ? Qt::CaseSensitive : Qt::CaseInsensitive,
Okular::Document::NextMatch, true, qRgb( 255, 255, 64 ) );
void Part::slotFindNext()
if (!m_document->continueLastSearch())
void Part::slotSaveFileAs()
KUrl saveUrl = KFileDialog::getSaveUrl( url().isLocalFile() ? url().url() : url().fileName(), QString::null, widget() );
if ( saveUrl.isValid() && !saveUrl.isEmpty() )
if ( KIO::NetAccess::exists( saveUrl, false, widget() ) )
if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( widget(), i18n("A file named \"%1\" already exists. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?", saveUrl.fileName()), QString::null, KGuiItem(i18n("Overwrite"))) != KMessageBox::Continue)
if ( !KIO::NetAccess::file_copy( url(), saveUrl, -1, true ) )
KMessageBox::information( widget(), i18n("File could not be saved in '%1'. Try to save it to another location.", saveUrl.prettyUrl() ) );
void Part::slotGetNewStuff()
// show the modal dialog over pageview and execute it
NewStuffDialog * dialog = new NewStuffDialog( m_pageView );
connect ( dialog , SIGNAL ( loadItemClicked( const KUrl & ) ), this , SLOT ( openUrlFromDocument ( const KUrl & ) ) );
delete dialog;
void Part::slotPreferences()
// an instance the dialog could be already created and could be cached,
// in which case you want to display the cached dialog
if ( PreferencesDialog::showDialog( "preferences" ) )
// we didn't find an instance of this dialog, so lets create it
PreferencesDialog * dialog = new PreferencesDialog( m_pageView, Okular::Settings::self() );
// keep us informed when the user changes settings
connect( dialog, SIGNAL( settingsChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( slotNewConfig() ) );
void Part::slotNewConfig()
// Apply settings here. A good policy is to check wether the setting has
// changed before applying changes.
// Watch File
bool watchFile = Okular::Settings::watchFile();
if ( watchFile && m_watcher->isStopped() )
if ( !watchFile && !m_watcher->isStopped() )
bool showSearch = Okular::Settings::showSearchBar();
if ( !m_searchWidget->isHidden() != showSearch )
m_searchWidget->setVisible( showSearch );
// Main View (pageView)
// update document settings
// update TOC settings
if ( m_toolBox->isItemEnabled(0) )
// update ThumbnailList contents
if ( Okular::Settings::showLeftPanel() && !m_thumbnailList->isHidden() )
void Part::slotPrintPreview()
if (m_document->pages() == 0) return;
double width, height;
int landscape, portrait;
KPrinter printer;
const Okular::Page *page;
printer.setMinMax(1, m_document->pages());
printer.setPreviewOnly( true );
// if some pages are landscape and others are not the most common win as kprinter does
// not accept a per page setting
landscape = 0;
portrait = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < m_document->pages(); i++)
page = m_document->page(i);
width = page->width();
height = page->height();
if (page->orientation() == 90 || page->orientation() == 270) qSwap(width, height);
if (width > height) landscape++;
else portrait++;
if (landscape > portrait)
// printer.setOption("orientation-requested", "4");
void Part::slotShowMenu(const Okular::Page *page, const QPoint &point)
bool reallyShow = false;
if (!m_actionsSearched)
// the quest for options_show_menubar
KActionCollection *ac;
QAction *act;
if (factory())
QList<KXMLGUIClient*> clients(factory()->clients());
for(int i = 0 ; (!m_showMenuBarAction || !m_showFullScreenAction) && i < clients.size(); ++i)
ac = clients.at(i)->actionCollection();
// show_menubar
act = ac->action("options_show_menubar");
if (act && qobject_cast<KToggleAction*>(act))
m_showMenuBarAction = qobject_cast<KToggleAction*>(act);
// fullscreen
act = ac->action("fullscreen");
if (act && qobject_cast<KToggleFullScreenAction*>(act))
m_showFullScreenAction = qobject_cast<KToggleFullScreenAction*>(act);
m_actionsSearched = true;
KMenu *popup = new KMenu( widget() );
QAction *addBookmark = 0;
QAction *removeBookmark = 0;
QAction *fitPageWidth = 0;
if (page)
popup->addTitle( i18n( "Page %1", page->number() + 1 ) );
if ( m_document->isBookmarked( page->number() ) )
removeBookmark = popup->addAction( KIcon("bookmark"), i18n("Remove Bookmark") );
addBookmark = popup->addAction( KIcon("bookmark_add"), i18n("Add Bookmark") );
if ( m_pageView->canFitPageWidth() )
fitPageWidth = popup->addAction( KIcon("viewmagfit"), i18n("Fit Width") );
//popup->insertItem( SmallIcon("pencil"), i18n("Edit"), 3 );
//popup->setItemEnabled( 3, false );
popup->addAction( m_prevBookmark );
popup->addAction( m_nextBookmark );
reallyShow = true;
//Albert says: I have not ported this as i don't see it does anything
if ( d->mouseOnRect ) // and rect->objectType() == ObjectRect::Image ...
m_popup->insertItem( SmallIcon("filesave"), i18n("Save Image..."), 4 );
m_popup->setItemEnabled( 4, false );
if ((m_showMenuBarAction && !m_showMenuBarAction->isChecked()) || (m_showFullScreenAction && m_showFullScreenAction->isChecked()))
popup->addTitle( i18n( "Tools" ) );
if (m_showMenuBarAction && !m_showMenuBarAction->isChecked()) popup->addAction(m_showMenuBarAction);
if (m_showFullScreenAction && m_showFullScreenAction->isChecked()) popup->addAction(m_showFullScreenAction);
reallyShow = true;
if (reallyShow)
QAction *res = popup->exec(point);
if (res)
if (res == addBookmark) m_document->addBookmark( page->number() );
else if (res == removeBookmark) m_document->removeBookmark( page->number() );
else if (res == fitPageWidth) m_pageView->fitPageWidth( page->number() );
delete popup;
void Part::slotShowProperties()
PropertiesDialog *d = new PropertiesDialog(widget(), m_document);
delete d;
void Part::slotShowEmbeddedFiles()
EmbeddedFilesDialog *d = new EmbeddedFilesDialog(widget(), m_document);
delete d;
void Part::slotShowPresentation()
if ( !m_presentationWidget )
m_presentationWidget = new PresentationWidget( widget(), m_document );
m_presentationWidget->setupActions( actionCollection() );
void Part::slotHidePresentation()
if ( m_presentationWidget )
delete (PresentationWidget*) m_presentationWidget;
void Part::slotExportAs(QAction * act)
QList<QAction*> acts = m_exportAs->menu() ? m_exportAs->menu()->actions() : QList<QAction*>();
int id = acts.indexOf( act );
if ( ( id < 0 ) || ( id >= acts.count() ) )
QString filter = id == 0 ? "text/plain" : m_exportFormats.at( id - 1 ).mimeType()->name();
QString fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( url().isLocalFile() ? url().fileName() : QString::null, filter, widget() );
if ( !fileName.isEmpty() )
bool saved = id == 0 ? m_document->exportToText( fileName ) : m_document->exportTo( fileName, m_exportFormats.at( id - 1 ) );
if ( !saved )
KMessageBox::information( widget(), i18n("File could not be saved in '%1'. Try to save it to another location.", fileName ) );
void Part::slotPrint()
if (m_document->pages() == 0) return;
double width, height;
int landscape, portrait;
KPrinter printer;
const Okular::Page *page;
printer.setMinMax(1, m_document->pages());
// if some pages are landscape and others are not the most common win as kprinter does
// not accept a per page setting
landscape = 0;
portrait = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < m_document->pages(); i++)
page = m_document->page(i);
width = page->width();
height = page->height();
if (page->orientation() == 90 || page->orientation() == 270) qSwap(width, height);
if (width > height) landscape++;
else portrait++;
if (landscape > portrait) printer.setOrientation(KPrinter::Landscape);
// range detecting
QString range;
uint pages = m_document->pages();
int startId = -1;
int endId = -1;
for ( uint i = 0; i < pages; ++i )
if ( m_document->isBookmarked( i ) )
if ( startId < 0 )
startId = i;
if ( endId < 0 )
endId = startId;
else if ( startId >= 0 && endId >= 0 )
if ( !range.isEmpty() )
range += ',';
if ( endId - startId > 0 )
range += QString( "%1-%2" ).arg( startId + 1 ).arg( endId + 1 );
range += QString::number( startId + 1 );
startId = -1;
endId = -1;
if ( startId >= 0 && endId >= 0 )
if ( !range.isEmpty() )
range += ',';
if ( endId - startId > 0 )
range += QString( "%1-%2" ).arg( startId + 1 ).arg( endId + 1 );
range += QString::number( startId + 1 );
printer.setOption( "kde-range", range );
if ( m_document->canConfigurePrinter() )
KPrintDialogPage * w = m_document->printConfigurationWidget();
if ( w )
printer.addDialogPage( w );
if ( printer.setup( widget() ) )
doPrint( printer );
void Part::doPrint(KPrinter &printer)
if (!m_document->isAllowed(Okular::AllowPrint))
KMessageBox::error(widget(), i18n("Printing this document is not allowed."));
if (!m_document->print(printer))
KMessageBox::error(widget(), i18n("Could not print the document. Please report to bugs.kde.org"));
void Part::restoreDocument(KConfig* config)
KUrl url ( config->readPathEntry( "URL" ) );
if ( url.isValid() )
QString viewport = config->readEntry( "Viewport" );
if (!viewport.isEmpty()) m_document->setNextDocumentViewport( Okular::DocumentViewport( viewport ) );
openUrl( url );
void Part::saveDocumentRestoreInfo(KConfig* config)
config->writePathEntry( "URL", url().url() );
config->writeEntry( "Viewport", m_document->viewport().toString() );
void Part::psTransformEnded()
m_file = m_temporaryLocalFile;
bool Part::handleCompressed(KUrl & url, const QString &path, const KMimeType::Ptr mimetype)
// we are working with a compressed file, decompressing
// temporary file for decompressing
m_tempfile = new KTemporaryFile;
if ( !m_tempfile )
KMessageBox::error( 0,
i18n("<qt><strong>File Error!</strong> Could not create "
"temporary file.</qt>"));
return false;
if ( ! m_tempfile->open() )
KMessageBox::error( 0,
i18n("<qt><strong>File Error!</strong> Could not create temporary file "
delete m_tempfile;
return false;
// decompression filer
QIODevice* filterDev;
if (( mimetype->parentMimeType() == "application/x-gzip" ) ||
( mimetype->parentMimeType() == "application/x-bzip2" ))
filterDev = KFilterDev::deviceForFile(path, mimetype->parentMimeType());
filterDev = KFilterDev::deviceForFile(path);
if (!filterDev)
delete m_tempfile;
return false;
if ( !filterDev->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) )
KMessageBox::detailedError( 0,
i18n("<qt><strong>File Error!</strong> Could not open the file "
"<nobr><strong>%1</strong></nobr> for uncompression. "
"The file will not be loaded.</qt>", path),
i18n("<qt>This error typically occurs if you do "
"not have enough permissions to read the file. "
"You can check ownership and permissions if you "
"right-click on the file in the Konqueror "
"file manager and then choose the 'Properties' menu.</qt>"));
delete filterDev;
delete m_tempfile;
return false;
QByteArray buf(1024, '\0');
int read = 0, wrtn = 0;
while ((read = filterDev->read(buf.data(), buf.size())) > 0)
wrtn = m_tempfile->write(buf.data(), read);
if ( read != wrtn )
delete filterDev;
if ((read != 0) || (m_tempfile->size() == 0))
i18n("<qt><strong>File Error!</strong> Could not uncompress "
"the file <nobr><strong>%1</strong></nobr>. "
"The file will not be loaded.</qt>", path ),
i18n("<qt>This error typically occurs if the file is corrupt. "
"If you want to be sure, try to decompress the file manually "
"using command-line tools.</qt>"));
delete m_tempfile;
return false;
return true;
void Part::rebuildBookmarkMenu( bool unplugActions )
if ( unplugActions )
unplugActionList( "bookmarks_currentdocument" );
qDeleteAll( m_bookmarkActions );
KUrl u = m_document->currentDocument();
if ( u.isValid() )
m_bookmarkActions = m_document->bookmarkManager()->actionsForUrl( u );
if ( m_bookmarkActions.isEmpty() )
QAction * a = new QAction( 0 );
a->setText( i18n( "No Bookmarks" ) );
a->setEnabled( false );
m_bookmarkActions.append( a );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_bookmarkActions.count(); ++i )
actionCollection()->addAction( QString( "bookmark_action_%1" ).arg( i ), m_bookmarkActions.at(i) );
plugActionList( "bookmarks_currentdocument", m_bookmarkActions );
* BrowserExtension class
BrowserExtension::BrowserExtension(Part* parent)
: KParts::BrowserExtension( parent )
emit enableAction("print", true);
void BrowserExtension::print()
#include "part.moc"