Simone Gaiarin a33cb321df Improve layout of annotation configuration dialogs
The config dialog of each annotation tool is now a form layout without group boxes. Everything is aligned.

Reviewers: #okular, #vdg, ngraham, aacid

Reviewed By: #okular, #vdg, ngraham, aacid

Subscribers: sander, davidhurka, aacid, okular-devel, knambiar, ngraham

Tags: #okular

Maniphest Tasks: T8076

Differential Revision: https://phabricator.kde.org/D10859
2019-06-24 07:36:21 +02:00

840 lines
30 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2006 by Pino Toscano <pino@kde.org> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include "annotationwidgets.h"
// qt/kde includes
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qgroupbox.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qspinbox.h>
#include <qvariant.h>
#include <kcolorbutton.h>
#include <kcombobox.h>
#include <kfontrequester.h>
#include <QIcon>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QList>
#include <QMimeDatabase>
#include <QPair>
#include <QSize>
#include <KFormat>
#include <QFormLayout>
#include "core/document.h"
#include "guiutils.h"
#include "pagepainter.h"
PixmapPreviewSelector::PixmapPreviewSelector( QWidget * parent )
: QWidget( parent )
QHBoxLayout * mainlay = new QHBoxLayout( this );
mainlay->setMargin( 0 );
m_comboItems = new KComboBox( this );
mainlay->addWidget( m_comboItems );
mainlay->setAlignment( m_comboItems, Qt::AlignTop );
m_iconLabel = new QLabel( this );
mainlay->addWidget( m_iconLabel );
m_iconLabel->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
m_iconLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
m_iconLabel->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel );
setPreviewSize( 32 );
setFocusPolicy( Qt::TabFocus );
setFocusProxy( m_comboItems );
connect( m_comboItems, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(iconComboChanged(QString)) );
connect( m_comboItems, &QComboBox::editTextChanged, this, &PixmapPreviewSelector::iconComboChanged );
void PixmapPreviewSelector::setIcon( const QString& icon )
int id = m_comboItems->findData( QVariant( icon ), Qt::UserRole, Qt::MatchFixedString );
if ( id == -1 )
id = m_comboItems->findText( icon, Qt::MatchFixedString );
if ( id > -1 )
m_comboItems->setCurrentIndex( id );
else if ( m_comboItems->isEditable() )
m_comboItems->addItem( icon, QVariant( icon ) );
m_comboItems->setCurrentIndex( m_comboItems->findText( icon, Qt::MatchFixedString ) );
QString PixmapPreviewSelector::icon() const
return m_icon;
void PixmapPreviewSelector::addItem( const QString& item, const QString& id )
m_comboItems->addItem( item, QVariant( id ) );
setIcon( m_icon );
void PixmapPreviewSelector::setPreviewSize( int size )
m_previewSize = size;
m_iconLabel->setFixedSize( m_previewSize + 8, m_previewSize + 8 );
iconComboChanged( m_icon );
int PixmapPreviewSelector::previewSize() const
return m_previewSize;
void PixmapPreviewSelector::setEditable( bool editable )
m_comboItems->setEditable( editable );
void PixmapPreviewSelector::iconComboChanged( const QString& icon )
int id = m_comboItems->findText( icon, Qt::MatchFixedString );
if ( id >= 0 )
m_icon = m_comboItems->itemData( id ).toString();
m_icon = icon;
QPixmap pixmap = GuiUtils::loadStamp( m_icon, QSize(), m_previewSize );
const QRect cr = m_iconLabel->contentsRect();
if ( pixmap.width() > cr.width() || pixmap.height() > cr.height() )
pixmap = pixmap.scaled( cr.size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation );
m_iconLabel->setPixmap( pixmap );
emit iconChanged( m_icon );
AnnotationWidget * AnnotationWidgetFactory::widgetFor( Okular::Annotation * ann )
switch ( ann->subType() )
case Okular::Annotation::AStamp:
return new StampAnnotationWidget( ann );
case Okular::Annotation::AText:
return new TextAnnotationWidget( ann );
case Okular::Annotation::ALine:
return new LineAnnotationWidget( ann );
case Okular::Annotation::AHighlight:
return new HighlightAnnotationWidget( ann );
case Okular::Annotation::AInk:
return new InkAnnotationWidget( ann );
case Okular::Annotation::AGeom:
return new GeomAnnotationWidget( ann );
case Okular::Annotation::AFileAttachment:
return new FileAttachmentAnnotationWidget( ann );
case Okular::Annotation::ACaret:
return new CaretAnnotationWidget( ann );
// shut up gcc
// cases not covered yet: return a generic widget
return new AnnotationWidget( ann );
AnnotationWidget::AnnotationWidget( Okular::Annotation * ann )
: m_ann( ann )
Okular::Annotation::SubType AnnotationWidget::annotationType() const
return m_ann->subType();
QWidget * AnnotationWidget::appearanceWidget()
if ( m_appearanceWidget )
return m_appearanceWidget;
m_appearanceWidget = createAppearanceWidget();
return m_appearanceWidget;
QWidget * AnnotationWidget::extraWidget()
if ( m_extraWidget )
return m_extraWidget;
m_extraWidget = createExtraWidget();
return m_extraWidget;
void AnnotationWidget::applyChanges()
if (m_colorBn)
m_ann->style().setColor( m_colorBn->color() );
if (m_opacity)
m_ann->style().setOpacity( (double)m_opacity->value() / 100.0 );
QWidget * AnnotationWidget::createAppearanceWidget()
QWidget * widget = new QWidget();
QFormLayout * formlayout = new QFormLayout( widget );
formlayout->setLabelAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
formlayout->setFieldGrowthPolicy( QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow );
createStyleWidget( formlayout );
return widget;
void AnnotationWidget::createStyleWidget( QFormLayout * formlayout )
Q_UNUSED( formlayout );
void AnnotationWidget::addColorButton( QWidget * widget, QFormLayout * formlayout )
m_colorBn = new KColorButton( widget );
m_colorBn->setColor( m_ann->style().color() );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "&Color:" ), m_colorBn );
connect( m_colorBn, &KColorButton::changed, this, &AnnotationWidget::dataChanged );
void AnnotationWidget::addOpacitySpinBox( QWidget * widget, QFormLayout * formlayout )
m_opacity = new QSpinBox( widget );
m_opacity->setRange( 0, 100 );
m_opacity->setValue( (int)( m_ann->style().opacity() * 100 ) );
m_opacity->setSuffix( i18nc( "Suffix for the opacity level, eg '80 %'", " %" ) );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "&Opacity:" ), m_opacity);
connect( m_opacity, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SIGNAL(dataChanged()) );
void AnnotationWidget::addVerticalSpacer( QFormLayout * formlayout )
formlayout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 0, 5, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed ) );
QWidget * AnnotationWidget::createExtraWidget()
return nullptr;
TextAnnotationWidget::TextAnnotationWidget( Okular::Annotation * ann )
: AnnotationWidget( ann )
m_textAnn = static_cast< Okular::TextAnnotation * >( ann );
void TextAnnotationWidget::createStyleWidget( QFormLayout * formlayout )
QWidget * widget = qobject_cast<QWidget *>( formlayout->parent() );
if ( m_textAnn->textType() == Okular::TextAnnotation::Linked )
createPopupNoteStyleUi( widget, formlayout );
else if ( m_textAnn->textType() == Okular::TextAnnotation::InPlace )
if ( isTypewriter() )
createTypewriterStyleUi( widget, formlayout );
createInlineNoteStyleUi( widget, formlayout );
void TextAnnotationWidget::applyChanges()
if ( m_textAnn->textType() == Okular::TextAnnotation::Linked )
Q_ASSERT( m_pixmapSelector );
m_textAnn->setTextIcon( m_pixmapSelector->icon() );
else if ( m_textAnn->textType() == Okular::TextAnnotation::InPlace )
Q_ASSERT( m_fontReq );
m_textAnn->setTextFont( m_fontReq->font() );
if ( !isTypewriter() )
Q_ASSERT( m_textAlign && m_spinWidth );
m_textAnn->setInplaceAlignment( m_textAlign->currentIndex() );
m_textAnn->style().setWidth( m_spinWidth->value() );
Q_ASSERT( m_textColorBn );
m_textAnn->setTextColor( m_textColorBn->color() );
void TextAnnotationWidget::createPopupNoteStyleUi( QWidget * widget, QFormLayout * formlayout ) {
addColorButton( widget, formlayout );
addOpacitySpinBox( widget, formlayout );
addVerticalSpacer( formlayout );
addPixmapSelector( widget, formlayout );
void TextAnnotationWidget::createInlineNoteStyleUi( QWidget * widget, QFormLayout * formlayout ) {
addColorButton( widget, formlayout );
addOpacitySpinBox( widget, formlayout );
addVerticalSpacer( formlayout );
addFontRequester( widget, formlayout );
addTextAlignComboBox( widget, formlayout );
addVerticalSpacer( formlayout );
addWidthSpinBox( widget, formlayout );
void TextAnnotationWidget::createTypewriterStyleUi( QWidget * widget, QFormLayout * formlayout ) {
addFontRequester( widget, formlayout );
addTextColorButton( widget, formlayout );
void TextAnnotationWidget::addPixmapSelector( QWidget * widget, QFormLayout * formlayout )
m_pixmapSelector = new PixmapPreviewSelector( widget );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "Icon:" ), m_pixmapSelector );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Comment" ), QStringLiteral("Comment") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Help" ), QStringLiteral("Help") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Insert" ), QStringLiteral("Insert") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Key" ), QStringLiteral("Key") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "New paragraph" ), QStringLiteral("NewParagraph") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Note" ), QStringLiteral("Note") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Paragraph" ), QStringLiteral("Paragraph") );
m_pixmapSelector->setIcon( m_textAnn->textIcon() );
connect( m_pixmapSelector, &PixmapPreviewSelector::iconChanged, this, &AnnotationWidget::dataChanged );
void TextAnnotationWidget::addFontRequester( QWidget * widget, QFormLayout * formlayout )
m_fontReq = new KFontRequester( widget );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "Font:" ), m_fontReq );
m_fontReq->setFont( m_textAnn->textFont() );
connect( m_fontReq, &KFontRequester::fontSelected, this, &AnnotationWidget::dataChanged );
void TextAnnotationWidget::addTextColorButton( QWidget * widget, QFormLayout * formlayout )
m_textColorBn = new KColorButton( widget );
m_textColorBn->setColor( m_textAnn->textColor() );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "Text &color:" ), m_textColorBn );
connect( m_textColorBn, &KColorButton::changed, this, &AnnotationWidget::dataChanged );
void TextAnnotationWidget::addTextAlignComboBox( QWidget * widget, QFormLayout * formlayout )
m_textAlign = new KComboBox( widget );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "&Align:" ), m_textAlign );
m_textAlign->addItem( i18n("Left") );
m_textAlign->addItem( i18n("Center") );
m_textAlign->addItem( i18n("Right") );
m_textAlign->setCurrentIndex( m_textAnn->inplaceAlignment() );
connect( m_textAlign, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SIGNAL(dataChanged()) );
void TextAnnotationWidget::addWidthSpinBox( QWidget * widget, QFormLayout * formlayout )
m_spinWidth = new QDoubleSpinBox( widget );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "Border &width:" ), m_spinWidth );
m_spinWidth->setRange( 0, 100 );
m_spinWidth->setValue( m_textAnn->style().width() );
m_spinWidth->setSingleStep( 0.1 );
connect( m_spinWidth, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SIGNAL(dataChanged()) );
StampAnnotationWidget::StampAnnotationWidget( Okular::Annotation * ann )
: AnnotationWidget( ann ), m_pixmapSelector( nullptr )
m_stampAnn = static_cast< Okular::StampAnnotation * >( ann );
void StampAnnotationWidget::createStyleWidget( QFormLayout * formlayout )
QWidget * widget = qobject_cast<QWidget *>( formlayout->parent() );
addOpacitySpinBox( widget, formlayout );
addVerticalSpacer( formlayout );
m_pixmapSelector = new PixmapPreviewSelector( widget );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "Stamp symbol:" ), m_pixmapSelector );
m_pixmapSelector->setEditable( true );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Okular" ), QStringLiteral("okular") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Bookmark" ), QStringLiteral("bookmarks") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "KDE" ), QStringLiteral("kde") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Information" ), QStringLiteral("help-about") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Approved" ), QStringLiteral("Approved") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "As Is" ), QStringLiteral("AsIs") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Confidential" ), QStringLiteral("Confidential") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Departmental" ), QStringLiteral("Departmental") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Draft" ), QStringLiteral("Draft") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Experimental" ), QStringLiteral("Experimental") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Expired" ), QStringLiteral("Expired") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Final" ), QStringLiteral("Final") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "For Comment" ), QStringLiteral("ForComment") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "For Public Release" ), QStringLiteral("ForPublicRelease") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Not Approved" ), QStringLiteral("NotApproved") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Not For Public Release" ), QStringLiteral("NotForPublicRelease") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Sold" ), QStringLiteral("Sold") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18n( "Top Secret" ), QStringLiteral("TopSecret") );
m_pixmapSelector->setIcon( m_stampAnn->stampIconName() );
m_pixmapSelector->setPreviewSize( 64 );
connect( m_pixmapSelector, &PixmapPreviewSelector::iconChanged, this, &AnnotationWidget::dataChanged );
void StampAnnotationWidget::applyChanges()
m_stampAnn->setStampIconName( m_pixmapSelector->icon() );
LineAnnotationWidget::LineAnnotationWidget( Okular::Annotation * ann )
: AnnotationWidget( ann )
m_lineAnn = static_cast< Okular::LineAnnotation * >( ann );
if ( m_lineAnn->linePoints().count() == 2 )
m_lineType = 0; // line
else if ( m_lineAnn->lineClosed() )
m_lineType = 1; // polygon
m_lineType = 2; // polyline
void LineAnnotationWidget::createStyleWidget( QFormLayout * formlayout )
QWidget * widget = qobject_cast<QWidget *>( formlayout->parent() );
addColorButton( widget, formlayout );
addOpacitySpinBox( widget, formlayout );
m_spinSize = new QDoubleSpinBox( widget );
m_spinSize->setRange( 1, 100 );
m_spinSize->setValue( m_lineAnn->style().width() );
connect( m_spinSize, QOverload<double>::of(&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged), this, &LineAnnotationWidget::dataChanged );
// Straight line
if ( m_lineType == 0 )
addVerticalSpacer( formlayout );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "&Width:" ), m_spinSize );
//Line Term Styles
addVerticalSpacer( formlayout );
m_startStyleCombo = new QComboBox( widget );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "Line start:" ), m_startStyleCombo);
m_endStyleCombo = new QComboBox( widget );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "Line end:" ), m_endStyleCombo);
//FIXME: Where does the tooltip goes??
const QList<QPair<Okular::LineAnnotation::TermStyle, QString>> termStyles
{ Okular::LineAnnotation::Square, i18n( "Square" ) },
{ Okular::LineAnnotation::Circle, i18n( "Circle" ) },
{ Okular::LineAnnotation::Diamond, i18n( "Diamond" ) },
{ Okular::LineAnnotation::OpenArrow, i18n( "Open Arrow" ) },
{ Okular::LineAnnotation::ClosedArrow, i18n( "Closed Arrow" ) },
{ Okular::LineAnnotation::None, i18n( "None" ) },
{ Okular::LineAnnotation::Butt, i18n( "Butt" ) },
{ Okular::LineAnnotation::ROpenArrow, i18n( "Right Open Arrow" ) },
{ Okular::LineAnnotation::RClosedArrow, i18n( "Right Closed Arrow" ) },
{ Okular::LineAnnotation::Slash, i18n( "Slash" ) }
for ( const auto &item: termStyles )
const QIcon icon = endStyleIcon( item.first, QGuiApplication::palette().color( QPalette::WindowText ) );
m_startStyleCombo->addItem( icon, item.second );
m_endStyleCombo->addItem( icon, item.second );
m_startStyleCombo->setCurrentIndex( m_lineAnn->lineStartStyle() );
m_endStyleCombo->setCurrentIndex( m_lineAnn->lineEndStyle() );
//Leaders lengths
addVerticalSpacer( formlayout );
m_spinLL = new QDoubleSpinBox( widget );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "Leader line length:" ), m_spinLL );
m_spinLLE = new QDoubleSpinBox( widget );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "Leader line extensions length:" ), m_spinLLE );
m_spinLL->setRange( -500, 500 );
m_spinLL->setValue( m_lineAnn->lineLeadingForwardPoint() );
m_spinLLE->setRange( 0, 500 );
m_spinLLE->setValue( m_lineAnn->lineLeadingBackwardPoint() );
connect( m_startStyleCombo, QOverload<int>::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &LineAnnotationWidget::dataChanged );
connect( m_endStyleCombo, QOverload<int>::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &LineAnnotationWidget::dataChanged );
connect( m_spinLL, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SIGNAL(dataChanged()) );
connect( m_spinLLE, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SIGNAL(dataChanged()) );
else if ( m_lineType == 1 ) // Polygon
QHBoxLayout * colorlay = new QHBoxLayout();
m_useColor = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Enabled" ), widget );
colorlay->addWidget( m_useColor );
m_innerColor = new KColorButton( widget );
colorlay->addWidget( m_innerColor);
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "Shape fill:" ), colorlay );
m_innerColor->setColor( m_lineAnn->lineInnerColor() );
if ( m_lineAnn->lineInnerColor().isValid() )
m_useColor->setChecked( true );
m_innerColor->setEnabled( false );
addVerticalSpacer( formlayout );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "&Width:" ), m_spinSize );
connect( m_innerColor, &KColorButton::changed, this, &AnnotationWidget::dataChanged );
connect( m_useColor, &QAbstractButton::toggled, this, &AnnotationWidget::dataChanged );
connect( m_useColor, &QCheckBox::toggled, m_innerColor, &KColorButton::setEnabled );
void LineAnnotationWidget::applyChanges()
if ( m_lineType == 0 )
Q_ASSERT(m_spinLL && m_spinLLE && m_startStyleCombo && m_endStyleCombo);
m_lineAnn->setLineLeadingForwardPoint( m_spinLL->value() );
m_lineAnn->setLineLeadingBackwardPoint( m_spinLLE->value() );
m_lineAnn->setLineStartStyle( (Okular::LineAnnotation::TermStyle)m_startStyleCombo->currentIndex() );
m_lineAnn->setLineEndStyle( (Okular::LineAnnotation::TermStyle)m_endStyleCombo->currentIndex() );
else if ( m_lineType == 1 )
Q_ASSERT( m_useColor && m_innerColor );
if ( !m_useColor->isChecked() )
m_lineAnn->setLineInnerColor( QColor() );
m_lineAnn->setLineInnerColor( m_innerColor->color() );
Q_ASSERT( m_spinSize );
m_lineAnn->style().setWidth( m_spinSize->value() );
QIcon LineAnnotationWidget::endStyleIcon( Okular::LineAnnotation::TermStyle endStyle, const QColor &lineColor ) {
const int iconSize { 48 };
QImage image { iconSize, iconSize, QImage::Format_ARGB32};
image.fill( qRgba(0, 0, 0, 0) );
Okular::LineAnnotation prototype;
prototype.setLinePoints( { { 0, 0.5 }, { 0.65, 0.5 } } );
prototype.setLineEndStyle( endStyle );
prototype.style().setWidth( 4 );
prototype.style().setColor( lineColor );
prototype.style().setLineStyle( Okular::Annotation::LineStyle::Solid );
prototype.setBoundingRectangle( { 0, 0, 1, 1 } );
LineAnnotPainter linepainter { &prototype, QSize { iconSize, iconSize }, 1, QTransform() };
linepainter.draw( image );
return QIcon( QPixmap::fromImage( image ) );
InkAnnotationWidget::InkAnnotationWidget( Okular::Annotation * ann )
: AnnotationWidget( ann )
m_inkAnn = static_cast< Okular::InkAnnotation * >( ann );
void InkAnnotationWidget::createStyleWidget( QFormLayout * formlayout )
QWidget * widget = qobject_cast<QWidget *>( formlayout->parent() );
addColorButton( widget, formlayout );
addOpacitySpinBox( widget, formlayout );
addVerticalSpacer( formlayout );
m_spinSize = new QDoubleSpinBox( widget );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "&Width:" ), m_spinSize );
m_spinSize->setRange( 1, 100 );
m_spinSize->setValue( m_inkAnn->style().width() );
connect( m_spinSize, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SIGNAL(dataChanged()) );
void InkAnnotationWidget::applyChanges()
m_inkAnn->style().setWidth( m_spinSize->value() );
HighlightAnnotationWidget::HighlightAnnotationWidget( Okular::Annotation * ann )
: AnnotationWidget( ann )
m_hlAnn = static_cast< Okular::HighlightAnnotation * >( ann );
void HighlightAnnotationWidget::createStyleWidget( QFormLayout * formlayout )
QWidget * widget = qobject_cast<QWidget *>( formlayout->parent() );
m_typeCombo = new KComboBox( widget );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "Type:" ), m_typeCombo );
m_typeCombo->addItem( i18n( "Highlight" ) );
m_typeCombo->addItem( i18n( "Squiggle" ) );
m_typeCombo->addItem( i18n( "Underline" ) );
m_typeCombo->addItem( i18n( "Strike out" ) );
m_typeCombo->setCurrentIndex( m_hlAnn->highlightType() );
addVerticalSpacer( formlayout );
addColorButton( widget, formlayout );
addOpacitySpinBox( widget, formlayout );
connect( m_typeCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SIGNAL(dataChanged()) );
void HighlightAnnotationWidget::applyChanges()
m_hlAnn->setHighlightType( (Okular::HighlightAnnotation::HighlightType)m_typeCombo->currentIndex() );
GeomAnnotationWidget::GeomAnnotationWidget( Okular::Annotation * ann )
: AnnotationWidget( ann )
m_geomAnn = static_cast< Okular::GeomAnnotation * >( ann );
void GeomAnnotationWidget::createStyleWidget( QFormLayout * formlayout )
QWidget * widget = qobject_cast<QWidget *>( formlayout->parent() );
m_typeCombo = new KComboBox( widget );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "Type:" ), m_typeCombo );
addVerticalSpacer( formlayout );
addColorButton( widget, formlayout );
addOpacitySpinBox( widget, formlayout );
QHBoxLayout * colorlay = new QHBoxLayout();
m_useColor = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Enabled" ), widget );
m_innerColor = new KColorButton( widget );
colorlay->addWidget( m_innerColor);
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "Shape fill:" ), colorlay );
addVerticalSpacer( formlayout );
m_spinSize = new QDoubleSpinBox( widget );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "&Width:" ), m_spinSize );
m_typeCombo->addItem( i18n( "Rectangle" ) );
m_typeCombo->addItem( i18n( "Ellipse" ) );
m_typeCombo->setCurrentIndex( m_geomAnn->geometricalType() );
m_innerColor->setColor( m_geomAnn->geometricalInnerColor() );
if ( m_geomAnn->geometricalInnerColor().isValid() )
m_useColor->setChecked( true );
m_innerColor->setEnabled( false );
m_spinSize->setRange( 0, 100 );
m_spinSize->setValue( m_geomAnn->style().width() );
connect( m_typeCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SIGNAL(dataChanged()) );
connect( m_innerColor, &KColorButton::changed, this, &AnnotationWidget::dataChanged );
connect( m_useColor, &QAbstractButton::toggled, this, &AnnotationWidget::dataChanged );
connect(m_useColor, &QCheckBox::toggled, m_innerColor, &KColorButton::setEnabled);
connect( m_spinSize, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SIGNAL(dataChanged()) );
void GeomAnnotationWidget::applyChanges()
m_geomAnn->setGeometricalType( (Okular::GeomAnnotation::GeomType)m_typeCombo->currentIndex() );
if ( !m_useColor->isChecked() )
m_geomAnn->setGeometricalInnerColor( QColor() );
m_geomAnn->setGeometricalInnerColor( m_innerColor->color() );
m_geomAnn->style().setWidth( m_spinSize->value() );
FileAttachmentAnnotationWidget::FileAttachmentAnnotationWidget( Okular::Annotation * ann )
: AnnotationWidget( ann ), m_pixmapSelector( nullptr )
m_attachAnn = static_cast< Okular::FileAttachmentAnnotation * >( ann );
void FileAttachmentAnnotationWidget::createStyleWidget( QFormLayout * formlayout )
QWidget * widget = qobject_cast<QWidget *>( formlayout->parent() );
addOpacitySpinBox( widget, formlayout );
m_pixmapSelector = new PixmapPreviewSelector( widget );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "File attachment symbol:" ), m_pixmapSelector );
m_pixmapSelector->setEditable( true );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18nc( "Symbol for file attachment annotations", "Graph" ), QStringLiteral("graph") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18nc( "Symbol for file attachment annotations", "Push Pin" ), QStringLiteral("pushpin") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18nc( "Symbol for file attachment annotations", "Paperclip" ), QStringLiteral("paperclip") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18nc( "Symbol for file attachment annotations", "Tag" ), QStringLiteral("tag") );
m_pixmapSelector->setIcon( m_attachAnn->fileIconName() );
connect( m_pixmapSelector, &PixmapPreviewSelector::iconChanged, this, &AnnotationWidget::dataChanged );
QWidget * FileAttachmentAnnotationWidget::createExtraWidget()
QWidget * widget = new QWidget();
widget->setWindowTitle( i18nc( "'File' as normal file, that can be opened, saved, etc..", "File" ) );
Okular::EmbeddedFile *ef = m_attachAnn->embeddedFile();
const int size = ef->size();
const QString sizeString = size <= 0 ? i18nc( "Not available size", "N/A" ) : KFormat().formatByteSize( size );
const QString descString = ef->description().isEmpty() ? i18n( "No description available." ) : ef->description();
QHBoxLayout * mainLay = new QHBoxLayout( widget );
QFormLayout * lay = new QFormLayout();
mainLay->addLayout( lay );
QLabel * tmplabel = new QLabel( ef->name() , widget );
tmplabel->setTextInteractionFlags( Qt::TextSelectableByMouse );
lay->addRow( i18n( "Name:" ), tmplabel );
tmplabel = new QLabel( sizeString, widget );
tmplabel->setTextInteractionFlags( Qt::TextSelectableByMouse );
lay->addRow( i18n( "&Width:" ), tmplabel );
tmplabel = new QLabel( widget );
tmplabel->setTextFormat( Qt::PlainText );
tmplabel->setWordWrap( true );
tmplabel->setText( descString );
tmplabel->setTextInteractionFlags( Qt::TextSelectableByMouse );
lay->addRow( i18n( "Description:" ), tmplabel );
QMimeDatabase db;
QMimeType mime = db.mimeTypeForFile( ef->name(), QMimeDatabase::MatchExtension);
if ( mime.isValid() )
tmplabel = new QLabel( widget );
tmplabel->setPixmap( QIcon::fromTheme( mime.iconName() ).pixmap( FILEATTACH_ICONSIZE, FILEATTACH_ICONSIZE ) );
QVBoxLayout * tmpLayout = new QVBoxLayout( widget );
tmpLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
mainLay->addLayout( tmpLayout );
tmpLayout->addWidget( tmplabel );
return widget;
void FileAttachmentAnnotationWidget::applyChanges()
m_attachAnn->setFileIconName( m_pixmapSelector->icon() );
static QString caretSymbolToIcon( Okular::CaretAnnotation::CaretSymbol symbol )
switch ( symbol )
case Okular::CaretAnnotation::None:
return QStringLiteral( "caret-none" );
case Okular::CaretAnnotation::P:
return QStringLiteral( "caret-p" );
return QString();
static Okular::CaretAnnotation::CaretSymbol caretSymbolFromIcon( const QString &icon )
if ( icon == QLatin1String( "caret-none" ) )
return Okular::CaretAnnotation::None;
else if ( icon == QLatin1String( "caret-p" ) )
return Okular::CaretAnnotation::P;
return Okular::CaretAnnotation::None;
CaretAnnotationWidget::CaretAnnotationWidget( Okular::Annotation * ann )
: AnnotationWidget( ann ), m_pixmapSelector( nullptr )
m_caretAnn = static_cast< Okular::CaretAnnotation * >( ann );
void CaretAnnotationWidget::createStyleWidget( QFormLayout * formlayout )
QWidget * widget = qobject_cast<QWidget *>( formlayout->parent() );
addColorButton( widget, formlayout );
addOpacitySpinBox( widget, formlayout );
m_pixmapSelector = new PixmapPreviewSelector( widget );
formlayout->addRow( i18n( "Caret symbol:" ), m_pixmapSelector );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18nc( "Symbol for caret annotations", "None" ), QStringLiteral("caret-none") );
m_pixmapSelector->addItem( i18nc( "Symbol for caret annotations", "P" ), QStringLiteral("caret-p") );
m_pixmapSelector->setIcon( caretSymbolToIcon( m_caretAnn->caretSymbol() ) );
connect( m_pixmapSelector, &PixmapPreviewSelector::iconChanged, this, &AnnotationWidget::dataChanged );
void CaretAnnotationWidget::applyChanges()
m_caretAnn->setCaretSymbol( caretSymbolFromIcon( m_pixmapSelector->icon() ) );
#include "moc_annotationwidgets.cpp"