Enrico Ros c5b694d02c Painter_AGG2:
Part from the *very C00L* AGG2 library (www.antigrain.com) are imported
  from the agg23 source package. The imported files provides antialiased
  rendering on bgra32 qimage memory buffers.
  See "kpdf/ui/painter_agg2/README.kpdf" for more info.
  Replaced my dear crappy scanline renderer (well, was the fastest btw :-)
  with agg2 based rendering code.
  Implemented HighlightAnnotation (HL, Underline, Strikeout and Squiggly)
  and InkAnnotation (simple one) rendering.
  Need a multiply-blending template algo for getting highlights to look
  as highlighs (not solid or transparent, like now).
  Updated to build the new library, set include paths and link it.

Here we go.

svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=405150
2005-04-12 20:44:26 +00:00

324 lines
11 KiB

// Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.3
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (http://www.antigrain.com)
// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
// Contact: mcseem@antigrain.com
// mcseemagg@yahoo.com
// http://www.antigrain.com
#include <string.h>
#include "agg_basics.h"
namespace agg
// Unpacked scanline container class
// This class is used to transfer data from a scanline rastyerizer
// to the rendering buffer. It's organized very simple. The class stores
// information of horizontal spans to render it into a pixel-map buffer.
// Each span has staring X, length, and an array of bytes that determine the
// cover-values for each pixel.
// Before using this class you should know the minimal and maximal pixel
// coordinates of your scanline. The protocol of using is:
// 1. reset(min_x, max_x)
// 2. add_cell() / add_span() - accumulate scanline.
// When forming one scanline the next X coordinate must be always greater
// than the last stored one, i.e. it works only with ordered coordinates.
// 3. Call finalize(y) and render the scanline.
// 3. Call reset_spans() to prepare for the new scanline.
// 4. Rendering:
// Scanline provides an iterator class that allows you to extract
// the spans and the cover values for each pixel. Be aware that clipping
// has not been done yet, so you should perform it yourself.
// Use scanline_u8::iterator to render spans:
// int y = sl.y(); // Y-coordinate of the scanline
// ************************************
// ...Perform vertical clipping here...
// ************************************
// scanline_u8::const_iterator span = sl.begin();
// unsigned char* row = m_rbuf->row(y); // The the address of the beginning
// // of the current row
// unsigned num_spans = sl.num_spans(); // Number of spans. It's guaranteed that
// // num_spans is always greater than 0.
// do
// {
// const scanline_u8::cover_type* covers =
// span->covers; // The array of the cover values
// int num_pix = span->len; // Number of pixels of the span.
// // Always greater than 0, still it's
// // better to use "int" instead of
// // "unsigned" because it's more
// // convenient for clipping
// int x = span->x;
// **************************************
// ...Perform horizontal clipping here...
// ...you have x, covers, and pix_count..
// **************************************
// unsigned char* dst = row + x; // Calculate the start address of the row.
// // In this case we assume a simple
// // grayscale image 1-byte per pixel.
// do
// {
// *dst++ = *covers++; // Hypotetical rendering.
// }
// while(--num_pix);
// ++span;
// }
// while(--num_spans); // num_spans cannot be 0, so this loop is quite safe
// The question is: why should we accumulate the whole scanline when we
// could render just separate spans when they're ready?
// That's because using the scaline is generally faster. When is consists
// of more than one span the conditions for the processor cash system
// are better, because switching between two different areas of memory
// (that can be very large) occures less frequently.
template<class T> class scanline_u
typedef T cover_type;
struct span
int16 x;
int16 len;
cover_type* covers;
typedef span* iterator;
typedef const span* const_iterator;
void reset(int min_x, int max_x);
void add_cell(int x, unsigned cover);
void add_cells(int x, unsigned len, const T* covers);
void add_span(int x, unsigned len, unsigned cover);
void finalize(int y) { m_y = y; }
void reset_spans();
int y() const { return m_y; }
unsigned num_spans() const { return unsigned(m_cur_span - m_spans); }
const_iterator begin() const { return m_spans + 1; }
iterator begin() { return m_spans + 1; }
scanline_u<T>(const scanline_u<T>&);
const scanline_u<T>& operator = (const scanline_u<T>&);
int m_min_x;
unsigned m_max_len;
int m_last_x;
int m_y;
cover_type* m_covers;
span* m_spans;
span* m_cur_span;
template<class T> scanline_u<T>::~scanline_u()
delete [] m_spans;
delete [] m_covers;
template<class T> scanline_u<T>::scanline_u() :
template<class T> void scanline_u<T>::reset(int min_x, int max_x)
unsigned max_len = max_x - min_x + 2;
if(max_len > m_max_len)
delete [] m_spans;
delete [] m_covers;
m_covers = new cover_type [max_len];
m_spans = new span [max_len];
m_max_len = max_len;
m_last_x = 0x7FFFFFF0;
m_min_x = min_x;
m_cur_span = m_spans;
template<class T> inline void scanline_u<T>::reset_spans()
m_last_x = 0x7FFFFFF0;
m_cur_span = m_spans;
template<class T> inline void scanline_u<T>::add_cell(int x, unsigned cover)
x -= m_min_x;
m_covers[x] = (unsigned char)cover;
if(x == m_last_x+1)
m_cur_span->x = (int16)(x + m_min_x);
m_cur_span->len = 1;
m_cur_span->covers = m_covers + x;
m_last_x = x;
template<class T> void scanline_u<T>::add_cells(int x, unsigned len, const T* covers)
x -= m_min_x;
memcpy(m_covers + x, covers, len * sizeof(T));
if(x == m_last_x+1)
m_cur_span->len += (int16)len;
m_cur_span->x = (int16)(x + m_min_x);
m_cur_span->len = (int16)len;
m_cur_span->covers = m_covers + x;
m_last_x = x + len - 1;
template<class T> void scanline_u<T>::add_span(int x, unsigned len, unsigned cover)
x -= m_min_x;
memset(m_covers + x, cover, len);
if(x == m_last_x+1)
m_cur_span->len += (int16)len;
m_cur_span->x = (int16)(x + m_min_x);
m_cur_span->len = (int16)len;
m_cur_span->covers = m_covers + x;
m_last_x = x + len - 1;
typedef scanline_u<int8u> scanline_u8;
typedef scanline_u<int16u> scanline_u16;
typedef scanline_u<int32u> scanline_u32;
// The scanline container with alpha-masking
template<class AlphaMask, class CoverT>
class scanline_am : public scanline_u<CoverT>
typedef AlphaMask alpha_mask_type;
typedef CoverT cover_type;
typedef scanline_u<CoverT> scanline_type;
scanline_am() : scanline_type(), m_alpha_mask(0) {}
scanline_am(const AlphaMask& am) : scanline_type(), m_alpha_mask(&am) {}
void finalize(int span_y)
typename scanline_type::iterator span = scanline_type::begin();
unsigned count = scanline_type::num_spans();
const AlphaMask* m_alpha_mask;
template<class AlphaMask>
class scanline_u8_am : public scanline_am<AlphaMask, int8u>
typedef AlphaMask alpha_mask_type;
typedef int8u cover_type;
typedef scanline_am<alpha_mask_type, cover_type> self_type;
scanline_u8_am() : self_type() {}
scanline_u8_am(const AlphaMask& am) : self_type(am) {}