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2020-07-11 09:17:33 +02:00

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* Copyright (C) 2004 by Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it> *
* Copyright (C) 2017 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group *
* company, info@kdab.com. Work sponsored by the *
* LiMux project of the city of Munich *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#ifndef _OKULAR_PAGE_H_
#define _OKULAR_PAGE_H_
#include <QLinkedList>
#include "area.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "okularcore_export.h"
#include "textpage.h"
class QPixmap;
class PagePainter;
namespace Okular
class Annotation;
class Document;
class DocumentObserver;
class DocumentPrivate;
class FormField;
class PagePrivate;
class PageTransition;
class SourceReference;
class TextSelection;
class Tile;
* @short Collector for all the data belonging to a page.
* The Page class contains pixmaps (referenced using observers id as key),
* a search page (a class used internally for retrieving text), rect classes
* (that describe links or other active areas in the current page) and more.
* All coordinates are normalized to the page, so {x,y} are valid in [0,1]
* range as long as NormalizedRect components.
* Note: The class takes ownership of all objects.
* An action to be executed when particular events happen.
enum PageAction {
Opening, ///< An action to be executed when the page is "opened".
Closing ///< An action to be executed when the page is "closed".
* Creates a new page.
* @param pageNumber The number of the page in the document.
* @param width The width of the page.
* @param height The height of the page.
* @param orientation The orientation of the page
Page(uint pageNumber, double width, double height, Rotation orientation);
* Destroys the page.
* Returns the number of the page in the document.
int number() const;
* Returns the orientation of the page as defined by the document.
Rotation orientation() const;
* Returns the rotation of the page as defined by the user.
Rotation rotation() const;
* Returns the total orientation which is the original orientation plus
* the user defined rotation.
Rotation totalOrientation() const;
* Returns the width of the page.
double width() const;
* Returns the height of the page.
double height() const;
* Returns the ration (height / width) of the page.
double ratio() const;
* Returns the bounding box of the page content in normalized [0,1] coordinates,
* in terms of the upright orientation (Rotation0).
* If it has not been computed yet, returns the full page (i.e., (0, 0, 1, 1)).
* Note that the bounding box may be null if the page is blank.
* @since 0.7 (KDE 4.1)
NormalizedRect boundingBox() const;
* Returns whether the bounding box of the page has been computed.
* Note that even if the bounding box is computed, it may be null if the page is blank.
* @since 0.7 (KDE 4.1)
bool isBoundingBoxKnown() const;
* Sets the bounding box of the page content in normalized [0,1] coordinates,
* in terms of the upright orientation (Rotation0).
* (This does not inform the document's observers, call Document::SetPageBoundingBox
* instead if you want that.)
* @since 0.7 (KDE 4.1)
void setBoundingBox(const NormalizedRect &bbox);
* Returns whether the page of size @p width x @p height has a @p pixmap
* in the region given by @p rect for the given @p observer
* If there is a partially rendered pixmap the answer is false.
bool hasPixmap(DocumentObserver *observer, int width = -1, int height = -1, const NormalizedRect &rect = NormalizedRect()) const;
* Returns whether the page provides a text page (@ref TextPage).
bool hasTextPage() const;
* Returns whether the page has an object rect which includes the point (@p x, @p y)
* at scale (@p xScale, @p yScale).
bool hasObjectRect(double x, double y, double xScale, double yScale) const;
* Returns whether the page provides highlighting for the observer with the
* given @p id.
bool hasHighlights(int id = -1) const;
* Returns whether the page provides a transition effect.
bool hasTransition() const;
* Returns whether the page provides annotations.
bool hasAnnotations() const;
* Returns the bounding rect of the text which matches the following criteria
* or 0 if the search is not successful.
* @param id An unique id for this search.
* @param text The search text.
* @param direction The direction of the search (@ref SearchDirection)
* @param caseSensitivity If Qt::CaseSensitive, the search is case sensitive; otherwise
* the search is case insensitive.
* @param lastRect If 0 (default) the search starts at the beginning of the page, otherwise
* right/below the coordinates of the given rect.
RegularAreaRect *findText(int id, const QString &text, SearchDirection direction, Qt::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity, const RegularAreaRect *lastRect = nullptr) const;
* Returns the page text (or part of it).
* @see TextPage::text()
QString text(const RegularAreaRect *area = nullptr) const;
* Returns the page text (or part of it).
* @see TextPage::text()
* @since 0.10 (KDE 4.4)
QString text(const RegularAreaRect *area, TextPage::TextAreaInclusionBehaviour b) const;
* Returns the page text (or part of it) including the bounding
* rectangles. Note that ownership of the contents of the returned
* list belongs to the caller.
* @see TextPage::words()
* @since 0.14 (KDE 4.8)
TextEntity::List words(const RegularAreaRect *area, TextPage::TextAreaInclusionBehaviour b) const;
* Returns the area and text of the word at the given point
* Note that ownership of the returned area belongs to the caller.
* @see TextPage::wordAt()
* @since 0.15 (KDE 4.9)
RegularAreaRect *wordAt(const NormalizedPoint &p, QString *word = nullptr) const;
* Returns the rectangular area of the given @p selection.
RegularAreaRect *textArea(TextSelection *selection) const;
* Returns the object rect of the given @p type which is at point (@p x, @p y) at scale (@p xScale, @p yScale).
const ObjectRect *objectRect(ObjectRect::ObjectType type, double x, double y, double xScale, double yScale) const;
* Returns all object rects of the given @p type which are at point (@p x, @p y) at scale (@p xScale, @p yScale).
* @since 0.16 (KDE 4.10)
QLinkedList<const ObjectRect *> objectRects(ObjectRect::ObjectType type, double x, double y, double xScale, double yScale) const;
* Returns the object rect of the given @p type which is nearest to the point (@p x, @p y) at scale (@p xScale, @p yScale).
* @since 0.8.2 (KDE 4.2.2)
const ObjectRect *nearestObjectRect(ObjectRect::ObjectType type, double x, double y, double xScale, double yScale, double *distance) const;
* Returns the transition effect of the page or 0 if no transition
* effect is set (see hasTransition()).
const PageTransition *transition() const;
* Returns the list of annotations of the page.
QLinkedList<Annotation *> annotations() const;
* Returns the annotation with the given unique name.
* @since 1.3
Annotation *annotation(const QString &uniqueName) const;
* Returns the @ref Action object which is associated with the given page @p action
* or 0 if no page action is set.
const Action *pageAction(PageAction action) const;
* Returns the list of FormField of the page.
QLinkedList<FormField *> formFields() const;
* Sets the region described by @p rect with @p pixmap for the
* given @p observer.
* If @p rect is not set (default) the @p pixmap is set to the entire
* page.
void setPixmap(DocumentObserver *observer, QPixmap *pixmap, const NormalizedRect &rect = NormalizedRect());
* Sets the @p text page.
void setTextPage(TextPage *text);
* Sets the list of object @p rects of the page.
void setObjectRects(const QLinkedList<ObjectRect *> &rects);
* Sets the list of source reference objects @p rects.
void setSourceReferences(const QLinkedList<SourceRefObjectRect *> &rects);
* Sets the duration of the page to @p seconds when displayed in presentation mode.
* Setting a negative number disables the duration.
void setDuration(double seconds);
* Returns the duration in seconds of the page when displayed in presentation mode.
* A negative number means that no time is set.
double duration() const;
* Sets the labels for the page to @p label .
void setLabel(const QString &label);
* Returns the label of the page, or a null string if not set.
QString label() const;
* Returns the current text selection.
const RegularAreaRect *textSelection() const;
* Returns the color of the current text selection, or an invalid color
* if no text selection has been set.
QColor textSelectionColor() const;
* Adds a new @p annotation to the page.
void addAnnotation(Annotation *annotation);
* Removes the @p annotation from the page.
bool removeAnnotation(Annotation *annotation);
* Sets the page @p transition effect.
void setTransition(PageTransition *transition);
* Sets the @p link object for the given page @p action.
void setPageAction(PageAction action, Action *link);
* Sets @p fields as list of FormField of the page.
void setFormFields(const QLinkedList<FormField *> &fields);
* Deletes the pixmap for the given @p observer
void deletePixmap(DocumentObserver *observer);
* Deletes all pixmaps of the page.
void deletePixmaps();
* Deletes all object rects of the page.
void deleteRects();
* Deletes all source reference objects of the page.
void deleteSourceReferences();
* Deletes all annotations of the page.
void deleteAnnotations();
* Returns whether pixmaps for the tiled observer are handled by a
* tile manager.
* @since 0.19 (KDE 4.13)
bool hasTilesManager(const DocumentObserver *observer) const;
* Returns a list of all tiles intersecting with @p rect.
* The list contains only tiles with a pixmap
* @since 0.19 (KDE 4.13)
QList<Tile> tilesAt(const DocumentObserver *observer, const NormalizedRect &rect) const;
PagePrivate *d;
/// @cond PRIVATE
friend class PagePrivate;
friend class Document;
friend class DocumentPrivate;
friend class PixmapRequestPrivate;
* To improve performance PagePainter accesses the following
* member variables directly.
friend class ::PagePainter;
/// @endcond
const QPixmap *_o_nearestPixmap(DocumentObserver *, int, int) const;
QLinkedList<ObjectRect *> m_rects;
QLinkedList<HighlightAreaRect *> m_highlights;
QLinkedList<Annotation *> m_annotations;