Enrico Ros c5b694d02c Painter_AGG2:
Part from the *very C00L* AGG2 library (www.antigrain.com) are imported
  from the agg23 source package. The imported files provides antialiased
  rendering on bgra32 qimage memory buffers.
  See "kpdf/ui/painter_agg2/README.kpdf" for more info.
  Replaced my dear crappy scanline renderer (well, was the fastest btw :-)
  with agg2 based rendering code.
  Implemented HighlightAnnotation (HL, Underline, Strikeout and Squiggly)
  and InkAnnotation (simple one) rendering.
  Need a multiply-blending template algo for getting highlights to look
  as highlighs (not solid or transparent, like now).
  Updated to build the new library, set include paths and link it.

Here we go.

svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=405150
2005-04-12 20:44:26 +00:00

345 lines
12 KiB

// Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.3
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (http://www.antigrain.com)
// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
// Contact: mcseem@antigrain.com
// mcseemagg@yahoo.com
// http://www.antigrain.com
// Affine transformation classes.
#include <math.h>
#include "agg_basics.h"
namespace agg
const double affine_epsilon = 1e-14; // About of precision of doubles
// See Implementation agg_trans_affine.cpp
// Affine transformation are linear transformations in Cartesian coordinates
// (strictly speaking not only in Cartesian, but for the beginning we will
// think so). They are rotation, scaling, translation and skewing.
// After any affine transformation a line segment remains a line segment
// and it will never become a curve.
// There will be no math about matrix calculations, since it has been
// described many times. Ask yourself a very simple question:
// "why do we need to understand and use some matrix stuff instead of just
// rotating, scaling and so on". The answers are:
// 1. Any combination of transformations can be done by only 4 multiplications
// and 4 additions in floating point.
// 2. One matrix transformation is equivalent to the number of consecutive
// discrete transformations, i.e. the matrix "accumulates" all transformations
// in the order of their settings. Suppose we have 4 transformations:
// * rotate by 30 degrees,
// * scale X to 2.0,
// * scale Y to 1.5,
// * move to (100, 100).
// The result will depend on the order of these transformations,
// and the advantage of matrix is that the sequence of discret calls:
// rotate(30), scaleX(2.0), scaleY(1.5), move(100,100)
// will have exactly the same result as the following matrix transformations:
// affine_matrix m;
// m *= rotate_matrix(30);
// m *= scaleX_matrix(2.0);
// m *= scaleY_matrix(1.5);
// m *= move_matrix(100,100);
// m.transform_my_point_at_last(x, y);
// What is the good of it? In real life we will set-up the matrix only once
// and then transform many points, let alone the convenience to set any
// combination of transformations.
// So, how to use it? Very easy - literally as it's shown above. Not quite,
// let us write a correct example:
// agg::trans_affine m;
// m *= agg::trans_affine_rotation(30.0 * 3.1415926 / 180.0);
// m *= agg::trans_affine_scaling(2.0, 1.5);
// m *= agg::trans_affine_translation(100.0, 100.0);
// m.transform(&x, &y);
// The affine matrix is all you need to perform any linear transformation,
// but all transformations have origin point (0,0). It means that we need to
// use 2 translations if we want to rotate someting around (100,100):
// m *= agg::trans_affine_translation(-100.0, -100.0); // move to (0,0)
// m *= agg::trans_affine_rotation(30.0 * 3.1415926 / 180.0); // rotate
// m *= agg::trans_affine_translation(100.0, 100.0); // move back to (100,100)
class trans_affine
//------------------------------------------ Construction
// Construct an identity matrix - it does not transform anything
trans_affine() :
m0(1.0), m1(0.0), m2(0.0), m3(1.0), m4(0.0), m5(0.0)
// Construct a custom matrix. Usually used in derived classes
trans_affine(double v0, double v1, double v2, double v3, double v4, double v5) :
m0(v0), m1(v1), m2(v2), m3(v3), m4(v4), m5(v5)
// Construct a matrix to transform a parallelogram to another one.
trans_affine(const double* rect, const double* parl)
parl_to_parl(rect, parl);
// Construct a matrix to transform a rectangle to a parallelogram.
trans_affine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2,
const double* parl)
rect_to_parl(x1, y1, x2, y2, parl);
// Construct a matrix to transform a parallelogram to a rectangle.
trans_affine(const double* parl,
double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
parl_to_rect(parl, x1, y1, x2, y2);
//---------------------------------- Parellelogram transformations
// Calculate a matrix to transform a parallelogram to another one.
// src and dst are pointers to arrays of three points
// (double[6], x,y,...) that identify three corners of the
// parallelograms assuming implicit fourth points.
// There are also transformations rectangtle to parallelogram and
// parellelogram to rectangle
const trans_affine& parl_to_parl(const double* src,
const double* dst);
const trans_affine& rect_to_parl(double x1, double y1,
double x2, double y2,
const double* parl);
const trans_affine& parl_to_rect(const double* parl,
double x1, double y1,
double x2, double y2);
//------------------------------------------ Operations
// Reset - actually load an identity matrix
const trans_affine& reset();
// Multiply matrix to another one
const trans_affine& multiply(const trans_affine& m);
// Multiply "m" to "this" and assign the result to "this"
const trans_affine& premultiply(const trans_affine& m);
// Invert matrix. Do not try to invert degenerate matrices,
// there's no check for validity. If you set scale to 0 and
// then try to invert matrix, expect unpredictable result.
const trans_affine& invert();
// Mirroring around X
const trans_affine& flip_x();
// Mirroring around Y
const trans_affine& flip_y();
//------------------------------------------- Load/Store
// Store matrix to an array [6] of double
void store_to(double* m) const
*m++ = m0; *m++ = m1; *m++ = m2; *m++ = m3; *m++ = m4; *m++ = m5;
// Load matrix from an array [6] of double
const trans_affine& load_from(const double* m)
m0 = *m++; m1 = *m++; m2 = *m++; m3 = *m++; m4 = *m++; m5 = *m++;
return *this;
//------------------------------------------- Operators
// Multiply current matrix to another one
const trans_affine& operator *= (const trans_affine& m)
return multiply(m);
// Multiply current matrix to another one and return
// the result in a separete matrix.
trans_affine operator * (const trans_affine& m)
return trans_affine(*this).multiply(m);
// Calculate and return the inverse matrix
trans_affine operator ~ () const
trans_affine ret = *this;
return ret.invert();
// Equal operator with default epsilon
bool operator == (const trans_affine& m) const
return is_equal(m, affine_epsilon);
// Not Equal operator with default epsilon
bool operator != (const trans_affine& m) const
return !is_equal(m, affine_epsilon);
//-------------------------------------------- Transformations
// Direct transformation x and y
void transform(double* x, double* y) const;
// Inverse transformation x and y. It works slower than the
// direct transformation, so if the performance is critical
// it's better to invert() the matrix and then use transform()
void inverse_transform(double* x, double* y) const;
//-------------------------------------------- Auxiliary
// Calculate the determinant of matrix
double determinant() const
return 1.0 / (m0 * m3 - m1 * m2);
// Get the average scale (by X and Y).
// Basically used to calculate the approximation_scale when
// decomposinting curves into line segments.
double scale() const;
// Check to see if it's an identity matrix
bool is_identity(double epsilon = affine_epsilon) const;
// Check to see if two matrices are equal
bool is_equal(const trans_affine& m, double epsilon = affine_epsilon) const;
// Determine the major parameters. Use carefully considering degenerate matrices
double rotation() const;
void translation(double* dx, double* dy) const;
void scaling(double* sx, double* sy) const;
void scaling_abs(double* sx, double* sy) const
*sx = sqrt(m0*m0 + m2*m2);
*sy = sqrt(m1*m1 + m3*m3);
double m0;
double m1;
double m2;
double m3;
double m4;
double m5;
inline void trans_affine::transform(double* x, double* y) const
register double tx = *x;
*x = tx * m0 + *y * m2 + m4;
*y = tx * m1 + *y * m3 + m5;
inline void trans_affine::inverse_transform(double* x, double* y) const
register double d = determinant();
register double a = (*x - m4) * d;
register double b = (*y - m5) * d;
*x = a * m3 - b * m2;
*y = b * m0 - a * m1;
inline double trans_affine::scale() const
double x = 0.707106781 * m0 + 0.707106781 * m2;
double y = 0.707106781 * m1 + 0.707106781 * m3;
return sqrt(x*x + y*y);
inline const trans_affine& trans_affine::premultiply(const trans_affine& m)
trans_affine t = m;
return *this = t.multiply(*this);
// Rotation matrix. sin() and cos() are calculated twice for the same angle.
// There's no harm because the performance of sin()/cos() is very good on all
// modern processors. Besides, this operation is not going to be invoked too
// often.
class trans_affine_rotation : public trans_affine
trans_affine_rotation(double a) :
trans_affine(cos(a), sin(a), -sin(a), cos(a), 0.0, 0.0)
// Scaling matrix. sx, sy - scale coefficients by X and Y respectively
class trans_affine_scaling : public trans_affine
trans_affine_scaling(double sx, double sy) :
trans_affine(sx, 0.0, 0.0, sy, 0.0, 0.0)
trans_affine_scaling(double s) :
trans_affine(s, 0.0, 0.0, s, 0.0, 0.0)
// Translation matrix
class trans_affine_translation : public trans_affine
trans_affine_translation(double tx, double ty) :
trans_affine(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, tx, ty)
// Sckewing (shear) matrix
class trans_affine_skewing : public trans_affine
trans_affine_skewing(double sx, double sy) :
trans_affine(1.0, tan(sy), tan(sx), 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)