Enrico Ros 952f500248 Intersect is true even if not proper.
svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=400289
2005-03-24 18:52:39 +00:00

500 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2004 by Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
// qt/kde includes
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qdom.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
// local includes
#include "page.h"
#include "pagetransition.h"
#include "link.h"
#include "annotations.h"
#include "conf/settings.h"
#include "xpdf/TextOutputDev.h"
// temp includes
#include <sys/time.h>
/** class KPDFPage **/
KPDFPage::KPDFPage( uint page, double w, double h, int r )
: m_number( page ), m_rotation( r ), m_width( w ), m_height( h ),
m_bookmarked( false ), m_text( 0 ), m_transition( 0 )
// if landscape swap width <-> height (rotate 90deg CCW)
if ( r == 90 || r == 270 )
m_width = h;
m_height = w;
// avoid Division-By-Zero problems in the program
if ( m_width <= 0 )
m_width = 1;
if ( m_height <= 0 )
m_height = 1;
delete m_text;
delete m_transition;
bool KPDFPage::hasPixmap( int id, int width, int height ) const
if ( !m_pixmaps.contains( id ) )
return false;
if ( width == -1 || height == -1 )
return true;
QPixmap * p = m_pixmaps[ id ];
return p ? ( p->width() == width && p->height() == height ) : false;
bool KPDFPage::hasSearchPage() const
return m_text != 0;
bool KPDFPage::hasBookmark() const
return m_bookmarked;
bool KPDFPage::hasObjectRect( double x, double y ) const
if ( m_rects.count() < 1 )
return false;
QValueList< ObjectRect * >::const_iterator it = m_rects.begin(), end = m_rects.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
if ( (*it)->contains( x, y ) )
return true;
return false;
bool KPDFPage::hasHighlights( int s_id ) const
// simple case: have no highlights
if ( m_highlights.isEmpty() )
return false;
// simple case: we have highlights and no id to match
if ( s_id == -1 )
return true;
// iterate on the highlights list to find an entry by id
QValueList< HighlightRect * >::const_iterator it = m_highlights.begin(), end = m_highlights.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
if ( (*it)->s_id == s_id )
return true;
return false;
bool KPDFPage::hasTransition() const
return m_transition != 0;
NormalizedRect * KPDFPage::findText( const QString & text, bool strictCase, NormalizedRect * lastRect ) const
if ( text.isEmpty() )
return 0;
// create a xpf's Unicode (unsigned int) array for the given text
const QChar * str = text.unicode();
int len = text.length();
QMemArray<Unicode> u(len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
u[i] = str[i].unicode();
// find out the direction of search
enum SearchDir { FromTop, NextMatch, PrevMatch } dir = lastRect ? NextMatch : FromTop;
double sLeft, sTop, sRight, sBottom;
if ( dir == NextMatch )
sLeft = lastRect->left * m_width;
sTop = lastRect->top * m_height;
sRight = lastRect->right * m_width;
sBottom = lastRect->bottom * m_height;
// this loop is only for 'bad case' matches
bool found = false;
while ( !found )
if ( dir == FromTop )
found = m_text->findText( const_cast<Unicode*>(static_cast<const Unicode*>(u)), len, gTrue, gTrue, gFalse, gFalse, &sLeft, &sTop, &sRight, &sBottom );
else if ( dir == NextMatch )
found = m_text->findText( const_cast<Unicode*>(static_cast<const Unicode*>(u)), len, gFalse, gTrue, gTrue, gFalse, &sLeft, &sTop, &sRight, &sBottom );
else if ( dir == PrevMatch )
// FIXME: this doesn't work as expected (luckily backward search isn't yet used)
found = m_text->findText( const_cast<Unicode*>(static_cast<const Unicode*>(u)), len, gTrue, gFalse, gFalse, gTrue, &sLeft, &sTop, &sRight, &sBottom );
// if not found (even in case unsensitive search), terminate
if ( !found )
// check for case sensitivity
if ( strictCase )
// since we're in 'Case sensitive' mode, check if words are identical
GString * realText = m_text->getText( sLeft, sTop, sRight, sBottom );
found = QString::fromUtf8( realText->getCString() ) == text;
if ( !found && dir == FromTop )
dir = NextMatch;
delete realText;
// if the page was found, return a new normalizedRect
if ( found )
return new NormalizedRect( sLeft / m_width, sTop / m_height, sRight / m_width, sBottom / m_height );
return 0;
const QString KPDFPage::getText( const NormalizedRect & rect ) const
if ( !m_text )
return QString::null;
int left = (int)( rect.left * m_width ),
top = (int)( rect.top * m_height ),
right = (int)( rect.right * m_width ),
bottom = (int)( rect.bottom * m_height );
GString * text = m_text->getText( left, top, right, bottom );
QString result = QString::fromUtf8( text->getCString() );
delete text;
return result;
const ObjectRect * KPDFPage::getObjectRect( double x, double y ) const
QValueList< ObjectRect * >::const_iterator it = m_rects.begin(), end = m_rects.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
if ( (*it)->contains( x, y ) )
return *it;
return 0;
const KPDFPageTransition * KPDFPage::getTransition() const
return m_transition;
void KPDFPage::setPixmap( int id, QPixmap * pixmap )
if ( m_pixmaps.contains( id ) )
delete m_pixmaps[id];
m_pixmaps[id] = pixmap;
void KPDFPage::setSearchPage( TextPage * tp )
delete m_text;
m_text = tp;
void KPDFPage::setBookmark( bool state )
m_bookmarked = state;
void KPDFPage::setObjectRects( const QValueList< ObjectRect * > rects )
QValueList< ObjectRect * >::iterator it = m_rects.begin(), end = m_rects.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
delete *it;
m_rects = rects;
void KPDFPage::setHighlight( int s_id, NormalizedRect * &rect, const QColor & color )
// create a HighlightRect descriptor taking values from params
HighlightRect * hr = new HighlightRect();
hr->s_id = s_id;
hr->color = color;
hr->left = rect->left;
hr->top = rect->top;
hr->right = rect->right;
hr->bottom = rect->bottom;
// append the HighlightRect to the list
m_highlights.append( hr );
// delete old object and change reference
delete rect;
rect = hr;
void KPDFPage::addAnnotation( Annotation * annotation )
m_annotations.append( annotation );
void KPDFPage::setTransition( KPDFPageTransition * transition )
delete m_transition;
m_transition = transition;
void KPDFPage::deletePixmap( int id )
if ( m_pixmaps.contains( id ) )
delete m_pixmaps[ id ];
m_pixmaps.remove( id );
void KPDFPage::deletePixmapsAndRects()
// delete all stored pixmaps
QMap<int,QPixmap *>::iterator it = m_pixmaps.begin(), end = m_pixmaps.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
delete *it;
// delete ObjectRects
QValueList< ObjectRect * >::iterator rIt = m_rects.begin(), rEnd = m_rects.end();
for ( ; rIt != rEnd; ++rIt )
delete *rIt;
void KPDFPage::deleteHighlights( int s_id )
// delete highlights by ID
QValueList< HighlightRect * >::iterator it = m_highlights.begin(), end = m_highlights.end();
while ( it != end )
HighlightRect * highlight = *it;
if ( s_id == -1 || highlight->s_id == s_id )
it = m_highlights.remove( it );
delete highlight;
void KPDFPage::deleteAnnotations()
// delete all stored annotations
QValueList< Annotation * >::iterator aIt = m_annotations.begin(), aEnd = m_annotations.end();
for ( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
delete *aIt;
void KPDFPage::restoreLocalContents( const QDomNode & pageNode )
// iterate over all chilren (bookmark, annotationList, ...)
QDomNode childNode = pageNode.firstChild();
while ( childNode.isElement() )
QDomElement childElement = childNode.toElement();
childNode = childNode.nextSibling();
// parse annotationList child element
if ( childElement.tagName() == "annotationList" )
struct timeval ts, te;
gettimeofday( &ts, NULL );
// iterate over all annotations
QDomNode annotationNode = childElement.firstChild();
while( annotationNode.isElement() )
// get annotation element and advance to next annot
QDomElement annotElement = annotationNode.toElement();
annotationNode = annotationNode.nextSibling();
if ( !annotElement.hasAttribute( "type" ) )
// build annotation of given type
Annotation * annotation = 0;
int typeNumber = annotElement.attribute( "type" ).toInt();
switch ( typeNumber )
case Annotation::AWindow:
annotation = new WindowAnnotation( annotElement );
case Annotation::AText:
annotation = new TextAnnotation( annotElement );
case Annotation::ALine:
annotation = new LineAnnotation( annotElement );
case Annotation::AGeom:
annotation = new GeomAnnotation( annotElement );
case Annotation::AHighlight:
annotation = new HighlightAnnotation( annotElement );
case Annotation::AStamp:
annotation = new StampAnnotation( annotElement );
case Annotation::AInk:
annotation = new InkAnnotation( annotElement );
// append annotation to the list or show warning
if ( annotation )
m_annotations.append( annotation );
kdWarning() << "can't restore Annotation of type '" << typeNumber << "from XML." << endl;
gettimeofday( &te, NULL );
double startTime = (double)ts.tv_sec + ((double)ts.tv_usec) / 1000000.0;
double endTime = (double)te.tv_sec + ((double)te.tv_usec) / 1000000.0;
kdDebug() << "annots: XML Load time: " << (endTime-startTime)*1000.0 << "ms" << endl;
// parse bookmark child element
else if ( childElement.tagName() == "bookmark" )
m_bookmarked = true;
void KPDFPage::saveLocalContents( QDomNode & parentNode, QDomDocument & document )
// only add a node if there is some stuff to write into
if ( m_bookmarked || !m_annotations.isEmpty() )
// create the page node and set the 'number' attribute
QDomElement pageElement = document.createElement( "page" );
parentNode.appendChild( pageElement );
pageElement.setAttribute( "number", m_number );
// add bookmark info if is bookmarked
if ( m_bookmarked )
// create the pageElement's 'bookmark' child
QDomElement bookmarkElement = document.createElement( "bookmark" );
pageElement.appendChild( bookmarkElement );
// add attributes to the element
//bookmarkElement.setAttribute( "name", bookmark name );
// add annotations info if has got any
if ( !m_annotations.isEmpty() )
struct timeval ts, te;
gettimeofday( &ts, NULL );
// create the annotationList
QDomElement annotListElement = document.createElement( "annotationList" );
pageElement.appendChild( annotListElement );
// add every annotation to the annotationList
int addedAnnotations = 0;
QValueList< Annotation * >::iterator aIt = m_annotations.begin(), aEnd = m_annotations.end();
for ( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
// get annotation
const Annotation * a = *aIt;
// only save annotations created by us (not loaded from document)
if ( a->isApplied() )
// create annotation element and set type
QDomElement annotElement = document.createElement( "annotation" );
annotListElement.appendChild( annotElement );
annotElement.setAttribute( "type", (uint)a->subType() );
// add children and attributes to annotation element
a->store( annotElement, document );
// add number of children annotations as attribute
if ( addedAnnotations )
annotListElement.setAttribute( "annotations", addedAnnotations );
gettimeofday( &te, NULL );
double startTime = (double)ts.tv_sec + ((double)ts.tv_usec) / 1000000.0;
double endTime = (double)te.tv_sec + ((double)te.tv_usec) / 1000000.0;
kdDebug() << "annots: XML Save Time: " << (endTime-startTime)*1000.0 << "ms" << endl;
/** class NormalizedPoint **/
: x( 0.0 ), y( 0.0 ) {}
NormalizedPoint::NormalizedPoint( double dX, double dY )
: x( dX ), y( dY ) {}
NormalizedPoint::NormalizedPoint( int iX, int iY, int xScale, int yScale )
: x( (double)iX / (double)xScale ), y( (double)iY / (double)yScale ) {}
/** class NormalizedRect **/
: left( 0.0 ), top( 0.0 ), right( 0.0 ), bottom( 0.0 ) {}
NormalizedRect::NormalizedRect( double l, double t, double r, double b )
// note: check for swapping coords?
: left( l ), top( t ), right( r ), bottom( b ) {}
NormalizedRect::NormalizedRect( const QRect & r, double xScale, double yScale )
: left( (double)r.left() / xScale ), top( (double)r.top() / yScale ),
right( (double)r.right() / xScale ), bottom( (double)r.bottom() / yScale ) {}
bool NormalizedRect::contains( double x, double y ) const
return x >= left && x <= right && y >= top && y <= bottom;
bool NormalizedRect::intersects( const NormalizedRect & r ) const
return (r.left <= right) && (r.right >= left) && (r.top <= bottom) && (r.bottom >= top);
bool NormalizedRect::intersects( double l, double t, double r, double b ) const
return (l <= right) && (r >= left) && (t <= bottom) && (b >= top);
QRect NormalizedRect::geometry( int xScale, int yScale ) const
int l = (int)( left * xScale ),
t = (int)( top * yScale ),
r = (int)( right * xScale ),
b = (int)( bottom * yScale );
return QRect( l, t, r - l + 1, b - t + 1 );
/** class ObjectRect **/
ObjectRect::ObjectRect( double l, double t, double r, double b, ObjectType type, void * pnt )
// assign coordinates swapping them if negative width or height
: NormalizedRect( r > l ? l : r, b > t ? t : b, r > l ? r : l, b > t ? b : t ),
m_objectType( type ), m_pointer( pnt )
if ( !m_pointer )
if ( m_objectType == Link )
delete static_cast<KPDFLink*>( m_pointer );
kdDebug() << "Object deletion not implemented for type '" << m_objectType << "' ." << endl;