Pino Toscano afc18f9d97 Re-add the possibility to toggle a page bookmark quickly (ie with the popup menu).
svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/okular/; revision=622945
2007-01-13 14:45:51 +00:00

297 lines
8.4 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2006 by Pino Toscano <pino@kde.org> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
// qt/kde includes
#include <qhash.h>
#include <qset.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kinstance.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
// local includes
#include "bookmarkmanager.h"
#include "document.h"
using namespace Okular;
class BookmarkManager::Private
: document( 0 ), manager( 0 )
KUrl url;
QSet<int> urlBookmarks;
Document * document;
QString file;
KBookmarkManager * manager;
QHash<KUrl, KBookmarkGroup> knownFiles;
BookmarkManager::BookmarkManager( Document * document )
: QObject( document ), KBookmarkOwner(), d( new Private )
setObjectName( "Okular::BookmarkManager" );
d->document = document;
d->file = KStandardDirs::locateLocal( "data", "okular/bookmarks.xml" );
d->manager = KBookmarkManager::managerForFile( d->file, "okular", false );
d->manager->setEditorOptions( KGlobal::instance()->caption(), false );
d->manager->setUpdate( true );
delete d->manager;
delete d;
//BEGIN Reimplementations from KBookmarkOwner
QString BookmarkManager::currentUrl() const
return d->url.prettyUrl();
QString BookmarkManager::currentTitle() const
return d->url.isLocalFile() ? d->url.path() : d->url.prettyUrl();
bool BookmarkManager::addBookmarkEntry() const
return true;
bool BookmarkManager::editBookmarkEntry() const
return true;
void BookmarkManager::openBookmark( const KBookmark & bm, Qt::MouseButtons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers )
emit openUrl( bm.url() );
//END Reimplementations from KBookmarkOwner
KUrl::List BookmarkManager::files() const
KUrl::List ret;
KBookmarkGroup group = d->manager->root();
for ( KBookmark bm = group.first(); !bm.isNull(); bm = group.next( bm ) )
if ( bm.isSeparator() || !bm.isGroup() )
ret.append( KUrl( bm.fullText() ) );
return ret;
KBookmark::List BookmarkManager::bookmarks( const KUrl& url ) const
KBookmark::List ret;
KBookmarkGroup group = d->manager->root();
for ( KBookmark bm = group.first(); !bm.isNull(); bm = group.next( bm ) )
if ( !bm.isGroup() || KUrl( bm.fullText() ) != url )
KBookmarkGroup group = bm.toGroup();
for ( KBookmark b = group.first(); !b.isNull(); b = group.next( b ) )
if ( b.isSeparator() || b.isGroup() )
ret.append( b );
return ret;
void BookmarkManager::save() const
d->manager->save( false );
static QHash<KUrl, KBookmarkGroup>::iterator find( QHash<KUrl, KBookmarkGroup>& files, const KUrl& url, KBookmarkManager * manager, bool doCreate )
QHash<KUrl, KBookmarkGroup>::iterator it = files.find( url );
if ( it == files.end() )
// if the url we want to add a new entry for is not in the hash of the
// known files, then first try to find the file among the top-level
// "folder" names
bool found = false;
KBookmarkGroup root = manager->root();
for ( KBookmark bm = root.first(); !found && !bm.isNull(); bm = root.next( bm ) )
if ( bm.isSeparator() || !bm.isGroup() )
KUrl tmpurl( bm.fullText() );
if ( tmpurl == url )
// got it! place it the hash of known files
it = files.insert( url, bm.toGroup() );
found = true;
if ( !found && doCreate )
// folder not found :(
// then, in a single step create a new folder and add it in our cache :)
QString purl = url.isLocalFile() ? url.path() : url.prettyUrl();
it = files.insert( url, root.createNewFolder( manager, purl ) );
return it;
bool BookmarkManager::addBookmark( const KUrl& referurl, const Okular::DocumentViewport& vp, const QString& title )
if ( !referurl.isValid() || !vp.isValid() )
return false;
QHash<KUrl, KBookmarkGroup>::iterator it = find( d->knownFiles, referurl, d->manager, true );
Q_ASSERT( it != d->knownFiles.end() );
QString newtitle;
if ( title.isEmpty() )
// if we have no title specified for the new bookmark, then give it the
// name '#n' where n is the index of this bookmark among the ones of
// its file
int count = 0;
for ( KBookmark bm = it.value().first(); !bm.isNull(); bm = it.value().next( bm ) )
if ( !bm.isSeparator() && !bm.isGroup() )
newtitle = QString( "#%1" ).arg( count + 1 );
newtitle = title;
KUrl newurl = referurl;
newurl.setHTMLRef( vp.toString() );
it.value().addBookmark( d->manager, newtitle, newurl, QString(), false );
return true;
int BookmarkManager::removeBookmark( const KUrl& referurl, const KBookmark& bm )
if ( !referurl.isValid() || bm.isNull() || bm.isGroup() || bm.isSeparator() )
return -1;
DocumentViewport vp( bm.url().htmlRef() );
if ( !vp.isValid() )
return -1;
QHash<KUrl, KBookmarkGroup>::iterator it = find( d->knownFiles, referurl, d->manager, false );
if ( it == d->knownFiles.end() )
return -1;
it.value().deleteBookmark( bm );
return vp.pageNumber;
void BookmarkManager::setUrl( const KUrl& url )
d->url = url;
QHash<KUrl, KBookmarkGroup>::iterator it = find( d->knownFiles, url, d->manager, false );
if ( it != d->knownFiles.end() )
for ( KBookmark bm = it.value().first(); !bm.isNull(); bm = it.value().next( bm ) )
if ( bm.isSeparator() || bm.isGroup() )
DocumentViewport vp( bm.url().htmlRef() );
if ( !vp.isValid() )
d->urlBookmarks.insert( vp.pageNumber );
bool BookmarkManager::setPageBookmark( int page )
QHash<KUrl, KBookmarkGroup>::iterator it = find( d->knownFiles, d->url, d->manager, true );
Q_ASSERT( it != d->knownFiles.end() );
bool found = false;
bool added = false;
int count = 0;
for ( KBookmark bm = it.value().first(); !found && !bm.isNull(); bm = it.value().next( bm ) )
if ( bm.isSeparator() || bm.isGroup() )
DocumentViewport vp( bm.url().htmlRef() );
if ( vp.isValid() && vp.pageNumber == page )
found = true;
if ( !found )
d->urlBookmarks.insert( page );
DocumentViewport vp;
vp.pageNumber = page;
vp.rePos.enabled = true;
vp.rePos.normalizedX = 0;
vp.rePos.normalizedY = 0;
KUrl newurl = d->url;
newurl.setHTMLRef( vp.toString() );
it.value().addBookmark( d->manager, QString( "#%1" ).arg( count + 1 ), newurl, QString(), false );
added = true;
return added;
bool BookmarkManager::removePageBookmark( int page )
QHash<KUrl, KBookmarkGroup>::iterator it = find( d->knownFiles, d->url, d->manager, false );
if ( it == d->knownFiles.end() )
return false;
bool found = false;
for ( KBookmark bm = it.value().first(); !found && !bm.isNull(); bm = it.value().next( bm ) )
if ( bm.isSeparator() || bm.isGroup() )
DocumentViewport vp( bm.url().htmlRef() );
if ( vp.isValid() && vp.pageNumber == page )
found = true;
it.value().deleteBookmark( bm );
d->urlBookmarks.remove( page );
return found;
bool BookmarkManager::isPageBookmarked( int page ) const
return d->urlBookmarks.contains( page );
#include "bookmarkmanager.moc"