Albert Astals Cid 47d7d04b5e delete copy constructor and assignment operator of some internal classes
they are unused(except the PageViewItem one), but if anyone would use
them things would go wrong, so protect us from it

Actually fixes a bug in PageView::slotFitWindowToPage in which we were
copying constructing PageViewItem and that's bad
2019-01-10 00:28:49 +01:00

344 lines
8.2 KiB

Copyright (C) 2006 Brad Hards <bradh@frogmouth.net>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.
#include <core/generator.h>
#include <core/textpage.h>
#include <QColor>
#include <QDomDocument>
#include <QFontDatabase>
#include <QImage>
#include <QXmlStreamReader>
#include <QXmlDefaultHandler>
#include <QStack>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QLoggingCategory>
#include <kzip.h>
typedef enum {abtCommand, abtNumber, abtComma, abtEOF} AbbPathTokenType;
class AbbPathToken {
QString data;
int curPos;
AbbPathTokenType type;
char command;
double number;
Holds information about xml element during SAX parsing of page
class XpsRenderNode
QString name;
QVector<XpsRenderNode> children;
QXmlAttributes attributes;
QVariant data;
XpsRenderNode * findChild( const QString &name );
QVariant getRequiredChildData( const QString &name );
QVariant getChildData( const QString &name );
struct XpsGradient
XpsGradient( double o, const QColor &c )
: offset( o ), color( c )
double offset;
QColor color;
Types of data in XpsRenderNode::data. Name of each type consist of Xps and
name of xml element which data it holds
typedef QTransform XpsMatrixTransform;
typedef QTransform XpsRenderTransform;
typedef QBrush XpsFill;
struct XpsPathFigure
XpsPathFigure( const QPainterPath &_path, bool filled )
: path( _path ), isFilled( filled )
QPainterPath path;
bool isFilled;
struct XpsPathGeometry
: fillRule( Qt::OddEvenFill )
qDeleteAll( paths );
XpsPathGeometry(const XpsPathGeometry &) = delete;
XpsPathGeometry &operator=(const XpsPathGeometry &) = delete;
QList< XpsPathFigure* > paths;
Qt::FillRule fillRule;
XpsMatrixTransform transform;
class XpsPage;
class XpsFile;
class XpsHandler: public QXmlDefaultHandler
explicit XpsHandler( XpsPage *page );
bool startElement( const QString & nameSpace,
const QString & localName,
const QString & qname,
const QXmlAttributes & atts ) override;
bool endElement( const QString & nameSpace,
const QString & localName,
const QString & qname ) override;
bool startDocument() override;
XpsPage *m_page;
void processStartElement( XpsRenderNode &node );
void processEndElement( XpsRenderNode &node );
// Methods for processing of different xml elements
void processGlyph( XpsRenderNode &node );
void processPath( XpsRenderNode &node );
void processPathData( XpsRenderNode &node );
void processFill( XpsRenderNode &node );
void processStroke( XpsRenderNode &node );
void processImageBrush (XpsRenderNode &node );
void processPathGeometry( XpsRenderNode &node );
void processPathFigure( XpsRenderNode &node );
QPainter *m_painter;
QImage m_image;
QStack<XpsRenderNode> m_nodes;
friend class XpsPage;
class XpsPage
XpsPage(XpsFile *file, const QString &fileName);
XpsPage(const XpsPage &) = delete;
XpsPage &operator=(const XpsPage &) = delete;
QSizeF size() const;
bool renderToImage( QImage *p );
bool renderToPainter( QPainter *painter );
Okular::TextPage* textPage();
QImage loadImageFromFile( const QString &filename );
QString fileName() const { return m_fileName; }
XpsFile *m_file;
const QString m_fileName;
QSizeF m_pageSize;
QString m_thumbnailFileName;
bool m_thumbnailMightBeAvailable;
QImage m_thumbnail;
bool m_thumbnailIsLoaded;
QImage *m_pageImage;
bool m_pageIsRendered;
friend class XpsHandler;
friend class XpsTextExtractionHandler;
Represents one of the (perhaps the only) documents in an XpsFile
class XpsDocument
XpsDocument(XpsFile *file, const QString &fileName);
XpsDocument(const XpsDocument &) = delete;
XpsDocument &operator=(const XpsDocument &) = delete;
the total number of pages in this document
int numPages() const;
obtain a certain page from this document
\param pageNum the number of the page to return
\note page numbers are zero based - they run from 0 to
numPages() - 1
XpsPage* page(int pageNum) const;
whether this document has a Document Structure
bool hasDocumentStructure();
the document structure for this document, if available
const Okular::DocumentSynopsis * documentStructure();
void parseDocumentStructure( const QString &documentStructureFileName );
QList<XpsPage*> m_pages;
XpsFile * m_file;
bool m_haveDocumentStructure;
Okular::DocumentSynopsis *m_docStructure;
QMap<QString,int> m_docStructurePageMap;
Represents the contents of a Microsoft XML Paper Specification
format document.
class XpsFile
XpsFile(const XpsFile &) = delete;
XpsFile &operator=(const XpsFile &) = delete;
bool loadDocument( const QString & fileName );
bool closeDocument();
Okular::DocumentInfo generateDocumentInfo() const;
QImage thumbnail();
the total number of XpsDocuments with this file
int numDocuments() const;
the total number of pages in all the XpsDocuments within this
int numPages() const;
a page from the file
\param pageNum the page number of the page to return
\note page numbers are zero based - they run from 0 to
numPages() - 1
XpsPage* page(int pageNum) const;
obtain a certain document from this file
\param documentNum the number of the document to return
\note document numbers are zero based - they run from 0 to
numDocuments() - 1
XpsDocument* document(int documentNum) const;
QFont getFontByName( const QString &fontName, float size );
KZip* xpsArchive();
int loadFontByName( const QString &fontName );
QList<XpsDocument*> m_documents;
QList<XpsPage*> m_pages;
QString m_thumbnailFileName;
bool m_thumbnailMightBeAvailable;
QImage m_thumbnail;
bool m_thumbnailIsLoaded;
QString m_corePropertiesFileName;
QString m_signatureOrigin;
KZip * m_xpsArchive;
QMap<QString, int> m_fontCache;
QFontDatabase m_fontDatabase;
class XpsGenerator : public Okular::Generator
Q_INTERFACES( Okular::Generator )
XpsGenerator( QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args );
virtual ~XpsGenerator();
bool loadDocument( const QString & fileName, QVector<Okular::Page*> & pagesVector ) override;
Okular::DocumentInfo generateDocumentInfo( const QSet<Okular::DocumentInfo::Key> &keys ) const override;
const Okular::DocumentSynopsis * generateDocumentSynopsis() override;
Okular::ExportFormat::List exportFormats() const override;
bool exportTo( const QString &fileName, const Okular::ExportFormat &format ) override;
bool print( QPrinter &printer ) override;
bool doCloseDocument() override;
QImage image( Okular::PixmapRequest *page ) override;
Okular::TextPage* textPage( Okular::TextRequest * request ) override;
XpsFile *m_xpsFile;