Albert Astals Cid 656587ca63 epub: Improve TableOfContents for some files
The link can be percent encoded so try it like that if not found in the
normal way, also if the text overflows the page, it's in the next page

BUGS: 458289
2022-08-25 23:38:42 +02:00

255 lines
8.8 KiB

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Tobias Koenig <tokoe@kde.org>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <QAbstractTextDocumentLayout>
#include <QTextBlock>
#include <QTextDocument>
#include "action.h"
#include "debug_p.h"
#include "document.h"
#include "generator_p.h"
#include "textdocumentgenerator.h"
namespace Okular
namespace TextDocumentUtils
static void calculateBoundingRect(QTextDocument *document, int startPosition, int endPosition, QRectF &rect, int &page)
const QSizeF pageSize = document->pageSize();
const QTextBlock startBlock = document->findBlock(startPosition);
const QRectF startBoundingRect = document->documentLayout()->blockBoundingRect(startBlock);
const QTextBlock endBlock = document->findBlock(endPosition);
const QRectF endBoundingRect = document->documentLayout()->blockBoundingRect(endBlock);
const QTextLayout *startLayout = startBlock.layout();
const QTextLayout *endLayout = endBlock.layout();
if (!startLayout || !endLayout) {
qCWarning(OkularCoreDebug) << "Start or end layout not found" << startLayout << endLayout;
page = -1;
const int startPos = startPosition - startBlock.position();
const int endPos = endPosition - endBlock.position();
const QTextLine startLine = startLayout->lineForTextPosition(startPos);
const QTextLine endLine = endLayout->lineForTextPosition(endPos);
const double x = startBoundingRect.x() + startLine.cursorToX(startPos);
const double y = startBoundingRect.y() + startLine.y();
const double r = endBoundingRect.x() + endLine.cursorToX(endPos);
const double b = endBoundingRect.y() + endLine.y() + endLine.height();
const int offset = qRound(y) % qRound(pageSize.height());
if (x > r) { // line break, so return a pseudo character on the start line
rect = QRectF(x / pageSize.width(), offset / pageSize.height(), 3 / pageSize.width(), startLine.height() / pageSize.height());
page = -1;
page = qRound(y) / qRound(pageSize.height());
rect = QRectF(x / pageSize.width(), offset / pageSize.height(), (r - x) / pageSize.width(), (b - y) / pageSize.height());
static QVector<QRectF> calculateBoundingRects(QTextDocument *document, int startPosition, int endPosition)
QVector<QRectF> result;
const QSizeF pageSize = document->pageSize();
const QTextBlock startBlock = document->findBlock(startPosition);
const QRectF startBoundingRect = document->documentLayout()->blockBoundingRect(startBlock);
const QTextBlock endBlock = document->findBlock(endPosition);
const QRectF endBoundingRect = document->documentLayout()->blockBoundingRect(endBlock);
const QTextLayout *startLayout = startBlock.layout();
const QTextLayout *endLayout = endBlock.layout();
if (!startLayout || !endLayout) {
qCWarning(OkularCoreDebug) << "Start or end layout not found" << startLayout << endLayout;
return {};
const int startPos = startPosition - startBlock.position();
const int endPos = endPosition - endBlock.position();
const QTextLine startLine = startLayout->lineForTextPosition(startPos);
const QTextLine endLine = endLayout->lineForTextPosition(endPos);
// This only works if both start and end layout are the same
if (startLayout == endLayout) {
Q_ASSERT(startBoundingRect == endBoundingRect);
for (int i = startLine.lineNumber(); i < endLine.lineNumber(); ++i) {
const QTextLine line = startLayout->lineAt(i);
// using startPos and endPos is fine, if the pos is out of bounds for that line, it'll return beginning and end of line respectively
const double x = endBoundingRect.x() + line.cursorToX(startPos);
const double y = endBoundingRect.y() + line.y();
const double r = endBoundingRect.x() + line.cursorToX(endPos);
const double b = endBoundingRect.y() + line.y() + endLine.height();
result.append(QRectF(x / pageSize.width(), y / pageSize.height(), (r - x) / pageSize.width(), (b - y) / pageSize.height()));
// The last line
const double x = endBoundingRect.x() + endLine.cursorToX(startPos);
const double y = endBoundingRect.y() + endLine.y();
const double r = endBoundingRect.x() + endLine.cursorToX(endPos);
const double b = endBoundingRect.y() + endLine.y() + endLine.height();
result.append(QRectF(x / pageSize.width(), y / pageSize.height(), (r - x) / pageSize.width(), (b - y) / pageSize.height()));
} else {
const double x = startBoundingRect.x() + startLine.cursorToX(startPos);
const double y = startBoundingRect.y() + startLine.y();
const double r = endBoundingRect.x() + endLine.cursorToX(endPos);
const double b = endBoundingRect.y() + endLine.y() + endLine.height();
result.append(QRectF(x / pageSize.width(), y / pageSize.height(), (r - x) / pageSize.width(), (b - y) / pageSize.height()));
return result;
static void calculatePositions(QTextDocument *document, int page, int &start, int &end)
const QAbstractTextDocumentLayout *layout = document->documentLayout();
const QSizeF pageSize = document->pageSize();
const double margin = document->rootFrame()->frameFormat().margin();
* Take the upper left and lower left corner including the margin
start = layout->hitTest(QPointF(margin, (page * pageSize.height()) + margin), Qt::FuzzyHit);
end = layout->hitTest(QPointF(margin, ((page + 1) * pageSize.height()) - margin), Qt::FuzzyHit);
static Okular::DocumentViewport calculateViewport(QTextDocument *document, const QTextBlock &block)
const QSizeF pageSize = document->pageSize();
const QRectF rect = document->documentLayout()->blockBoundingRect(block);
int page = qRound(rect.y()) / qRound(pageSize.height());
int offset = qRound(rect.y()) % qRound(pageSize.height());
if (rect.y() + rect.height() > pageSize.height()) {
page = page + 1;
offset = 0;
Okular::DocumentViewport viewport(page);
viewport.rePos.normalizedX = (double)rect.x() / (double)pageSize.width();
viewport.rePos.normalizedY = (double)offset / (double)pageSize.height();
viewport.rePos.enabled = true;
viewport.rePos.pos = Okular::DocumentViewport::Center;
return viewport;
class TextDocumentConverterPrivate
: mParent(nullptr)
TextDocumentGeneratorPrivate *mParent;
QTextDocument *mDocument;
class TextDocumentGeneratorPrivate : public GeneratorPrivate
friend class TextDocumentConverter;
explicit TextDocumentGeneratorPrivate(TextDocumentConverter *converter)
: mConverter(converter)
, mDocument(nullptr)
, mGeneralSettings(nullptr)
~TextDocumentGeneratorPrivate() override
delete mConverter;
delete mDocument;
void initializeGenerator();
struct LinkInfo {
int page;
QRectF boundingRect;
Action *link;
bool ownsLink;
struct AnnotationInfo {
int page;
QRectF boundingRect;
Annotation *annotation;
/* reimp */ QVariant metaData(const QString &key, const QVariant &option) const override;
/* reimp */ QImage image(PixmapRequest *) override;
void calculateBoundingRect(int startPosition, int endPosition, QRectF &rect, int &page) const;
void calculatePositions(int page, int &start, int &end) const;
Okular::TextPage *createTextPage(int) const;
void addAction(Action *action, int cursorBegin, int cursorEnd);
void addAnnotation(Annotation *annotation, int cursorBegin, int cursorEnd);
void addTitle(int level, const QString &title, const QTextBlock &block);
void addMetaData(const QString &key, const QString &value, const QString &title);
void addMetaData(DocumentInfo::Key, const QString &value);
QList<LinkInfo> generateLinkInfos() const;
QList<AnnotationInfo> generateAnnotationInfos() const;
void generateTitleInfos();
TextDocumentConverter *mConverter;
QTextDocument *mDocument;
Okular::DocumentInfo mDocumentInfo;
Okular::DocumentSynopsis mDocumentSynopsis;
struct TitlePosition {
int level;
QString title;
QTextBlock block;
QList<TitlePosition> mTitlePositions;
struct LinkPosition {
int startPosition;
int endPosition;
Action *link;
QList<LinkPosition> mLinkPositions;
struct AnnotationPosition {
int startPosition;
int endPosition;
Annotation *annotation;
QList<AnnotationPosition> mAnnotationPositions;
TextDocumentSettings *mGeneralSettings;
QFont mFont;