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synced 2024-10-28 19:28:38 +00:00
- 0..n-1 are the page indexes again - -1 is for the fonts not reall belonging to a single page (or when no selective page extraction can be done) svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdegraphics/okular/; revision=753866
531 lines
17 KiB
531 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2004-5 by Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it> *
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Piotr Szymanski <niedakh@gmail.com> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include <okular/core/okular_export.h>
#include <okular/core/fontinfo.h>
#include <okular/core/global.h>
#include <okular/core/pagesize.h>
#include <QtCore/QList>
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtCore/QSharedDataPointer>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtCore/QVariant>
#include <QtCore/QVector>
#include <kmimetype.h>
#include <kpluginfactory.h>
#define OKULAR_EXPORT_PLUGIN( classname, aboutdata ) \
K_PLUGIN_FACTORY( classname ## Factory, registerPlugin< classname >(); ) \
K_EXPORT_PLUGIN( classname ## Factory( aboutdata ) )
class QMutex;
class QPrinter;
class QPrintDialog;
class KIcon;
namespace Okular {
class Document;
class DocumentFonts;
class DocumentInfo;
class DocumentSynopsis;
class EmbeddedFile;
class ExportFormatPrivate;
class GeneratorPrivate;
class Page;
class PixmapRequest;
class PixmapRequestPrivate;
class TextPage;
/* Note: on contents generation and asynchronous queries.
* Many observers may want to request data syncronously or asynchronously.
* - Sync requests. These should be done in-place.
* - Async request must be done in real background. That usually means a
* thread, such as QThread derived classes.
* Once contents are available, they must be immediately stored in the
* Page they refer to, and a signal is emitted as soon as storing
* (even for sync or async queries) has been done.
* @short Defines an entry for the export menu
* This class encapsulates information about an export format.
* Every Generator can support 0 or more export formats which can be
* queried with @ref Generator::exportFormats().
class OKULAR_EXPORT ExportFormat
typedef QList<ExportFormat> List;
* Creates an empty export format.
* @see isNull()
* Creates a new export format.
* @param description The i18n'ed description of the format.
* @param mimeType The supported mime type of the format.
ExportFormat( const QString &description, const KMimeType::Ptr &mimeType );
* Creates a new export format.
* @param icon The icon used in the GUI for this format.
* @param description The i18n'ed description of the format.
* @param mimeType The supported mime type of the format.
ExportFormat( const KIcon &icon, const QString &description, const KMimeType::Ptr &mimeType );
* Destroys the export format.
* @internal
ExportFormat( const ExportFormat &other );
* @internal
ExportFormat& operator=( const ExportFormat &other );
* Returns the description of the format.
QString description() const;
* Returns the mime type of the format.
KMimeType::Ptr mimeType() const;
* Returns the icon for GUI representations of the format.
KIcon icon() const;
* Returns whether the export format is null/valid.
* An ExportFormat is null if the mimetype is not valid or the
* description is empty, or both.
bool isNull() const;
* Type of standard export format.
enum StandardExportFormat
PlainText, ///< Plain text
PDF ///< PDF, aka Portable Document Format
* Builds a standard format for the specified @p type .
static ExportFormat standardFormat( StandardExportFormat type );
bool operator==( const ExportFormat &other ) const;
bool operator!=( const ExportFormat &other ) const;
/// @cond PRIVATE
friend class ExportFormatPrivate;
/// @endcond
QSharedDataPointer<ExportFormatPrivate> d;
* @short [Abstract Class] The information generator.
* Most of class members are virtuals and some of them pure virtual. The pure
* virtuals provide the minimal functionalities for a Generator, that is being
* able to generate QPixmap for the Page 's of the Document.
* Implementing the other functions will make the Generator able to provide
* more contents and/or functionalities (like text extraction).
* Generation/query is requested by the Document class only, and that
* class stores the resulting data into Page s. The data will then be
* displayed by the GUI components (PageView, ThumbnailList, etc..).
* @see PrintInterface, ConfigInterface, GuiInterface
class OKULAR_EXPORT Generator : public QObject
/// @cond PRIVATE
friend class PixmapGenerationThread;
friend class TextPageGenerationThread;
/// @endcond
* Describe the possible optional features that a Generator can
* provide.
enum GeneratorFeature
TextExtraction, ///< Whether the Generator can extract text from the document in the form of TextPage's
ReadRawData, ///< Whether the Generator can read a document directly from its raw data.
FontInfo, ///< Whether the Generator can provide information about the fonts used in the document
PageSizes, ///< Whether the Generator can change the size of the document pages.
PrintNative, ///< Whether the Generator supports native cross-platform printing (QPainter-based).
PrintPostscript, ///< Whether the Generator supports postscript-based file printing.
PrintToFile ///< Whether the Generator supports export to PDF & PS through the Print Dialog
* Creates a new generator.
Generator( QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args );
* Destroys the generator.
virtual ~Generator();
* Loads the document with the given @p fileName and fills the
* @p pagesVector with the parsed pages.
* @returns true on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool loadDocument( const QString & fileName, QVector< Page * > & pagesVector ) = 0;
* Loads the document from the raw data @p fileData and fills the
* @p pagesVector with the parsed pages.
* @note the Generator has to have the feature @ref ReadRawData enabled
* @returns true on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool loadDocumentFromData( const QByteArray & fileData, QVector< Page * > & pagesVector );
* This method is called when the document is closed and not used
* any longer.
* @returns true on success, false otherwise.
bool closeDocument();
* This method returns whether the generator is ready to
* handle a new pixmap request.
virtual bool canGeneratePixmap() const;
* This method can be called to trigger the generation of
* a new pixmap as described by @p request.
virtual void generatePixmap( PixmapRequest * request );
* This method returns whether the generator is ready to
* handle a new text page request.
virtual bool canGenerateTextPage() const;
* This method can be called to trigger the generation of
* a text page for the given @p page.
* The generation is done synchronous or asynchronous, depending
* on the @p type parameter and the capabilities of the
* generator (e.g. multithreading).
* @see TextPage
virtual void generateTextPage( Page * page );
* Returns the general information object of the document or 0 if
* no information are available.
virtual const DocumentInfo * generateDocumentInfo();
* Returns the 'table of content' object of the document or 0 if
* no table of content is available.
virtual const DocumentSynopsis * generateDocumentSynopsis();
* Returns the 'list of embedded fonts' object of the specified \page
* of the document.
* \param page a page of the document, starting from 0 - -1 indicates all
* the other fonts
virtual FontInfo::List fontsForPage( int page );
* Returns the 'list of embedded files' object of the document or 0 if
* no list of embedded files is available.
virtual const QList<EmbeddedFile*> * embeddedFiles() const;
* This enum identifies the metric of the page size.
enum PageSizeMetric
None, ///< The page size is not defined in a physical metric.
Points ///< The page size is given in 1/72 inches.
* This method returns the metric of the page size. Default is @ref None.
virtual PageSizeMetric pagesSizeMetric() const;
* This method returns whether given @p action (@ref Permission) is
* allowed in this document.
virtual bool isAllowed( Permission action ) const;
* This method is called when the orientation has been changed by the user.
virtual void rotationChanged( Rotation orientation, Rotation oldOrientation );
* Returns the list of supported page sizes.
virtual PageSize::List pageSizes() const;
* This method is called when the page size has been changed by the user.
virtual void pageSizeChanged( const PageSize &pageSize, const PageSize &oldPageSize );
* This method is called to print the document to the given @p printer.
virtual bool print( QPrinter &printer );
* This method returns the meta data of the given @p key with the given @p option
* of the document.
virtual QVariant metaData( const QString &key, const QVariant &option ) const;
* Returns the list of additional supported export formats.
virtual ExportFormat::List exportFormats() const;
* This method is called to export the document in the given @p format and save it
* under the given @p fileName. The format must be one of the supported export formats.
virtual bool exportTo( const QString &fileName, const ExportFormat &format );
* Query for the specified @p feature.
bool hasFeature( GeneratorFeature feature ) const;
* This signal should be emitted whenever an error occurred in the generator.
* @param message The message which should be shown to the user.
* @param duration The time that the message should be shown to the user.
void error( const QString &message, int duration );
* This signal should be emitted whenever the user should be warned.
* @param message The message which should be shown to the user.
* @param duration The time that the message should be shown to the user.
void warning( const QString &message, int duration );
* This signal should be emitted whenever the user should be noticed.
* @param message The message which should be shown to the user.
* @param duration The time that the message should be shown to the user.
void notice( const QString &message, int duration );
* This method must be called when the pixmap request triggered by generatePixmap()
* has been finished.
void signalPixmapRequestDone( PixmapRequest * request );
* This method is called when the document is closed and not used
* any longer.
* @returns true on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool doCloseDocument() = 0;
* Returns the image of the page as specified in
* the passed pixmap @p request.
* @warning this method may be executed in its own separated thread if the
* @ref Threaded is enabled!
virtual QImage image( PixmapRequest *page );
* Returns the text page for the given @p page.
* @warning this method may be executed in its own separated thread if the
* @ref Threaded is enabled!
virtual TextPage* textPage( Page *page );
* Returns a pointer to the document.
const Document * document() const;
* Toggle the @p feature .
void setFeature( GeneratorFeature feature, bool on = true );
* Request a meta data of the Document, if available, like an internal
* setting.
QVariant documentMetaData( const QString &key, const QVariant &option = QVariant() ) const;
* Return the pointer to a mutex the generator can use freely.
QMutex* userMutex() const;
/// @cond PRIVATE
Generator( GeneratorPrivate &dd, QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args );
GeneratorPrivate *d_ptr;
friend class Document;
/// @endcond PRIVATE
Q_DISABLE_COPY( Generator )
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d_func(), void pixmapGenerationFinished() )
Q_PRIVATE_SLOT( d_func(), void textpageGenerationFinished() )
* @short Describes a pixmap type request.
class OKULAR_EXPORT PixmapRequest
friend class Document;
friend class DocumentPrivate;
* Creates a new pixmap request.
* @param id The observer id.
* @param pageNumber The page number.
* @param width The width of the page.
* @param height The height of the page.
* @param priority The priority of the request.
* @param asynchronous The mode of generation.
PixmapRequest( int id, int pageNumber, int width, int height, int priority, bool asynchronous );
* Destroys the pixmap request.
* Returns the observer id of the request.
int id() const;
* Returns the page number of the request.
int pageNumber() const;
* Returns the page width of the requested pixmap.
int width() const;
* Returns the page height of the requested pixmap.
int height() const;
* Returns the priority (less it better, 0 is maximum) of the
* request.
int priority() const;
* Returns whether the generation should be done synchronous or
* asynchronous.
* If asynchronous, the pixmap is created in a thread and the observer
* is notified when the job is done.
bool asynchronous() const;
* Returns a pointer to the page where the pixmap shall be generated for.
Page *page() const;
Q_DISABLE_COPY( PixmapRequest )
friend class PixmapRequestPrivate;
PixmapRequestPrivate* const d;
OKULAR_EXPORT QDebug operator<<( QDebug str, const Okular::PixmapRequest &req );