Alex Zepeda a002b09e63 KDEBUG -> kdebug
svn path=/trunk/kdegraphics/kdvi/; revision=19213
1999-04-05 21:06:42 +00:00

337 lines
7.2 KiB

--- Dlgedit generated file ---
File: print.cpp
Last generated: Wed Oct 1 21:53:48 1997
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "print.h"
#include "printSetup.h"
#define Inherited printData
#include "marklist.h"
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <kapp.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
class DVIFile
void dviCopy(QString ifile, QString ofile, QStrList *pagelist,
int first = 0, int last = 999999 );
QWidget* parent,
const char* name
Inherited( parent, name )
okButton->setDefault( TRUE );
setCaption( i18n("Print") );
printDestinationChanged( 0 );
printMarked->setEnabled( FALSE );
fileNameLabel->setBuddy( printFileName );
marklist = NULL;
rangeToggled( FALSE );
nup = 1;
printdest = 0;
void print::setFile( QString _file )
ifile = ofile = _file.copy();
setCaption( QString(i18n(i18n("Print "))) + ifile );
QString of( _file );
if ( of.right(4) == ".dvi" )
of = of.left( of.length()-4 );
of.append( printMethod == "dvilj4" ? ".lj" : ".ps" );
void print::setCurrentPage( int _page, int _totalpages )
curpage = _page;
totalpages = _totalpages;
void print::setMarkList( QStrList *_marklist )
marklist = _marklist;
if ( !marklist || marklist->isEmpty() )
printMarked->setEnabled( TRUE );
printMarked->setChecked( TRUE );
printAll->setChecked( FALSE );
printRange->setChecked( FALSE );
printCurrent->setChecked( FALSE );
void print::rangeToggled( bool on )
if ( on )
rangeFrom->setEnabled( TRUE );
rangeTo->setEnabled( TRUE );
rangeFrom->setEnabled( FALSE );
rangeTo->setEnabled( FALSE );
#define get2(f) ((f.getch()<<8) + f.getch())
#define get4(f) ((get2(f)<<16) + get2(f))
#define put2(f,i) (f.putch(((i)>>8)&0xff), f.putch((i)&0xff))
#define put4(f,i) (put2(f,i>>16), put2(f,(i)))
void DVIFile::dviCopy(QString ifile, QString ofile, QStrList *pagelist,
int first, int last)
QFile in(ifile);
QFile out(ofile);
char buf[1024];
/* these would be needed for better handling the used fonts
int texfont[256], fontdeflen[256], fontseen[256];
for (int i=0; i<256; i++ )
texfont[i] = fontdeflen[i] = fontseen[i] = 0;
if (!in.open(IO_ReadOnly))
QMessageBox::message( i18n("Warning"),
i18n("Cannot open dvi file!"),
i18n("OK") );
if (!out.open(IO_WriteOnly))
QMessageBox::message( i18n("Warning"),
i18n("Cannot open output dvi file!"),
i18n("OK") );;
in.readBlock( buf, 14 );
out.writeBlock( buf, 14 );
out.writeBlock( "\013kdvi output", 12 );
int c, p = in.size()-3, n, tot, totout = 0, o = -1;
while ( ( c = in.getch() ) == 223 ) // trailer
in.at( --p );
if ( c != 2 )
QMessageBox::message( i18n("Warning"),
i18n("Cannot handle this dvi version!"),
i18n("OK") );;
int post_post = p - 5;
in.at( post_post + 1 );
int post = get4( in );
in.at( post + 27 );
tot = n = get2( in );
int fntdefslen = post_post - in.at();
int *pg = new int[tot + 1];
pg[ tot ] = post;
p = post - 40;
while (n--)
in.at( p + 41 ),
pg[n] = p = get4( in );
for ( p = post + 29; p < post_post; p++ )
in.at( p );
c = in.getch();
if ( c == 138 ) ) // nop
if ( c == 243 ) // fnt_def1
texfont[ n = in.getch() ] = p;
in.at( p + 14 );
fontdeflen[ n ] = in.getch() + in.getch();
p += 16 + fontdeflen[ n ];
else debug("DVI file format error!");
int defsdone = 0;
for ( n=0; n < tot; n++ ) // copy pages to out
if ( pagelist &&
pagelist->find( QString().sprintf( "%4d", n + 1 ) ) < 0 )
if ( n + 1 < first || n + 1 > last )
in.at( pg[n] );
in.readBlock( buf, 41 );
out.writeBlock( buf, 41 );
put4( out, o );
o = out.at() - 45;
if ( !defsdone ) // cannot copy fnt defs before page 1 due to bug in dvips
in.at( post + 29 );
// copy font defs from postamble (bug: all not needed)
for ( int i = fntdefslen; i>0; i-- )
out.putch( in.getch() );
defsdone = 1;
in.at( pg[n] + 45 );
for ( int i = pg[n+1] - pg[n] - 45; i > 0; i-- )
out.putch( in.getch() );
out.putch( 248 ); // post
put4( out, o );
o = out.at() - 5;
in.at( post + 5 );
in.readBlock( buf, 22 );
out.writeBlock( buf, 22 );
put2( out, totout );
in.at( post + 29 );
for ( int i = post_post - ( post + 29 ); i > 0; i-- )
out.putch( in.getch() );
out.putch( 249 ); // post_post
put4( out, o );
out.putch( 2 ); // dvi file version id
put4( out, 0xdfdfdfdf );// trailers
while ( out.at() & 3 )
out.putch( 0xdf );
delete pg;
void print::okPressed()
QString cmd;
cmd = printMethod == "dvilj4" ? "dvilj4 -q -e-" : "dvips -q -f";
if ( printReverse->isOn() )
cmd += " -r";
if ( ! printAll->isOn() )
DVIFile dvi;
ofile = tmpnam(NULL);
if ( printCurrent->isOn() )
dvi.dviCopy( ifile, ofile, NULL, curpage, curpage );
else if ( printMarked->isOn() )
dvi.dviCopy( ifile, ofile, marklist );
else if ( printRange->isOn() )
int f = QString(rangeFrom->text()).toInt(),
t = QString(rangeTo->text()).toInt();
if ( f < 1 || f > totalpages || t < f || t > totalpages )
QMessageBox::message( i18n("Warning"),
i18n("Invalid page range!"),
i18n("OK") );
dvi.dviCopy( ifile, ofile, NULL, f, t );
cmd += " " + ofile;
if ( nup != 1 )
cmd += nupProgram == "mpage" ? " | mpage -" : " | psnup -";
cmd += QString().setNum(nup);
if ( colOrder->currentItem() == 1 )
cmd += nupProgram == "mpage" ? " -a" : " -c";
if ( printdest == 1 )
cmd += QString(" > ") + printFileName->text();
cmd += QString(" | ") + spooler;
if ( printdest > 1 )
cmd += QString(" -P") +
if ( ifile != ofile )
cmd += " ; rm " + ofile;
cmd += " &";
kdebug(KDEBUG_INFO, 4300,"About to run: %s", cmd);
system( cmd );
void print::nupPressed(int n)
nup = 1 << n;
void print::printDestinationChanged(int i)
printdest = i;
if ( printdest == 1 )
printFileName->setEnabled( TRUE );
fileNameLabel->setEnabled( TRUE );
printFileName->setEnabled( FALSE );
fileNameLabel->setEnabled( FALSE );
void print::setupPressed()
printSetup * ps = new printSetup( this, "ps" );
delete ps;
void print::cancelPressed()
void print::readConfig()
KConfig *config = kapp->getConfig();
printer->insertItem( i18n( "Default Printer" ) );
printer->insertItem( i18n( "File" ) );
config->setGroup( "Printing" );
int n = config->readNumEntry( "PrinterCount" );
if ( n > 0 )
for ( int i = 1; i <= n; i++ )
QString p;
p = config->readEntry( "Printer"+p.setNum( i ) );
printer->insertItem( p );
nupProgram = config->readEntry( "NupProgram", "psnup" );
printMethod = config->readEntry( "PrintMethod", "dvips" );
nupCombo->setEnabled( printMethod == "dvips" );
colOrder->setEnabled( printMethod == "dvips" );
spooler = config->readEntry( "SpoolerCommand", "lpr" );
config->setGroup( "kdvi" );