Kevin Funk a53a2402ca clang-tidy: modernize-use-nullptr run
Semi-ACK'd by Albert :)
2017-09-06 00:19:48 +02:00

710 lines
20 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2012 by Mailson Menezes <mailson@gmail.com> *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include "tilesmanager_p.h"
#include <QPixmap>
#include <QtCore/qmath.h>
#include <QList>
#include <QPainter>
#include "tile.h"
#define TILES_MAXSIZE 2000000
using namespace Okular;
static bool rankedTilesLessThan( TileNode *t1, TileNode *t2 )
// Order tiles by its dirty state and then by distance from the viewport.
if ( t1->dirty == t2->dirty )
return t1->distance < t2->distance;
return !t1->dirty;
class TilesManager::Private
bool hasPixmap( const NormalizedRect &rect, const TileNode &tile ) const;
void tilesAt( const NormalizedRect &rect, TileNode &tile, QList<Tile> &result, TileLeaf tileLeaf );
void setPixmap( const QPixmap *pixmap, const NormalizedRect &rect, TileNode &tile );
* Mark @p tile and all its children as dirty
static void markDirty( TileNode &tile );
* Deletes all tiles, recursively
void deleteTiles( const TileNode &tile );
void markParentDirty( const TileNode &tile );
void rankTiles( TileNode &tile, QList<TileNode*> &rankedTiles, const NormalizedRect &visibleRect, int visiblePageNumber );
* Since the tile can be large enough to occupy a significant amount of
* space, they may be split in more tiles. This operation is performed
* when the tiles of a certain region is requested and they are bigger
* than an arbitrary value. Only tiles intersecting the desired region
* are split. There's no need to do this for the entire page.
void split( TileNode &tile, const NormalizedRect &rect );
* Checks whether the tile's size is bigger than an arbitrary value and
* performs the split operation returning true.
* Otherwise it just returns false, without performing any operation.
bool splitBigTiles( TileNode &tile, const NormalizedRect &rect );
// The page is split in a 4x4 grid of tiles
TileNode tiles[16];
int width;
int height;
int pageNumber;
qulonglong totalPixels;
Rotation rotation;
NormalizedRect visibleRect;
NormalizedRect requestRect;
int requestWidth;
int requestHeight;
: width( 0 )
, height( 0 )
, pageNumber( 0 )
, totalPixels( 0 )
, rotation( Rotation0 )
, requestRect( NormalizedRect() )
, requestWidth( 0 )
, requestHeight( 0 )
TilesManager::TilesManager( int pageNumber, int width, int height, Rotation rotation )
: d( new Private )
d->pageNumber = pageNumber;
d->width = width;
d->height = height;
d->rotation = rotation;
// The page is split in a 4x4 grid of tiles
const double dim = 0.25;
for ( int i = 0; i < 16; ++i )
int x = i % 4;
int y = i / 4;
d->tiles[ i ].rect = NormalizedRect( x*dim, y*dim, x*dim+dim, y*dim+dim );
for ( int i = 0; i < 16; ++i )
d->deleteTiles( d->tiles[ i ] );
delete d;
void TilesManager::Private::deleteTiles( const TileNode &tile )
if ( tile.pixmap )
totalPixels -= tile.pixmap->width()*tile.pixmap->height();
delete tile.pixmap;
if ( tile.nTiles > 0 )
for ( int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i )
deleteTiles( tile.tiles[ i ] );
delete [] tile.tiles;
void TilesManager::setSize( int width, int height )
if ( width == d->width && height == d->height )
d->width = width;
d->height = height;
int TilesManager::width() const
return d->width;
int TilesManager::height() const
return d->height;
void TilesManager::setRotation( Rotation rotation )
if ( rotation == d->rotation )
d->rotation = rotation;
Rotation TilesManager::rotation() const
return d->rotation;
void TilesManager::markDirty()
for ( int i = 0; i < 16; ++i )
TilesManager::Private::markDirty( d->tiles[ i ] );
void TilesManager::Private::markDirty( TileNode &tile )
tile.dirty = true;
for ( int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i )
markDirty( tile.tiles[ i ] );
void TilesManager::setPixmap( const QPixmap *pixmap, const NormalizedRect &rect )
NormalizedRect rotatedRect = TilesManager::fromRotatedRect( rect, d->rotation );
if ( !d->requestRect.isNull() )
if ( !(d->requestRect == rect) )
// Check whether the pixmap has the same absolute size of the expected
// request.
// If the document is rotated, rotate requestRect back to the original
// rotation before comparing to pixmap's size. This is to avoid
// conversion issues. The pixmap request was made using an unrotated
// rect.
QSize pixmapSize = pixmap->size();
int w = width();
int h = height();
if ( d->rotation % 2 )
qSwap(w, h);
if ( rotatedRect.geometry( w, h ).size() != pixmapSize )
d->requestRect = NormalizedRect();
for ( int i = 0; i < 16; ++i )
d->setPixmap( pixmap, rotatedRect, d->tiles[ i ] );
void TilesManager::Private::setPixmap( const QPixmap *pixmap, const NormalizedRect &rect, TileNode &tile )
QRect pixmapRect = TilesManager::toRotatedRect( rect, rotation ).geometry( width, height );
// Exclude tiles outside the viewport
if ( !tile.rect.intersects( rect ) )
// if the tile is not entirely within the viewport (the tile intersects an
// edged of the viewport), attempt to set the pixmap in the children tiles
if ( !((tile.rect & rect) == tile.rect) )
// paint children tiles
if ( tile.nTiles > 0 )
for ( int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i )
setPixmap( pixmap, rect, tile.tiles[ i ] );
delete tile.pixmap;
tile.pixmap = nullptr;
// the tile lies entirely within the viewport
if ( tile.nTiles == 0 )
tile.dirty = false;
// check whether the tile size is big and split it if necessary
if ( !splitBigTiles( tile, rect ) )
if ( tile.pixmap )
totalPixels -= tile.pixmap->width()*tile.pixmap->height();
delete tile.pixmap;
NormalizedRect rotatedRect = TilesManager::toRotatedRect( tile.rect, rotation );
tile.pixmap = new QPixmap( pixmap->copy( rotatedRect.geometry( width, height ).translated( -pixmapRect.topLeft() ) ) );
tile.rotation = rotation;
totalPixels += tile.pixmap->width()*tile.pixmap->height();
if ( tile.pixmap )
totalPixels -= tile.pixmap->width()*tile.pixmap->height();
delete tile.pixmap;
tile.pixmap = nullptr;
for ( int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i )
setPixmap( pixmap, rect, tile.tiles[ i ] );
QRect tileRect = tile.rect.geometry( width, height );
// sets the pixmap of the children tiles. if the tile's size is too
// small, discards the children tiles and use the current one
if ( tileRect.width()*tileRect.height() >= TILES_MAXSIZE )
tile.dirty = false;
if ( tile.pixmap )
totalPixels -= tile.pixmap->width()*tile.pixmap->height();
delete tile.pixmap;
tile.pixmap = nullptr;
for ( int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i )
setPixmap( pixmap, rect, tile.tiles[ i ] );
// remove children tiles
for ( int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i )
deleteTiles( tile.tiles[ i ] );
tile.tiles[ i ].pixmap = nullptr;
delete [] tile.tiles;
tile.tiles = nullptr;
tile.nTiles = 0;
// paint tile
if ( tile.pixmap )
totalPixels -= tile.pixmap->width()*tile.pixmap->height();
delete tile.pixmap;
NormalizedRect rotatedRect = TilesManager::toRotatedRect( tile.rect, rotation );
tile.pixmap = new QPixmap( pixmap->copy( rotatedRect.geometry( width, height ).translated( -pixmapRect.topLeft() ) ) );
tile.rotation = rotation;
totalPixels += tile.pixmap->width()*tile.pixmap->height();
tile.dirty = false;
bool TilesManager::hasPixmap( const NormalizedRect &rect )
NormalizedRect rotatedRect = fromRotatedRect( rect, d->rotation );
for ( int i = 0; i < 16; ++i )
if ( !d->hasPixmap( rotatedRect, d->tiles[ i ] ) )
return false;
return true;
bool TilesManager::Private::hasPixmap( const NormalizedRect &rect, const TileNode &tile ) const
if ( !tile.rect.intersects( rect ) )
return true;
if ( tile.nTiles == 0 )
return tile.isValid();
// all children tiles are clean. doesn't need to go deeper
if ( !tile.dirty )
return true;
for ( int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i )
if ( !hasPixmap( rect, tile.tiles[ i ] ) )
return false;
return true;
QList<Tile> TilesManager::tilesAt( const NormalizedRect &rect, TileLeaf tileLeaf )
QList<Tile> result;
NormalizedRect rotatedRect = fromRotatedRect( rect, d->rotation );
for ( int i = 0; i < 16; ++i )
d->tilesAt( rotatedRect, d->tiles[ i ], result, tileLeaf );
return result;
void TilesManager::Private::tilesAt( const NormalizedRect &rect, TileNode &tile, QList<Tile> &result, TileLeaf tileLeaf )
if ( !tile.rect.intersects( rect ) )
// split big tiles before the requests are made, otherwise we would end up
// requesting huge areas unnecessarily
splitBigTiles( tile, rect );
if ( ( tileLeaf == TerminalTile && tile.nTiles == 0 ) || ( tileLeaf == PixmapTile && tile.pixmap ) )
NormalizedRect rotatedRect;
if ( rotation != Rotation0 )
rotatedRect = TilesManager::toRotatedRect( tile.rect, rotation );
rotatedRect = tile.rect;
if ( tile.pixmap && tileLeaf == PixmapTile && tile.rotation != rotation )
// Lazy tiles rotation
int angleToRotate = (rotation - tile.rotation)*90;
int xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0;
int w = 0, h = 0;
switch( angleToRotate )
case 0:
xOffset = 0;
yOffset = 0;
w = tile.pixmap->width();
h = tile.pixmap->height();
case 90:
case -270:
xOffset = 0;
yOffset = -tile.pixmap->height();
w = tile.pixmap->height();
h = tile.pixmap->width();
case 180:
case -180:
xOffset = -tile.pixmap->width();
yOffset = -tile.pixmap->height();
w = tile.pixmap->width();
h = tile.pixmap->height();
case 270:
case -90:
xOffset = -tile.pixmap->width();
yOffset = 0;
w = tile.pixmap->height();
h = tile.pixmap->width();
QPixmap *rotatedPixmap = new QPixmap( w, h );
QPainter p( rotatedPixmap );
p.rotate( angleToRotate );
p.translate( xOffset, yOffset );
p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, *tile.pixmap );
delete tile.pixmap;
tile.pixmap = rotatedPixmap;
tile.rotation = rotation;
result.append( Tile( rotatedRect, tile.pixmap, tile.isValid() ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i )
tilesAt( rect, tile.tiles[ i ], result, tileLeaf );
qulonglong TilesManager::totalMemory() const
return 4*d->totalPixels;
void TilesManager::cleanupPixmapMemory( qulonglong numberOfBytes, const NormalizedRect &visibleRect, int visiblePageNumber )
QList<TileNode*> rankedTiles;
for ( int i = 0; i < 16; ++i )
d->rankTiles( d->tiles[ i ], rankedTiles, visibleRect, visiblePageNumber );
qSort( rankedTiles.begin(), rankedTiles.end(), rankedTilesLessThan );
while ( numberOfBytes > 0 && !rankedTiles.isEmpty() )
TileNode *tile = rankedTiles.takeLast();
if ( !tile->pixmap )
// do not evict visible pixmaps
if ( tile->rect.intersects( visibleRect ) )
qulonglong pixels = tile->pixmap->width()*tile->pixmap->height();
d->totalPixels -= pixels;
if ( numberOfBytes < 4*pixels )
numberOfBytes = 0;
numberOfBytes -= 4*pixels;
delete tile->pixmap;
tile->pixmap = nullptr;
d->markParentDirty( *tile );
void TilesManager::Private::markParentDirty( const TileNode &tile )
if ( !tile.parent )
if ( !tile.parent->dirty )
tile.parent->dirty = true;
markParentDirty( *tile.parent );
void TilesManager::Private::rankTiles( TileNode &tile, QList<TileNode*> &rankedTiles, const NormalizedRect &visibleRect, int visiblePageNumber )
// If the page is visible, visibleRect is not null.
// Otherwise we use the number of one of the visible pages to calculate the
// distance.
// Note that the current page may be visible and yet its pageNumber is
// different from visiblePageNumber. Since we only use this value on hidden
// pages, any visible page number will fit.
if ( visibleRect.isNull() && visiblePageNumber < 0 )
if ( tile.pixmap )
// Update distance
if ( !visibleRect.isNull() )
NormalizedPoint viewportCenter = visibleRect.center();
NormalizedPoint tileCenter = tile.rect.center();
// Manhattan distance. It's a good and fast approximation.
tile.distance = qAbs(viewportCenter.x - tileCenter.x) + qAbs(viewportCenter.y - tileCenter.y);
// For non visible pages only the vertical distance is used
if ( pageNumber < visiblePageNumber )
tile.distance = 1 - tile.rect.bottom;
tile.distance = tile.rect.top;
rankedTiles.append( &tile );
for ( int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i )
rankTiles( tile.tiles[ i ], rankedTiles, visibleRect, visiblePageNumber );
bool TilesManager::isRequesting( const NormalizedRect &rect, int pageWidth, int pageHeight ) const
return rect == d->requestRect && pageWidth == d->requestWidth && pageHeight == d->requestHeight;
void TilesManager::setRequest( const NormalizedRect &rect, int pageWidth, int pageHeight )
d->requestRect = rect;
d->requestWidth = pageWidth;
d->requestHeight = pageHeight;
bool TilesManager::Private::splitBigTiles( TileNode &tile, const NormalizedRect &rect )
QRect tileRect = tile.rect.geometry( width, height );
if ( tileRect.width()*tileRect.height() < TILES_MAXSIZE )
return false;
split( tile, rect );
return true;
void TilesManager::Private::split( TileNode &tile, const NormalizedRect &rect )
if ( tile.nTiles != 0 )
if ( rect.isNull() || !tile.rect.intersects( rect ) )
tile.nTiles = 4;
tile.tiles = new TileNode[4];
double hCenter = (tile.rect.left + tile.rect.right)/2;
double vCenter = (tile.rect.top + tile.rect.bottom)/2;
tile.tiles[0].rect = NormalizedRect( tile.rect.left, tile.rect.top, hCenter, vCenter );
tile.tiles[1].rect = NormalizedRect( hCenter, tile.rect.top, tile.rect.right, vCenter );
tile.tiles[2].rect = NormalizedRect( tile.rect.left, vCenter, hCenter, tile.rect.bottom );
tile.tiles[3].rect = NormalizedRect( hCenter, vCenter, tile.rect.right, tile.rect.bottom );
for ( int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i )
tile.tiles[ i ].parent = &tile;
splitBigTiles( tile.tiles[ i ], rect );
NormalizedRect TilesManager::fromRotatedRect( const NormalizedRect &rect, Rotation rotation )
if ( rotation == Rotation0 )
return rect;
NormalizedRect newRect;
switch ( rotation )
case Rotation90:
newRect = NormalizedRect( rect.top, 1 - rect.right, rect.bottom, 1 - rect.left );
case Rotation180:
newRect = NormalizedRect( 1 - rect.right, 1 - rect.bottom, 1 - rect.left, 1 - rect.top );
case Rotation270:
newRect = NormalizedRect( 1 - rect.bottom, rect.left, 1 - rect.top, rect.right );
newRect = rect;
return newRect;
NormalizedRect TilesManager::toRotatedRect( const NormalizedRect &rect, Rotation rotation )
if ( rotation == Rotation0 )
return rect;
NormalizedRect newRect;
switch ( rotation )
case Rotation90:
newRect = NormalizedRect( 1 - rect.bottom, rect.left, 1 - rect.top, rect.right );
case Rotation180:
newRect = NormalizedRect( 1 - rect.right, 1 - rect.bottom, 1 - rect.left, 1 - rect.top );
case Rotation270:
newRect = NormalizedRect( rect.top, 1 - rect.right, rect.bottom, 1 - rect.left );
newRect = rect;
return newRect;
: pixmap( nullptr )
, rotation( Rotation0 )
, dirty ( true )
, distance( -1 )
, tiles( nullptr )
, nTiles( 0 )
, parent( nullptr )
bool TileNode::isValid() const
return pixmap && !dirty;
class Tile::Private
NormalizedRect rect;
QPixmap *pixmap;
bool isValid;
: pixmap( nullptr )
, isValid( false )
Tile::Tile( const NormalizedRect &rect, QPixmap *pixmap, bool isValid )
: d( new Tile::Private )
d->rect = rect;
d->pixmap = pixmap;
d->isValid = isValid;
Tile::Tile( const Tile &t )
: d( new Tile::Private )
d->rect = t.d->rect;
d->pixmap = t.d->pixmap;
d->isValid = t.d->isValid;
Tile& Tile::operator=( const Tile &other )
if ( this == &other )
return *this;
d->rect = other.d->rect;
d->pixmap = other.d->pixmap;
d->isValid = other.d->isValid;
return *this;
delete d;
NormalizedRect Tile::rect() const
return d->rect;
QPixmap * Tile::pixmap() const
return d->pixmap;
bool Tile::isValid() const
return d->isValid;