Nicolas Fella 80afe26873 Implement event.change
This represents the newly entered data for each keystroke. This is often a single added character, but for cases like pasting text it can be more complex.

The PDF API reference doesn't specify any algorithm to use.

The algorithm used here works by iterating through both strings from the start until the first different character is encountered. Then the rest of the new text is considered the difference.

This doesn't produce the theoretically optimal/minimal diff, but seems to work well enough for practical application.

When text is removed the diff is empty
2022-09-13 21:51:15 +00:00

366 lines
12 KiB

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004-2005 Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004-2007 Albert Astals Cid <aacid@kde.org>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "document.h"
#include "script/event_p.h"
#include "synctex/synctex_parser.h"
#include <memory>
// qt/kde/system includes
#include <KConfigDialog>
#include <KPluginMetaData>
#include <QHash>
#include <QMap>
#include <QMutex>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QUrl>
// local includes
#include "fontinfo.h"
#include "generator.h"
class QUndoStack;
class QEventLoop;
class QFile;
class QTimer;
class QTemporaryFile;
class KPluginMetaData;
struct AllocatedPixmap;
struct ArchiveData;
struct RunningSearch;
namespace Okular
class ScriptAction;
class ConfigInterface;
class PageController;
class SaveInterface;
class Scripter;
class View;
struct GeneratorInfo {
explicit GeneratorInfo(Okular::Generator *g, const KPluginMetaData &data)
: generator(g)
, metadata(data)
, config(nullptr)
, save(nullptr)
, configChecked(false)
, saveChecked(false)
Okular::Generator *generator;
KPluginMetaData metadata;
Okular::ConfigInterface *config;
Okular::SaveInterface *save;
bool configChecked : 1;
bool saveChecked : 1;
namespace Okular
class OKULARCORE_EXPORT BackendConfigDialog : public KConfigDialog
BackendConfigDialog(QWidget *parent, const QString &name, KCoreConfigSkeleton *config)
: KConfigDialog(parent, name, config)
KPageWidget *thePageWidget()
return pageWidget();
class FontExtractionThread;
struct DoContinueDirectionMatchSearchStruct {
QSet<int> *pagesToNotify;
RegularAreaRect *match;
int currentPage;
int searchID;
enum LoadDocumentInfoFlag {
LoadNone = 0,
LoadPageInfo = 1, // Load annotations and forms
LoadGeneralInfo = 2, // History, rotation, ...
LoadAllInfo = 0xff
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(LoadDocumentInfoFlags, LoadDocumentInfoFlag)
class DocumentPrivate
explicit DocumentPrivate(Document *parent)
: m_parent(parent)
, m_tempFile(nullptr)
, m_docSize(-1)
, m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory(0)
, m_maxAllocatedTextPages(0)
, m_warnedOutOfMemory(false)
, m_rotation(Rotation0)
, m_exportCached(false)
, m_bookmarkManager(nullptr)
, m_memCheckTimer(nullptr)
, m_saveBookmarksTimer(nullptr)
, m_generator(nullptr)
, m_walletGenerator(nullptr)
, m_generatorsLoaded(false)
, m_pageController(nullptr)
, m_closingLoop(nullptr)
, m_scripter(nullptr)
, m_archiveData(nullptr)
, m_fontsCached(false)
, m_annotationEditingEnabled(true)
, m_annotationBeingModified(false)
, m_docdataMigrationNeeded(false)
, m_synctex_scanner(nullptr)
// private methods
bool updateMetadataXmlNameAndDocSize();
QString pagesSizeString() const;
QString namePaperSize(double inchesWidth, double inchesHeight) const;
QString localizedSize(const QSizeF size) const;
qulonglong calculateMemoryToFree();
void cleanupPixmapMemory();
void cleanupPixmapMemory(qulonglong memoryToFree);
AllocatedPixmap *searchLowestPriorityPixmap(bool unloadableOnly = false, bool thenRemoveIt = false, DocumentObserver *observer = nullptr /* any */);
void calculateMaxTextPages();
qulonglong getTotalMemory();
qulonglong getFreeMemory(qulonglong *freeSwap = nullptr);
bool loadDocumentInfo(LoadDocumentInfoFlags loadWhat);
bool loadDocumentInfo(QFile &infoFile, LoadDocumentInfoFlags loadWhat);
void loadViewsInfo(View *view, const QDomElement &e);
void saveViewsInfo(View *view, QDomElement &e) const;
QUrl giveAbsoluteUrl(const QString &fileName) const;
bool openRelativeFile(const QString &fileName);
Generator *loadGeneratorLibrary(const KPluginMetaData &service);
void loadAllGeneratorLibraries();
void loadServiceList(const QVector<KPluginMetaData> &offers);
void unloadGenerator(const GeneratorInfo &info);
void cacheExportFormats();
void setRotationInternal(int r, bool notify);
ConfigInterface *generatorConfig(GeneratorInfo &info);
SaveInterface *generatorSave(GeneratorInfo &info);
Document::OpenResult openDocumentInternal(const KPluginMetaData &offer, bool isstdin, const QString &docFile, const QByteArray &filedata, const QString &password);
static ArchiveData *unpackDocumentArchive(const QString &archivePath);
bool savePageDocumentInfo(QTemporaryFile *infoFile, int what) const;
DocumentViewport nextDocumentViewport() const;
void notifyAnnotationChanges(int page);
void notifyFormChanges(int page);
bool canAddAnnotationsNatively() const;
bool canModifyExternalAnnotations() const;
bool canRemoveExternalAnnotations() const;
OKULARCORE_EXPORT static QString docDataFileName(const QUrl &url, qint64 document_size);
bool cancelRenderingBecauseOf(PixmapRequest *executingRequest, PixmapRequest *newRequest);
// Methods that implement functionality needed by undo commands
void performAddPageAnnotation(int page, Annotation *annotation);
void performRemovePageAnnotation(int page, Annotation *annotation);
void performModifyPageAnnotation(int page, Annotation *annotation, bool appearanceChanged);
void performSetAnnotationContents(const QString &newContents, Annotation *annot, int pageNumber);
void recalculateForms();
// private slots
void saveDocumentInfo() const;
void slotTimedMemoryCheck();
void sendGeneratorPixmapRequest();
void rotationFinished(int page, Okular::Page *okularPage);
void slotFontReadingProgress(int page);
void fontReadingGotFont(const Okular::FontInfo &font);
void slotGeneratorConfigChanged();
void refreshPixmaps(int);
void _o_configChanged();
void doContinueDirectionMatchSearch(void *doContinueDirectionMatchSearchStruct);
void doContinueAllDocumentSearch(void *pagesToNotifySet, void *pageMatchesMap, int currentPage, int searchID);
void doContinueGooglesDocumentSearch(void *pagesToNotifySet, void *pageMatchesMap, int currentPage, int searchID, const QStringList &words);
void doProcessSearchMatch(RegularAreaRect *match, RunningSearch *search, QSet<int> *pagesToNotify, int currentPage, int searchID, bool moveViewport, const QColor &color);
* Executes a JavaScript script from the setInterval function.
* @since 1.9
void executeScript(const QString &function);
// generators stuff
* This method is used by the generators to signal the finish of
* the pixmap generation @p request.
void requestDone(PixmapRequest *request);
void textGenerationDone(Page *page);
* Sets the bounding box of the given @p page (in terms of upright orientation, i.e., Rotation0).
void setPageBoundingBox(int page, const NormalizedRect &boundingBox);
* Request a particular metadata of the Document itself (ie, not something
* depending on the document type/backend).
QVariant documentMetaData(const Generator::DocumentMetaDataKey key, const QVariant &option) const;
* Return whether the normalized rectangle @p rectOfInterest on page number @p rectPage
* is fully visible.
bool isNormalizedRectangleFullyVisible(const Okular::NormalizedRect &rectOfInterest, int rectPage);
// For sync files
void loadSyncFile(const QString &filePath);
void clearAndWaitForRequests();
OKULARCORE_EXPORT static QString diff(const QString &oldVal, const QString &newVal);
* Executes a ScriptAction with the event passed as parameter.
void executeScriptEvent(const std::shared_ptr<Event> &event, const Okular::ScriptAction *linkscript);
* Find the corresponding page number for the form field passed as parameter.
int findFieldPageNumber(Okular::FormField *field);
// member variables
Document *m_parent;
QPointer<QWidget> m_widget;
// find descriptors, mapped by ID (we handle multiple searches)
QMap<int, RunningSearch *> m_searches;
bool m_searchCancelled;
// needed because for remote documents docFileName is a local file and
// we want the remote url when the document refers to relativeNames
QUrl m_url;
// cached stuff
QString m_docFileName;
QString m_xmlFileName;
QTemporaryFile *m_tempFile;
qint64 m_docSize;
// viewport stuff
std::list<DocumentViewport> m_viewportHistory;
std::list<DocumentViewport>::iterator m_viewportIterator;
DocumentViewport m_nextDocumentViewport; // see Link::Goto for an explanation
QString m_nextDocumentDestination;
// observers / requests / allocator stuff
QSet<DocumentObserver *> m_observers;
std::list<PixmapRequest *> m_pixmapRequestsStack;
std::list<PixmapRequest *> m_executingPixmapRequests;
QMutex m_pixmapRequestsMutex;
std::list<AllocatedPixmap *> m_allocatedPixmaps;
qulonglong m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory;
QList<int> m_allocatedTextPagesFifo;
int m_maxAllocatedTextPages;
bool m_warnedOutOfMemory;
// the rotation applied to the document
Rotation m_rotation;
// the current size of the pages (if available), and the cache of the
// available page sizes
PageSize m_pageSize;
PageSize::List m_pageSizes;
// cache of the export formats
bool m_exportCached;
ExportFormat::List m_exportFormats;
ExportFormat m_exportToText;
// our bookmark manager
BookmarkManager *m_bookmarkManager;
// timers (memory checking / info saver)
QTimer *m_memCheckTimer;
QTimer *m_saveBookmarksTimer;
QHash<QString, GeneratorInfo> m_loadedGenerators;
Generator *m_generator;
QString m_generatorName;
Generator *m_walletGenerator;
bool m_generatorsLoaded;
QVector<Page *> m_pagesVector;
QVector<VisiblePageRect *> m_pageRects;
// cache of the mimetype we support
QStringList m_supportedMimeTypes;
PageController *m_pageController;
QEventLoop *m_closingLoop;
Scripter *m_scripter;
ArchiveData *m_archiveData;
QString m_archivedFileName;
QPointer<FontExtractionThread> m_fontThread;
bool m_fontsCached;
QSet<DocumentInfo::Key> m_documentInfoAskedKeys;
DocumentInfo m_documentInfo;
FontInfo::List m_fontsCache;
QSet<View *> m_views;
bool m_annotationEditingEnabled;
bool m_annotationBeingModified; // is an annotation currently being moved or resized?
bool m_metadataLoadingCompleted;
QUndoStack *m_undoStack;
QDomNode m_prevPropsOfAnnotBeingModified;
// Since 0.21, we no longer support saving annotations and form data in
// the docdata/ directory and we ask the user to migrate them to an
// external file as soon as possible, otherwise the document will be
// shown in read-only mode. This flag is set if the docdata/ XML file
// for the current document contains any annotation or form.
bool m_docdataMigrationNeeded;
synctex_scanner_p m_synctex_scanner;
QString m_openError;
// generator selection
static QVector<KPluginMetaData> availableGenerators();
static QVector<KPluginMetaData> configurableGenerators();
static KPluginMetaData generatorForMimeType(const QMimeType &type, QWidget *widget, const QVector<KPluginMetaData> &triedOffers = QVector<KPluginMetaData>());
// overrides the editor command (for example with a command from the command line)
QString editorCommandOverride;
class DocumentInfoPrivate
QMap<QString, QString> values; // key -> value
QMap<QString, QString> titles; // key -> title For the custom keys
/* kate: replace-tabs on; indent-width 4; */