Albert Astals Cid 3abd57ea99 - Put xpdf 3.00 in the xpdf, goo and fofi drawers to bring the PDF 1.5 support that version has to kpdf
- Remove not used files of xpdf (images, etc) that we don't need to distribute

Please test if your kpdf behaves equally that older versions (it should only have somewhat better support to PDF 1.5)

svn path=/trunk/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=339928
2004-08-23 00:05:01 +00:00

571 lines
17 KiB

// TextOutputDev.h
// Copyright 1997-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC
#include <aconf.h>
#pragma interface
#include <stdio.h>
#include "gtypes.h"
#include "GfxFont.h"
#include "OutputDev.h"
class GString;
class GList;
class GfxFont;
class GfxState;
class UnicodeMap;
typedef void (*TextOutputFunc)(void *stream, char *text, int len);
// TextFontInfo
class TextFontInfo {
TextFontInfo(GfxState *state);
GBool matches(GfxState *state);
GfxFont *gfxFont;
GString *fontName;
friend class TextWord;
friend class TextPage;
// TextWord
class TextWord {
// Constructor.
TextWord(GfxState *state, int rotA, double x0, double y0,
int charPosA, TextFontInfo *fontA, double fontSize);
// Destructor.
// Add a character to the word.
void addChar(GfxState *state, double x, double y,
double dx, double dy, Unicode u);
// Merge <word> onto the end of <this>.
void merge(TextWord *word);
// Compares <this> to <word>, returning -1 (<), 0 (=), or +1 (>),
// based on a primary-axis comparison, e.g., x ordering if rot=0.
int primaryCmp(TextWord *word);
// Return the distance along the primary axis between <this> and
// <word>.
double primaryDelta(TextWord *word);
static int cmpYX(const void *p1, const void *p2);
int getLength() { return len; }
Unicode getChar(int idx) { return text[idx]; }
GString *getText();
GString *getFontName() { return font->fontName; }
void getColor(double *r, double *g, double *b)
{ *r = colorR; *g = colorG; *b = colorB; }
void getBBox(double *xMinA, double *yMinA, double *xMaxA, double *yMaxA)
{ *xMinA = xMin; *yMinA = yMin; *xMaxA = xMax; *yMaxA = yMax; }
int getCharPos() { return charPos; }
int getCharLen() { return charLen; }
int rot; // rotation, multiple of 90 degrees
// (0, 1, 2, or 3)
double xMin, xMax; // bounding box x coordinates
double yMin, yMax; // bounding box y coordinates
double base; // baseline x or y coordinate
Unicode *text; // the text
double *edge; // "near" edge x or y coord of each char
// (plus one extra entry for the last char)
int len; // length of text and edge arrays
int size; // size of text and edge arrays
int charPos; // character position (within content stream)
int charLen; // number of content stream characters in
// this word
TextFontInfo *font; // font information
double fontSize; // font size
GBool spaceAfter; // set if there is a space between this
// word and the next word on the line
TextWord *next; // next word in line
double colorR, // word color
friend class TextPool;
friend class TextLine;
friend class TextBlock;
friend class TextFlow;
friend class TextWordList;
friend class TextPage;
// TextPool
class TextPool {
TextWord *getPool(int baseIdx) { return pool[baseIdx - minBaseIdx]; }
void setPool(int baseIdx, TextWord *p) { pool[baseIdx - minBaseIdx] = p; }
int getBaseIdx(double base);
void addWord(TextWord *word);
int minBaseIdx; // min baseline bucket index
int maxBaseIdx; // max baseline bucket index
TextWord **pool; // array of linked lists, one for each
// baseline value (multiple of 4 pts)
TextWord *cursor; // pointer to last-accessed word
int cursorBaseIdx; // baseline bucket index of last-accessed word
friend class TextBlock;
friend class TextPage;
// TextLine
class TextLine {
TextLine(TextBlock *blkA, int rotA, double baseA);
void addWord(TextWord *word);
// Return the distance along the primary axis between <this> and
// <line>.
double primaryDelta(TextLine *line);
// Compares <this> to <line>, returning -1 (<), 0 (=), or +1 (>),
// based on a primary-axis comparison, e.g., x ordering if rot=0.
int primaryCmp(TextLine *line);
// Compares <this> to <line>, returning -1 (<), 0 (=), or +1 (>),
// based on a secondary-axis comparison of the baselines, e.g., y
// ordering if rot=0.
int secondaryCmp(TextLine *line);
int cmpYX(TextLine *line);
static int cmpXY(const void *p1, const void *p2);
void coalesce(UnicodeMap *uMap);
TextBlock *blk; // parent block
int rot; // text rotation
double xMin, xMax; // bounding box x coordinates
double yMin, yMax; // bounding box y coordinates
double base; // baseline x or y coordinate
TextWord *words; // words in this line
TextWord *lastWord; // last word in this line
Unicode *text; // Unicode text of the line, including
// spaces between words
double *edge; // "near" edge x or y coord of each char
// (plus one extra entry for the last char)
int *col; // starting column number of each Unicode char
int len; // number of Unicode chars
int convertedLen; // total number of converted characters
GBool hyphenated; // set if last char is a hyphen
TextLine *next; // next line in block
friend class TextLineFrag;
friend class TextBlock;
friend class TextFlow;
friend class TextWordList;
friend class TextPage;
// TextBlock
class TextBlock {
TextBlock(TextPage *pageA, int rotA);
void addWord(TextWord *word);
void coalesce(UnicodeMap *uMap);
// Update this block's priMin and priMax values, looking at <blk>.
void updatePriMinMax(TextBlock *blk);
static int cmpXYPrimaryRot(const void *p1, const void *p2);
static int cmpYXPrimaryRot(const void *p1, const void *p2);
int primaryCmp(TextBlock *blk);
double secondaryDelta(TextBlock *blk);
// Returns true if <this> is below <blk>, relative to the page's
// primary rotation.
GBool isBelow(TextBlock *blk);
TextPage *page; // the parent page
int rot; // text rotation
double xMin, xMax; // bounding box x coordinates
double yMin, yMax; // bounding box y coordinates
double priMin, priMax; // whitespace bounding box along primary axis
TextPool *pool; // pool of words (used only until lines
// are built)
TextLine *lines; // linked list of lines
TextLine *curLine; // most recently added line
int nLines; // number of lines
int charCount; // number of characters in the block
int col; // starting column
int nColumns; // number of columns in the block
TextBlock *next;
TextBlock *stackNext;
friend class TextLine;
friend class TextLineFrag;
friend class TextFlow;
friend class TextWordList;
friend class TextPage;
// TextFlow
class TextFlow {
TextFlow(TextPage *pageA, TextBlock *blk);
// Add a block to the end of this flow.
void addBlock(TextBlock *blk);
// Returns true if <blk> fits below <prevBlk> in the flow, i.e., (1)
// it uses a font no larger than the last block added to the flow,
// and (2) it fits within the flow's [priMin, priMax] along the
// primary axis.
GBool blockFits(TextBlock *blk, TextBlock *prevBlk);
TextPage *page; // the parent page
double xMin, xMax; // bounding box x coordinates
double yMin, yMax; // bounding box y coordinates
double priMin, priMax; // whitespace bounding box along primary axis
TextBlock *blocks; // blocks in flow
TextBlock *lastBlk; // last block in this flow
TextFlow *next;
friend class TextWordList;
friend class TextPage;
// TextWordList
class TextWordList {
// Build a flat word list, in content stream order (if
// text->rawOrder is true), physical layout order (if <physLayout>
// is true and text->rawOrder is false), or reading order (if both
// flags are false).
TextWordList(TextPage *text, GBool physLayout);
// Return the number of words on the list.
int getLength();
// Return the <idx>th word from the list.
TextWord *get(int idx);
GList *words;
// TextPage
class TextPage {
// Constructor.
TextPage(GBool rawOrderA);
// Destructor.
// Start a new page.
void startPage(GfxState *state);
// End the current page.
void endPage();
// Update the current font.
void updateFont(GfxState *state);
// Begin a new word.
void beginWord(GfxState *state, double x0, double y0);
// Add a character to the current word.
void addChar(GfxState *state, double x, double y,
double dx, double dy,
CharCode c, Unicode *u, int uLen);
// End the current word, sorting it into the list of words.
void endWord();
// Add a word, sorting it into the list of words.
void addWord(TextWord *word);
// Coalesce strings that look like parts of the same line.
void coalesce(GBool physLayout);
// Find a string. If <startAtTop> is true, starts looking at the
// top of the page; else if <startAtLast> is true, starts looking
// immediately after the last find result; else starts looking at
// <xMin>,<yMin>. If <stopAtBottom> is true, stops looking at the
// bottom of the page; else if <stopAtLast> is true, stops looking
// just before the last find result; else stops looking at
// <xMax>,<yMax>.
GBool findText(Unicode *s, int len,
GBool startAtTop, GBool stopAtBottom,
GBool startAtLast, GBool stopAtLast,
double *xMin, double *yMin,
double *xMax, double *yMax);
// Get the text which is inside the specified rectangle.
GString *getText(double xMin, double yMin,
double xMax, double yMax);
// Find a string by character position and length. If found, sets
// the text bounding rectangle and returns true; otherwise returns
// false.
GBool findCharRange(int pos, int length,
double *xMin, double *yMin,
double *xMax, double *yMax);
// Dump contents of page to a file.
void dump(void *outputStream, TextOutputFunc outputFunc,
GBool physLayout);
// Build a flat word list, in content stream order (if
// this->rawOrder is true), physical layout order (if <physLayout>
// is true and this->rawOrder is false), or reading order (if both
// flags are false).
TextWordList *makeWordList(GBool physLayout);
void clear();
void assignColumns(TextLineFrag *frags, int nFrags, int rot);
int dumpFragment(Unicode *text, int len, UnicodeMap *uMap, GString *s);
GBool rawOrder; // keep text in content stream order
double pageWidth, pageHeight; // width and height of current page
TextWord *curWord; // currently active string
int charPos; // next character position (within content
// stream)
TextFontInfo *curFont; // current font
double curFontSize; // current font size
int nest; // current nesting level (for Type 3 fonts)
int nTinyChars; // number of "tiny" chars seen so far
GBool lastCharOverlap; // set if the last added char overlapped the
// previous char
TextPool *pools[4]; // a "pool" of TextWords for each rotation
TextFlow *flows; // linked list of flows
TextBlock **blocks; // array of blocks, in yx order
int nBlocks; // number of blocks
int primaryRot; // primary rotation
GBool primaryLR; // primary direction (true means L-to-R,
// false means R-to-L)
TextWord *rawWords; // list of words, in raw order (only if
// rawOrder is set)
TextWord *rawLastWord; // last word on rawWords list
GList *fonts; // all font info objects used on this
// page [TextFontInfo]
double lastFindXMin, // coordinates of the last "find" result
GBool haveLastFind;
friend class TextLine;
friend class TextLineFrag;
friend class TextBlock;
friend class TextFlow;
friend class TextWordList;
// TextOutputDev
class TextOutputDev: public OutputDev {
// Open a text output file. If <fileName> is NULL, no file is
// written (this is useful, e.g., for searching text). If
// <physLayoutA> is true, the original physical layout of the text
// is maintained. If <rawOrder> is true, the text is kept in
// content stream order.
TextOutputDev(char *fileName, GBool physLayoutA,
GBool rawOrderA, GBool append);
// Create a TextOutputDev which will write to a generic stream. If
// <physLayoutA> is true, the original physical layout of the text
// is maintained. If <rawOrder> is true, the text is kept in
// content stream order.
TextOutputDev(TextOutputFunc func, void *stream,
GBool physLayoutA, GBool rawOrderA);
// Destructor.
virtual ~TextOutputDev();
// Check if file was successfully created.
virtual GBool isOk() { return ok; }
//---- get info about output device
// Does this device use upside-down coordinates?
// (Upside-down means (0,0) is the top left corner of the page.)
virtual GBool upsideDown() { return gTrue; }
// Does this device use drawChar() or drawString()?
virtual GBool useDrawChar() { return gTrue; }
// Does this device use beginType3Char/endType3Char? Otherwise,
// text in Type 3 fonts will be drawn with drawChar/drawString.
virtual GBool interpretType3Chars() { return gFalse; }
// Does this device need non-text content?
virtual GBool needNonText() { return gFalse; }
//----- initialization and control
// Start a page.
virtual void startPage(int pageNum, GfxState *state);
// End a page.
virtual void endPage();
//----- update text state
virtual void updateFont(GfxState *state);
//----- text drawing
virtual void beginString(GfxState *state, GString *s);
virtual void endString(GfxState *state);
virtual void drawChar(GfxState *state, double x, double y,
double dx, double dy,
double originX, double originY,
CharCode c, Unicode *u, int uLen);
//----- special access
// Find a string. If <startAtTop> is true, starts looking at the
// top of the page; else if <startAtLast> is true, starts looking
// immediately after the last find result; else starts looking at
// <xMin>,<yMin>. If <stopAtBottom> is true, stops looking at the
// bottom of the page; else if <stopAtLast> is true, stops looking
// just before the last find result; else stops looking at
// <xMax>,<yMax>.
GBool findText(Unicode *s, int len,
GBool startAtTop, GBool stopAtBottom,
GBool startAtLast, GBool stopAtLast,
double *xMin, double *yMin,
double *xMax, double *yMax);
// Get the text which is inside the specified rectangle.
GString *getText(double xMin, double yMin,
double xMax, double yMax);
// Find a string by character position and length. If found, sets
// the text bounding rectangle and returns true; otherwise returns
// false.
GBool findCharRange(int pos, int length,
double *xMin, double *yMin,
double *xMax, double *yMax);
// Build a flat word list, in content stream order (if
// this->rawOrder is true), physical layout order (if
// this->physLayout is true and this->rawOrder is false), or reading
// order (if both flags are false).
TextWordList *makeWordList();
TextOutputFunc outputFunc; // output function
void *outputStream; // output stream
GBool needClose; // need to close the output file?
// (only if outputStream is a FILE*)
TextPage *text; // text for the current page
GBool physLayout; // maintain original physical layout when
// dumping text
GBool rawOrder; // keep text in content stream order
GBool ok; // set up ok?