Albert Astals Cid ba35bbd9e6 emit -> Q_EMIT
A future ECM is going to force that on us, so do it early
2022-03-19 10:58:47 +00:00

128 lines
5.1 KiB

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Chinmoy Ranjan Pradhan <chinmoyrp65@gmail.com>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "signaturepartutils.h"
#include "core/document.h"
#include "core/form.h"
#include "core/page.h"
#include "pageview.h"
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QInputDialog>
#include <QMimeDatabase>
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <KMessageBox>
namespace SignaturePartUtils
std::unique_ptr<Okular::CertificateInfo> getCertificateAndPasswordForSigning(PageView *pageView, Okular::Document *doc, QString *password, QString *documentPassword)
const Okular::CertificateStore *certStore = doc->certificateStore();
bool userCancelled, nonDateValidCerts;
QList<Okular::CertificateInfo *> certs = certStore->signingCertificatesForNow(&userCancelled, &nonDateValidCerts);
if (userCancelled) {
return nullptr;
if (certs.isEmpty()) {
return nullptr;
QStringList items;
QHash<QString, Okular::CertificateInfo *> nickToCert;
for (auto cert : qAsConst(certs)) {
nickToCert[cert->nickName()] = cert;
bool resok = false;
const QString certNicknameToUse = QInputDialog::getItem(pageView, i18n("Select certificate to sign with"), i18n("Certificates:"), items, 0, false, &resok);
if (!resok) {
return nullptr;
// I could not find any case in which i need to enter a password to use the certificate, seems that once you unlcok the firefox/NSS database
// you don't need a password anymore, but still there's code to do that in NSS so we have code to ask for it if needed. What we do is
// ask if the empty password is fine, if it is we don't ask the user anything, if it's not, we ask for a password
Okular::CertificateInfo *cert = nickToCert.value(certNicknameToUse);
bool passok = cert->checkPassword(*password);
while (!passok) {
const QString title = i18n("Enter password (if any) to unlock certificate: %1", certNicknameToUse);
bool ok;
*password = QInputDialog::getText(pageView, i18n("Enter certificate password"), title, QLineEdit::Password, QString(), &ok);
if (ok) {
passok = cert->checkPassword(*password);
} else {
passok = false;
if (doc->metaData(QStringLiteral("DocumentHasPassword")).toString() == QLatin1String("yes")) {
*documentPassword = QInputDialog::getText(pageView, i18n("Enter document password"), i18n("Enter document password"), QLineEdit::Password, QString(), &passok);
if (passok) {
return passok ? std::unique_ptr<Okular::CertificateInfo>(cert) : std::unique_ptr<Okular::CertificateInfo>();
QString getFileNameForNewSignedFile(PageView *pageView, Okular::Document *doc)
QMimeDatabase db;
const QString typeName = doc->documentInfo().get(Okular::DocumentInfo::MimeType);
const QMimeType mimeType = db.mimeTypeForName(typeName);
const QString mimeTypeFilter = i18nc("File type name and pattern", "%1 (%2)", mimeType.comment(), mimeType.globPatterns().join(QLatin1Char(' ')));
const QUrl currentFileUrl = doc->currentDocument();
const QFileInfo currentFileInfo(currentFileUrl.fileName());
const QString localFilePathIfAny = currentFileUrl.isLocalFile() ? QFileInfo(currentFileUrl.path()).canonicalPath() + QLatin1Char('/') : QString();
const QString newFileName =
localFilePathIfAny + i18nc("Used when suggesting a new name for a digitally signed file. %1 is the old file name and %2 it's extension", "%1_signed.%2", currentFileInfo.baseName(), currentFileInfo.completeSuffix());
return QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(pageView, i18n("Save Signed File As"), newFileName, mimeTypeFilter);
void signUnsignedSignature(const Okular::FormFieldSignature *form, PageView *pageView, Okular::Document *doc)
Q_ASSERT(form && form->signatureType() == Okular::FormFieldSignature::UnsignedSignature);
QString password, documentPassword;
const std::unique_ptr<Okular::CertificateInfo> cert = getCertificateAndPasswordForSigning(pageView, doc, &password, &documentPassword);
if (!cert) {
Okular::NewSignatureData data;
const QString newFilePath = getFileNameForNewSignedFile(pageView, doc);
if (!newFilePath.isEmpty()) {
const bool success = form->sign(data, newFilePath);
if (success) {
Q_EMIT pageView->requestOpenFile(newFilePath, form->page()->number() + 1);
} else {
KMessageBox::error(pageView, i18nc("%1 is a file path", "Could not sign. Invalid certificate password or could not write to '%1'", newFilePath));