Tobias Koenig d2f9f04494 API cleanup
svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/okular/; revision=608232
2006-11-27 08:08:39 +00:00

211 lines
5.9 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2004 by Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#ifndef _OKULAR_LINK_H_
#define _OKULAR_LINK_H_
#include "okular_export.h"
#include <QtCore/QRect>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include "document.h" // for DocumentViewport
namespace Okular {
class Sound;
* @short Encapsulates data that describes a link.
* This is the base class for links. It makes mandatory for inherited
* widgets to reimplement the 'linkType' method and return the type of
* the link described by the reimplemented class.
* Describes the type of link.
enum LinkType {
Goto, ///< Goto a given page or external document
Execute, ///< Execute a command or external application
Browse, ///< Browse a given website
Action, ///< Start a custom action
Sound, ///< Play a sound
Movie ///< Play a movie
* Destroys the link.
virtual ~Link();
* Returns the type of the link. Every inherited class must return
* an unique identifier.
* @see LinkType
virtual LinkType linkType() const = 0;
* Returns a i18n'ed tip of the link action that is presented to
* the user.
virtual QString linkTip() const;
* The Goto link changes the viewport to another page
* or loads an external document.
class OKULAR_EXPORT LinkGoto : public Link
* Creates a new goto link.
* @p fileName The name of an external file that shall be loaded.
* @p viewport The target viewport information of the current document.
LinkGoto( QString fileName, const DocumentViewport & viewport );
* Returns the link type.
LinkType linkType() const;
* Returns the link tip.
QString linkTip() const;
* Returns whether the goto link points to an external document.
bool isExternal() const;
* Returns the filename of the external document.
QString fileName() const;
* Returns the document viewport the goto link points to.
DocumentViewport destViewport() const;
QString m_extFileName;
DocumentViewport m_vp;
/** Execute: filename and parameters to execute **/
class OKULAR_EXPORT LinkExecute : public Link
// query for filename / parameters
const QString & fileName() const { return m_fileName; }
const QString & parameters() const { return m_parameters; }
// create a Link_Execute
LinkExecute( const QString & file, const QString & params ) { m_fileName = file; m_parameters = params; }
LinkType linkType() const { return Execute; }
QString linkTip() const;
QString m_fileName;
QString m_parameters;
/** Browse: an URL to open, ranging from 'http://' to 'mailto:' etc.. **/
class OKULAR_EXPORT LinkBrowse : public Link
// query for URL
const QString & url() const { return m_url; }
// create a Link_Browse
LinkBrowse( const QString &url ) { m_url = url; }
LinkType linkType() const { return Browse; }
QString linkTip() const;
QString m_url;
/** Action: contains an action to perform on document / okular **/
class OKULAR_EXPORT LinkAction : public Link
// define types of actions
enum ActionType { PageFirst = 1,
PagePrev = 2,
PageNext = 3,
PageLast = 4,
HistoryBack = 5,
HistoryForward = 6,
Quit = 7,
Presentation = 8,
EndPresentation = 9,
Find = 10,
GoToPage = 11,
Close = 12 };
// query for action type
ActionType actionType() const { return m_type; }
// create a Link_Action
LinkAction( enum ActionType actionType ) { m_type = actionType; }
LinkType linkType() const { return Action; }
QString linkTip() const;
ActionType m_type;
/** Sound: a sound to be played **/
class OKULAR_EXPORT LinkSound : public Link
// create a Link_Sound
LinkSound( double volume, bool sync, bool repeat, bool mix, Okular::Sound *sound ) { m_volume = volume; m_sync = sync; m_repeat = repeat; m_mix = mix; m_sound = sound; }
LinkType linkType() const { return Sound; };
double volume() const { return m_volume; }
bool synchronous() const { return m_sync; }
bool repeat() const { return m_repeat; }
bool mix() const { return m_mix; }
Okular::Sound *sound() const { return m_sound; }
double m_volume;
bool m_sync;
bool m_repeat;
bool m_mix;
Okular::Sound *m_sound;
/** Movie: Not yet defined -> think renaming to 'Media' link **/
class LinkMovie : public Link
// TODO this (Movie link)
LinkMovie() {};
LinkType linkType() const { return Movie; }