Albert Astals Cid 548a8c7251 Fix @since
2024-08-10 00:33:27 +02:00

619 lines
14 KiB

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004 Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "global.h"
#include "okularcore_export.h"
#include <QString>
#include <QVariant>
namespace Okular
class ActionPrivate;
class GotoActionPrivate;
class ExecuteActionPrivate;
class BrowseActionPrivate;
class DocumentActionPrivate;
class SoundActionPrivate;
class ScriptActionPrivate;
class MovieActionPrivate;
class RenditionActionPrivate;
class MovieAnnotation;
class ScreenAnnotation;
class Movie;
class Sound;
class DocumentViewport;
* @short Encapsulates data that describes an action.
* This is the base class for actions. It makes mandatory for inherited
* widgets to reimplement the 'actionType' method and return the type of
* the action described by the reimplemented class.
* Describes the type of action.
enum ActionType {
Goto, ///< Goto a given page or external document
Execute, ///< Execute a command or external application
Browse, ///< Browse a given website
DocAction, ///< Start a custom action
Sound, ///< Play a sound
Movie, ///< Play a movie
Script, ///< Executes a Script code
Rendition, ///< Play a movie and/or execute a Script code @since 0.16 (KDE 4.10)
BackendOpaque ///< Calls back to the backend with the action @since 1.1
* Destroys the action.
virtual ~Action();
* Returns the type of the action. Every inherited class must return
* an unique identifier.
* @see ActionType
virtual ActionType actionType() const = 0;
* Returns a i18n'ed tip of the action that is presented to
* the user.
virtual QString actionTip() const;
* Sets the "native" @p id of the action.
* This is for use of the Generator, that can optionally store an
* handle (a pointer, an identifier, etc) of the "native" action
* object, if any.
* @note Okular makes no use of this
* @deprecated use @ref setNativeHandle
* @since 0.15 (KDE 4.9)
OKULARCORE_DEPRECATED void setNativeId(const QVariant &id);
* Returns the "native" id of the action.
* @since 0.15 (KDE 4.9)
OKULARCORE_DEPRECATED QVariant nativeId() const;
* Sets "native" handle for the action
* This is a opaque datapointer used for the action by the
* Generator. The generator is responsible for setting it
* to something sensible and also for interpreting it.
* The handle is deleted according to rules of the
* shared pointer.
* @note Okular (core/part/shell/...) itself makes no use of this
* @since 24.05.2
void setNativeHandle(std::shared_ptr<const void> handle);
* @returns the native handle pointer
* @since 24.05.2
const void *nativeHandle() const;
* Returns the next actions to be executed after.
* @since 1.5
QVector<Action *> nextActions() const;
* Sets the next actions.
* Takes ownership of the objects in the actions vector.
* @since 1.5
void setNextActions(const QVector<Action *> &actions);
/// @cond PRIVATE
explicit Action(ActionPrivate &dd);
ActionPrivate *d_ptr;
/// @endcond
* The Goto action changes the viewport to another page
* or loads an external document.
class OKULARCORE_EXPORT GotoAction : public Action
* Creates a new goto action.
* @p fileName The name of an external file that shall be loaded.
* @p viewport The target viewport information of the current document.
GotoAction(const QString &fileName, const DocumentViewport &viewport);
* Creates a new goto action.
* @p fileName The name of an external file that shall be loaded.
* @p namedDestination The target named destination for the target document.
* @since 0.9 (KDE 4.3)
GotoAction(const QString &fileName, const QString &namedDestination);
* Destroys the goto action.
~GotoAction() override;
* Returns the action type.
ActionType actionType() const override;
* Returns the action tip.
QString actionTip() const override;
* Returns whether the goto action points to an external document.
bool isExternal() const;
* Returns the filename of the external document.
QString fileName() const;
* Returns the document viewport the goto action points to.
DocumentViewport destViewport() const;
* Returns the document named destination the goto action points to.
* @since 0.9 (KDE 4.3)
QString destinationName() const;
* The Execute action executes an external application.
class OKULARCORE_EXPORT ExecuteAction : public Action
* Creates a new execute action.
* @param fileName The file name of the application to execute.
* @param parameters The parameters of the application to execute.
ExecuteAction(const QString &fileName, const QString &parameters);
* Destroys the execute action.
~ExecuteAction() override;
* Returns the action type.
ActionType actionType() const override;
* Returns the action tip.
QString actionTip() const override;
* Returns the file name of the application to execute.
QString fileName() const;
* Returns the parameters of the application to execute.
QString parameters() const;
* The Browse action browses an url by opening a web browser or
* email client, depending on the url protocol (e.g. http, mailto, etc.).
class OKULARCORE_EXPORT BrowseAction : public Action
* Creates a new browse action.
* @param url The url to browse.
explicit BrowseAction(const QUrl &url);
* Destroys the browse action.
~BrowseAction() override;
* Returns the action type.
ActionType actionType() const override;
* Returns the action tip.
QString actionTip() const override;
* Returns the url to browse.
QUrl url() const;
* The DocumentAction action contains an action that is performed on
* the current document.
class OKULARCORE_EXPORT DocumentAction : public Action
* Describes the possible action types.
enum DocumentActionType {
PageFirst = 1, ///< Jump to first page
PagePrev = 2, ///< Jump to previous page
PageNext = 3, ///< Jump to next page
PageLast = 4, ///< Jump to last page
HistoryBack = 5, ///< Go back in page history
HistoryForward = 6, ///< Go forward in page history
Quit = 7, ///< Quit application
Presentation = 8, ///< Start presentation
EndPresentation = 9, ///< End presentation
Find = 10, ///< Open find dialog
GoToPage = 11, ///< Goto page
Close = 12, ///< Close document
Print = 13, ///< Print the document @since 22.04
SaveAs = 14 ///< SaveAs the document @since 22.04
* Creates a new document action.
* @param documentActionType The type of document action.
explicit DocumentAction(enum DocumentActionType documentActionType);
* Destroys the document action.
~DocumentAction() override;
* Returns the action type.
ActionType actionType() const override;
* Returns the action tip.
QString actionTip() const override;
* Returns the type of action.
DocumentActionType documentActionType() const;
* The Sound action plays a sound on activation.
class OKULARCORE_EXPORT SoundAction : public Action
* Creates a new sound action.
* @param volume The volume of the sound.
* @param synchronous Whether the sound shall be played synchronous.
* @param repeat Whether the sound shall be repeated.
* @param mix Whether the sound shall be mixed.
* @param sound The sound object which contains the sound data.
SoundAction(double volume, bool synchronous, bool repeat, bool mix, Okular::Sound *sound);
* Destroys the sound action.
~SoundAction() override;
* Returns the action type.
ActionType actionType() const override;
* Returns the action tip.
QString actionTip() const override;
* Returns the volume of the sound.
double volume() const;
* Returns whether the sound shall be played synchronous.
bool synchronous() const;
* Returns whether the sound shall be repeated.
bool repeat() const;
* Returns whether the sound shall be mixed.
bool mix() const;
* Returns the sound object which contains the sound data.
Okular::Sound *sound() const;
* The Script action executes a Script code.
* @since 0.7 (KDE 4.1)
class OKULARCORE_EXPORT ScriptAction : public Action
* Creates a new Script action.
* @param type The type of the script (for now, only JavaScript = 0 is implemented).
* @param script The code to execute.
ScriptAction(enum ScriptType type, const QString &script);
* Destroys the browse action.
~ScriptAction() override;
* Returns the action type.
ActionType actionType() const override;
* Returns the action tip.
QString actionTip() const override;
* Returns the type of action.
ScriptType scriptType() const;
* Returns the code.
QString script() const;
* The Movie action executes an operation on a video on activation.
* @since 0.15 (KDE 4.9)
class OKULARCORE_EXPORT MovieAction : public Action
* Describes the possible operation types.
enum OperationType { Play, Stop, Pause, Resume };
* Creates a new movie action.
explicit MovieAction(OperationType operation);
* Destroys the movie action.
~MovieAction() override;
* Returns the action type.
ActionType actionType() const override;
* Returns the action tip.
QString actionTip() const override;
* Returns the operation type.
OperationType operation() const;
* Sets the @p annotation that is associated with the movie action.
void setAnnotation(MovieAnnotation *annotation);
* Returns the annotation or @c 0 if no annotation has been set.
MovieAnnotation *annotation() const;
* The Rendition action executes an operation on a video or
* executes some JavaScript code on activation.
* @since 0.16 (KDE 4.10)
class OKULARCORE_EXPORT RenditionAction : public Action
* Describes the possible operation types.
enum OperationType {
None, ///< Execute only the JavaScript
Play, ///< Start playing the video
Stop, ///< Stop playing the video
Pause, ///< Pause the video
Resume ///< Resume playing the video
* Creates a new rendition action.
* @param operation The type of operation the action executes.
* @param movie The movie object the action references.
* @param scriptType The type of script the action executes.
* @param script The actual script the action executes.
RenditionAction(OperationType operation, Okular::Movie *movie, enum ScriptType scriptType, const QString &script);
* Destroys the rendition action.
~RenditionAction() override;
* Returns the action type.
ActionType actionType() const override;
* Returns the action tip.
QString actionTip() const override;
* Returns the operation type.
OperationType operation() const;
* Returns the movie object or @c 0 if no movie object was set on construction time.
Okular::Movie *movie() const;
* Returns the type of script.
ScriptType scriptType() const;
* Returns the script code.
QString script() const;
* Sets the @p annotation that is associated with the rendition action.
void setAnnotation(ScreenAnnotation *annotation);
* Returns the annotation or @c 0 if no annotation has been set.
ScreenAnnotation *annotation() const;
class OKULARCORE_EXPORT BackendOpaqueAction : public Action
enum OpaqueActionResult {
DoNothing = 0, ///< @since 24.12 No action needed
RefreshForms = 0x01 ///< @since 24.12 Forms need to be refreshed
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(OpaqueActionResults, OpaqueActionResult)
* Returns the action type.
ActionType actionType() const override;