Pino Toscano c2686ba1d1 show the annotation type in the review side tab, and a simple tooltip with its author
svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/okular/; revision=593266
2006-10-07 11:00:39 +00:00

825 lines
29 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2005 by Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
// qt/kde includes
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include <QtGui/QColor>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
// local includes
#include "annotations.h"
using namespace Okular;
//BEGIN AnnotationUtils implementation
Annotation * AnnotationUtils::createAnnotation( const QDomElement & annElement )
// safety check on annotation element
if ( !annElement.hasAttribute( "type" ) )
return 0;
// build annotation of given type
Annotation * annotation = 0;
int typeNumber = annElement.attribute( "type" ).toInt();
switch ( typeNumber )
case Annotation::AText:
annotation = new TextAnnotation( annElement );
case Annotation::ALine:
annotation = new LineAnnotation( annElement );
case Annotation::AGeom:
annotation = new GeomAnnotation( annElement );
case Annotation::AHighlight:
annotation = new HighlightAnnotation( annElement );
case Annotation::AStamp:
annotation = new StampAnnotation( annElement );
case Annotation::AInk:
annotation = new InkAnnotation( annElement );
// return created annotation
return annotation;
void AnnotationUtils::storeAnnotation( const Annotation * ann, QDomElement & annElement,
QDomDocument & document )
// save annotation's type as element's attribute
annElement.setAttribute( "type", (uint)ann->subType() );
// append all annotation data as children of this node
ann->store( annElement, document );
QDomElement AnnotationUtils::findChildElement( const QDomNode & parentNode,
const QString & name )
// loop through the whole children and return a 'name' named element
QDomNode subNode = parentNode.firstChild();
while( subNode.isElement() )
QDomElement element = subNode.toElement();
if ( element.tagName() == name )
return element;
subNode = subNode.nextSibling();
// if the name can't be found, return a dummy null element
return QDomElement();
QString AnnotationUtils::captionForAnnotation( Annotation * ann )
if ( !ann )
return QString();
QString ret;
switch( ann->subType() )
case Okular::Annotation::AText:
if( ( (Okular::TextAnnotation*)ann )->textType == Okular::TextAnnotation::Linked )
ret = i18n( "Note" );
ret = i18n( "FreeText" );
case Okular::Annotation::ALine:
ret = i18n( "Line" );
case Okular::Annotation::AGeom:
ret = i18n( "Geom" );
case Okular::Annotation::AHighlight:
ret = i18n( "Highlight" );
case Okular::Annotation::AStamp:
ret = i18n( "Stamp" );
case Okular::Annotation::AInk:
ret = i18n( "Ink" );
case Okular::Annotation::A_BASE:
return ret;
//END AnnotationUtils implementation
//BEGIN Annotation implementation
: opacity( 1.0 ), width( 1.0 ), style( Solid ), xCorners( 0.0 ),
yCorners( 0.0 ), marks( 3 ), spaces( 0 ), effect( NoEffect ),
effectIntensity( 1.0 ) {}
: flags( -1 ), width( 0 ), height( 0 ) {}
: annotation( 0 ), scope( Reply ), type( None ) {}
: flags( 0 ) {}
// delete all children revisions
if ( revisions.isEmpty() )
QLinkedList< Revision >::iterator it = revisions.begin(), end = revisions.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
delete (*it).annotation;
Annotation::Annotation( const QDomNode & annNode )
: flags( 0 )
// get the [base] element of the annotation node
QDomElement e = AnnotationUtils::findChildElement( annNode, "base" );
if ( e.isNull() )
// parse -contents- attributes
if ( e.hasAttribute( "author" ) )
author = e.attribute( "author" );
if ( e.hasAttribute( "contents" ) )
contents = e.attribute( "contents" );
if ( e.hasAttribute( "uniqueName" ) )
uniqueName = e.attribute( "uniqueName" );
if ( e.hasAttribute( "modifyDate" ) )
modifyDate = QDateTime::fromString( e.attribute("modifyDate"), Qt::ISODate );
if ( e.hasAttribute( "creationDate" ) )
creationDate = QDateTime::fromString( e.attribute("creationDate"), Qt::ISODate );
// parse -other- attributes
if ( e.hasAttribute( "flags" ) )
flags = e.attribute( "flags" ).toInt();
if ( e.hasAttribute( "color" ) )
style.color = QColor( e.attribute( "color" ) );
if ( e.hasAttribute( "opacity" ) )
style.opacity = e.attribute( "opacity" ).toDouble();
// parse -the-subnodes- (describing Style, Window, Revision(s) structures)
// Note: all subnodes if present must be 'attributes complete'
QDomNode eSubNode = e.firstChild();
while ( eSubNode.isElement() )
QDomElement ee = eSubNode.toElement();
eSubNode = eSubNode.nextSibling();
// parse boundary
if ( ee.tagName() == "boundary" )
boundary=NormalizedRect(ee.attribute( "l" ).toDouble(),
ee.attribute( "t" ).toDouble(),
ee.attribute( "r" ).toDouble(),
ee.attribute( "b" ).toDouble());
// parse penStyle if not default
else if ( ee.tagName() == "penStyle" )
style.width = ee.attribute( "width" ).toDouble();
style.style = (LineStyle)ee.attribute( "style" ).toInt();
style.xCorners = ee.attribute( "xcr" ).toDouble();
style.yCorners = ee.attribute( "ycr" ).toDouble();
style.marks = ee.attribute( "marks" ).toInt();
style.spaces = ee.attribute( "spaces" ).toInt();
// parse effectStyle if not default
else if ( ee.tagName() == "penEffect" )
style.effect = (LineEffect)ee.attribute( "effect" ).toInt();
style.effectIntensity = ee.attribute( "intensity" ).toDouble();
// parse window if present
else if ( ee.tagName() == "window" )
window.flags = ee.attribute( "flags" ).toInt();
window.topLeft.x = ee.attribute( "top" ).toDouble();
window.topLeft.y = ee.attribute( "left" ).toDouble();
window.width = ee.attribute( "width" ).toInt();
window.height = ee.attribute( "height" ).toInt();
window.title = ee.attribute( "title" );
window.summary = ee.attribute( "summary" );
// parse window subnodes
QDomNode winNode = ee.firstChild();
for ( ; winNode.isElement(); winNode = winNode.nextSibling() )
QDomElement winElement = winNode.toElement();
if ( winElement.tagName() == "text" )
window.text = winElement.firstChild().toCDATASection().data();
// get the [revisions] element of the annotation node
QDomNode revNode = annNode.firstChild();
for ( ; revNode.isElement(); revNode = revNode.nextSibling() )
QDomElement revElement = revNode.toElement();
if ( revElement.tagName() != "revision" )
// compile the Revision structure crating annotation
Revision rev;
rev.scope = (RevScope)revElement.attribute( "revScope" ).toInt();
rev.type = (RevType)revElement.attribute( "revType" ).toInt();
rev.annotation = AnnotationUtils::createAnnotation( revElement );
// if annotation is valid, add revision to internal list
if ( rev.annotation );
revisions.append( rev );
void Annotation::store( QDomNode & annNode, QDomDocument & document ) const
// create [base] element of the annotation node
QDomElement e = document.createElement( "base" );
annNode.appendChild( e );
// store -contents- attributes
if ( !author.isEmpty() )
e.setAttribute( "author", author );
if ( !contents.isEmpty() )
e.setAttribute( "contents", contents );
if ( !uniqueName.isEmpty() )
e.setAttribute( "uniqueName", uniqueName );
if ( modifyDate.isValid() )
e.setAttribute( "modifyDate", modifyDate.toString(Qt::ISODate) );
if ( creationDate.isValid() )
e.setAttribute( "creationDate", creationDate.toString(Qt::ISODate) );
// store -other- attributes
if ( flags )
e.setAttribute( "flags", flags );
if ( style.color.isValid() && style.color != Qt::black )
e.setAttribute( "color", style.color.name() );
if ( style.opacity != 1.0 )
e.setAttribute( "opacity", style.opacity );
// Sub-Node-1 - boundary
QDomElement bE = document.createElement( "boundary" );
e.appendChild( bE );
bE.setAttribute( "l", (double)boundary.left );
bE.setAttribute( "t", (double)boundary.top );
bE.setAttribute( "r", (double)boundary.right );
bE.setAttribute( "b", (double)boundary.bottom );
// Sub-Node-2 - penStyle
if ( style.width != 1 || style.style != Solid || style.xCorners != 0 ||
style.yCorners != 0.0 || style.marks != 3 || style.spaces != 0 )
QDomElement psE = document.createElement( "penStyle" );
e.appendChild( psE );
psE.setAttribute( "width", style.width );
psE.setAttribute( "style", (int)style.style );
psE.setAttribute( "xcr", style.xCorners );
psE.setAttribute( "ycr", style.yCorners );
psE.setAttribute( "marks", style.marks );
psE.setAttribute( "spaces", style.spaces );
// Sub-Node-3 - penEffect
if ( style.effect != NoEffect || style.effectIntensity != 1.0 )
QDomElement peE = document.createElement( "penEffect" );
e.appendChild( peE );
peE.setAttribute( "effect", (int)style.effect );
peE.setAttribute( "intensity", style.effectIntensity );
// Sub-Node-4 - window
if ( window.flags != -1 || !window.title.isEmpty() ||
!window.summary.isEmpty() || !window.text.isEmpty() )
QDomElement wE = document.createElement( "window" );
e.appendChild( wE );
wE.setAttribute( "flags", window.flags );
wE.setAttribute( "top", window.topLeft.x );
wE.setAttribute( "left", window.topLeft.y );
wE.setAttribute( "width", window.width );
wE.setAttribute( "height", window.height );
wE.setAttribute( "title", window.title );
wE.setAttribute( "summary", window.summary );
// store window.text as a subnode, because we need escaped data
if ( !window.text.isEmpty() )
QDomElement escapedText = document.createElement( "text" );
wE.appendChild( escapedText );
QDomCDATASection textCData = document.createCDATASection( window.text );
escapedText.appendChild( textCData );
// create [revision] element of the annotation node (if any)
if ( revisions.isEmpty() )
// add all revisions as children of revisions element
QLinkedList< Revision >::const_iterator it = revisions.begin(), end = revisions.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
// create revision element
const Revision & revision = *it;
QDomElement r = document.createElement( "revision" );
annNode.appendChild( r );
// set element attributes
r.setAttribute( "revScope", (int)revision.scope );
r.setAttribute( "revType", (int)revision.type );
// use revision as the annotation element, so fill it up
AnnotationUtils::storeAnnotation( revision.annotation, r, document );
//END AnnotationUtils implementation
/** TextAnnotation [Annotation] */
The default textIcon for text annotation is Note as the PDF Reference says
: Annotation(), textType( Linked ), textIcon( "Note" ),
inplaceAlign( 0 ), inplaceIntent( Unknown )
TextAnnotation::TextAnnotation( const QDomNode & node )
: Annotation( node ), textType( Linked ), textIcon( "Note" ),
inplaceAlign( 0 ), inplaceIntent( Unknown )
// loop through the whole children looking for a 'text' element
QDomNode subNode = node.firstChild();
while( subNode.isElement() )
QDomElement e = subNode.toElement();
subNode = subNode.nextSibling();
if ( e.tagName() != "text" )
// parse the attributes
if ( e.hasAttribute( "type" ) )
textType = (TextAnnotation::TextType)e.attribute( "type" ).toInt();
if ( e.hasAttribute( "icon" ) )
textIcon = e.attribute( "icon" );
if ( e.hasAttribute( "font" ) )
textFont.fromString( e.attribute( "font" ) );
if ( e.hasAttribute( "align" ) )
inplaceAlign = e.attribute( "align" ).toInt();
if ( e.hasAttribute( "intent" ) )
inplaceIntent = (TextAnnotation::InplaceIntent)e.attribute( "intent" ).toInt();
// parse the subnodes
QDomNode eSubNode = e.firstChild();
while ( eSubNode.isElement() )
QDomElement ee = eSubNode.toElement();
eSubNode = eSubNode.nextSibling();
if ( ee.tagName() == "escapedText" )
inplaceText = ee.firstChild().toCDATASection().data();
else if ( ee.tagName() == "callout" )
inplaceCallout[0].x = ee.attribute( "ax" ).toDouble();
inplaceCallout[0].y = ee.attribute( "ay" ).toDouble();
inplaceCallout[1].x = ee.attribute( "bx" ).toDouble();
inplaceCallout[1].y = ee.attribute( "by" ).toDouble();
inplaceCallout[2].x = ee.attribute( "cx" ).toDouble();
inplaceCallout[2].y = ee.attribute( "cy" ).toDouble();
// loading complete
void TextAnnotation::store( QDomNode & node, QDomDocument & document ) const
// recurse to parent objects storing properties
Annotation::store( node, document );
// create [text] element
QDomElement textElement = document.createElement( "text" );
node.appendChild( textElement );
// store the optional attributes
if ( textType != Linked )
textElement.setAttribute( "type", (int)textType );
if ( textIcon != "Comment" )
textElement.setAttribute( "icon", textIcon );
if ( textFont != QApplication::font() )
textElement.setAttribute( "font", textFont.toString() );
if ( inplaceAlign )
textElement.setAttribute( "align", inplaceAlign );
if ( inplaceIntent != Unknown )
textElement.setAttribute( "intent", (int)inplaceIntent );
// Sub-Node-1 - escapedText
if ( !inplaceText.isEmpty() )
QDomElement escapedText = document.createElement( "escapedText" );
textElement.appendChild( escapedText );
QDomCDATASection textCData = document.createCDATASection( inplaceText );
escapedText.appendChild( textCData );
// Sub-Node-2 - callout
if ( inplaceCallout[0].x != 0.0 )
QDomElement calloutElement = document.createElement( "callout" );
textElement.appendChild( calloutElement );
calloutElement.setAttribute( "ax", inplaceCallout[0].x );
calloutElement.setAttribute( "ay", inplaceCallout[0].y );
calloutElement.setAttribute( "bx", inplaceCallout[1].x );
calloutElement.setAttribute( "by", inplaceCallout[1].y );
calloutElement.setAttribute( "cx", inplaceCallout[2].x );
calloutElement.setAttribute( "cy", inplaceCallout[2].y );
/** LineAnnotation [Annotation] */
: Annotation(), lineStartStyle( None ), lineEndStyle( None ),
lineClosed( false ), lineLeadingFwdPt( 0 ), lineLeadingBackPt( 0 ),
lineShowCaption( false ), lineIntent( Unknown )
LineAnnotation::LineAnnotation( const QDomNode & node )
: Annotation( node ), lineStartStyle( None ), lineEndStyle( None ),
lineClosed( false ), lineLeadingFwdPt( 0 ), lineLeadingBackPt( 0 ),
lineShowCaption( false ), lineIntent( Unknown )
// loop through the whole children looking for a 'line' element
QDomNode subNode = node.firstChild();
while( subNode.isElement() )
QDomElement e = subNode.toElement();
subNode = subNode.nextSibling();
if ( e.tagName() != "line" )
// parse the attributes
if ( e.hasAttribute( "startStyle" ) )
lineStartStyle = (LineAnnotation::TermStyle)e.attribute( "startStyle" ).toInt();
if ( e.hasAttribute( "endStyle" ) )
lineEndStyle = (LineAnnotation::TermStyle)e.attribute( "endStyle" ).toInt();
if ( e.hasAttribute( "closed" ) )
lineClosed = e.attribute( "closed" ).toInt();
if ( e.hasAttribute( "innerColor" ) )
lineInnerColor = QColor( e.attribute( "innerColor" ) );
if ( e.hasAttribute( "leadFwd" ) )
lineLeadingFwdPt = e.attribute( "leadFwd" ).toDouble();
if ( e.hasAttribute( "leadBack" ) )
lineLeadingBackPt = e.attribute( "leadBack" ).toDouble();
if ( e.hasAttribute( "showCaption" ) )
lineShowCaption = e.attribute( "showCaption" ).toInt();
if ( e.hasAttribute( "intent" ) )
lineIntent = (LineAnnotation::LineIntent)e.attribute( "intent" ).toInt();
// parse all 'point' subnodes
QDomNode pointNode = e.firstChild();
while ( pointNode.isElement() )
QDomElement pe = pointNode.toElement();
pointNode = pointNode.nextSibling();
if ( pe.tagName() != "point" )
NormalizedPoint p;
p.x = pe.attribute( "x", "0.0" ).toDouble();
p.y = pe.attribute( "y", "0.0" ).toDouble();
linePoints.append( p );
// loading complete
void LineAnnotation::store( QDomNode & node, QDomDocument & document ) const
// recurse to parent objects storing properties
Annotation::store( node, document );
// create [line] element
QDomElement lineElement = document.createElement( "line" );
node.appendChild( lineElement );
// store the attributes
if ( lineStartStyle != None )
lineElement.setAttribute( "startStyle", (int)lineStartStyle );
if ( lineEndStyle != None )
lineElement.setAttribute( "endStyle", (int)lineEndStyle );
if ( lineClosed )
lineElement.setAttribute( "closed", lineClosed );
if ( lineInnerColor.isValid() )
lineElement.setAttribute( "innerColor", lineInnerColor.name() );
if ( lineLeadingFwdPt != 0.0 )
lineElement.setAttribute( "leadFwd", lineLeadingFwdPt );
if ( lineLeadingBackPt != 0.0 )
lineElement.setAttribute( "leadBack", lineLeadingBackPt );
if ( lineShowCaption )
lineElement.setAttribute( "showCaption", lineShowCaption );
if ( lineIntent != Unknown )
lineElement.setAttribute( "intent", lineIntent );
// append the list of points
int points = linePoints.count();
if ( points > 1 )
QLinkedList<NormalizedPoint>::const_iterator it = linePoints.begin(), end = linePoints.end();
while ( it != end )
const NormalizedPoint & p = *it;
QDomElement pElement = document.createElement( "point" );
lineElement.appendChild( pElement );
pElement.setAttribute( "x", p.x );
pElement.setAttribute( "y", p.y );
it++; //to avoid loop
/** GeomAnnotation [Annotation] */
: Annotation(), geomType( InscribedSquare ), geomWidthPt( 18 )
GeomAnnotation::GeomAnnotation( const QDomNode & node )
: Annotation( node ), geomType( InscribedSquare ), geomWidthPt( 18 )
// loop through the whole children looking for a 'geom' element
QDomNode subNode = node.firstChild();
while( subNode.isElement() )
QDomElement e = subNode.toElement();
subNode = subNode.nextSibling();
if ( e.tagName() != "geom" )
// parse the attributes
if ( e.hasAttribute( "type" ) )
geomType = (GeomAnnotation::GeomType)e.attribute( "type" ).toInt();
if ( e.hasAttribute( "color" ) )
geomInnerColor = QColor( e.attribute( "color" ) );
if ( e.hasAttribute( "width" ) )
geomWidthPt = e.attribute( "width" ).toInt();
// loading complete
void GeomAnnotation::store( QDomNode & node, QDomDocument & document ) const
// recurse to parent objects storing properties
Annotation::store( node, document );
// create [geom] element
QDomElement geomElement = document.createElement( "geom" );
node.appendChild( geomElement );
// append the optional attributes
if ( geomType != InscribedSquare )
geomElement.setAttribute( "type", (int)geomType );
if ( geomInnerColor.isValid() )
geomElement.setAttribute( "color", geomInnerColor.name() );
if ( geomWidthPt != 18 )
geomElement.setAttribute( "width", geomWidthPt );
/** HighlightAnnotation [Annotation] */
: Annotation(), highlightType( Highlight )
HighlightAnnotation::HighlightAnnotation( const QDomNode & node )
: Annotation( node ), highlightType( Highlight )
// loop through the whole children looking for a 'hl' element
QDomNode subNode = node.firstChild();
while( subNode.isElement() )
QDomElement e = subNode.toElement();
subNode = subNode.nextSibling();
if ( e.tagName() != "hl" )
// parse the attributes
if ( e.hasAttribute( "type" ) )
highlightType = (HighlightAnnotation::HighlightType)e.attribute( "type" ).toInt();
// parse all 'quad' subnodes
QDomNode quadNode = e.firstChild();
for ( ; quadNode.isElement(); quadNode = quadNode.nextSibling() )
QDomElement qe = quadNode.toElement();
if ( qe.tagName() != "quad" )
Quad q;
q.points[0].x = qe.attribute( "ax", "0.0" ).toDouble();
q.points[0].y = qe.attribute( "ay", "0.0" ).toDouble();
q.points[1].x = qe.attribute( "bx", "0.0" ).toDouble();
q.points[1].y = qe.attribute( "by", "0.0" ).toDouble();
q.points[2].x = qe.attribute( "cx", "0.0" ).toDouble();
q.points[2].y = qe.attribute( "cy", "0.0" ).toDouble();
q.points[3].x = qe.attribute( "dx", "0.0" ).toDouble();
q.points[3].y = qe.attribute( "dy", "0.0" ).toDouble();
q.capStart = qe.hasAttribute( "start" );
q.capEnd = qe.hasAttribute( "end" );
q.feather = qe.attribute( "feather", "0.1" ).toDouble();
highlightQuads.append( q );
// loading complete
void HighlightAnnotation::store( QDomNode & node, QDomDocument & document ) const
// recurse to parent objects storing properties
Annotation::store( node, document );
// create [hl] element
QDomElement hlElement = document.createElement( "hl" );
node.appendChild( hlElement );
// append the optional attributes
if ( highlightType != Highlight )
hlElement.setAttribute( "type", (int)highlightType );
if ( highlightQuads.count() < 1 )
// append highlight quads, all children describe quads
QList< Quad >::const_iterator it = highlightQuads.begin(), end = highlightQuads.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
QDomElement quadElement = document.createElement( "quad" );
hlElement.appendChild( quadElement );
const Quad & q = *it;
quadElement.setAttribute( "ax", q.points[0].x );
quadElement.setAttribute( "ay", q.points[0].y );
quadElement.setAttribute( "bx", q.points[1].x );
quadElement.setAttribute( "by", q.points[1].y );
quadElement.setAttribute( "cx", q.points[2].x );
quadElement.setAttribute( "cy", q.points[2].y );
quadElement.setAttribute( "dx", q.points[3].x );
quadElement.setAttribute( "dy", q.points[3].y );
if ( q.capStart )
quadElement.setAttribute( "start", 1 );
if ( q.capEnd )
quadElement.setAttribute( "end", 1 );
quadElement.setAttribute( "feather", q.feather );
/** StampAnnotation [Annotation] */
: Annotation(), stampIconName( "Draft" )
StampAnnotation::StampAnnotation( const QDomNode & node )
: Annotation( node ), stampIconName( "Draft" )
// loop through the whole children looking for a 'stamp' element
QDomNode subNode = node.firstChild();
while( subNode.isElement() )
QDomElement e = subNode.toElement();
subNode = subNode.nextSibling();
if ( e.tagName() != "stamp" )
// parse the attributes
if ( e.hasAttribute( "icon" ) )
stampIconName = e.attribute( "icon" );
// loading complete
void StampAnnotation::store( QDomNode & node, QDomDocument & document ) const
// recurse to parent objects storing properties
Annotation::store( node, document );
// create [stamp] element
QDomElement stampElement = document.createElement( "stamp" );
node.appendChild( stampElement );
// append the optional attributes
if ( stampIconName != "Draft" )
stampElement.setAttribute( "icon", stampIconName );
/** InkAnnotation [Annotation] */
: Annotation()
InkAnnotation::InkAnnotation( const QDomNode & node )
: Annotation( node )
// loop through the whole children looking for a 'ink' element
QDomNode subNode = node.firstChild();
while( subNode.isElement() )
QDomElement e = subNode.toElement();
subNode = subNode.nextSibling();
if ( e.tagName() != "ink" )
// parse the 'path' subnodes
QDomNode pathNode = e.firstChild();
while ( pathNode.isElement() )
QDomElement pathElement = pathNode.toElement();
pathNode = pathNode.nextSibling();
if ( pathElement.tagName() != "path" )
// build each path parsing 'point' subnodes
QLinkedList<NormalizedPoint> path;
QDomNode pointNode = pathElement.firstChild();
while ( pointNode.isElement() )
QDomElement pointElement = pointNode.toElement();
pointNode = pointNode.nextSibling();
if ( pointElement.tagName() != "point" )
NormalizedPoint p;
p.x = pointElement.attribute( "x", "0.0" ).toDouble();
p.y = pointElement.attribute( "y", "0.0" ).toDouble();
path.append( p );
// add the path to the path list if it contains at least 2 nodes
if ( path.count() >= 2 )
inkPaths.append( path );
// loading complete
void InkAnnotation::store( QDomNode & node, QDomDocument & document ) const
// recurse to parent objects storing properties
Annotation::store( node, document );
// create [ink] element
QDomElement inkElement = document.createElement( "ink" );
node.appendChild( inkElement );
// append the optional attributes
if ( inkPaths.count() < 1 )
QList< QLinkedList<NormalizedPoint> >::const_iterator pIt = inkPaths.begin(), pEnd = inkPaths.end();
for ( ; pIt != pEnd; ++pIt )
QDomElement pathElement = document.createElement( "path" );
inkElement.appendChild( pathElement );
const QLinkedList<NormalizedPoint> & path = *pIt;
QLinkedList<NormalizedPoint>::const_iterator iIt = path.begin(), iEnd = path.end();
for ( ; iIt != iEnd; ++iIt )
const NormalizedPoint & point = *iIt;
QDomElement pointElement = document.createElement( "point" );
pathElement.appendChild( pointElement );
pointElement.setAttribute( "x", point.x );
pointElement.setAttribute( "y", point.y );