Sune Vuorela b32ae775b4 Remove virtual methods from signature and certificate info
This is an abi break, but it menas we can extend signature and
certificate info in the future without breaking the abi again.

While we are at it, there is no need to hand around pointers to
certificate/signature info any longer, so clean up that. Fix memleaks as
side effect.
2023-05-03 09:15:42 +00:00

501 lines
12 KiB

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Pino Toscano <pino@kde.org>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#ifndef _OKULAR_FORM_H_
#define _OKULAR_FORM_H_
#include "annotations.h"
#include "area.h"
#include "document.h"
#include "okularcore_export.h"
#include "signatureutils.h"
#include <QStringList>
#include <memory>
namespace Okular
class Action;
class Page;
class PagePrivate;
class FormFieldPrivate;
class FormFieldButtonPrivate;
class FormFieldTextPrivate;
class FormFieldChoicePrivate;
class FormFieldSignaturePrivate;
* @short The base interface of a form field.
* This is the very basic interface to represent a field in a form.
* This is not meant to be used as a direct base for the form fields in a
* document, but its abstract subclasses are.
/// @cond PRIVATE
friend class Page;
friend class PagePrivate;
/// @endcond
* The types of form field.
enum FieldType {
FormButton, ///< A "button". See @ref FormFieldButton::ButtonType.
FormText, ///< A field of variable text. See @ref FormFieldText::TextType.
FormChoice, ///< A choice field. See @ref FormFieldChoice::ChoiceType.
FormSignature ///< A signature.
virtual ~FormField();
* The type of the field.
FieldType type() const;
* The bounding rect of the field, in normalized coordinates.
virtual NormalizedRect rect() const = 0;
* The ID of the field.
virtual int id() const = 0;
* The internal name of the field, to be used when referring to the
* field in eg scripts.
virtual QString name() const = 0;
* The visible name of the field, to be used in the user interface
* (eg in error messages, etc).
virtual QString uiName() const = 0;
* The fully qualified name of the field, is used in the JavaScript
* scripts.
* @since 1.9
virtual QString fullyQualifiedName() const = 0;
* Whether the field is read-only.
virtual bool isReadOnly() const;
* Whether the field is read-only.
* @since 1.4
virtual void setReadOnly(bool value);
* Whether this form field is visible.
virtual bool isVisible() const;
* Whether the field is visible.
* @since 1.5
virtual void setVisible(bool value);
Whether this field is printable.
@since 1.9
virtual bool isPrintable() const;
Set this field printable
@since 1.9
virtual void setPrintable(bool value);
Action *activationAction() const;
* Describes the type of form additional action.
* @since 1.1
enum AdditionalActionType {
FieldModified, ///< An action to be performed when the user modifies the field
FormatField, ///< An action to be performed before the field is formatted to display its value
ValidateField, ///< An action to be performed when the field value changes
CalculateField, ///< An action to be performed when the field needs to be recalculated
* Returns the additional action of the given @p type or @c nullptr if no action has been defined.
* @since 1.1
Action *additionalAction(AdditionalActionType type) const;
/* Returns the additional action of the given @p type or @c nullptr if no action has been defined.
* This is for actions of annotation widgets associated with the FormField
* @since 1.5
Action *additionalAction(Annotation::AdditionalActionType type) const;
/* Returns all the additional actions for this form
* @since 22.04
QList<Action *> additionalActions() const;
* Returns the page of this form field
* @since 21.12.2
Page *page() const;
/// @cond PRIVATE
explicit FormField(FormFieldPrivate &dd);
FormFieldPrivate *d_ptr;
/// @endcond
void setActivationAction(Action *action);
void setAdditionalAction(AdditionalActionType type, Action *action);
void setAdditionalAction(Annotation::AdditionalActionType type, Action *action);
* @short Interface of a button form field.
* This is the base interface to reimplement to represent a button field, like
* a push button, a check box or a radio button.
* @since 0.7 (KDE 4.1)
class OKULARCORE_EXPORT FormFieldButton : public FormField
* The types of button field.
enum ButtonType {
Push, ///< A simple push button.
CheckBox, ///< A check box.
Radio ///< A radio button.
~FormFieldButton() override;
The particular type of the button field.
virtual ButtonType buttonType() const = 0;
* The caption to be used for the button.
virtual QString caption() const = 0;
* The state of the button.
virtual bool state() const = 0;
* Sets the state of the button to the new \p state .
virtual void setState(bool state);
* The list with the IDs of siblings (ie, buttons belonging to the same
* group as the current one.
* Valid only for \ref Radio buttons, an empty list otherwise.
virtual QList<int> siblings() const = 0;
* Sets the icon of the Button to the Icon of the field parameter.
* @since 1.9
virtual void setIcon(Okular::FormField *field);
* @short Interface of a text form field.
* This is the base interface to reimplement to represent a text field, ie a
* field where the user insert text.
class OKULARCORE_EXPORT FormFieldText : public FormField
* The types of text field.
enum TextType {
Normal, ///< A simple singleline text field.
Multiline, ///< A multiline text field.
FileSelect ///< An input field to select the path of a file on disk.
~FormFieldText() override;
* The particular type of the text field.
virtual TextType textType() const = 0;
* The text of text field.
virtual QString text() const = 0;
* Sets the new @p text in the text field.
* The default implementation does nothing.
* Reimplemented only if the setting of new text is supported.
virtual void setText(const QString &text);
* Whether this text field is a password input, eg its text @b must be
* replaced with asterisks.
* Always false for @ref FileSelect text fields.
virtual bool isPassword() const;
* Whether this text field should allow rich text.
virtual bool isRichText() const;
* The maximum length allowed for the text of text field, or -1 if
* there is no limitation for the text.
virtual int maximumLength() const;
* The alignment of the text within the field.
virtual Qt::Alignment textAlignment() const;
* Whether the text inserted manually in the field (where possible)
* can be spell-checked.
* @note meaningful only if the field is editable.
virtual bool canBeSpellChecked() const;
* Set the text which should be rendered by the PDF.
* @since 1.9
virtual void setAppearanceText(const QString &text) = 0;
* @short Interface of a choice form field.
* This is the base interface to reimplement to represent a choice field, ie a
* field where the user can select one (of more) element(s) among a set of
* choices.
class OKULARCORE_EXPORT FormFieldChoice : public FormField
* The types of choice field.
enum ChoiceType {
ComboBox, ///< A combo box choice field.
ListBox ///< A list box choice field.
~FormFieldChoice() override;
* The particular type of the choice field.
virtual ChoiceType choiceType() const = 0;
* The possible choices of the choice field.
virtual QStringList choices() const = 0;
* Whether this ComboBox is editable, ie the user can type in a custom
* value.
* Always false for the other types of choices.
virtual bool isEditable() const;
* Whether more than one choice of this ListBox can be selected at the
* same time.
* Always false for the other types of choices.
virtual bool multiSelect() const;
* The currently selected choices.
* Always one element in the list in case of single choice elements.
virtual QList<int> currentChoices() const = 0;
* Sets the selected choices to @p choices .
virtual void setCurrentChoices(const QList<int> &choices);
The text entered into an editable combo box choice field
@since 0.16 (KDE 4.10)
virtual QString editChoice() const;
Sets the text entered into an editable combo box choice field
@since 0.16 (KDE 4.10)
virtual void setEditChoice(const QString &text);
* The alignment of the text within the field.
virtual Qt::Alignment textAlignment() const;
* Whether the text inserted manually in the field (where possible)
* can be spell-checked.
* @note meaningful only if the field is editable.
virtual bool canBeSpellChecked() const;
* Returns the export value for a given choice
* @since 1.11
QString exportValueForChoice(const QString &choice) const;
* The possible choices of the choice field.
* The key is the display name of the choice,
* The value is the export value (i.e. for use in javascript, etc) of the choice
* @since 1.11
void setExportValues(const QMap<QString, QString> &values);
* @short Interface of a signature form field.
* This is the base interface to reimplement to represent a signature field.
class OKULARCORE_EXPORT FormFieldSignature : public FormField
* The types of signature.
enum SignatureType {
UnsignedSignature ///< The signature field has not been signed yet. @since 22.04
~FormFieldSignature() override;
* The signature type
virtual SignatureType signatureType() const = 0;
* The signature info
* @since 23.08
virtual SignatureInfo signatureInfo() const = 0;
Signs a field of UnsignedSignature type.
@since 22.04
virtual bool sign(const NewSignatureData &data, const QString &newPath) const = 0;
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(const Okular::FormFieldSignature *);