Pino Toscano a02131d6a9 do not leak the text selection when stopping the construction of a text highlight annotation
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdegraphics/okular/; revision=752760
2007-12-25 14:21:49 +00:00

913 lines
34 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2005 by Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include "pageviewannotator.h"
// qt / kde includes
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qset.h>
#include <qvariant.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <kuser.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kmenu.h>
// system includes
#include <math.h>
// local includes
#include "core/area.h"
#include "core/document.h"
#include "core/page.h"
#include "core/annotations.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "annotationtools.h"
#include "pageview.h"
/** @short PickPointEngine */
class PickPointEngine : public AnnotatorEngine
PickPointEngine( const QDomElement & engineElement )
: AnnotatorEngine( engineElement ), clicked( false ), pixmap( 0 ),
xscale( 1.0 ), yscale( 1.0 )
// parse engine specific attributes
pixmapName = engineElement.attribute( "hoverIcon" );
QString stampname = m_annotElement.attribute( "icon" );
if ( m_annotElement.attribute( "type" ) == "Stamp" && !stampname.simplified().isEmpty() )
pixmapName = stampname;
center = QVariant( engineElement.attribute( "center" ) ).toBool();
bool ok = true;
size = engineElement.attribute( "size", "32" ).toInt( &ok );
if ( !ok )
size = 32;
m_block = QVariant( engineElement.attribute( "block" ) ).toBool();
// create engine objects
if ( !pixmapName.simplified().isEmpty() )
pixmap = new QPixmap( DesktopIcon( pixmapName, size ) );
delete pixmap;
QRect event( EventType type, Button button, double nX, double nY, double xScale, double yScale, const Okular::Page * page )
pagewidth = page->width();
pageheight = page->height();
// only proceed if pressing left button
if ( button != Left )
return QRect();
// start operation on click
if ( type == Press && clicked == false )
clicked = true;
// repaint if moving while pressing
else if ( type == Move && clicked == true )
// operation finished on release
else if ( type == Release && clicked == true )
m_creationCompleted = true;
return QRect();
// update variables and extents (zoom invariant rect)
point.x = nX;
point.y = nY;
if ( center && pixmap )
rect.left = nX - ( pixmap->width() / ( xScale * 2.0 ) );
rect.top = nY - ( pixmap->height() / ( yScale * 2.0 ) );
rect.left = nX;
rect.top = nY;
rect.right = rect.left + ( pixmap ? pixmap->width() / xScale : 0 );
rect.bottom = rect.top + ( pixmap ? pixmap->height() / yScale : 0 );
QRect boundrect = rect.geometry( (int)xScale, (int)yScale ).adjusted( 0, 0, 1, 1 );
if ( m_block )
Okular::NormalizedRect tmprect( qMin( startpoint.x, point.x ), qMin( startpoint.y, point.y ), qMax( startpoint.x, point.x ), qMax( startpoint.y, point.y ) );
boundrect |= tmprect.geometry( (int)xScale, (int)yScale ).adjusted( 0, 0, 1, 1 );
return boundrect;
void paint( QPainter * painter, double xScale, double yScale, const QRect & /*clipRect*/ )
if ( clicked )
if ( m_block )
QPen origpen = painter->pen();
QPen pen = painter->pen();
pen.setStyle( Qt::DashLine );
painter->setPen( pen );
Okular::NormalizedRect tmprect( qMin( startpoint.x, point.x ), qMin( startpoint.y, point.y ), qMax( startpoint.x, point.x ), qMax( startpoint.y, point.y ) );
QRect realrect = tmprect.geometry( (int)xScale, (int)yScale );
painter->drawRect( realrect );
painter->setPen( origpen );
if ( pixmap )
painter->drawPixmap( QPointF( rect.left * xScale, rect.top * yScale ), *pixmap );
QList< Okular::Annotation* > end()
m_creationCompleted = false;
// find out annotation's description node
if ( m_annotElement.isNull() )
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >();
// find out annotation's type
Okular::Annotation * ann = 0;
QString typeString = m_annotElement.attribute( "type" );
// create TextAnnotation from path
if ( typeString == "FreeText") //<annotation type="Text"
//note dialog
QString prompt = i18n( "Text of the new note:" );
bool resok;
QString note = KInputDialog::getMultiLineText( i18n( "New Text Note" ), prompt, QString(), &resok );
//add note
Okular::TextAnnotation * ta = new Okular::TextAnnotation();
ann = ta;
ta->setInplaceText( note );
ta->setTextType( Okular::TextAnnotation::InPlace );
//set boundary
rect.left = qMin(startpoint.x,point.x);
rect.top = qMin(startpoint.y,point.y);
rect.right = qMax(startpoint.x,point.x);
rect.bottom = qMax(startpoint.y,point.y);
kDebug().nospace() << "xyScale=" << xscale << "," << yscale;
static int padding = 2;
QFontMetricsF mf(ta->textFont());
QRectF rcf = mf.boundingRect( Okular::NormalizedRect( rect.left, rect.top, 1.0, 1.0 ).geometry( (int)pagewidth, (int)pageheight ).adjusted( padding, padding, -padding, -padding ),
Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::TextWordWrap, ta->inplaceText() );
rect.right = qMax(rect.right, rect.left+(rcf.width()+padding*2)/pagewidth);
rect.bottom = qMax(rect.bottom, rect.top+(rcf.height()+padding*2)/pageheight);
ta->setBoundingRectangle( this->rect );
ta->window().setSummary( "TextBox" );
else if ( typeString == "Text")
Okular::TextAnnotation * ta = new Okular::TextAnnotation();
ann = ta;
ta->setTextType( Okular::TextAnnotation::Linked );
ta->window().setText( QString() );
//ta->window.flags &= ~(Okular::Annotation::Hidden);
double iconhei=0.03;
rect.left = point.x;
rect.top = point.y;
ta->setBoundingRectangle( this->rect );
ta->window().setSummary( "Note" );
// create StampAnnotation from path
else if ( typeString == "Stamp" )
Okular::StampAnnotation * sa = new Okular::StampAnnotation();
ann = sa;
sa->setStampIconName( pixmapName );
double stampxscale = size / xscale;
double stampyscale = size / yscale;
if ( center )
rect.left = point.x - stampxscale / 2;
rect.top = point.y - stampyscale / 2;
rect.left = point.x;
rect.top = point.y;
rect.right = rect.left + stampxscale;
rect.bottom = rect.top + stampyscale;
sa->setBoundingRectangle( rect );
// create GeomAnnotation
else if ( typeString == "GeomSquare" || typeString == "GeomCircle" )
Okular::GeomAnnotation * ga = new Okular::GeomAnnotation();
ann = ga;
// set the type
if ( typeString == "GeomSquare" )
ga->setGeometricalType( Okular::GeomAnnotation::InscribedSquare );
ga->setGeometricalType( Okular::GeomAnnotation::InscribedCircle );
ga->setGeometricalPointWidth( 18 );
//set boundary
rect.left = qMin( startpoint.x, point.x );
rect.top = qMin( startpoint.y, point.y );
rect.right = qMax( startpoint.x, point.x );
rect.bottom = qMax( startpoint.y, point.y );
ga->setBoundingRectangle( rect );
// safety check
if ( !ann )
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >();
// set common attributes
ann->style().setColor( m_annotElement.hasAttribute( "color" ) ?
m_annotElement.attribute( "color" ) : m_engineColor );
if ( m_annotElement.hasAttribute( "opacity" ) )
ann->style().setOpacity( m_annotElement.attribute( "opacity", "1.0" ).toDouble() );
// return annotation
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >() << ann;
bool clicked;
Okular::NormalizedRect rect;
Okular::NormalizedPoint startpoint;
Okular::NormalizedPoint point;
QPixmap * pixmap;
QString pixmapName;
int size;
double xscale,yscale;
double pagewidth, pageheight;
bool center;
bool m_block;
/** @short PolyLineEngine */
class PolyLineEngine : public AnnotatorEngine
PolyLineEngine( const QDomElement & engineElement )
: AnnotatorEngine( engineElement ), last( false )
// parse engine specific attributes
m_block = engineElement.attribute( "block" ) == "true";
bool ok = true;
// numofpoints represents the max number of points for the current
// polygon/polyline, with a pair of exceptions:
// -1 means: the polyline must close on the first point (polygon)
// 0 means: construct as many points as you want, right-click
// to construct the last point
numofpoints = engineElement.attribute( "points" ).toInt( &ok );
if ( !ok )
numofpoints = -1;
QRect event( EventType type, Button button, double nX, double nY, double xScale, double yScale, const Okular::Page * /*page*/ )
// only proceed if pressing left button
// if ( button != Left )
// return rect;
// start operation
if ( type == Press )
newPoint.x = nX;
newPoint.y = nY;
if ( button == Right )
last = true;
// move the second point
else if ( type == Move )
movingpoint.x = nX;
movingpoint.y = nY;
QRect oldmovingrect = movingrect;
movingrect = rect | QRect( (int)( movingpoint.x * xScale ), (int)( movingpoint.y * yScale ), 1, 1 );
return oldmovingrect | movingrect;
else if ( type == Release )
Okular::NormalizedPoint tmppoint;
tmppoint.x = nX;
tmppoint.y = nY;
if ( fabs( tmppoint.x - newPoint.x + tmppoint.y - newPoint.y ) > 1e-2 )
return rect;
if ( numofpoints == -1 && points.count() > 1 && ( fabs( points[0].x - newPoint.x + points[0].y - newPoint.y ) < 1e-2 ) )
last = true;
points.append( newPoint );
rect |= QRect( (int)( newPoint.x * xScale ), (int)( newPoint.y * yScale ), 1, 1 );
// end creation if we have constructed the last point of enough points
if ( last || points.count() == numofpoints )
m_creationCompleted = true;
last = false;
normRect = Okular::NormalizedRect( rect, xScale, yScale );
return rect;
void paint( QPainter * painter, double xScale, double yScale, const QRect & /*clipRect*/ )
if ( points.count() < 1 )
if ( m_block && points.count() == 2 )
Okular::NormalizedPoint first = points[0];
Okular::NormalizedPoint second = points[1];
// draw a semitransparent block around the 2 points
painter->setPen( m_engineColor );
painter->setBrush( QBrush( m_engineColor.light(), Qt::Dense4Pattern ) );
painter->drawRect( (int)(first.x * (double)xScale), (int)(first.y * (double)yScale),
(int)((second.x - first.x) * (double)xScale), (int)((second.y - first.y) * (double)yScale) );
// draw a polyline that connects the constructed points
painter->setPen( QPen( m_engineColor, 2 ) );
for ( int i = 1; i < points.count(); ++i )
painter->drawLine( (int)(points[i - 1].x * (double)xScale), (int)(points[i - 1].y * (double)yScale),
(int)(points[i].x * (double)xScale), (int)(points[i].y * (double)yScale) );
painter->drawLine( (int)(points.last().x * (double)xScale), (int)(points.last().y * (double)yScale),
(int)(movingpoint.x * (double)xScale), (int)(movingpoint.y * (double)yScale) );
QList< Okular::Annotation* > end()
m_creationCompleted = false;
// find out annotation's description node
if ( m_annotElement.isNull() )
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >();
// find out annotation's type
Okular::Annotation * ann = 0;
QString typeString = m_annotElement.attribute( "type" );
// create LineAnnotation from path
if ( typeString == "Line" || typeString == "Polyline" || typeString == "Polygon" )
if ( points.count() < 2 )
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >();
//add note
Okular::LineAnnotation * la = new Okular::LineAnnotation();
ann = la;
QLinkedList<Okular::NormalizedPoint> list;
for ( int i = 0; i < points.count(); ++i )
list.append( points[ i ] );
la->setLinePoints( list );
if ( numofpoints == -1 )
la->setLineClosed( true );
la->setBoundingRectangle( normRect );
// safety check
if ( !ann )
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >();
// set common attributes
ann->style().setColor( m_annotElement.hasAttribute( "color" ) ?
m_annotElement.attribute( "color" ) : m_engineColor );
if ( m_annotElement.hasAttribute( "opacity" ) )
ann->style().setOpacity( m_annotElement.attribute( "opacity", "1.0" ).toDouble() );
// return annotation
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >() << ann;
QList<Okular::NormalizedPoint> points;
Okular::NormalizedPoint newPoint;
Okular::NormalizedPoint movingpoint;
QRect rect;
QRect movingrect;
Okular::NormalizedRect normRect;
bool m_block;
bool last;
int numofpoints;
/** @short TextSelectorEngine */
class TextSelectorEngine : public AnnotatorEngine
TextSelectorEngine( const QDomElement & engineElement, PageView * pageView )
: AnnotatorEngine( engineElement ), m_pageView( pageView ),
selection( 0 )
// parse engine specific attributes
delete selection;
QRect event( EventType type, Button button, double nX, double nY, double xScale, double yScale, const Okular::Page * /*page*/ )
// only proceed if pressing left button
if ( button != Left )
return QRect();
if ( type == Press )
lastPoint.x = nX;
lastPoint.y = nY;
QRect oldrect = rect;
rect = QRect();
return oldrect;
else if ( type == Move )
if ( item() )
QPoint start( (int)( lastPoint.x * item()->width() ), (int)( lastPoint.y * item()->height() ) );
QPoint end( (int)( nX * item()->width() ), (int)( nY * item()->height() ) );
Okular::RegularAreaRect * newselection = m_pageView->textSelectionForItem( item(), start, end );
QList<QRect> geom = newselection->geometry( (int)xScale, (int)yScale );
QRect newrect;
foreach( const QRect& r, geom )
if ( newrect.isNull() )
newrect = r;
newrect |= r;
rect |= newrect;
delete selection;
selection = newselection;
else if ( type == Release && selection )
m_creationCompleted = true;
return rect;
void paint( QPainter * painter, double xScale, double yScale, const QRect & /*clipRect*/ )
if ( selection )
painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen );
QColor col = m_engineColor;
col.setAlphaF( 0.5 );
painter->setBrush( col );
foreach( const Okular::NormalizedRect & r, *selection )
painter->drawRect( r.geometry( (int)xScale, (int)yScale ) );
QList< Okular::Annotation* > end()
m_creationCompleted = false;
// safety checks
if ( m_annotElement.isNull() || !selection )
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >();
// find out annotation's type
Okular::Annotation * ann = 0;
QString typeString = m_annotElement.attribute( "type" );
Okular::HighlightAnnotation::HighlightType type = Okular::HighlightAnnotation::Highlight;
bool typevalid = false;
// create HighlightAnnotation's from the selected area
if ( typeString == "Highlight" )
type = Okular::HighlightAnnotation::Highlight;
typevalid = true;
else if ( typeString == "Squiggly" )
type = Okular::HighlightAnnotation::Squiggly;
typevalid = true;
else if ( typeString == "Underline" )
type = Okular::HighlightAnnotation::Underline;
typevalid = true;
else if ( typeString == "StrikeOut" )
type = Okular::HighlightAnnotation::StrikeOut;
typevalid = true;
if ( typevalid )
Okular::HighlightAnnotation * ha = new Okular::HighlightAnnotation();
ha->setHighlightType( type );
ha->setBoundingRectangle( Okular::NormalizedRect( rect, (int)item()->width(), (int)item()->height() ) );
foreach ( const Okular::NormalizedRect & r, *selection )
Okular::HighlightAnnotation::Quad q;
q.setCapStart( false );
q.setCapEnd( false );
q.setFeather( 1.0 );
q.setPoint( Okular::NormalizedPoint( r.left, r.bottom ), 0 );
q.setPoint( Okular::NormalizedPoint( r.right, r.bottom ), 1 );
q.setPoint( Okular::NormalizedPoint( r.right, r.top ), 2 );
q.setPoint( Okular::NormalizedPoint( r.left, r.top ), 3 );
ha->highlightQuads().append( q );
ann = ha;
delete selection;
selection = 0;
// safety check
if ( !ann )
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >();
// set common attributes
ann->style().setColor( m_annotElement.hasAttribute( "color" ) ?
m_annotElement.attribute( "color" ) : m_engineColor );
if ( m_annotElement.hasAttribute( "opacity" ) )
ann->style().setOpacity( m_annotElement.attribute( "opacity", "1.0" ).toDouble() );
// return annotations
return QList< Okular::Annotation* >() << ann;
// data
PageView * m_pageView;
// TODO: support more pages
Okular::RegularAreaRect * selection;
Okular::NormalizedPoint lastPoint;
QRect rect;
/** PageViewAnnotator **/
PageViewAnnotator::PageViewAnnotator( PageView * parent, Okular::Document * storage )
: QObject( parent ), m_document( storage ), m_pageView( parent ),
m_toolBar( 0 ), m_engine( 0 ), m_textToolsEnabled( false ), m_toolsEnabled( false ),
m_lastToolID( -1 ), m_lockedItem( 0 )
// load the tools from the 'xml tools definition' file. store the tree internally.
QFile infoFile( KStandardDirs::locate("data", "okular/tools.xml") );
if ( infoFile.exists() && infoFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
QDomDocument doc( "annotatingTools" );
if ( doc.setContent( &infoFile ) )
m_toolsDefinition = doc.elementsByTagName("annotatingTools").item( 0 ).toElement();
// create the AnnotationToolItems from the XML dom tree
QDomNode toolDescription = m_toolsDefinition.firstChild();
while ( toolDescription.isElement() )
QDomElement toolElement = toolDescription.toElement();
if ( toolElement.tagName() == "tool" )
AnnotationToolItem item;
item.id = toolElement.attribute("id").toInt();
item.text = i18n( toolElement.attribute( "name" ).toUtf8() );
item.pixmap = toolElement.attribute("pixmap");
QDomNode shortcutNode = toolElement.elementsByTagName( "shortcut" ).item( 0 );
if ( shortcutNode.isElement() )
item.shortcut = shortcutNode.toElement().text();
QDomNodeList engineNodeList = toolElement.elementsByTagName( "engine" );
if ( engineNodeList.size() > 0 )
QDomElement engineEl = engineNodeList.item( 0 ).toElement();
if ( !engineEl.isNull() && engineEl.hasAttribute( "type" ) )
item.isText = engineEl.attribute( "type" ) == QLatin1String( "TextSelector" );
m_items.push_back( item );
toolDescription = toolDescription.nextSibling();
kWarning() << "AnnotatingTools XML file seems to be damaged";
kWarning() << "Unable to open AnnotatingTools XML definition";
delete m_engine;
void PageViewAnnotator::setEnabled( bool on )
if ( !on )
// remove toolBar
if ( m_toolBar )
m_toolBar = 0;
// deactivate the active tool, if any
slotToolSelected( -1 );
// if no tools are defined, don't show the toolbar
if ( !m_toolsDefinition.hasChildNodes() )
// create toolBar
if ( !m_toolBar )
m_toolBar = new PageViewToolBar( m_pageView, m_pageView->viewport() );
m_toolBar->setSide( (PageViewToolBar::Side)Okular::Settings::editToolBarPlacement() );
m_toolBar->setItems( m_items );
m_toolBar->setToolsEnabled( m_toolsEnabled );
m_toolBar->setTextToolsEnabled( m_textToolsEnabled );
connect( m_toolBar, SIGNAL( toolSelected(int) ),
this, SLOT( slotToolSelected(int) ) );
connect( m_toolBar, SIGNAL( orientationChanged(int) ),
this, SLOT( slotSaveToolbarOrientation(int) ) );
// show the toolBar
// ask for Author's name if not already set
if ( Okular::Settings::identityAuthor().isEmpty() )
// get default username from the kdelibs/kdecore/KUser
KUser currentUser;
QString userName = currentUser.property( KUser::FullName ).toString();
// ask the user for confirmation/change
bool firstTry = true;
while ( firstTry || userName.isEmpty() )
QString prompt = firstTry ? i18n( "Please insert your name or initials:" ) :
i18n( "You must set this name:" );
userName = KInputDialog::getText( i18n("Annotations author"), prompt, userName );
firstTry = false;
// save the name
Okular::Settings::setIdentityAuthor( userName );
void PageViewAnnotator::setTextToolsEnabled( bool enabled )
m_textToolsEnabled = enabled;
if ( m_toolBar )
m_toolBar->setTextToolsEnabled( m_textToolsEnabled );
void PageViewAnnotator::setToolsEnabled( bool enabled )
m_toolsEnabled = enabled;
if ( m_toolBar )
m_toolBar->setToolsEnabled( m_toolsEnabled );
bool PageViewAnnotator::routeEvents() const
return m_engine && m_toolBar;
QRect PageViewAnnotator::routeEvent( QMouseEvent * e, PageViewItem * item )
if ( !item ) return QRect();
// find out mouse event type
AnnotatorEngine::EventType eventType = AnnotatorEngine::Press;
if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove )
eventType = AnnotatorEngine::Move;
else if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease )
eventType = AnnotatorEngine::Release;
// find out the pressed button
AnnotatorEngine::Button button = AnnotatorEngine::None;
Qt::MouseButtons buttonState = ( eventType == AnnotatorEngine::Move ) ? e->buttons() : e->button();
if ( buttonState == Qt::LeftButton )
button = AnnotatorEngine::Left;
else if ( buttonState == Qt::RightButton )
button = AnnotatorEngine::Right;
// find out normalized mouse coords inside current item
const QRect & itemRect = item->geometry();
double itemWidth = (double)itemRect.width();
double itemHeight = (double)itemRect.height();
double nX = (double)(e->x() - itemRect.left()) / itemWidth;
double nY = (double)(e->y() - itemRect.top()) / itemHeight;
QRect modifiedRect;
// 1. lock engine to current item
if ( m_lockedItem && item != m_lockedItem )
return QRect();
if ( !m_lockedItem && eventType == AnnotatorEngine::Press )
m_lockedItem = item;
m_engine->setItem( m_lockedItem );
// 2. use engine to perform operations
QRect paintRect = m_engine->event( eventType, button, nX, nY, itemWidth, itemHeight, item->page() );
// 3. update absolute extents rect and send paint event(s)
if ( paintRect.isValid() )
// 3.1. unite old and new painting regions
QRegion compoundRegion( m_lastDrawnRect );
m_lastDrawnRect = paintRect;
m_lastDrawnRect.translate( itemRect.left(), itemRect.top() );
// 3.2. decompose paint region in rects and send paint events
QVector<QRect> rects = compoundRegion.unite( m_lastDrawnRect ).rects();
for ( int i = 0; i < rects.count(); i++ )
m_pageView->widget()->update( rects[i] );
modifiedRect = compoundRegion.boundingRect() | m_lastDrawnRect;
// 4. if engine has finished, apply Annotation to the page
if ( m_engine->creationCompleted() )
// apply engine data to the Annotation's and reset engine
QList< Okular::Annotation* > annotations = m_engine->end();
// attach the newly filled annotations to the page
foreach ( Okular::Annotation * annotation, annotations )
if ( !annotation ) continue;
annotation->setCreationDate( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
annotation->setModificationDate( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
annotation->setAuthor( Okular::Settings::identityAuthor() );
m_document->addPageAnnotation( m_lockedItem->pageNumber(), annotation );
// go on creating annotations of the same type
// for now, disable the "construct again the same annotation"
//slotToolSelected( m_lastToolID );
slotToolSelected( -1 );
m_toolBar->selectButton( -1 );
return modifiedRect;
bool PageViewAnnotator::routeKeyEvent( QKeyEvent * event )
if ( event->key() == Qt::Key_Escape )
m_toolBar->selectButton( -1 );
return true;
return false;
bool PageViewAnnotator::routePaints( const QRect & wantedRect ) const
return m_engine && m_toolBar && wantedRect.intersects( m_lastDrawnRect ) && m_lockedItem;
void PageViewAnnotator::routePaint( QPainter * painter, const QRect & paintRect )
// if there's no locked item, then there's no decided place to draw on
if ( !m_lockedItem )
#ifndef NDEBUG
// [DEBUG] draw the paint region if enabled
if ( Okular::Settings::debugDrawAnnotationRect() )
painter->drawRect( paintRect );
// move painter to current itemGeometry rect
const QRect & itemGeometry = m_lockedItem->geometry();
painter->translate( itemGeometry.left(), itemGeometry.top() );
// transform cliprect from absolute to item relative coords
QRect annotRect = paintRect.intersect( m_lastDrawnRect );
annotRect.translate( itemGeometry.left(), itemGeometry.top() );
// use current engine for painting
m_engine->paint( painter, m_lockedItem->width(), m_lockedItem->height(), annotRect );
void PageViewAnnotator::slotToolSelected( int toolID )
// terminate any previous operation
if ( m_engine )
delete m_engine;
m_engine = 0;
m_lockedItem = 0;
if ( m_lastDrawnRect.isValid() )
m_pageView->widget()->update( m_lastDrawnRect );
m_lastDrawnRect = QRect();
// store current tool for later usage
m_lastToolID = toolID;
// handle tool deselection
if ( toolID == -1 )
m_pageView->displayMessage( QString() );
// for the selected tool create the Engine
QDomNode toolNode = m_toolsDefinition.firstChild();
while ( toolNode.isElement() )
QDomElement toolElement = toolNode.toElement();
toolNode = toolNode.nextSibling();
// only find out the element describing selected tool
if ( toolElement.tagName() != "tool" || toolElement.attribute("id").toInt() != toolID )
// parse tool properties
QDomNode toolSubNode = toolElement.firstChild();
while ( toolSubNode.isElement() )
QDomElement toolSubElement = toolSubNode.toElement();
toolSubNode = toolSubNode.nextSibling();
// create the AnnotatorEngine
if ( toolSubElement.tagName() == "engine" )
QString type = toolSubElement.attribute( "type" );
if ( type == "SmoothLine" )
m_engine = new SmoothPathEngine( toolSubElement );
else if ( type == "PickPoint" )
m_engine = new PickPointEngine( toolSubElement );
else if ( type == "PolyLine" )
m_engine = new PolyLineEngine( toolSubElement );
else if ( type == "TextSelector" )
m_engine = new TextSelectorEngine( toolSubElement, m_pageView );
kWarning().nospace() << "tools.xml: engine type:'" << type << "' is not defined!";
// display the tooltip
else if ( toolSubElement.tagName() == "tooltip" )
QString tip = toolSubElement.text();
if ( !tip.isEmpty() )
m_pageView->displayMessage( i18nc( "Annotation tool", tip.toUtf8() ), PageViewMessage::Annotation );
// consistancy warning
if ( !m_engine )
kWarning() << "tools.xml: couldn't find good engine description. check xml.";
// stop after parsing selected tool's node
void PageViewAnnotator::slotSaveToolbarOrientation( int side )
Okular::Settings::setEditToolBarPlacement( (int)side );
#include "pageviewannotator.moc"