Tobias Koenig 69a72ebbe8 We have to use setFixedSize() here, otherwise the layout will set a height
of 0 for the ThumbnailWidget => ThumbnailWidget::region() is empty => QWidget::repaint
won't paint the content of the widget.

Now the thumbnails are showed on startup again and when the orientation is
changed the layout of the thumbnails is adapted as well...

svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/okular/; revision=578852
2006-08-30 12:32:58 +00:00

650 lines
22 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 by Albert Astals Cid <tsdgeos@terra.es> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
// qt/kde includes
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qscrollbar.h>
#include <qsizepolicy.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kactioncollection.h>
#include <kicon.h>
// system includes
#include <math.h>
// local includes
#include "thumbnaillist.h"
#include "pagepainter.h"
#include "core/area.h"
#include "core/document.h"
#include "core/generator.h"
#include "core/page.h"
#include "settings.h"
// ThumbnailWidget represents a single thumbnail in the ThumbnailList
class ThumbnailWidget : public QWidget
ThumbnailWidget( QWidget * parent, const KPDFPage * page, ThumbnailList * tl );
// set internal parameters to fit the page in the given width
void resizeFitWidth( int width );
// set thumbnail's selected state
void setSelected( bool selected );
// set the visible rect of the current page
void setVisibleRect( const NormalizedRect & rect );
// query methods
int heightHint() const { return m_pixmapHeight + m_labelHeight + m_margin; }
int pixmapWidth() const { return m_pixmapWidth; }
int pixmapHeight() const { return m_pixmapHeight; }
int pageNumber() const { return m_page->number(); }
const KPDFPage * page() const { return m_page; }
QSize sizeHint() const;
void mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * e );
void contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent * e );
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);
// the margin around the widget
static int const m_margin = 16;
// used to access 'forwardClick( .. )' and 'getBookmarkOverlay()'
ThumbnailList * m_tl;
const KPDFPage * m_page;
bool m_selected;
int m_pixmapWidth, m_pixmapHeight;
int m_labelHeight, m_labelNumber;
NormalizedRect m_visibleRect;
/** ThumbnailList implementation **/
ThumbnailList::ThumbnailList( QWidget *parent, KPDFDocument *document )
: QScrollArea( parent ),
m_document( document ), m_selected( 0 ), m_delayTimer( 0 ), m_bookmarkOverlay( 0 )
setObjectName( "okular::Thumbnails" );
// set scrollbars
setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn );
setAttribute( Qt::WA_StaticContents );
setAcceptDrops( true );
QPalette pal = palette();
// set contents background to the 'base' color
QPalette viewportPal = viewport()->palette();
viewportPal.setColor( viewport()->backgroundRole(), pal.color( QPalette::Base ) );
viewport()->setPalette( viewportPal );
m_pagesWidget = new QWidget();
setWidget( m_pagesWidget );
// widget setup: can be focused by tab and mouse click (not wheel)
m_pagesWidget->setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus );
QPalette widgetPal = m_pagesWidget->palette();
widgetPal.setColor( m_pagesWidget->backgroundRole(), pal.color( QPalette::Base ) );
m_pagesWidget->setPalette( widgetPal );
m_pagesLayout = new QVBoxLayout( m_pagesWidget );
m_pagesLayout->setMargin( 0 );
m_pagesLayout->setSpacing( 4 );
setFrameStyle( StyledPanel | Raised );
connect( verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotRequestVisiblePixmaps(int)) );
m_document->removeObserver( this );
delete m_bookmarkOverlay;
//BEGIN DocumentObserver inherited methods
void ThumbnailList::notifySetup( const QVector< KPDFPage * > & pages, bool documentChanged )
// if there was a widget selected, save its pagenumber to restore
// its selection (if available in the new set of pages)
int prevPage = -1;
if ( !documentChanged && m_selected )
prevPage = m_selected->page()->number();
// delete all the Thumbnails
QVector<ThumbnailWidget *>::iterator tIt = m_thumbnails.begin(), tEnd = m_thumbnails.end();
for ( ; tIt != tEnd; ++tIt )
delete *tIt;
m_selected = 0;
if ( pages.count() < 1 )
m_pagesWidget->resize( 0, 0 );
// show pages containing hilighted text or bookmarked ones
//RESTORE THIS int flags = KpdfSettings::filterBookmarks() ? KPDFPage::Bookmark : KPDFPage::Highlight;
// if no page matches filter rule, then display all pages
QVector< KPDFPage * >::const_iterator pIt = pages.begin(), pEnd = pages.end();
bool skipCheck = true;
for ( ; pIt != pEnd ; ++pIt )
//if ( (*pIt)->attributes() & flags )
if ( (*pIt)->hasHighlights( SW_SEARCH_ID ) )
skipCheck = false;
// generate Thumbnails for the given set of pages
int width = viewport()->width();
int height = 0;
for ( pIt = pages.begin(); pIt != pEnd ; ++pIt )
//if ( skipCheck || (*pIt)->attributes() & flags )
if ( skipCheck || (*pIt)->hasHighlights( SW_SEARCH_ID ) )
ThumbnailWidget * t = new ThumbnailWidget( widget(), *pIt, this );
t->setFocusProxy( this );
// add to the scrollview
m_pagesLayout->addWidget( t );
// add to the internal queue
m_thumbnails.push_back( t );
// update total height (asking widget its own height)
t->resizeFitWidth( width );
// restoring the previous selected page, if any
if ( (*pIt)->number() == prevPage )
m_selected = t;
m_selected->setSelected( true );
height += t->height() + m_pagesLayout->spacing();
// update scrollview's contents size (sets scrollbars limits)
height -= m_pagesLayout->spacing();
m_pagesWidget->resize( width, height );
// request for thumbnail generation
delayedRequestVisiblePixmaps( 200 );
void ThumbnailList::notifyViewportChanged( bool /*smoothMove*/ )
// skip notifies for the current page (already selected)
int newPage = m_document->viewport().pageNumber;
if ( m_selected && m_selected->pageNumber() == newPage )
// deselect previous thumbnail
if ( m_selected )
m_selected->setSelected( false );
m_selected = 0;
// select the page with viewport and ensure it's centered in the view
m_vectorIndex = 0;
QVector<ThumbnailWidget *>::iterator tIt = m_thumbnails.begin(), tEnd = m_thumbnails.end();
for ( ; tIt != tEnd; ++tIt )
if ( (*tIt)->pageNumber() == newPage )
m_selected = *tIt;
m_selected->setSelected( true );
if ( KpdfSettings::syncThumbnailsViewport() )
int yOffset = qMax( viewport()->height() / 4, m_selected->height() / 2 );
ensureVisible( 0, m_selected->pos().y() + m_selected->height()/2, 0, yOffset );
void ThumbnailList::notifyPageChanged( int pageNumber, int /*changedFlags*/ )
// only handle pixmap changed notifies (the only defined for now)
//if ( !(changedFlags & DocumentObserver::Pixmap) )
// return;
// iterate over visible items: if page(pageNumber) is one of them, repaint it
QList<ThumbnailWidget *>::iterator vIt = m_visibleThumbnails.begin(), vEnd = m_visibleThumbnails.end();
for ( ; vIt != vEnd; ++vIt )
if ( (*vIt)->pageNumber() == pageNumber )
void ThumbnailList::notifyContentsCleared( int changedFlags )
// if pixmaps were cleared, re-ask them
if ( changedFlags & DocumentObserver::Pixmap )
void ThumbnailList::notifyVisibleRectsChanged()
bool found = false;
const QVector<VisiblePageRect *> & visibleRects = m_document->visiblePageRects();
QVector<ThumbnailWidget *>::iterator tIt = m_thumbnails.begin(), tEnd = m_thumbnails.end();
QVector<VisiblePageRect *>::const_iterator vEnd = visibleRects.end();
for ( ; tIt != tEnd; ++tIt )
found = false;
QVector<VisiblePageRect *>::const_iterator vIt = visibleRects.begin();
for ( ; ( vIt != vEnd ) && !found; ++vIt )
if ( (*tIt)->pageNumber() == (*vIt)->pageNumber )
(*tIt)->setVisibleRect( (*vIt)->rect );
found = true;
if ( !found )
(*tIt)->setVisibleRect( NormalizedRect() );
bool ThumbnailList::canUnloadPixmap( int pageNumber )
// if the thubnail 'pageNumber' is one of the visible ones, forbid unloading
QList<ThumbnailWidget *>::iterator vIt = m_visibleThumbnails.begin(), vEnd = m_visibleThumbnails.end();
for ( ; vIt != vEnd; ++vIt )
if ( (*vIt)->pageNumber() == pageNumber )
return false;
// if hidden permit unloading
return true;
//END DocumentObserver inherited methods
void ThumbnailList::updateWidgets()
// find all widgets that intersects the viewport and update them
QRect viewportRect = viewport()->rect().translated( viewport()->pos() );
QList<ThumbnailWidget *>::iterator vIt = m_visibleThumbnails.begin(), vEnd = m_visibleThumbnails.end();
for ( ; vIt != vEnd; ++vIt )
ThumbnailWidget * t = *vIt;
QRect thumbRect = t->rect().translated( m_pagesWidget->mapToParent( t->pos() ) );
// update only the exposed area of the widget (saves pixels..)
QRect relativeRect = thumbRect.intersect( viewport()->rect() );
if ( !relativeRect.isValid() )
t->update( relativeRect );
void ThumbnailList::forwardClick( const KPDFPage * p, const QPoint & t, Qt::MouseButton button )
if ( button == Qt::RightButton )
emit rightClick( p, t );
else if ( button == Qt::LeftButton )
if ( m_document->viewport().pageNumber != p->number() )
m_document->setViewportPage( p->number() );
const QPixmap * ThumbnailList::getBookmarkOverlay() const
return m_bookmarkOverlay;
void ThumbnailList::slotFilterBookmarks( bool filterOn )
// save state
KpdfSettings::setFilterBookmarks( filterOn );
// ask for the 'notifySetup' with a little trick (on reinsertion the
// document sends the list again)
m_document->removeObserver( this );
m_document->addObserver( this );
//BEGIN widget events
void ThumbnailList::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * keyEvent )
if ( m_thumbnails.count() < 1 )
return keyEvent->ignore();
int nextPage = -1;
if ( keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Up )
if ( !m_selected )
nextPage = 0;
else if ( m_vectorIndex > 0 )
nextPage = m_thumbnails[ m_vectorIndex - 1 ]->pageNumber();
else if ( keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Down )
if ( !m_selected )
nextPage = 0;
else if ( m_vectorIndex < (int)m_thumbnails.count() - 1 )
nextPage = m_thumbnails[ m_vectorIndex + 1 ]->pageNumber();
else if ( keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_PageUp )
verticalScrollBar()->triggerAction( QScrollBar::SliderPageStepSub );
else if ( keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown )
verticalScrollBar()->triggerAction( QScrollBar::SliderPageStepAdd );
else if ( keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Home )
nextPage = m_thumbnails[ 0 ]->pageNumber();
else if ( keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_End )
nextPage = m_thumbnails[ m_thumbnails.count() - 1 ]->pageNumber();
if ( nextPage == -1 )
return keyEvent->ignore();
if ( m_selected )
m_selected->setSelected( false );
m_selected = 0;
m_document->setViewportPage( nextPage );
bool ThumbnailList::viewportEvent( QEvent * e )
switch ( e->type() )
case QEvent::Resize:
viewportResizeEvent( (QResizeEvent*)e );
return QScrollArea::viewportEvent( e );
void ThumbnailList::viewportResizeEvent( QResizeEvent * e )
if ( m_thumbnails.count() < 1 || width() < 1 )
// if width changed resize all the Thumbnails, reposition them to the
// right place and recalculate the contents area
if ( e->size().width() != e->oldSize().width() )
// runs the timer avoiding a thumbnail regeneration by 'contentsMoving'
delayedRequestVisiblePixmaps( 2000 );
// resize and reposition items
int newWidth = contentsRect().width() - verticalScrollBar()->width();
int newHeight = 0;
QVector<ThumbnailWidget *>::iterator tIt = m_thumbnails.begin(), tEnd = m_thumbnails.end();
for ( ; tIt != tEnd; ++tIt )
ThumbnailWidget *t = *tIt;
t->resizeFitWidth( newWidth );
newHeight += t->height() + m_pagesLayout->spacing();
// update scrollview's contents size (sets scrollbars limits)
newHeight -= m_pagesLayout->spacing();
m_pagesWidget->resize( newWidth, newHeight );
// ensure selected item remains visible
if ( m_selected )
ensureVisible( 0, m_selected->mapToParent( QPoint( 0, 0 ) ).y() + m_selected->height()/2, 0, viewport()->height()/2 );
else if ( e->size().height() <= e->oldSize().height() )
// invalidate the bookmark overlay
if ( m_bookmarkOverlay )
delete m_bookmarkOverlay;
m_bookmarkOverlay = 0;
// update Thumbnails since width has changed or height has increased
delayedRequestVisiblePixmaps( 500 );
void ThumbnailList::dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent * ev )
void ThumbnailList::dropEvent( QDropEvent * ev )
if ( KUrl::List::canDecode( ev->mimeData() ) )
emit urlDropped( KUrl::List::fromMimeData( ev->mimeData() ).first() );
//END widget events
//BEGIN internal SLOTS
void ThumbnailList::slotRequestVisiblePixmaps( int /*newContentsY*/ )
// if an update is already scheduled or the widget is hidden, don't proceed
if ( (m_delayTimer && m_delayTimer->isActive()) || isHidden() )
// scroll from the top to the last visible thumbnail
QLinkedList< PixmapRequest * > requestedPixmaps;
QVector<ThumbnailWidget *>::iterator tIt = m_thumbnails.begin(), tEnd = m_thumbnails.end();
for ( ; tIt != tEnd; ++tIt )
ThumbnailWidget * t = *tIt;
QRect thumbRect = t->rect().translated( m_pagesWidget->mapToParent( t->pos() ) );
if ( !thumbRect.intersects( viewport()->rect() ) )
// add ThumbnailWidget to visible list
m_visibleThumbnails.push_back( t );
// if pixmap not present add it to requests
if ( !t->page()->hasPixmap( THUMBNAILS_ID, t->pixmapWidth(), t->pixmapHeight() ) )
PixmapRequest * p = new PixmapRequest(
THUMBNAILS_ID, t->pageNumber(), t->pixmapWidth(), t->pixmapHeight(), THUMBNAILS_PRIO, true );
requestedPixmaps.push_back( p );
// actually request pixmaps
if ( !requestedPixmaps.isEmpty() )
m_document->requestPixmaps( requestedPixmaps );
void ThumbnailList::slotDelayTimeout()
// resize the bookmark overlay
delete m_bookmarkOverlay;
int expectedWidth = viewport()->width() / 4;
if ( expectedWidth > 10 )
m_bookmarkOverlay = new QPixmap( DesktopIcon( "attach", expectedWidth ) );
m_bookmarkOverlay = 0;
// request pixmaps
//END internal SLOTS
void ThumbnailList::delayedRequestVisiblePixmaps( int delayMs )
if ( !m_delayTimer )
m_delayTimer = new QTimer( this );
m_delayTimer->setSingleShot( true );
connect( m_delayTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( slotDelayTimeout() ) );
m_delayTimer->start( delayMs );
/** ThumbnailWidget implementation **/
ThumbnailWidget::ThumbnailWidget( QWidget * parent, const KPDFPage * kp, ThumbnailList * tl )
: QWidget( parent ), m_tl( tl ), m_page( kp ),
m_selected( false ), m_pixmapWidth( 10 ), m_pixmapHeight( 10 )
m_labelNumber = m_page->number() + 1;
m_labelHeight = QFontMetrics( font() ).height();
void ThumbnailWidget::resizeFitWidth( int width )
m_pixmapWidth = width - m_margin;
m_pixmapHeight = (int)round( m_page->ratio() * (double)m_pixmapWidth );
setFixedSize( QSize( width, heightHint() ) );
void ThumbnailWidget::setSelected( bool selected )
// update selected state
if ( m_selected != selected )
m_selected = selected;
void ThumbnailWidget::setVisibleRect( const NormalizedRect & rect )
if ( rect == m_visibleRect )
m_visibleRect = rect;
QSize ThumbnailWidget::sizeHint() const
return QSize( width(), heightHint() );
void ThumbnailWidget::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * e )
// don't handle the mouse click, forward it to the thumbnail list
m_tl->forwardClick( m_page, e->globalPos(), e->button() );
void ThumbnailWidget::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent * e )
// don't handle the mouse click, forward it to the thumbnail list
m_tl->forwardClick( m_page, e->globalPos(), Qt::RightButton );
void ThumbnailWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * e )
int width = m_pixmapWidth + m_margin;
QRect clipRect = e->rect();
if ( !clipRect.isValid() )
QPainter p( this );
QPalette pal = palette();
// draw the bottom label + highlight mark
QColor fillColor = m_selected ? pal.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight ) : pal.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base );
p.fillRect( clipRect, fillColor );
p.setPen( m_selected ? pal.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::HighlightedText ) : pal.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text ) );
p.drawText( 0, m_pixmapHeight + m_margin, width, m_labelHeight, Qt::AlignCenter, QString::number( m_labelNumber ) );
// draw page outline and pixmap
if ( clipRect.top() < m_pixmapHeight + m_margin )
// if page is bookmarked draw a colored border
bool isBookmarked = m_page->hasBookmark();
// draw the inner rect
p.setPen( isBookmarked ? QColor( 0xFF8000 ) : Qt::black );
p.drawRect( m_margin/2 - 1, m_margin/2 - 1, m_pixmapWidth + 2, m_pixmapHeight + 2 );
// draw the clear rect
p.setPen( isBookmarked ? QColor( 0x804000 ) : pal.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base ) );
// draw the bottom and right shadow edges
if ( !isBookmarked )
int left, right, bottom, top;
left = m_margin/2 + 1;
right = m_margin/2 + m_pixmapWidth + 1;
bottom = m_pixmapHeight + m_margin/2 + 1;
top = m_margin/2 + 1;
p.setPen( Qt::gray );
p.drawLine( left, bottom, right, bottom );
p.drawLine( right, top, right, bottom );
// draw the page using the shared PagePainter class
p.translate( m_margin/2, m_margin/2 );
clipRect.translate( -m_margin/2, -m_margin/2 );
clipRect = clipRect.intersect( QRect( 0, 0, m_pixmapWidth, m_pixmapHeight ) );
if ( clipRect.isValid() )
int flags = PagePainter::Accessibility | PagePainter::Highlights |
PagePainter::paintPageOnPainter( &p, m_page, THUMBNAILS_ID, flags,
m_pixmapWidth, m_pixmapHeight, clipRect );
if ( !m_visibleRect.isNull() )
p.setPen( QPen( QBrush( Qt::red ), 2 ) );
p.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush );
p.drawRect( m_visibleRect.geometry( m_pixmapWidth, m_pixmapHeight ) );
// draw the bookmark overlay on the top-right corner
const QPixmap * bookmarkPixmap = m_tl->getBookmarkOverlay();
if ( isBookmarked && bookmarkPixmap )
int pixW = bookmarkPixmap->width(),
pixH = bookmarkPixmap->height();
clipRect = clipRect.intersect( QRect( m_pixmapWidth - pixW, 0, pixW, pixH ) );
if ( clipRect.isValid() )
p.drawPixmap( m_pixmapWidth - pixW, -pixH/8, *bookmarkPixmap );
/** ThumbnailsController implementation **/
#define FILTERB_ID 1
ThumbnailController::ThumbnailController( QWidget * parent, ThumbnailList * list )
: QToolBar( parent )
setObjectName( "ThumbsControlBar" );
// change toolbar appearance
setIconSize( QSize( 16, 16 ) );
setMovable( false );
QSizePolicy sp = sizePolicy();
sp.setVerticalPolicy( QSizePolicy::Minimum );
setSizePolicy( sp );
// insert a togglebutton [show only bookmarked pages]
QAction * showBoomarkOnlyAction = addAction(
KIcon( "bookmark" ), i18n( "Show bookmarked pages only" ) );
showBoomarkOnlyAction->setCheckable( true );
connect( showBoomarkOnlyAction, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), list, SLOT( slotFilterBookmarks( bool ) ) );
showBoomarkOnlyAction->setChecked( KpdfSettings::filterBookmarks() );
#include "thumbnaillist.moc"