Enrico Ros 4502706beb Better policies for memory management. Auto memory clean when a document is
opened. More stuff for getting async generator to work. Leakfix.

Note: memory management coolness Vol.1 : now kpdf has memory profiles that
allow using up to xx% of the total memory and clip maximum usable memory to
a half of the free one. Example: an istance of kpdf is using all the
memory (as regular cache). You open some memory hungry app or another kpdf
and you'll see the first istance dropping cached pages (freeing memory!)
to leave room for the other app! It's dynamic, fast, avoids swap and
something cool from my programmer's viewpoint.

svn path=/branches/kpdf_experiments/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=373123
2004-12-24 10:24:10 +00:00

186 lines
6.2 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2004 by Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it> *
* Copyright (C) 2004 by Albert Astals Cid <tsdgeos@terra.es> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include <qvaluevector.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qdom.h>
class KPrinter;
class KPDFPage;
class KPDFLink;
class Generator;
class DocumentInfo;
class DocumentSynopsis;
class PixmapRequest;
* @short Base class for objects being notified when something changes.
* Inherit this class and call KPDFDocument->addObserver( yourClass ) to get
* notified of asyncronous events (new pixmap generated, or changed, etc..).
class KPDFDocumentObserver
// you must give each observer a unique ID (used for notifications)
virtual uint observerId() const = 0;
// commands from the Document to all observers
virtual void pageSetup( const QValueVector<KPDFPage*> & /*pages*/, bool /*documentChanged*/ ) {};
virtual void pageSetCurrent( int /*pageNumber*/, const QRect & /*viewport*/ = QRect() ) {};
// queries to observers
virtual bool canUnloadPixmap( int /*pageNum*/ ) { return true; }
// monitor changes in pixmaps (generation thread complete)
virtual void notifyPixmapChanged( int /*pageNumber*/ ) {};
virtual void notifyPixmapsCleared() {};
#define PART_ID 2
#define PAGEVIEW_ID 3
#define TOC_ID 5
* @short The Document. Heart of everything. Actions take place here.
* The Document is the main object in KPDF. All views query the Document to
* get data/properties or even for accessing pages (in a 'const' way).
* It is designed to keep it detached from the document type (pdf, ps, you
* name it..) so whenever you want to get some data, it asks its internals
* generator to do the job and return results in a format-indepedent way.
* Apart from the generator (the currently running one) the document stores
* all the Pages ('KPDFPage' class) of the current document in a vector and
* notifies all the registered DocumentObservers when some content changes.
* For a better understanding of hieracies @see README.internals.png
* @see KPDFDocumentObserver, KPDFPage
class KPDFDocument : public QObject // only for a private slot..
// document handling
bool openDocument( const QString & docFile );
void closeDocument();
// misc methods
void addObserver( KPDFDocumentObserver * pObserver );
void removeObserver( KPDFDocumentObserver * pObserver );
void reparseConfig();
// query methods (const ones)
const DocumentInfo * documentInfo() const;
const DocumentSynopsis * documentSynopsis() const;
const KPDFPage * page( uint page ) const;
uint currentPage() const;
uint pages() const;
bool okToPrint() const;
// perform actions on document / pages
void requestPixmaps( const QValueList< PixmapRequest * > & requests, bool syncronous = false );
void requestTextPage( uint page );
void setCurrentPage( int page, const QRect & viewport = QRect() );
void findText( const QString & text = "", bool caseSensitive = false );
void findTextAll( const QString & pattern, bool caseSensitive );
void toggleBookmark( int page );
void processLink( const KPDFLink * link );
bool print( KPrinter &printer );
// memory management related functions
void mCleanupMemory( int observerId );
int mTotalMemory();
int mFreeMemory();
// more private functions
QString giveAbsolutePath( const QString & fileName );
bool openRelativeFile( const QString & fileName );
void processPageList( bool documentChanged );
void unHilightPages();
Generator * generator;
QString documentFileName;
QValueVector< KPDFPage * > pages_vector;
class KPDFDocumentPrivate * d;
private slots:
void slotCheckMemory();
void slotGeneratedContents( int id, int pageNumber );
* @short Metadata that describes the document.
* The Info structure can be filled in by generators to display metadata
* about the currently opened file.
* FUTURE: use a Dom tree so every generator can have different fields for
* its metadata and renew the display widget to use the dynamic format.
struct DocumentInfo
QString author,
* @short A window on the document.
struct DocumentViewport
int lastPage;
* @short A Dom tree that describes the Table of Contents.
* The Synopsis (TOC or Table Of Contents for friends) is represented via
* a dom tree where each nod has an internal name (displayed in the listview)
* and one or more attributes.
* To fill in a valid synopsis tree just add domElements where the tag name
* is the screen name of the entry.
* The following attributes are valid [more may be added in future]:
* - Page: The page to which the node refers.
* - Position: The position inside the page, where 0 means top and 100 is
* the bottom.
class DocumentSynopsis : public QDomDocument
// void implementation, only subclassed for naming!
DocumentSynopsis() : QDomDocument() {};