Pino Toscano 274469dae8 Almost complete support for inverse search within okular.
THe system generally works; what is missing is a good activating strategy (added in TODO - our usability expert is working on that), and a GUI to configure the editor.
The DVI backend was adapted to use this new feature.
(The PDF backend will use it soon.)

svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/okular/; revision=605708
2006-11-17 22:15:15 +00:00

604 lines
17 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2004 by Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it> *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
// qt/kde includes
#include <QtCore/QSet>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtXml/QDomDocument>
#include <QtXml/QDomElement>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <QTime>
// local includes
#include "annotations.h"
#include "area.h"
#include "link.h"
#include "page.h"
#include "pagetransition.h"
#include "rotationjob.h"
#include "settings.h"
using namespace Okular;
class TextSelection;
static void deleteObjectRects( QLinkedList< ObjectRect * >& rects, const QSet<ObjectRect::ObjectType>& which )
QLinkedList< ObjectRect * >::iterator it = rects.begin(), end = rects.end();
for ( ; it != end; )
if ( which.contains( (*it)->objectType() ) )
delete *it;
it = rects.erase( it );
/** class Page **/
Page::Page( uint page, double w, double h, int o )
: QObject( 0 ),
m_number( page ), m_orientation( o ), m_rotation( 0 ), m_width( w ), m_height( h ),
m_bookmarked( false ), m_maxuniqueNum( 0 ), m_text( 0 ), m_transition( 0 ),
m_textSelections( 0 ), m_openingAction( 0 ), m_closingAction( 0 )
// if landscape swap width <-> height (rotate 90deg CCW)
/* if ( r == 90 || r == 270 )
m_width = h;
m_height = w;
// avoid Division-By-Zero problems in the program
if ( m_width <= 0 )
m_width = 1;
if ( m_height <= 0 )
m_height = 1;
delete m_text;
delete m_transition;
bool Page::hasImage( int id, int width, int height ) const
if ( !m_rotated_images.contains( id ) )
return false;
if ( width == -1 || height == -1 )
return true;
const QImage &image = m_rotated_images[ id ];
return (image.width() == width && image.height() == height);
bool Page::hasSearchPage() const
return m_text != 0;
bool Page::hasBookmark() const
return m_bookmarked;
RegularAreaRect * Page::getTextArea ( TextSelection * sel ) const
if (m_text)
return m_text->getTextArea (sel);
return 0;
bool Page::hasObjectRect( double x, double y, double xScale, double yScale ) const
if ( m_rects.isEmpty() )
return false;
QLinkedList< ObjectRect * >::const_iterator it = m_rects.begin(), end = m_rects.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
if ( (*it)->contains( x, y, xScale, yScale ) )
return true;
return false;
bool Page::hasHighlights( int s_id ) const
// simple case: have no highlights
if ( m_highlights.isEmpty() )
return false;
// simple case: we have highlights and no id to match
if ( s_id == -1 )
return true;
// iterate on the highlights list to find an entry by id
QLinkedList< HighlightAreaRect * >::const_iterator it = m_highlights.begin(), end = m_highlights.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
if ( (*it)->s_id == s_id )
return true;
return false;
bool Page::hasTransition() const
return m_transition != 0;
RegularAreaRect * Page::findText( int searchID, const QString & text, SearchDir dir, bool strictCase,
const RegularAreaRect * lastRect/*, const Generator &generator */) const
RegularAreaRect* ret=0;
if ( text.isEmpty() )
return ret;
if (generator->preferInternalSearch())
return generator->;*/
ret=m_text->findText(searchID, text, dir, strictCase,lastRect);
return ret;
QString Page::getText( const RegularAreaRect * area ) const
QString ret;
if ( !m_text )
return ret;
ret = m_text->getText( area );
return ret;
void Page::rotateAt( int orientation )
int neworientation = orientation % 4;
if ( neworientation == m_rotation )
delete m_text;
m_text = 0;
if ( ( m_orientation + m_rotation ) % 2 != ( m_orientation + neworientation ) % 2 )
qSwap( m_width, m_height );
m_rotation = neworientation;
QMapIterator< int, QImage > it( m_images );
while ( it.hasNext() ) {
if ( m_rotated_images.contains( it.key() ) )
m_rotated_images[ it.key() ] = QImage();
RotationJob::Rotation rotation = RotationJob::Rotation0;
switch ( m_rotation ) {
case 1:
rotation = RotationJob::Rotation90;
case 2:
rotation = RotationJob::Rotation180;
case 3:
rotation = RotationJob::Rotation270;
case 0:
rotation = RotationJob::Rotation0;
RotationJob *job = new RotationJob( it.value(), rotation, it.key() );
connect( job, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( imageRotationDone() ) );
void Page::imageRotationDone()
RotationJob *job = static_cast<RotationJob*>( sender() );
m_rotated_images[ job->id() ] = job->image();
const ObjectRect * Page::getObjectRect( ObjectRect::ObjectType type, double x, double y, double xScale, double yScale ) const
QLinkedList< ObjectRect * >::const_iterator it = m_rects.begin(), end = m_rects.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
if ( ( (*it)->objectType() == type ) && (*it)->contains( x, y, xScale, yScale ) )
return *it;
return 0;
const PageTransition * Page::getTransition() const
return m_transition;
const Link * Page::getPageAction( PageAction act ) const
switch ( act )
case Page::Opening:
return m_openingAction;
case Page::Closing:
return m_closingAction;
return 0;
void Page::setImage( int id, const QImage &image )
m_images[ id ] = image;
if ( m_rotated_images.contains( id ) )
m_rotated_images[ id ] = QImage();
if ( m_rotation == 0 ) {
m_rotated_images[ id ] = image;
} else {
QMatrix matrix;
matrix.rotate( m_rotation * 90 );
m_rotated_images[ id ] = image.transformed( matrix );
void Page::setSearchPage( TextPage * tp )
delete m_text;
m_text = tp;
void Page::setBookmark( bool state )
m_bookmarked = state;
void Page::setObjectRects( const QLinkedList< ObjectRect * > rects )
QSet<ObjectRect::ObjectType> which;
which << ObjectRect::Link << ObjectRect::Image;
deleteObjectRects( m_rects, which );
m_rects << rects;
void Page::setHighlight( int s_id, const QColor & color )
QLinkedList<HighlightAreaRect*>::Iterator it=m_highlights.begin();
HighlightAreaRect* tmp;
tmp = *(it);
if (tmp->s_id == s_id)
void Page::setHighlight( int s_id, RegularAreaRect *rect, const QColor & color )
HighlightAreaRect * hr = new HighlightAreaRect(rect);
hr->s_id = s_id;
hr->color = color;
m_highlights.append( hr );
/* for (i=static_cast<RegularAreaRect::Iterator>(rect.begin());i!=rect.end();i++)
// create a HighlightRect descriptor taking values from params
NormalizedRect *t = new NormalizedRect;
t->left = i->left;
t->top = i->top;
t->right = i->right;
t->bottom = i->bottom;
// append the HighlightRect to the list
hr->append( t );
// delete old object and change reference (whyyy?)
delete rect;
rect = hr;
void Page::setTextSelections( RegularAreaRect *r, const QColor & color )
HighlightAreaRect * hr = new HighlightAreaRect( r );
hr->s_id = -1;
hr->color = color;
m_textSelections = hr;
void Page::setSourceReferences( const QLinkedList< SourceRefObjectRect * > refRects )
foreach( SourceRefObjectRect * rect, refRects )
m_rects << rect;
void Page::addAnnotation( Annotation * annotation )
//uniqueName: okular-PAGENUM-ID
annotation->uniqueName = "okular-";
annotation->uniqueName += ( QString::number(m_number) + "-" +
QString::number(++m_maxuniqueNum) );
kDebug()<<"astario: inc m_maxuniqueNum="<<m_maxuniqueNum<<endl;
m_annotations.append( annotation );
m_rects.append( new AnnotationObjectRect( annotation ) );
void Page::modifyAnnotation(Annotation * newannotation )
QLinkedList< Annotation * >::iterator aIt = m_annotations.begin(), aEnd = m_annotations.end();
for ( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
return; //modified already
if((*aIt) && (*aIt)->uniqueName==newannotation->uniqueName)
int rectfound = false;
QLinkedList< ObjectRect * >::iterator it = m_rects.begin(), end = m_rects.end();
for ( ; it != end && !rectfound; ++it )
if ( ( (*it)->objectType() == ObjectRect::OAnnotation ) && ( (*it)->pointer() == (*aIt) ) )
delete *it;
*it = new AnnotationObjectRect( newannotation );
rectfound = true;
delete *aIt;
*aIt = newannotation;
bool Page::removeAnnotation( Annotation * annotation )
if ( !annotation || ( annotation->flags & Annotation::DenyDelete ) )
return false;
QLinkedList< Annotation * >::iterator aIt = m_annotations.begin(), aEnd = m_annotations.end();
for ( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
if((*aIt) && (*aIt)->uniqueName==annotation->uniqueName)
int rectfound = false;
QLinkedList< ObjectRect * >::iterator it = m_rects.begin(), end = m_rects.end();
for ( ; it != end && !rectfound; ++it )
if ( ( (*it)->objectType() == ObjectRect::OAnnotation ) && ( (*it)->pointer() == (*aIt) ) )
delete *it;
m_rects.erase( it );
rectfound = true;
kDebug() << "removed annotation: " << annotation->uniqueName << endl;
delete *aIt;
m_annotations.erase( aIt );
return true;
void Page::setTransition( PageTransition * transition )
delete m_transition;
m_transition = transition;
void Page::setPageAction( PageAction act, Link * action )
switch ( act )
case Page::Opening:
m_openingAction = action;
case Page::Closing:
m_closingAction = action;
void Page::deleteImage( int id )
m_rotated_images.remove( id );
void Page::deleteImages()
void Page::deleteRects()
// delete ObjectRects of type Link and Image
QSet<ObjectRect::ObjectType> which;
which << ObjectRect::Link << ObjectRect::Image;
deleteObjectRects( m_rects, which );
void Page::deleteHighlights( int s_id )
// delete highlights by ID
QLinkedList< HighlightAreaRect* >::iterator it = m_highlights.begin(), end = m_highlights.end();
while ( it != end )
HighlightAreaRect* highlight = *it;
if ( s_id == -1 || highlight->s_id == s_id )
it = m_highlights.erase( it );
delete highlight;
void Page::deleteTextSelections()
if (m_textSelections)
delete m_textSelections;
m_textSelections = 0;
void Page::deleteSourceReferences()
deleteObjectRects( m_rects, QSet<ObjectRect::ObjectType>() << ObjectRect::SourceRef );
void Page::deleteAnnotations()
// delete ObjectRects of type Annotation
deleteObjectRects( m_rects, QSet<ObjectRect::ObjectType>() << ObjectRect::OAnnotation );
// delete all stored annotations
QLinkedList< Annotation * >::iterator aIt = m_annotations.begin(), aEnd = m_annotations.end();
for ( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
delete *aIt;
void Page::restoreLocalContents( const QDomNode & pageNode )
// iterate over all chilren (bookmark, annotationList, ...)
QDomNode childNode = pageNode.firstChild();
while ( childNode.isElement() )
QDomElement childElement = childNode.toElement();
childNode = childNode.nextSibling();
// parse annotationList child element
if ( childElement.tagName() == "annotationList" )
QTime time;
// iterate over all annotations
QDomNode annotationNode = childElement.firstChild();
while( annotationNode.isElement() )
// get annotation element and advance to next annot
QDomElement annotElement = annotationNode.toElement();
annotationNode = annotationNode.nextSibling();
// get annotation from the dom element
Annotation * annotation = AnnotationUtils::createAnnotation( annotElement );
// append annotation to the list or show warning
if ( annotation )
m_annotations.append( annotation );
m_rects.append( new AnnotationObjectRect( annotation ) );
int pos = annotation->uniqueName.lastIndexOf("-");
if(pos != -1)
int uniqID=annotation->uniqueName.right(annotation->uniqueName.length()-pos-1).toInt();
kDebug()<<"astario: restored annot:"<<annotation->uniqueName<<endl;
kWarning() << "page (" << m_number << "): can't restore an annotation from XML." << endl;
kDebug() << "annots: XML Load time: " << time.elapsed() << "ms" << endl;
// parse bookmark child element
else if ( childElement.tagName() == "bookmark" )
m_bookmarked = true;
void Page::saveLocalContents( QDomNode & parentNode, QDomDocument & document )
// only add a node if there is some stuff to write into
if ( !m_bookmarked && m_annotations.isEmpty() )
// create the page node and set the 'number' attribute
QDomElement pageElement = document.createElement( "page" );
pageElement.setAttribute( "number", m_number );
// add bookmark info if is bookmarked
if ( m_bookmarked )
// create the pageElement's 'bookmark' child
QDomElement bookmarkElement = document.createElement( "bookmark" );
pageElement.appendChild( bookmarkElement );
// add attributes to the element
//bookmarkElement.setAttribute( "name", bookmark name );
// add annotations info if has got any
if ( !m_annotations.isEmpty() )
// create the annotationList
QDomElement annotListElement = document.createElement( "annotationList" );
// add every annotation to the annotationList
QLinkedList< Annotation * >::iterator aIt = m_annotations.begin(), aEnd = m_annotations.end();
for ( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
// get annotation
const Annotation * a = *aIt;
// only save okular annotations (not the embedded in file ones)
if ( !(a->flags & Annotation::External) )
// append an filled-up element called 'annotation' to the list
QDomElement annElement = document.createElement( "annotation" );
AnnotationUtils::storeAnnotation( a, annElement, document );
annotListElement.appendChild( annElement );
kDebug()<<"astario: save annot:"<<a->uniqueName<<endl;
// append the annotationList element if annotations have been set
if ( annotListElement.hasChildNodes() )
pageElement.appendChild( annotListElement );
// append the page element only if has children
if ( pageElement.hasChildNodes() )
parentNode.appendChild( pageElement );
#include "page.moc"