Lauri Watts 2056d51749 Some markup changes, added boilerplate entities
svn path=/trunk/kdegraphics/doc/kdvi/; revision=130800
2002-01-09 15:19:23 +00:00

995 lines
37 KiB

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<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.1-Based Variant V1.0//EN"
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<!ENTITY kappname "&kdvi;">
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<book lang="&language;">
<title>The &kdvi; Handbook</title>
<holder>Stefan Kebekus</holder>
<para>This document describes &kdvi; version 1.0</para>
<chapter id="introduction">
<para>&kdvi; is a plugin for the &kviewshell; program which allows
&kviewshell; to display &DVI;-files (<literal
role="extension">.dvi</literal>) which are produced by the TeX
typesetting system. &kdvi; supports many extensions of the DVI
standard, for instance the inclusion of &PostScript; graphics or
hyperlinks. More details, examples and all the technical
specifications can be found in the file
<filename>KDVI-features.dvi</filename> (or see KDVI-features.tex
for the TeX-source of that file).</para>
<para>For up-to-date information, consult <ulink
url="http://devel-home.kde.org/~kdvi">&kdvi;'s home page</ulink>.
<para>TeX is a high-end typesetting system geared towards
scientific, and in particular mathematical typesetting. More
information about TeX and &DVI; can be found on the <ulink
url="http://www.tug.org">homepage of the TeX user group</ulink> or
the German <ulink url="http://www.dante.de">German DANTE
<chapter id="starting">
<title>Starting &kdvi;</title>
<para>Most of the time, &kdvi; will be started by just clicking
onto a <literal role="extension">.dvi</literal>-file in the file
manager. For convenience there exists a command
<command>kdvi</command> which calls &kviewshell; with the &kdvi;
plugin preloaded. The viewer may thus be started using the command
<parameter>somepath/paper.dvi</parameter></userinput>. The command
lines <userinput><command>kdvi</command>
<parameter>somepath/paper</parameter></userinput> or
<parameter>somepath/paper.</parameter></userinput> will also
work. If you are connected to the internet, you can access files
which reside on other computers by giving a &URL; as a parameter,
like this: <userinput><command>kdvi</command>
<para>If you give a &URL; as a parameter, you can tell &kdvi; to
jump directly to certain place of the &DVI; file. For example,
<parameter>file:paper.dvi#43</parameter></userinput> will make
&kdvi; to open page 43. If you have included source file
information, a command like <userinput><command>kdvi</command>
will make &kdvi; search for the place in the &DVI; file which
corresponds to line 43 in the TeX file
<parameter>paper.tex</parameter>. You will hardly use this option
yourself &mdash; read the section on <ulink
url="forward-search.html">forward search</ulink> to learn how to
set up your editor to start &kdvi; automatically.
<warning><para>The command <userinput><command>kdvi</command>
<parameter>file:paper.dvi#43</parameter></userinput> will open
page 43 of the file <parameter>paper.tex</parameter>. The command
<parameter>paper.dvi#43</parameter></userinput> will try to open
the file <parameter>paper.dvi#43</parameter>.</para>
<para>There is another option which you will most likely not need
to specify yourself. If you type
<userinput><command>kdvi</command> <parameter>--unique</parameter>
<parameter>somepath/paper.dvi</parameter></userinput>, &kdvi; will
load the file if there is no other instance running which has the
file already loaded. If there is, this instance of &kdvi; will pop
to the front. A command like <userinput><command>kdvi</command>
<parameter>file:paper.dvi#43</parameter></userinput> can be used
in shell scripts to make a running instance of &kdvi; to jump to
page 43.</para>
<para>The usual parameters handled by &Qt; and &kde; applications
also work: <userinput><command>kdvi</command>
<option>-style</option> <parameter>windows</parameter>
<option>-display</option> <parameter>:0</parameter>
<option>-geometry</option> <parameter>400x400+0+0</parameter>
<option>-caption</option> <parameter>&quot;DVI&quot;</parameter></userinput>
<chapter id="print">
<title>Printing &DVI; Files</title>
<para>&kdvi; can print your &DVI; files using the standard &kde;
printing interface. Internally, &kdvi; uses the programm
<command>dvips</command> to generate &PostScript;, which is then
passed on to the printer. In particular, <command>dvips</command>
must be installed if you want to print with &kdvi;. The programm
<command>dvips</command> uses its own configuration files and its
own settings, which are fine for most purposes. However, if you
care for optimal printing results, you should configure
<command>dvips</command> manually and make sure to set a default
MetaFont mode which fits your printer best ---on many systems
you'll find a <ulink url="info:/dvips">GNU-texinfo documentation
of <command>dvips</command></ulink>, and you might also want to
look for a file called <filename>dvips.dvi</filename> or
<chapter id="export">
<title>Exporting the &DVI; file to other formats</title>
<para>If you want to save your file as in &PostScript; or
PDF-format, it is not recommended that you use the printing
function and redirect the printer output to a file. Instead, you
can use the export functions which produce better-quality output
that retains many of the special features of the dvi format and
looks better in many of the viewing applications, such as
Adobe's <application>Acrobat Reader</application>. You will find
the export functions in the <guimenu>File</guimenu> menu.</para>
<section id="export-ps">
<title>Exporting to &PostScript;</title>
<para>As in printing, the external program
<command>dvips</command> is used to generate the &PostScript;
file. If the &DVI; file contains hyperlinks, these will also be
included in the &PostScript; file. If you are an export, and if
you would like to generate output which is optimized for a
specific printer, you should probably start
<command>dvips</command> manually and choose the proper MetaFont
mode yourself.</para>
<section id="export-pdf">
<title>Exporting to <acronym>PDF</acronym></title>
<para>In order to produce <acronym>PDF</acronym> files of high quality, &kdvi;
converts &DVI; to <acronym>PDF</acronym> using the external program
<command>dvipdfm</command>. If you are working on a machine
where an older distribution of the TeX typesetting system is
installed, it may be that the programm
<command>dvipdfm</command> is not installed. In that case, you
need to use the printing function to generate <acronym>PDF</acronym>
<warning> <para>If you are viewing the generated file in Adobe's
<application>Acrobat reader</application>, you may well find
that some of the fonts look extremely poor although a printout
is fine, and although the document looks ok in
<application>ghostview</application>. This is a known issue with
the <application>Acrobat Reader</application> and bitmap
fonts. At the time of writing, the only practicable workaround
seems to be to avoid bitmap fonts.</para>
<chapter id="inverse-search">
<title>Using inverse search</title>
<anchor id="inv-search"></anchor>
<para>Inverse search is a very useful feature when you are writing
a TeX-document yourself. If everything is properly set up, you can
click into &kdvi;'s window with the
<mousebutton>middle</mousebutton> mouse button (on some systems,
when you don't have a three-button mouse, you can simultaneously
use the <mousebutton>left</mousebutton> and the
<mousebutton>right</mousebutton> button). After that, your
favourite editor will open, load the TeX-sourcefile and jump to
the proper paragraph. To use inverse search, do the
<para>Produce a &DVI; file that contains inverse search
information. This is explained in the section <link
linkend="inverse-search-tex">Producing TeX-files for inverse
search</link> below. If you just want to test the inverse
search feature, you can also use the example file
<para>Let &kdvi; know which editor you would like to
use. Choose an editor in the <guilabel>Preferences</guilabel>
dialog (this dialog can be reached by choosing
<guimenu>Settings</guimenu> in the menu <guimenuitem>DVI
options</guimenuitem>). The next chapter of this
documentation, <link linkend="opt-rendering">The
preferences dialog/Rendering Options</link>, explains this
dialog in more detail.</para>
<para>Some editors need to be started manually, or need
additional configuration. You will find a description of all
supported editors in the, <ulink
url="inverse-search-editor.html">Setting up your
editor</ulink> below.</para>
<para>Test your setup. Open your &DVI; file in &kdvi; and use
the <mousebutton>middle</mousebutton> mouse button to click
into &kdvi;. The editor should pop up and display the TeX
<section id="inverse-search-tex">
<title>Producing TeX-files for inverse search</title>
<para>There are essentially two ways to produce &DVI; files
which contain inverse search information: you can either use a
TeX/LaTeX-binary which generates and includes the necessary
information automatically, or you can include an extra package
which is written in TeX/LaTeX.</para>
<para>A TeX binary which generates and includes the
necessary information automatically, is certainly the
preferred method of including inverse search information. By
the time of writing, a binary was not yet available for
Unix. However, it is said that the next version of the
<ulink url="http://www.tetex.org">TeTeX
TeX-distribution</ulink> will support inverse search
<para>If you do not have a TeX-binary which includes inverse
search information natively, copy the files
<filename>srcltx.sty</filename> and
<filename>srctex.sty</filename> to the directory where your
TeX-file resides (you can do that by <keycombo
the hyperlinks). If you use LaTeX, add the line
to the preamble of your TeX-file. If you use plain TeX, the line
will do the trick.</para>
<para>While inverse search is extremely useful when you are
typing a document yourself, it might be a good idea to remove
the inverse search information before sending the &DVI; file to
someone else.</para>
<section id="inverse-search-editor">
<title>Setting up your editor</title>
<para>While inverse search works generally very well with most
editors, some of them require a bit of extra care. This section
explains how to configure your editor.</para>
<section id="editor-setup-emacs">
<para><application>Emacs</application> works well with
&kdvi;. The actual behaviour of <application>Emacs</application>
depends largely on the configuration. As usual, you can
customize <application>Emacs</application> completely, if you
are willing to fight your way through Lisp code.</para>
<para>&kdvi; uses the program <command>emacsclient</command> to
remote control <application>Emacs</application>.</para>
<para>The program <command>emacsclient</command> requires that
<application>Emacs</application> is running, and that the
program <command>emacs-server</command> is started inside
<application>Emacs</application>. Inverse search will not work
optimally unless you have started both
<application>Emacs</application> and the
<para>To start the <command>emacs-server</command>, you can do
one of the following:</para>
<para>In <application>Emacs</application>, start the
<command>emacs-server</command> by typing <userinput><keycombo
<para>Add the line
to your or <filename>.emacs</filename> file. Restart
<para>Make sure that <application>Emacs</application> is
installed. Try to start <command>emacs</command> from
the command line.</para>
<para>&kdvi; uses the command
<command>emacsclient</command> to remote control
<application>Emacs</application>. Make sure that
<command>emacsclient</command> is available on the
command line by trying the command
<parameter>Name of a text
file</parameter></userinput>. This should open a new
text in the <application>Emacs</application>
<para>If <command>emacsclient</command> fails with an
error message like <computeroutput>unable to connect to
local</computeroutput>, make sure that
<application>Emacs</application> is
running. Furthermore, make sure that the
<command>emacs-server</command> is started by typing
<para>If you want the frame to be auto-raised, add the
<function>raise-frame</function> function to
<quote>server-switch-hook</quote> (do
<command>server-switch-hook</command></userinput> and
enter the function name into the text field.</para>
<para>If you have changed the buffer since your last
save, <application>Emacs</application> will ask you:
<computeroutput>Revert buffer from file ...? (yes or
no)</computeroutput>. You will probably always want to
say <emphasis>no</emphasis> here, since reverting means
that the file is reread from disk, <emphasis>causing all
your changes since the last save to be
<para>IMHO gnuclient's behaviour of silently reloading
the changed buffer is preferable &mdash; add the
following lines to your <filename>.emacs</filename> file
to emulate gnuclient's behaviour with
(defadvice server-visit-files (around save-buffers last activate)
"Try to emulate gnuclient behaviour with emacsclient.
Works only for visiting one buffer at a time."
(let* ((filen (car (car (ad-get-arg 0))))
(buf (get-file-buffer filen))
(this-buf-modified-p nil))
;;; the following is copied from server-visit-files, with
;;; a modification for the `verify-visited-file-modtime' test
(if (and buf (set-buffer buf))
(if (file-exists-p filen)
;;; if the file has changed on disk, reload it
;;; using `find-file-noselect'
(if (not (verify-visited-file-modtime buf))
(find-file-noselect filen)
;;; if user answered `no', reset modtime anyway
;;; so that server-visit-files doesn't realize the
;;; difference:
;;; if file exists no longer, we let server-visit-files
;;; deal with that
(setq buf (find-file-noselect filen)))
(setq this-buf-modified-p (buffer-modified-p buf))
(set-buffer buf)
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
(set-buffer-modified-p this-buf-modified-p)))
<section id="editor-setup-kate">
<para>Unfortunately, &kde;'s editor &kate; does not support the
inverse search very well. A
<mousebutton>middle</mousebutton>-button mouseclick into the
&DVI; file will always open a new instance of the &kate; editor,
even if &kate; is already running and even if the TeX-file is
already loaded. Worse, &kate; does not move the cursor to the
beginning of the paragraph.</para>
<section id="editor-setup-nedit">
<para><application>NEdit</application> generally works very well
indeed. Clicking into the &DVI; file should open a new
window. If the TeX-file is already used in another window of
<application>NEdit</application>, the newly opened window
displays another view of the buffer. Otherwise, the TeX-file is
loaded. After opening the window,
<application>NEdit</application> highlights the first line of
the appropriate paragraph.</para>
<para>Make sure that <application>NEdit</application> is
installed. Try to start <command>nedit</command> from the
command line.</para>
<para>&kdvi; uses the command <command>ncl</command> to
remote control <application>NEdit</application>. Make sure
that <command>ncl</command> is available on the command line
by trying the command <userinput><command>ncl</command>
<parameter>-noask</parameter></userinput>. This which should
open an instance of the <application>NEdit</application>
editor. If <command>ncl</command> is not available, you
might be using an older version of
<application>NEdit</application>. In that case, you should
either upgrade to a more recent version, or you have to use
the option <guilabel>User defined editor</guilabel> from the
<guilabel>Options</guilabel> dialog.</para>
<section id="editor-setup-xemacs">
<para><application>XEmacs</application> works well with
&kdvi;. The actual behaviour of
<application>XEmacs</application> depends largely on the
configuration. As usual, you can customize
<application>XEmacs</application> completely, if you are willing
to fight your way through Lisp code.</para>
<para>&kdvi; uses the program <command>gnuclient</command> to
remote control <application>XEmacs</application>.</para>
<para>The program <command>gnuclient</command> requires that
<application>XEmacs</application> is running, and that the
program gnuserv is started inside
<application>XEmacs</application>. Inverse search will not
work unless you have started both
<application>XEmacs</application> and
<para>To start the <command>gnuserv</command> program, you can
do one of the following:</para>
<para>In <application>XEmacs</application>, start
<command>gnuserv</command> by typing <userinput><keycombo
<para>Add the line
to your or <filename>.xemacs</filename> file. If you use a
more recent version of <application>XEmacs</application>,
<filename class="directory">>.xemacs</filename> will be a
directory. In that case, you should append the line to the
file <filename>.xemacs/init.el</filename>. Restart
<para>If you don't want to open a new frame for each editor
call, and want the frame to be auto-raised, set <quote>Gnuserv
Frame</quote> to <quote>Use selected frame</quote>, and add the
<function>raise-frame</function> function to <quote>Visit
Hook</quote>. Do <userinput><keycombo
<command>customize-group</command> <keycap>RET</keycap>
<command>gnuserv</command></userinput> to make these
<para>Make sure that <application>XEmacs</application>
is installed. Try to start <command>xemacs</command>
from the command line.</para>
<para>&kdvi; uses the command <command>gnuserv</command>
to remote control
<application>XEmacs</application>. Make sure that
<command>gnuclient</command> is available on the command
line by trying the command
<userinput><command>gnuclient</command> <parameter>Name
of a text file</parameter></userinput>. This should open
a new frame in the <application>XEmacs</application>
<para>If <command>gnuserv</command> fails with an error
message like <computeroutput>unable to connect to
local</computeroutput>, make sure that
<application>XEmacs</application> is
running. Furthermore, make sure that
<command>gnuserv</command> is started by typing
<para>If you don't want to open a new frame for each
editor call, and want the frame to be auto-raised, set
<quote>Gnuserv Frame</quote> to <quote>Use selected
frame</quote>, and add the <quote>raise-frame</quote>
function to <quote>Visit Hook</quote>. Do
<command>customize-group</command> <keycap>RET</keycap>
<command>gnuserv</command></userinput> to make these
<section id="editor-setup-gvim">
<title><application>VI iMproved</application> / &GUI;</title>
<para>&kdvi; supports <command>vim</command>, but the result is
not thrilling. A <mousebutton>middle</mousebutton> button
mouseclick into the &DVI; file will always open a new instance
of the <command>vim</command> editor, even if
<command>vim</command> is already running and even if the
TeX-file is already loaded.</para>
<para>Make sure that <application>VIM/GUI</application> is
installed. Try to start <command>gvim</command> from the
command line.</para>
<chapter id="forward-search">
<title>Forward search</title>
<para>The forward search functions allow you to jump from your
editor directly into the associated position of the &DVI;
file. Since forward search must be supported by your editor, only
<application>Emacs</application> and
<application>XEmacs</application> are currently supported. Other
editors will hopefully join in soon.</para>
<para>To use forward search, you have to do the following:</para>
<para>Set up your editor &mdash; this is described below.</para>
<para>Add source file information to your &DVI; file, &eg; by
using the package <command>srcltx</command>. This has been
described in the section <link
linkend="inverse-search-tex">"Producing TeX-files for inverse
<para>Go! If you use <application>Emacs</application> and
everything is properly set up, you just press
action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>x</keycap></keycombo> <keycombo
</keycombo></userinput>, and &kdvi; pops up and jumps to the
place which corresponds to the place of the TeX file which you
are currently editing.</para>
<section id="forward-search-editor">
<title>Setting up your editor for forward search</title>
<section id="forw-editor-setup-emacs">
<para>In order to use forward search in
<application>Emacs</application>, follow these steps:</para>
<para>Download the following
<application>Emacs</application> script,
<filename>kdvi-search.el</filename> (press shift and
click the filename to download) and store it in a
place where <application>Emacs</application> can
access it &mdash; we recommend a directory
<para>Add the lines
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/emacs-scripts/"))
(require 'kdvi-search)
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook (lambda () (local-set-key "\C-x\C-j" 'kdvi-jump-to-line)))
(add-hook 'tex-mode-hook (lambda () (local-set-key "\C-x\C-j" 'kdvi-jump-to-line)))
to your <filename>.emacs</filename> file. Restart
<para>Enjoy. Open <application>Emacs</application>, load a
TeX-file, produce the corresponding &DVI; file, and either
enter the command <userinput><keycombo
or press <userinput>Ctrl-x Ctrl-j</userinput>. It may
happen that <application>Emacs</application> asks you for
the name of a <quote>master file</quote>. This is useful
if you use a TeX file which includes other files: the
master file is the top-level file which includes the
others. <application>Emacs</application> will perhaps also
ask to save the name of the master-file <quote>as a local
variable</quote>, &ie; as a comment at the very end of the
file. Say either yes or no, and enjoy!</para>
<para>Make sure that <application>Emacs</application> is
installed. Try to start <command>emacs</command> from
the command line.</para>
<para>If <application>Emacs</application> fails to start
&kdvi;, you can find its output in the Buffer
<section id="forw-editor-setup-xemacs">
<para>To set up <application>XEmacs</application>, follow the
steps for <application>Emacs</application> above, but modify
your <filename>.xemacs</filename> rather than your
<filename>.emacs</filename> file. If you use a very recent
version of <application>XEmacs</application>, <filename
class="directory">.xemacs</filename> may be a directory. In
that case, append the lines to
<chapter id="preferences">
<title>The <guilabel>Preferences</guilabel> dialog</title>
<anchor id="opts"></anchor>
<para>The <guilabel>Preferences</guilabel> dialog can be reached
by choosing <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
<guimenuitem>DVI options</guimenuitem></menuchoice> in the
<guimenu>Settings</guimenu> menu.</para>
<para>The dialog consists of two tabs, <guilabel>Fonts</guilabel>
and <guilabel>Rendering</guilabel>.</para>
<sect1 id="opt-fonts">
<title><guilabel>Fonts</guilabel> Options</title>
<para>The following picture shows the options dialog of
<screeninfo>The <guilabel>Fonts</guilabel> dialog</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="optionrequester1.png" format="PNG"/>
<phrase>The <guilabel>Fonts</guilabel> dialog</phrase>
<term><guilabel>Metafont mode</guilabel> </term>
<para>These options specify the fonts which &kdvi; will
use for rendering. By carefully optimizing the settings
here it is possible to improve on the display. However,
unless you are an expert in <command>MetaFont</command>
and know what you are doing, it is not a good idea to
change these options. You may want to look at the <link
linkend="MFModes">Frequently asked questions</link> section of
this manual.</para>
<para>Safe values are <guilabel>1200 dpi /
Lexmark</guilabel> for good quality, or <guilabel>600 dpi
/ LaserJet 4</guilabel> for medium quality and faster
<term><guilabel>Generate missing fonts</guilabel></term>
<para>Check this if you want &kdvi; to call the
<command>MetaFont</command> program in the likely case
that &kdvi; wants to display documents which use fonts
which are not yet readily made. You most certainly want to
set this option.</para>
<sect1 id="opt-rendering">
<title><guilabel>Rendering</guilabel> Options</title>
<para>The following picture shows the second options dialog of
<screeninfo>The <guilabel>Rendering</guilabel> dialog</screeninfo>
<imagedata fileref="optionrequester2.png" format="PNG"/></imageobject>
<phrase>The <guilabel>Rendering</guilabel> dialog</phrase>
<term><guilabel>Show PostScript specials</guilabel></term>
<para>If this options is checked, &kdvi; will display
&PostScript; graphics which are embedded into the &DVI;
file. You probably want to set this option.</para>
<para>If an external &PostScript; file could not be found,
&kdvi; will draw a red warning box in its
place. Unfortunately, rendering &PostScript; graphics is
very slow in the current version of &kdvi;. We will
improve on the speed in later versions. If this option is
off, &kdvi; will either draw a grey box as a placeholder
for the graphics, or it will leave the space blank.</para>
<para>There is no standard way to embed &PostScript;
graphics into a &DVI; file. It may therefore happen that
&kdvi; cannot properly display a graphic which works
fine with other programs. Older versions of
<command>xdvi</command> and <command>dvips</command>
support the execution of external commands. This is a
bad security risk and therefore deliberately not
implemented in &kdvi;. Technical information about
supported ways to include &PostScript; can be found in
the document
<para>Check this if you want &kdvi; to display
hyperlinks. The appropriate parts of the text will be
underlined in blue. You probably want to set this
<term><guilabel>Editor for inverse search</guilabel></term>
<para>If you intend to use <ulink
url="inverse-search.html">inverse search</ulink>, a very
useful feature if you write TeX documents yourself, you
have to specify which editor you are going to use, and how
this editor can be started by &kdvi;. In the example
shown, the user has opted for the
<application>NEdit</application> editor. If you use one of
the pre-configured editors from the
<guilabel>Editor</guilabel> combobox, then you don't have
to do anything else. If you whish to use a different
editor, chose <guilabel>User defined Editor</guilabel>
from the <guilabel>Editor</guilabel> combobox and enter
the command line which will be used to start your
editor. Use the placeholders <token>%f</token> and
<token>%l</token> which will be replaced with the name of
the TeX file, and the line of the TeX file,
<para>If you use an editor which is not supported, please
send us an email at <email>kebekus@kde.org</email> and tell us
about the command line you use and how you have configured
your editor.</para>
<chapter id="faq">
<title>Frequently asked questions</title>
<question id="fontgen">
<para>What happens when &kdvi; displays the message
<errorcode>Generating bitmap fonts</errorcode>, and why does
the procedure take so long?</para>
<para>Many of the fonts which are typically used in a TeX
document must be generated by the MetaFont system. Metafont
is a language similar to TeX (included in most TeX
distributions) which takes a description of the font
outline, and produces a rasterized version (=
<filename>.pk</filename>-file) of the font which can then be
send to a printer or be used in a previewing program like
&kdvi;. Metafont goes out of its way to produce the best
possible output for your printer. For instance, it knows
that a pixel of an inkjet printer is a roundisch blot, and
that nearby pixels tend to smear into each other. In
contrast, a pixel on a laser printer is rectangular, but an
isolated pixel is very often not rendered at all.</para>
<para>Generating such highly optimized bitmap fonts is
naturally rather time-consuming, in particular since typical
TeX documents use a large number of different fonts. We can
only ask for your patience. To ease the matter somewhat,
most distributions of TeX store the
<filename>.pk</filename>-files for a limited time, e.g. 100
days. Therefore, if you access the same document more than
once, the <filename>.pk</filename> files will be
<question id="MFModes">
<para>What is a MetaFont Mode?</para>
<para>In order to produce bitmap fonts which are optimized
for your printer (see the answer to the first question),
Metafont comes with a database of printing engines --look
for a file called <filename>modes.mf</filename>. A Metafont
Mode is just the name of a database entry. For example, the
name <quote>ljfour</quote> refers to the entry in the
database that describes a &Hewlett-Packard; LaserJet 4
printer. A MetaFont Mode is usually followed by a number,
the resolution. The LaserJet, for instance canprint in both
300 and 600 dots per inch. Thus, <quote>ljfour/600</quote>
would be a full description.</para>
<chapter id="credits-and-license">
<title>Credits and Licenses</title>
<para>&kdvi; is based on based on the stand-alone-program &kdvi;
0.4.3 by Markku Hihnala. That program is in turn based on
<application>xdvi</application> version 18f which has many
<para>Documentation is copyright 2001, Stefan Kebekus
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