Jeremy Whiting 1be2290358 Allow user to select tts voice in addition to engine.
To make tts more user friendly allow user to select which
voice is used for tts playback.
2022-02-14 08:20:14 -07:00

427 lines
14 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kcfg xmlns="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0"
http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd" >
<kcfgfile arg="true" />
<signal name="builtinAnnotationToolsChanged" />
<signal name="quickAnnotationToolsChanged" />
<signal name="viewContinuousChanged" />
<signal name="colorModesChanged2" >
<label>Same as colorModesChanged(), but kconfig_compiler does not allow to inherit signals, so appending a '2'.</label>
<signal name="primaryAnnotationToolBarChanged" />
<group name="Dlg Performance" >
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<entry key="DrawingTools" type="StringList">
QStringList drawingTools;
// load the default tool list from the 'xml tools definition' file
QFile infoDrawingFile( QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, "okular/drawingtools.xml") );
if ( infoDrawingFile.exists() &amp;&amp; infoDrawingFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
QDomDocument doc;
if ( doc.setContent( &amp;infoDrawingFile ) )
const QDomElement toolsDefinition = doc.elementsByTagName("drawingTools").item( 0 ).toElement();
// create the annotationTools list from the XML dom tree
QDomNode toolDescription = toolsDefinition.firstChild();
while ( toolDescription.isElement() )
const QDomElement toolElement = toolDescription.toElement();
if ( toolElement.tagName() == "tool" )
QDomDocument temp;
temp.appendChild( temp.importNode( toolElement, true) );
// add each &lt;tool&gt;...&lt;/tool&gt; as XML string
drawingTools &lt;&lt; temp.toString(-1);
toolDescription = toolDescription.nextSibling();
qWarning() &lt;&lt; "DrawingTools XML file seems to be damaged";
qWarning() &lt;&lt; "Unable to open DrawingTools XML definition";
<default code="true">drawingTools</default>
<entry key="BuiltinAnnotationTools" type="StringList">
QStringList builtinAnnotationTools;
// load the default tool list from the 'xml tools definition' file
QFile infoFile( QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, "okular/tools.xml") );
if ( infoFile.exists() &amp;&amp; infoFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
QDomDocument doc;
if ( doc.setContent( &amp;infoFile ) )
QDomElement toolsDefinition = doc.elementsByTagName("annotatingTools").item( 0 ).toElement();
// create the builtinAnnotationTools list from the XML dom tree
QDomNode toolDescription = toolsDefinition.firstChild();
while ( toolDescription.isElement() )
QDomElement toolElement = toolDescription.toElement();
if ( toolElement.tagName() == "tool" )
QDomDocument temp;
temp.appendChild( temp.importNode( toolElement, true) );
// add each &lt;tool&gt;...&lt;/tool&gt; as XML string
builtinAnnotationTools &lt;&lt; temp.toString(-1);
toolDescription = toolDescription.nextSibling();
qWarning() &lt;&lt; "AnnotatingTools XML file seems to be damaged";
qWarning() &lt;&lt; "Unable to open AnnotatingTools XML definition";
<default code="true">builtinAnnotationTools</default>
<emit signal="builtinAnnotationToolsChanged" />
<entry key="QuickAnnotationTools" type="StringList">
QStringList quickAnnotationTools;
// load the default tool list from the 'xml tools definition' file
QFile quickAnnFile( QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, "okular/toolsQuick.xml") );
if ( quickAnnFile.exists() &amp;&amp; quickAnnFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
QDomDocument doc;
if ( doc.setContent( &amp;quickAnnFile ) )
QDomElement toolsDefinition = doc.elementsByTagName("quickAnnotatingTools").item( 0 ).toElement();
// create the quickAnnotationTools list from the XML dom tree
QDomNode toolDescription = toolsDefinition.firstChild();
while ( toolDescription.isElement() )
QDomElement toolElement = toolDescription.toElement();
if ( toolElement.tagName() == "tool" )
QDomDocument temp;
temp.appendChild( temp.importNode( toolElement, true) );
// add each &lt;tool&gt;...&lt;/tool&gt; as XML string
quickAnnotationTools &lt;&lt; temp.toString(-1);
toolDescription = toolDescription.nextSibling();
qWarning() &lt;&lt; "QuickAnnotatingTools XML file seems to be damaged";
qWarning() &lt;&lt; "Unable to open QuickAnnotatingTools XML definition";
<default code="true">quickAnnotationTools</default>
<emit signal="quickAnnotationToolsChanged" />
<entry key="AnnotationContinuousMode" type="Bool">
<entry key="QuickAnnotationDefaultAction" type="UInt">
<group name="Zoom">
<entry key="ZoomMode" type="UInt" >
<group name="General" >
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<entry key="DisplayDocumentNameOrPath" type="Enum" >
<choice name="Name" />
<choice name="Path" />
<entry key="UseTTS" type="Bool" />
<entry key="ttsEngine" type="String">
<entry key="ttsVoice" type="String">
<entry key="WatchFile" type="Bool" >
<group name="Dlg Presentation" >
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<default code="true" >Qt::black</default>
<entry key="SlidesTransition" type="Enum" >
<choice name="NoTransitions" />
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<choice name="BlindsHorizontal" />
<choice name="BlindsVertical" />
<choice name="BoxIn" />
<choice name="BoxOut" />
<choice name="Dissolve" />
<choice name="Fade" />
<choice name="GlitterDown" />
<choice name="GlitterRight" />
<choice name="GlitterRightDown" />
<choice name="SplitHorizontalIn" />
<choice name="SplitHorizontalOut" />
<choice name="SplitVerticalIn" />
<choice name="SplitVerticalOut" />
<choice name="WipeDown" />
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<choice name="WipeUp" />
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<choice name="HiddenDelay" />
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<choice name="Hidden" />
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<entry key="SlidesScreen" type="Int" >
<group name="Main View" >
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<emit signal="viewContinuousChanged" />
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<choice name="FullAnnotationToolBar" />
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<emit signal="primaryAnnotationToolBarChanged" />
<entry key="ViewMode" type="Enum" >
<choice name="Single" />
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<choice name="FacingFirstCentered" />
<choice name="Summary" />
<entry key="TrimMode" type="Enum" >
<choice name="None" />
<choice name="Margins" />
<choice name="Selection" />
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<choice name="Browse" />
<choice name="Zoom" />
<choice name="RectSelect" />
<choice name="TextSelect" />
<choice name="TableSelect" />
<choice name="Magnifier" />
<choice name="TrimSelect" />
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<default code="true" >0x600000</default>
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<default code="true" >0xF0F0F0</default>
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<emit signal="colorModesChanged2" />
<entry key="BWContrast" type="UInt" >
<emit signal="colorModesChanged2" />
<group name="Identity" >
<entry key="IdentityAuthor" type="String">
KUser currentUser;
QString userString = currentUser.property( KUser::FullName ).toString();
if ( userString.isEmpty() )
userString = currentUser.loginName();
<default code="true">userString</default>