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2020-07-11 09:17:33 +02:00

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// -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-brace-offset: 0; -*-
// fontMap.cpp
// Part of KDVI - A DVI previewer for the KDE desktop environment
// (C) 2003 Stefan Kebekus
// Distributed under the GPL
#include <config.h>
#include "debug_dvi.h"
#include "fontMap.h"
#include <QFile>
#include <QLoggingCategory>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QTextStream>
// Read the map file of ps2pk which will provide us with a
// dictionary "TeX Font names" <-> "Name of font files, Font Names
// and Encodings" (example: the font "Times-Roman" is called
// "ptmr8y" in the DVI file, but the Type1 font file name is
// "utmr8a.pfb". We use the map file of "ps2pk" because that program
// has, like kdvi (and unlike dvips), no built-in fonts.
// Finding ps2pk.map is not easy. In teTeX < 3.0, the kpsewhich
// program REQUIRES the option "--format=dvips config". In teTeX =
// 3.0, the option "--format=map" MUST be used. Since there is no
// way to give both options at the same time, there is seemingly no
// other way than to try both options one after another. We use the
// teTeX 3.0 format first.
QProcess kpsewhich;
kpsewhich.start(QStringLiteral("kpsewhich"), QStringList() << QStringLiteral("--format=map") << QStringLiteral("ps2pk.map"), QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text);
if (!kpsewhich.waitForStarted()) {
qCCritical(OkularDviDebug) << "fontMap::fontMap(): kpsewhich could not be started." << endl;
// We wait here while the external program runs concurrently.
QString map_fileName = QString::fromLocal8Bit(kpsewhich.readAll()).trimmed();
if (map_fileName.isEmpty()) {
// Map file not found? Then we try the teTeX < 3.0 way of finding
// the file.
kpsewhich.start(QStringLiteral("kpsewhich"), QStringList() << QStringLiteral("--format=dvips config") << QStringLiteral("ps2pk.map"), QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text);
if (!kpsewhich.waitForStarted()) {
qCCritical(OkularDviDebug) << "fontMap::fontMap(): kpsewhich could not be started." << endl;
map_fileName = QString::fromLocal8Bit(kpsewhich.readAll()).trimmed();
// If both versions fail, then there is nothing left to do.
if (map_fileName.isEmpty()) {
qCCritical(OkularDviDebug) << "fontMap::fontMap(): The file 'ps2pk.map' could not be found by kpsewhich." << endl;
QFile file(map_fileName);
if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
QTextStream stream(&file);
QString line;
while (!stream.atEnd()) {
line = stream.readLine().simplified();
if (line.isEmpty() || (line.at(0) == QLatin1Char('%')))
QString TeXName = line.section(QLatin1Char(' '), 0, 0);
QString FullName = line.section(QLatin1Char(' '), 1, 1);
QString fontFileName = line.section(QLatin1Char('<'), -1).trimmed().section(QLatin1Char(' '), 0, 0);
QString encodingName = line.section(QLatin1Char('<'), -2, -2).trimmed().section(QLatin1Char(' '), 0, 0);
// It seems that sometimes the encoding is prepended by the
// letter '[', which we ignore
if ((!encodingName.isEmpty()) && (encodingName[0] == QLatin1Char('[')))
encodingName = encodingName.mid(1);
double slant = 0.0;
int i = line.indexOf(QStringLiteral("SlantFont"));
if (i >= 0) {
bool ok;
slant = line.left(i).section(QLatin1Char(' '), -1, -1, QString::SectionSkipEmpty).toDouble(&ok);
if (ok == false)
slant = 0.0;
fontMapEntry &entry = fontMapEntries[TeXName];
entry.slant = slant;
entry.fontFileName = fontFileName;
entry.fullFontName = FullName;
if (encodingName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".enc")))
entry.fontEncoding = encodingName;
} else
qCCritical(OkularDviDebug) << QStringLiteral("fontMap::fontMap(): The file '%1' could not be opened.").arg(map_fileName) << endl;
qCDebug(OkularDviDebug) << "FontMap file parsed. Results:";
QMap<QString, fontMapEntry>::Iterator it;
for (it = fontMapEntries.begin(); it != fontMapEntries.end(); ++it)
qCDebug(OkularDviDebug) << "TeXName: " << it.key() << ", FontFileName=" << it.data().fontFileName << ", FullName=" << it.data().fullFontName << ", Encoding=" << it.data().fontEncoding << "." << endl;
const QString &fontMap::findFileName(const QString &TeXName)
QMap<QString, fontMapEntry>::Iterator it = fontMapEntries.find(TeXName);
if (it != fontMapEntries.end())
return it.value().fontFileName;
static const QString nullstring;
return nullstring;
const QString &fontMap::findFontName(const QString &TeXName)
QMap<QString, fontMapEntry>::Iterator it = fontMapEntries.find(TeXName);
if (it != fontMapEntries.end())
return it.value().fullFontName;
static const QString nullstring;
return nullstring;
const QString &fontMap::findEncoding(const QString &TeXName)
QMap<QString, fontMapEntry>::Iterator it = fontMapEntries.find(TeXName);
if (it != fontMapEntries.end())
return it.value().fontEncoding;
static const QString nullstring;
return nullstring;
double fontMap::findSlant(const QString &TeXName)
QMap<QString, fontMapEntry>::Iterator it = fontMapEntries.find(TeXName);
if (it != fontMapEntries.end())
return it.value().slant;
return 0.0;