Tobias Koenig 14ea3ab2ef Further documentation and API cleanups
svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/okular/; revision=619054
2007-01-02 17:05:49 +00:00

714 lines
20 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2004-05 by Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it> *
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Piotr Szymanski <niedakh@gmail.com> *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#ifndef _OKULAR_AREA_H_
#define _OKULAR_AREA_H_
#include <QtCore/QList>
#include <QtGui/QColor>
#include <QtGui/QPainterPath>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "okular_export.h"
class QPolygonF;
class QRect;
namespace Okular {
class Annotation;
class Link;
class NormalizedShape;
* NormalizedPoint is a helper class which stores the coordinates
* of a normalized point. Normalized means that the coordinates are
* between 0 and 1 so that it is page size independent.
* Example:
* The normalized point is (0.5, 0.3)
* If you want to draw it on a 800x600 page, just multiply the x coordinate (0.5) with
* the page width (800) and the y coordinate (0.3) with the page height (600), so
* the point will be drawn on the page at (400, 180).
* That allows you to zoom the page by just multiplying the normalized points with the
* zoomed page size.
class OKULAR_EXPORT NormalizedPoint
* Creates a new empty normalized point.
* Creates a new normalized point with the normalized coordinates (@p x, @p y ).
NormalizedPoint( double x, double y );
* Creates a new normalized point with the coordinates (@p x, @p y) which are normalized
* by the scaling factors @p xScale and @p yScale.
NormalizedPoint( int x, int y, int xScale, int yScale );
* @internal
NormalizedPoint& operator=( const NormalizedPoint& );
* Transforms the normalized point with the operations defined by @p matrix.
void transform( const QMatrix &matrix );
* The normalized x coordinate.
double x;
* The normalized y coordinate.
double y;
* NormalizedRect is a helper class which stores the coordinates
* of a normalized rect, which is a rectangle of @see NormalizedPoints.
class OKULAR_EXPORT NormalizedRect
* Creates a null normalized rectangle.
* @see isNull()
* Creates a normalized rectangle with the normalized coordinates
* @p left, @p top, @p right, @p bottom.
* If you need the x, y, width and height coordinates use the
* following formulas:
* @li x = left
* @li y = top
* @li width = right - left
* @li height = bottom - top
NormalizedRect( double left, double top, double right, double bottom );
* Creates a normalized rectangle of the given @p rectangle which is normalized
* by the scaling factors @p xScale and @p yScale.
NormalizedRect( const QRect &rectangle, double xScale, double yScale );
* @internal
NormalizedRect( const NormalizedRect& );
* @internal
NormalizedRect& operator=( const NormalizedRect &other );
* Returns whether this normalized rectangle is a null normalized rect.
bool isNull() const;
* Returns whether the normalized rectangle contains the normalized coordinates
* @p x and @p y.
bool contains( double x, double y ) const;
* Returns whether the normalized rectangle intersects the @p other normalized
* rectangle.
bool intersects( const NormalizedRect &other ) const;
* This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It behaves essentially
* like the above function.
bool intersects( const NormalizedRect *other ) const;
* Returns whether the normalized rectangle intersects an other normalized
* rectangle, which is defined by @p left, @p top, @p right and @p bottom.
bool intersects( double left, double top, double right, double bottom ) const;
* Returns the rectangle that accrues when the normalized rectangle is multiplyed
* with the scaling @p xScale and @p yScale.
QRect geometry( int xScale, int yScale ) const;
* Returns the normalized bounding rectangle of the normalized rectangle
* combined with the @p other normalized rectangle.
NormalizedRect operator|( const NormalizedRect &other ) const;
* Sets the normalized rectangle to the normalized bounding rectangle
* of itself combined with the @p other normalized rectangle.
NormalizedRect& operator|=( const NormalizedRect &other );
* Returns whether the normalized rectangle is equal to the @p other
* normalized rectangle.
bool operator==( const NormalizedRect &other ) const;
* Transforms the normalized rectangle with the operations defined by @p matrix.
void transform( const QMatrix &matrix );
* The normalized left coordinate.
double left;
* The normalized top coordinate.
double top;
* The normalized right coordinate.
double right;
* The normalized bottom coordinate.
double bottom;
* @short NormalizedRect that contains a reference to an object.
* These rects contains a pointer to a okular object (such as a link or something
* like that). The pointer is read and stored as 'void pointer' so cast is
* performed by accessors based on the value returned by objectType(). Objects
* are reparented to this class.
* Type / Class correspondency tab:
* - Link : class Link : description of a link
* - Image : class Image : description of an image (n/a)
* - Annotation: class Annotation: description of an annotation
class OKULAR_EXPORT ObjectRect
* Describes the type of storable object.
enum ObjectType
Link, ///< A link
Image, ///< An image
OAnnotation, ///< An annotation
SourceRef ///< A source reference
* Creates a new object rectangle.
* @param left The left coordinate of the rectangle.
* @param top The top coordinate of the rectangle.
* @param right The right coordinate of the rectangle.
* @param bottom The bottom coordinate of the rectangle.
* @param ellipse If true the rectangle describes an ellipse.
* @param type The type of the storable object @see ObjectType.
* @param object The pointer to the storable object.
ObjectRect( double left, double top, double right, double bottom, bool ellipse, ObjectType type, void *object );
* This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
ObjectRect( const NormalizedRect &rect, bool ellipse, ObjectType type, void *object );
* This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
ObjectRect( const QPolygonF &poly, ObjectType type, void *object );
* Destroys the object rectangle.
virtual ~ObjectRect();
* Returns the object type of the object rectangle.
* @see ObjectType
ObjectType objectType() const;
* Returns the storable object of the object rectangle.
const void *object() const;
* Returns the region that is covered by the object rectangle.
const QPainterPath &region() const;
* Returns the bounding rect of the object rectangle for the
* scaling factor @p xScale and @p yScale.
virtual QRect boundingRect( double xScale, double yScale ) const;
* Returns whether the object rectangle contains the point @p x, @p y for the
* scaling factor @p xScale and @p yScale.
virtual bool contains( double x, double y, double xScale, double yScale ) const;
* Transforms the object rectangle with the operations defined by @p matrix.
virtual void transform( const QMatrix &matrix );
ObjectType m_objectType;
void * m_object;
QPainterPath m_path;
QPainterPath m_transformedPath;
* This class describes the object rectangle for an annotation.
class OKULAR_EXPORT AnnotationObjectRect : public ObjectRect
* Creates a new annotation object rectangle with the
* given @p annotation.
AnnotationObjectRect( Annotation *annotation );
* Destroys the annotation object rectangle.
virtual ~AnnotationObjectRect();
* Returns the annotation object of the annotation object rectangle.
Annotation *annotation() const;
* Returns the bounding rect of the annotation object rectangle for the
* scaling factor @p xScale and @p yScale.
virtual QRect boundingRect( double xScale, double yScale ) const;
* Returns whether the annotation object rectangle contains the point @p x, @p y for the
* scaling factor @p xScale and @p yScale.
virtual bool contains( double x, double y, double xScale, double yScale ) const;
* Transforms the annotation object rectangle with the operations defined by @p matrix.
virtual void transform( const QMatrix &matrix );
Annotation * m_annotation;
* This class describes the object rectangle for a source reference.
class OKULAR_EXPORT SourceRefObjectRect : public ObjectRect
* Creates a new source reference object rectangle.
* @param point The point of the source reference.
* @param reference The storable source reference object.
SourceRefObjectRect( const NormalizedPoint& point, void *reference );
* Returns the bounding rect of the source reference object rectangle for the
* scaling factor @p xScale and @p yScale.
virtual QRect boundingRect( double xScale, double yScale ) const;
* Returns whether the source reference object rectangle contains the point @p x, @p y for the
* scaling factor @p xScale and @p yScale.
virtual bool contains( double x, double y, double xScale, double yScale ) const;
NormalizedPoint m_point;
/** @internal */
template <typename T>
void doDelete( T& t )
/** @internal */
template <typename T>
T* givePtr( T& t )
return &t;
/** @internal */
template <typename T>
T& deref( T& t )
return t;
/** @internal */
template <typename T>
static void doDelete( T* t )
delete t;
/** @internal */
template <typename T>
static T* givePtr( T* t )
return t;
/** @internal */
template <typename T>
static T& deref( T* t )
return *t;
* @short A regular area of NormalizedShape which normalizes a Shape
* Class NormalizedShape \b must have the following functions/operators defined:
* - bool contains( double, double )
* - bool intersects( NormalizedShape )
* - bool isNull()
* - Shape geometry( int, int )
* - operator|=( NormalizedShape ) which unite two NormalizedShape's
template <class NormalizedShape, class Shape> class RegularArea : public QList<NormalizedShape>
* Destroys a regular area.
* Returns whether the regular area contains the
* normalized point @p x, @p y.
bool contains( double x, double y ) const;
* Returns whether the regular area contains the
* given @p shape.
bool contains( const NormalizedShape& shape ) const;
* Returns whether the regular area intersects with the given @p area.
bool intersects( const RegularArea<NormalizedShape,Shape> *area ) const;
* Returns whether the regular area intersects with the given @p shape.
bool intersects( const NormalizedShape& shape ) const;
* Appends the given @p area to the regular area.
void appendArea( const RegularArea<NormalizedShape,Shape> *area );
* Appends the given @p shape to the regular area.
void appendShape( const NormalizedShape& shape );
* Simplifies the regular area by merging its intersecting subareas.
void simplify();
* Returns whether the regular area is a null area.
bool isNull() const;
* Returns the subareas of the regular areas as shapes for the given scaling factor
* @p xScale and @p yScale, translated by @p dx and @p dy.
QList<Shape> geometry( int xScale, int yScale, int dx = 0, int dy = 0 ) const;
* Transforms the regular area with the operations defined by @p matrix.
void transform( const QMatrix &matrix );
template <class NormalizedShape, class Shape>
RegularArea<NormalizedShape, Shape>::~RegularArea<NormalizedShape, Shape>()
int size = this->count();
for ( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
doDelete( (*this)[i] );
template <class NormalizedShape, class Shape>
void RegularArea<NormalizedShape, Shape>::simplify()
int prev_end = this->count();
int end = this->count() - 1, x = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < end; ++i )
if ( givePtr( (*this)[x] )->intersects( deref( (*this)[i+1] ) ) )
deref((*this)[x]) |= deref((*this)[i+1]);
NormalizedShape& tobedeleted = (*this)[i+1];
this->removeAt( i + 1 );
doDelete( tobedeleted );
kDebug() << "from " << prev_end << " to " << this->count() << endl;
template <class NormalizedShape, class Shape>
bool RegularArea<NormalizedShape, Shape>::isNull() const
if ( !this )
return false;
if ( this->isEmpty() )
return false;
foreach ( const NormalizedShape& ns, *this )
if ( !givePtr(ns)->isNull() )
return false;
return true;
template <class NormalizedShape, class Shape>
bool RegularArea<NormalizedShape, Shape>::intersects( const NormalizedShape& rect ) const
if ( !this )
return false;
if ( this->isEmpty() )
return false;
foreach ( const NormalizedShape& ns, *this )
if ( !givePtr(ns)->isNull() && givePtr(ns)->intersects( rect ) )
return true;
return false;
template <class NormalizedShape, class Shape>
bool RegularArea<NormalizedShape, Shape>::intersects( const RegularArea<NormalizedShape,Shape> *area ) const
if ( !this )
return false;
if ( this->isEmpty() )
return false;
foreach ( const NormalizedShape& ns, this )
foreach ( const Shape& shape, area )
if ( !ns->isNull() && ns->intersects( shape ) )
return true;
return false;
template <class NormalizedShape, class Shape>
void RegularArea<NormalizedShape, Shape>::appendArea( const RegularArea<NormalizedShape, Shape> *area )
if ( !this )
return false;
foreach( const Shape& shape, area )
this->append( shape );
template <class NormalizedShape, class Shape>
void RegularArea<NormalizedShape, Shape>::appendShape( const NormalizedShape& shape )
if ( !this )
int size = this->count();
// if the list is empty, adds the shape normally
if ( size == 0 )
this->append( shape );
// if the new shape intersects with the last shape in the list, then
// merge it with that and delete the shape
if ( givePtr((*this)[size - 1])->intersects( shape ) )
deref((*this)[size - 1]) |= deref( shape );
doDelete( const_cast<NormalizedShape&>( shape ) );
this->append( shape );
template <class NormalizedShape, class Shape>
bool RegularArea<NormalizedShape, Shape>::contains( double x, double y ) const
if ( !this )
return false;
if ( this->isEmpty() )
return false;
foreach ( const NormalizedShape& ns, this )
if ( ns->contains( x, y ) )
return true;
return false;
template <class NormalizedShape, class Shape>
bool RegularArea<NormalizedShape, Shape>::contains( const NormalizedShape& shape ) const
if ( !this )
return false;
if ( this->isEmpty() )
return false;
return QList<NormalizedShape>::contains( shape );
template <class NormalizedShape, class Shape>
QList<Shape> RegularArea<NormalizedShape, Shape>::geometry( int xScale, int yScale, int dx, int dy ) const
if ( !this || this->isEmpty() )
return QList<Shape>();
QList<Shape> ret;
Shape t;
foreach( const NormalizedShape& ns, *this )
t = givePtr(ns)->geometry( xScale, yScale );
t.translate( dx, dy );
ret.append( t );
return ret;
template <class NormalizedShape, class Shape>
void RegularArea<NormalizedShape, Shape>::transform( const QMatrix &matrix )
if ( !this )
if ( this->isEmpty() )
for ( int i = 0; i < this->count(); ++i )
givePtr( (*this)[i] )->transform( matrix );
typedef RegularArea<NormalizedRect,QRect> RegularAreaRect;
* This class stores the coordinates of a highlighting area
* together with the id of the highlight owner and the color.
class HighlightAreaRect : public RegularAreaRect
* Creates a new highlight area rect with the coordinates of
* the given @p area.
HighlightAreaRect( const RegularAreaRect *area = 0 );
* The search ID of the highlight owner.
int s_id;
* The color of the highlight.
QColor color;
* Debug operator for normalized @p point.
OKULAR_EXPORT kdbgstream& operator<<( kdbgstream& str, const Okular::NormalizedPoint &point );
* Debug operator for normalized @p rect.
OKULAR_EXPORT kdbgstream& operator<<( kdbgstream& str, const Okular::NormalizedRect &rect );