Tobias Koenig 777877f2d2 Refactor the RMB menu for annotations, so we can use the menu for
the PageView and the SideReview.

BUGS: 137722

svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/okular/; revision=617807
2006-12-30 12:40:54 +00:00

398 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2005 by Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
// qt/kde includes
#include <qheaderview.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qsizepolicy.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qtoolbar.h>
#include <qtooltip.h>
#include <qtreewidget.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <ktreewidgetsearchline.h>
#include <kicon.h>
// local includes
#include "core/annotations.h"
#include "core/document.h"
#include "core/page.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "annotationguiutils.h"
#include "annotationpopup.h"
#include "side_reviews.h"
Reviews::Reviews( QWidget * parent, Okular::Document * document )
: QWidget( parent ), m_document( document ), m_delayTimer( 0 ), m_currentPage( -1 )
// create widgets and layout them vertically
QVBoxLayout * vLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
vLayout->setMargin( 0 );
vLayout->setSpacing( 4 );
m_toolBar1 = new QToolBar( this );
m_toolBar1->setObjectName( "reviewSearchBar" );
vLayout->addWidget( m_toolBar1 );
QSizePolicy sp = m_toolBar1->sizePolicy();
sp.setVerticalPolicy( QSizePolicy::Minimum );
m_toolBar1->setSizePolicy( sp );
m_listView = new QTreeWidget( this );
vLayout->addWidget( m_listView );
m_toolBar2 = new QToolBar( this );
m_toolBar2->setObjectName( "reviewOptsBar" );
vLayout->addWidget( m_toolBar2 );
sp = m_toolBar2->sizePolicy();
sp.setVerticalPolicy( QSizePolicy::Minimum );
m_toolBar2->setSizePolicy( sp );
// setup 1-UPPER toolbar and searchLine
m_searchLine = new KTreeWidgetSearchLine( m_toolBar1, m_listView );
m_toolBar1->setIconSize( QSize( 16, 16 ) );
m_toolBar1->setMovable( false );
// - add Search line
// setup 2-LOWER toolbar
m_toolBar2->setIconSize( QSize( 16, 16 ) );
m_toolBar2->setMovable( false );
// - add Page button
QAction * groupByPageAction = m_toolBar2->addAction( KIcon( "txt" ), i18n( "Group by Page" ) );
groupByPageAction->setCheckable( true );
connect( groupByPageAction, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( slotPageEnabled( bool ) ) );
groupByPageAction->setChecked( Okular::Settings::groupByPage() );
// - add Author button
QAction * groupByAuthorAction = m_toolBar2->addAction( KIcon( "personal" ), i18n( "Group by Author" ) );
groupByAuthorAction->setCheckable( true );
connect( groupByAuthorAction, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( slotAuthorEnabled( bool ) ) );
groupByAuthorAction->setChecked( Okular::Settings::groupByAuthor() );
// - add separator
// - add Current Page Only button
QAction * curPageOnlyAction = m_toolBar2->addAction( KIcon( "1downarrow" ), i18n( "Show reviews for current page only" ) );
curPageOnlyAction->setCheckable( true );
connect( curPageOnlyAction, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( slotCurrentPageOnly( bool ) ) );
curPageOnlyAction->setChecked( Okular::Settings::currentPageOnly() );
// customize listview appearance
QStringList cols;
cols.append( i18n("Annotation") );
m_listView->setHeaderLabels( cols );
m_listView->header()->setResizeMode( QHeaderView::Stretch );
m_listView->setIndentation( 16 );
m_listView->setMouseTracking( true );
connect( m_listView, SIGNAL( itemActivated( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ) ),
this, SLOT( itemActivated( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ) ) );
connect( m_listView, SIGNAL( itemEntered( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ) ),
this, SLOT( itemEntered( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ) ) );
m_listView->setContextMenuPolicy( Qt::CustomContextMenu );
connect( m_listView, SIGNAL( customContextMenuRequested( const QPoint& ) ),
this, SLOT( contextMenuRequested( const QPoint& ) ) );
//BEGIN DocumentObserver Notifies -> requestListViewUpdate
void Reviews::notifySetup( const QVector< Okular::Page * > & pages, bool documentChanged )
// grab the page array when document changes
if ( documentChanged )
m_currentPage = -1;
m_pages = pages;
// request an update to the listview
requestListViewUpdate( 1000 );
void Reviews::notifyViewportChanged( bool /*smoothMove*/ )
// sync current page and update listview on change if filtering-on-page
int page = m_document->currentPage();
if ( page != m_currentPage )
m_currentPage = page;
if ( Okular::Settings::currentPageOnly() )
void Reviews::notifyPageChanged( int pageNumber, int changedFlags )
// only check if there are changes to annotations
if ( changedFlags & Okular::DocumentObserver::Annotations )
// if filtering-on-page and the page is not the active one, return
if ( Okular::Settings::currentPageOnly() && pageNumber != m_currentPage )
// request an update to the listview
// TODO selective update on modified page only
// nice trick: listview is cleared but screen not updated. zero flicker.
m_listView->setUpdatesEnabled( false );
m_listView->setUpdatesEnabled( true );
//END DocumentObserver Notifies
//BEGIN GUI Slots -> requestListViewUpdate
void Reviews::slotPageEnabled( bool on )
// store toggle state in Settings and update the listview
Okular::Settings::setGroupByPage( on );
void Reviews::slotAuthorEnabled( bool on )
// store toggle state in Settings and update the listview
Okular::Settings::setGroupByAuthor( on );
void Reviews::slotCurrentPageOnly( bool on )
// store toggle state in Settings and update the listview
Okular::Settings::setCurrentPageOnly( on );
//END GUI Slots
class ReviewItem : public QTreeWidgetItem
ReviewItem( QTreeWidget * parent, const QString & text )
: QTreeWidgetItem( parent )
setText( 0, text );
setTextColor( 0, Qt::red );
class AnnotationItem : public QTreeWidgetItem
AnnotationItem( QTreeWidget * parent, Okular::Annotation * ann, int page )
: QTreeWidgetItem( parent ), m_ann( ann ), m_page( page )
AnnotationItem( QTreeWidgetItem * parent, Okular::Annotation * ann, int page )
: QTreeWidgetItem( parent ), m_ann( ann ), m_page( page )
void init()
setText( 0, AnnotationGuiUtils::captionForAnnotation( m_ann ) );
setIcon( 0, KIcon( "okular" ) );
Okular::Annotation * annotation()
return m_ann;
int page() const
return m_page;
Okular::Annotation * m_ann;
int m_page;
void Reviews::itemActivated( QTreeWidgetItem * item, int /*column*/ )
AnnotationItem * annItem = dynamic_cast< AnnotationItem * >( item );
if ( !annItem )
int pageNumber = annItem->page();
Okular::Annotation * ann = annItem->annotation();
const Okular::Page * page = m_document->page( pageNumber );
// calculating the right coordinates to center the view on the annotation
QRect rect = Okular::AnnotationUtils::annotationGeometry( ann, page->width(), page->height() );
Okular::NormalizedRect nr( rect, (int)page->width(), (int)page->height() );
// set the viewport parameters
Okular::DocumentViewport vp;
vp.pageNumber = pageNumber;
vp.rePos.enabled = true;
vp.rePos.pos = Okular::DocumentViewport::Center;
vp.rePos.normalizedX = ( nr.right + nr.left ) / 2.0;
vp.rePos.normalizedY = ( nr.bottom + nr.top ) / 2.0;
// setting the viewport
m_document->setViewport( vp, -1, true );
void Reviews::slotUpdateListView()
// reset listview to default
m_listView->setRootIsDecorated( true );
m_listView->setSelectionMode( QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection );
if ( Okular::Settings::currentPageOnly() )
// handle the 'filter on current page'
if ( m_currentPage >= 0 && m_currentPage < (int)m_pages.count() )
const Okular::Page * page = m_pages[ m_currentPage ];
if ( page->hasAnnotations() )
addContents( page );
// grab all annotations from pages
QVector< Okular::Page * >::const_iterator it = m_pages.begin(), end = m_pages.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
const Okular::Page * page = *it;
if ( page->hasAnnotations() )
addContents( page );
// display an info message if no annotations present
if ( !m_listView->topLevelItem( 0 ) )
m_listView->setRootIsDecorated( false );
m_listView->setSelectionMode( QTreeWidget::NoSelection );
new ReviewItem( m_listView, i18n("<No Items>") );
void Reviews::addContents( const Okular::Page * page )
// if page-grouping -> create Page subnode
QTreeWidgetItem * pageItem = 0;
if ( Okular::Settings::groupByPage() )
QString pageText = i18n( "page %1", page->number() + 1 );
pageItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( m_listView );
pageItem->setText( 0, pageText );
pageItem->setIcon( 0, KIcon( "txt" ) );
QTreeWidgetItemIterator::IteratorFlags itFlags =
QTreeWidgetItemIterator::All |
// iterate over all annotations in this page
const QLinkedList< Okular::Annotation * > & annots = page->annotations();
QLinkedList< Okular::Annotation * >::const_iterator aIt = annots.begin(), aEnd = annots.end();
for ( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
// get annotation
Okular::Annotation * annotation = *aIt;
// if page-grouping -> create Author subnode
QTreeWidgetItem * authorItem = pageItem;
if ( Okular::Settings::groupByAuthor() )
// get author's name
QString author = annotation->author();
if ( author.isEmpty() )
author = i18n( "Unknown" );
// find out a previous entry by author
QTreeWidgetItemIterator it = pageItem
? QTreeWidgetItemIterator( pageItem, itFlags )
: QTreeWidgetItemIterator( m_listView, itFlags );
while ( (*it) && ( (*it)->text(0) != author ) ) ++it;
authorItem = *it;
// if item not found, create one
if ( !authorItem )
if ( pageItem )
authorItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( pageItem );
authorItem = new QTreeWidgetItem( m_listView );
QString icon = author != i18n( "Unknown" ) ? "personal" : "presence_away";
authorItem->setText( 0, author );
authorItem->setIcon( 0, KIcon( icon ) );
// create Annotation subnode
QTreeWidgetItem * singleItem = authorItem ?
new AnnotationItem( authorItem, annotation, page->number() ) :
new AnnotationItem( m_listView, annotation, page->number() );
Q_UNUSED( singleItem );
void Reviews::requestListViewUpdate( int delayms )
// only schedule an update if have any pages
if ( m_pages.isEmpty() )
// create timer if not present
if ( !m_delayTimer )
m_delayTimer = new QTimer( this );
m_delayTimer->setSingleShot( true );
connect( m_delayTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( slotUpdateListView() ) );
// start timer if not already running
if ( !m_delayTimer->isActive() )
m_delayTimer->start( delayms );
void Reviews::itemEntered( QTreeWidgetItem * item, int /*column*/ )
AnnotationItem * annItem = dynamic_cast< AnnotationItem * >( item );
if ( !annItem )
QString contents = AnnotationGuiUtils::contentsHtml( annItem->annotation() );
if ( contents.isEmpty() )
QString tooltip = QString( "<qt><b>%1</b><hr>%2</qt>" )
.arg( i18n( "Author: %1", annItem->annotation()->author() ), contents );
QToolTip::showText( QCursor::pos(), tooltip, m_listView, m_listView->visualItemRect( annItem ) );
void Reviews::contextMenuRequested( const QPoint &pos )
AnnotationItem *item = dynamic_cast< AnnotationItem* >( m_listView->itemAt( pos ) );
if ( item ) {
Okular::Annotation *annotation = item->annotation();
int pageNumber = item->page();
AnnotationPopup popup( annotation, m_document, this );
popup.setPageNumber( pageNumber );
connect( &popup, SIGNAL( setAnnotationWindow( Okular::Annotation* ) ),
this, SIGNAL( setAnnotationWindow( Okular::Annotation* ) ) );
connect( &popup, SIGNAL( removeAnnotationWindow( Okular::Annotation* ) ),
this, SIGNAL( removeAnnotationWindow( Okular::Annotation* ) ) );
popup.exec( m_listView->viewport()->mapToGlobal( pos ) );
#include "side_reviews.moc"