2014-09-16 23:38:25 +02:00

292 lines
9.7 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2008 by Pino Toscano <pino@kde.org> *
* Copyright (C) 2008 by Harri Porten <porten@kde.org> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include "kjs_document_p.h"
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <kjs/kjsobject.h>
#include <kjs/kjsprototype.h>
#include <kjs/kjsarguments.h>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <assert.h>
#include "../document_p.h"
#include "../page.h"
#include "../form.h"
#include "kjs_data_p.h"
#include "kjs_field_p.h"
using namespace Okular;
static KJSPrototype *g_docProto;
// Document.numPages
static KJSObject docGetNumPages( KJSContext *, void *object )
DocumentPrivate *doc = reinterpret_cast< DocumentPrivate* >( object );
return KJSNumber( doc->m_pagesVector.count() );
// Document.pageNum (getter)
static KJSObject docGetPageNum( KJSContext *, void *object )
DocumentPrivate *doc = reinterpret_cast< DocumentPrivate* >( object );
return KJSNumber( doc->m_parent->currentPage() );
// Document.pageNum (setter)
static void docSetPageNum( KJSContext* ctx, void* object,
KJSObject value )
DocumentPrivate *doc = reinterpret_cast< DocumentPrivate* >( object );
int page = value.toInt32( ctx );
if ( page == (int)doc->m_parent->currentPage() )
doc->m_parent->setViewportPage( page );
// Document.documentFileName
static KJSObject docGetDocumentFileName( KJSContext *, void *object )
DocumentPrivate *doc = reinterpret_cast< DocumentPrivate* >( object );
return KJSString( doc->m_url.fileName() );
// Document.filesize
static KJSObject docGetFilesize( KJSContext *, void *object )
DocumentPrivate *doc = reinterpret_cast< DocumentPrivate* >( object );
return KJSNumber( doc->m_docSize );
// Document.path
static KJSObject docGetPath( KJSContext *, void *object )
DocumentPrivate *doc = reinterpret_cast< DocumentPrivate* >( object );
return KJSString( doc->m_url.pathOrUrl() );
// Document.URL
static KJSObject docGetURL( KJSContext *, void *object )
DocumentPrivate *doc = reinterpret_cast< DocumentPrivate* >( object );
return KJSString( doc->m_url.prettyUrl() );
// Document.permStatusReady
static KJSObject docGetPermStatusReady( KJSContext *, void * )
return KJSBoolean( true );
// Document.dataObjects
static KJSObject docGetDataObjects( KJSContext *ctx, void *object )
DocumentPrivate *doc = reinterpret_cast< DocumentPrivate* >( object );
const QList< EmbeddedFile * > *files = doc->m_generator->embeddedFiles();
KJSArray dataObjects( ctx, files ? files->count() : 0 );
if ( files )
QList< EmbeddedFile * >::ConstIterator it = files->begin(), itEnd = files->end();
for ( int i = 0; it != itEnd; ++it, ++i )
KJSObject newdata = JSData::wrapFile( ctx, *it );
dataObjects.setProperty( ctx, QString::number( i ), newdata );
return dataObjects;
// Document.external
static KJSObject docGetExternal( KJSContext *, void *object )
DocumentPrivate *doc = reinterpret_cast< DocumentPrivate* >( object );
QWidget *widget = doc->m_widget;
const bool isShell = ( widget
&& widget->parentWidget()
&& widget->parentWidget()->objectName() == QLatin1String( "okular::Shell" ) );
return KJSBoolean( !isShell );
static KJSObject docGetInfo( KJSContext *ctx, void *object )
DocumentPrivate *doc = reinterpret_cast< DocumentPrivate* >( object );
KJSObject obj;
QSet<DocumentInfo::Key> keys;
keys << DocumentInfo::Title
<< DocumentInfo::Author
<< DocumentInfo::Subject
<< DocumentInfo::Keywords
<< DocumentInfo::Creator
<< DocumentInfo::Producer;
const DocumentInfo docinfo = doc->m_parent->documentInfo( keys );
#define KEY_GET( key, property ) \
do { \
const QString data = docinfo.get( key ); \
if ( !data.isEmpty() ) \
{ \
const KJSString newval( data ); \
obj.setProperty( ctx, property, newval ); \
obj.setProperty( ctx, QString( property ).toLower(), newval ); \
} \
} while ( 0 );
KEY_GET( DocumentInfo::Title, "Title" );
KEY_GET( DocumentInfo::Author, "Author" );
KEY_GET( DocumentInfo::Subject, "Subject" );
KEY_GET( DocumentInfo::Keywords, "Keywords" );
KEY_GET( DocumentInfo::Creator, "Creator" );
KEY_GET( DocumentInfo::Producer, "Producer" );
#undef KEY_GET
return obj;
#define DOCINFO_GET_METHOD( key, name ) \
static KJSObject docGet ## name( KJSContext *, void *object ) \
{ \
DocumentPrivate *doc = reinterpret_cast< DocumentPrivate* >( object ); \
const DocumentInfo docinfo = doc->m_parent->documentInfo(QSet<DocumentInfo::Key>() << key ); \
return KJSString( docinfo.get( key ) ); \
DOCINFO_GET_METHOD( DocumentInfo::Author, Author )
DOCINFO_GET_METHOD( DocumentInfo::Creator, Creator )
DOCINFO_GET_METHOD( DocumentInfo::Keywords, Keywords )
DOCINFO_GET_METHOD( DocumentInfo::Producer, Producer )
DOCINFO_GET_METHOD( DocumentInfo::Title, Title )
DOCINFO_GET_METHOD( DocumentInfo::Subject, Subject )
// Document.getField()
static KJSObject docGetField( KJSContext *context, void *object,
const KJSArguments &arguments )
DocumentPrivate *doc = reinterpret_cast< DocumentPrivate* >( object );
QString cName = arguments.at( 0 ).toString( context );
QVector< Page * >::const_iterator pIt = doc->m_pagesVector.constBegin(), pEnd = doc->m_pagesVector.constEnd();
for ( ; pIt != pEnd; ++pIt )
const QLinkedList< Okular::FormField * > pageFields = (*pIt)->formFields();
QLinkedList< Okular::FormField * >::const_iterator ffIt = pageFields.constBegin(), ffEnd = pageFields.constEnd();
for ( ; ffIt != ffEnd; ++ffIt )
if ( (*ffIt)->name() == cName )
return JSField::wrapField( context, *ffIt, *pIt );
return KJSUndefined();
// Document.getPageLabel()
static KJSObject docGetPageLabel( KJSContext *ctx,void *object,
const KJSArguments &arguments )
DocumentPrivate *doc = reinterpret_cast< DocumentPrivate* >( object );
int nPage = arguments.at( 0 ).toInt32( ctx );
Page *p = doc->m_pagesVector.value( nPage );
return KJSString( p ? p->label() : QString() );
// Document.getPageRotation()
static KJSObject docGetPageRotation( KJSContext *ctx, void *object,
const KJSArguments &arguments )
DocumentPrivate *doc = reinterpret_cast< DocumentPrivate* >( object );
int nPage = arguments.at( 0 ).toInt32( ctx );
Page *p = doc->m_pagesVector.value( nPage );
return KJSNumber( p ? p->orientation() * 90 : 0 );
// Document.gotoNamedDest()
static KJSObject docGotoNamedDest( KJSContext *ctx, void *object,
const KJSArguments &arguments )
DocumentPrivate *doc = reinterpret_cast< DocumentPrivate* >( object );
QString dest = arguments.at( 0 ).toString( ctx );
DocumentViewport viewport( doc->m_generator->metaData( "NamedViewport", dest ).toString() );
if ( !viewport.isValid() )
return KJSUndefined();
doc->m_parent->setViewport( viewport );
return KJSUndefined();
// Document.syncAnnotScan()
static KJSObject docSyncAnnotScan( KJSContext *, void *,
const KJSArguments & )
return KJSUndefined();
void JSDocument::initType( KJSContext *ctx )
assert( g_docProto );
static bool initialized = false;
if ( initialized )
initialized = true;
g_docProto->defineProperty( ctx, "numPages", docGetNumPages );
g_docProto->defineProperty( ctx, "pageNum", docGetPageNum, docSetPageNum );
g_docProto->defineProperty( ctx, "documentFileName", docGetDocumentFileName );
g_docProto->defineProperty( ctx, "filesize", docGetFilesize );
g_docProto->defineProperty( ctx, "path", docGetPath );
g_docProto->defineProperty( ctx, "URL", docGetURL );
g_docProto->defineProperty( ctx, "permStatusReady", docGetPermStatusReady );
g_docProto->defineProperty( ctx, "dataObjects", docGetDataObjects );
g_docProto->defineProperty( ctx, "external", docGetExternal );
// info properties
g_docProto->defineProperty( ctx, "info", docGetInfo );
g_docProto->defineProperty( ctx, "author", docGetAuthor );
g_docProto->defineProperty( ctx, "creator", docGetCreator );
g_docProto->defineProperty( ctx, "keywords", docGetKeywords );
g_docProto->defineProperty( ctx, "producer", docGetProducer );
g_docProto->defineProperty( ctx, "title", docGetTitle );
g_docProto->defineProperty( ctx, "subject", docGetSubject );
g_docProto->defineFunction( ctx, "getField", docGetField );
g_docProto->defineFunction( ctx, "getPageLabel", docGetPageLabel );
g_docProto->defineFunction( ctx, "getPageRotation", docGetPageRotation );
g_docProto->defineFunction( ctx, "gotoNamedDest", docGotoNamedDest );
g_docProto->defineFunction( ctx, "syncAnnotScan", docSyncAnnotScan );
KJSGlobalObject JSDocument::wrapDocument( DocumentPrivate *doc )
if ( !g_docProto )
g_docProto = new KJSPrototype();
return g_docProto->constructGlobalObject( doc );