Christian Ehrlicher 9e2f6edcf5 KUrl::path() -> KUrl::toLocalFile()
svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdegraphics/okular/; revision=1071713
2010-01-08 15:29:38 +00:00

430 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2007 by Pino Toscano <pino@kde.org> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include "formwidgets.h"
#include <qbuttongroup.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <klocale.h>
// local includes
#include "core/form.h"
FormWidgetsController::FormWidgetsController( QObject *parent )
: QObject( parent )
void FormWidgetsController::signalChanged( FormWidgetIface *w )
emit changed( w );
void FormWidgetsController::signalAction( Okular::Action *a )
emit action( a );
QButtonGroup* FormWidgetsController::registerRadioButton( FormWidgetIface* widget, const QList< int >& siblings )
if ( !widget->button() )
return 0;
QList< RadioData >::iterator it = m_radios.begin(), itEnd = m_radios.end();
const int id = widget->formField()->id();
for ( ; it != itEnd; ++it )
const QList< int >::const_iterator idsIt = qFind( (*it).ids, id );
if ( idsIt != (*it).ids.constEnd() )
(*it).group->addButton( widget->button() );
return (*it).group;
RadioData newdata;
newdata.ids = siblings;
newdata.ids.append( id );
newdata.group = new QButtonGroup();
newdata.group->addButton( widget->button() );
connect( newdata.group, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( QAbstractButton * ) ),
this, SLOT( slotButtonClicked( QAbstractButton * ) ) );
m_radios.append( newdata );
return newdata.group;
void FormWidgetsController::dropRadioButtons()
QList< RadioData >::iterator it = m_radios.begin(), itEnd = m_radios.end();
for ( ; it != itEnd; ++it )
delete (*it).group;
void FormWidgetsController::slotButtonClicked( QAbstractButton *button )
if ( CheckBoxEdit *check = qobject_cast< CheckBoxEdit * >( button ) )
emit changed( check );
else if ( RadioButtonEdit *radio = qobject_cast< RadioButtonEdit * >( button ) )
emit changed( radio );
FormWidgetIface * FormWidgetFactory::createWidget( Okular::FormField * ff, QWidget * parent )
FormWidgetIface * widget = 0;
switch ( ff->type() )
case Okular::FormField::FormButton:
Okular::FormFieldButton * ffb = static_cast< Okular::FormFieldButton * >( ff );
switch ( ffb->buttonType() )
case Okular::FormFieldButton::Push:
widget = new PushButtonEdit( ffb, parent );
case Okular::FormFieldButton::CheckBox:
widget = new CheckBoxEdit( ffb, parent );
case Okular::FormFieldButton::Radio:
widget = new RadioButtonEdit( ffb, parent );
default: ;
case Okular::FormField::FormText:
Okular::FormFieldText * fft = static_cast< Okular::FormFieldText * >( ff );
switch ( fft->textType() )
case Okular::FormFieldText::Multiline:
widget = new TextAreaEdit( fft, parent );
case Okular::FormFieldText::Normal:
widget = new FormLineEdit( fft, parent );
case Okular::FormFieldText::FileSelect:
widget = new FileEdit( fft, parent );
case Okular::FormField::FormChoice:
Okular::FormFieldChoice * ffc = static_cast< Okular::FormFieldChoice * >( ff );
switch ( ffc->choiceType() )
case Okular::FormFieldChoice::ListBox:
widget = new ListEdit( ffc, parent );
case Okular::FormFieldChoice::ComboBox:
widget = new ComboEdit( ffc, parent );
default: ;
return widget;
FormWidgetIface::FormWidgetIface( QWidget * w, Okular::FormField * ff )
: m_controller( 0 ), m_widget( w ), m_ff( ff ), m_pageItem( 0 )
Okular::NormalizedRect FormWidgetIface::rect() const
return m_ff->rect();
void FormWidgetIface::setWidthHeight( int w, int h )
m_widget->resize( w, h );
void FormWidgetIface::moveTo( int x, int y )
m_widget->move( x, y );
bool FormWidgetIface::setVisibility( bool visible )
if ( !m_ff->isVisible() )
return false;
bool hadfocus = m_widget->hasFocus();
if ( hadfocus )
m_widget->setVisible( visible );
return hadfocus;
void FormWidgetIface::setCanBeFilled( bool fill )
if ( m_widget->isEnabled() )
m_widget->setEnabled( fill );
void FormWidgetIface::setPageItem( PageViewItem *pageItem )
m_pageItem = pageItem;
Okular::FormField* FormWidgetIface::formField() const
return m_ff;
PageViewItem* FormWidgetIface::pageItem() const
return m_pageItem;
void FormWidgetIface::setFormWidgetsController( FormWidgetsController *controller )
m_controller = controller;
QAbstractButton* FormWidgetIface::button()
return 0;
PushButtonEdit::PushButtonEdit( Okular::FormFieldButton * button, QWidget * parent )
: QPushButton( parent ), FormWidgetIface( this, button ), m_form( button )
setText( m_form->caption() );
setEnabled( !m_form->isReadOnly() );
setVisible( m_form->isVisible() );
connect( this, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotClicked() ) );
void PushButtonEdit::slotClicked()
if ( m_form->activationAction() )
m_controller->signalAction( m_form->activationAction() );
CheckBoxEdit::CheckBoxEdit( Okular::FormFieldButton * button, QWidget * parent )
: QCheckBox( parent ), FormWidgetIface( this, button ), m_form( button )
setText( m_form->caption() );
setEnabled( !m_form->isReadOnly() );
setVisible( m_form->isVisible() );
void CheckBoxEdit::setFormWidgetsController( FormWidgetsController *controller )
FormWidgetIface::setFormWidgetsController( controller );
const QList< int > siblings = m_form->siblings();
if ( !siblings.isEmpty() )
m_controller->registerRadioButton( this, siblings );
setCheckState( m_form->state() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked );
connect( this, SIGNAL( stateChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotStateChanged( int ) ) );
QAbstractButton* CheckBoxEdit::button()
return this;
void CheckBoxEdit::slotStateChanged( int state )
m_form->setState( state == Qt::Checked );
if ( !group() )
m_controller->signalChanged( this );
RadioButtonEdit::RadioButtonEdit( Okular::FormFieldButton * button, QWidget * parent )
: QRadioButton( parent ), FormWidgetIface( this, button ), m_form( button )
setText( m_form->caption() );
setEnabled( !m_form->isReadOnly() );
setVisible( m_form->isVisible() );
void RadioButtonEdit::setFormWidgetsController( FormWidgetsController *controller )
FormWidgetIface::setFormWidgetsController( controller );
m_controller->registerRadioButton( this, m_form->siblings() );
setChecked( m_form->state() );
connect( this, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( slotToggled( bool ) ) );
QAbstractButton* RadioButtonEdit::button()
return this;
void RadioButtonEdit::slotToggled( bool checked )
m_form->setState( checked );
if ( !group() )
m_controller->signalChanged( this );
FormLineEdit::FormLineEdit( Okular::FormFieldText * text, QWidget * parent )
: QLineEdit( parent ), FormWidgetIface( this, text ), m_form( text )
int maxlen = m_form->maximumLength();
if ( maxlen >= 0 )
setMaxLength( maxlen );
setAlignment( m_form->textAlignment() );
setText( m_form->text() );
if ( m_form->isPassword() )
setEchoMode( QLineEdit::Password );
setReadOnly( m_form->isReadOnly() );
connect( this, SIGNAL( textEdited( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( textEdited( const QString& ) ) );
setVisible( m_form->isVisible() );
void FormLineEdit::textEdited( const QString& )
m_form->setText( text() );
m_controller->signalChanged( this );
TextAreaEdit::TextAreaEdit( Okular::FormFieldText * text, QWidget * parent )
: KTextEdit( parent ), FormWidgetIface( this, text ), m_form( text )
setAcceptRichText( m_form->isRichText() );
setCheckSpellingEnabled( m_form->canBeSpellChecked() );
setAlignment( m_form->textAlignment() );
setPlainText( m_form->text() );
setReadOnly( m_form->isReadOnly() );
connect( this, SIGNAL( textChanged() ), this, SLOT( slotChanged() ) );
setVisible( m_form->isVisible() );
void TextAreaEdit::slotChanged()
m_form->setText( toPlainText() );
m_controller->signalChanged( this );
FileEdit::FileEdit( Okular::FormFieldText * text, QWidget * parent )
: KUrlRequester( parent ), FormWidgetIface( this, text ), m_form( text )
setMode( KFile::File | KFile::ExistingOnly | KFile::LocalOnly );
setFilter( i18n( "*|All Files" ) );
setPath( m_form->text() );
lineEdit()->setAlignment( m_form->textAlignment() );
setEnabled( !m_form->isReadOnly() );
connect( this, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( slotChanged( const QString& ) ) );
setVisible( m_form->isVisible() );
void FileEdit::slotChanged( const QString& )
m_form->setText( url().toLocalFile() );
m_controller->signalChanged( this );
ListEdit::ListEdit( Okular::FormFieldChoice * choice, QWidget * parent )
: QListWidget( parent ), FormWidgetIface( this, choice ), m_form( choice )
addItems( m_form->choices() );
setSelectionMode( m_form->multiSelect() ? QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection : QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection );
setVerticalScrollMode( QAbstractItemView::ScrollPerPixel );
QList< int > selectedItems = m_form->currentChoices();
if ( m_form->multiSelect() )
foreach ( int index, selectedItems )
if ( index >= 0 && index < count() )
item( index )->setSelected( true );
if ( selectedItems.count() == 1 && selectedItems.at(0) >= 0 && selectedItems.at(0) < count() )
setCurrentRow( selectedItems.at(0) );
scrollToItem( item( selectedItems.at(0) ) );
setEnabled( !m_form->isReadOnly() );
connect( this, SIGNAL( itemSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( slotSelectionChanged() ) );
setVisible( m_form->isVisible() );
void ListEdit::slotSelectionChanged()
QList< QListWidgetItem * > selection = selectedItems();
QList< int > rows;
foreach( const QListWidgetItem * item, selection )
rows.append( row( item ) );
m_form->setCurrentChoices( rows );
m_controller->signalChanged( this );
ComboEdit::ComboEdit( Okular::FormFieldChoice * choice, QWidget * parent )
: QComboBox( parent ), FormWidgetIface( this, choice ), m_form( choice )
addItems( m_form->choices() );
setEditable( true );
lineEdit()->setReadOnly( !m_form->isEditable() );
QList< int > selectedItems = m_form->currentChoices();
if ( selectedItems.count() == 1 && selectedItems.at(0) >= 0 && selectedItems.at(0) < count() )
setCurrentIndex( selectedItems.at(0) );
setEnabled( !m_form->isReadOnly() );
connect( this, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( indexChanged( int ) ) );
setVisible( m_form->isVisible() );
void ComboEdit::indexChanged( int index )
m_form->setCurrentChoices( QList< int >() << index );
m_controller->signalChanged( this );
#include "formwidgets.moc"