Nicolas Fella e165180bb0 Rework UX for adding digital signature
Currently when adding a signature the user is prompted to specify a
rectangle, then chose a certificate. The problem here is that the
user doesn't know what size is appropriate, so it takes some trial and
error to get something good.

To address this change the flow a bit. First ask which certificate and
other parameters should be used. With that information we create a
signature annotation object and add that to the page. The user can
then move and resize it like any annotation util the size and placement
is right.

Once the user is happy with the placement they click on a Finish Signing
button that then prompts for where to save the signed document and signs

This makes the warning about a too small signature rect redundant since
the user sees that the signature won't fit. It was only an approximation

CCBUG: 443403
2024-09-12 14:54:27 +02:00

189 lines
6.6 KiB

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2005 Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <QObject>
#include <qdom.h>
#include <KActionCollection>
#include "annotationtools.h"
#include "core/annotations.h"
#include "pageviewutils.h"
#include "signaturepartutils.h"
class QKeyEvent;
class QMouseEvent;
class QPainter;
class AnnotationActionHandler;
namespace Okular
class Document;
// engines are defined and implemented in the cpp
class AnnotatorEngine;
class AnnotationTools;
class PageView;
* @short PageView object devoted to annotation creation/handling.
* PageViewAnnotator is the okular class used for visually creating annotations.
* It uses internal 'engines' for interacting with user events and attaches
* the newly created annotation to the document when the creation is complete.
* In the meanwhile all PageView events (actually mouse/paint ones) are routed
* to this class that performs a rough visual representation of what the
* annotation will become when finished.
* m_builtinToolsDefinition is a AnnotationTools object that wraps a DOM object that
* contains Annotations/Engine association for the items placed in the toolbar.
* The XML is parsed after selecting a toolbar item, in which case an Ann is
* initialized with the values in the XML and an engine is created to handle
* that annotation. m_builtinToolsDefinition is created in reparseConfig according to
* user configuration. m_builtinToolsDefinition is updated (and saved to disk) (1) each
* time a property of an annotation (color, font, etc) is changed by the user,
* and (2) each time a "quick annotation" is selected, in which case the properties
* of the selected quick annotation are written over those of the corresponding
* builtin tool
class PageViewAnnotator : public QObject
static const int STAMP_TOOL_ID;
PageViewAnnotator(PageView *parent, Okular::Document *storage);
~PageViewAnnotator() override;
// methods used when creating the annotation
// @return Is a tool currently selected?
bool active() const;
// @return Are we currently annotating (using the selected tool)?
bool annotating() const;
void setSignatureMode(bool enabled);
bool signatureMode() const;
void startSigning(SignaturePartUtils::SigningInformation *info);
// returns the preferred cursor for the current tool. call this only
// if active() == true
QCursor cursor() const;
QRect routeMouseEvent(QMouseEvent *event, PageViewItem *item);
QRect routeTabletEvent(QTabletEvent *event, PageViewItem *item, const QPoint localOriginInGlobal);
QRect performRouteMouseOrTabletEvent(const AnnotatorEngine::EventType eventType, const AnnotatorEngine::Button button, const AnnotatorEngine::Modifiers modifiers, const QPointF pos, PageViewItem *item);
bool routeKeyEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
bool routePaints(const QRect wantedRect) const;
void routePaint(QPainter *painter, const QRect paintRect);
void reparseConfig();
static QString defaultToolName(const QDomElement &toolElement);
static QPixmap makeToolPixmap(const QDomElement &toolElement);
// methods related to the annotation actions
void setupActions(KActionCollection *ac);
// setup those actions that first require the GUI is fully created
void setupActionsPostGUIActivated();
// @return Is continuous mode active (pin annotation)?
bool continuousMode();
* State of constrain ratio and angle action.
* While annotating, this value is XOR-ed with the Shift modifier.
bool constrainRatioAndAngleActive();
// enable/disable the annotation actions
void setToolsEnabled(bool enabled);
// enable/disable the text-selection annotation actions
void setTextToolsEnabled(bool enabled);
enum class ShowTip { Yes, No };
// selects the active tool
void selectBuiltinTool(int toolId, ShowTip showTip);
// selects a stamp tool and sets the stamp symbol
void selectStampTool(const QString &stampSymbol);
// selects the active quick tool
void selectQuickTool(int toolId);
// selects the last used tool
void selectLastTool();
// deselects the tool and uncheck all the annotation actions
void detachAnnotation();
// returns the builtin annotation tool with the given Id
QDomElement builtinTool(int toolId);
// returns the quick annotation tool with the given Id
QDomElement quickTool(int toolId);
// methods that write the properties
void setAnnotationWidth(double width);
void setAnnotationColor(const QColor &color);
void setAnnotationInnerColor(const QColor &color);
void setAnnotationOpacity(double opacity);
void setAnnotationFont(const QFont &font);
public Q_SLOTS:
void setContinuousMode(bool enabled);
* State of constrain ratio and angle action.
* While annotating, this value is XOR-ed with the Shift modifier.
void setConstrainRatioAndAngle(bool enabled);
void addToQuickAnnotations();
void slotAdvancedSettings();
* This signal is emitted whenever an annotation tool is activated or all the tools get deactivated
void toolActive(bool active);
* Requests opening of a newly signed file
* \param filePath path to signed file
* \param pageNumber page to show (1-indexed)
void requestOpenNewlySignedFile(const QString &filePath, int pageNumber);
void reparseBuiltinToolsConfig();
void reparseQuickToolsConfig();
// save the builtin annotation tools to Okular settings
void saveBuiltinAnnotationTools();
// selects the active tool
void selectTool(AnnotationTools *toolsDefinition, int toolId, ShowTip showTip);
// returns the engine QDomElement of the the currently active tool
QDomElement currentEngineElement();
// returns the annotation QDomElement of the the currently active tool
QDomElement currentAnnotationElement();
// global class pointers
Okular::Document *m_document;
PageView *m_pageView;
AnnotationActionHandler *m_actionHandler;
AnnotatorEngine *m_engine;
AnnotationTools *m_builtinToolsDefinition;
AnnotationTools *m_quickToolsDefinition;
bool m_continuousMode;
bool m_constrainRatioAndAngle;
bool m_signatureMode;
// creation related variables
AnnotationTools *m_lastToolsDefinition;
int m_lastToolId;
QRect m_lastDrawnRect;
PageViewItem *m_lockedItem;
// selected annotation name
// QString m_selectedAnnotationName;
/* kate: replace-tabs on; indent-width 4; */