Albert Astals Cid 0842f5e5bb CI: Use clang-format 16
2024-08-17 12:35:59 +02:00

487 lines
18 KiB

// -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-brace-offset: 0; -*-
// fontpool.cpp
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2005 Stefan Kebekus
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <config.h>
#include "TeXFont.h"
#include "debug_dvi.h"
#include "fontpool.h"
#include <KLocalizedString>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QStandardPaths>
#include <cmath>
#include <math.h>
// List of permissible MetaFontModes which are supported by kdvi.
// const char *MFModes[] = { "cx", "ljfour", "lexmarks" };
// const char *MFModenames[] = { "Canon CX", "LaserJet 4", "Lexmark S" };
// const int MFResolutions[] = { 300, 600, 1200 };
QTime fontPoolTimer;
bool fontPoolTimerFlag;
fontPool::fontPool(bool useFontHinting)
qCDebug(OkularDviDebug) << "fontPool::fontPool() called";
setObjectName(QStringLiteral("Font Pool"));
displayResolution_in_dpi = 100.0; // A not-too-bad-default
useFontHints = useFontHinting;
CMperDVIunit = 0;
// Initialize the Freetype Library
if (FT_Init_FreeType(&FreeType_library) != 0) {
qCCritical(OkularDviDebug) << "Cannot load the FreeType library. KDVI proceeds without FreeType support.";
FreeType_could_be_loaded = false;
} else {
FreeType_could_be_loaded = true;
// Check if the QT library supports the alpha channel of
// QImages. Experiments show that --depending of the configuration
// of QT at compile and runtime or the availability of the XFt
// extension, alpha channels are either supported, or silently
// ignored.
QImage start(1, 1, QImage::Format_ARGB32); // Generate a 1x1 image, black with alpha=0x10
quint32 *destScanLine = reinterpret_cast<quint32 *>(start.scanLine(0));
*destScanLine = 0x80000000;
QPixmap intermediate = QPixmap::fromImage(start);
QPixmap dest(1, 1);
QPainter paint(&dest);
paint.drawPixmap(0, 0, intermediate);
start = dest.toImage().convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32);
quint8 result = *(start.scanLine(0)) & 0xff;
if ((result == 0xff) || (result == 0x00)) {
qCDebug(OkularDviDebug) << "fontPool::fontPool(): QPixmap does not support the alpha channel";
QPixmapSupportsAlpha = false;
} else {
qCDebug(OkularDviDebug) << "fontPool::fontPool(): QPixmap supports the alpha channel";
QPixmapSupportsAlpha = true;
qCDebug(OkularDviDebug) << "fontPool::~fontPool() called";
// need to manually clear the fonts _before_ freetype gets unloaded
if (FreeType_could_be_loaded == true) {
void fontPool::setParameters(bool _useFontHints)
// Check if glyphs need to be cleared
if (_useFontHints != useFontHints) {
double displayResolution = displayResolution_in_dpi;
QList<TeXFontDefinition *>::iterator it_fontp = fontList.begin();
for (; it_fontp != fontList.end(); ++it_fontp) {
TeXFontDefinition *fontp = *it_fontp;
fontp->setDisplayResolution(displayResolution * fontp->enlargement);
useFontHints = _useFontHints;
TeXFontDefinition *fontPool::appendx(const QString &fontname, quint32 checksum, quint32 scale, double enlargement)
// Reuse font if possible: check if a font with that name and
// natural resolution is already in the fontpool, and use that, if
// possible.
QList<TeXFontDefinition *>::iterator it_fontp = fontList.begin();
for (; it_fontp != fontList.end(); ++it_fontp) {
TeXFontDefinition *fontp = *it_fontp;
if ((fontname == fontp->fontname) && ((int)(enlargement * 1000.0 + 0.5)) == (int)(fontp->enlargement * 1000.0 + 0.5)) {
// if font is already in the list
return fontp;
// If font doesn't exist yet, we have to generate a new font.
double displayResolution = displayResolution_in_dpi;
TeXFontDefinition *fontp = new TeXFontDefinition(fontname, displayResolution * enlargement, checksum, scale, this, enlargement);
if (fontp == nullptr) {
qCCritical(OkularDviDebug) << "Could not allocate memory for a font structure";
fontPoolTimerFlag = false;
// Now start kpsewhich/MetaFont, etc. if necessary
return fontp;
bool fontPool::areFontsLocated()
qCDebug(OkularDviDebug) << "fontPool::areFontsLocated() called";
// Is there a font whose name we did not try to find out yet?
QList<TeXFontDefinition *>::const_iterator cit_fontp = fontList.constBegin();
for (; cit_fontp != fontList.constEnd(); ++cit_fontp) {
const TeXFontDefinition *fontp = *cit_fontp;
if (!fontp->isLocated()) {
return false;
qCDebug(OkularDviDebug) << "... yes, all fonts are located (but not necessarily loaded).";
return true; // That says that all fonts are located.
void fontPool::locateFonts()
// First, we try and find those fonts which exist on disk
// already. If virtual fonts are found, they will add new fonts to
// the list of fonts whose font files need to be located, so that we
// repeat the lookup.
bool vffound;
do {
vffound = false;
locateFonts(false, false, &vffound);
} while (vffound);
// If still not all fonts are found, look again, this time with
// on-demand generation of PK fonts enabled.
if (!areFontsLocated()) {
locateFonts(true, false);
// If still not all fonts are found, we look for TFM files as a last
// resort, so that we can at least draw filled rectangles for
// characters.
if (!areFontsLocated()) {
locateFonts(false, true);
// If still not all fonts are found, we give up. We mark all fonts
// as 'located', so that we won't look for them any more, and
// present an error message to the user.
if (!areFontsLocated()) {
Q_EMIT error(i18n("<qt><p>Okular was not able to locate all the font files "
"which are necessary to display the current DVI file. "
"Your document might be unreadable.</p>"
"<p><small><b>PATH:</b> %1</small></p>"
kpsewhichOutput.replace(QLatin1String("\n"), QLatin1String("<br/>"))),
void fontPool::locateFonts(bool makePK, bool locateTFMonly, bool *virtualFontsFound)
// Make sure kpsewhich is in PATH and not just in the CWD
static const QString kpsewhichFullPath = QStandardPaths::findExecutable(QStringLiteral("kpsewhich"));
if (kpsewhichFullPath.isEmpty()) {
// Set up the kpsewhich process. If pass == 0, look for vf-fonts and
// disable automatic font generation as vf-fonts can't be
// generated. If pass == 0, enable font generation, if it was
// enabled globally.
// Now generate the command line for the kpsewhich
// program. Unfortunately, this can be rather long and involved...
QStringList kpsewhich_args;
kpsewhich_args << QStringLiteral("--dpi") << QStringLiteral("1200") << QStringLiteral("--mode") << QStringLiteral("lexmarks");
// Disable automatic pk-font generation.
kpsewhich_args << QString::fromLocal8Bit(makePK ? "--mktex" : "--no-mktex") << QStringLiteral("pk");
// Names of fonts that shall be located
quint16 numFontsInJob = 0;
QList<TeXFontDefinition *>::const_iterator cit_fontp = fontList.constBegin();
for (; cit_fontp != fontList.constEnd(); ++cit_fontp) {
TeXFontDefinition *fontp = *cit_fontp;
if (!fontp->isLocated()) {
if (locateTFMonly == true) {
kpsewhich_args << QStringLiteral("%1.tfm").arg(fontp->fontname);
} else {
if (FreeType_could_be_loaded == true) {
const QString &filename = fontsByTeXName.findFileName(fontp->fontname);
if (!filename.isEmpty()) {
kpsewhich_args << QStringLiteral("%1").arg(filename);
kpsewhich_args << QStringLiteral("%1.vf").arg(fontp->fontname) << QStringLiteral("%1.1200pk").arg(fontp->fontname);
if (numFontsInJob == 0) {
// If PK fonts are generated, the kpsewhich command will re-route
// the output of MetaFont into its stderr. Here we make sure this
// output is intercepted and parsed.
kpsewhich_ = std::make_unique<QProcess>();
connect(kpsewhich_.get(), &QProcess::readyReadStandardError, this, &fontPool::mf_output_receiver);
// Now run... kpsewhich. In case of error, kick up a fuss.
// This string is not going to be quoted, as it might be were it
// a real command line, but who cares?
const QString kpsewhich_exe = QStringLiteral("kpsewhich");
kpsewhichOutput += QStringLiteral("<b>") + kpsewhich_exe + QLatin1Char(' ') + kpsewhich_args.join(QStringLiteral(" ")) + QStringLiteral("</b>");
kpsewhich_->start(kpsewhichFullPath, kpsewhich_args, QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text);
if (!kpsewhich_->waitForStarted()) {
Q_EMIT error(i18n("<qt><p>There were problems running <em>kpsewhich</em>. As a result, "
"some font files could not be located, and your document might be unreadable.<br/>"
"Possible reason: the <em>kpsewhich</em> program is perhaps not installed on your system, "
"or it cannot be found in the current search path.</p>"
"<p><small><b>PATH:</b> %1</small></p>"
kpsewhichOutput.replace(QLatin1String("\n"), QLatin1String("<br/>"))),
// This makes sure the we don't try to run kpsewhich again
// We wait here while the external program runs concurrently.
// Handle fatal errors.
int const kpsewhich_exit_code = kpsewhich_->exitCode();
if (kpsewhich_exit_code < 0) {
Q_EMIT warning(i18n("<qt>The font generation by <em>kpsewhich</em> was aborted (exit code %1, error %2). As a "
"result, some font files could not be located, and your document might be unreadable.</qt>",
// This makes sure the we don't try to run kpsewhich again
if (makePK == false) {
// Create a list with all filenames found by the kpsewhich program.
const QStringList fileNameList = QString::fromLocal8Bit(kpsewhich_->readAll()).split(QLatin1Char('\n'), Qt::SkipEmptyParts);
// Now associate the file names found with the fonts
QList<TeXFontDefinition *>::iterator it_fontp = fontList.begin();
for (; it_fontp != fontList.end(); ++it_fontp) {
TeXFontDefinition *fontp = *it_fontp;
if (fontp->filename.isEmpty() == true) {
QStringList matchingFiles;
const QString &fn = fontsByTeXName.findFileName(fontp->fontname);
if (!fn.isEmpty()) {
matchingFiles = fileNameList.filter(fn);
if (matchingFiles.isEmpty() == true) {
matchingFiles += fileNameList.filter(QLatin1Char('/') + fontp->fontname + QLatin1Char('.'));
if (matchingFiles.isEmpty() != true) {
qCDebug(OkularDviDebug) << "Associated " << fontp->fontname << " to " << matchingFiles.first();
QString fname = matchingFiles.first();
fontp->flags |= TeXFontDefinition::FONT_KPSE_NAME;
if (fname.endsWith(QLatin1String(".vf"))) {
if (virtualFontsFound != nullptr) {
*virtualFontsFound = true;
// Constructing a virtual font will most likely insert other
// fonts into the fontList. After that, fontList.next() will
// no longer work. It is therefore safer to start over.
it_fontp = fontList.begin();
} // of if (fontp->filename.isEmpty() == true)
void fontPool::setCMperDVIunit(double _CMperDVI)
qCDebug(OkularDviDebug) << "fontPool::setCMperDVIunit( " << _CMperDVI << " )";
if (CMperDVIunit == _CMperDVI) {
CMperDVIunit = _CMperDVI;
QList<TeXFontDefinition *>::iterator it_fontp = fontList.begin();
for (; it_fontp != fontList.end(); ++it_fontp) {
TeXFontDefinition *fontp = *it_fontp;
fontp->setDisplayResolution(displayResolution_in_dpi * fontp->enlargement);
void fontPool::setDisplayResolution(double _displayResolution_in_dpi)
qCDebug(OkularDviDebug) << "fontPool::setDisplayResolution( displayResolution_in_dpi=" << _displayResolution_in_dpi << " ) called";
// Ignore minute changes by less than 2 DPI. The difference would
// hardly be visible anyway. That saves a lot of re-painting,
// e.g. when the user resizes the window, and a flickery mouse
// changes the window size by 1 pixel all the time.
if (fabs(displayResolution_in_dpi - _displayResolution_in_dpi) <= 2.0) {
qCDebug(OkularDviDebug) << "fontPool::setDisplayResolution(...): resolution wasn't changed. Aborting.";
displayResolution_in_dpi = _displayResolution_in_dpi;
double displayResolution = displayResolution_in_dpi;
QList<TeXFontDefinition *>::iterator it_fontp = fontList.begin();
for (; it_fontp != fontList.end(); ++it_fontp) {
TeXFontDefinition *fontp = *it_fontp;
fontp->setDisplayResolution(displayResolution * fontp->enlargement);
// Do something that causes re-rendering of the dvi-window
Q_EMIT fonts_have_been_loaded(this);
void fontPool::markFontsAsLocated()
QList<TeXFontDefinition *>::iterator it_fontp = fontList.begin();
for (; it_fontp != fontList.end(); ++it_fontp) {
TeXFontDefinition *fontp = *it_fontp;
void fontPool::mark_fonts_as_unused()
qCDebug(OkularDviDebug) << "fontPool::mark_fonts_as_unused() called";
QList<TeXFontDefinition *>::iterator it_fontp = fontList.begin();
for (; it_fontp != fontList.end(); ++it_fontp) {
TeXFontDefinition *fontp = *it_fontp;
fontp->flags &= ~TeXFontDefinition::FONT_IN_USE;
void fontPool::release_fonts()
qCDebug(OkularDviDebug) << "Release_fonts";
QMutableListIterator<TeXFontDefinition *> it_fontp(fontList);
while (it_fontp.hasNext()) {
TeXFontDefinition *fontp = it_fontp.next();
if ((fontp->flags & TeXFontDefinition::FONT_IN_USE) != TeXFontDefinition::FONT_IN_USE) {
delete fontp;
void fontPool::mf_output_receiver()
if (kpsewhich_) {
const QString output_data = QString::fromLocal8Bit(kpsewhich_->readAllStandardError());
// We'd like to print only full lines of text.
int numleft;
while ((numleft = MetafontOutput.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\n'))) != -1) {
QString line = MetafontOutput.left(numleft + 1);
qCDebug(OkularDviDebug) << "MF OUTPUT RECEIVED: " << line;
// If the Output of the kpsewhich program contains a line starting
// with "kpathsea:", this means that a new MetaFont-run has been
// started. We filter these lines out and update the display
// accordingly.
int startlineindex = line.indexOf(QStringLiteral("kpathsea:"));
if (startlineindex != -1) {
int endstartline = line.indexOf(QStringLiteral("\n"), startlineindex);
QString startLine = line.mid(startlineindex, endstartline - startlineindex);
// The last word in the startline is the name of the font which we
// are generating. The second-to-last word is the resolution in
// dots per inch. Display this info in the text label below the
// progress bar.
int lastblank = startLine.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char(' '));
QString fontName = startLine.mid(lastblank + 1);
int secondblank = startLine.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char(' '), lastblank - 1);
QString dpi = startLine.mid(secondblank + 1, lastblank - secondblank - 1);
Q_EMIT warning(i18n("Currently generating %1 at %2 dpi...", fontName, dpi), -1);
MetafontOutput = MetafontOutput.remove(0, numleft + 1);