Sune Vuorela 3610aad389 cppcheck: simplify suppressions
the d_func hierarchy is quite common and should just be generalized.
That way, the suppressions might be able to be moved centrally

Also function argument pointers constness is something one should really
consider if it is worth fixing (it often isn't) due to issues with
binary compatibility or if the base or interface class might define it
without const pointers.
2024-07-03 17:36:01 +00:00

719 lines
20 KiB

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Mailson Menezes <mailson@gmail.com>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "tilesmanager_p.h"
#include <QList>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPixmap>
#include <qmath.h>
#include "tile.h"
#define TILES_MAXSIZE 2000000
using namespace Okular;
static bool rankedTilesLessThan(const TileNode *t1, const TileNode *t2)
// Order tiles by its dirty state and then by distance from the viewport.
if (t1->dirty == t2->dirty) {
return t1->distance < t2->distance;
return !t1->dirty;
class TilesManager::Private
bool hasPixmap(const NormalizedRect &rect, const TileNode &tile) const;
void tilesAt(const NormalizedRect &rect, TileNode &tile, QList<Tile> &result, TileLeaf tileLeaf);
void setPixmap(const QPixmap *pixmap, const NormalizedRect &rect, TileNode &tile, bool isPartialPixmap);
* Mark @p tile and all its children as dirty
static void markDirty(TileNode &tile);
* Deletes all tiles, recursively
void deleteTiles(const TileNode &tile);
void markParentDirty(const TileNode &tile);
void rankTiles(TileNode &tile, QList<TileNode *> &rankedTiles, const NormalizedRect &visibleRect, int visiblePageNumber);
* Since the tile can be large enough to occupy a significant amount of
* space, they may be split in more tiles. This operation is performed
* when the tiles of a certain region is requested and they are bigger
* than an arbitrary value. Only tiles intersecting the desired region
* are split. There's no need to do this for the entire page.
void split(TileNode &tile, const NormalizedRect &rect);
* Checks whether the tile's size is bigger than an arbitrary value and
* performs the split operation returning true.
* Otherwise it just returns false, without performing any operation.
bool splitBigTiles(TileNode &tile, const NormalizedRect &rect);
// The page is split in a 4x4 grid of tiles
TileNode tiles[16];
int width;
int height;
int pageNumber;
qulonglong totalPixels;
Rotation rotation;
NormalizedRect visibleRect;
NormalizedRect requestRect;
int requestWidth;
int requestHeight;
: width(0)
, height(0)
, pageNumber(0)
, totalPixels(0)
, rotation(Rotation0)
, requestRect(NormalizedRect())
, requestWidth(0)
, requestHeight(0)
TilesManager::TilesManager(int pageNumber, int width, int height, Rotation rotation)
: d(new Private)
d->pageNumber = pageNumber;
d->width = width;
d->height = height;
d->rotation = rotation;
// The page is split in a 4x4 grid of tiles
const double dim = 0.25;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
int x = i % 4;
int y = i / 4;
d->tiles[i].rect = NormalizedRect(x * dim, y * dim, x * dim + dim, y * dim + dim);
for (const TileNode &tile : d->tiles) {
delete d;
void TilesManager::Private::deleteTiles(const TileNode &tile)
if (tile.pixmap) {
totalPixels -= tile.pixmap->width() * tile.pixmap->height();
delete tile.pixmap;
if (tile.nTiles > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i) {
delete[] tile.tiles;
void TilesManager::setSize(int width, int height)
if (width == d->width && height == d->height) {
d->width = width;
d->height = height;
int TilesManager::width() const
return d->width;
int TilesManager::height() const
return d->height;
void TilesManager::setRotation(Rotation rotation)
if (rotation == d->rotation) {
d->rotation = rotation;
Rotation TilesManager::rotation() const
return d->rotation;
void TilesManager::markDirty()
for (TileNode &tile : d->tiles) {
void TilesManager::Private::markDirty(TileNode &tile)
tile.dirty = true;
for (int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i) {
void TilesManager::setPixmap(const QPixmap *pixmap, const NormalizedRect &rect, bool isPartialPixmap)
const NormalizedRect rotatedRect = TilesManager::fromRotatedRect(rect, d->rotation);
if (!d->requestRect.isNull()) {
if (!(d->requestRect == rect)) {
if (pixmap) {
// Check whether the pixmap has the same absolute size of the expected
// request.
// If the document is rotated, rotate requestRect back to the original
// rotation before comparing to pixmap's size. This is to avoid
// conversion issues. The pixmap request was made using an unrotated
// rect.
QSize pixmapSize = pixmap->size();
int w = width();
int h = height();
if (d->rotation % 2) {
std::swap(w, h);
if (rotatedRect.geometry(w, h).size() != pixmapSize) {
d->requestRect = NormalizedRect();
for (TileNode &tile : d->tiles) {
d->setPixmap(pixmap, rotatedRect, tile, isPartialPixmap);
void TilesManager::Private::setPixmap(const QPixmap *pixmap, const NormalizedRect &rect, TileNode &tile, bool isPartialPixmap)
QRect pixmapRect = TilesManager::toRotatedRect(rect, rotation).geometry(width, height);
// Exclude tiles outside the viewport
if (!tile.rect.intersects(rect)) {
// Avoid painting partial pixmaps over tiles that already have a fully rendered pixmap, even if dirty
if (isPartialPixmap && tile.pixmap != nullptr && !tile.partial) {
// if the tile is not entirely within the viewport (the tile intersects an
// edged of the viewport), attempt to set the pixmap in the children tiles
if (!((tile.rect & rect) == tile.rect)) {
// paint children tiles
if (tile.nTiles > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i) {
setPixmap(pixmap, rect, tile.tiles[i], isPartialPixmap);
delete tile.pixmap;
tile.pixmap = nullptr;
// We could paint the pixmap over part of the tile here, but
// there is little reason to as it will usually be offscreen
// and it will be overwritten later if more tiles enter the screen,
// as we only track the dirty state of whole tiles, not rects.
// the tile lies entirely within the viewport
if (tile.nTiles == 0) {
tile.dirty = isPartialPixmap;
tile.partial = isPartialPixmap;
// check whether the tile size is big and split it if necessary
if (!splitBigTiles(tile, rect)) {
if (tile.pixmap) {
totalPixels -= tile.pixmap->width() * tile.pixmap->height();
delete tile.pixmap;
tile.rotation = rotation;
if (pixmap) {
const NormalizedRect rotatedRect = TilesManager::toRotatedRect(tile.rect, rotation);
tile.pixmap = new QPixmap(pixmap->copy(rotatedRect.geometry(width, height).translated(-pixmapRect.topLeft())));
totalPixels += tile.pixmap->width() * tile.pixmap->height();
} else {
tile.pixmap = nullptr;
} else {
if (tile.pixmap) {
totalPixels -= tile.pixmap->width() * tile.pixmap->height();
delete tile.pixmap;
tile.pixmap = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i) {
setPixmap(pixmap, rect, tile.tiles[i], isPartialPixmap);
} else {
QRect tileRect = tile.rect.geometry(width, height);
// sets the pixmap of the children tiles. if the tile's size is too
// small, discards the children tiles and use the current one
// Never join small tiles during a partial update in order to
// not lose existing image data
if (tileRect.width() * tileRect.height() >= TILES_MAXSIZE || isPartialPixmap) {
tile.dirty = isPartialPixmap;
tile.partial = isPartialPixmap;
if (tile.pixmap) {
totalPixels -= tile.pixmap->width() * tile.pixmap->height();
delete tile.pixmap;
tile.pixmap = nullptr;
for (int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i) {
setPixmap(pixmap, rect, tile.tiles[i], isPartialPixmap);
} else {
// remove children tiles
for (int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i) {
tile.tiles[i].pixmap = nullptr;
delete[] tile.tiles;
tile.tiles = nullptr;
tile.nTiles = 0;
// paint tile
if (tile.pixmap) {
totalPixels -= tile.pixmap->width() * tile.pixmap->height();
delete tile.pixmap;
tile.rotation = rotation;
if (pixmap) {
const NormalizedRect rotatedRect = TilesManager::toRotatedRect(tile.rect, rotation);
tile.pixmap = new QPixmap(pixmap->copy(rotatedRect.geometry(width, height).translated(-pixmapRect.topLeft())));
totalPixels += tile.pixmap->width() * tile.pixmap->height();
} else {
tile.pixmap = nullptr;
tile.dirty = isPartialPixmap;
tile.partial = isPartialPixmap;
bool TilesManager::hasPixmap(const NormalizedRect &rect)
NormalizedRect rotatedRect = fromRotatedRect(rect, d->rotation);
for (const TileNode &tile : std::as_const(d->tiles)) {
if (!d->hasPixmap(rotatedRect, tile)) {
return false;
return true;
bool TilesManager::Private::hasPixmap(const NormalizedRect &rect, const TileNode &tile) const
const NormalizedRect rectIntersection = tile.rect & rect;
if (rectIntersection.width() <= 0 || rectIntersection.height() <= 0) {
return true;
if (tile.nTiles == 0) {
return tile.isValid();
// all children tiles are clean. doesn't need to go deeper
if (!tile.dirty) {
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i) {
if (!hasPixmap(rect, tile.tiles[i])) {
return false;
return true;
QList<Tile> TilesManager::tilesAt(const NormalizedRect &rect, TileLeaf tileLeaf)
QList<Tile> result;
NormalizedRect rotatedRect = fromRotatedRect(rect, d->rotation);
for (TileNode &tile : d->tiles) {
d->tilesAt(rotatedRect, tile, result, tileLeaf);
return result;
void TilesManager::Private::tilesAt(const NormalizedRect &rect, TileNode &tile, QList<Tile> &result, TileLeaf tileLeaf)
if (!tile.rect.intersects(rect)) {
// split big tiles before the requests are made, otherwise we would end up
// requesting huge areas unnecessarily
splitBigTiles(tile, rect);
if ((tileLeaf == TerminalTile && tile.nTiles == 0) || (tileLeaf == PixmapTile && tile.pixmap)) {
NormalizedRect rotatedRect;
if (rotation != Rotation0) {
rotatedRect = TilesManager::toRotatedRect(tile.rect, rotation);
} else {
rotatedRect = tile.rect;
if (tile.pixmap && tileLeaf == PixmapTile && tile.rotation != rotation) {
// Lazy tiles rotation
int angleToRotate = (rotation - tile.rotation) * 90;
int xOffset = 0, yOffset = 0;
int w = 0, h = 0;
switch (angleToRotate) {
case 0:
xOffset = 0;
yOffset = 0;
w = tile.pixmap->width();
h = tile.pixmap->height();
case 90:
case -270:
xOffset = 0;
yOffset = -tile.pixmap->height();
w = tile.pixmap->height();
h = tile.pixmap->width();
case 180:
case -180:
xOffset = -tile.pixmap->width();
yOffset = -tile.pixmap->height();
w = tile.pixmap->width();
h = tile.pixmap->height();
case 270:
case -90:
xOffset = -tile.pixmap->width();
yOffset = 0;
w = tile.pixmap->height();
h = tile.pixmap->width();
QPixmap *rotatedPixmap = new QPixmap(w, h);
QPainter p(rotatedPixmap);
p.translate(xOffset, yOffset);
p.drawPixmap(0, 0, *tile.pixmap);
delete tile.pixmap;
tile.pixmap = rotatedPixmap;
tile.rotation = rotation;
result.append(Tile(rotatedRect, tile.pixmap, tile.isValid()));
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i) {
tilesAt(rect, tile.tiles[i], result, tileLeaf);
qulonglong TilesManager::totalMemory() const
return 4 * d->totalPixels;
void TilesManager::cleanupPixmapMemory(qulonglong numberOfBytes, const NormalizedRect &visibleRect, int visiblePageNumber)
QList<TileNode *> rankedTiles;
for (TileNode &tile : d->tiles) {
d->rankTiles(tile, rankedTiles, visibleRect, visiblePageNumber);
std::sort(rankedTiles.begin(), rankedTiles.end(), rankedTilesLessThan);
while (numberOfBytes > 0 && !rankedTiles.isEmpty()) {
TileNode *tile = rankedTiles.takeLast();
if (!tile->pixmap) {
// do not evict visible pixmaps
if (tile->rect.intersects(visibleRect)) {
qulonglong pixels = tile->pixmap->width() * tile->pixmap->height();
d->totalPixels -= pixels;
if (numberOfBytes < 4 * pixels) {
numberOfBytes = 0;
} else {
numberOfBytes -= 4 * pixels;
delete tile->pixmap;
tile->pixmap = nullptr;
tile->partial = true;
void TilesManager::Private::markParentDirty(const TileNode &tile)
if (!tile.parent) {
if (!tile.parent->dirty) {
tile.parent->dirty = true;
void TilesManager::Private::rankTiles(TileNode &tile, QList<TileNode *> &rankedTiles, const NormalizedRect &visibleRect, int visiblePageNumber)
// If the page is visible, visibleRect is not null.
// Otherwise we use the number of one of the visible pages to calculate the
// distance.
// Note that the current page may be visible and yet its pageNumber is
// different from visiblePageNumber. Since we only use this value on hidden
// pages, any visible page number will fit.
if (visibleRect.isNull() && visiblePageNumber < 0) {
if (tile.pixmap) {
// Update distance
if (!visibleRect.isNull()) {
NormalizedPoint viewportCenter = visibleRect.center();
NormalizedPoint tileCenter = tile.rect.center();
// Manhattan distance. It's a good and fast approximation.
tile.distance = qAbs(viewportCenter.x - tileCenter.x) + qAbs(viewportCenter.y - tileCenter.y);
} else {
// For non visible pages only the vertical distance is used
if (pageNumber < visiblePageNumber) {
tile.distance = 1 - tile.rect.bottom;
} else {
tile.distance = tile.rect.top;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i) {
rankTiles(tile.tiles[i], rankedTiles, visibleRect, visiblePageNumber);
bool TilesManager::isRequesting(const NormalizedRect &rect, int pageWidth, int pageHeight) const
return rect == d->requestRect && pageWidth == d->requestWidth && pageHeight == d->requestHeight;
void TilesManager::setRequest(const NormalizedRect &rect, int pageWidth, int pageHeight)
d->requestRect = rect;
d->requestWidth = pageWidth;
d->requestHeight = pageHeight;
bool TilesManager::Private::splitBigTiles(TileNode &tile, const NormalizedRect &rect)
QRect tileRect = tile.rect.geometry(width, height);
if (tileRect.width() * tileRect.height() < TILES_MAXSIZE) {
return false;
split(tile, rect);
return true;
void TilesManager::Private::split(TileNode &tile, const NormalizedRect &rect)
if (tile.nTiles != 0) {
if (rect.isNull() || !tile.rect.intersects(rect)) {
tile.nTiles = 4;
tile.tiles = new TileNode[4];
double hCenter = (tile.rect.left + tile.rect.right) / 2;
double vCenter = (tile.rect.top + tile.rect.bottom) / 2;
tile.tiles[0].rect = NormalizedRect(tile.rect.left, tile.rect.top, hCenter, vCenter);
tile.tiles[1].rect = NormalizedRect(hCenter, tile.rect.top, tile.rect.right, vCenter);
tile.tiles[2].rect = NormalizedRect(tile.rect.left, vCenter, hCenter, tile.rect.bottom);
tile.tiles[3].rect = NormalizedRect(hCenter, vCenter, tile.rect.right, tile.rect.bottom);
for (int i = 0; i < tile.nTiles; ++i) {
tile.tiles[i].parent = &tile;
splitBigTiles(tile.tiles[i], rect);
NormalizedRect TilesManager::fromRotatedRect(const NormalizedRect &rect, Rotation rotation)
if (rotation == Rotation0) {
return rect;
NormalizedRect newRect;
switch (rotation) {
case Rotation90:
newRect = NormalizedRect(rect.top, 1 - rect.right, rect.bottom, 1 - rect.left);
case Rotation180:
newRect = NormalizedRect(1 - rect.right, 1 - rect.bottom, 1 - rect.left, 1 - rect.top);
case Rotation270:
newRect = NormalizedRect(1 - rect.bottom, rect.left, 1 - rect.top, rect.right);
newRect = rect;
return newRect;
NormalizedRect TilesManager::toRotatedRect(const NormalizedRect &rect, Rotation rotation)
if (rotation == Rotation0) {
return rect;
NormalizedRect newRect;
switch (rotation) {
case Rotation90:
newRect = NormalizedRect(1 - rect.bottom, rect.left, 1 - rect.top, rect.right);
case Rotation180:
newRect = NormalizedRect(1 - rect.right, 1 - rect.bottom, 1 - rect.left, 1 - rect.top);
case Rotation270:
newRect = NormalizedRect(rect.top, 1 - rect.right, rect.bottom, 1 - rect.left);
newRect = rect;
return newRect;
: pixmap(nullptr)
, rotation(Rotation0)
, dirty(true)
, partial(true)
, distance(-1)
, tiles(nullptr)
, nTiles(0)
, parent(nullptr)
bool TileNode::isValid() const
return pixmap && !dirty;
class Tile::Private
NormalizedRect rect;
QPixmap *pixmap;
bool isValid;
: pixmap(nullptr)
, isValid(false)
Tile::Tile(const NormalizedRect &rect, QPixmap *pixmap, bool isValid)
: d(new Tile::Private)
d->rect = rect;
d->pixmap = pixmap;
d->isValid = isValid;
Tile::Tile(const Tile &t)
: d(new Tile::Private)
d->rect = t.d->rect;
d->pixmap = t.d->pixmap;
d->isValid = t.d->isValid;
Tile &Tile::operator=(const Tile &other)
if (this == &other) {
return *this;
d->rect = other.d->rect;
d->pixmap = other.d->pixmap;
d->isValid = other.d->isValid;
return *this;
delete d;
NormalizedRect Tile::rect() const
return d->rect;
QPixmap *Tile::pixmap() const
return d->pixmap;
bool Tile::isValid() const
return d->isValid;