/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004-05 by Enrico Ros * * Copyright (C) 2005 by Piotr Szymanski * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "area.h" #include #include #include #include #include "action.h" #include "annotations.h" #include "annotations_p.h" #include "debug_p.h" #include "sourcereference.h" using namespace Okular; /** class NormalizedPoint **/ NormalizedPoint::NormalizedPoint() : x( 0.0 ), y( 0.0 ) {} NormalizedPoint::NormalizedPoint( double dX, double dY ) : x( dX ), y( dY ) {} NormalizedPoint::NormalizedPoint( int iX, int iY, int xScale, int yScale ) : x( (double)iX / (double)xScale ), y( (double)iY / (double)yScale ) {} NormalizedPoint& NormalizedPoint::operator=( const NormalizedPoint & p ) { x = p.x; y = p.y; return *this; } void NormalizedPoint::transform( const QTransform &matrix ) { qreal tmp_x = (qreal)x; qreal tmp_y = (qreal)y; matrix.map( tmp_x, tmp_y, &tmp_x, &tmp_y ); x = tmp_x; y = tmp_y; } double NormalizedPoint::distanceSqr( double x, double y, double xScale, double yScale ) const { return pow( (this->x - x) * xScale, 2 ) + pow( (this->y - y) * yScale, 2 ); } /** * Returns a vector from the given points @p a and @p b * @internal */ NormalizedPoint operator-( const NormalizedPoint& a, const NormalizedPoint& b ) { return NormalizedPoint( a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y ); } /** * @brief Calculates distance of the point @p x @p y @p xScale @p yScale to the line segment from @p start to @p end */ double NormalizedPoint::distanceSqr( double x, double y, double xScale, double yScale, const NormalizedPoint& start, const NormalizedPoint& end ) { NormalizedPoint point( x, y ); double thisDistance; NormalizedPoint lineSegment( end - start ); const double lengthSqr = pow( lineSegment.x, 2 ) + pow( lineSegment.y, 2 ); //if the length of the current segment is null, we can just //measure the distance to either end point if ( lengthSqr == 0.0 ) { thisDistance = end.distanceSqr( x, y, xScale, yScale ); } else { //vector from the start point of the current line segment to the measurement point NormalizedPoint a = point - start; //vector from the same start point to the end point of the current line segment NormalizedPoint b = end - start; //we're using a * b (dot product) := |a| * |b| * cos(phi) and the knowledge //that cos(phi) is adjacent side / hypotenuse (hypotenuse = |b|) //therefore, t becomes the length of the vector that represents the projection of //the point p onto the current line segment //(hint: if this is still unclear, draw it!) float t = (a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y) / lengthSqr; if ( t < 0 ) { //projection falls outside the line segment on the side of "start" thisDistance = point.distanceSqr( start.x, start.y, xScale, yScale ); } else if ( t > 1 ) { //projection falls outside the line segment on the side of the current point thisDistance = point.distanceSqr( end.x, end.y, xScale, yScale ); } else { //projection is within [start, *i]; //determine the length of the perpendicular distance from the projection to the actual point NormalizedPoint direction = end - start; NormalizedPoint projection = start - NormalizedPoint( -t * direction.x, -t * direction.y ); thisDistance = projection.distanceSqr( x, y, xScale, yScale ); } } return thisDistance; } QDebug operator<<( QDebug str, const Okular::NormalizedPoint& p ) { str.nospace() << "NormPt(" << p.x << "," << p.y << ")"; return str.space(); } /** class NormalizedRect **/ NormalizedRect::NormalizedRect() : left( 0.0 ), top( 0.0 ), right( 0.0 ), bottom( 0.0 ) {} NormalizedRect::NormalizedRect( double l, double t, double r, double b ) // note: check for swapping coords? : left( l ), top( t ), right( r ), bottom( b ) {} NormalizedRect::NormalizedRect( const QRect & r, double xScale, double yScale ) : left( (double)r.left() / xScale ), top( (double)r.top() / yScale ), right( (double)r.right() / xScale ), bottom( (double)r.bottom() / yScale ) {} NormalizedRect::NormalizedRect( const NormalizedRect & rect ) : left( rect.left ), top( rect.top ), right( rect.right ), bottom( rect.bottom ) {} NormalizedRect NormalizedRect::fromQRectF( const QRectF &rect ) { QRectF nrect = rect.normalized(); NormalizedRect ret; ret.left = nrect.left(); ret.top = nrect.top(); ret.right = nrect.right(); ret.bottom = nrect.bottom(); return ret; } bool NormalizedRect::isNull() const { return left == 0 && top== 0 && right == 0 && bottom == 0; } bool NormalizedRect::contains( double x, double y ) const { return x >= left && x <= right && y >= top && y <= bottom; } bool NormalizedRect::intersects( const NormalizedRect & r ) const { return (r.left <= right) && (r.right >= left) && (r.top <= bottom) && (r.bottom >= top); } bool NormalizedRect::intersects( const NormalizedRect * r ) const { return (r->left <= right) && (r->right >= left) && (r->top <= bottom) && (r->bottom >= top); } bool NormalizedRect::intersects( double l, double t, double r, double b ) const { return (l <= right) && (r >= left) && (t <= bottom) && (b >= top); } NormalizedRect NormalizedRect::operator| (const NormalizedRect & r) const { NormalizedRect ret; // todo ! ret.left=qMin(left,r.left); ret.top=qMin(top,r.top); ret.bottom=qMax(bottom,r.bottom); ret.right=qMax(right,r.right); return ret; } NormalizedRect& NormalizedRect::operator|= (const NormalizedRect & r) { left = qMin( left, r.left ); top = qMin( top, r.top ); bottom = qMax( bottom, r.bottom ); right = qMax( right, r.right ); return *this; } NormalizedRect NormalizedRect::operator&( const NormalizedRect & r ) const { if ( isNull() || r.isNull() ) return NormalizedRect(); NormalizedRect ret; ret.left = qMax( left, r.left ); ret.top = qMax( top, r.top ); ret.bottom = qMin( bottom, r.bottom ); ret.right = qMin( right, r.right ); return ret; } NormalizedRect & NormalizedRect::operator=( const NormalizedRect & r ) { left = r.left; right = r.right; top = r.top; bottom = r.bottom; return *this; } bool NormalizedRect::operator==( const NormalizedRect & r ) const { return ( isNull() && r.isNull() ) || ( fabs( left - r.left ) < 1e-4 && fabs( right - r.right ) < 1e-4 && fabs( top - r.top ) < 1e-4 && fabs( bottom - r.bottom ) < 1e-4 ); } NormalizedPoint NormalizedRect::center() const { return NormalizedPoint((left+right)/2.0, (top+bottom)/2.0); } /* QDebug operator << (QDebug str , const NormalizedRect &r) { str << "[" <(), d( 0 ) { } RegularAreaRect::RegularAreaRect( const RegularAreaRect& rar ) : RegularArea< NormalizedRect, QRect >( rar ), d( 0 ) { } RegularAreaRect::~RegularAreaRect() { } RegularAreaRect& RegularAreaRect::operator=( const RegularAreaRect& rar ) { RegularArea< NormalizedRect, QRect >::operator=( rar ); return *this; } HighlightAreaRect::HighlightAreaRect( const RegularAreaRect *area ) : RegularAreaRect(), s_id( -1 ) { if ( area ) { RegularAreaRect::ConstIterator it = area->begin(); RegularAreaRect::ConstIterator itEnd = area->end(); for ( ; it != itEnd; ++it ) { append( NormalizedRect( *it ) ); } } } /** class ObjectRect **/ ObjectRect::ObjectRect( double l, double t, double r, double b, bool ellipse, ObjectType type, void * pnt ) : m_objectType( type ), m_object( pnt ) { // assign coordinates swapping them if negative width or height QRectF rect( r > l ? l : r, b > t ? t : b, fabs( r - l ), fabs( b - t ) ); if ( ellipse ) m_path.addEllipse( rect ); else m_path.addRect( rect ); m_transformedPath = m_path; } ObjectRect::ObjectRect( const NormalizedRect& x, bool ellipse, ObjectType type, void * pnt ) : m_objectType( type ), m_object( pnt ) { QRectF rect( x.left, x.top, fabs( x.right - x.left ), fabs( x.bottom - x.top ) ); if ( ellipse ) m_path.addEllipse( rect ); else m_path.addRect( rect ); m_transformedPath = m_path; } ObjectRect::ObjectRect( const QPolygonF &poly, ObjectType type, void * pnt ) : m_objectType( type ), m_object( pnt ) { m_path.addPolygon( poly ); m_transformedPath = m_path; } ObjectRect::ObjectType ObjectRect::objectType() const { return m_objectType; } const void * ObjectRect::object() const { return m_object; } const QPainterPath &ObjectRect::region() const { return m_transformedPath; } QRect ObjectRect::boundingRect( double xScale, double yScale ) const { const QRectF &br = m_transformedPath.boundingRect(); return QRect( (int)( br.left() * xScale ), (int)( br.top() * yScale ), (int)( br.width() * xScale ), (int)( br.height() * yScale ) ); } bool ObjectRect::contains( double x, double y, double, double ) const { return m_transformedPath.contains( QPointF( x, y ) ); } void ObjectRect::transform( const QTransform &matrix ) { m_transformedPath = matrix.map( m_path ); } double ObjectRect::distanceSqr( double x, double y, double xScale, double yScale ) const { switch ( m_objectType ) { case Action: case Image: { const QRectF& rect( m_transformedPath.boundingRect() ); return NormalizedRect( rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.right(), rect.bottom() ).distanceSqr( x, y, xScale, yScale ); } case OAnnotation: { return static_cast(m_object)->d_func()->distanceSqr( x, y, xScale, yScale ); } case SourceRef: { const SourceRefObjectRect * sr = static_cast< const SourceRefObjectRect * >( this ); const NormalizedPoint& point = sr->m_point; if ( point.x == -1.0 ) { return pow( ( y - point.y ) * yScale, 2 ); } else if ( point.y == -1.0 ) { return pow( ( x - point.x ) * xScale, 2 ); } else { return pow( ( x - point.x ) * xScale, 2 ) + pow( ( y - point.y ) * yScale, 2 ); } } } return 0.0; } ObjectRect::~ObjectRect() { if ( !m_object ) return; if ( m_objectType == Action ) delete static_cast( m_object ); else if ( m_objectType == SourceRef ) delete static_cast( m_object ); else kDebug(OkularDebug).nospace() << "Object deletion not implemented for type '" << m_objectType << "'."; } /** class AnnotationObjectRect **/ AnnotationObjectRect::AnnotationObjectRect( Annotation * annotation ) : ObjectRect( QPolygonF(), OAnnotation, annotation ), m_annotation( annotation ) { } Annotation *AnnotationObjectRect::annotation() const { return m_annotation; } QRect AnnotationObjectRect::boundingRect( double xScale, double yScale ) const { const QRect annotRect = AnnotationUtils::annotationGeometry( m_annotation, xScale, yScale ); const QPoint center = annotRect.center(); // Make sure that the rectangle has a minimum size, so that it's possible // to click on it const int minSize = 14; const QRect minRect( center.x()-minSize/2, center.y()-minSize/2, minSize, minSize ); return annotRect | minRect; } bool AnnotationObjectRect::contains( double x, double y, double xScale, double yScale ) const { return boundingRect( xScale, yScale ).contains( (int)( x * xScale ), (int)( y * yScale ), false ); } AnnotationObjectRect::~AnnotationObjectRect() { // the annotation pointer is kept elsewehere (in Page, most probably), // so just release its pointer m_object = 0; } void AnnotationObjectRect::transform( const QTransform &matrix ) { m_annotation->d_func()->annotationTransform( matrix ); } /** class SourceRefObjectRect **/ SourceRefObjectRect::SourceRefObjectRect( const NormalizedPoint& point, void * srcRef ) : ObjectRect( point.x, point.y, .0, .0, false, SourceRef, srcRef ), m_point( point ) { const double x = m_point.x < 0.0 ? 0.5 : m_point.x; const double y = m_point.y < 0.0 ? 0.5 : m_point.y; const QRectF rect( x - 2, y - 2, 5, 5 ); m_path.addRect( rect ); m_transformedPath = m_path; } QRect SourceRefObjectRect::boundingRect( double xScale, double yScale ) const { const double x = m_point.x < 0.0 ? 0.5 : m_point.x; const double y = m_point.y < 0.0 ? 0.5 : m_point.y; return QRect( x * xScale, y * yScale, 1, 1 ); } bool SourceRefObjectRect::contains( double x, double y, double xScale, double yScale ) const { return distanceSqr( x, y, xScale, yScale ) < ( pow( 7.0 / xScale, 2 ) + pow( 7.0 / yScale, 2 ) ); }