/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Enrico Ros * * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Albert Astals Cid * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ // qt/kde/system includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // local includes #include "bookmarkmanager.h" #include "chooseenginedialog.h" #include "configinterface.h" #include "document.h" #include "generator.h" #include "guiinterface.h" #include "link.h" #include "observer.h" #include "page.h" #include "printinterface.h" #include "settings.h" #include "sourcereference.h" using namespace Okular; struct AllocatedPixmap { // owner of the page int id; int page; int memory; // public constructor: initialize data AllocatedPixmap( int i, int p, int m ) : id( i ), page( p ), memory( m ) {}; }; struct RunningSearch { // store search properties int continueOnPage; RegularAreaRect continueOnMatch; QLinkedList< int > highlightedPages; // fields related to previous searches (used for 'continueSearch') QString cachedString; Document::SearchType cachedType; Qt::CaseSensitivity cachedCaseSensitivity; bool cachedViewportMove; bool cachedNoDialogs; QColor cachedColor; }; #define foreachObserver( cmd ) {\ QMap< int, DocumentObserver * >::const_iterator it=d->m_observers.begin(), end=d->m_observers.end();\ for ( ; it != end ; ++ it ) { (*it)-> cmd ; } } /***** Document ******/ class Document::Private { public: Private( Document *parent, QHash * generators ) : m_parent( parent ), m_lastSearchID( -1 ), m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory( 0 ), m_warnedOutOfMemory( false ), m_rotation( 0 ), m_bookmarkManager( 0 ), m_memCheckTimer( 0 ), m_saveBookmarksTimer( 0 ), m_loadedGenerators ( generators ), m_generator( 0 ), m_usingCachedGenerator( false ) { } // private methods QString pagesSizeString() const; QString localizedSize(const QSizeF &size) const; void cleanupPixmapMemory( int bytesOffset = 0 ); int getTotalMemory(); int getFreeMemory(); void loadDocumentInfo(); QString giveAbsolutePath( const QString & fileName ); bool openRelativeFile( const QString & fileName ); // private slots void saveDocumentInfo() const; void slotTimedMemoryCheck(); void sendGeneratorRequest(); void rotationFinished( int page ); // member variables Document *m_parent; // find descriptors, mapped by ID (we handle multiple searches) QMap< int, RunningSearch * > m_searches; int m_lastSearchID; // needed because for remote documents docFileName is a local file and // we want the remote url when the document refers to relativeNames KUrl m_url; // cached stuff QString m_docFileName; QString m_xmlFileName; // viewport stuff QLinkedList< DocumentViewport > m_viewportHistory; QLinkedList< DocumentViewport >::iterator m_viewportIterator; DocumentViewport m_nextDocumentViewport; // see Link::Goto for an explanation // observers / requests / allocator stuff QMap< int, DocumentObserver * > m_observers; QLinkedList< PixmapRequest * > m_pixmapRequestsStack; QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * > m_allocatedPixmapsFifo; int m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory; bool m_warnedOutOfMemory; // the rotation applied to the document, 0,1,2,3 * 90 degrees int m_rotation; // our bookmark manager BookmarkManager *m_bookmarkManager; // timers (memory checking / info saver) QTimer *m_memCheckTimer; QTimer *m_saveBookmarksTimer; QHash* m_loadedGenerators ; Generator * m_generator; bool m_usingCachedGenerator; QVector< Page * > m_pagesVector; QVector< VisiblePageRect * > m_pageRects; }; QString Document::Private::pagesSizeString() const { if (m_generator) { if (m_generator->pagesSizeMetric() != Generator::None) { QSizeF size = m_parent->allPagesSize(); if (size.isValid()) return localizedSize(size); else return QString(); } else return QString(); } else return QString(); } QString Document::Private::localizedSize(const QSizeF &size) const { double inchesWidth = 0, inchesHeight = 0; switch (m_generator->pagesSizeMetric()) { case Generator::Points: inchesWidth = size.width() / 72.0; inchesHeight = size.height() / 72.0; break; case Generator::None: break; } if (KGlobal::locale()->measureSystem() == KLocale::Imperial) { return i18n("%1 x %2 in", inchesWidth, inchesHeight); } else { return i18n("%1 x %2 mm", inchesWidth * 25.4, inchesHeight * 25.4); } } void Document::Private::cleanupPixmapMemory( int /*sure? bytesOffset*/ ) { // [MEM] choose memory parameters based on configuration profile int clipValue = -1; int memoryToFree = -1; switch ( Settings::memoryLevel() ) { case Settings::EnumMemoryLevel::Low: memoryToFree = m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory; break; case Settings::EnumMemoryLevel::Normal: memoryToFree = m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory - getTotalMemory() / 3; clipValue = (m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory - getFreeMemory()) / 2; break; case Settings::EnumMemoryLevel::Aggressive: clipValue = (m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory - getFreeMemory()) / 2; break; } if ( clipValue > memoryToFree ) memoryToFree = clipValue; if ( memoryToFree > 0 ) { // [MEM] free memory starting from older pixmaps int pagesFreed = 0; QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * >::iterator pIt = m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.begin(); QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * >::iterator pEnd = m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.end(); while ( (pIt != pEnd) && (memoryToFree > 0) ) { AllocatedPixmap * p = *pIt; if ( m_observers.value( p->id )->canUnloadPixmap( p->page ) ) { // update internal variables pIt = m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.erase( pIt ); m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory -= p->memory; memoryToFree -= p->memory; pagesFreed++; // delete pixmap m_pagesVector.at( p->page )->deletePixmap( p->id ); // delete allocation descriptor delete p; } else ++pIt; } //p--rintf("freeMemory A:[%d -%d = %d] \n", m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.count() + pagesFreed, pagesFreed, m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.count() ); } } int Document::Private::getTotalMemory() { static int cachedValue = 0; if ( cachedValue ) return cachedValue; #ifdef __linux__ // if /proc/meminfo doesn't exist, return 128MB QFile memFile( "/proc/meminfo" ); if ( !memFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) return (cachedValue = 134217728); // read /proc/meminfo and sum up the contents of 'MemFree', 'Buffers' // and 'Cached' fields. consider swapped memory as used memory. QTextStream readStream( &memFile ); while ( true ) { QString entry = readStream.readLine(); if ( entry.isNull() ) break; if ( entry.startsWith( "MemTotal:" ) ) return (cachedValue = (1024 * entry.section( ' ', -2, -2 ).toInt())); } #endif return (cachedValue = 134217728); } int Document::Private::getFreeMemory() { static QTime lastUpdate = QTime::currentTime(); static int cachedValue = 0; if ( lastUpdate.secsTo( QTime::currentTime() ) <= 2 ) return cachedValue; #ifdef __linux__ // if /proc/meminfo doesn't exist, return MEMORY FULL QFile memFile( "/proc/meminfo" ); if ( !memFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) return 0; // read /proc/meminfo and sum up the contents of 'MemFree', 'Buffers' // and 'Cached' fields. consider swapped memory as used memory. int memoryFree = 0; QString entry; QTextStream readStream( &memFile ); while ( true ) { entry = readStream.readLine(); if ( entry.isNull() ) break; if ( entry.startsWith( "MemFree:" ) || entry.startsWith( "Buffers:" ) || entry.startsWith( "Cached:" ) || entry.startsWith( "SwapFree:" ) ) memoryFree += entry.section( ' ', -2, -2 ).toInt(); if ( entry.startsWith( "SwapTotal:" ) ) memoryFree -= entry.section( ' ', -2, -2 ).toInt(); } memFile.close(); lastUpdate = QTime::currentTime(); return ( cachedValue = (1024 * memoryFree) ); #else // tell the memory is full.. will act as in LOW profile return 0; #endif } void Document::Private::loadDocumentInfo() // note: load data and stores it internally (document or pages). observers // are still uninitialized at this point so don't access them { //kDebug() << "Using '" << d->m_xmlFileName << "' as document info file." << endl; QFile infoFile( m_xmlFileName ); if ( !infoFile.exists() || !infoFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) return; // Load DOM from XML file QDomDocument doc( "documentInfo" ); if ( !doc.setContent( &infoFile ) ) { kDebug() << "Can't load XML pair! Check for broken xml." << endl; infoFile.close(); return; } infoFile.close(); QDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); if ( root.tagName() != "documentInfo" ) return; // Parse the DOM tree QDomNode topLevelNode = root.firstChild(); while ( topLevelNode.isElement() ) { QString catName = topLevelNode.toElement().tagName(); // Restore page attributes (bookmark, annotations, ...) from the DOM if ( catName == "pageList" ) { QDomNode pageNode = topLevelNode.firstChild(); while ( pageNode.isElement() ) { QDomElement pageElement = pageNode.toElement(); if ( pageElement.hasAttribute( "number" ) ) { // get page number (node's attribute) bool ok; int pageNumber = pageElement.attribute( "number" ).toInt( &ok ); // pass the domElement to the right page, to read config data from if ( ok && pageNumber >= 0 && pageNumber < (int)m_pagesVector.count() ) m_pagesVector[ pageNumber ]->restoreLocalContents( pageElement ); } pageNode = pageNode.nextSibling(); } } // Restore 'general info' from the DOM else if ( catName == "generalInfo" ) { QDomNode infoNode = topLevelNode.firstChild(); while ( infoNode.isElement() ) { QDomElement infoElement = infoNode.toElement(); // compatibility: [pre-3.4 viewport storage] @remove after 3.4 relase if ( infoElement.tagName() == "activePage" ) { if ( infoElement.hasAttribute( "viewport" ) ) *m_viewportIterator = DocumentViewport( infoElement.attribute( "viewport" ) ); } // restore viewports history if ( infoElement.tagName() == "history" ) { // clear history m_viewportHistory.clear(); // append old viewports QDomNode historyNode = infoNode.firstChild(); while ( historyNode.isElement() ) { QDomElement historyElement = historyNode.toElement(); if ( historyElement.hasAttribute( "viewport" ) ) { QString vpString = historyElement.attribute( "viewport" ); m_viewportIterator = m_viewportHistory.insert( m_viewportHistory.end(), DocumentViewport( vpString ) ); } historyNode = historyNode.nextSibling(); } // consistancy check if ( m_viewportHistory.isEmpty() ) m_viewportIterator = m_viewportHistory.insert( m_viewportHistory.end(), DocumentViewport() ); } infoNode = infoNode.nextSibling(); } } topLevelNode = topLevelNode.nextSibling(); } // } QString Document::Private::giveAbsolutePath( const QString & fileName ) { if ( !m_url.isValid() ) return QString(); return m_url.upUrl().url() + fileName; } bool Document::Private::openRelativeFile( const QString & fileName ) { QString absFileName = giveAbsolutePath( fileName ); if ( absFileName.isEmpty() ) return false; kDebug() << "openDocument: '" << absFileName << "'" << endl; emit m_parent->openUrl( absFileName ); return true; } void Document::Private::saveDocumentInfo() const { if ( m_docFileName.isEmpty() ) return; QFile infoFile( m_xmlFileName ); if (infoFile.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate) ) { // 1. Create DOM QDomDocument doc( "documentInfo" ); QDomElement root = doc.createElement( "documentInfo" ); doc.appendChild( root ); // 2.1. Save page attributes (bookmark state, annotations, ... ) to DOM QDomElement pageList = doc.createElement( "pageList" ); root.appendChild( pageList ); // .... save pages that hold data QVector< Page * >::const_iterator pIt = m_pagesVector.begin(), pEnd = m_pagesVector.end(); for ( ; pIt != pEnd; ++pIt ) (*pIt)->saveLocalContents( pageList, doc ); // 2.2. Save document info (current viewport, history, ... ) to DOM QDomElement generalInfo = doc.createElement( "generalInfo" ); root.appendChild( generalInfo ); // ... save history up to 10 viewports QLinkedList< DocumentViewport >::const_iterator backIterator = m_viewportIterator; if ( backIterator != m_viewportHistory.end() ) { // go back up to 10 steps from the current viewportIterator int backSteps = 10; while ( backSteps-- && backIterator != m_viewportHistory.begin() ) --backIterator; // create history root node QDomElement historyNode = doc.createElement( "history" ); generalInfo.appendChild( historyNode ); // add old[backIterator] and present[viewportIterator] items QLinkedList< DocumentViewport >::const_iterator endIt = m_viewportIterator; ++endIt; while ( backIterator != endIt ) { QString name = (backIterator == m_viewportIterator) ? "current" : "oldPage"; QDomElement historyEntry = doc.createElement( name ); historyEntry.setAttribute( "viewport", (*backIterator).toString() ); historyNode.appendChild( historyEntry ); ++backIterator; } } // 3. Save DOM to XML file QString xml = doc.toString(); QTextStream os( &infoFile ); os << xml; } infoFile.close(); } void Document::Private::slotTimedMemoryCheck() { // [MEM] clean memory (for 'free mem dependant' profiles only) if ( Settings::memoryLevel() != Settings::EnumMemoryLevel::Low && m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory > 1024*1024 ) cleanupPixmapMemory(); } void Document::Private::sendGeneratorRequest() { // find a request PixmapRequest * request = 0; while ( !m_pixmapRequestsStack.isEmpty() && !request ) { PixmapRequest * r = m_pixmapRequestsStack.last(); if (!r) m_pixmapRequestsStack.pop_back(); // request only if page isn't already present or request has invalid id else if ( r->page()->hasPixmap( r->id(), r->width(), r->height() ) || r->id() <= 0 || r->id() >= MAX_OBSERVER_ID) { m_pixmapRequestsStack.pop_back(); delete r; } else if ( (long)r->width() * (long)r->height() > 20000000L ) { m_pixmapRequestsStack.pop_back(); if ( !m_warnedOutOfMemory ) { kWarning() << "Running out of memory on page " << r->pageNumber() << " (" << r->width() << "x" << r->height() << " px);" << endl; kWarning() << "this message will be reported only once." << endl; m_warnedOutOfMemory = true; } delete r; } else request = r; } // if no request found (or already generated), return if ( !request ) return; // [MEM] preventive memory freeing int pixmapBytes = 4 * request->width() * request->height(); if ( pixmapBytes > (1024 * 1024) ) cleanupPixmapMemory( pixmapBytes ); // submit the request to the generator if ( m_generator->canGeneratePixmap( request->asynchronous() ) ) { kWarning() << "sending request id=" << request->id() << " " <width() << "x" << request->height() << "@" << request->pageNumber() << " async == " << request->asynchronous() << endl; m_pixmapRequestsStack.removeAll ( request ); if ( m_rotation % 2 ) request->swap(); m_generator->generatePixmap ( request ); } else // pino (7/4/2006): set the polling interval from 10 to 30 QTimer::singleShot( 30, m_parent, SLOT(sendGeneratorRequest()) ); } void Document::Private::rotationFinished( int page ) { QMap< int, DocumentObserver * >::const_iterator it = m_observers.begin(), end = m_observers.end(); for ( ; it != end ; ++ it ) { (*it)->notifyPageChanged( page, DocumentObserver::Pixmap | DocumentObserver::Annotations ); } } Document::Document( QHash * generators ) : d( new Private( this, generators ) ) { d->m_bookmarkManager = new BookmarkManager( this ); } Document::~Document() { // delete generator, pages, and related stuff closeDocument(); // delete the private structure delete d; } static bool kserviceMoreThan( const KService::Ptr &s1, const KService::Ptr &s2 ) { return s1->property( "X-KDE-Priority" ).toInt() > s2->property( "X-KDE-Priority" ).toInt(); } bool Document::openDocument( const QString & docFile, const KUrl& url, const KMimeType::Ptr &mime ) { // docFile is always local so we can use QFile on it QFile fileReadTest( docFile ); if ( !fileReadTest.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { d->m_docFileName.clear(); return false; } // determine the related "xml document-info" filename d->m_url = url; d->m_docFileName = docFile; QString fn = docFile.contains('/') ? docFile.section('/', -1, -1) : docFile; fn = "kpdf/" + QString::number(fileReadTest.size()) + '.' + fn + ".xml"; fileReadTest.close(); d->m_xmlFileName = KStandardDirs::locateLocal( "data", fn ); if (mime.count()<=0) return false; // 0. load Generator // request only valid non-disabled plugins suitable for the mimetype QString constraint("([X-KDE-Priority] > 0) and (exist Library)") ; KService::List offers = KMimeTypeTrader::self()->query(mime->name(),"okular/Generator",constraint); if (offers.isEmpty()) { kWarning() << "No plugin for mimetype '" << mime->name() << "'." << endl; return false; } int hRank=0; // order the offers: the offers with an higher priority come before qStableSort( offers.begin(), offers.end(), kserviceMoreThan ); // best ranked offer search if (offers.count() > 1 && Settings::chooseGenerators() ) { QStringList list; int count=offers.count(); for (int i=0;iname(); } ChooseEngineDialog choose( list, mime, 0 ); int retval = choose.exec(); int index = choose.selectedGenerator(); switch( retval ) { case QDialog::Accepted: hRank=index; break; case QDialog::Rejected: return false; break; } } QString propName = offers.at(hRank)->name(); d->m_usingCachedGenerator=false; d->m_generator = d->m_loadedGenerators->take(propName); if (!d->m_generator) { KLibLoader *loader = KLibLoader::self(); if (!loader) { kWarning() << "Could not start library loader: '" << loader->lastErrorMessage() << "'." << endl; return false; } KLibrary *lib = loader->globalLibrary( QFile::encodeName( offers.at(hRank)->library() ) ); if (!lib) { kWarning() << "Could not load '" << offers.at(hRank)->library() << "' library." << endl; return false; } Generator* (*create_plugin)() = ( Generator* (*)() ) lib->symbol( "create_plugin" ); d->m_generator = create_plugin(); if ( !d->m_generator ) { kWarning() << "Sth broke." << endl; return false; } if ( offers.at(hRank)->property( "X-KDE-okularHasInternalSettings" ).toBool() ) { d->m_loadedGenerators->insert(propName, d->m_generator); d->m_usingCachedGenerator=true; } // end } else { d->m_usingCachedGenerator=true; } d->m_generator->setDocument( this ); // connect error reporting signals connect( d->m_generator, SIGNAL( error( const QString&, int ) ), this, SIGNAL( error( const QString&, int ) ) ); connect( d->m_generator, SIGNAL( warning( const QString&, int ) ), this, SIGNAL( warning( const QString&, int ) ) ); connect( d->m_generator, SIGNAL( notice( const QString&, int ) ), this, SIGNAL( notice( const QString&, int ) ) ); // 1. load Document (and set busy cursor while loading) QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); bool openOk = d->m_generator->loadDocument( docFile, d->m_pagesVector ); for ( int i = 0; i < d->m_pagesVector.count(); ++i ) connect( d->m_pagesVector[ i ], SIGNAL( rotationFinished( int ) ), this, SLOT( rotationFinished( int ) ) ); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); if ( !openOk || d->m_pagesVector.size() <= 0 ) { if (!d->m_usingCachedGenerator) { delete d->m_generator; } d->m_generator = 0; return openOk; } // 2. load Additional Data (our bookmarks and metadata) about the document d->loadDocumentInfo(); d->m_bookmarkManager->setUrl( d->m_url ); // 3. setup observers inernal lists and data foreachObserver( notifySetup( d->m_pagesVector, true ) ); // 4. set initial page (restoring the page saved in xml if loaded) DocumentViewport loadedViewport = (*d->m_viewportIterator); if ( loadedViewport.isValid() ) { (*d->m_viewportIterator) = DocumentViewport(); if ( loadedViewport.pageNumber >= (int)d->m_pagesVector.size() ) loadedViewport.pageNumber = d->m_pagesVector.size() - 1; } else loadedViewport.pageNumber = 0; setViewport( loadedViewport ); // start bookmark saver timer if ( !d->m_saveBookmarksTimer ) { d->m_saveBookmarksTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect( d->m_saveBookmarksTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( saveDocumentInfo() ) ); } d->m_saveBookmarksTimer->start( 5 * 60 * 1000 ); // start memory check timer if ( !d->m_memCheckTimer ) { d->m_memCheckTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect( d->m_memCheckTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( slotTimedMemoryCheck() ) ); } d->m_memCheckTimer->start( 2000 ); if (d->m_nextDocumentViewport.isValid()) { setViewport(d->m_nextDocumentViewport); d->m_nextDocumentViewport = DocumentViewport(); } return true; } QString Document::xmlFile() { if ( d->m_generator ) { Okular::GuiInterface * iface = qobject_cast< Okular::GuiInterface * >( d->m_generator ); return iface ? iface->xmlFile() : QString(); } else return QString(); } void Document::setupGui( KActionCollection *ac, QToolBox *tBox ) { if ( d->m_generator && ac && tBox ) { Okular::GuiInterface * iface = qobject_cast< Okular::GuiInterface * >( d->m_generator ); if ( iface ) iface->setupGui( ac, tBox ); } } void Document::closeDocument() { // close the current document and save document info if a document is still opened if ( d->m_generator && d->m_pagesVector.size() > 0 ) { d->m_generator->closeDocument(); d->saveDocumentInfo(); } // stop timers if ( d->m_memCheckTimer ) d->m_memCheckTimer->stop(); if ( d->m_saveBookmarksTimer ) d->m_saveBookmarksTimer->stop(); if ( d->m_generator ) { Okular::GuiInterface * iface = qobject_cast< Okular::GuiInterface * >( d->m_generator ); if ( iface ) iface->freeGui(); } if (!d->m_usingCachedGenerator) { // delete contents generator delete d->m_generator; } d->m_generator = 0; d->m_url = KUrl(); // remove requests left in queue QLinkedList< PixmapRequest * >::const_iterator sIt = d->m_pixmapRequestsStack.begin(); QLinkedList< PixmapRequest * >::const_iterator sEnd = d->m_pixmapRequestsStack.end(); for ( ; sIt != sEnd; ++sIt ) delete *sIt; d->m_pixmapRequestsStack.clear(); // send an empty list to observers (to free their data) foreachObserver( notifySetup( QVector< Page * >(), true ) ); // delete pages and clear 'd->m_pagesVector' container QVector< Page * >::const_iterator pIt = d->m_pagesVector.begin(); QVector< Page * >::const_iterator pEnd = d->m_pagesVector.end(); for ( ; pIt != pEnd; ++pIt ) delete *pIt; d->m_pagesVector.clear(); // clear 'memory allocation' descriptors QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * >::const_iterator aIt = d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.begin(); QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * >::const_iterator aEnd = d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.end(); for ( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt ) delete *aIt; d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.clear(); // clear 'running searches' descriptors QMap< int, RunningSearch * >::const_iterator rIt = d->m_searches.begin(); QMap< int, RunningSearch * >::const_iterator rEnd = d->m_searches.end(); for ( ; rIt != rEnd; ++rIt ) delete *rIt; d->m_searches.clear(); // clear the visible areas and notify the observers QVector< VisiblePageRect * >::const_iterator vIt = d->m_pageRects.begin(); QVector< VisiblePageRect * >::const_iterator vEnd = d->m_pageRects.end(); for ( ; vIt != vEnd; ++vIt ) delete *vIt; d->m_pageRects.clear(); foreachObserver( notifyVisibleRectsChanged() ); // reset internal variables d->m_viewportHistory.clear(); d->m_viewportHistory.append( DocumentViewport() ); d->m_viewportIterator = d->m_viewportHistory.begin(); d->m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory = 0; } void Document::addObserver( DocumentObserver * pObserver ) { // keep the pointer to the observer in a map d->m_observers[ pObserver->observerId() ] = pObserver; // if the observer is added while a document is already opened, tell it if ( !d->m_pagesVector.isEmpty() ) { pObserver->notifySetup( d->m_pagesVector, true ); pObserver->notifyViewportChanged( false /*disables smoothMove*/ ); } } void Document::removeObserver( DocumentObserver * pObserver ) { // remove observer from the map. it won't receive notifications anymore if ( d->m_observers.contains( pObserver->observerId() ) ) { // free observer's pixmap data int observerId = pObserver->observerId(); QVector::const_iterator it = d->m_pagesVector.begin(), end = d->m_pagesVector.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) (*it)->deletePixmap( observerId ); // [MEM] free observer's allocation descriptors QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * >::iterator aIt = d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.begin(); QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * >::iterator aEnd = d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.end(); while ( aIt != aEnd ) { AllocatedPixmap * p = *aIt; if ( p->id == observerId ) { aIt = d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.erase( aIt ); delete p; } else ++aIt; } // delete observer entry from the map d->m_observers.remove( observerId ); } } void Document::reparseConfig() { // reparse generator config and if something changed clear Pages bool configchanged = false; if ( d->m_generator ) { Okular::ConfigInterface * iface = qobject_cast< Okular::ConfigInterface * >( d->m_generator ); if ( iface ) configchanged = iface->reparseConfig(); } if ( configchanged ) { // invalidate pixmaps QVector::const_iterator it = d->m_pagesVector.begin(), end = d->m_pagesVector.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) { (*it)->deletePixmaps(); (*it)->deleteRects(); } // [MEM] remove allocation descriptors QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * >::const_iterator aIt = d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.begin(); QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * >::const_iterator aEnd = d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.end(); for ( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt ) delete *aIt; d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.clear(); d->m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory = 0; // send reload signals to observers foreachObserver( notifyContentsCleared( DocumentObserver::Pixmap ) ); } // free memory if in 'low' profile if ( Settings::memoryLevel() == Settings::EnumMemoryLevel::Low && !d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.isEmpty() && !d->m_pagesVector.isEmpty() ) d->cleanupPixmapMemory(); } bool Document::isOpened() const { return d->m_generator; } bool Document::canConfigurePrinter( ) const { if ( d->m_generator ) { Okular::PrintInterface * iface = qobject_cast< Okular::PrintInterface * >( d->m_generator ); return iface ? true : false; } else return 0; } const DocumentInfo * Document::documentInfo() const { if ( d->m_generator ) { DocumentInfo *info = const_cast(d->m_generator->generateDocumentInfo()); QString pagesSize = d->pagesSizeString(); if (!pagesSize.isEmpty()) { info->set( "pagesSize", pagesSize, i18n("Pages Size") ); } return info; } else return NULL; } const DocumentSynopsis * Document::documentSynopsis() const { return d->m_generator ? d->m_generator->generateDocumentSynopsis() : NULL; } const DocumentFonts * Document::documentFonts() const { return d->m_generator ? d->m_generator->generateDocumentFonts() : NULL; } const QList *Document::embeddedFiles() const { return d->m_generator ? d->m_generator->embeddedFiles() : NULL; } const Page * Document::page( int n ) const { return ( n < d->m_pagesVector.count() ) ? d->m_pagesVector[n] : 0; } const DocumentViewport & Document::viewport() const { return (*d->m_viewportIterator); } const QVector< VisiblePageRect * > & Document::visiblePageRects() const { return d->m_pageRects; } void Document::setVisiblePageRects( const QVector< VisiblePageRect * > & visiblePageRects, int excludeId ) { QVector< VisiblePageRect * >::const_iterator vIt = d->m_pageRects.begin(); QVector< VisiblePageRect * >::const_iterator vEnd = d->m_pageRects.end(); for ( ; vIt != vEnd; ++vIt ) delete *vIt; d->m_pageRects = visiblePageRects; // notify change to all other (different from id) observers QMap< int, DocumentObserver * >::const_iterator it = d->m_observers.begin(), end = d->m_observers.end(); for ( ; it != end ; ++ it ) if ( it.key() != excludeId ) (*it)->notifyVisibleRectsChanged(); } uint Document::currentPage() const { return (*d->m_viewportIterator).pageNumber; } uint Document::pages() const { return d->m_pagesVector.size(); } KUrl Document::currentDocument() const { return d->m_url; } bool Document::isAllowed( Permissions flags ) const { return d->m_generator ? d->m_generator->isAllowed( flags ) : false; } bool Document::supportsSearching() const { return d->m_generator ? d->m_generator->supportsSearching() : false; } bool Document::supportsPaperSizes() const { return d->m_generator ? d->m_generator->supportsPaperSizes() : false; } QStringList Document::paperSizes() const { return d->m_generator ? d->m_generator->paperSizes() : QStringList(); } bool Document::canExportToText() const { if ( !d->m_generator ) return false; const ExportFormat::List formats = d->m_generator->exportFormats(); for ( int i = 0; i < formats.count(); ++i ) { if ( formats[ i ].mimeType()->name() == QLatin1String( "text/plain" ) ) return true; } return false; } bool Document::exportToText( const QString& fileName ) const { if ( !d->m_generator ) return false; const ExportFormat::List formats = d->m_generator->exportFormats(); for ( int i = 0; i < formats.count(); ++i ) { if ( formats[ i ].mimeType()->name() == QLatin1String( "text/plain" ) ) return d->m_generator->exportTo( fileName, formats[ i ] ); } return false; } ExportFormat::List Document::exportFormats() const { return d->m_generator ? d->m_generator->exportFormats() : ExportFormat::List(); } bool Document::exportTo( const QString& fileName, const ExportFormat& format ) const { return d->m_generator ? d->m_generator->exportTo( fileName, format ) : false; } bool Document::historyAtBegin() const { return d->m_viewportIterator == d->m_viewportHistory.begin(); } bool Document::historyAtEnd() const { return d->m_viewportIterator == --(d->m_viewportHistory.end()); } QVariant Document::metaData( const QString & key, const QVariant & option ) const { return d->m_generator ? d->m_generator->metaData( key, option ) : QVariant(); } int Document::rotation() const { return d->m_rotation; } QSizeF Document::allPagesSize() const { bool allPagesSameSize = true; QSizeF size; for (int i = 0; allPagesSameSize && i < d->m_pagesVector.count(); ++i) { Page *p = d->m_pagesVector[i]; if (i == 0) size = QSizeF(p->width(), p->height()); else { allPagesSameSize = (size == QSizeF(p->width(), p->height())); } } if (allPagesSameSize) return size; else return QSizeF(); } QString Document::pageSizeString(int page) const { if (d->m_generator) { if (d->m_generator->pagesSizeMetric() != Generator::None) { Page *p = d->m_pagesVector[page]; return d->localizedSize(QSizeF(p->width(), p->height())); } } return QString(); } void Document::requestPixmaps( const QLinkedList< PixmapRequest * > & requests ) { if ( !d->m_generator ) { // delete requests.. QLinkedList< PixmapRequest * >::const_iterator rIt = requests.begin(), rEnd = requests.end(); for ( ; rIt != rEnd; ++rIt ) delete *rIt; // ..and return return; } // 1. [CLEAN STACK] remove previous requests of requesterID int requesterID = requests.first()->id(); QLinkedList< PixmapRequest * >::iterator sIt = d->m_pixmapRequestsStack.begin(), sEnd = d->m_pixmapRequestsStack.end(); while ( sIt != sEnd ) { if ( (*sIt)->id() == requesterID ) { // delete request and remove it from stack delete *sIt; sIt = d->m_pixmapRequestsStack.erase( sIt ); } else ++sIt; } // 2. [ADD TO STACK] add requests to stack bool threadingDisabled = !Settings::enableThreading(); QLinkedList< PixmapRequest * >::const_iterator rIt = requests.begin(), rEnd = requests.end(); for ( ; rIt != rEnd; ++rIt ) { // set the 'page field' (see PixmapRequest) and check if it is valid PixmapRequest * request = *rIt; kWarning() << "request id=" << request->id() << " " <width() << "x" << request->height() << "@" << request->pageNumber() << endl; if ( d->m_pagesVector.value( request->pageNumber() ) == 0 ) { // skip requests referencing an invalid page (must not happen) delete request; continue; } request->setPage( d->m_pagesVector.value( request->pageNumber() ) ); if ( !request->asynchronous() ) request->setPriority( 0 ); if ( request->asynchronous() && threadingDisabled ) request->setAsynchronous( false ); // add request to the 'stack' at the right place if ( !request->priority() ) // add priority zero requests to the top of the stack d->m_pixmapRequestsStack.append( request ); else { // insert in stack sorted by priority sIt = d->m_pixmapRequestsStack.begin(); sEnd = d->m_pixmapRequestsStack.end(); while ( sIt != sEnd && (*sIt)->priority() >= request->priority() ) ++sIt; d->m_pixmapRequestsStack.insert( sIt, request ); } } // 3. [START FIRST GENERATION] if generator is ready, start a new generation, // or else (if gen is running) it will be started when the new contents will //come from generator (in requestDone()) // all handling of requests put into sendGeneratorRequest // if ( generator->canGeneratePixmap() ) d->sendGeneratorRequest(); } void Document::requestTextPage( uint page ) { Page * kp = d->m_pagesVector[ page ]; if ( !d->m_generator || !kp ) return; // Memory management for TextPages d->m_generator->generateSyncTextPage( kp ); } void Document::addPageAnnotation( int page, Annotation * annotation ) { // find out the page to attach annotation Page * kp = d->m_pagesVector[ page ]; if ( !d->m_generator || !kp ) return; // add annotation to the page kp->addAnnotation( annotation ); // notify observers about the change foreachObserver( notifyPageChanged( page, DocumentObserver::Annotations ) ); } void Document::modifyPageAnnotation( int page, Annotation * newannotation ) { //TODO: modify annotations // find out the page Page * kp = d->m_pagesVector[ page ]; if ( !d->m_generator || !kp ) return; kp->modifyAnnotation( newannotation ); // notify observers about the change foreachObserver( notifyPageChanged( page, DocumentObserver::Annotations ) ); } void Document::removePageAnnotation( int page, Annotation * annotation ) { // find out the page Page * kp = d->m_pagesVector[ page ]; if ( !d->m_generator || !kp ) return; // try to remove the annotation if ( kp->removeAnnotation( annotation ) ) { // in case of success, notify observers about the change foreachObserver( notifyPageChanged( page, DocumentObserver::Annotations ) ); } } void Document::removePageAnnotations( int page, QList< Annotation * > annotations ) { // find out the page Page * kp = d->m_pagesVector[ page ]; if ( !d->m_generator || !kp ) return; bool changed = false; foreach ( Annotation * annotation, annotations ) { // try to remove the annotation if ( kp->removeAnnotation( annotation ) ) { changed = true; } } if ( changed ) { // in case we removed even only one annotation, notify observers about the change foreachObserver( notifyPageChanged( page, DocumentObserver::Annotations ) ); } } void Document::setPageTextSelection( int page, RegularAreaRect * rect, const QColor & color ) { Page * kp = d->m_pagesVector[ page ]; if ( !d->m_generator || !kp ) return; // add or remove the selection basing whether rect is null or not if ( rect ) kp->setTextSelections( rect, color ); else kp->deleteTextSelections(); // notify observers about the change foreachObserver( notifyPageChanged( page, DocumentObserver::TextSelection ) ); } /* REFERENCE IMPLEMENTATION: better calling setViewport from other code void Document::setNextPage() { // advance page and set viewport on observers if ( (*d->m_viewportIterator).pageNumber < (int)d->m_pagesVector.count() - 1 ) setViewport( DocumentViewport( (*d->m_viewportIterator).pageNumber + 1 ) ); } void Document::setPrevPage() { // go to previous page and set viewport on observers if ( (*d->m_viewportIterator).pageNumber > 0 ) setViewport( DocumentViewport( (*d->m_viewportIterator).pageNumber - 1 ) ); } */ void Document::setViewportPage( int page, int excludeId, bool smoothMove ) { // clamp page in range [0 ... numPages-1] if ( page < 0 ) page = 0; else if ( page > (int)d->m_pagesVector.count() ) page = d->m_pagesVector.count() - 1; // make a viewport from the page and broadcast it setViewport( DocumentViewport( page ), excludeId, smoothMove ); } void Document::setViewport( const DocumentViewport & viewport, int excludeId, bool smoothMove ) { // if already broadcasted, don't redo it DocumentViewport & oldViewport = *d->m_viewportIterator; // disabled by enrico on 2005-03-18 (less debug output) //if ( viewport == oldViewport ) // kDebug() << "setViewport with the same viewport." << endl; // set internal viewport taking care of history if ( oldViewport.pageNumber == viewport.pageNumber || !oldViewport.isValid() ) { // if page is unchanged save the viewport at current position in queue oldViewport = viewport; } else { // remove elements after viewportIterator in queue d->m_viewportHistory.erase( ++d->m_viewportIterator, d->m_viewportHistory.end() ); // keep the list to a reasonable size by removing head when needed if ( d->m_viewportHistory.count() >= 100 ) d->m_viewportHistory.pop_front(); // add the item at the end of the queue d->m_viewportIterator = d->m_viewportHistory.insert( d->m_viewportHistory.end(), viewport ); } // notify change to all other (different from id) observers QMap< int, DocumentObserver * >::const_iterator it = d->m_observers.begin(), end = d->m_observers.end(); for ( ; it != end ; ++ it ) if ( it.key() != excludeId ) (*it)->notifyViewportChanged( smoothMove ); // [MEM] raise position of currently viewed page in allocation queue if ( d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.count() > 1 ) { const int page = viewport.pageNumber; QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * > viewportPixmaps; QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * >::iterator aIt = d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.begin(); QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * >::iterator aEnd = d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.end(); while ( aIt != aEnd ) { if ( (*aIt)->page == page ) { viewportPixmaps.append( *aIt ); aIt = d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.erase( aIt ); continue; } ++aIt; } if ( !viewportPixmaps.isEmpty() ) d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo += viewportPixmaps; } } void Document::setPrevViewport() // restore viewport from the history { if ( d->m_viewportIterator != d->m_viewportHistory.begin() ) { // restore previous viewport and notify it to observers --d->m_viewportIterator; foreachObserver( notifyViewportChanged( true ) ); } } void Document::setNextViewport() // restore next viewport from the history { QLinkedList< DocumentViewport >::const_iterator nextIterator = d->m_viewportIterator; ++nextIterator; if ( nextIterator != d->m_viewportHistory.end() ) { // restore next viewport and notify it to observers ++d->m_viewportIterator; foreachObserver( notifyViewportChanged( true ) ); } } void Document::setNextDocumentViewport( const DocumentViewport & viewport ) { d->m_nextDocumentViewport = viewport; } bool Document::searchText( int searchID, const QString & text, bool fromStart, Qt::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity, SearchType type, bool moveViewport, const QColor & color, bool noDialogs ) { // safety checks: don't perform searches on empty or unsearchable docs if ( !d->m_generator || !d->m_generator->supportsSearching() || d->m_pagesVector.isEmpty() ) return false; // if searchID search not recorded, create new descriptor and init params if ( !d->m_searches.contains( searchID ) ) { RunningSearch * search = new RunningSearch(); search->continueOnPage = -1; d->m_searches[ searchID ] = search; } if (d->m_lastSearchID != searchID) { resetSearch(d->m_lastSearchID); } d->m_lastSearchID = searchID; RunningSearch * s = d->m_searches[ searchID ]; // update search stucture bool newText = text != s->cachedString; s->cachedString = text; s->cachedType = type; s->cachedCaseSensitivity = caseSensitivity; s->cachedViewportMove = moveViewport; s->cachedNoDialogs = noDialogs; s->cachedColor = color; // global data for search bool foundAMatch = false; QLinkedList< int > pagesToNotify; // remove highlights from pages and queue them for notifying changes pagesToNotify += s->highlightedPages; QLinkedList< int >::const_iterator it = s->highlightedPages.begin(), end = s->highlightedPages.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) d->m_pagesVector[ *it ]->deleteHighlights( searchID ); s->highlightedPages.clear(); // set hourglass cursor QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); // 1. ALLDOC - proces all document marking pages if ( type == AllDocument ) { // search and highlight 'text' (as a solid phrase) on all pages QVector< Page * >::const_iterator it = d->m_pagesVector.begin(), end = d->m_pagesVector.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) { // get page (from the first to the last) Page * page = *it; int pageNumber = page->number(); // request search page if needed if ( !page->hasTextPage() ) requestTextPage( pageNumber ); // loop on a page adding highlights for all found items bool addedHighlights = false; RegularAreaRect * lastMatch = 0; while ( 1 ) { if ( lastMatch ) lastMatch = page->findText( searchID, text, NextResult, caseSensitivity, lastMatch ); else lastMatch = page->findText( searchID, text, FromTop, caseSensitivity ); if ( !lastMatch ) break; // add highligh rect to the page page->setHighlight( searchID, lastMatch, color ); addedHighlights = true; } // if added highlights, udpate internals and queue page for notify if ( addedHighlights ) { foundAMatch = true; s->highlightedPages.append( pageNumber ); if ( !pagesToNotify.contains( pageNumber ) ) pagesToNotify.append( pageNumber ); } } // reset cursor to previous shape QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); // send page lists if found anything new //if ( foundAMatch ) ?maybe? foreachObserver( notifySetup( d->m_pagesVector, false ) ); } // 2. NEXTMATCH - find next matching item (or start from top) else if ( type == NextMatch ) { // find out from where to start/resume search from int viewportPage = (*d->m_viewportIterator).pageNumber; int currentPage = fromStart ? 0 : ((s->continueOnPage != -1) ? s->continueOnPage : viewportPage); Page * lastPage = fromStart ? 0 : d->m_pagesVector[ currentPage ]; // continue checking last TextPage first (if it is the current page) RegularAreaRect * match = 0; if ( lastPage && lastPage->number() == s->continueOnPage ) { if ( newText ) match = lastPage->findText( searchID, text, FromTop, caseSensitivity ); else match = lastPage->findText( searchID, text, NextResult, caseSensitivity, &s->continueOnMatch ); if ( !match ) currentPage++; } // if no match found, loop through the whole doc, starting from currentPage if ( !match ) { const int pageCount = d->m_pagesVector.count(); for ( int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++ ) { if ( currentPage >= pageCount ) { if ( noDialogs || KMessageBox::questionYesNo(0, i18n("End of document reached.\nContinue from the beginning?"), QString::null, KStandardGuiItem::cont(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel()) == KMessageBox::Yes ) currentPage = 0; else break; } // get page Page * page = d->m_pagesVector[ currentPage ]; // request search page if needed if ( !page->hasTextPage() ) requestTextPage( page->number() ); // if found a match on the current page, end the loop if ( ( match = page->findText( searchID, text, FromTop, caseSensitivity ) ) ) break; currentPage++; } } // reset cursor to previous shape QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); // if a match has been found.. if ( match ) { // update the RunningSearch structure adding this match.. foundAMatch = true; s->continueOnPage = currentPage; s->continueOnMatch = *match; s->highlightedPages.append( currentPage ); // ..add highlight to the page.. d->m_pagesVector[ currentPage ]->setHighlight( searchID, match, color ); // ..queue page for notifying changes.. if ( !pagesToNotify.contains( currentPage ) ) pagesToNotify.append( currentPage ); // ..move the viewport to show the first of the searched word sequence centered if ( moveViewport ) { DocumentViewport searchViewport( currentPage ); searchViewport.rePos.enabled = true; searchViewport.rePos.normalizedX = (match->first().left + match->first().right) / 2.0; searchViewport.rePos.normalizedY = (match->first().top + match->first().bottom) / 2.0; setViewport( searchViewport, -1, true ); } } else if ( !noDialogs ) KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n( "No matches found for '%1'.", text ) ); } // 3. PREVMATCH //TODO else if ( type == PreviousMatch ) { } // 4. GOOGLE* - process all document marking pages else if ( type == GoogleAll || type == GoogleAny ) { // search and highlight every word in 'text' on all pages bool matchAll = type == GoogleAll; QStringList words = text.split( " ", QString::SkipEmptyParts ); int wordsCount = words.count(), hueStep = (wordsCount > 1) ? (60 / (wordsCount - 1)) : 60, baseHue, baseSat, baseVal; color.getHsv( &baseHue, &baseSat, &baseVal ); QVector< Page * >::const_iterator it = d->m_pagesVector.begin(), end = d->m_pagesVector.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) { // get page (from the first to the last) Page * page = *it; int pageNumber = page->number(); // request search page if needed if ( !page->hasTextPage() ) requestTextPage( pageNumber ); // loop on a page adding highlights for all found items bool allMatched = wordsCount > 0, anyMatched = false; for ( int w = 0; w < wordsCount; w++ ) { QString word = words[ w ]; int newHue = baseHue - w * hueStep; if ( newHue < 0 ) newHue += 360; QColor wordColor = QColor::fromHsv( newHue, baseSat, baseVal ); RegularAreaRect * lastMatch = 0; // add all highlights for current word bool wordMatched = false; while ( 1 ) { if ( lastMatch ) lastMatch = page->findText( searchID, word, NextResult, caseSensitivity, lastMatch ); else lastMatch = page->findText( searchID, word, FromTop, caseSensitivity); if ( !lastMatch ) break; // add highligh rect to the page page->setHighlight( searchID, lastMatch, wordColor ); wordMatched = true; } allMatched = allMatched && wordMatched; anyMatched = anyMatched || wordMatched; } // if not all words are present in page, remove partial highlights if ( !allMatched && matchAll ) page->deleteHighlights( searchID ); // if page contains all words, udpate internals and queue page for notify if ( (allMatched && matchAll) || (anyMatched && !matchAll) ) { foundAMatch = true; s->highlightedPages.append( pageNumber ); if ( !pagesToNotify.contains( pageNumber ) ) pagesToNotify.append( pageNumber ); } } // reset cursor to previous shape QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); // send page lists to update observers (since some filter on bookmarks) foreachObserver( notifySetup( d->m_pagesVector, false ) ); } // notify observers about highlights changes QLinkedList< int >::const_iterator nIt = pagesToNotify.begin(), nEnd = pagesToNotify.end(); for ( ; nIt != nEnd; ++nIt ) foreachObserver( notifyPageChanged( *nIt, DocumentObserver::Highlights ) ); // return if search has found one or more matches return foundAMatch; } bool Document::continueSearch( int searchID ) { // check if searchID is present in runningSearches if ( !d->m_searches.contains( searchID ) ) return false; // start search with cached parameters from last search by searchID RunningSearch * p = d->m_searches[ searchID ]; return searchText( searchID, p->cachedString, false, p->cachedCaseSensitivity, p->cachedType, p->cachedViewportMove, p->cachedColor, p->cachedNoDialogs ); } void Document::resetSearch( int searchID ) { // check if searchID is present in runningSearches if ( !d->m_searches.contains( searchID ) ) return; // get previous parameters for search RunningSearch * s = d->m_searches[ searchID ]; // unhighlight pages and inform observers about that QLinkedList< int >::const_iterator it = s->highlightedPages.begin(), end = s->highlightedPages.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) { int pageNumber = *it; d->m_pagesVector[ pageNumber ]->deleteHighlights( searchID ); foreachObserver( notifyPageChanged( pageNumber, DocumentObserver::Highlights ) ); } // send the setup signal too (to update views that filter on matches) foreachObserver( notifySetup( d->m_pagesVector, false ) ); // remove serch from the runningSearches list and delete it d->m_searches.remove( searchID ); delete s; } bool Document::continueLastSearch() { return continueSearch( d->m_lastSearchID ); } void Document::addBookmark( int n ) { if ( n >= 0 && n < (int)d->m_pagesVector.count() ) { if ( d->m_bookmarkManager->setPageBookmark( n ) ) foreachObserver( notifyPageChanged( n, DocumentObserver::Bookmark ) ); } } void Document::addBookmark( const KUrl& referurl, const Okular::DocumentViewport& vp, const QString& title ) { if ( !vp.isValid() ) return; if ( d->m_bookmarkManager->addBookmark( referurl, vp, title ) ) foreachObserver( notifyPageChanged( vp.pageNumber, DocumentObserver::Bookmark ) ); } bool Document::isBookmarked( int page ) const { return d->m_bookmarkManager->isPageBookmarked( page ); } void Document::removeBookmark( const KUrl& referurl, const KBookmark& bm ) { int changedpage = d->m_bookmarkManager->removeBookmark( referurl, bm ); if ( changedpage != -1 ) foreachObserver( notifyPageChanged( changedpage, DocumentObserver::Bookmark ) ); } const BookmarkManager * Document::bookmarkManager() const { return d->m_bookmarkManager; } void Document::processLink( const Link * link ) { if ( !link ) return; switch( link->linkType() ) { case Link::Goto: { const LinkGoto * go = static_cast< const LinkGoto * >( link ); d->m_nextDocumentViewport = go->destViewport(); // Explanation of why d->m_nextDocumentViewport is needed: // all openRelativeFile does is launch a signal telling we // want to open another URL, the problem is that when the file is // non local, the loading is done assynchronously so you can't // do a setViewport after the if as it was because you are doing the setViewport // on the old file and when the new arrives there is no setViewport for it and // it does not show anything // first open filename if link is pointing outside this document if ( go->isExternal() && !d->openRelativeFile( go->fileName() ) ) { kWarning() << "Link: Error opening '" << go->fileName() << "'." << endl; return; } else { // skip local links that point to nowhere (broken ones) if (!d->m_nextDocumentViewport.isValid()) return; setViewport( d->m_nextDocumentViewport, -1, true ); d->m_nextDocumentViewport = DocumentViewport(); } } break; case Link::Execute: { const LinkExecute * exe = static_cast< const LinkExecute * >( link ); QString fileName = exe->fileName(); if ( fileName.endsWith( ".pdf" ) || fileName.endsWith( ".PDF" ) ) { d->openRelativeFile( fileName ); return; } // Albert: the only pdf i have that has that kind of link don't define // an application and use the fileName as the file to open fileName = d->giveAbsolutePath( fileName ); KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::findByPath( fileName ); // Check executables if ( KRun::isExecutableFile( fileName, mime->name() ) ) { // Don't have any pdf that uses this code path, just a guess on how it should work if ( !exe->parameters().isEmpty() ) { fileName = d->giveAbsolutePath( exe->parameters() ); mime = KMimeType::findByPath( fileName ); if ( KRun::isExecutableFile( fileName, mime->name() ) ) { // this case is a link pointing to an executable with a parameter // that also is an executable, possibly a hand-crafted pdf KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("The pdf file is trying to execute an external application and for your safety okular does not allow that.") ); return; } } else { // this case is a link pointing to an executable with no parameters // core developers find unacceptable executing it even after asking the user KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("The pdf file is trying to execute an external application and for your safety okular does not allow that.") ); return; } } KService::Ptr ptr = KMimeTypeTrader::self()->preferredService( mime->name(), "Application" ); if ( ptr ) { KUrl::List lst; lst.append( fileName ); KRun::run( *ptr, lst, 0 ); } else KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n( "No application found for opening file of mimetype %1.", mime->name() ) ); } break; case Link::Action: { const LinkAction * action = static_cast< const LinkAction * >( link ); switch( action->actionType() ) { case LinkAction::PageFirst: setViewportPage( 0 ); break; case LinkAction::PagePrev: if ( (*d->m_viewportIterator).pageNumber > 0 ) setViewportPage( (*d->m_viewportIterator).pageNumber - 1 ); break; case LinkAction::PageNext: if ( (*d->m_viewportIterator).pageNumber < (int)d->m_pagesVector.count() - 1 ) setViewportPage( (*d->m_viewportIterator).pageNumber + 1 ); break; case LinkAction::PageLast: setViewportPage( d->m_pagesVector.count() - 1 ); break; case LinkAction::HistoryBack: setPrevViewport(); break; case LinkAction::HistoryForward: setNextViewport(); break; case LinkAction::Quit: emit quit(); break; case LinkAction::Presentation: emit linkPresentation(); break; case LinkAction::EndPresentation: emit linkEndPresentation(); break; case LinkAction::Find: emit linkFind(); break; case LinkAction::GoToPage: emit linkGoToPage(); break; case LinkAction::Close: emit close(); break; } } break; case Link::Browse: { const LinkBrowse * browse = static_cast< const LinkBrowse * >( link ); // if the url is a mailto one, invoke mailer if ( browse->url().startsWith( "mailto:", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) KToolInvocation::invokeMailer( browse->url() ); else { QString url = browse->url(); // fix for #100366, documents with relative links that are the form of http:foo.pdf if (url.indexOf("http:") == 0 && url.indexOf("http://") == -1 && url.right(4) == ".pdf") { d->openRelativeFile(url.mid(5)); return; } // Albert: this is not a leak! // TODO: find a widget to pass as second parameter new KRun( KUrl(url), 0 ); } } break; case Link::Movie: //const LinkMovie * browse = static_cast< const LinkMovie * >( link ); // TODO this (Movie link) break; case Link::Sound: // TODO this (Sound link) break; } } void Document::processSourceReference( const SourceReference * ref ) { if ( !ref ) return; if ( !QFile::exists( ref->fileName() ) ) { kDebug() << "No such file: '" << ref->fileName() << "'" << endl; return; } static QHash< int, QString > editors; // init the editors table if empty (on first run, usually) if ( editors.isEmpty() ) { editors[ Settings::EnumExternalEditor::Kate ] = QLatin1String( "kate --use --line %l --column %c" ); editors[ Settings::EnumExternalEditor::Scite ] = QLatin1String( "scite %f \"-goto:%l,%c\"" ); } QHash< int, QString >::const_iterator it = editors.find( Settings::externalEditor() ); QString p; if ( it != editors.end() ) p = *it; else p = Settings::externalEditorCommand(); // custom editor not yet configured if ( p.isEmpty() ) return; // replacing the placeholders p.replace( QLatin1String( "%l" ), QString::number( ref->row() ) ); p.replace( QLatin1String( "%c" ), QString::number( ref->column() ) ); if ( p.indexOf( QLatin1String( "%f" ) ) > -1 ) p.replace( QLatin1String( "%f" ), ref->fileName() ); else p.append( QLatin1String( " " ) + ref->fileName() ); // paranoic checks if ( p.isEmpty() || p.trimmed() == ref->fileName() ) return; QProcess::startDetached( p ); } bool Document::print( KPrinter &printer ) { return d->m_generator ? d->m_generator->print( printer ) : false; } KPrintDialogPage* Document::configurationWidget() const { if ( d->m_generator ) { PrintInterface * iface = qobject_cast< Okular::PrintInterface * >( d->m_generator ); return iface ? iface->configurationWidget() : 0; } else return 0; } void Document::requestDone( PixmapRequest * req ) { #ifndef NDEBUG if ( !d->m_generator->canGeneratePixmap( req->asynchronous() ) ) kDebug() << "requestDone with generator not in READY state." << endl; #endif // [MEM] 1.1 find and remove a previous entry for the same page and id QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * >::iterator aIt = d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.begin(); QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * >::iterator aEnd = d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.end(); for ( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt ) if ( (*aIt)->page == req->pageNumber() && (*aIt)->id == req->id() ) { AllocatedPixmap * p = *aIt; d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.erase( aIt ); d->m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory -= p->memory; delete p; break; } // [MEM] 1.2 append memory allocation descriptor to the FIFO int memoryBytes = 4 * req->width() * req->height(); AllocatedPixmap * memoryPage = new AllocatedPixmap( req->id(), req->pageNumber(), memoryBytes ); d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.append( memoryPage ); d->m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory += memoryBytes; // 2. notify an observer that its pixmap changed if ( d->m_observers.contains( req->id() ) ) d->m_observers[ req->id() ]->notifyPageChanged( req->pageNumber(), DocumentObserver::Pixmap ); // 3. delete request delete req; // 4. start a new generation if some is pending if ( !d->m_pixmapRequestsStack.isEmpty() ) d->sendGeneratorRequest(); } void Document::slotRotation( int rotation ) { // tell the pages to rotate QVector< Okular::Page * >::const_iterator pIt = d->m_pagesVector.begin(); QVector< Okular::Page * >::const_iterator pEnd = d->m_pagesVector.end(); for ( ; pIt != pEnd; ++pIt ) (*pIt)->rotateAt( rotation ); // clear 'memory allocation' descriptors QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * >::const_iterator aIt = d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.begin(); QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * >::const_iterator aEnd = d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.end(); for ( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt ) delete *aIt; d->m_allocatedPixmapsFifo.clear(); d->m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory = 0; // notify the generator that the current rotation has changed d->m_generator->rotationChanged( rotation, d->m_rotation ); // set the new rotation d->m_rotation = rotation; foreachObserver( notifySetup( d->m_pagesVector, true ) ); foreachObserver( notifyContentsCleared (DocumentObserver::Pixmap | DocumentObserver::Highlights | DocumentObserver::Annotations)); kDebug() << "Rotated: " << rotation << endl; } void Document::slotPaperSizes( int newsize ) { if (d->m_generator->supportsPaperSizes()) { d->m_generator->setPaperSize(d->m_pagesVector,newsize); foreachObserver( notifySetup( d->m_pagesVector, true ) ); kDebug() << "PaperSize no: " << newsize << endl; } } /** DocumentViewport **/ DocumentViewport::DocumentViewport( int n ) : pageNumber( n ) { // default settings rePos.enabled = false; rePos.normalizedX = 0.5; rePos.normalizedY = 0.0; rePos.pos = Center; autoFit.enabled = false; autoFit.width = false; autoFit.height = false; } DocumentViewport::DocumentViewport( const QString & xmlDesc ) : pageNumber( -1 ) { // default settings (maybe overridden below) rePos.enabled = false; rePos.normalizedX = 0.5; rePos.normalizedY = 0.0; rePos.pos = Center; autoFit.enabled = false; autoFit.width = false; autoFit.height = false; // check for string presence if ( xmlDesc.isEmpty() ) return; // decode the string bool ok; int field = 0; QString token = xmlDesc.section( ';', field, field ); while ( !token.isEmpty() ) { // decode the current token if ( field == 0 ) { pageNumber = token.toInt( &ok ); if ( !ok ) return; } else if ( token.startsWith( "C1" ) ) { rePos.enabled = true; rePos.normalizedX = token.section( ':', 1, 1 ).toDouble(); rePos.normalizedY = token.section( ':', 2, 2 ).toDouble(); rePos.pos = Center; } else if ( token.startsWith( "C2" ) ) { rePos.enabled = true; rePos.normalizedX = token.section( ':', 1, 1 ).toDouble(); rePos.normalizedY = token.section( ':', 2, 2 ).toDouble(); if (token.section( ':', 3, 3 ).toInt() == 1) rePos.pos = Center; else rePos.pos = TopLeft; } else if ( token.startsWith( "AF1" ) ) { autoFit.enabled = true; autoFit.width = token.section( ':', 1, 1 ) == "T"; autoFit.height = token.section( ':', 2, 2 ) == "T"; } // proceed tokenizing string field++; token = xmlDesc.section( ';', field, field ); } } QString DocumentViewport::toString() const { // start string with page number QString s = QString::number( pageNumber ); // if has center coordinates, save them on string if ( rePos.enabled ) s += QString( ";C2:" ) + QString::number( rePos.normalizedX ) + ':' + QString::number( rePos.normalizedY ) + ':' + QString::number( rePos.pos ); // if has autofit enabled, save its state on string if ( autoFit.enabled ) s += QString( ";AF1:" ) + (autoFit.width ? "T" : "F") + ':' + (autoFit.height ? "T" : "F"); return s; } bool DocumentViewport::isValid() const { return pageNumber != -1; } bool DocumentViewport::operator==( const DocumentViewport & vp ) const { bool equal = ( pageNumber == vp.pageNumber ) && ( rePos.enabled == vp.rePos.enabled ) && ( autoFit.enabled == vp.autoFit.enabled ); if ( !equal ) return false; if ( rePos.enabled && (( rePos.normalizedX != vp.rePos.normalizedX) || ( rePos.normalizedY != vp.rePos.normalizedY ) || rePos.pos != vp.rePos.pos) ) return false; if ( autoFit.enabled && (( autoFit.width != vp.autoFit.width ) || ( autoFit.height != vp.autoFit.height )) ) return false; return true; } /** DocumentInfo **/ DocumentInfo::DocumentInfo() : QDomDocument( "DocumentInformation" ) { QDomElement docElement = createElement( "DocumentInfo" ); appendChild( docElement ); } void DocumentInfo::set( const QString &key, const QString &value, const QString &title ) { QDomElement docElement = documentElement(); QDomElement element; // check whether key already exists QDomNodeList list = docElement.elementsByTagName( key ); if ( list.count() > 0 ) element = list.item( 0 ).toElement(); else element = createElement( key ); element.setAttribute( "value", value ); element.setAttribute( "title", title ); if ( list.count() == 0 ) docElement.appendChild( element ); } QString DocumentInfo::get( const QString &key ) const { QDomElement docElement = documentElement(); QDomElement element; // check whether key already exists QDomNodeList list = docElement.elementsByTagName( key ); if ( list.count() > 0 ) return list.item( 0 ).toElement().attribute( "value" ); else return QString(); } /** DocumentSynopsis **/ DocumentSynopsis::DocumentSynopsis() : QDomDocument( "DocumentSynopsis" ) { // void implementation, only subclassed for naming } DocumentSynopsis::DocumentSynopsis( const QDomDocument &document ) : QDomDocument( document ) { } /** DocumentFonts **/ DocumentFonts::DocumentFonts() : QDomDocument( "DocumentFonts" ) { // void implementation, only subclassed for naming } /** EmbeddedFile **/ EmbeddedFile::EmbeddedFile() { } EmbeddedFile::~EmbeddedFile() { } VisiblePageRect::VisiblePageRect( int page, const NormalizedRect &rectangle ) : pageNumber( page ), rect( rectangle ) { } #include "document.moc"