/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2005 by Enrico Ros * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ // qt/kde includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // local includes #include "newstuff.h" // define the providers.xml location #define PROVIDERS_URL "http://kpdf.kde.org/newstuff/providers.xml" // define the type of the stuff returned by providers (unused) #define RES_TYPE "kpdf/stuff" /* How the whole thing works: - phase 1: fetch the ProvidersList from the PROVIDERS_URL - phase 2: every Provider in it contains some AvailableItem(s) - phase 3: every AvailableItem can be downloaded (aka installed) or deleted */ /** GUI: Internal Widget that displays a ver-stretchable (only) image */ class ExtendImageWidget : public QWidget { public: ExtendImageWidget( const QPixmap & pix, QWidget * parent ) : QWidget( parent ), m_pixmap( pix ) { // adjust size hint setFixedWidth( pix.width() ); setMinimumHeight( pix.height() ); // paint all own pixels setAttribute( Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, true ); // create the tile image from last line of pixmap m_tile.resize( pix.width(), 1 ); copyBlt( &m_tile, 0,0, &pix, 0,pix.height()-2, pix.width(),1 ); } // internal paint function void paintEvent( QPaintEvent * e ) { // extend the bottom line of the image when painting QRegion paintRegion = e->region(); QRect pixmapRect = e->rect().intersect( m_pixmap.rect() ); // paint the pixmap rect QPainter p( this ); p.drawPixmap( pixmapRect.topLeft(), m_pixmap, pixmapRect ); // paint the tiled bottom part QVector rects = paintRegion.subtract( pixmapRect ).rects(); for ( int i = 0; i < rects.count(); i++ ) { const QRect & tileRect = rects[ i ]; p.drawTiledPixmap( tileRect, m_tile, QPoint(tileRect.left(), 0) ); } } private: QPixmap m_pixmap; QPixmap m_tile; }; /** CORE: extend KNS::Entry adding convenience methods */ class AvailableItem : public Entry { public: typedef QList< AvailableItem * > List; enum State { Normal = 0, Installing = 1, Uninstalling = 2 }; AvailableItem( const QDomElement & element ) : Entry( element ), m_state( Normal ), m_progress( 0 ) { QString remoteUrl = payload().url(); QString fileName = remoteUrl.section( '/', -1, -1 ); QString extension = fileName.toLower().section( '.', -1, -1 ); QString typeString = category(); // place books on the desktop if ( typeString == "kpdf/book" ) m_destinationFile = KGlobalSettings::desktopPath() + "/" + fileName; // place kpdf data on the local share/apps/kpdf/stuff else if ( typeString == "kpdf/tool" ) m_destinationFile = locateLocal( "data", "kpdf/stuff/" + fileName ); // warn about unrecognized type else kDebug() << "NewStuffDialog: AvailableItem: unrecognized provider name: '" << typeString << "'." << endl; } // returns the source url QString url() const { return payload().url(); } // returns local destination path for the item const QString & destinationPath() { return m_destinationFile; } // checks if the item is already installed bool installed() { return QFile::exists( m_destinationFile ); } // state void setState( State s ) { m_state = s; } State state() { return m_state; } // progress (state dependant) void setProgress( float p ) { m_progress = p; } float progress() { return m_progress; } private: QString m_destinationFile; State m_state; float m_progress; }; /** GUI/CORE: HTML Widget to operate on AvailableItem::List */ class ItemsView : public KHTMLPart { public: ItemsView( NewStuffDialog * newStuffDialog, QWidget * parentWidget ) : KHTMLPart( parentWidget ), m_newStuffDialog( newStuffDialog ), m_sorting( 0 ) { // customize functionality setJScriptEnabled( true ); setJavaEnabled( false ); setMetaRefreshEnabled( false ); setPluginsEnabled( false ); setStandardFont( QApplication::font().family() ); // 100% is too large! less is better setZoomFactor( 70 ); } ~ItemsView() { clear(); } void setItems( const AvailableItem::List & itemList ) { clear(); m_items = itemList; buildContents(); } void setSorting( int sortType ) { m_sorting = sortType; buildContents(); } void updateItem( AvailableItem * item ) { // get item id string and iformations QString idString = QString::number( (unsigned long)item ); AvailableItem::State state = item->state(); bool showProgress = state != AvailableItem::Normal; int pixelProgress = showProgress ? (int)(item->progress() * 80.0) : 0; // perform internal scripting operations over the element executeScript( "document.getElementById('" + idString + "').style.color='red'" ); executeScript( "document.getElementById('bar" + idString + "').style.width='" + QString::number( pixelProgress ) + "px'" ); executeScript( "document.getElementById('bc" + idString + "').style.backgroundColor='" + (showProgress ? "gray" : "transparent") + "'" ); executeScript( "document.getElementById('btn" + idString + "').value='" + (item->installed() ? i18n( "Uninstall" ) : i18n( "Install" )) + "'" ); } private: // generate the HTML contents to be displayed by the class itself void buildContents() { // try to get information in current locale QString preferredLanguage = KGlobal::locale()->language(); begin(); setTheAaronnesqueStyle(); // write the html header and contents manipulation scripts write( "" ); write( "
" ); AvailableItem::List::iterator it = m_items.begin(), iEnd = m_items.end(); for ( ; it != iEnd; ++it ) { AvailableItem * item = *it; // precalc the image string QString imageString = item->preview( preferredLanguage ).url(); if ( imageString.length() > 1 ) imageString = "
"; // precalc the title string QString titleString = item->name(); if ( item->version().length() > 0 ) titleString += " v." + item->version(); // precalc button's text QString buttonText = item->installed() ? i18n( "Uninstall" ) : i18n( "Install" ); // precalc item's dynamic strings QString idString = QString::number( (unsigned long)item ); QString clickString = "window.location.href=\"item:" + idString + "\";"; // precalc the string for displaying stars (normal+grayed) int starPixels = 11 + 11 * (item->rating() / 10); QString starsString = "
"; int grayPixels = 22 + 22 * (item->rating() / 20); starsString = "
" + starsString + "
"; // precalc the string for displaying author (parsing email) QString authorString = item->author(); QString emailString = authorString.section( '(', 1, 1 ); if ( emailString.contains( '@' ) && emailString.contains( ')' ) ) { emailString = emailString.remove( ')' ).trimmed(); authorString = authorString.section( '(', 0, 0 ).trimmed(); authorString = "" + authorString + ""; } // write the HTML code for the current item write( QString( "" "" "" "
" // image + imageString + // progress bar (initially transparent) "
" "
" "
" // button "
" "" "
" "
" // contents header: item name/score "" "" "" "
" + titleString + "" + starsString + "
" // contents body: item description "
" + item->summary( preferredLanguage ) + "
" // contents footer: author's name/date "
" "" + authorString + ", " + KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( item->releaseDate(), true ) + "
" "
" ) ); } write( "" ); end(); } // this is the stylesheet we use void setTheAaronnesqueStyle() { QString hoverColor = "#000000"; //QApplication::palette().active().highlightedText().name(); QString hoverBackground = "#f8f8f8"; //QApplication::palette().active().highlight().name(); QString starIconPath = locate( "data", "oKular/pics/ghns_star.png" ); QString starBgIconPath = locate( "data", "oKular/pics/ghns_star_gray.png" ); // default elements style QString style; style += "body { background-color: white; color: black; padding: 0; margin: 0; }"; style += "table, td, th { padding: 0; margin: 0; text-align: left; }"; style += "input { color: #000080; font-size:120%; }"; // the main item container (custom element) style += ".itemBox { background-color: white; color: black; width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid gray; margin: 0px 0px; }"; style += ".itemBox:hover { background-color: " + hoverBackground + "; color: " + hoverColor + "; }"; // style of the item elements (4 cells with multiple containers) style += ".leftColumn { width: 100px; height:100%; text-align: center; }"; style += ".leftImage {}"; style += ".leftButton {}"; style += ".leftProgressContainer { width: 82px; height: 10px; background-color: transparent; }"; style += ".leftProgressBar { left: 1px; width: 0px; top: 1px; height: 8px; background-color: red; }"; style += ".contentsColumn { vertical-align: top; }"; style += ".contentsHeader { width: 100%; font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 1px solid #c8c8c8; }"; style += ".contentsBody {}"; style += ".contentsFooter {}"; style += ".star { width: 0px; height: 24px; background-image: url(" + starIconPath + "); background-repeat: repeat-x; }"; style += ".starbg { width: 110px; height: 24px; background-image: url(" + starBgIconPath + "); background-repeat: repeat-x; }"; setUserStyleSheet( style ); } // handle clicks on page links/buttons void urlSelected( const QString & link, int, int, const QString &, KParts::URLArgs ) { KUrl url( link ); QString urlProtocol = url.protocol(); QString urlPath = url.path(); if ( urlProtocol == "mailto" ) { // clicked over a mail address KToolInvocation::invokeMailer( url ); } else if ( urlProtocol == "item" ) { // clicked over an item bool ok; unsigned long itemPointer = urlPath.toULong( &ok ); if ( !ok ) { kWarning() << "ItemsView: error converting item pointer." << endl; return; } // I love to cast pointers AvailableItem * item = (AvailableItem *)itemPointer; if ( !m_items.contains( item ) ) { kWarning() << "ItemsView: error retrieving item pointer." << endl; return; } // install/uninstall the item if ( item->installed() ) m_newStuffDialog->removeItem( item ); // synchronous else m_newStuffDialog->installItem( item ); // asynchronous } } // delete all the classes we own void clear() { // delete all items and empty local list AvailableItem::List::iterator it = m_items.begin(), iEnd = m_items.end(); for ( ; it != iEnd; ++it ) delete *it; m_items.clear(); } private: NewStuffDialog * m_newStuffDialog; AvailableItem::List m_items; int m_sorting; }; /** CORE/GUI: The main dialog that performs GHNS low level operations **/ /* internal storage structures to be used by NewStuffDialog */ struct ProvidersListJobInfo // -> Provider(s) { KJob * job; QString receivedData; }; struct ProviderJobInfo // -> AvailableItem(s) { QString receivedData; }; struct ItemTransferInfo // -> download files { AvailableItem * item; }; struct NewStuffDialogPrivate { // Jobs (1 for fetching the list, unlimited for providers / items) ProvidersListJobInfo providersListJob; QMap< KJob *, ProviderJobInfo > providerJobs; QMap< KJob *, ItemTransferInfo > transferJobs; // Contents QList< Provider * > providers; // gui related vars QWidget * parentWidget; QLineEdit * searchLine; QComboBox * typeCombo; QComboBox * sortCombo; ItemsView * itemsView; QLabel * messageLabel; // other classes QTimer * messageTimer; QTimer * networkTimer; }; NewStuffDialog::NewStuffDialog( QWidget * parentWidget ) : QDialog( parentWidget ), d( new NewStuffDialogPrivate ) { setObjectName( "kpdfNewStuff" ); // initialize the private classes d->providersListJob.job = 0; d->parentWidget = parentWidget; d->messageTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect( d->messageTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( slotResetMessageColors() ) ); d->networkTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect( d->networkTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( slotNetworkTimeout() ) ); // popuplate dialog with stuff QBoxLayout * horLay = new QHBoxLayout( this ); horLay->setMargin( 11 ); // create left picture widget (if picture found) QPixmap p( locate( "data", "oKular/pics/ghns.png" ) ); if ( !p.isNull() ) horLay->addWidget( new ExtendImageWidget( p, this ) ); // create right 'main' widget KVBox * rightLayouter = new KVBox( this ); rightLayouter->setSpacing( 6 ); horLay->addWidget( rightLayouter ); // create upper label QLabel * mainLabel = new QLabel( i18n("All you ever wanted, in one click!"), rightLayouter); QFont mainFont = mainLabel->font(); mainFont.setBold( true ); mainLabel->setFont( mainFont ); // create the control panel QFrame * panelFrame = new QFrame( rightLayouter ); panelFrame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Raised ); QGridLayout * panelLayout = new QGridLayout( panelFrame ); panelLayout->setMargin( 11 ); panelLayout->setSpacing( 6 ); // add widgets to the control panel QLabel * label1 = new QLabel( i18n("Show:"), panelFrame ); panelLayout->addWidget( label1, 0, 0 ); d->typeCombo = new QComboBox( panelFrame ); d->typeCombo->setEditable( false ); panelLayout->addWidget( d->typeCombo, 0, 1 ); d->typeCombo->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); d->typeCombo->setMinimumWidth( 150 ); d->typeCombo->setEnabled( false ); connect( d->typeCombo, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( slotLoadProvider(int) ) ); QLabel * label2 = new QLabel( i18n("Order by:"), panelFrame ); panelLayout->addWidget( label2, 0, 2 ); d->sortCombo = new QComboBox( panelFrame ); d->sortCombo->setEditable( false ); panelLayout->addWidget( d->sortCombo, 0, 3 ); d->sortCombo->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); d->sortCombo->setMinimumWidth( 100 ); d->sortCombo->setEnabled( false ); d->sortCombo->addItem( SmallIconSet( "fonts" ), i18n("Name") ); d->sortCombo->addItem( SmallIconSet( "knewstuff" ), i18n("Rating") ); d->sortCombo->addItem( SmallIconSet( "favorites" ), i18n("Downloads") ); connect( d->sortCombo, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( slotSortingSelected(int) ) ); QLabel * label3 = new QLabel( i18n("Search:"), panelFrame ); panelLayout->addWidget( label3, 1, 0 ); d->searchLine = new QLineEdit( panelFrame ); panelLayout->addWidget( d->searchLine, 1, 1, 1, 3 ); d->searchLine->setEnabled( false ); // create the ItemsView used to display available items d->itemsView = new ItemsView( this, rightLayouter ); // create bottom buttons KHBox * bottomLine = new KHBox( rightLayouter ); // create info label d->messageLabel = new QLabel( bottomLine ); d->messageLabel->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Raised ); d->messageLabel->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); // close button QPushButton * closeButton = new QPushButton( i18n("Close"), bottomLine ); //closeButton->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum ) connect( closeButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) ); // start with a nice size resize( 700, 400 ); slotResetMessageColors(); // start loading providers list QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT( slotLoadProvidersList() ) ); } NewStuffDialog::~NewStuffDialog() { // cancel pending KJob(s) (don't like to leave orphaned threads alone) if ( d->providersListJob.job ) d->providersListJob.job->kill(); QMap< KJob *, ProviderJobInfo >::iterator pIt = d->providerJobs.begin(), pEnd = d->providerJobs.end(); for ( ; pIt != pEnd; ++pIt ) pIt.key()->kill(); QMap< KJob *, ItemTransferInfo >::iterator tIt = d->transferJobs.begin(), tEnd = d->transferJobs.end(); for ( ; tIt != tEnd; ++tIt ) tIt.key()->kill(); // delete all Provider descriptors QList< Provider * >::iterator it = d->providers.begin(), iEnd = d->providers.end(); for ( ; it != iEnd; ++it ) delete *it; d->providers.clear(); // delete the private storage structure delete d; } void NewStuffDialog::displayMessage( const QString & msg, MessageType type, int timeOutMs ) { // stop the pending timer if present if ( d->messageTimer ) d->messageTimer->stop(); // set background color based on message type switch ( type ) { case Info: d->messageLabel->setPaletteForegroundColor( palette().active().highlightedText() ); d->messageLabel->setPaletteBackgroundColor( palette().active().highlight() ); break; case Error: d->messageLabel->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::white ); d->messageLabel->setPaletteBackgroundColor( Qt::red ); break; default: slotResetMessageColors(); break; } // set text to messageLabel d->messageLabel->setText( msg ); // single shot the resetColors timer (and create it if null) d->messageTimer->start( timeOutMs, true ); } void NewStuffDialog::installItem( AvailableItem * item ) { // safety check if ( item->url().isEmpty() || item->destinationPath().isEmpty() ) { displayMessage( i18n("I don't know how to install this. Sorry, my fault."), Info ); return; } //TODO check for AvailableItem deletion! (avoid broken pointers) -> cancel old jobs slotDownloadItem( item ); } void NewStuffDialog::removeItem( AvailableItem * item ) { // safety check if ( item->destinationPath().isEmpty() ) { displayMessage( i18n("I don't know how to uninstall this. Sorry, my fault."), Info ); return; } // delete file and update item state KIO::NetAccess::del( item->destinationPath(), 0 ); item->setState( AvailableItem::Normal ); d->itemsView->updateItem( item ); // inform the user ... displayMessage( i18n("%1 is no more installed.", item->name() ) ); // ... and any listening object emit removedFile( item->name() ); } void NewStuffDialog::slotResetMessageColors() // SLOT { d->messageLabel->setPaletteForegroundColor( palette().active().text() ); d->messageLabel->setPaletteBackgroundColor( palette().active().background() ); } void NewStuffDialog::slotNetworkTimeout() // SLOT { displayMessage( i18n("Timeout. Check internet connection!"), Error ); } void NewStuffDialog::slotSortingSelected( int sortType ) // SLOT { d->itemsView->setSorting( sortType ); } //BEGIN ProvidersList Loading void NewStuffDialog::slotLoadProvidersList() { // delete an eventually pending job. note that this method should be called once! if ( d->providersListJob.job ) d->providersListJob.job->kill(); // create a job that will feed providersList data KIO::TransferJob * job = KIO::get( KUrl( PROVIDERS_URL ), false /*refetch*/, false /*progress*/ ); connect( job, SIGNAL( data( KIO::Job *, const QByteArray & ) ), this, SLOT( slotProvidersListInfoData( KIO::Job *, const QByteArray & ) ) ); connect( job, SIGNAL( result( KJob * ) ), this, SLOT( slotProvidersListResult( KJob * ) ) ); // create a job description and data holder d->providersListJob.job = job; d->providersListJob.receivedData = ""; // start the 'network watchdog timer' d->networkTimer->start( 10*1000, true /*single shot*/ ); // inform the user displayMessage( i18n("Loading providers list...") ); } void NewStuffDialog::slotProvidersListInfoData( KIO::Job * job, const QByteArray & data ) { // safety checks if ( job != d->providersListJob.job || data.isEmpty() ) return; // append the data buffer to the 'receivedData' string d->providersListJob.receivedData.append( QString::fromUtf8( data ) ); } void NewStuffDialog::slotProvidersListResult( KJob * job ) { // discard contents from older jobs if ( d->providersListJob.job != job ) return; // stop network watchdog d->networkTimer->stop(); // discard job pointer (will be deleted by itself) d->providersListJob.job = 0; // if there are no errors parse dom from xml data QDomDocument doc; if ( job->error() || d->providersListJob.receivedData.isEmpty() ) { displayMessage( i18n("Network: Error loading the list of providers!"), Error ); return; } else if ( d->providersListJob.receivedData.contains("404 Not Found") ) { displayMessage( i18n("Network: Can't find the list of providers!"), Error ); return; } else if ( !doc.setContent( d->providersListJob.receivedData ) ) { displayMessage( i18n("Problems reading the list of providers. Please retry later."), Info ); return; } // clear the current list of providers QList< Provider * >::iterator it = d->providers.begin(), iEnd = d->providers.end(); for ( ; it != iEnd; ++it ) delete *it; d->providers.clear(); d->typeCombo->clear(); // fill in the list of providers QDomNode providerNode = doc.documentElement().firstChild(); while ( !providerNode.isNull() ) { QDomElement elem = providerNode.toElement(); providerNode = providerNode.nextSibling(); if ( elem.tagName() == "provider" ) d->providers.append( new Provider( elem ) ); } // inform user about providers in the list if ( d->providers.count() < 1 ) { displayMessage( i18n("No providers available at the moment. Please retry later."), Info ); return; } else displayMessage( i18n("Loaded %1 providers", d->providers.count() ) ); // update the providers ComboBox for ( it = d->providers.begin(), iEnd = d->providers.end(); it != iEnd; ++it ) { const Provider * provider = *it; // provider icon: using local KIconLoader, not loading from remote url QIcon icon = DesktopIconSet( provider->icon().url(), 16 ); QString name = provider->name(); // insert provider in combo d->typeCombo->addItem( icon, name ); } // automatically load the first provider d->typeCombo->setEnabled( true ); d->typeCombo->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); QTimer::singleShot( 500, this, SLOT( slotLoadProvider() ) ); } //END ProvidersList Loading //BEGIN Provider contents Loading void NewStuffDialog::slotLoadProvider( int pNumber ) { // safety check if ( !d->typeCombo->isEnabled() || pNumber < 0 || pNumber >= (int)d->providers.count() ) { displayMessage( i18n("Error with this provider"), Error ); return; } // create a job that will feed provider data const Provider * provider = d->providers[ pNumber ]; KIO::TransferJob * job = KIO::get( provider->downloadUrl(), false /*refetch*/, false /*progress*/ ); connect( job, SIGNAL( data( KIO::Job *, const QByteArray & ) ), this, SLOT( slotProviderInfoData( KIO::Job *, const QByteArray & ) ) ); connect( job, SIGNAL( result( KJob * ) ), this, SLOT( slotProviderInfoResult( KJob * ) ) ); // create a job description and data holder ProviderJobInfo info; d->providerJobs[ job ] = info; // inform the user displayMessage( i18n( "Loading %1...", provider->name() ) ); // start the 'network watchdog timer' d->networkTimer->start( 30*1000, true /*single shot*/ ); // block any possible recourring calls while we're running d->typeCombo->setEnabled( false ); } void NewStuffDialog::slotProviderInfoData( KIO::Job * job, const QByteArray & data ) { // safety checks if ( data.isEmpty() || !d->providerJobs.contains( job ) ) return; // append the data buffer to the 'receivedData' string d->providerJobs[ job ].receivedData.append( QString::fromUtf8( data ) ); } void NewStuffDialog::slotProviderInfoResult( KJob * job ) { // stop network watchdog d->networkTimer->stop(); // enable gui controls d->typeCombo->setEnabled( true ); d->sortCombo->setEnabled( true ); // safety check if ( job->error() || !d->providerJobs.contains( job ) || d->providerJobs[ job ].receivedData.isEmpty() || d->providerJobs[ job ].receivedData.contains("404 Not Found") ) { d->providerJobs.remove( job ); displayMessage( i18n("Error loading provider description!"), Error ); return; } // build XML DOM from the received data QDomDocument doc; bool docOk = doc.setContent( d->providerJobs[ job ].receivedData ); d->providerJobs.remove( job ); if ( !docOk ) { displayMessage( i18n("Problems parsing provider description."), Info ); return; } // create AvailableItem(s) based on the knewstuff.dtd AvailableItem::List itemList; QDomNode stuffNode = doc.documentElement().firstChild(); while ( !stuffNode.isNull() ) { QDomElement elem = stuffNode.toElement(); stuffNode = stuffNode.nextSibling(); // WARNING: disabled the stuff type checking (use only in kate afaik) if ( elem.tagName() == "stuff" /*&& elem.attribute( "type", RES_TYPE ) == RES_TYPE*/ ) itemList.append( new AvailableItem( elem ) ); } // update the control widget and inform user about the current operation d->itemsView->setItems( itemList ); if ( itemList.count() ) displayMessage( i18n("There are %1 resources available.", itemList.count() ) ); else displayMessage( i18n("No resources available on this provider." ) ); } //END Provider contents loading //BEGIN File(s) Transferring void NewStuffDialog::slotDownloadItem( AvailableItem * item ) { // create a job that will download the file KIO::FileCopyJob * job = KIO::file_copy( item->url(), item->destinationPath(), -1 /*perms*/, true /*overwrite*/, false /*resume*/, false /*showProgressInfo*/ ); connect( job, SIGNAL( infoMessage( KIO::Job *, const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( slotItemMessage( KIO::Job *, const QString & ) ) ); connect( job, SIGNAL( percent ( KIO::Job *, unsigned long ) ), this, SLOT( slotItemPercentage( KIO::Job *, unsigned long ) ) ); connect( job, SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job * ) ), this, SLOT( slotItemResult( KIO::Job * ) ) ); // create a job description and data holder ItemTransferInfo info; info.item = item; d->transferJobs[ job ] = info; // update item status item->setState( AvailableItem::Installing ); item->setProgress( 0.0 ); d->itemsView->updateItem( item ); // inform the user displayMessage( i18n( "Installing '%1', this could take some time ...", item->name() ) ); } void NewStuffDialog::slotItemMessage( KIO::Job * job, const QString & message ) { // safety check if ( !d->transferJobs.contains( job ) ) return; // update item state AvailableItem * item = d->transferJobs[ job ].item; kDebug() << "Name: " << item->name() << " msg: '" << message << "'." << endl; d->itemsView->updateItem( item ); } void NewStuffDialog::slotItemPercentage( KIO::Job * job, unsigned long percent ) { // safety check if ( !d->transferJobs.contains( job ) ) return; // update item state AvailableItem * item = d->transferJobs[ job ].item; item->setProgress( (float)percent / 100.0 ); d->itemsView->updateItem( item ); } void NewStuffDialog::slotItemResult( KIO::Job * job ) { // safety check if ( !d->transferJobs.contains( job ) ) return; // get item and remove job AvailableItem * item = d->transferJobs[ job ].item; d->transferJobs.remove( job ); // error handling if ( job->error() ) { displayMessage( i18n( "Network error while retrieving %1. Installation cancelled.", item->name() ), Error ); return; } // update item state item->setState( AvailableItem::Normal ); item->setProgress( 100.0 ); d->itemsView->updateItem( item ); /* UNCOMPRESS (specify uncompression method) KTar tar( fileName, "application/x-gzip" ); tar.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ); const KArchiveDirectory *dir = tar.directory(); dir->copyTo( "somedir" ); tar.close(); QFile::remove( fileName ); */ /* EXECUTE (specify the 'cmd' command) QStringList list = QStringList::split( " ", cmd ), list2; for ( QStringList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); it++ ) list2 << (*it).replace("%f", fileName); KProcess proc; proc << list2; proc.start( KProcess::Block ); */ // inform the user ... displayMessage( i18n( "Installed! %1 is yours now.", item->name() ), Info ); // ... and any listening object emit installedFile( item->name(), item->category() ); } //END File(s) Transferring #include "newstuff.moc"