/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Enrico Ros * * Copyright (C) 2004-2007 by Albert Astals Cid * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _OKULAR_DOCUMENT_P_H_ #define _OKULAR_DOCUMENT_P_H_ #include "document.h" // qt/kde/system includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // local includes #include "fontinfo.h" #include "generator.h" class QUndoStack; class QEventLoop; class QFile; class QTimer; class KTemporaryFile; struct AllocatedPixmap; struct ArchiveData; struct RunningSearch; namespace Okular { class ConfigInterface; class PageController; class SaveInterface; class Scripter; class View; } struct GeneratorInfo { GeneratorInfo( const KComponentData &_data ) : generator( 0 ), data( _data ), config( 0 ), save( 0 ), configChecked( false ), saveChecked( false ) {} Okular::Generator * generator; KComponentData data; QString catalogName; Okular::ConfigInterface * config; Okular::SaveInterface * save; bool configChecked : 1; bool saveChecked : 1; }; namespace Okular { class FontExtractionThread; struct DoContinueDirectionMatchSearchStruct { QSet< int > *pagesToNotify; RegularAreaRect *match; int currentPage; int searchID; }; enum LoadDocumentInfoFlag { LoadNone = 0, LoadPageInfo = 1, // Load annotations and forms LoadGeneralInfo = 2, // History, rotation, ... LoadAllInfo = 0xff }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(LoadDocumentInfoFlags, LoadDocumentInfoFlag) class DocumentPrivate { public: DocumentPrivate( Document *parent ) : m_parent( parent ), m_tempFile( 0 ), m_docSize( -1 ), m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory( 0 ), m_maxAllocatedTextPages( 0 ), m_warnedOutOfMemory( false ), m_rotation( Rotation0 ), m_exportCached( false ), m_bookmarkManager( 0 ), m_memCheckTimer( 0 ), m_saveBookmarksTimer( 0 ), m_generator( 0 ), m_generatorsLoaded( false ), m_pageController( 0 ), m_closingLoop( 0 ), m_scripter( 0 ), m_archiveData( 0 ), m_fontsCached( false ), m_annotationEditingEnabled ( true ), m_annotationBeingMoved( false ) { calculateMaxTextPages(); } // private methods bool updateMetadataXmlNameAndDocSize(); QString pagesSizeString() const; QString namePaperSize(double inchesWidth, double inchesHeight) const; QString localizedSize(const QSizeF &size) const; qulonglong calculateMemoryToFree(); void cleanupPixmapMemory(); void cleanupPixmapMemory( qulonglong memoryToFree ); AllocatedPixmap * searchLowestPriorityPixmap( bool unloadableOnly = false, bool thenRemoveIt = false, DocumentObserver *observer = 0 /* any */ ); void calculateMaxTextPages(); qulonglong getTotalMemory(); qulonglong getFreeMemory( qulonglong *freeSwap = 0 ); void loadDocumentInfo( LoadDocumentInfoFlags loadWhat ); void loadDocumentInfo( QFile &infoFile, LoadDocumentInfoFlags loadWhat ); void loadViewsInfo( View *view, const QDomElement &e ); void saveViewsInfo( View *view, QDomElement &e ) const; QString giveAbsolutePath( const QString & fileName ) const; bool openRelativeFile( const QString & fileName ); Generator * loadGeneratorLibrary( const KService::Ptr &service ); void loadAllGeneratorLibraries(); void loadServiceList( const KService::List& offers ); void unloadGenerator( const GeneratorInfo& info ); void cacheExportFormats(); void setRotationInternal( int r, bool notify ); ConfigInterface* generatorConfig( GeneratorInfo& info ); SaveInterface* generatorSave( GeneratorInfo& info ); Document::OpenResult openDocumentInternal( const KService::Ptr& offer, bool isstdin, const QString& docFile, const QByteArray& filedata, const QString& password ); static ArchiveData *unpackDocumentArchive( const QString &archivePath ); bool savePageDocumentInfo( KTemporaryFile *infoFile, int what ) const; DocumentViewport nextDocumentViewport() const; void notifyAnnotationChanges( int page ); void notifyFormChanges( int page ); bool canAddAnnotationsNatively() const; bool canModifyExternalAnnotations() const; bool canRemoveExternalAnnotations() const; OKULAR_EXPORT static QString docDataFileName(const KUrl &url, qint64 document_size); // Methods that implement functionality needed by undo commands void performAddPageAnnotation( int page, Annotation *annotation ); void performRemovePageAnnotation( int page, Annotation * annotation ); void performModifyPageAnnotation( int page, Annotation * annotation, bool appearanceChanged ); void performSetAnnotationContents( const QString & newContents, Annotation *annot, int pageNumber ); // private slots void saveDocumentInfo() const; void slotTimedMemoryCheck(); void sendGeneratorPixmapRequest(); void rotationFinished( int page, Okular::Page *okularPage ); void fontReadingProgress( int page ); void fontReadingGotFont( const Okular::FontInfo& font ); void slotGeneratorConfigChanged( const QString& ); void refreshPixmaps( int ); void _o_configChanged(); void doContinueDirectionMatchSearch(void *doContinueDirectionMatchSearchStruct); void doContinueAllDocumentSearch(void *pagesToNotifySet, void *pageMatchesMap, int currentPage, int searchID); void doContinueGooglesDocumentSearch(void *pagesToNotifySet, void *pageMatchesMap, int currentPage, int searchID, const QStringList & words); void doProcessSearchMatch( RegularAreaRect *match, RunningSearch *search, QSet< int > *pagesToNotify, int currentPage, int searchID, bool moveViewport, const QColor & color ); // generators stuff /** * This method is used by the generators to signal the finish of * the pixmap generation @p request. */ void requestDone( PixmapRequest * request ); void textGenerationDone( Page *page ); /** * Sets the bounding box of the given @p page (in terms of upright orientation, i.e., Rotation0). */ void setPageBoundingBox( int page, const NormalizedRect& boundingBox ); /** * Request a particular metadata of the Document itself (ie, not something * depending on the document type/backend). */ QVariant documentMetaData( const QString &key, const QVariant &option ) const; /** * Return whether the normalized rectangle @p rectOfInterest on page number @p rectPage * is fully visible. */ bool isNormalizedRectangleFullyVisible( const Okular::NormalizedRect & rectOfInterest, int rectPage ); // member variables Document *m_parent; QPointer m_widget; // find descriptors, mapped by ID (we handle multiple searches) QMap< int, RunningSearch * > m_searches; bool m_searchCancelled; // needed because for remote documents docFileName is a local file and // we want the remote url when the document refers to relativeNames KUrl m_url; // cached stuff QString m_docFileName; QString m_xmlFileName; KTemporaryFile *m_tempFile; qint64 m_docSize; // viewport stuff QLinkedList< DocumentViewport > m_viewportHistory; QLinkedList< DocumentViewport >::iterator m_viewportIterator; DocumentViewport m_nextDocumentViewport; // see Link::Goto for an explanation QString m_nextDocumentDestination; // observers / requests / allocator stuff QSet< DocumentObserver * > m_observers; QLinkedList< PixmapRequest * > m_pixmapRequestsStack; QLinkedList< PixmapRequest * > m_executingPixmapRequests; QMutex m_pixmapRequestsMutex; QLinkedList< AllocatedPixmap * > m_allocatedPixmaps; qulonglong m_allocatedPixmapsTotalMemory; QList< int > m_allocatedTextPagesFifo; int m_maxAllocatedTextPages; bool m_warnedOutOfMemory; // the rotation applied to the document Rotation m_rotation; // the current size of the pages (if available), and the cache of the // available page sizes PageSize m_pageSize; PageSize::List m_pageSizes; // cache of the export formats bool m_exportCached; ExportFormat::List m_exportFormats; ExportFormat m_exportToText; // our bookmark manager BookmarkManager *m_bookmarkManager; // timers (memory checking / info saver) QTimer *m_memCheckTimer; QTimer *m_saveBookmarksTimer; QHash m_loadedGenerators; Generator * m_generator; QString m_generatorName; bool m_generatorsLoaded; QVector< Page * > m_pagesVector; QVector< VisiblePageRect * > m_pageRects; // cache of the mimetype we support QStringList m_supportedMimeTypes; PageController *m_pageController; QEventLoop *m_closingLoop; Scripter *m_scripter; ArchiveData *m_archiveData; QString m_archivedFileName; QPointer< FontExtractionThread > m_fontThread; bool m_fontsCached; QSet m_documentInfoAskedKeys; DocumentInfo m_documentInfo; FontInfo::List m_fontsCache; QSet< View * > m_views; bool m_annotationEditingEnabled; bool m_annotationBeingMoved; // is an annotation currently being moved? bool m_metadataLoadingCompleted; QUndoStack *m_undoStack; QDomNode m_prevPropsOfAnnotBeingModified; }; class DocumentInfoPrivate { public: QMap values; // key -> value QMap titles; // key -> title For the custom keys }; } #endif /* kate: replace-tabs on; indent-width 4; */