diff --git a/kpdf/TODO b/kpdf/TODO index 6f8c6366e..76d1b51ff 100644 --- a/kpdf/TODO +++ b/kpdf/TODO @@ -7,21 +7,20 @@ Legend: (*) - Some parts of this item are already done In progress on the branch (first item comes first): --> FIX: rework PageView (QScrollView) to gain speed and reduce memory consumption +-> ADD: composted renderer [30% done] +-> FIX: rework PageView (QScrollView) to gain speed and reduce memory consumption [65% done] + the current behavior, using a large scrollview and the clipper is *Very* bad, wasting + repaints everywhere, even in widgets that get hidden. Need to solve this on its roots, a paintEvent patch + solves this but is a bad way to solve this. -> ADD: reading aids (accessibility) [settings config done while now] -> ADD: click over image allows "save image" (and display rect around image too) [50% done] -> ADD: viewport changes the right way when clicking links [30% done] Things to do in order to merge in HEAD (first item has highest priority): --> VERY IMPORTANT: (1.5 to 3.0 speed LOSS!!) rework QScrollView internals to NOT generate paint events on - invisible widgets. the current behavior, using a large scrollview and the clipper is *Very* bad, wasting - repaints everywhere, even in widgets that get hidden. Need to solve this on its roots, a paintEvent patch - solves this but is a bad way to solve this. -> memory manager with different profiles (mem/cpu tradeoff: {memory saving, normal, memory aggressive}) --> minimize PageView's reLayout and requestPixmaps on changes -> this may be postponed after merge: implementing async document generator using Albert's generator thread --> pageview: fix keys/mouse navigation in both single/continous modes [60% done] --> new icons (contest at kde-look that will end in 2004-Oct-XX) +-> this may be postponed after merge: albert: printing in a good way +-> new icons (contest at kde-look has ended and we know the winner. good choice :-) -> take care of naming on merge, too differences (remove some kpdf_* prefixes and rename internals toodocument->kpdfdocument)