
5062 lines
199 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it> *
2013-03-14 22:09:07 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 by Albert Astals Cid <aacid@kde.org> *
* *
* With portions of code from kpdf/kpdf_pagewidget.cc by: *
* Copyright (C) 2002 by Wilco Greven <greven@kde.org> *
* Copyright (C) 2003 by Christophe Devriese *
* <Christophe.Devriese@student.kuleuven.ac.be> *
* Copyright (C) 2003 by Laurent Montel <montel@kde.org> *
* Copyright (C) 2003 by Dirk Mueller <mueller@kde.org> *
* Copyright (C) 2004 by James Ots <kde@jamesots.com> *
* Copyright (C) 2011 by Jiri Baum - NICTA <jiri@baum.com.au> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include "pageview.h"
// qt/kde includes
2014-09-11 19:12:27 +00:00
#include <QtCore/qloggingcategory.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
#include <qevent.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qset.h>
#include <qscrollbar.h>
#include <qtooltip.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qclipboard.h>
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
#include <qmenu.h>
#include <QInputDialog>
#include <qdesktopwidget.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kactionmenu.h>
#include <kstandardaction.h>
#include <kactioncollection.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kselectaction.h>
#include <ktoggleaction.h>
2014-09-11 19:12:27 +00:00
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <kdeversion.h>
- Page/Link: tooltips for links backported - Page: rotation does not switch height and width - Document/Part/Generator: 1. Add API for attaching stuff to the interface: ActionCollection and the Navigation Panel also add possibility to merge an XML .rc file with menu layout. Relevant functions are: QString Generator::getXMLFile(), returns a QString with your .rc file name. void Generator::setupGUI (KActionCollection* , QToolbox* ), add your components to the user interface 2. Supporting backend settings: If during startup, backends which provide a configuration ([X-KDE-oKularHasInternalSettings] set to true) are found, a menu item: configure backends is created, clicking on it results in loading all the generators that have settings, but not those that dont. the Generator::addPages(KConfigDialog *dlg) function should be overloaded by a generator and dlg->addPage should be used to add pages. If a user opens a file that needs an already loaded generator, the already loaded one is used instead of loading another. 3. Error/Warning/Notice sending support, to send a notice/error/warning, add a relevant notice/error/warning(QString& txt ,int duration) to the generator class, and sending a message to the user is as simple as emitting a signal! 4. Intercepting of events generated by the PageView is done by Generator::handleEvent(QEvent*), subclass it, do a switch on QEvent::type(), handle your event and return true if pageview is to proceed with its handling or false if not. 5. Support configuring the KPrinter on the generator side, use Generator::canConfigurePrinter(), return true there, and you get a nonconfigured KPrinter in your Generator::print() 6. PixmapRequest handling update: a.) Generator::canGeneratePixmap is now Generator::canGeneratePixmap(bool async) b.) Document::sendGeneratorRequests is a slot now c.) Old way of sending pixmaps (Document::requestPixmaps(QValueList<PixmapRequest*> checking if we can generate pixmap if not, waiting for receiving) is replaced with: requestPixmaps only queues the pixmap all checking if w can generate is done in sendGeneratorReqest, the sendGeneratorRequest is run in three places: 1. in requestPixmaps when we receive a request 2. in requestDone if pixmapStack is not empty 3. sendGeneratorRequest, apart from removing invalid requests, takes the current request and if generator canGeratePixmap(request->async) it removes the pixmap from stack and sends to generator if not, QTimer::singleshots to itself after 20ms, it ends when stack has no valid pixmap request 7. Added a commented out zoom field to PixmapGenerator, mightcome in handy sometime - TextPage: add instructions that handle simplyfing the RegularAreaRect, no more double painted borders in selection rectangles, this rocks. svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/oKular/kpdf/; revision=445196
2005-08-10 16:14:39 +00:00
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kicon.h>
#include <kurifilter.h>
#include <kstringhandler.h>
#include <ktoolinvocation.h>
#include <krun.h>
// system includes
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// local includes
2014-09-11 19:12:27 +00:00
#include "debug_ui.h"
#include "formwidgets.h"
#include "pageviewutils.h"
#include "pagepainter.h"
#include "core/annotations.h"
#include "annotwindow.h"
#include "guiutils.h"
#include "annotationpopup.h"
#include "pageviewannotator.h"
#include "priorities.h"
#include "toolaction.h"
//#include "tts.h"
#include "videowidget.h"
#include "core/action.h"
#include "core/area.h"
#include "core/document_p.h"
#include "core/form.h"
#include "core/page.h"
#include "core/misc.h"
#include "core/generator.h"
#include "core/movie.h"
2013-10-22 16:08:17 +00:00
#include "core/audioplayer.h"
#include "core/sourcereference.h"
#include "core/tile.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "settings_core.h"
#include "url_utils.h"
2014-02-24 22:42:10 +00:00
#include "magnifierview.h"
static const int pageflags = PagePainter::Accessibility | PagePainter::EnhanceLinks |
PagePainter::EnhanceImages | PagePainter::Highlights |
PagePainter::TextSelection | PagePainter::Annotations;
static const float kZoomValues[] = { 0.12, 0.25, 0.33, 0.50, 0.66, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 4.00, 8.00, 16.00 };
static inline double normClamp( double value, double def )
return ( value < 0.0 || value > 1.0 ) ? def : value;
struct TableSelectionPart {
PageViewItem * item;
Okular::NormalizedRect rectInItem;
Okular::NormalizedRect rectInSelection;
TableSelectionPart(PageViewItem * item_p, const Okular::NormalizedRect &rectInItem_p, const Okular::NormalizedRect &rectInSelection_p);
TableSelectionPart::TableSelectionPart( PageViewItem * item_p, const Okular::NormalizedRect &rectInItem_p, const Okular::NormalizedRect &rectInSelection_p)
: item ( item_p ), rectInItem (rectInItem_p), rectInSelection (rectInSelection_p)
// structure used internally by PageView for data storage
class PageViewPrivate
PageViewPrivate( PageView *qq );
FormWidgetsController* formWidgetsController();
// OkularTTS* tts();
QString selectedText() const;
// the document, pageviewItems and the 'visible cache'
PageView *q;
Okular::Document * document;
QVector< PageViewItem * > items;
QLinkedList< PageViewItem * > visibleItems;
2014-02-24 22:42:10 +00:00
MagnifierView *magnifierView;
// view layout (columns and continuous in Settings), zoom and mouse
PageView::ZoomMode zoomMode;
float zoomFactor;
QPoint mouseGrabPos;
QPoint mousePressPos;
QPoint mouseSelectPos;
int mouseMidLastY;
bool mouseSelecting;
QRect mouseSelectionRect;
QColor mouseSelectionColor;
bool mouseTextSelecting;
QSet< int > pagesWithTextSelection;
bool mouseOnRect;
Okular::Annotation * mouseAnn;
QPoint mouseAnnPos;
int mouseAnnPageNum;
// table selection
QList<double> tableSelectionCols;
QList<double> tableSelectionRows;
QList<TableSelectionPart> tableSelectionParts;
bool tableDividersGuessed;
// viewport move
bool viewportMoveActive;
QTime viewportMoveTime;
QPoint viewportMoveDest;
int lastSourceLocationViewportPageNumber;
double lastSourceLocationViewportNormalizedX;
double lastSourceLocationViewportNormalizedY;
QTimer * viewportMoveTimer;
// auto scroll
int scrollIncrement;
QTimer * autoScrollTimer;
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
// annotations
PageViewAnnotator * annotator;
//text annotation dialogs list
QHash< Okular::Annotation *, AnnotWindow * > m_annowindows;
// other stuff
QTimer * delayResizeEventTimer;
bool dirtyLayout;
bool blockViewport; // prevents changes to viewport
bool blockPixmapsRequest; // prevent pixmap requests
PageViewMessage * messageWindow; // in pageviewutils.h
bool m_formsVisible;
FormWidgetsController *formsWidgetController;
// OkularTTS * m_tts;
QTimer * refreshTimer;
int refreshPage;
// infinite resizing loop prevention
bool verticalScrollBarVisible;
bool horizontalScrollBarVisible;
// drag scroll
QPoint dragScrollVector;
QTimer dragScrollTimer;
// left click depress
QTimer leftClickTimer;
// actions
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QAction * aRotateClockwise;
QAction * aRotateCounterClockwise;
QAction * aRotateOriginal;
KSelectAction * aPageSizes;
KToggleAction * aTrimMargins;
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QAction * aMouseNormal;
QAction * aMouseSelect;
QAction * aMouseTextSelect;
QAction * aMouseTableSelect;
QAction * aMouseMagnifier;
KToggleAction * aToggleAnnotator;
KSelectAction * aZoom;
2014-08-10 12:08:47 +00:00
QAction * aZoomIn;
QAction * aZoomOut;
KToggleAction * aZoomFitWidth;
KToggleAction * aZoomFitPage;
KToggleAction * aZoomAutoFit;
KActionMenu * aViewMode;
KToggleAction * aViewContinuous;
QAction * aPrevAction;
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QAction * aToggleForms;
QAction * aSpeakDoc;
QAction * aSpeakPage;
QAction * aSpeakStop;
KActionCollection * actionCollection;
QActionGroup * mouseModeActionGroup;
int setting_viewCols;
// Keep track of whether tablet pen is currently pressed down
bool penDown;
PageViewPrivate::PageViewPrivate( PageView *qq )
: q( qq )
FormWidgetsController* PageViewPrivate::formWidgetsController()
if ( !formsWidgetController )
formsWidgetController = new FormWidgetsController( document );
QObject::connect( formsWidgetController, SIGNAL( changed( int ) ),
q, SLOT( slotFormChanged( int ) ) );
QObject::connect( formsWidgetController, SIGNAL( action( Okular::Action* ) ),
q, SLOT( slotAction( Okular::Action* ) ) );
return formsWidgetController;
//OkularTTS* PageViewPrivate::tts()
// if ( !m_tts )
// {
// m_tts = new OkularTTS( q );
// if ( aSpeakStop )
// {
// QObject::connect( m_tts, SIGNAL(hasSpeechs(bool)),
// aSpeakStop, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)) );
// QObject::connect( m_tts, SIGNAL(errorMessage(QString)),
// q, SLOT(errorMessage(QString)) );
// }
// }
// return m_tts;
/* PageView. What's in this file? -> quick overview.
* Code weight (in rows) and meaning:
* 160 - constructor and creating actions plus their connected slots (empty stuff)
* 70 - DocumentObserver inherited methodes (important)
* 550 - events: mouse, keyboard, drag
* 170 - slotRelayoutPages: set contents of the scrollview on continuous/single modes
* 100 - zoom: zooming pages in different ways, keeping update the toolbar actions, etc..
* other misc functions: only slotRequestVisiblePixmaps and pickItemOnPoint noticeable,
* and many insignificant stuff like this comment :-)
PageView::PageView( QWidget *parent, Okular::Document *document )
: QAbstractScrollArea( parent )
, Okular::View( QString::fromLatin1( "PageView" ) )
// create and initialize private storage structure
d = new PageViewPrivate( this );
d->document = document;
d->aRotateClockwise = 0;
d->aRotateCounterClockwise = 0;
d->aRotateOriginal = 0;
d->aViewMode = 0;
d->zoomMode = PageView::ZoomFitWidth;
d->zoomFactor = 1.0;
d->mouseSelecting = false;
d->mouseTextSelecting = false;
d->mouseOnRect = false;
d->mouseAnn = 0;
d->tableDividersGuessed = false;
d->viewportMoveActive = false;
d->lastSourceLocationViewportPageNumber = -1;
d->lastSourceLocationViewportNormalizedX = 0.0;
d->lastSourceLocationViewportNormalizedY = 0.0;
d->viewportMoveTimer = 0;
d->scrollIncrement = 0;
d->autoScrollTimer = 0;
d->annotator = 0;
d->dirtyLayout = false;
d->blockViewport = false;
d->blockPixmapsRequest = false;
d->messageWindow = new PageViewMessage(this);
d->m_formsVisible = false;
d->formsWidgetController = 0;
// d->m_tts = 0;
d->refreshTimer = 0;
d->refreshPage = -1;
d->aRotateClockwise = 0;
d->aRotateCounterClockwise = 0;
d->aRotateOriginal = 0;
d->aPageSizes = 0;
d->aTrimMargins = 0;
d->aMouseNormal = 0;
d->aMouseSelect = 0;
d->aMouseTextSelect = 0;
d->aToggleAnnotator = 0;
d->aZoomFitWidth = 0;
d->aZoomFitPage = 0;
d->aZoomAutoFit = 0;
d->aViewMode = 0;
d->aViewContinuous = 0;
d->aPrevAction = 0;
d->aToggleForms = 0;
d->aSpeakDoc = 0;
d->aSpeakPage = 0;
d->aSpeakStop = 0;
d->actionCollection = 0;
d->setting_viewCols = Okular::Settings::viewColumns();
d->mouseModeActionGroup = 0;
d->penDown = false;
2014-03-05 06:24:47 +00:00
d->aMouseMagnifier = 0;
2011-09-28 21:55:54 +00:00
switch( Okular::Settings::zoomMode() )
case 0:
d->zoomFactor = 1;
d->zoomMode = PageView::ZoomFixed;
case 1:
d->zoomMode = PageView::ZoomFitWidth;
case 2:
d->zoomMode = PageView::ZoomFitPage;
case 3:
d->zoomMode = PageView::ZoomFitAuto;
d->delayResizeEventTimer = new QTimer( this );
d->delayResizeEventTimer->setSingleShot( true );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->delayResizeEventTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(delayedResizeEvent()) );
setAttribute( Qt::WA_StaticContents );
setObjectName( QLatin1String( "okular::pageView" ) );
// viewport setup: setup focus, and track mouse
viewport()->setFocusProxy( this );
viewport()->setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus );
viewport()->setAttribute( Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent );
viewport()->setAttribute( Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground );
viewport()->setMouseTracking( true );
viewport()->setAutoFillBackground( false );
// the apparently "magic" value of 20 is the same used internally in QScrollArea
verticalScrollBar()->setSingleStep( 20 );
horizontalScrollBar()->setSingleStep( 20 );
// conntect the padding of the viewport to pixmaps requests
connect(horizontalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotRequestVisiblePixmaps(int)));
connect(verticalScrollBar(), SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotRequestVisiblePixmaps(int)));
connect( &d->dragScrollTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotDragScroll()) );
d->leftClickTimer.setSingleShot( true );
connect( &d->leftClickTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotShowSizeAllCursor()) );
// set a corner button to resize the view to the page size
// QPushButton * resizeButton = new QPushButton( viewport() );
// resizeButton->setPixmap( SmallIcon("crop") );
// setCornerWidget( resizeButton );
// resizeButton->setEnabled( false );
// connect(...);
setAttribute( Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled, true );
2014-02-24 22:42:10 +00:00
d->magnifierView = new MagnifierView(document, this);
d->magnifierView->setGeometry(0, 0, 351, 201); // TODO: more dynamic?
2014-02-24 22:42:10 +00:00
connect(document, SIGNAL(processMovieAction(const Okular::MovieAction*)), this, SLOT(slotProcessMovieAction(const Okular::MovieAction*)));
connect(document, SIGNAL(processRenditionAction(const Okular::RenditionAction*)), this, SLOT(slotProcessRenditionAction(const Okular::RenditionAction*)));
// schedule the welcome message
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotShowWelcome", Qt::QueuedConnection);
// if ( d->m_tts )
// d->m_tts->stopAllSpeechs();
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
// delete the local storage structure
// We need to assign it to a different list otherwise slotAnnotationWindowDestroyed
// will bite us and clear d->m_annowindows
QHash< Okular::Annotation *, AnnotWindow * > annowindows = d->m_annowindows;
qDeleteAll( annowindows );
// delete all widgets
QVector< PageViewItem * >::const_iterator dIt = d->items.constBegin(), dEnd = d->items.constEnd();
for ( ; dIt != dEnd; ++dIt )
delete *dIt;
delete d->formsWidgetController;
d->document->removeObserver( this );
delete d;
void PageView::setupBaseActions( KActionCollection * ac )
d->actionCollection = ac;
// Zoom actions ( higher scales takes lots of memory! )
2014-08-13 09:54:49 +00:00
d->aZoom = new KSelectAction(QIcon::fromTheme( "page-zoom" ), i18n("Zoom"), this);
ac->addAction("zoom_to", d->aZoom );
d->aZoom->setEditable( true );
d->aZoom->setMaxComboViewCount( 14 );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->aZoom, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(slotZoom()) );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
d->aZoomIn = KStandardAction::zoomIn( this, SLOT(slotZoomIn()), ac );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
d->aZoomOut = KStandardAction::zoomOut( this, SLOT(slotZoomOut()), ac );
void PageView::setupViewerActions( KActionCollection * ac )
d->actionCollection = ac;
d->aZoomIn->setShortcut( QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_Plus) );
d->aZoomOut->setShortcut( QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_Minus) );
// orientation menu actions
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
d->aRotateClockwise = new QAction( QIcon::fromTheme( "object-rotate-right" ), i18n( "Rotate &Right" ), this );
d->aRotateClockwise->setIconText( i18nc( "Rotate right", "Right" ) );
ac->addAction( "view_orientation_rotate_cw", d->aRotateClockwise );
d->aRotateClockwise->setEnabled( false );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->aRotateClockwise, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotRotateClockwise()) );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
d->aRotateCounterClockwise = new QAction( QIcon::fromTheme( "object-rotate-left" ), i18n( "Rotate &Left" ), this );
d->aRotateCounterClockwise->setIconText( i18nc( "Rotate left", "Left" ) );
ac->addAction( "view_orientation_rotate_ccw", d->aRotateCounterClockwise );
d->aRotateCounterClockwise->setEnabled( false );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->aRotateCounterClockwise, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotRotateCounterClockwise()) );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
d->aRotateOriginal = new QAction( i18n( "Original Orientation" ), this );
ac->addAction( "view_orientation_original", d->aRotateOriginal );
d->aRotateOriginal->setEnabled( false );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->aRotateOriginal, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotRotateOriginal()) );
d->aPageSizes = new KSelectAction(i18n("&Page Size"), this);
ac->addAction("view_pagesizes", d->aPageSizes);
d->aPageSizes->setEnabled( false );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->aPageSizes , SIGNAL(triggered(int)),
this, SLOT(slotPageSizes(int)) );
d->aTrimMargins = new KToggleAction( i18n( "&Trim Margins" ), this );
ac->addAction("view_trim_margins", d->aTrimMargins );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->aTrimMargins, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotTrimMarginsToggled(bool)) );
d->aTrimMargins->setChecked( Okular::Settings::trimMargins() );
2014-08-13 09:54:49 +00:00
d->aZoomFitWidth = new KToggleAction(QIcon::fromTheme( "zoom-fit-width" ), i18n("Fit &Width"), this);
ac->addAction("view_fit_to_width", d->aZoomFitWidth );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->aZoomFitWidth, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotFitToWidthToggled(bool)) );
2014-08-13 09:54:49 +00:00
d->aZoomFitPage = new KToggleAction(QIcon::fromTheme( "zoom-fit-best" ), i18n("Fit &Page"), this);
ac->addAction("view_fit_to_page", d->aZoomFitPage );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->aZoomFitPage, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotFitToPageToggled(bool)) );
2014-08-13 09:54:49 +00:00
d->aZoomAutoFit = new KToggleAction(QIcon::fromTheme( "zoom-fit-best" ), i18n("&Auto Fit"), this);
ac->addAction("view_auto_fit", d->aZoomAutoFit );
connect( d->aZoomAutoFit, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotAutoFitToggled(bool)) );
// View-Layout actions
2014-08-13 09:54:49 +00:00
d->aViewMode = new KActionMenu( QIcon::fromTheme( "view-split-left-right" ), i18n( "&View Mode" ), this );
d->aViewMode->setDelayed( false );
#define ADD_VIEWMODE_ACTION( text, name, id ) \
do { \
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QAction *vm = new QAction( text, this ); \
vm->setMenu( d->aViewMode->menu() ); \
vm->setCheckable( true ); \
vm->setData( qVariantFromValue( id ) ); \
d->aViewMode->addAction( vm ); \
ac->addAction( name, vm ); \
vmGroup->addAction( vm ); \
} while( 0 )
ac->addAction("view_render_mode", d->aViewMode );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QActionGroup *vmGroup = new QActionGroup( this ); //d->aViewMode->menu() );
ADD_VIEWMODE_ACTION( i18n( "Single Page" ), "view_render_mode_single", (int)Okular::Settings::EnumViewMode::Single );
ADD_VIEWMODE_ACTION( i18n( "Facing Pages" ), "view_render_mode_facing", (int)Okular::Settings::EnumViewMode::Facing );
ADD_VIEWMODE_ACTION( i18n( "Facing Pages (Center First Page)" ), "view_render_mode_facing_center_first", (int)Okular::Settings::EnumViewMode::FacingFirstCentered );
ADD_VIEWMODE_ACTION( i18n( "Overview" ), "view_render_mode_overview", (int)Okular::Settings::EnumViewMode::Summary );
const QList<QAction *> viewModeActions = d->aViewMode->menu()->actions();
foreach(QAction *viewModeAction, viewModeActions)
if (viewModeAction->data().toInt() == Okular::Settings::viewMode())
viewModeAction->setChecked( true );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( vmGroup, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(slotViewMode(QAction*)) );
2014-08-13 09:54:49 +00:00
d->aViewContinuous = new KToggleAction(QIcon::fromTheme( "view-list-text" ), i18n("&Continuous"), this);
ac->addAction("view_continuous", d->aViewContinuous );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->aViewContinuous, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotContinuousToggled(bool)) );
d->aViewContinuous->setChecked( Okular::Settings::viewContinuous() );
// Mouse mode actions for viewer mode
d->mouseModeActionGroup = new QActionGroup( this );
d->mouseModeActionGroup->setExclusive( true );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
d->aMouseNormal = new QAction( QIcon::fromTheme( "input-mouse" ), i18n( "&Browse Tool" ), this );
ac->addAction("mouse_drag", d->aMouseNormal );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->aMouseNormal, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotSetMouseNormal()) );
d->aMouseNormal->setIconText( i18nc( "Browse Tool", "Browse" ) );
d->aMouseNormal->setCheckable( true );
d->aMouseNormal->setShortcut( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_1 );
d->aMouseNormal->setActionGroup( d->mouseModeActionGroup );
d->aMouseNormal->setChecked( Okular::Settings::mouseMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Browse );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QAction * mz = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme( "page-zoom" ), i18n("&Zoom Tool"), this);
ac->addAction("mouse_zoom", mz );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( mz, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotSetMouseZoom()) );
mz->setIconText( i18nc( "Zoom Tool", "Zoom" ) );
mz->setCheckable( true );
mz->setShortcut( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_2 );
mz->setActionGroup( d->mouseModeActionGroup );
mz->setChecked( Okular::Settings::mouseMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Zoom );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QAction * aToggleChangeColors = new QAction(i18n("&Toggle Change Colors"), this);
2013-10-27 12:05:45 +00:00
ac->addAction("toggle_change_colors", aToggleChangeColors );
connect( aToggleChangeColors, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotToggleChangeColors()) );
// WARNING: 'setupViewerActions' must have been called before this method
void PageView::setupActions( KActionCollection * ac )
d->actionCollection = ac;
2014-08-10 12:08:47 +00:00
d->aZoomIn->setShortcut( QKeySequence(QKeySequence::ZoomIn) );
d->aZoomOut->setShortcut( QKeySequence(QKeySequence::ZoomOut) );
// Mouse-Mode actions
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
d->aMouseSelect = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme( "select-rectangular" ), i18n("&Selection Tool"), this);
ac->addAction("mouse_select", d->aMouseSelect );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->aMouseSelect, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotSetMouseSelect()) );
d->aMouseSelect->setIconText( i18nc( "Select Tool", "Selection" ) );
d->aMouseSelect->setCheckable( true );
d->aMouseSelect->setShortcut( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_3 );
d->aMouseSelect->setActionGroup( d->mouseModeActionGroup );
d->aMouseSelect->setChecked( Okular::Settings::mouseMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::RectSelect );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
d->aMouseTextSelect = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme( "draw-text" ), i18n("&Text Selection Tool"), this);
ac->addAction("mouse_textselect", d->aMouseTextSelect );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->aMouseTextSelect, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotSetMouseTextSelect()) );
d->aMouseTextSelect->setIconText( i18nc( "Text Selection Tool", "Text Selection" ) );
d->aMouseTextSelect->setCheckable( true );
d->aMouseTextSelect->setShortcut( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_4 );
d->aMouseTextSelect->setActionGroup( d->mouseModeActionGroup );
d->aMouseTextSelect->setChecked( Okular::Settings::mouseMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::TextSelect );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
d->aMouseTableSelect = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme( "table" ), i18n("T&able Selection Tool"), this);
ac->addAction("mouse_tableselect", d->aMouseTableSelect );
connect( d->aMouseTableSelect, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( slotSetMouseTableSelect() ) );
d->aMouseTableSelect->setIconText( i18nc( "Table Selection Tool", "Table Selection" ) );
d->aMouseTableSelect->setCheckable( true );
d->aMouseTableSelect->setShortcut( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_5 );
d->aMouseTableSelect->setActionGroup( d->mouseModeActionGroup );
d->aMouseTableSelect->setChecked( Okular::Settings::mouseMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::TableSelect );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
d->aMouseMagnifier = new QAction(QIcon::fromTheme( "document-preview" ), i18n("&Magnifier"), this);
2014-02-24 22:42:10 +00:00
ac->addAction("mouse_magnifier", d->aMouseMagnifier );
connect( d->aMouseMagnifier, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotSetMouseMagnifier()) );
d->aMouseMagnifier->setIconText( i18nc( "Magnifier Tool", "Magnifier" ) );
d->aMouseMagnifier->setCheckable( true );
d->aMouseMagnifier->setShortcut( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_6 );
d->aMouseMagnifier->setActionGroup( d->mouseModeActionGroup );
d->aMouseMagnifier->setChecked( Okular::Settings::mouseMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Magnifier );
2014-08-13 09:54:49 +00:00
d->aToggleAnnotator = new KToggleAction(QIcon::fromTheme( "draw-freehand" ), i18n("&Review"), this);
ac->addAction("mouse_toggle_annotate", d->aToggleAnnotator );
d->aToggleAnnotator->setCheckable( true );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->aToggleAnnotator, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotToggleAnnotator(bool)) );
d->aToggleAnnotator->setShortcut( Qt::Key_F6 );
ToolAction *ta = new ToolAction( this );
ac->addAction( "mouse_selecttools", ta );
ta->addAction( d->aMouseSelect );
ta->addAction( d->aMouseTextSelect );
ta->addAction( d->aMouseTableSelect );
// speak actions
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
d->aSpeakDoc = new QAction( QIcon::fromTheme( "text-speak" ), i18n( "Speak Whole Document" ), this );
ac->addAction( "speak_document", d->aSpeakDoc );
d->aSpeakDoc->setEnabled( false );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->aSpeakDoc, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(slotSpeakDocument()) );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
d->aSpeakPage = new QAction( QIcon::fromTheme( "text-speak" ), i18n( "Speak Current Page" ), this );
ac->addAction( "speak_current_page", d->aSpeakPage );
d->aSpeakPage->setEnabled( false );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->aSpeakPage, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(slotSpeakCurrentPage()) );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
d->aSpeakStop = new QAction( QIcon::fromTheme( "media-playback-stop" ), i18n( "Stop Speaking" ), this );
ac->addAction( "speak_stop_all", d->aSpeakStop );
d->aSpeakStop->setEnabled( false );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->aSpeakStop, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(slotStopSpeaks()) );
// Other actions
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QAction * su = new QAction(i18n("Scroll Up"), this);
ac->addAction("view_scroll_up", su );
connect( su, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAutoScrollUp()) );
su->setShortcut( QKeySequence(Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_Up) );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QAction * sd = new QAction(i18n("Scroll Down"), this);
ac->addAction("view_scroll_down", sd );
connect( sd, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotAutoScrollDown()) );
sd->setShortcut( QKeySequence(Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_Down) );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QAction * spu = new QAction(i18n("Scroll Page Up"), this);
ac->addAction( "view_scroll_page_up", spu );
connect( spu, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotScrollUp()) );
spu->setShortcut( QKeySequence(Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_Space) );
addAction( spu );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QAction * spd = new QAction(i18n("Scroll Page Down"), this);
ac->addAction( "view_scroll_page_down", spd );
connect( spd, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotScrollDown()) );
spd->setShortcut( QKeySequence(Qt::Key_Space) );
addAction( spd );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
d->aToggleForms = new QAction( this );
ac->addAction( "view_toggle_forms", d->aToggleForms );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->aToggleForms, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotToggleForms()) );
d->aToggleForms->setEnabled( false );
toggleFormWidgets( false );
// Setup undo and redo actions
2014-08-10 12:08:47 +00:00
QAction *kundo = KStandardAction::create( KStandardAction::Undo, d->document, SLOT(undo()), ac );
QAction *kredo = KStandardAction::create( KStandardAction::Redo, d->document, SLOT(redo()), ac );
connect(d->document, SIGNAL(canUndoChanged(bool)), kundo, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
connect(d->document, SIGNAL(canRedoChanged(bool)), kredo, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
bool PageView::canFitPageWidth() const
return Okular::Settings::viewMode() != Okular::Settings::EnumViewMode::Single || d->zoomMode != ZoomFitWidth;
void PageView::fitPageWidth( int page )
// zoom: Fit Width, columns: 1. setActions + relayout + setPage + update
d->zoomMode = ZoomFitWidth;
Okular::Settings::setViewMode( 0 );
d->aZoomFitWidth->setChecked( true );
d->aZoomFitPage->setChecked( false );
d->aZoomAutoFit->setChecked( false );
d->aViewMode->menu()->actions().at( 0 )->setChecked( true );
viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( false );
viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( true );
d->document->setViewportPage( page );
void PageView::openAnnotationWindow( Okular::Annotation * annotation, int pageNumber )
if ( !annotation )
// find the annot window
AnnotWindow* existWindow = 0;
QHash< Okular::Annotation *, AnnotWindow * >::ConstIterator it = d->m_annowindows.constFind( annotation );
if ( it != d->m_annowindows.constEnd() )
existWindow = *it;
if ( existWindow == 0 )
existWindow = new AnnotWindow( this, annotation, d->document, pageNumber );
connect(existWindow, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(slotAnnotationWindowDestroyed(QObject*)));
d->m_annowindows.insert( annotation, existWindow );
void PageView::slotAnnotationWindowDestroyed( QObject * window )
QHash< Okular::Annotation*, AnnotWindow * >::Iterator it = d->m_annowindows.begin();
QHash< Okular::Annotation*, AnnotWindow * >::Iterator itEnd = d->m_annowindows.end();
while ( it != itEnd )
if ( it.value() == window )
it = d->m_annowindows.erase( it );
void PageView::displayMessage( const QString & message, const QString & details, PageViewMessage::Icon icon, int duration )
if ( !Okular::Settings::showOSD() )
- Page/Link: tooltips for links backported - Page: rotation does not switch height and width - Document/Part/Generator: 1. Add API for attaching stuff to the interface: ActionCollection and the Navigation Panel also add possibility to merge an XML .rc file with menu layout. Relevant functions are: QString Generator::getXMLFile(), returns a QString with your .rc file name. void Generator::setupGUI (KActionCollection* , QToolbox* ), add your components to the user interface 2. Supporting backend settings: If during startup, backends which provide a configuration ([X-KDE-oKularHasInternalSettings] set to true) are found, a menu item: configure backends is created, clicking on it results in loading all the generators that have settings, but not those that dont. the Generator::addPages(KConfigDialog *dlg) function should be overloaded by a generator and dlg->addPage should be used to add pages. If a user opens a file that needs an already loaded generator, the already loaded one is used instead of loading another. 3. Error/Warning/Notice sending support, to send a notice/error/warning, add a relevant notice/error/warning(QString& txt ,int duration) to the generator class, and sending a message to the user is as simple as emitting a signal! 4. Intercepting of events generated by the PageView is done by Generator::handleEvent(QEvent*), subclass it, do a switch on QEvent::type(), handle your event and return true if pageview is to proceed with its handling or false if not. 5. Support configuring the KPrinter on the generator side, use Generator::canConfigurePrinter(), return true there, and you get a nonconfigured KPrinter in your Generator::print() 6. PixmapRequest handling update: a.) Generator::canGeneratePixmap is now Generator::canGeneratePixmap(bool async) b.) Document::sendGeneratorRequests is a slot now c.) Old way of sending pixmaps (Document::requestPixmaps(QValueList<PixmapRequest*> checking if we can generate pixmap if not, waiting for receiving) is replaced with: requestPixmaps only queues the pixmap all checking if w can generate is done in sendGeneratorReqest, the sendGeneratorRequest is run in three places: 1. in requestPixmaps when we receive a request 2. in requestDone if pixmapStack is not empty 3. sendGeneratorRequest, apart from removing invalid requests, takes the current request and if generator canGeratePixmap(request->async) it removes the pixmap from stack and sends to generator if not, QTimer::singleshots to itself after 20ms, it ends when stack has no valid pixmap request 7. Added a commented out zoom field to PixmapGenerator, mightcome in handy sometime - TextPage: add instructions that handle simplyfing the RegularAreaRect, no more double painted borders in selection rectangles, this rocks. svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/oKular/kpdf/; revision=445196
2005-08-10 16:14:39 +00:00
if (icon == PageViewMessage::Error)
if ( !details.isEmpty() )
KMessageBox::detailedError( this, message, details );
KMessageBox::error( this, message );
- Page/Link: tooltips for links backported - Page: rotation does not switch height and width - Document/Part/Generator: 1. Add API for attaching stuff to the interface: ActionCollection and the Navigation Panel also add possibility to merge an XML .rc file with menu layout. Relevant functions are: QString Generator::getXMLFile(), returns a QString with your .rc file name. void Generator::setupGUI (KActionCollection* , QToolbox* ), add your components to the user interface 2. Supporting backend settings: If during startup, backends which provide a configuration ([X-KDE-oKularHasInternalSettings] set to true) are found, a menu item: configure backends is created, clicking on it results in loading all the generators that have settings, but not those that dont. the Generator::addPages(KConfigDialog *dlg) function should be overloaded by a generator and dlg->addPage should be used to add pages. If a user opens a file that needs an already loaded generator, the already loaded one is used instead of loading another. 3. Error/Warning/Notice sending support, to send a notice/error/warning, add a relevant notice/error/warning(QString& txt ,int duration) to the generator class, and sending a message to the user is as simple as emitting a signal! 4. Intercepting of events generated by the PageView is done by Generator::handleEvent(QEvent*), subclass it, do a switch on QEvent::type(), handle your event and return true if pageview is to proceed with its handling or false if not. 5. Support configuring the KPrinter on the generator side, use Generator::canConfigurePrinter(), return true there, and you get a nonconfigured KPrinter in your Generator::print() 6. PixmapRequest handling update: a.) Generator::canGeneratePixmap is now Generator::canGeneratePixmap(bool async) b.) Document::sendGeneratorRequests is a slot now c.) Old way of sending pixmaps (Document::requestPixmaps(QValueList<PixmapRequest*> checking if we can generate pixmap if not, waiting for receiving) is replaced with: requestPixmaps only queues the pixmap all checking if w can generate is done in sendGeneratorReqest, the sendGeneratorRequest is run in three places: 1. in requestPixmaps when we receive a request 2. in requestDone if pixmapStack is not empty 3. sendGeneratorRequest, apart from removing invalid requests, takes the current request and if generator canGeratePixmap(request->async) it removes the pixmap from stack and sends to generator if not, QTimer::singleshots to itself after 20ms, it ends when stack has no valid pixmap request 7. Added a commented out zoom field to PixmapGenerator, mightcome in handy sometime - TextPage: add instructions that handle simplyfing the RegularAreaRect, no more double painted borders in selection rectangles, this rocks. svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/oKular/kpdf/; revision=445196
2005-08-10 16:14:39 +00:00
// hide messageWindow if string is empty
if ( message.isEmpty() )
return d->messageWindow->hide();
// display message (duration is length dependant)
- Page/Link: tooltips for links backported - Page: rotation does not switch height and width - Document/Part/Generator: 1. Add API for attaching stuff to the interface: ActionCollection and the Navigation Panel also add possibility to merge an XML .rc file with menu layout. Relevant functions are: QString Generator::getXMLFile(), returns a QString with your .rc file name. void Generator::setupGUI (KActionCollection* , QToolbox* ), add your components to the user interface 2. Supporting backend settings: If during startup, backends which provide a configuration ([X-KDE-oKularHasInternalSettings] set to true) are found, a menu item: configure backends is created, clicking on it results in loading all the generators that have settings, but not those that dont. the Generator::addPages(KConfigDialog *dlg) function should be overloaded by a generator and dlg->addPage should be used to add pages. If a user opens a file that needs an already loaded generator, the already loaded one is used instead of loading another. 3. Error/Warning/Notice sending support, to send a notice/error/warning, add a relevant notice/error/warning(QString& txt ,int duration) to the generator class, and sending a message to the user is as simple as emitting a signal! 4. Intercepting of events generated by the PageView is done by Generator::handleEvent(QEvent*), subclass it, do a switch on QEvent::type(), handle your event and return true if pageview is to proceed with its handling or false if not. 5. Support configuring the KPrinter on the generator side, use Generator::canConfigurePrinter(), return true there, and you get a nonconfigured KPrinter in your Generator::print() 6. PixmapRequest handling update: a.) Generator::canGeneratePixmap is now Generator::canGeneratePixmap(bool async) b.) Document::sendGeneratorRequests is a slot now c.) Old way of sending pixmaps (Document::requestPixmaps(QValueList<PixmapRequest*> checking if we can generate pixmap if not, waiting for receiving) is replaced with: requestPixmaps only queues the pixmap all checking if w can generate is done in sendGeneratorReqest, the sendGeneratorRequest is run in three places: 1. in requestPixmaps when we receive a request 2. in requestDone if pixmapStack is not empty 3. sendGeneratorRequest, apart from removing invalid requests, takes the current request and if generator canGeratePixmap(request->async) it removes the pixmap from stack and sends to generator if not, QTimer::singleshots to itself after 20ms, it ends when stack has no valid pixmap request 7. Added a commented out zoom field to PixmapGenerator, mightcome in handy sometime - TextPage: add instructions that handle simplyfing the RegularAreaRect, no more double painted borders in selection rectangles, this rocks. svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/oKular/kpdf/; revision=445196
2005-08-10 16:14:39 +00:00
if (duration==-1)
- Page/Link: tooltips for links backported - Page: rotation does not switch height and width - Document/Part/Generator: 1. Add API for attaching stuff to the interface: ActionCollection and the Navigation Panel also add possibility to merge an XML .rc file with menu layout. Relevant functions are: QString Generator::getXMLFile(), returns a QString with your .rc file name. void Generator::setupGUI (KActionCollection* , QToolbox* ), add your components to the user interface 2. Supporting backend settings: If during startup, backends which provide a configuration ([X-KDE-oKularHasInternalSettings] set to true) are found, a menu item: configure backends is created, clicking on it results in loading all the generators that have settings, but not those that dont. the Generator::addPages(KConfigDialog *dlg) function should be overloaded by a generator and dlg->addPage should be used to add pages. If a user opens a file that needs an already loaded generator, the already loaded one is used instead of loading another. 3. Error/Warning/Notice sending support, to send a notice/error/warning, add a relevant notice/error/warning(QString& txt ,int duration) to the generator class, and sending a message to the user is as simple as emitting a signal! 4. Intercepting of events generated by the PageView is done by Generator::handleEvent(QEvent*), subclass it, do a switch on QEvent::type(), handle your event and return true if pageview is to proceed with its handling or false if not. 5. Support configuring the KPrinter on the generator side, use Generator::canConfigurePrinter(), return true there, and you get a nonconfigured KPrinter in your Generator::print() 6. PixmapRequest handling update: a.) Generator::canGeneratePixmap is now Generator::canGeneratePixmap(bool async) b.) Document::sendGeneratorRequests is a slot now c.) Old way of sending pixmaps (Document::requestPixmaps(QValueList<PixmapRequest*> checking if we can generate pixmap if not, waiting for receiving) is replaced with: requestPixmaps only queues the pixmap all checking if w can generate is done in sendGeneratorReqest, the sendGeneratorRequest is run in three places: 1. in requestPixmaps when we receive a request 2. in requestDone if pixmapStack is not empty 3. sendGeneratorRequest, apart from removing invalid requests, takes the current request and if generator canGeratePixmap(request->async) it removes the pixmap from stack and sends to generator if not, QTimer::singleshots to itself after 20ms, it ends when stack has no valid pixmap request 7. Added a commented out zoom field to PixmapGenerator, mightcome in handy sometime - TextPage: add instructions that handle simplyfing the RegularAreaRect, no more double painted borders in selection rectangles, this rocks. svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/oKular/kpdf/; revision=445196
2005-08-10 16:14:39 +00:00
duration = 500 + 100 * message.length();
if ( !details.isEmpty() )
duration += 500 + 100 * details.length();
d->messageWindow->display( message, details, icon, duration );
void PageView::reparseConfig()
// set the scroll bars policies
Qt::ScrollBarPolicy scrollBarMode = Okular::Settings::showScrollBars() ?
Qt::ScrollBarAsNeeded : Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff;
if ( horizontalScrollBarPolicy() != scrollBarMode )
setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( scrollBarMode );
setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( scrollBarMode );
if ( Okular::Settings::viewMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumViewMode::Summary &&
( (int)Okular::Settings::viewColumns() != d->setting_viewCols ) )
d->setting_viewCols = Okular::Settings::viewColumns();
if ( d->annotator )
d->annotator->setEnabled( false );
if ( d->aToggleAnnotator->isChecked() )
slotToggleAnnotator( true );
// Something like invert colors may have changed
// As we don't have a way to find out the old value
// We just update the viewport, this shouldn't be that bad
// since it's just a repaint of pixmaps we already have
KActionCollection *PageView::actionCollection() const
return d->actionCollection;
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QAction *PageView::toggleFormsAction() const
return d->aToggleForms;
int PageView::contentAreaWidth() const
return horizontalScrollBar()->maximum() + viewport()->width();
int PageView::contentAreaHeight() const
return verticalScrollBar()->maximum() + viewport()->height();
QPoint PageView::contentAreaPosition() const
return QPoint( horizontalScrollBar()->value(), verticalScrollBar()->value() );
QPoint PageView::contentAreaPoint( const QPoint & pos ) const
return pos + contentAreaPosition();
QPointF PageView::contentAreaPoint( const QPointF & pos ) const
return pos + contentAreaPosition();
QString PageViewPrivate::selectedText() const
if ( pagesWithTextSelection.isEmpty() )
return QString();
QString text;
QList< int > selpages = pagesWithTextSelection.toList();
qSort( selpages );
const Okular::Page * pg = 0;
if ( selpages.count() == 1 )
pg = document->page( selpages.first() );
text.append( pg->text( pg->textSelection(), Okular::TextPage::CentralPixelTextAreaInclusionBehaviour ) );
pg = document->page( selpages.first() );
text.append( pg->text( pg->textSelection(), Okular::TextPage::CentralPixelTextAreaInclusionBehaviour ) );
int end = selpages.count() - 1;
for( int i = 1; i < end; ++i )
pg = document->page( selpages.at( i ) );
text.append( pg->text( 0, Okular::TextPage::CentralPixelTextAreaInclusionBehaviour ) );
pg = document->page( selpages.last() );
text.append( pg->text( pg->textSelection(), Okular::TextPage::CentralPixelTextAreaInclusionBehaviour ) );
return text;
void PageView::copyTextSelection() const
const QString text = d->selectedText();
if ( !text.isEmpty() )
QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard();
cb->setText( text, QClipboard::Clipboard );
void PageView::selectAll()
QVector< PageViewItem * >::const_iterator it = d->items.constBegin(), itEnd = d->items.constEnd();
for ( ; it < itEnd; ++it )
Okular::RegularAreaRect * area = textSelectionForItem( *it );
d->pagesWithTextSelection.insert( (*it)->pageNumber() );
d->document->setPageTextSelection( (*it)->pageNumber(), area, palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight ) );
//BEGIN DocumentObserver inherited methods
void PageView::notifySetup( const QVector< Okular::Page * > & pageSet, int setupFlags )
bool documentChanged = setupFlags & Okular::DocumentObserver::DocumentChanged;
// reuse current pages if nothing new
if ( ( pageSet.count() == d->items.count() ) && !documentChanged && !( setupFlags & Okular::DocumentObserver::NewLayoutForPages ) )
int count = pageSet.count();
for ( int i = 0; (i < count) && !documentChanged; i++ )
if ( (int)pageSet[i]->number() != d->items[i]->pageNumber() )
documentChanged = true;
if ( !documentChanged )
// delete all widgets (one for each page in pageSet)
QVector< PageViewItem * >::const_iterator dIt = d->items.constBegin(), dEnd = d->items.constEnd();
for ( ; dIt != dEnd; ++dIt )
delete *dIt;
toggleFormWidgets( false );
if ( d->formsWidgetController )
bool haspages = !pageSet.isEmpty();
bool hasformwidgets = false;
// create children widgets
QVector< Okular::Page * >::const_iterator setIt = pageSet.constBegin(), setEnd = pageSet.constEnd();
for ( ; setIt != setEnd; ++setIt )
PageViewItem * item = new PageViewItem( *setIt );
d->items.push_back( item );
2014-09-11 17:36:01 +00:00
qCDebug(OkularUiDebug).nospace() << "cropped geom for " << d->items.last()->pageNumber() << " is " << d->items.last()->croppedGeometry();
const QLinkedList< Okular::FormField * > pageFields = (*setIt)->formFields();
QLinkedList< Okular::FormField * >::const_iterator ffIt = pageFields.constBegin(), ffEnd = pageFields.constEnd();
for ( ; ffIt != ffEnd; ++ffIt )
Okular::FormField * ff = *ffIt;
FormWidgetIface * w = FormWidgetFactory::createWidget( ff, viewport() );
if ( w )
w->setPageItem( item );
w->setFormWidgetsController( d->formWidgetsController() );
w->setVisibility( false );
w->setCanBeFilled( d->document->isAllowed( Okular::AllowFillForms ) );
item->formWidgets().insert( ff->id(), w );
hasformwidgets = true;
const QLinkedList< Okular::Annotation * > annotations = (*setIt)->annotations();
QLinkedList< Okular::Annotation * >::const_iterator aIt = annotations.constBegin(), aEnd = annotations.constEnd();
for ( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
Okular::Annotation * a = *aIt;
if ( a->subType() == Okular::Annotation::AMovie )
Okular::MovieAnnotation * movieAnn = static_cast< Okular::MovieAnnotation * >( a );
VideoWidget * vw = new VideoWidget( movieAnn, movieAnn->movie(), d->document, viewport() );
item->videoWidgets().insert( movieAnn->movie(), vw );
else if ( a->subType() == Okular::Annotation::AScreen )
const Okular::ScreenAnnotation * screenAnn = static_cast< Okular::ScreenAnnotation * >( a );
Okular::Movie *movie = GuiUtils::renditionMovieFromScreenAnnotation( screenAnn );
if ( movie )
VideoWidget * vw = new VideoWidget( screenAnn, movie, d->document, viewport() );
item->videoWidgets().insert( movie, vw );
// invalidate layout so relayout/repaint will happen on next viewport change
if ( haspages )
// We do a delayed call to slotRelayoutPages but also set the dirtyLayout
// because we might end up in notifyViewportChanged while slotRelayoutPages
// has not been done and we don't want that to happen
d->dirtyLayout = true;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotRelayoutPages", Qt::QueuedConnection);
// update the mouse cursor when closing because we may have close through a link and
// want the cursor to come back to the normal cursor
// then, make the message window and scrollbars disappear, and trigger a repaint
resizeContentArea( QSize( 0,0 ) );
viewport()->update(); // when there is no change to the scrollbars, no repaint would
// be done and the old document would still be shown
// OSD to display pages
if ( documentChanged && pageSet.count() > 0 && Okular::Settings::showOSD() )
i18np(" Loaded a one-page document.",
" Loaded a %1-page document.",
pageSet.count() ),
PageViewMessage::Info, 4000 );
updateActionState( haspages, documentChanged, hasformwidgets );
// We need to assign it to a different list otherwise slotAnnotationWindowDestroyed
// will bite us and clear d->m_annowindows
QHash< Okular::Annotation *, AnnotWindow * > annowindows = d->m_annowindows;
qDeleteAll( annowindows );
void PageView::updateActionState( bool haspages, bool documentChanged, bool hasformwidgets )
if ( d->aPageSizes )
{ // may be null if dummy mode is on
bool pageSizes = d->document->supportsPageSizes();
d->aPageSizes->setEnabled( pageSizes );
// set the new page sizes:
// - if the generator supports them
// - if the document changed
if ( pageSizes && documentChanged )
QStringList items;
foreach ( const Okular::PageSize &p, d->document->pageSizes() )
items.append( p.name() );
d->aPageSizes->setItems( items );
if ( d->aTrimMargins )
d->aTrimMargins->setEnabled( haspages );
if ( d->aViewMode )
d->aViewMode->setEnabled( haspages );
if ( d->aViewContinuous )
d->aViewContinuous->setEnabled( haspages );
if ( d->aZoomFitWidth )
d->aZoomFitWidth->setEnabled( haspages );
if ( d->aZoomFitPage )
d->aZoomFitPage->setEnabled( haspages );
if ( d->aZoomAutoFit )
d->aZoomAutoFit->setEnabled( haspages );
if ( d->aZoom )
d->aZoom->selectableActionGroup()->setEnabled( haspages );
d->aZoom->setEnabled( haspages );
if ( d->aZoomIn )
d->aZoomIn->setEnabled( haspages );
if ( d->aZoomOut )
d->aZoomOut->setEnabled( haspages );
if ( d->mouseModeActionGroup )
d->mouseModeActionGroup->setEnabled( haspages );
if ( d->aRotateClockwise )
d->aRotateClockwise->setEnabled( haspages );
if ( d->aRotateCounterClockwise )
d->aRotateCounterClockwise->setEnabled( haspages );
if ( d->aRotateOriginal )
d->aRotateOriginal->setEnabled( haspages );
if ( d->aToggleForms )
{ // may be null if dummy mode is on
d->aToggleForms->setEnabled( haspages && hasformwidgets );
bool allowAnnotations = d->document->isAllowed( Okular::AllowNotes );
if ( d->annotator )
bool allowTools = haspages && allowAnnotations;
d->annotator->setToolsEnabled( allowTools );
d->annotator->setTextToolsEnabled( allowTools && d->document->supportsSearching() );
if ( d->aToggleAnnotator )
if ( !allowAnnotations && d->aToggleAnnotator->isChecked() )
d->aToggleAnnotator->setEnabled( allowAnnotations );
if ( d->aSpeakDoc )
const bool enablettsactions = haspages ? Okular::Settings::useKTTSD() : false;
d->aSpeakDoc->setEnabled( enablettsactions );
d->aSpeakPage->setEnabled( enablettsactions );
if (d->aMouseMagnifier)
2014-03-02 23:43:14 +00:00
bool PageView::areSourceLocationsShownGraphically() const
return Okular::Settings::showSourceLocationsGraphically();
void PageView::setShowSourceLocationsGraphically(bool show)
if( show == Okular::Settings::showSourceLocationsGraphically() )
Okular::Settings::setShowSourceLocationsGraphically( show );
void PageView::setLastSourceLocationViewport( const Okular::DocumentViewport& vp )
if( vp.rePos.enabled )
d->lastSourceLocationViewportNormalizedX = normClamp( vp.rePos.normalizedX, 0.5 );
d->lastSourceLocationViewportNormalizedY = normClamp( vp.rePos.normalizedY, 0.0 );
d->lastSourceLocationViewportNormalizedX = 0.5;
d->lastSourceLocationViewportNormalizedY = 0.0;
d->lastSourceLocationViewportPageNumber = vp.pageNumber;
void PageView::clearLastSourceLocationViewport()
d->lastSourceLocationViewportPageNumber = -1;
d->lastSourceLocationViewportNormalizedX = 0.0;
d->lastSourceLocationViewportNormalizedY = 0.0;
void PageView::notifyViewportChanged( bool smoothMove )
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotRealNotifyViewportChanged", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG( bool, smoothMove ));
void PageView::slotRealNotifyViewportChanged( bool smoothMove )
// if we are the one changing viewport, skip this nofity
if ( d->blockViewport )
// block setViewport outgoing calls
d->blockViewport = true;
// find PageViewItem matching the viewport description
const Okular::DocumentViewport & vp = d->document->viewport();
PageViewItem * item = 0;
QVector< PageViewItem * >::const_iterator iIt = d->items.constBegin(), iEnd = d->items.constEnd();
for ( ; iIt != iEnd; ++iIt )
if ( (*iIt)->pageNumber() == vp.pageNumber )
item = *iIt;
if ( !item )
2014-09-11 19:12:27 +00:00
qWarning() << "viewport for page" << vp.pageNumber << "has no matching item!";
d->blockViewport = false;
2014-09-11 17:36:01 +00:00
qCDebug(OkularUiDebug) << "document viewport changed";
// relayout in "Single Pages" mode or if a relayout is pending
d->blockPixmapsRequest = true;
if ( !Okular::Settings::viewContinuous() || d->dirtyLayout )
// restore viewport center or use default {x-center,v-top} alignment
const QRect & r = item->croppedGeometry();
int newCenterX = r.left(),
newCenterY = r.top();
if ( vp.rePos.enabled )
if ( vp.rePos.pos == Okular::DocumentViewport::Center )
newCenterX += (int)( normClamp( vp.rePos.normalizedX, 0.5 ) * (double)r.width() );
newCenterY += (int)( normClamp( vp.rePos.normalizedY, 0.0 ) * (double)r.height() );
// TopLeft
newCenterX += (int)( normClamp( vp.rePos.normalizedX, 0.0 ) * (double)r.width() + viewport()->width() / 2 );
newCenterY += (int)( normClamp( vp.rePos.normalizedY, 0.0 ) * (double)r.height() + viewport()->height() / 2 );
newCenterX += r.width() / 2;
newCenterY += viewport()->height() / 2 - 10;
// if smooth movement requested, setup parameters and start it
if ( smoothMove )
d->viewportMoveActive = true;
d->viewportMoveDest.setX( newCenterX );
d->viewportMoveDest.setY( newCenterY );
if ( !d->viewportMoveTimer )
d->viewportMoveTimer = new QTimer( this );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->viewportMoveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
this, SLOT(slotMoveViewport()) );
d->viewportMoveTimer->start( 25 );
verticalScrollBar()->setEnabled( false );
horizontalScrollBar()->setEnabled( false );
center( newCenterX, newCenterY );
d->blockPixmapsRequest = false;
// request visible pixmaps in the current viewport and recompute it
// enable setViewport calls
d->blockViewport = false;
if( viewport() )
// since the page has moved below cursor, update it
void PageView::notifyPageChanged( int pageNumber, int changedFlags )
// only handle pixmap / highlight changes notifies
if ( changedFlags & DocumentObserver::Bookmark )
if ( changedFlags & DocumentObserver::Annotations )
const QLinkedList< Okular::Annotation * > annots = d->document->page( pageNumber )->annotations();
const QLinkedList< Okular::Annotation * >::ConstIterator annItEnd = annots.end();
QHash< Okular::Annotation*, AnnotWindow * >::Iterator it = d->m_annowindows.begin();
for ( ; it != d->m_annowindows.end(); )
QLinkedList< Okular::Annotation * >::ConstIterator annIt = qFind( annots, it.key() );
if ( annIt != annItEnd )
AnnotWindow *w = *it;
it = d->m_annowindows.erase( it );
// Need to delete after removing from the list
2013-06-24 10:46:16 +00:00
// otherwise deleting will call slotAnnotationWindowDestroyed which will mess
// the list and the iterators
delete w;
if ( changedFlags & DocumentObserver::BoundingBox )
2014-09-11 17:36:01 +00:00
qCDebug(OkularUiDebug) << "BoundingBox change on page" << pageNumber;
slotRequestVisiblePixmaps(); // TODO: slotRelayoutPages() may have done this already!
// Repaint the whole widget since layout may have changed
// iterate over visible items: if page(pageNumber) is one of them, repaint it
QLinkedList< PageViewItem * >::const_iterator iIt = d->visibleItems.constBegin(), iEnd = d->visibleItems.constEnd();
for ( ; iIt != iEnd; ++iIt )
if ( (*iIt)->pageNumber() == pageNumber && (*iIt)->isVisible() )
// update item's rectangle plus the little outline
QRect expandedRect = (*iIt)->croppedGeometry();
// a PageViewItem is placed in the global page layout,
// while we need to map its position in the viewport coordinates
// (to get the correct area to repaint)
expandedRect.translate( -contentAreaPosition() );
expandedRect.adjust( -1, -1, 3, 3 );
viewport()->update( expandedRect );
// if we were "zoom-dragging" do not overwrite the "zoom-drag" cursor
if ( cursor().shape() != Qt::SizeVerCursor )
// since the page has been regenerated below cursor, update it
void PageView::notifyContentsCleared( int changedFlags )
// if pixmaps were cleared, re-ask them
if ( changedFlags & DocumentObserver::Pixmap )
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "slotRequestVisiblePixmaps", Qt::QueuedConnection);
void PageView::notifyZoom( int factor )
if ( factor > 0 )
updateZoom( ZoomIn );
updateZoom( ZoomOut );
bool PageView::canUnloadPixmap( int pageNumber ) const
if ( Okular::SettingsCore::memoryLevel() == Okular::SettingsCore::EnumMemoryLevel::Low ||
Okular::SettingsCore::memoryLevel() == Okular::SettingsCore::EnumMemoryLevel::Normal )
// if the item is visible, forbid unloading
QLinkedList< PageViewItem * >::const_iterator vIt = d->visibleItems.constBegin(), vEnd = d->visibleItems.constEnd();
for ( ; vIt != vEnd; ++vIt )
if ( (*vIt)->pageNumber() == pageNumber )
return false;
// forbid unloading of the visible items, and of the previous and next
QLinkedList< PageViewItem * >::const_iterator vIt = d->visibleItems.constBegin(), vEnd = d->visibleItems.constEnd();
for ( ; vIt != vEnd; ++vIt )
if ( abs( (*vIt)->pageNumber() - pageNumber ) <= 1 )
return false;
// if hidden premit unloading
return true;
void PageView::notifyCurrentPageChanged( int previous, int current )
if ( previous != -1 )
PageViewItem * item = d->items.at( previous );
if ( item )
Q_FOREACH ( VideoWidget *videoWidget, item->videoWidgets() )
if ( current != -1 )
PageViewItem * item = d->items.at( current );
if ( item )
Q_FOREACH ( VideoWidget *videoWidget, item->videoWidgets() )
// update zoom text and factor if in a ZoomFit/* zoom mode
if ( d->zoomMode != ZoomFixed )
//END DocumentObserver inherited methods
//BEGIN View inherited methods
bool PageView::supportsCapability( ViewCapability capability ) const
switch ( capability )
case Zoom:
case ZoomModality:
return true;
return false;
Okular::View::CapabilityFlags PageView::capabilityFlags( ViewCapability capability ) const
switch ( capability )
case Zoom:
case ZoomModality:
return CapabilityRead | CapabilityWrite | CapabilitySerializable;
return 0;
QVariant PageView::capability( ViewCapability capability ) const
switch ( capability )
case Zoom:
return d->zoomFactor;
case ZoomModality:
return d->zoomMode;
return QVariant();
void PageView::setCapability( ViewCapability capability, const QVariant &option )
switch ( capability )
case Zoom:
bool ok = true;
double factor = option.toDouble( &ok );
if ( ok && factor > 0.0 )
d->zoomFactor = static_cast< float >( factor );
updateZoom( ZoomRefreshCurrent );
case ZoomModality:
bool ok = true;
int mode = option.toInt( &ok );
if ( ok )
if ( mode >= 0 && mode < 3 )
updateZoom( (ZoomMode)mode );
//END View inherited methods
//BEGIN widget events
void PageView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pe)
const QPoint areaPos = contentAreaPosition();
// create the rect into contents from the clipped screen rect
QRect viewportRect = viewport()->rect();
viewportRect.translate( areaPos );
QRect contentsRect = pe->rect().translated( areaPos ).intersect( viewportRect );
if ( !contentsRect.isValid() )
2014-09-11 17:36:01 +00:00
qCDebug(OkularUiDebug) << "paintevent" << contentsRect;
// create the screen painter. a pixel painted at contentsX,contentsY
// appears to the top-left corner of the scrollview.
QPainter screenPainter( viewport() );
// translate to simulate the scrolled content widget
screenPainter.translate( -areaPos );
// selectionRect is the normalized mouse selection rect
QRect selectionRect = d->mouseSelectionRect;
if ( !selectionRect.isNull() )
selectionRect = selectionRect.normalized();
// selectionRectInternal without the border
QRect selectionRectInternal = selectionRect;
selectionRectInternal.adjust( 1, 1, -1, -1 );
// color for blending
QColor selBlendColor = (selectionRect.width() > 8 || selectionRect.height() > 8) ?
d->mouseSelectionColor : Qt::red;
// subdivide region into rects
const QVector<QRect> &allRects = pe->region().rects();
uint numRects = allRects.count();
// preprocess rects area to see if it worths or not using subdivision
uint summedArea = 0;
for ( uint i = 0; i < numRects; i++ )
const QRect & r = allRects[i];
summedArea += r.width() * r.height();
// very elementary check: SUMj(Region[j].area) is less than boundingRect.area
bool useSubdivision = summedArea < (0.6 * contentsRect.width() * contentsRect.height());
if ( !useSubdivision )
numRects = 1;
- Page/Link: tooltips for links backported - Page: rotation does not switch height and width - Document/Part/Generator: 1. Add API for attaching stuff to the interface: ActionCollection and the Navigation Panel also add possibility to merge an XML .rc file with menu layout. Relevant functions are: QString Generator::getXMLFile(), returns a QString with your .rc file name. void Generator::setupGUI (KActionCollection* , QToolbox* ), add your components to the user interface 2. Supporting backend settings: If during startup, backends which provide a configuration ([X-KDE-oKularHasInternalSettings] set to true) are found, a menu item: configure backends is created, clicking on it results in loading all the generators that have settings, but not those that dont. the Generator::addPages(KConfigDialog *dlg) function should be overloaded by a generator and dlg->addPage should be used to add pages. If a user opens a file that needs an already loaded generator, the already loaded one is used instead of loading another. 3. Error/Warning/Notice sending support, to send a notice/error/warning, add a relevant notice/error/warning(QString& txt ,int duration) to the generator class, and sending a message to the user is as simple as emitting a signal! 4. Intercepting of events generated by the PageView is done by Generator::handleEvent(QEvent*), subclass it, do a switch on QEvent::type(), handle your event and return true if pageview is to proceed with its handling or false if not. 5. Support configuring the KPrinter on the generator side, use Generator::canConfigurePrinter(), return true there, and you get a nonconfigured KPrinter in your Generator::print() 6. PixmapRequest handling update: a.) Generator::canGeneratePixmap is now Generator::canGeneratePixmap(bool async) b.) Document::sendGeneratorRequests is a slot now c.) Old way of sending pixmaps (Document::requestPixmaps(QValueList<PixmapRequest*> checking if we can generate pixmap if not, waiting for receiving) is replaced with: requestPixmaps only queues the pixmap all checking if w can generate is done in sendGeneratorReqest, the sendGeneratorRequest is run in three places: 1. in requestPixmaps when we receive a request 2. in requestDone if pixmapStack is not empty 3. sendGeneratorRequest, apart from removing invalid requests, takes the current request and if generator canGeratePixmap(request->async) it removes the pixmap from stack and sends to generator if not, QTimer::singleshots to itself after 20ms, it ends when stack has no valid pixmap request 7. Added a commented out zoom field to PixmapGenerator, mightcome in handy sometime - TextPage: add instructions that handle simplyfing the RegularAreaRect, no more double painted borders in selection rectangles, this rocks. svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/oKular/kpdf/; revision=445196
2005-08-10 16:14:39 +00:00
// iterate over the rects (only one loop if not using subdivision)
for ( uint i = 0; i < numRects; i++ )
if ( useSubdivision )
// set 'contentsRect' to a part of the sub-divided region
contentsRect = allRects[i].translated( areaPos ).intersect( viewportRect );
if ( !contentsRect.isValid() )
2014-09-11 17:36:01 +00:00
qCDebug(OkularUiDebug) << contentsRect;
// note: this check will take care of all things requiring alpha blending (not only selection)
bool wantCompositing = !selectionRect.isNull() && contentsRect.intersects( selectionRect );
// also alpha-blend when there is a table selection...
wantCompositing |= !d->tableSelectionParts.isEmpty();
if ( wantCompositing && Okular::Settings::enableCompositing() )
// create pixmap and open a painter over it (contents{left,top} becomes pixmap {0,0})
QPixmap doubleBuffer( contentsRect.size() );
QPainter pixmapPainter( &doubleBuffer );
pixmapPainter.translate( -contentsRect.left(), -contentsRect.top() );
// 1) Layer 0: paint items and clear bg on unpainted rects
drawDocumentOnPainter( contentsRect, &pixmapPainter );
// 2a) Layer 1a: paint (blend) transparent selection (rectangle)
if ( !selectionRect.isNull() && selectionRect.intersects( contentsRect ) &&
!selectionRectInternal.contains( contentsRect ) )
QRect blendRect = selectionRectInternal.intersect( contentsRect );
// skip rectangles covered by the selection's border
if ( blendRect.isValid() )
// grab current pixmap into a new one to colorize contents
QPixmap blendedPixmap( blendRect.width(), blendRect.height() );
QPainter p( &blendedPixmap );
p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, doubleBuffer,
blendRect.left() - contentsRect.left(), blendRect.top() - contentsRect.top(),
blendRect.width(), blendRect.height() );
QColor blCol = selBlendColor.dark( 140 );
blCol.setAlphaF( 0.2 );
p.fillRect( blendedPixmap.rect(), blCol );
// copy the blended pixmap back to its place
pixmapPainter.drawPixmap( blendRect.left(), blendRect.top(), blendedPixmap );
// draw border (red if the selection is too small)
pixmapPainter.setPen( selBlendColor );
pixmapPainter.drawRect( selectionRect.adjusted( 0, 0, -1, -1 ) );
// 2b) Layer 1b: paint (blend) transparent selection (table)
foreach (const TableSelectionPart &tsp, d->tableSelectionParts) {
QRect selectionPartRect = tsp.rectInItem.geometry(tsp.item->uncroppedWidth(), tsp.item->uncroppedHeight());
selectionPartRect.translate( tsp.item->uncroppedGeometry().topLeft () );
QRect selectionPartRectInternal = selectionPartRect;
selectionPartRectInternal.adjust( 1, 1, -1, -1 );
if ( !selectionPartRect.isNull() && selectionPartRect.intersects( contentsRect ) &&
!selectionPartRectInternal.contains( contentsRect ) )
QRect blendRect = selectionPartRectInternal.intersect( contentsRect );
// skip rectangles covered by the selection's border
if ( blendRect.isValid() )
// grab current pixmap into a new one to colorize contents
QPixmap blendedPixmap( blendRect.width(), blendRect.height() );
QPainter p( &blendedPixmap );
p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, doubleBuffer,
blendRect.left() - contentsRect.left(), blendRect.top() - contentsRect.top(),
blendRect.width(), blendRect.height() );
QColor blCol = d->mouseSelectionColor.dark( 140 );
blCol.setAlphaF( 0.2 );
p.fillRect( blendedPixmap.rect(), blCol );
// copy the blended pixmap back to its place
pixmapPainter.drawPixmap( blendRect.left(), blendRect.top(), blendedPixmap );
// draw border (red if the selection is too small)
pixmapPainter.setPen( d->mouseSelectionColor );
pixmapPainter.drawRect( selectionPartRect.adjusted( 0, 0, -1, -1 ) );
drawTableDividers( &pixmapPainter );
// 3) Layer 1: give annotator painting control
if ( d->annotator && d->annotator->routePaints( contentsRect ) )
d->annotator->routePaint( &pixmapPainter, contentsRect );
// 4) Layer 2: overlays
if ( Okular::Settings::debugDrawBoundaries() )
pixmapPainter.setPen( Qt::blue );
pixmapPainter.drawRect( contentsRect );
// finish painting and draw contents
screenPainter.drawPixmap( contentsRect.left(), contentsRect.top(), doubleBuffer );
// 1) Layer 0: paint items and clear bg on unpainted rects
drawDocumentOnPainter( contentsRect, &screenPainter );
// 2a) Layer 1a: paint opaque selection (rectangle)
if ( !selectionRect.isNull() && selectionRect.intersects( contentsRect ) &&
!selectionRectInternal.contains( contentsRect ) )
screenPainter.setPen( palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight ).dark(110) );
screenPainter.drawRect( selectionRect );
// 2b) Layer 1b: paint opaque selection (table)
foreach (const TableSelectionPart &tsp, d->tableSelectionParts) {
QRect selectionPartRect = tsp.rectInItem.geometry(tsp.item->uncroppedWidth(), tsp.item->uncroppedHeight());
selectionPartRect.translate( tsp.item->uncroppedGeometry().topLeft () );
QRect selectionPartRectInternal = selectionPartRect;
selectionPartRectInternal.adjust( 1, 1, -1, -1 );
if ( !selectionPartRect.isNull() && selectionPartRect.intersects( contentsRect ) &&
!selectionPartRectInternal.contains( contentsRect ) )
screenPainter.setPen( palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight ).dark(110) );
screenPainter.drawRect( selectionPartRect );
drawTableDividers( &screenPainter );
// 3) Layer 1: give annotator painting control
if ( d->annotator && d->annotator->routePaints( contentsRect ) )
d->annotator->routePaint( &screenPainter, contentsRect );
// 4) Layer 2: overlays
if ( Okular::Settings::debugDrawBoundaries() )
screenPainter.setPen( Qt::red );
screenPainter.drawRect( contentsRect );
void PageView::drawTableDividers(QPainter * screenPainter)
if (!d->tableSelectionParts.isEmpty()) {
screenPainter->setPen( d->mouseSelectionColor.dark() );
if (d->tableDividersGuessed) {
QPen p = screenPainter->pen();
p.setStyle( Qt::DashLine );
screenPainter->setPen( p );
foreach (const TableSelectionPart &tsp, d->tableSelectionParts) {
QRect selectionPartRect = tsp.rectInItem.geometry(tsp.item->uncroppedWidth(), tsp.item->uncroppedHeight());
selectionPartRect.translate( tsp.item->uncroppedGeometry().topLeft () );
QRect selectionPartRectInternal = selectionPartRect;
selectionPartRectInternal.adjust( 1, 1, -1, -1 );
2011-10-12 14:16:50 +00:00
foreach(double col, d->tableSelectionCols) {
if (col >= tsp.rectInSelection.left && col <= tsp.rectInSelection.right) {
col = (col - tsp.rectInSelection.left) / (tsp.rectInSelection.right - tsp.rectInSelection.left);
const int x = selectionPartRect.left() + col * selectionPartRect.width() + 0.5;
x, selectionPartRectInternal.top(),
x, selectionPartRectInternal.top() + selectionPartRectInternal.height()
2011-10-12 14:16:50 +00:00
foreach(double row, d->tableSelectionRows) {
if (row >= tsp.rectInSelection.top && row <= tsp.rectInSelection.bottom) {
row = (row - tsp.rectInSelection.top) / (tsp.rectInSelection.bottom - tsp.rectInSelection.top);
const int y = selectionPartRect.top() + row * selectionPartRect.height() + 0.5;
selectionPartRectInternal.left(), y,
selectionPartRectInternal.left() + selectionPartRectInternal.width(), y
void PageView::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e )
if ( d->items.isEmpty() )
resizeContentArea( e->size() );
if ( ( d->zoomMode == ZoomFitWidth || d->zoomMode == ZoomFitAuto ) && !verticalScrollBar()->isVisible() && qAbs(e->oldSize().height() - e->size().height()) < verticalScrollBar()->width() && d->verticalScrollBarVisible )
// this saves us from infinite resizing loop because of scrollbars appearing and disappearing
// see bug 160628 for more info
// TODO looks are still a bit ugly because things are left uncentered
// but better a bit ugly than unusable
d->verticalScrollBarVisible = false;
resizeContentArea( e->size() );
else if ( d->zoomMode == ZoomFitAuto && !horizontalScrollBar()->isVisible() && qAbs(e->oldSize().width() - e->size().width()) < horizontalScrollBar()->height() && d->horizontalScrollBarVisible )
// this saves us from infinite resizing loop because of scrollbars appearing and disappearing
// TODO looks are still a bit ugly because things are left uncentered
// but better a bit ugly than unusable
d->horizontalScrollBarVisible = false;
resizeContentArea( e->size() );
// start a timer that will refresh the pixmap after 0.2s
d->delayResizeEventTimer->start( 200 );
d->verticalScrollBarVisible = verticalScrollBar()->isVisible();
d->horizontalScrollBarVisible = horizontalScrollBar()->isVisible();
void PageView::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * e )
// if performing a selection or dyn zooming, disable keys handling
if ( ( d->mouseSelecting && e->key() != Qt::Key_Escape ) || ( QApplication::mouseButtons () & Qt::MidButton ) )
// if viewport is moving, disable keys handling
if ( d->viewportMoveActive )
// move/scroll page by using keys
switch ( e->key() )
case Qt::Key_J:
case Qt::Key_K:
case Qt::Key_Down:
case Qt::Key_PageDown:
case Qt::Key_Up:
case Qt::Key_PageUp:
case Qt::Key_Backspace:
if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Down
|| e->key() == Qt::Key_PageDown
|| e->key() == Qt::Key_J )
bool singleStep = e->key() == Qt::Key_Down || e->key() == Qt::Key_J;
slotScrollDown( singleStep );
bool singleStep = e->key() == Qt::Key_Up || e->key() == Qt::Key_K;
slotScrollUp( singleStep );
case Qt::Key_Left:
case Qt::Key_H:
if ( horizontalScrollBar()->maximum() == 0 )
//if we cannot scroll we go to the previous page vertically
int next_page = d->document->currentPage() - viewColumns();
horizontalScrollBar()->triggerAction( QScrollBar::SliderSingleStepSub );
case Qt::Key_Right:
case Qt::Key_L:
if ( horizontalScrollBar()->maximum() == 0 )
//if we cannot scroll we advance the page vertically
int next_page = d->document->currentPage() + viewColumns();
horizontalScrollBar()->triggerAction( QScrollBar::SliderSingleStepAdd );
case Qt::Key_Escape:
emit escPressed();
selectionClear( d->tableDividersGuessed ? ClearOnlyDividers : ClearAllSelection );
d->mousePressPos = QPoint();
if ( d->aPrevAction )
d->aPrevAction = 0;
case Qt::Key_Shift:
case Qt::Key_Control:
if ( d->autoScrollTimer )
if ( d->autoScrollTimer->isActive() )
// else fall trhough
// if a known key has been pressed, stop scrolling the page
if ( d->autoScrollTimer )
d->scrollIncrement = 0;
void PageView::keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent * e )
if ( d->annotator && d->annotator->active() )
if ( d->annotator->routeKeyEvent( e ) )
if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape && d->autoScrollTimer )
d->scrollIncrement = 0;
void PageView::inputMethodEvent( QInputMethodEvent * e )
static QPoint rotateInRect( const QPoint &rotated, Okular::Rotation rotation )
QPoint ret;
switch ( rotation )
case Okular::Rotation90:
ret = QPoint( rotated.y(), -rotated.x() );
case Okular::Rotation180:
ret = QPoint( -rotated.x(), -rotated.y() );
case Okular::Rotation270:
ret = QPoint( -rotated.y(), rotated.x() );
case Okular::Rotation0: // no modifications
default: // other cases
ret = rotated;
return ret;
void PageView::tabletEvent( QTabletEvent * e )
// Ignore tablet events that we don't care about
if ( !( e->type() == QEvent::TabletPress ||
e->type() == QEvent::TabletRelease ||
e->type() == QEvent::TabletMove ) )
// Determine pen state
bool penReleased = false;
if ( e->type() == QEvent::TabletPress )
d->penDown = true;
if ( e->type() == QEvent::TabletRelease )
d->penDown = false;
penReleased = true;
// If we're editing an annotation and the tablet pen is either down or just released
// then dispatch event to annotator
if ( d->annotator && d->annotator->active() && ( d->penDown || penReleased ) )
const QPoint eventPos = contentAreaPoint( e->pos() );
PageViewItem * pageItem = pickItemOnPoint( eventPos.x(), eventPos.y() );
2012-10-15 18:21:43 +00:00
const QPoint localOriginInGlobal = mapToGlobal( QPoint(0,0) );
// routeTabletEvent will accept or ignore event as appropriate
d->annotator->routeTabletEvent( e, pageItem, localOriginInGlobal );
} else {
void PageView::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent * e )
// don't perform any mouse action when no document is shown
if ( d->items.isEmpty() )
// don't perform any mouse action when viewport is autoscrolling
if ( d->viewportMoveActive )
// if holding mouse mid button, perform zoom
if ( e->buttons() & Qt::MidButton )
int mouseY = e->globalPos().y();
int deltaY = d->mouseMidLastY - mouseY;
// wrap mouse from top to bottom
const QRect mouseContainer = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry( this );
const int absDeltaY = abs(deltaY);
if ( absDeltaY > mouseContainer.height() / 2 )
deltaY = mouseContainer.height() - absDeltaY;
const float upperZoomLimit = d->document->supportsTiles() ? 15.99 : 3.99;
if ( mouseY <= mouseContainer.top() + 4 &&
d->zoomFactor < upperZoomLimit )
mouseY = mouseContainer.bottom() - 5;
QCursor::setPos( e->globalPos().x(), mouseY );
// wrap mouse from bottom to top
else if ( mouseY >= mouseContainer.bottom() - 4 &&
d->zoomFactor > 0.101 )
mouseY = mouseContainer.top() + 5;
QCursor::setPos( e->globalPos().x(), mouseY );
// remember last position
d->mouseMidLastY = mouseY;
// update zoom level, perform zoom and redraw
if ( deltaY )
d->zoomFactor *= ( 1.0 + ( (double)deltaY / 500.0 ) );
updateZoom( ZoomRefreshCurrent );
const QPoint eventPos = contentAreaPoint( e->pos() );
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
// if we're editing an annotation, dispatch event to it
if ( d->annotator && d->annotator->active() )
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
PageViewItem * pageItem = pickItemOnPoint( eventPos.x(), eventPos.y() );
updateCursor( eventPos );
d->annotator->routeMouseEvent( e, pageItem );
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
bool leftButton = (e->buttons() == Qt::LeftButton);
bool rightButton = (e->buttons() == Qt::RightButton);
switch ( Okular::Settings::mouseMode() )
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Browse:
if ( leftButton )
if ( d->mouseAnn )
PageViewItem * pageItem = pickItemOnPoint( eventPos.x(), eventPos.y() );
if ( pageItem )
const QRect & itemRect = pageItem->uncroppedGeometry();
QPoint newpos = eventPos - itemRect.topLeft();
QPoint p( newpos - d->mouseAnnPos );
QPointF pf( rotateInRect( p, pageItem->page()->rotation() ) );
if ( pageItem->page()->rotation() % 2 == 0 )
pf.rx() /= pageItem->uncroppedWidth();
pf.ry() /= pageItem->uncroppedHeight();
pf.rx() /= pageItem->uncroppedHeight();
pf.ry() /= pageItem->uncroppedWidth();
d->document->translatePageAnnotation(d->mouseAnnPageNum, d->mouseAnn, Okular::NormalizedPoint( pf.x(), pf.y() ) );
d->mouseAnnPos = newpos;
// drag page
else if ( !d->mouseGrabPos.isNull() )
setCursor( Qt::ClosedHandCursor );
QPoint mousePos = e->globalPos();
QPoint delta = d->mouseGrabPos - mousePos;
// wrap mouse from top to bottom
const QRect mouseContainer = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry( this );
// If the delta is huge it probably means we just wrapped in that direction
const QPoint absDelta(abs(delta.x()), abs(delta.y()));
if ( absDelta.y() > mouseContainer.height() / 2 )
delta.setY(mouseContainer.height() - absDelta.y());
if ( absDelta.x() > mouseContainer.width() / 2 )
delta.setX(mouseContainer.width() - absDelta.x());
if ( mousePos.y() <= mouseContainer.top() + 4 &&
verticalScrollBar()->value() < verticalScrollBar()->maximum() - 10 )
mousePos.setY( mouseContainer.bottom() - 5 );
QCursor::setPos( mousePos );
// wrap mouse from bottom to top
else if ( mousePos.y() >= mouseContainer.bottom() - 4 &&
verticalScrollBar()->value() > 10 )
mousePos.setY( mouseContainer.top() + 5 );
QCursor::setPos( mousePos );
// remember last position
d->mouseGrabPos = mousePos;
// scroll page by position increment
scrollTo( horizontalScrollBar()->value() + delta.x(), verticalScrollBar()->value() + delta.y() );
else if ( rightButton && !d->mousePressPos.isNull() && d->aMouseSelect )
// if mouse moves 5 px away from the press point, switch to 'selection'
int deltaX = d->mousePressPos.x() - e->globalPos().x(),
deltaY = d->mousePressPos.y() - e->globalPos().y();
if ( deltaX > 5 || deltaX < -5 || deltaY > 5 || deltaY < -5 )
d->aPrevAction = d->aMouseNormal;
QPoint newPos = eventPos + QPoint( deltaX, deltaY );
selectionStart( newPos, palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight ).light( 120 ), false );
updateSelection( eventPos );
// only hovering the page, so update the cursor
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Zoom:
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::RectSelect:
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::TableSelect:
// set second corner of selection
if ( d->mouseSelecting )
updateSelection( eventPos );
2014-02-24 22:42:10 +00:00
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Magnifier:
if ( e->buttons() ) // if any button is pressed at all
moveMagnifier( e->pos() );
updateMagnifier( eventPos );
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::TextSelect:
// if mouse moves 5 px away from the press point and the document soupports text extraction, do 'textselection'
if ( !d->mouseTextSelecting && !d->mousePressPos.isNull() && d->document->supportsSearching() && ( ( eventPos - d->mouseSelectPos ).manhattanLength() > 5 ) )
d->mouseTextSelecting = true;
updateSelection( eventPos );
void PageView::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * e )
// don't perform any mouse action when no document is shown
if ( d->items.isEmpty() )
// if performing a selection or dyn zooming, disable mouse press
if ( d->mouseSelecting || ( e->button() != Qt::MidButton && ( e->buttons() & Qt::MidButton) ) || d->viewportMoveActive )
// if the page is scrolling, stop it
if ( d->autoScrollTimer )
d->scrollIncrement = 0;
// if pressing mid mouse button while not doing other things, begin 'continuous zoom' mode
if ( e->button() == Qt::MidButton )
d->mouseMidLastY = e->globalPos().y();
setCursor( Qt::SizeVerCursor );
const QPoint eventPos = contentAreaPoint( e->pos() );
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
// if we're editing an annotation, dispatch event to it
if ( d->annotator && d->annotator->active() )
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
PageViewItem * pageItem = pickItemOnPoint( eventPos.x(), eventPos.y() );
d->annotator->routeMouseEvent( e, pageItem );
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
// trigger history navigation for additional mouse buttons
if ( e->button() == Qt::XButton1 )
emit mouseBackButtonClick();
if ( e->button() == Qt::XButton2 )
emit mouseForwardButtonClick();
// update press / 'start drag' mouse position
d->mousePressPos = e->globalPos();
// handle mode dependant mouse press actions
bool leftButton = e->button() == Qt::LeftButton,
rightButton = e->button() == Qt::RightButton;
// Not sure we should erase the selection when clicking with left.
if ( Okular::Settings::mouseMode() != Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::TextSelect )
switch ( Okular::Settings::mouseMode() )
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Browse: // drag start / click / link following
if ( leftButton )
PageViewItem * pageItem = 0;
if ( ( e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier ) && ( pageItem = pickItemOnPoint( eventPos.x(), eventPos.y() ) ) )
// find out normalized mouse coords inside current item
const QRect & itemRect = pageItem->uncroppedGeometry();
double nX = pageItem->absToPageX(eventPos.x());
double nY = pageItem->absToPageY(eventPos.y());
const Okular::ObjectRect * orect = pageItem->page()->objectRect( Okular::ObjectRect::OAnnotation, nX, nY, itemRect.width(), itemRect.height() );
d->mouseAnnPos = eventPos - itemRect.topLeft();
if ( orect )
d->mouseAnn = ( (Okular::AnnotationObjectRect *)orect )->annotation();
// consider no annotation caught if its type is not movable
if ( d->mouseAnn && !d->mouseAnn->canBeMoved() )
d->mouseAnn = 0;
if ( d->mouseAnn )
d->mouseAnn->setFlags( d->mouseAnn->flags() | Okular::Annotation::BeingMoved );
d->mouseAnnPageNum = pageItem->pageNumber();
d->mouseGrabPos = d->mouseOnRect ? QPoint() : d->mousePressPos;
if ( !d->mouseOnRect )
d->leftClickTimer.start( QApplication::doubleClickInterval() + 10 );
else if ( rightButton )
PageViewItem * pageItem = pickItemOnPoint( eventPos.x(), eventPos.y() );
if ( pageItem )
// find out normalized mouse coords inside current item
const QRect & itemRect = pageItem->uncroppedGeometry();
double nX = pageItem->absToPageX(eventPos.x());
double nY = pageItem->absToPageY(eventPos.y());
const QLinkedList< const Okular::ObjectRect *> orects = pageItem->page()->objectRects( Okular::ObjectRect::OAnnotation, nX, nY, itemRect.width(), itemRect.height() );
if ( !orects.isEmpty() )
AnnotationPopup popup( d->document, AnnotationPopup::MultiAnnotationMode, this );
foreach ( const Okular::ObjectRect * orect, orects )
Okular::Annotation * ann = ( (Okular::AnnotationObjectRect *)orect )->annotation();
if ( ann && (ann->subType() != Okular::Annotation::AWidget) )
popup.addAnnotation( ann, pageItem->pageNumber() );
connect( &popup, SIGNAL(openAnnotationWindow(Okular::Annotation*,int)),
this, SLOT(openAnnotationWindow(Okular::Annotation*,int)) );
popup.exec( e->globalPos() );
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Zoom: // set first corner of the zoom rect
if ( leftButton )
selectionStart( eventPos, palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight ), false );
else if ( rightButton )
updateZoom( ZoomOut );
2014-02-24 22:42:10 +00:00
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Magnifier:
moveMagnifier( e->pos() );
updateMagnifier( eventPos );
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::RectSelect: // set first corner of the selection rect
if ( leftButton )
selectionStart( eventPos, palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight ).light( 120 ), false );
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::TableSelect:
if ( leftButton )
if (d->tableSelectionParts.isEmpty())
selectionStart( eventPos, palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight ).light( 120 ), false );
} else {
QRect updatedRect;
foreach (const TableSelectionPart &tsp, d->tableSelectionParts) {
QRect selectionPartRect = tsp.rectInItem.geometry(tsp.item->uncroppedWidth(), tsp.item->uncroppedHeight());
selectionPartRect.translate( tsp.item->uncroppedGeometry().topLeft () );
// This will update the whole table rather than just the added/removed divider
// (which can span more than one part).
updatedRect = updatedRect.united(selectionPartRect);
if (!selectionPartRect.contains(eventPos))
// At this point it's clear we're either adding or removing a divider manually, so obviously the user is happy with the guess (if any).
d->tableDividersGuessed = false;
// There's probably a neat trick to finding which edge it's closest to,
// but this way has the advantage of simplicity.
const int fromLeft = abs(selectionPartRect.left() - eventPos.x());
const int fromRight = abs(selectionPartRect.left() + selectionPartRect.width() - eventPos.x());
const int fromTop = abs(selectionPartRect.top() - eventPos.y());
const int fromBottom = abs(selectionPartRect.top() + selectionPartRect.height() - eventPos.y());
const int colScore = fromTop<fromBottom ? fromTop : fromBottom;
const int rowScore = fromLeft<fromRight ? fromLeft : fromRight;
if (colScore < rowScore) {
bool deleted=false;
for(int i=0; i<d->tableSelectionCols.length(); i++) {
const double col = (d->tableSelectionCols[i] - tsp.rectInSelection.left) / (tsp.rectInSelection.right - tsp.rectInSelection.left);
const int colX = selectionPartRect.left() + col * selectionPartRect.width() + 0.5;
if (abs(colX - eventPos.x())<=3) {
if (!deleted) {
double col = eventPos.x() - selectionPartRect.left();
col /= selectionPartRect.width(); // at this point, it's normalised within the part
col *= (tsp.rectInSelection.right - tsp.rectInSelection.left);
col += tsp.rectInSelection.left; // at this point, it's normalised within the whole table
} else {
bool deleted=false;
for(int i=0; i<d->tableSelectionRows.length(); i++) {
const double row = (d->tableSelectionRows[i] - tsp.rectInSelection.top) / (tsp.rectInSelection.bottom - tsp.rectInSelection.top);
const int rowY = selectionPartRect.top() + row * selectionPartRect.height() + 0.5;
if (abs(rowY - eventPos.y())<=3) {
if (!deleted) {
double row = eventPos.y() - selectionPartRect.top();
row /= selectionPartRect.height(); // at this point, it's normalised within the part
row *= (tsp.rectInSelection.bottom - tsp.rectInSelection.top);
row += tsp.rectInSelection.top; // at this point, it's normalised within the whole table
updatedRect.translate( -contentAreaPosition() );
viewport()->update( updatedRect );
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::TextSelect:
d->mouseSelectPos = eventPos;
if ( !rightButton )
void PageView::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * e )
- Page/Link: tooltips for links backported - Page: rotation does not switch height and width - Document/Part/Generator: 1. Add API for attaching stuff to the interface: ActionCollection and the Navigation Panel also add possibility to merge an XML .rc file with menu layout. Relevant functions are: QString Generator::getXMLFile(), returns a QString with your .rc file name. void Generator::setupGUI (KActionCollection* , QToolbox* ), add your components to the user interface 2. Supporting backend settings: If during startup, backends which provide a configuration ([X-KDE-oKularHasInternalSettings] set to true) are found, a menu item: configure backends is created, clicking on it results in loading all the generators that have settings, but not those that dont. the Generator::addPages(KConfigDialog *dlg) function should be overloaded by a generator and dlg->addPage should be used to add pages. If a user opens a file that needs an already loaded generator, the already loaded one is used instead of loading another. 3. Error/Warning/Notice sending support, to send a notice/error/warning, add a relevant notice/error/warning(QString& txt ,int duration) to the generator class, and sending a message to the user is as simple as emitting a signal! 4. Intercepting of events generated by the PageView is done by Generator::handleEvent(QEvent*), subclass it, do a switch on QEvent::type(), handle your event and return true if pageview is to proceed with its handling or false if not. 5. Support configuring the KPrinter on the generator side, use Generator::canConfigurePrinter(), return true there, and you get a nonconfigured KPrinter in your Generator::print() 6. PixmapRequest handling update: a.) Generator::canGeneratePixmap is now Generator::canGeneratePixmap(bool async) b.) Document::sendGeneratorRequests is a slot now c.) Old way of sending pixmaps (Document::requestPixmaps(QValueList<PixmapRequest*> checking if we can generate pixmap if not, waiting for receiving) is replaced with: requestPixmaps only queues the pixmap all checking if w can generate is done in sendGeneratorReqest, the sendGeneratorRequest is run in three places: 1. in requestPixmaps when we receive a request 2. in requestDone if pixmapStack is not empty 3. sendGeneratorRequest, apart from removing invalid requests, takes the current request and if generator canGeratePixmap(request->async) it removes the pixmap from stack and sends to generator if not, QTimer::singleshots to itself after 20ms, it ends when stack has no valid pixmap request 7. Added a commented out zoom field to PixmapGenerator, mightcome in handy sometime - TextPage: add instructions that handle simplyfing the RegularAreaRect, no more double painted borders in selection rectangles, this rocks. svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/oKular/kpdf/; revision=445196
2005-08-10 16:14:39 +00:00
// stop the drag scrolling
// don't perform any mouse action when no document is shown..
if ( d->items.isEmpty() )
// ..except for right Clicks (emitted even it viewport is empty)
if ( e->button() == Qt::RightButton )
emit rightClick( 0, e->globalPos() );
// don't perform any mouse action when viewport is autoscrolling
if ( d->viewportMoveActive )
const QPoint eventPos = contentAreaPoint( e->pos() );
// handle mode indepent mid buttom zoom
if ( e->button() == Qt::MidButton )
// request pixmaps since it was disabled during drag
// the cursor may now be over a link.. update it
updateCursor( eventPos );
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
// if we're editing an annotation, dispatch event to it
if ( d->annotator && d->annotator->active() )
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
PageViewItem * pageItem = pickItemOnPoint( eventPos.x(), eventPos.y() );
d->annotator->routeMouseEvent( e, pageItem );
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
if ( d->mouseAnn )
// Just finished to move the annotation
d->mouseAnn->setFlags( d->mouseAnn->flags() & ~Okular::Annotation::BeingMoved );
d->document->translatePageAnnotation(d->mouseAnnPageNum, d->mouseAnn, Okular::NormalizedPoint( 0.0, 0.0 ) );
setCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor );
d->mouseAnn = 0;
bool leftButton = e->button() == Qt::LeftButton;
bool rightButton = e->button() == Qt::RightButton;
switch ( Okular::Settings::mouseMode() )
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Browse:{
// return the cursor to its normal state after dragging
2011-08-11 21:46:09 +00:00
if ( cursor().shape() == Qt::ClosedHandCursor )
updateCursor( eventPos );
PageViewItem * pageItem = pickItemOnPoint( eventPos.x(), eventPos.y() );
const QPoint pressPos = contentAreaPoint( mapFromGlobal( d->mousePressPos ) );
const PageViewItem * pageItemPressPos = pickItemOnPoint( pressPos.x(), pressPos.y() );
// if the mouse has not moved since the press, that's a -click-
if ( leftButton && pageItem && pageItem == pageItemPressPos &&
( (d->mousePressPos - e->globalPos()).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance() ) )
double nX = pageItem->absToPageX(eventPos.x());
double nY = pageItem->absToPageY(eventPos.y());
const Okular::ObjectRect * rect;
rect = pageItem->page()->objectRect( Okular::ObjectRect::Action, nX, nY, pageItem->uncroppedWidth(), pageItem->uncroppedHeight() );
if ( rect )
// handle click over a link
const Okular::Action * action = static_cast< const Okular::Action * >( rect->object() );
d->document->processAction( action );
else if ( e->modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier )
// TODO: find a better way to activate the source reference "links"
// for the moment they are activated with Shift + left click
// Search the nearest source reference.
rect = pageItem->page()->objectRect( Okular::ObjectRect::SourceRef, nX, nY, pageItem->uncroppedWidth(), pageItem->uncroppedHeight() );
if ( !rect )
static const double s_minDistance = 0.025; // FIXME?: empirical value?
double distance = 0.0;
rect = pageItem->page()->nearestObjectRect( Okular::ObjectRect::SourceRef, nX, nY, pageItem->uncroppedWidth(), pageItem->uncroppedHeight(), &distance );
// distance is distanceSqr, adapt it to a normalized value
distance = distance / (pow( pageItem->uncroppedWidth(), 2 ) + pow( pageItem->uncroppedHeight(), 2 ));
if ( rect && ( distance > s_minDistance ) )
rect = 0;
if ( rect )
const Okular::SourceReference * ref = static_cast< const Okular::SourceReference * >( rect->object() );
d->document->processSourceReference( ref );
const Okular::SourceReference * ref = d->document->dynamicSourceReference( pageItem-> pageNumber(), nX * pageItem->page()->width(), nY * pageItem->page()->height() );
if ( ref )
d->document->processSourceReference( ref );
delete ref;
Okular::Annotation *ann = 0;
rect = pageItem->page()->objectRect( Okular::ObjectRect::OAnnotation, nX, nY, pageItem->uncroppedWidth(), pageItem->uncroppedHeight() );
if ( rect )
ann = ( (Okular::AnnotationObjectRect *)rect )->annotation();
if ( ann )
if ( ann->subType() == Okular::Annotation::AMovie )
VideoWidget *vw = pageItem->videoWidgets().value( static_cast<Okular::MovieAnnotation*>( ann )->movie() );
else if ( ann->subType() == Okular::Annotation::AScreen )
d->document->processAction( static_cast<Okular::ScreenAnnotation*>( ann )->action() );
#if 0
// a link can move us to another page or even to another document, there's no point in trying to
// process the click on the image once we have processes the click on the link
rect = pageItem->page()->objectRect( Okular::ObjectRect::Image, nX, nY, pageItem->width(), pageItem->height() );
if ( rect )
// handle click over a image
/* Enrico and me have decided this is not worth the trouble it generates
// if not on a rect, the click selects the page
// if ( pageItem->pageNumber() != (int)d->document->currentPage() )
d->document->setViewportPage( pageItem->pageNumber(), this );
else if ( rightButton )
if ( pageItem && pageItem == pageItemPressPos &&
( (d->mousePressPos - e->globalPos()).manhattanLength() < QApplication::startDragDistance() ) )
double nX = pageItem->absToPageX(eventPos.x());
double nY = pageItem->absToPageY(eventPos.y());
const Okular::ObjectRect * rect;
rect = pageItem->page()->objectRect( Okular::ObjectRect::Action, nX, nY, pageItem->uncroppedWidth(), pageItem->uncroppedHeight() );
if ( rect )
// handle right click over a link
const Okular::Action * link = static_cast< const Okular::Action * >( rect->object() );
// creating the menu and its actions
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QMenu menu( this );
QAction * actProcessLink = menu.addAction( i18n( "Follow This Link" ) );
2013-10-22 16:08:17 +00:00
QAction * actStopSound = 0;
if ( link->actionType() == Okular::Action::Sound )
actStopSound = menu.addAction( i18n( "Stop Sound" ) );
QAction * actCopyLinkLocation = 0;
if ( dynamic_cast< const Okular::BrowseAction * >( link ) )
2014-08-13 09:54:49 +00:00
actCopyLinkLocation = menu.addAction( QIcon::fromTheme( "edit-copy" ), i18n( "Copy Link Address" ) );
QAction * res = menu.exec( e->globalPos() );
if ( res )
if ( res == actProcessLink )
d->document->processAction( link );
else if ( res == actCopyLinkLocation )
const Okular::BrowseAction * browseLink = static_cast< const Okular::BrowseAction * >( link );
QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard();
2014-08-10 18:36:41 +00:00
cb->setText( browseLink->url().toDisplayString(), QClipboard::Clipboard );
if ( cb->supportsSelection() )
2014-08-10 18:36:41 +00:00
cb->setText( browseLink->url().toDisplayString(), QClipboard::Selection );
2013-10-22 16:08:17 +00:00
else if ( res == actStopSound )
// a link can move us to another page or even to another document, there's no point in trying to
// process the click on the image once we have processes the click on the link
rect = pageItem->page()->objectRect( Okular::ObjectRect::Image, nX, nY, pageItem->uncroppedWidth(), pageItem->uncroppedHeight() );
if ( rect )
// handle right click over a image
// right click (if not within 5 px of the press point, the mode
// had been already changed to 'Selection' instead of 'Normal')
emit rightClick( pageItem->page(), e->globalPos() );
// right click (if not within 5 px of the press point, the mode
// had been already changed to 'Selection' instead of 'Normal')
emit rightClick( pageItem ? pageItem->page() : 0, e->globalPos() );
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Zoom:
// if a selection rect has been defined, zoom into it
if ( leftButton && d->mouseSelecting )
QRect selRect = d->mouseSelectionRect.normalized();
if ( selRect.width() <= 8 && selRect.height() <= 8 )
// find out new zoom ratio and normalized view center (relative to the contentsRect)
double zoom = qMin( (double)viewport()->width() / (double)selRect.width(), (double)viewport()->height() / (double)selRect.height() );
double nX = (double)(selRect.left() + selRect.right()) / (2.0 * (double)contentAreaWidth());
double nY = (double)(selRect.top() + selRect.bottom()) / (2.0 * (double)contentAreaHeight());
const float upperZoomLimit = d->document->supportsTiles() ? 16.0 : 4.0;
if ( d->zoomFactor <= upperZoomLimit || zoom <= 1.0 )
d->zoomFactor *= zoom;
viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( false );
updateZoom( ZoomRefreshCurrent );
viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( true );
// recenter view and update the viewport
center( (int)(nX * contentAreaWidth()), (int)(nY * contentAreaHeight()) );
// hide message box and delete overlay window
2014-02-24 22:42:10 +00:00
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Magnifier:
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::RectSelect:
// if mouse is released and selection is null this is a rightClick
if ( rightButton && !d->mouseSelecting )
PageViewItem * pageItem = pickItemOnPoint( eventPos.x(), eventPos.y() );
emit rightClick( pageItem ? pageItem->page() : 0, e->globalPos() );
// if a selection is defined, display a popup
if ( (!leftButton && !d->aPrevAction) || (!rightButton && d->aPrevAction) ||
!d->mouseSelecting )
QRect selectionRect = d->mouseSelectionRect.normalized();
if ( selectionRect.width() <= 8 && selectionRect.height() <= 8 )
if ( d->aPrevAction )
d->aPrevAction = 0;
// if we support text generation
QString selectedText;
- Page/Link: tooltips for links backported - Page: rotation does not switch height and width - Document/Part/Generator: 1. Add API for attaching stuff to the interface: ActionCollection and the Navigation Panel also add possibility to merge an XML .rc file with menu layout. Relevant functions are: QString Generator::getXMLFile(), returns a QString with your .rc file name. void Generator::setupGUI (KActionCollection* , QToolbox* ), add your components to the user interface 2. Supporting backend settings: If during startup, backends which provide a configuration ([X-KDE-oKularHasInternalSettings] set to true) are found, a menu item: configure backends is created, clicking on it results in loading all the generators that have settings, but not those that dont. the Generator::addPages(KConfigDialog *dlg) function should be overloaded by a generator and dlg->addPage should be used to add pages. If a user opens a file that needs an already loaded generator, the already loaded one is used instead of loading another. 3. Error/Warning/Notice sending support, to send a notice/error/warning, add a relevant notice/error/warning(QString& txt ,int duration) to the generator class, and sending a message to the user is as simple as emitting a signal! 4. Intercepting of events generated by the PageView is done by Generator::handleEvent(QEvent*), subclass it, do a switch on QEvent::type(), handle your event and return true if pageview is to proceed with its handling or false if not. 5. Support configuring the KPrinter on the generator side, use Generator::canConfigurePrinter(), return true there, and you get a nonconfigured KPrinter in your Generator::print() 6. PixmapRequest handling update: a.) Generator::canGeneratePixmap is now Generator::canGeneratePixmap(bool async) b.) Document::sendGeneratorRequests is a slot now c.) Old way of sending pixmaps (Document::requestPixmaps(QValueList<PixmapRequest*> checking if we can generate pixmap if not, waiting for receiving) is replaced with: requestPixmaps only queues the pixmap all checking if w can generate is done in sendGeneratorReqest, the sendGeneratorRequest is run in three places: 1. in requestPixmaps when we receive a request 2. in requestDone if pixmapStack is not empty 3. sendGeneratorRequest, apart from removing invalid requests, takes the current request and if generator canGeratePixmap(request->async) it removes the pixmap from stack and sends to generator if not, QTimer::singleshots to itself after 20ms, it ends when stack has no valid pixmap request 7. Added a commented out zoom field to PixmapGenerator, mightcome in handy sometime - TextPage: add instructions that handle simplyfing the RegularAreaRect, no more double painted borders in selection rectangles, this rocks. svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/oKular/kpdf/; revision=445196
2005-08-10 16:14:39 +00:00
if (d->document->supportsSearching())
// grab text in selection by extracting it from all intersected pages
const Okular::Page * okularPage=0;
QVector< PageViewItem * >::const_iterator iIt = d->items.constBegin(), iEnd = d->items.constEnd();
for ( ; iIt != iEnd; ++iIt )
PageViewItem * item = *iIt;
if ( !item->isVisible() )
const QRect & itemRect = item->croppedGeometry();
if ( selectionRect.intersects( itemRect ) )
// request the textpage if there isn't one
okularPage= item->page();
2014-09-11 19:12:27 +00:00
qWarning() << "checking if page" << item->pageNumber() << "has text:" << okularPage->hasTextPage();
if ( !okularPage->hasTextPage() )
d->document->requestTextPage( okularPage->number() );
// grab text in the rect that intersects itemRect
QRect relativeRect = selectionRect.intersect( itemRect );
relativeRect.translate( -item->uncroppedGeometry().topLeft() );
Okular::RegularAreaRect rects;
rects.append( Okular::NormalizedRect( relativeRect, item->uncroppedWidth(), item->uncroppedHeight() ) );
selectedText += okularPage->text( &rects );
- Page/Link: tooltips for links backported - Page: rotation does not switch height and width - Document/Part/Generator: 1. Add API for attaching stuff to the interface: ActionCollection and the Navigation Panel also add possibility to merge an XML .rc file with menu layout. Relevant functions are: QString Generator::getXMLFile(), returns a QString with your .rc file name. void Generator::setupGUI (KActionCollection* , QToolbox* ), add your components to the user interface 2. Supporting backend settings: If during startup, backends which provide a configuration ([X-KDE-oKularHasInternalSettings] set to true) are found, a menu item: configure backends is created, clicking on it results in loading all the generators that have settings, but not those that dont. the Generator::addPages(KConfigDialog *dlg) function should be overloaded by a generator and dlg->addPage should be used to add pages. If a user opens a file that needs an already loaded generator, the already loaded one is used instead of loading another. 3. Error/Warning/Notice sending support, to send a notice/error/warning, add a relevant notice/error/warning(QString& txt ,int duration) to the generator class, and sending a message to the user is as simple as emitting a signal! 4. Intercepting of events generated by the PageView is done by Generator::handleEvent(QEvent*), subclass it, do a switch on QEvent::type(), handle your event and return true if pageview is to proceed with its handling or false if not. 5. Support configuring the KPrinter on the generator side, use Generator::canConfigurePrinter(), return true there, and you get a nonconfigured KPrinter in your Generator::print() 6. PixmapRequest handling update: a.) Generator::canGeneratePixmap is now Generator::canGeneratePixmap(bool async) b.) Document::sendGeneratorRequests is a slot now c.) Old way of sending pixmaps (Document::requestPixmaps(QValueList<PixmapRequest*> checking if we can generate pixmap if not, waiting for receiving) is replaced with: requestPixmaps only queues the pixmap all checking if w can generate is done in sendGeneratorReqest, the sendGeneratorRequest is run in three places: 1. in requestPixmaps when we receive a request 2. in requestDone if pixmapStack is not empty 3. sendGeneratorRequest, apart from removing invalid requests, takes the current request and if generator canGeratePixmap(request->async) it removes the pixmap from stack and sends to generator if not, QTimer::singleshots to itself after 20ms, it ends when stack has no valid pixmap request 7. Added a commented out zoom field to PixmapGenerator, mightcome in handy sometime - TextPage: add instructions that handle simplyfing the RegularAreaRect, no more double painted borders in selection rectangles, this rocks. svn path=/trunk/playground/graphics/oKular/kpdf/; revision=445196
2005-08-10 16:14:39 +00:00
// popup that ask to copy:text and copy/save:image
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QMenu menu( this );
QAction *textToClipboard = 0, *speakText = 0, *imageToClipboard = 0, *imageToFile = 0;
if ( d->document->supportsSearching() && !selectedText.isEmpty() )
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
menu.setTitle( i18np( "Text (1 character)", "Text (%1 characters)", selectedText.length() ) );
2014-08-13 09:54:49 +00:00
textToClipboard = menu.addAction( QIcon::fromTheme("edit-copy"), i18n( "Copy to Clipboard" ) );
bool copyAllowed = d->document->isAllowed( Okular::AllowCopy );
if ( !copyAllowed )
textToClipboard->setEnabled( false );
textToClipboard->setText( i18n("Copy forbidden by DRM") );
if ( Okular::Settings::useKTTSD() )
2014-08-13 09:54:49 +00:00
speakText = menu.addAction( QIcon::fromTheme("text-speak"), i18n( "Speak Text" ) );
if ( copyAllowed )
addWebShortcutsMenu( &menu, selectedText );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
menu.setTitle( i18n( "Image (%1 by %2 pixels)", selectionRect.width(), selectionRect.height() ) );
2014-08-13 09:54:49 +00:00
imageToClipboard = menu.addAction( QIcon::fromTheme("image-x-generic"), i18n( "Copy to Clipboard" ) );
imageToFile = menu.addAction( QIcon::fromTheme("document-save"), i18n( "Save to File..." ) );
QAction *choice = menu.exec( e->globalPos() );
// check if the user really selected an action
if ( choice )
// IMAGE operation chosen
if ( choice == imageToClipboard || choice == imageToFile )
// renders page into a pixmap
QPixmap copyPix( selectionRect.width(), selectionRect.height() );
QPainter copyPainter( &copyPix );
copyPainter.translate( -selectionRect.left(), -selectionRect.top() );
drawDocumentOnPainter( selectionRect, &copyPainter );
if ( choice == imageToClipboard )
// [2] copy pixmap to clipboard
QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard();
cb->setPixmap( copyPix, QClipboard::Clipboard );
if ( cb->supportsSelection() )
cb->setPixmap( copyPix, QClipboard::Selection );
d->messageWindow->display( i18n( "Image [%1x%2] copied to clipboard.", copyPix.width(), copyPix.height() ) );
else if ( choice == imageToFile )
// [3] save pixmap to file
2014-08-10 18:36:41 +00:00
QString fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( QUrl(), "image/png image/jpeg", this, QString(),
KFileDialog::ConfirmOverwrite );
if ( fileName.isEmpty() )
d->messageWindow->display( i18n( "File not saved." ), QString(), PageViewMessage::Warning );
QMimeDatabase db;
QMimeType mime = db.mimeTypeForUrl( QUrl::fromLocalFile(fileName) );
QString type;
if ( !mime.isDefault() )
type = "PNG";
type = mime.name().section( '/', -1 ).toUpper();
copyPix.save( fileName, qPrintable( type ) );
d->messageWindow->display( i18n( "Image [%1x%2] saved to %3 file.", copyPix.width(), copyPix.height(), type ) );
// TEXT operation chosen
if ( choice == textToClipboard )
// [1] copy text to clipboard
QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard();
cb->setText( selectedText, QClipboard::Clipboard );
if ( cb->supportsSelection() )
cb->setText( selectedText, QClipboard::Selection );
else if ( choice == speakText )
// [2] speech selection using KTTSD
// d->tts()->say( selectedText );
// clear widget selection and invalidate rect
// restore previous action if came from it using right button
if ( d->aPrevAction )
d->aPrevAction = 0;
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::TableSelect:
// if mouse is released and selection is null this is a rightClick
if ( rightButton && !d->mouseSelecting )
PageViewItem * pageItem = pickItemOnPoint( eventPos.x(), eventPos.y() );
emit rightClick( pageItem ? pageItem->page() : 0, e->globalPos() );
QRect selectionRect = d->mouseSelectionRect.normalized();
if ( selectionRect.width() <= 8 && selectionRect.height() <= 8 && d->tableSelectionParts.isEmpty() )
if ( d->aPrevAction )
d->aPrevAction = 0;
if (d->mouseSelecting) {
// break up the selection into page-relative pieces
const Okular::Page * okularPage=0;
QVector< PageViewItem * >::const_iterator iIt = d->items.constBegin(), iEnd = d->items.constEnd();
for ( ; iIt != iEnd; ++iIt )
PageViewItem * item = *iIt;
if ( !item->isVisible() )
const QRect & itemRect = item->croppedGeometry();
if ( selectionRect.intersects( itemRect ) )
// request the textpage if there isn't one
okularPage= item->page();
2014-09-11 19:12:27 +00:00
qWarning() << "checking if page" << item->pageNumber() << "has text:" << okularPage->hasTextPage();
if ( !okularPage->hasTextPage() )
d->document->requestTextPage( okularPage->number() );
// grab text in the rect that intersects itemRect
QRect rectInItem = selectionRect.intersect( itemRect );
rectInItem.translate( -item->uncroppedGeometry().topLeft() );
QRect rectInSelection = selectionRect.intersect( itemRect );
rectInSelection.translate( -selectionRect.topLeft() );
Okular::NormalizedRect( rectInItem, item->uncroppedWidth(), item->uncroppedHeight() ),
Okular::NormalizedRect( rectInSelection, selectionRect.width(), selectionRect.height() )
QRect updatedRect = d->mouseSelectionRect.normalized().adjusted( 0, 0, 1, 1 );
updatedRect.translate( -contentAreaPosition() );
d->mouseSelecting = false;
d->mouseSelectionRect.setCoords( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
viewport()->update( updatedRect );
if ( !d->document->isAllowed( Okular::AllowCopy ) ) {
d->messageWindow->display( i18n("Copy forbidden by DRM"), QString(), PageViewMessage::Info, -1 );
QString selText;
QString selHtml;
QList<double> xs = d->tableSelectionCols;
QList<double> ys = d->tableSelectionRows;
selHtml = "<html><head>"
"<meta content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" http-equiv=\"Content-Type\">"
for (int r=0; r+1<ys.length(); r++) {
selHtml += "<tr>";
for (int c=0; c+1<xs.length(); c++) {
Okular::NormalizedRect cell(xs[c], ys[r], xs[c+1], ys[r+1]);
if (c) selText += '\t';
QString txt;
foreach (const TableSelectionPart &tsp, d->tableSelectionParts) {
// first, crop the cell to this part
if (!tsp.rectInSelection.intersects(cell))
Okular::NormalizedRect cellPart = tsp.rectInSelection & cell; // intersection
// second, convert it from table coordinates to part coordinates
cellPart.left -= tsp.rectInSelection.left;
cellPart.left /= (tsp.rectInSelection.right - tsp.rectInSelection.left);
cellPart.right -= tsp.rectInSelection.left;
cellPart.right /= (tsp.rectInSelection.right - tsp.rectInSelection.left);
cellPart.top -= tsp.rectInSelection.top;
cellPart.top /= (tsp.rectInSelection.bottom - tsp.rectInSelection.top);
cellPart.bottom -= tsp.rectInSelection.top;
cellPart.bottom /= (tsp.rectInSelection.bottom - tsp.rectInSelection.top);
// third, convert from part coordinates to item coordinates
cellPart.left *= (tsp.rectInItem.right - tsp.rectInItem.left);
cellPart.left += tsp.rectInItem.left;
cellPart.right *= (tsp.rectInItem.right - tsp.rectInItem.left);
cellPart.right += tsp.rectInItem.left;
cellPart.top *= (tsp.rectInItem.bottom - tsp.rectInItem.top);
cellPart.top += tsp.rectInItem.top;
cellPart.bottom *= (tsp.rectInItem.bottom - tsp.rectInItem.top);
cellPart.bottom += tsp.rectInItem.top;
// now get the text
Okular::RegularAreaRect rects;
rects.append( cellPart );
txt += tsp.item->page()->text( &rects, Okular::TextPage::CentralPixelTextAreaInclusionBehaviour );
QString html = txt;
selText += txt.replace('\n', ' ');
html.replace('&', "&amp;").replace('<', "&lt;").replace('>', "&gt;");
// Remove newlines, do not turn them into <br>, because
// Excel interprets <br> within cell as new cell...
html.replace('\n', " ");
selHtml += "<td>"+html+"</td>";
selText += '\n';
selHtml += "</tr>\n";
selHtml += "</table></body></html>\n";
QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard();
QMimeData *md = new QMimeData();
cb->setMimeData( md, QClipboard::Clipboard );
if ( cb->supportsSelection() )
cb->setMimeData( md, QClipboard::Selection );
case Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::TextSelect:
if ( d->mouseTextSelecting )
d->mouseTextSelecting = false;
// textSelectionClear();
if ( d->document->isAllowed( Okular::AllowCopy ) )
const QString text = d->selectedText();
if ( !text.isEmpty() )
QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard();
if ( cb->supportsSelection() )
cb->setText( text, QClipboard::Selection );
else if ( !d->mousePressPos.isNull() && rightButton )
PageViewItem* item = pickItemOnPoint(eventPos.x(),eventPos.y());
const Okular::Page *page;
//if there is text selected in the page
if (item && (page = item->page())->textSelection())
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QMenu menu( this );
2014-08-13 09:54:49 +00:00
QAction *textToClipboard = menu.addAction( QIcon::fromTheme( "edit-copy" ), i18n( "Copy Text" ) );
QAction *speakText = 0;
QAction *httpLink = 0;
// if ( Okular::Settings::useKTTSD() )
2014-08-13 09:54:49 +00:00
// speakText = menu.addAction( QIcon::fromTheme( "text-speak" ), i18n( "Speak Text" ) );
if ( !d->document->isAllowed( Okular::AllowCopy ) )
textToClipboard->setEnabled( false );
textToClipboard->setText( i18n("Copy forbidden by DRM") );
addWebShortcutsMenu( &menu, d->selectedText() );
const QString url = UrlUtils::getUrl( d->selectedText() );
if ( !url.isEmpty() )
const QString squeezedText = KStringHandler::rsqueeze( url, 30 );
httpLink = menu.addAction( i18n( "Go to '%1'", squeezedText ) );
QAction *choice = menu.exec( e->globalPos() );
// check if the user really selected an action
if ( choice )
if ( choice == textToClipboard )
else if ( choice == speakText )
const QString text = d->selectedText();
// d->tts()->say( text );
else if ( choice == httpLink )
new KRun( KUrl( url ), this );
// reset mouse press / 'drag start' position
d->mousePressPos = QPoint();
void PageView::guessTableDividers()
QList< QPair<double, int> > colTicks, rowTicks, colSelectionTicks, rowSelectionTicks;
foreach ( const TableSelectionPart& tsp, d->tableSelectionParts )
// add ticks for the edges of this area...
colSelectionTicks.append( qMakePair( tsp.rectInSelection.left, +1 ) );
colSelectionTicks.append( qMakePair( tsp.rectInSelection.right, -1 ) );
rowSelectionTicks.append( qMakePair( tsp.rectInSelection.top, +1 ) );
rowSelectionTicks.append( qMakePair( tsp.rectInSelection.bottom, -1 ) );
// get the words in this part
Okular::RegularAreaRect rects;
rects.append( tsp.rectInItem );
const Okular::TextEntity::List words = tsp.item->page()->words( &rects, Okular::TextPage::CentralPixelTextAreaInclusionBehaviour );
foreach (Okular::TextEntity *te, words)
if (te->text().isEmpty()) {
delete te;
Okular::NormalizedRect wordArea = *te->area();
// convert it from item coordinates to part coordinates
wordArea.left -= tsp.rectInItem.left;
wordArea.left /= (tsp.rectInItem.right - tsp.rectInItem.left);
wordArea.right -= tsp.rectInItem.left;
wordArea.right /= (tsp.rectInItem.right - tsp.rectInItem.left);
wordArea.top -= tsp.rectInItem.top;
wordArea.top /= (tsp.rectInItem.bottom - tsp.rectInItem.top);
wordArea.bottom -= tsp.rectInItem.top;
wordArea.bottom /= (tsp.rectInItem.bottom - tsp.rectInItem.top);
// convert from part coordinates to table coordinates
wordArea.left *= (tsp.rectInSelection.right - tsp.rectInSelection.left);
wordArea.left += tsp.rectInSelection.left;
wordArea.right *= (tsp.rectInSelection.right - tsp.rectInSelection.left);
wordArea.right += tsp.rectInSelection.left;
wordArea.top *= (tsp.rectInSelection.bottom - tsp.rectInSelection.top);
wordArea.top += tsp.rectInSelection.top;
wordArea.bottom *= (tsp.rectInSelection.bottom - tsp.rectInSelection.top);
wordArea.bottom += tsp.rectInSelection.top;
// add to the ticks arrays...
colTicks.append( qMakePair( wordArea.left, +1) );
colTicks.append( qMakePair( wordArea.right, -1) );
rowTicks.append( qMakePair( wordArea.top, +1) );
rowTicks.append( qMakePair( wordArea.bottom, -1) );
delete te;
int tally = 0;
qSort( colSelectionTicks );
qSort( rowSelectionTicks );
for (int i = 0; i < colSelectionTicks.length(); ++i)
tally += colSelectionTicks[i].second;
if ( tally == 0 && i + 1 < colSelectionTicks.length() && colSelectionTicks[i+1].first != colSelectionTicks[i].first)
colTicks.append( qMakePair( colSelectionTicks[i].first, +1 ) );
colTicks.append( qMakePair( colSelectionTicks[i+1].first, -1 ) );
Q_ASSERT( tally == 0 );
for (int i = 0; i < rowSelectionTicks.length(); ++i)
tally += rowSelectionTicks[i].second;
if ( tally == 0 && i + 1 < rowSelectionTicks.length() && rowSelectionTicks[i+1].first != rowSelectionTicks[i].first) {
rowTicks.append( qMakePair( rowSelectionTicks[i].first, +1 ) );
rowTicks.append( qMakePair( rowSelectionTicks[i+1].first, -1 ) );
Q_ASSERT( tally == 0 );
qSort( colTicks );
qSort( rowTicks );
for (int i = 0; i < colTicks.length(); ++i)
tally += colTicks[i].second;
if ( tally == 0 && i + 1 < colTicks.length() && colTicks[i+1].first != colTicks[i].first)
d->tableSelectionCols.append( (colTicks[i].first+colTicks[i+1].first) / 2 );
d->tableDividersGuessed = true;
Q_ASSERT( tally == 0 );
for (int i = 0; i < rowTicks.length(); ++i)
tally += rowTicks[i].second;
if ( tally == 0 && i + 1 < rowTicks.length() && rowTicks[i+1].first != rowTicks[i].first)
d->tableSelectionRows.append( (rowTicks[i].first+rowTicks[i+1].first) / 2 );
d->tableDividersGuessed = true;
Q_ASSERT( tally == 0 );
void PageView::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent * e )
if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton )
const QPoint eventPos = contentAreaPoint( e->pos() );
PageViewItem * pageItem = pickItemOnPoint( eventPos.x(), eventPos.y() );
if ( pageItem )
// find out normalized mouse coords inside current item
double nX = pageItem->absToPageX(eventPos.x());
double nY = pageItem->absToPageY(eventPos.y());
if ( Okular::Settings::mouseMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::TextSelect ) {
Okular::RegularAreaRect *wordRect = pageItem->page()->wordAt( Okular::NormalizedPoint( nX, nY ) );
if ( wordRect )
// TODO words with hyphens across pages
d->document->setPageTextSelection( pageItem->pageNumber(), wordRect, palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight ) );
d->pagesWithTextSelection << pageItem->pageNumber();
2012-10-16 18:38:55 +00:00
if ( d->document->isAllowed( Okular::AllowCopy ) )
2012-10-16 18:38:55 +00:00
const QString text = d->selectedText();
if ( !text.isEmpty() )
QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard();
if ( cb->supportsSelection() )
cb->setText( text, QClipboard::Selection );
const QRect & itemRect = pageItem->uncroppedGeometry();
Okular::Annotation * ann = 0;
const Okular::ObjectRect * orect = pageItem->page()->objectRect( Okular::ObjectRect::OAnnotation, nX, nY, itemRect.width(), itemRect.height() );
if ( orect )
ann = ( (Okular::AnnotationObjectRect *)orect )->annotation();
if ( ann && ann->subType() != Okular::Annotation::AWidget )
openAnnotationWindow( ann, pageItem->pageNumber() );
void PageView::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent *e )
// don't perform any mouse action when viewport is autoscrolling
if ( d->viewportMoveActive )
if ( !d->document->isOpened() )
QAbstractScrollArea::wheelEvent( e );
int delta = e->delta(),
vScroll = verticalScrollBar()->value();
if ( (e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) == Qt::ControlModifier ) {
if ( e->delta() < 0 )
else if ( delta <= -120 && !Okular::Settings::viewContinuous() && vScroll == verticalScrollBar()->maximum() )
// go to next page
if ( (int)d->document->currentPage() < d->items.count() - 1 )
// more optimized than document->setNextPage and then move view to top
Okular::DocumentViewport newViewport = d->document->viewport();
newViewport.pageNumber += viewColumns();
if ( newViewport.pageNumber >= (int)d->items.count() )
newViewport.pageNumber = d->items.count() - 1;
newViewport.rePos.enabled = true;
newViewport.rePos.normalizedY = 0.0;
d->document->setViewport( newViewport );
else if ( delta >= 120 && !Okular::Settings::viewContinuous() && vScroll == verticalScrollBar()->minimum() )
// go to prev page
if ( d->document->currentPage() > 0 )
// more optimized than document->setPrevPage and then move view to bottom
Okular::DocumentViewport newViewport = d->document->viewport();
newViewport.pageNumber -= viewColumns();
if ( newViewport.pageNumber < 0 )
newViewport.pageNumber = 0;
newViewport.rePos.enabled = true;
newViewport.rePos.normalizedY = 1.0;
d->document->setViewport( newViewport );
QAbstractScrollArea::wheelEvent( e );
bool PageView::viewportEvent( QEvent * e )
if ( e->type() == QEvent::ToolTip && Okular::Settings::mouseMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Browse )
QHelpEvent * he = static_cast< QHelpEvent* >( e );
const QPoint eventPos = contentAreaPoint( he->pos() );
PageViewItem * pageItem = pickItemOnPoint( eventPos.x(), eventPos.y() );
const Okular::ObjectRect * rect = 0;
const Okular::Action * link = 0;
const Okular::Annotation * ann = 0;
if ( pageItem )
double nX = pageItem->absToPageX( eventPos.x() );
double nY = pageItem->absToPageY( eventPos.y() );
rect = pageItem->page()->objectRect( Okular::ObjectRect::OAnnotation, nX, nY, pageItem->uncroppedWidth(), pageItem->uncroppedHeight() );
if ( rect )
ann = static_cast< const Okular::AnnotationObjectRect * >( rect )->annotation();
rect = pageItem->page()->objectRect( Okular::ObjectRect::Action, nX, nY, pageItem->uncroppedWidth(), pageItem->uncroppedHeight() );
if ( rect )
link = static_cast< const Okular::Action * >( rect->object() );
if ( ann && ann->subType() != Okular::Annotation::AWidget )
QRect r = rect->boundingRect( pageItem->uncroppedWidth(), pageItem->uncroppedHeight() );
r.translate( pageItem->uncroppedGeometry().topLeft() );
r.translate( -contentAreaPosition() );
QString tip = GuiUtils::prettyToolTip( ann );
QToolTip::showText( he->globalPos(), tip, viewport(), r );
else if ( link )
QRect r = rect->boundingRect( pageItem->uncroppedWidth(), pageItem->uncroppedHeight() );
r.translate( pageItem->uncroppedGeometry().topLeft() );
r.translate( -contentAreaPosition() );
QString tip = link->actionTip();
if ( !tip.isEmpty() )
QToolTip::showText( he->globalPos(), tip, viewport(), r );
return true;
// do not stop the event
return QAbstractScrollArea::viewportEvent( e );
void PageView::scrollContentsBy( int dx, int dy )
const QRect r = viewport()->rect();
viewport()->scroll( dx, dy, r );
// HACK manually repaint the damaged regions, as it seems some updates are missed
// thus leaving artifacts around
QRegion rgn( r );
rgn -= rgn & r.translated( dx, dy );
foreach ( const QRect &rect, rgn.rects() )
viewport()->repaint( rect );
//END widget events
QList< Okular::RegularAreaRect * > PageView::textSelections( const QPoint& start, const QPoint& end, int& firstpage )
firstpage = -1;
QList< Okular::RegularAreaRect * > ret;
QSet< int > affectedItemsSet;
QRect selectionRect = QRect( start, end ).normalized();
foreach( PageViewItem * item, d->items )
if ( item->isVisible() && selectionRect.intersects( item->croppedGeometry() ) )
affectedItemsSet.insert( item->pageNumber() );
2014-09-11 17:36:01 +00:00
qCDebug(OkularUiDebug) << ">>>> item selected by mouse:" << affectedItemsSet.count();
if ( !affectedItemsSet.isEmpty() )
// is the mouse drag line the ne-sw diagonal of the selection rect?
bool direction_ne_sw = start == selectionRect.topRight() || start == selectionRect.bottomLeft();
int tmpmin = d->document->pages();
int tmpmax = 0;
foreach( int p, affectedItemsSet )
if ( p < tmpmin ) tmpmin = p;
if ( p > tmpmax ) tmpmax = p;
PageViewItem * a = pickItemOnPoint( (int)( direction_ne_sw ? selectionRect.right() : selectionRect.left() ), (int)selectionRect.top() );
int min = a && ( a->pageNumber() != tmpmax ) ? a->pageNumber() : tmpmin;
PageViewItem * b = pickItemOnPoint( (int)( direction_ne_sw ? selectionRect.left() : selectionRect.right() ), (int)selectionRect.bottom() );
int max = b && ( b->pageNumber() != tmpmin ) ? b->pageNumber() : tmpmax;
QList< int > affectedItemsIds;
for ( int i = min; i <= max; ++i )
affectedItemsIds.append( i );
2014-09-11 17:36:01 +00:00
qCDebug(OkularUiDebug) << ">>>> pages:" << affectedItemsIds;
firstpage = affectedItemsIds.first();
if ( affectedItemsIds.count() == 1 )
PageViewItem * item = d->items[ affectedItemsIds.first() ];
selectionRect.translate( -item->uncroppedGeometry().topLeft() );
ret.append( textSelectionForItem( item,
direction_ne_sw ? selectionRect.topRight() : selectionRect.topLeft(),
direction_ne_sw ? selectionRect.bottomLeft() : selectionRect.bottomRight() ) );
else if ( affectedItemsIds.count() > 1 )
// first item
PageViewItem * first = d->items[ affectedItemsIds.first() ];
QRect geom = first->croppedGeometry().intersect( selectionRect ).translated( -first->uncroppedGeometry().topLeft() );
ret.append( textSelectionForItem( first,
selectionRect.bottom() > geom.height() ? ( direction_ne_sw ? geom.topRight() : geom.topLeft() ) : ( direction_ne_sw ? geom.bottomRight() : geom.bottomLeft() ),
QPoint() ) );
// last item
PageViewItem * last = d->items[ affectedItemsIds.last() ];
geom = last->croppedGeometry().intersect( selectionRect ).translated( -last->uncroppedGeometry().topLeft() );
// the last item needs to appended at last...
Okular::RegularAreaRect * lastArea = textSelectionForItem( last,
selectionRect.bottom() > geom.height() ? ( direction_ne_sw ? geom.bottomLeft() : geom.bottomRight() ) : ( direction_ne_sw ? geom.topLeft() : geom.topRight() ) );
// item between the two above
foreach( int page, affectedItemsIds )
ret.append( textSelectionForItem( d->items[ page ] ) );
ret.append( lastArea );
return ret;
void PageView::drawDocumentOnPainter( const QRect & contentsRect, QPainter * p )
QColor backColor = viewport()->palette().color( QPalette::Dark );
// when checking if an Item is contained in contentsRect, instead of
// growing PageViewItems rects (for keeping outline into account), we
// grow the contentsRect
QRect checkRect = contentsRect;
checkRect.adjust( -3, -3, 1, 1 );
// create a region from which we'll subtract painted rects
QRegion remainingArea( contentsRect );
// iterate over all items painting the ones intersecting contentsRect
QVector< PageViewItem * >::const_iterator iIt = d->items.constBegin(), iEnd = d->items.constEnd();
for ( ; iIt != iEnd; ++iIt )
// check if a piece of the page intersects the contents rect
if ( !(*iIt)->isVisible() || !(*iIt)->croppedGeometry().intersects( checkRect ) )
// get item and item's outline geometries
PageViewItem * item = *iIt;
QRect itemGeometry = item->croppedGeometry(),
outlineGeometry = itemGeometry;
outlineGeometry.adjust( -1, -1, 3, 3 );
// move the painter to the top-left corner of the real page
p->translate( itemGeometry.left(), itemGeometry.top() );
// draw the page outline (black border and 2px bottom-right shadow)
if ( !itemGeometry.contains( contentsRect ) )
int itemWidth = itemGeometry.width(),
itemHeight = itemGeometry.height();
// draw simple outline
p->setPen( Qt::black );
p->drawRect( -1, -1, itemWidth + 1, itemHeight + 1 );
// draw bottom/right gradient
static const int levels = 2;
int r = backColor.red() / (levels + 2) + 6,
g = backColor.green() / (levels + 2) + 6,
b = backColor.blue() / (levels + 2) + 6;
for ( int i = 0; i < levels; i++ )
p->setPen( QColor( r * (i+2), g * (i+2), b * (i+2) ) );
p->drawLine( i, i + itemHeight + 1, i + itemWidth + 1, i + itemHeight + 1 );
p->drawLine( i + itemWidth + 1, i, i + itemWidth + 1, i + itemHeight );
p->setPen( backColor );
p->drawLine( -1, i + itemHeight + 1, i - 1, i + itemHeight + 1 );
p->drawLine( i + itemWidth + 1, -1, i + itemWidth + 1, i - 1 );
// draw the page using the PagePainter with all flags active
if ( contentsRect.intersects( itemGeometry ) )
2011-10-23 13:22:58 +00:00
Okular::NormalizedPoint *viewPortPoint = 0;
Okular::NormalizedPoint point( d->lastSourceLocationViewportNormalizedX, d->lastSourceLocationViewportNormalizedY );
if( Okular::Settings::showSourceLocationsGraphically()
&& item->pageNumber() == d->lastSourceLocationViewportPageNumber )
viewPortPoint = &point;
QRect pixmapRect = contentsRect.intersect( itemGeometry );
pixmapRect.translate( -item->croppedGeometry().topLeft() );
PagePainter::paintCroppedPageOnPainter( p, item->page(), this, pageflags,
item->uncroppedWidth(), item->uncroppedHeight(), pixmapRect,
item->crop(), viewPortPoint );
// remove painted area from 'remainingArea' and restore painter
remainingArea -= outlineGeometry.intersect( contentsRect );
// fill with background color the unpainted area
const QVector<QRect> &backRects = remainingArea.rects();
int backRectsNumber = backRects.count();
for ( int jr = 0; jr < backRectsNumber; jr++ )
p->fillRect( backRects[ jr ], backColor );
void PageView::updateItemSize( PageViewItem * item, int colWidth, int rowHeight )
const Okular::Page * okularPage = item->page();
double width = okularPage->width(),
height = okularPage->height(),
zoom = d->zoomFactor;
Okular::NormalizedRect crop( 0., 0., 1., 1. );
// Handle cropping
if ( Okular::Settings::trimMargins() && okularPage->isBoundingBoxKnown()
&& !okularPage->boundingBox().isNull() )
crop = okularPage->boundingBox();
// Rotate the bounding box
for ( int i = okularPage->rotation(); i > 0; --i )
Okular::NormalizedRect rot = crop;
crop.left = 1 - rot.bottom;
crop.top = rot.left;
crop.right = 1 - rot.top;
crop.bottom = rot.right;
// Expand the crop slightly beyond the bounding box
static const double cropExpandRatio = 0.04;
const double cropExpand = cropExpandRatio * ( (crop.right-crop.left) + (crop.bottom-crop.top) ) / 2;
crop = Okular::NormalizedRect(
crop.left - cropExpand,
crop.top - cropExpand,
crop.right + cropExpand,
crop.bottom + cropExpand ) & Okular::NormalizedRect( 0, 0, 1, 1 );
// We currently generate a larger image and then crop it, so if the
// crop rect is very small the generated image is huge. Hence, we shouldn't
// let the crop rect become too small.
// Make sure we crop by at most 50% in either dimension:
static const double minCropRatio = 0.5;
if ( ( crop.right - crop.left ) < minCropRatio )
const double newLeft = ( crop.left + crop.right ) / 2 - minCropRatio/2;
crop.left = qMax( 0.0, qMin( 1.0 - minCropRatio, newLeft ) );
crop.right = crop.left + minCropRatio;
if ( ( crop.bottom - crop.top ) < minCropRatio )
const double newTop = ( crop.top + crop.bottom ) / 2 - minCropRatio/2;
crop.top = qMax( 0.0, qMin( 1.0 - minCropRatio, newTop ) );
crop.bottom = crop.top + minCropRatio;
width *= ( crop.right - crop.left );
height *= ( crop.bottom - crop.top );
2014-09-11 17:36:01 +00:00
qCDebug(OkularUiDebug) << "Cropped page" << okularPage->number() << "to" << crop
<< "width" << width << "height" << height << "by bbox" << okularPage->boundingBox();
if ( d->zoomMode == ZoomFixed )
width *= zoom;
height *= zoom;
item->setWHZC( (int)width, (int)height, d->zoomFactor, crop );
else if ( d->zoomMode == ZoomFitWidth )
height = ( height / width ) * colWidth;
zoom = (double)colWidth / width;
item->setWHZC( colWidth, (int)height, zoom, crop );
if ((uint)item->pageNumber() == d->document->currentPage())
d->zoomFactor = zoom;
else if ( d->zoomMode == ZoomFitPage )
const double scaleW = (double)colWidth / (double)width;
const double scaleH = (double)rowHeight / (double)height;
zoom = qMin( scaleW, scaleH );
item->setWHZC( (int)(zoom * width), (int)(zoom * height), zoom, crop );
if ((uint)item->pageNumber() == d->document->currentPage())
d->zoomFactor = zoom;
else if ( d->zoomMode == ZoomFitAuto )
const double aspectRatioRelation = 1.25; // relation between aspect ratios for "auto fit"
const double uiAspect = (double)rowHeight / (double)colWidth;
const double pageAspect = (double)height / (double)width;
const double rel = uiAspect / pageAspect;
const bool isContinuous = Okular::Settings::viewContinuous();
if ( !isContinuous && rel > aspectRatioRelation )
// UI space is relatively much higher than the page
zoom = (double)rowHeight / (double)height;
else if ( rel < 1.0 / aspectRatioRelation )
// UI space is relatively much wider than the page in relation
zoom = (double)colWidth / (double)width;
// aspect ratios of page and UI space are very similar
const double scaleW = (double)colWidth / (double)width;
const double scaleH = (double)rowHeight / (double)height;
zoom = qMin( scaleW, scaleH );
item->setWHZC( (int)(zoom * width), (int)(zoom * height), zoom, crop );
if ((uint)item->pageNumber() == d->document->currentPage())
d->zoomFactor = zoom;
#ifndef NDEBUG
2014-09-11 17:36:01 +00:00
qCDebug(OkularUiDebug) << "calling updateItemSize with unrecognized d->zoomMode!";
PageViewItem * PageView::pickItemOnPoint( int x, int y )
PageViewItem * item = 0;
QLinkedList< PageViewItem * >::const_iterator iIt = d->visibleItems.constBegin(), iEnd = d->visibleItems.constEnd();
for ( ; iIt != iEnd; ++iIt )
PageViewItem * i = *iIt;
const QRect & r = i->croppedGeometry();
if ( x < r.right() && x > r.left() && y < r.bottom() )
if ( y > r.top() )
item = i;
return item;
void PageView::textSelectionClear()
// something to clear
if ( !d->pagesWithTextSelection.isEmpty() )
QSet< int >::ConstIterator it = d->pagesWithTextSelection.constBegin(), itEnd = d->pagesWithTextSelection.constEnd();
for ( ; it != itEnd; ++it )
d->document->setPageTextSelection( *it, 0, QColor() );
void PageView::selectionStart( const QPoint & pos, const QColor & color, bool /*aboveAll*/ )
d->mouseSelecting = true;
d->mouseSelectionRect.setRect( pos.x(), pos.y(), 1, 1 );
d->mouseSelectionColor = color;
// ensures page doesn't scroll
if ( d->autoScrollTimer )
d->scrollIncrement = 0;
void PageView::scrollPosIntoView( const QPoint & pos )
if (pos.x() < horizontalScrollBar()->value()) d->dragScrollVector.setX(pos.x() - horizontalScrollBar()->value());
else if (horizontalScrollBar()->value() + viewport()->width() < pos.x()) d->dragScrollVector.setX(pos.x() - horizontalScrollBar()->value() - viewport()->width());
else d->dragScrollVector.setX(0);
if (pos.y() < verticalScrollBar()->value()) d->dragScrollVector.setY(pos.y() - verticalScrollBar()->value());
else if (verticalScrollBar()->value() + viewport()->height() < pos.y()) d->dragScrollVector.setY(pos.y() - verticalScrollBar()->value() - viewport()->height());
else d->dragScrollVector.setY(0);
if (d->dragScrollVector != QPoint(0, 0))
if (!d->dragScrollTimer.isActive()) d->dragScrollTimer.start(100);
else d->dragScrollTimer.stop();
void PageView::updateSelection( const QPoint & pos )
if ( d->mouseSelecting )
scrollPosIntoView( pos );
// update the selection rect
QRect updateRect = d->mouseSelectionRect;
d->mouseSelectionRect.setBottomLeft( pos );
updateRect |= d->mouseSelectionRect;
updateRect.translate( -contentAreaPosition() );
viewport()->update( updateRect.adjusted( -1, -1, 1, 1 ) );
else if ( d->mouseTextSelecting)
scrollPosIntoView( pos );
int first = -1;
const QList< Okular::RegularAreaRect * > selections = textSelections( pos, d->mouseSelectPos, first );
QSet< int > pagesWithSelectionSet;
for ( int i = 0; i < selections.count(); ++i )
pagesWithSelectionSet.insert( i + first );
const QSet< int > noMoreSelectedPages = d->pagesWithTextSelection - pagesWithSelectionSet;
// clear the selection from pages not selected anymore
foreach( int p, noMoreSelectedPages )
d->document->setPageTextSelection( p, 0, QColor() );
// set the new selection for the selected pages
foreach( int p, pagesWithSelectionSet )
d->document->setPageTextSelection( p, selections[ p - first ], palette().color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight ) );
d->pagesWithTextSelection = pagesWithSelectionSet;
static Okular::NormalizedPoint rotateInNormRect( const QPoint &rotated, const QRect &rect, Okular::Rotation rotation )
Okular::NormalizedPoint ret;
switch ( rotation )
case Okular::Rotation0:
ret = Okular::NormalizedPoint( rotated.x(), rotated.y(), rect.width(), rect.height() );
case Okular::Rotation90:
ret = Okular::NormalizedPoint( rotated.y(), rect.width() - rotated.x(), rect.height(), rect.width() );
case Okular::Rotation180:
ret = Okular::NormalizedPoint( rect.width() - rotated.x(), rect.height() - rotated.y(), rect.width(), rect.height() );
case Okular::Rotation270:
ret = Okular::NormalizedPoint( rect.height() - rotated.y(), rotated.x(), rect.height(), rect.width() );
return ret;
Okular::RegularAreaRect * PageView::textSelectionForItem( PageViewItem * item, const QPoint & startPoint, const QPoint & endPoint )
const QRect & geometry = item->uncroppedGeometry();
Okular::NormalizedPoint startCursor( 0.0, 0.0 );
if ( !startPoint.isNull() )
startCursor = rotateInNormRect( startPoint, geometry, item->page()->rotation() );
Okular::NormalizedPoint endCursor( 1.0, 1.0 );
if ( !endPoint.isNull() )
endCursor = rotateInNormRect( endPoint, geometry, item->page()->rotation() );
Okular::TextSelection mouseTextSelectionInfo( startCursor, endCursor );
const Okular::Page * okularPage = item->page();
if ( !okularPage->hasTextPage() )
d->document->requestTextPage( okularPage->number() );
Okular::RegularAreaRect * selectionArea = okularPage->textArea( &mouseTextSelectionInfo );
2014-09-11 17:36:01 +00:00
qCDebug(OkularUiDebug).nospace() << "text areas (" << okularPage->number() << "): " << ( selectionArea ? QString::number( selectionArea->count() ) : "(none)" );
return selectionArea;
void PageView::selectionClear(const ClearMode mode)
QRect updatedRect = d->mouseSelectionRect.normalized().adjusted( 0, 0, 1, 1 );
d->mouseSelecting = false;
d->mouseSelectionRect.setCoords( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
d->tableDividersGuessed = false;
foreach (const TableSelectionPart &tsp, d->tableSelectionParts) {
QRect selectionPartRect = tsp.rectInItem.geometry(tsp.item->uncroppedWidth(), tsp.item->uncroppedHeight());
selectionPartRect.translate( tsp.item->uncroppedGeometry().topLeft () );
// should check whether this is on-screen here?
updatedRect = updatedRect.united(selectionPartRect);
if ( mode != ClearOnlyDividers ) {
updatedRect.translate( -contentAreaPosition() );
viewport()->update( updatedRect );
// const to be used for both zoomFactorFitMode function and slotRelayoutPages.
static const int kcolWidthMargin = 6;
static const int krowHeightMargin = 12;
double PageView::zoomFactorFitMode( ZoomMode mode )
const int pageCount = d->items.count();
if ( pageCount == 0 )
return 0;
const bool facingCentered = Okular::Settings::viewMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumViewMode::FacingFirstCentered || (Okular::Settings::viewMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumViewMode::Facing && pageCount == 1);
const bool overrideCentering = facingCentered && pageCount < 3;
const int nCols = overrideCentering ? 1 : viewColumns();
const double colWidth = viewport()->width() / nCols - kcolWidthMargin;
const double rowHeight = viewport()->height() - krowHeightMargin;
const PageViewItem * currentItem = d->items[ qMax( 0, (int)d->document->currentPage()) ];
// prevent segmentation fault when openning a new document;
if ( !currentItem )
return 0;
const Okular::Page * okularPage = currentItem->page();
const double width = okularPage->width(), height = okularPage->height();
if ( mode == ZoomFitWidth )
return (double) colWidth / width;
if ( mode == ZoomFitPage )
const double scaleW = (double) colWidth / (double)width;
const double scaleH = (double) rowHeight / (double)height;
return qMin(scaleW, scaleH);
return 0;
void PageView::updateZoom( ZoomMode newZoomMode )
if ( newZoomMode == ZoomFixed )
if ( d->aZoom->currentItem() == 0 )
newZoomMode = ZoomFitWidth;
else if ( d->aZoom->currentItem() == 1 )
newZoomMode = ZoomFitPage;
else if ( d->aZoom->currentItem() == 2 )
newZoomMode = ZoomFitAuto;
float newFactor = d->zoomFactor;
QAction * checkedZoomAction = 0;
switch ( newZoomMode )
case ZoomFixed:{ //ZoomFixed case
QString z = d->aZoom->currentText();
// kdelibs4 sometimes adds accelerators to actions' text directly :(
z.remove ('&');
z.remove ('%');
2014-10-01 05:27:09 +00:00
newFactor = KLocale::global()->readNumber( z ) / 100.0;
case ZoomIn:
case ZoomOut:{
const float zoomFactorFitWidth = zoomFactorFitMode(ZoomFitWidth);
const float zoomFactorFitPage = zoomFactorFitMode(ZoomFitPage);
QVector<float> zoomValue(15);
qCopy(kZoomValues, kZoomValues + 13, zoomValue.begin());
zoomValue[13] = zoomFactorFitWidth;
zoomValue[14] = zoomFactorFitPage;
qSort(zoomValue.begin(), zoomValue.end());
QVector<float>::iterator i;
if ( newZoomMode == ZoomOut )
if (newFactor <= zoomValue.first())
i = qLowerBound(zoomValue.begin(), zoomValue.end(), newFactor) - 1;
if (newFactor >= zoomValue.last())
i = qUpperBound(zoomValue.begin(), zoomValue.end(), newFactor);
const float tmpFactor = *i;
if ( tmpFactor == zoomFactorFitWidth )
newZoomMode = ZoomFitWidth;
checkedZoomAction = d->aZoomFitWidth;
else if ( tmpFactor == zoomFactorFitPage )
newZoomMode = ZoomFitPage;
checkedZoomAction = d->aZoomFitPage;
newFactor = tmpFactor;
newZoomMode = ZoomFixed;
case ZoomFitWidth:
checkedZoomAction = d->aZoomFitWidth;
case ZoomFitPage:
checkedZoomAction = d->aZoomFitPage;
case ZoomFitAuto:
checkedZoomAction = d->aZoomAutoFit;
case ZoomRefreshCurrent:
newZoomMode = ZoomFixed;
d->zoomFactor = -1;
const float upperZoomLimit = d->document->supportsTiles() ? 16.0 : 4.0;
if ( newFactor > upperZoomLimit )
newFactor = upperZoomLimit;
if ( newFactor < 0.1 )
newFactor = 0.1;
if ( newZoomMode != d->zoomMode || (newZoomMode == ZoomFixed && newFactor != d->zoomFactor ) )
// rebuild layout and update the whole viewport
d->zoomMode = newZoomMode;
d->zoomFactor = newFactor;
// be sure to block updates to document's viewport
bool prevState = d->blockViewport;
d->blockViewport = true;
d->blockViewport = prevState;
// request pixmaps
// update zoom text
// update actions checked state
if ( d->aZoomFitWidth )
d->aZoomFitWidth->setChecked( checkedZoomAction == d->aZoomFitWidth );
d->aZoomFitPage->setChecked( checkedZoomAction == d->aZoomFitPage );
d->aZoomAutoFit->setChecked( checkedZoomAction == d->aZoomAutoFit );
else if ( newZoomMode == ZoomFixed && newFactor == d->zoomFactor )
d->aZoomIn->setEnabled( d->zoomFactor < upperZoomLimit-0.001 );
d->aZoomOut->setEnabled( d->zoomFactor > 0.101 );
void PageView::updateZoomText()
// use current page zoom as zoomFactor if in ZoomFit/* mode
if ( d->zoomMode != ZoomFixed && d->items.count() > 0 )
d->zoomFactor = d->items[ qMax( 0, (int)d->document->currentPage() ) ]->zoomFactor();
float newFactor = d->zoomFactor;
// add items that describe fit actions
QStringList translated;
translated << i18n("Fit Width") << i18n("Fit Page") << i18n("Auto Fit");
// add percent items
const QString single_oh( "0" );
int idx = 0, selIdx = 3;
bool inserted = false; //use: "d->zoomMode != ZoomFixed" to hide Fit/* zoom ratio
int zoomValueCount = 11;
if ( d->document->supportsTiles() )
zoomValueCount = 13;
while ( idx < zoomValueCount || !inserted )
float value = idx < zoomValueCount ? kZoomValues[ idx ] : newFactor;
if ( !inserted && newFactor < (value - 0.0001) )
value = newFactor;
idx ++;
if ( value > (newFactor - 0.0001) && value < (newFactor + 0.0001) )
inserted = true;
if ( !inserted )
// we do not need to display 2-digit precision
2014-10-01 05:27:09 +00:00
QString localValue( KLocale::global()->formatNumber( value * 100.0, 1 ) );
localValue.remove( KLocale::global()->decimalSymbol() + single_oh );
// remove a trailing zero in numbers like 66.70
2014-10-01 05:27:09 +00:00
if ( localValue.right( 1 ) == QLatin1String( "0" ) && localValue.indexOf( KLocale::global()->decimalSymbol() ) > -1 )
localValue.chop( 1 );
translated << QString( "%1%" ).arg( localValue );
d->aZoom->setItems( translated );
// select current item in list
if ( d->zoomMode == ZoomFitWidth )
selIdx = 0;
else if ( d->zoomMode == ZoomFitPage )
selIdx = 1;
else if ( d->zoomMode == ZoomFitAuto )
selIdx = 2;
// we have to temporarily enable the actions as otherwise we can't set a new current item
d->aZoom->setEnabled( true );
d->aZoom->selectableActionGroup()->setEnabled( true );
d->aZoom->setCurrentItem( selIdx );
d->aZoom->setEnabled( d->items.size() > 0 );
d->aZoom->selectableActionGroup()->setEnabled( d->items.size() > 0 );
void PageView::updateCursor()
const QPoint p = contentAreaPosition() + viewport()->mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() );
updateCursor( p );
void PageView::updateCursor( const QPoint &p )
// detect the underlaying page (if present)
PageViewItem * pageItem = pickItemOnPoint( p.x(), p.y() );
if ( d->annotator && d->annotator->active() )
if ( pageItem || d->annotator->annotating() )
setCursor( d->annotator->cursor() );
setCursor( Qt::ForbiddenCursor );
else if ( pageItem )
double nX = pageItem->absToPageX(p.x());
double nY = pageItem->absToPageY(p.y());
// if over a ObjectRect (of type Link) change cursor to hand
if ( Okular::Settings::mouseMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::TextSelect )
setCursor( Qt::IBeamCursor );
2014-02-24 22:42:10 +00:00
else if ( Okular::Settings::mouseMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Magnifier )
setCursor( Qt::CrossCursor );
else if ( Okular::Settings::mouseMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::RectSelect )
setCursor( Qt::CrossCursor );
else if ( d->mouseAnn )
setCursor( Qt::ClosedHandCursor );
else if ( Okular::Settings::mouseMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Browse )
const Okular::ObjectRect * linkobj = pageItem->page()->objectRect( Okular::ObjectRect::Action, nX, nY, pageItem->uncroppedWidth(), pageItem->uncroppedHeight() );
const Okular::ObjectRect * annotobj = pageItem->page()->objectRect( Okular::ObjectRect::OAnnotation, nX, nY, pageItem->uncroppedWidth(), pageItem->uncroppedHeight() );
if ( linkobj && !annotobj )
d->mouseOnRect = true;
setCursor( Qt::PointingHandCursor );
d->mouseOnRect = false;
if ( annotobj )
const Okular::Annotation *annotation = static_cast< const Okular::AnnotationObjectRect * >( annotobj )->annotation();
if ( ( QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier )
&& annotation->canBeMoved() )
setCursor( Qt::OpenHandCursor );
else if ( annotation->subType() == Okular::Annotation::AMovie )
d->mouseOnRect = true;
setCursor( Qt::PointingHandCursor );
else if ( annotation->subType() == Okular::Annotation::AScreen )
if ( GuiUtils::renditionMovieFromScreenAnnotation( static_cast< const Okular::ScreenAnnotation * >( annotation ) ) != 0 )
d->mouseOnRect = true;
setCursor( Qt::PointingHandCursor );
setCursor( Qt::OpenHandCursor );
setCursor( Qt::OpenHandCursor );
setCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor );
// if there's no page over the cursor and we were showing the pointingHandCursor
// go back to the normal one
d->mouseOnRect = false;
setCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor );
2014-02-24 22:42:10 +00:00
void PageView::moveMagnifier( const QPoint& p ) // non scaled point
const int w = d->magnifierView->width() * 0.5;
const int h = d->magnifierView->height() * 0.5;
int x = p.x() - w;
int y = p.y() - h;
const int max_x = viewport()->width();
const int max_y = viewport()->height();
QPoint scroll(0,0);
if (x < 0)
if (horizontalScrollBar()->value() > 0) scroll.setX(x - w);
x = 0;
if (y < 0)
if (verticalScrollBar()->value() > 0) scroll.setY(y - h);
y = 0;
if (p.x() + w > max_x)
if (horizontalScrollBar()->value() < horizontalScrollBar()->maximum()) scroll.setX(p.x() + 2 * w - max_x);
x = max_x - d->magnifierView->width() - 1;
if (p.y() + h > max_y)
if (verticalScrollBar()->value() < verticalScrollBar()->maximum()) scroll.setY(p.y() + 2 * h - max_y);
y = max_y - d->magnifierView->height() - 1;
if (!scroll.isNull())
scrollPosIntoView(contentAreaPoint(p + scroll));
d->magnifierView->move(x, y);
void PageView::updateMagnifier( const QPoint& p ) // scaled point
/* translate mouse coordinates to page coordinates and inform the magnifier of the situation */
PageViewItem *item = pickItemOnPoint(p.x(), p.y());
if (item)
Okular::NormalizedPoint np(item->absToPageX(p.x()), item->absToPageY(p.y()));
d->magnifierView->updateView( np, item->page() );
int PageView::viewColumns() const
int vm = Okular::Settings::viewMode();
if (vm == Okular::Settings::EnumViewMode::Single) return 1;
else if (vm == Okular::Settings::EnumViewMode::Facing ||
vm == Okular::Settings::EnumViewMode::FacingFirstCentered) return 2;
else return Okular::Settings::viewColumns();
void PageView::center(int cx, int cy)
scrollTo( cx - viewport()->width() / 2, cy - viewport()->height() / 2 );
void PageView::scrollTo( int x, int y )
bool prevState = d->blockPixmapsRequest;
2012-11-12 02:09:12 +00:00
int newValue = -1;
2012-11-12 02:09:12 +00:00
if ( x != horizontalScrollBar()->value() || y != verticalScrollBar()->value() )
newValue = 1; // Pretend this call is the result of a scrollbar event
d->blockPixmapsRequest = true;
horizontalScrollBar()->setValue( x );
verticalScrollBar()->setValue( y );
d->blockPixmapsRequest = prevState;
slotRequestVisiblePixmaps( newValue );
void PageView::toggleFormWidgets( bool on )
bool somehadfocus = false;
QVector< PageViewItem * >::const_iterator dIt = d->items.constBegin(), dEnd = d->items.constEnd();
for ( ; dIt != dEnd; ++dIt )
bool hadfocus = (*dIt)->setFormWidgetsVisible( on );
somehadfocus = somehadfocus || hadfocus;
if ( somehadfocus )
d->m_formsVisible = on;
if ( d->aToggleForms ) // it may not exist if we are on dummy mode
if ( d->m_formsVisible )
d->aToggleForms->setText( i18n( "Hide Forms" ) );
d->aToggleForms->setText( i18n( "Show Forms" ) );
void PageView::resizeContentArea( const QSize & newSize )
const QSize vs = viewport()->size();
horizontalScrollBar()->setRange( 0, newSize.width() - vs.width() );
verticalScrollBar()->setRange( 0, newSize.height() - vs.height() );
void PageView::updatePageStep() {
const QSize vs = viewport()->size();
horizontalScrollBar()->setPageStep( vs.width() );
2011-09-07 22:46:03 +00:00
verticalScrollBar()->setPageStep( vs.height() * (100 - Okular::Settings::scrollOverlap()) / 100 );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
void PageView::addWebShortcutsMenu( QMenu * menu, const QString & text )
#if KDE_IS_VERSION(4,5,70)
if ( text.isEmpty() )
QString searchText = text;
searchText = searchText.replace( '\n', ' ' ).replace( '\r', ' ' ).simplified();
if ( searchText.isEmpty() )
KUriFilterData filterData( searchText );
filterData.setSearchFilteringOptions( KUriFilterData::RetrievePreferredSearchProvidersOnly );
if ( KUriFilter::self()->filterSearchUri( filterData, KUriFilter::NormalTextFilter ) )
const QStringList searchProviders = filterData.preferredSearchProviders();
if ( !searchProviders.isEmpty() )
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QMenu *webShortcutsMenu = new QMenu( menu );
2014-08-13 09:54:49 +00:00
webShortcutsMenu->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme( "preferences-web-browser-shortcuts" ) );
const QString squeezedText = KStringHandler::rsqueeze( searchText, 21 );
webShortcutsMenu->setTitle( i18n( "Search for '%1' with", squeezedText ) );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QAction *action = 0;
foreach( const QString &searchProvider, searchProviders )
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
action = new QAction( searchProvider, webShortcutsMenu );
2014-08-13 09:54:49 +00:00
action->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme( filterData.iconNameForPreferredSearchProvider( searchProvider ) ) );
action->setData( filterData.queryForPreferredSearchProvider( searchProvider ) );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotHandleWebShortcutAction()) );
webShortcutsMenu->addAction( action );
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
action = new QAction( i18n( "Configure Web Shortcuts..." ), webShortcutsMenu );
2014-08-13 09:54:49 +00:00
action->setIcon( QIcon::fromTheme( "configure" ) );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotConfigureWebShortcuts()) );
webShortcutsMenu->addAction( action );
//BEGIN private SLOTS
void PageView::slotRelayoutPages()
// called by: notifySetup, viewportResizeEvent, slotViewMode, slotContinuousToggled, updateZoom
// set an empty container if we have no pages
const int pageCount = d->items.count();
if ( pageCount < 1 )
// if viewport was auto-moving, stop it
if ( d->viewportMoveActive )
center( d->viewportMoveDest.x(), d->viewportMoveDest.y() );
d->viewportMoveActive = false;
verticalScrollBar()->setEnabled( true );
horizontalScrollBar()->setEnabled( true );
// common iterator used in this method and viewport parameters
QVector< PageViewItem * >::const_iterator iIt, iEnd = d->items.constEnd();
int viewportWidth = viewport()->width(),
viewportHeight = viewport()->height(),
fullWidth = 0,
fullHeight = 0;
QRect viewportRect( horizontalScrollBar()->value(), verticalScrollBar()->value(), viewportWidth, viewportHeight );
// handle the 'center first page in row' stuff
const bool facing = Okular::Settings::viewMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumViewMode::Facing && pageCount > 1;
const bool facingCentered = Okular::Settings::viewMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumViewMode::FacingFirstCentered ||
(Okular::Settings::viewMode() == Okular::Settings::EnumViewMode::Facing && pageCount == 1);
const bool overrideCentering = facingCentered && pageCount < 3;
const bool centerFirstPage = facingCentered && !overrideCentering;
const bool facingPages = facing || centerFirstPage;
const bool centerLastPage = centerFirstPage && pageCount % 2 == 0;
const bool continuousView = Okular::Settings::viewContinuous();
const int nCols = overrideCentering ? 1 : viewColumns();
// set all items geometry and resize contents. handle 'continuous' and 'single' modes separately
PageViewItem * currentItem = d->items[ qMax( 0, (int)d->document->currentPage() ) ];
// Here we find out column's width and row's height to compute a table
// so we can place widgets 'centered in virtual cells'.
const int nRows = (int)ceil( (float)(centerFirstPage ? (pageCount + nCols - 1) : pageCount) / (float)nCols );
int * colWidth = new int[ nCols ],
* rowHeight = new int[ nRows ],
cIdx = 0,
rIdx = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < nCols; i++ )
colWidth[ i ] = viewportWidth / nCols;
for ( int i = 0; i < nRows; i++ )
rowHeight[ i ] = 0;
// handle the 'centering on first row' stuff
if ( centerFirstPage )
cIdx += nCols - 1;
// 1) find the maximum columns width and rows height for a grid in
// which each page must well-fit inside a cell
for ( iIt = d->items.constBegin(); iIt != iEnd; ++iIt )
PageViewItem * item = *iIt;
// update internal page size (leaving a little margin in case of Fit* modes)
updateItemSize( item, colWidth[ cIdx ] - kcolWidthMargin, viewportHeight - krowHeightMargin );
// find row's maximum height and column's max width
if ( item->croppedWidth() + kcolWidthMargin > colWidth[ cIdx ] )
colWidth[ cIdx ] = item->croppedWidth() + kcolWidthMargin;
if ( item->croppedHeight() + krowHeightMargin > rowHeight[ rIdx ] )
rowHeight[ rIdx ] = item->croppedHeight() + krowHeightMargin;
// handle the 'centering on first row' stuff
// update col/row indices
if ( ++cIdx == nCols )
cIdx = 0;
const int pageRowIdx = ( ( centerFirstPage ? nCols - 1 : 0 ) + currentItem->pageNumber() ) / nCols;
// 2) compute full size
for ( int i = 0; i < nCols; i++ )
fullWidth += colWidth[ i ];
if ( continuousView )
for ( int i = 0; i < nRows; i++ )
fullHeight += rowHeight[ i ];
fullHeight = rowHeight[ pageRowIdx ];
// 3) arrange widgets inside cells (and refine fullHeight if needed)
int insertX = 0,
insertY = fullHeight < viewportHeight ? ( viewportHeight - fullHeight ) / 2 : 0;
const int origInsertY = insertY;
cIdx = 0;
rIdx = 0;
if ( centerFirstPage )
cIdx += nCols - 1;
for ( int i = 0; i < cIdx; ++i )
insertX += colWidth[ i ];
for ( iIt = d->items.constBegin(); iIt != iEnd; ++iIt )
PageViewItem * item = *iIt;
int cWidth = colWidth[ cIdx ],
rHeight = rowHeight[ rIdx ];
if ( continuousView || rIdx == pageRowIdx )
const bool reallyDoCenterFirst = item->pageNumber() == 0 && centerFirstPage;
const bool reallyDoCenterLast = item->pageNumber() == pageCount - 1 && centerLastPage;
int actualX = 0;
if ( reallyDoCenterFirst || reallyDoCenterLast )
// page is centered across entire viewport
actualX = (fullWidth - item->croppedWidth()) / 2;
else if ( facingPages )
// page edges 'touch' the center of the viewport
actualX = ( (centerFirstPage && item->pageNumber() % 2 == 1) ||
(!centerFirstPage && item->pageNumber() % 2 == 0) ) ?
(fullWidth / 2) - item->croppedWidth() - 1 : (fullWidth / 2) + 1;
// page is centered within its virtual column
actualX = insertX + (cWidth - item->croppedWidth()) / 2;
item->moveTo( actualX,
(continuousView ? insertY : origInsertY) + (rHeight - item->croppedHeight()) / 2 );
item->setVisible( true );
item->moveTo( 0, 0 );
item->setVisible( false );
item->setFormWidgetsVisible( d->m_formsVisible );
// advance col/row index
insertX += cWidth;
if ( ++cIdx == nCols )
cIdx = 0;
insertX = 0;
insertY += rHeight;
kWarning() << "updating size for pageno" << item->pageNumber() << "cropped" << item->croppedGeometry() << "uncropped" << item->uncroppedGeometry();
delete [] colWidth;
delete [] rowHeight;
// 3) reset dirty state
d->dirtyLayout = false;
// 4) update scrollview's contents size and recenter view
bool wasUpdatesEnabled = viewport()->updatesEnabled();
if ( fullWidth != contentAreaWidth() || fullHeight != contentAreaHeight() )
const Okular::DocumentViewport vp = d->document->viewport();
// disable updates and resize the viewportContents
if ( wasUpdatesEnabled )
viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( false );
resizeContentArea( QSize( fullWidth, fullHeight ) );
// restore previous viewport if defined and updates enabled
if ( wasUpdatesEnabled )
if ( vp.pageNumber >= 0 )
int prevX = horizontalScrollBar()->value(),
prevY = verticalScrollBar()->value();
const QRect & geometry = d->items[ vp.pageNumber ]->croppedGeometry();
double nX = vp.rePos.enabled ? normClamp( vp.rePos.normalizedX, 0.5 ) : 0.5,
nY = vp.rePos.enabled ? normClamp( vp.rePos.normalizedY, 0.0 ) : 0.0;
center( geometry.left() + qRound( nX * (double)geometry.width() ),
geometry.top() + qRound( nY * (double)geometry.height() ) );
// center() usually moves the viewport, that requests pixmaps too.
// if that doesn't happen we have to request them by hand
if ( prevX == horizontalScrollBar()->value() && prevY == verticalScrollBar()->value() )
// or else go to center page
center( fullWidth / 2, 0 );
viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( true );
// 5) update the whole viewport if updated enabled
if ( wasUpdatesEnabled )
void PageView::delayedResizeEvent()
// If we already got here we don't need to execute the timer slot again
static void slotRequestPreloadPixmap( Okular::DocumentObserver * observer, const PageViewItem * i, const QRect &expandedViewportRect, QLinkedList< Okular::PixmapRequest * > *requestedPixmaps )
2012-12-12 21:22:40 +00:00
Okular::NormalizedRect preRenderRegion;
const QRect intersectionRect = expandedViewportRect.intersect( i->croppedGeometry() );
if ( !intersectionRect.isEmpty() )
preRenderRegion = Okular::NormalizedRect( intersectionRect.translated( -i->uncroppedGeometry().topLeft() ), i->uncroppedWidth(), i->uncroppedHeight() );
// request the pixmap if not already present
if ( !i->page()->hasPixmap( observer, i->uncroppedWidth(), i->uncroppedHeight(), preRenderRegion ) && i->uncroppedWidth() > 0 )
2012-12-12 21:22:40 +00:00
Okular::PixmapRequest::PixmapRequestFeatures requestFeatures = Okular::PixmapRequest::Preload;
requestFeatures |= Okular::PixmapRequest::Asynchronous;
const bool pageHasTilesManager = i->page()->hasTilesManager( observer );
2012-12-12 21:22:40 +00:00
if ( pageHasTilesManager && !preRenderRegion.isNull() )
Okular::PixmapRequest * p = new Okular::PixmapRequest( observer, i->pageNumber(), i->uncroppedWidth(), i->uncroppedHeight(), PAGEVIEW_PRELOAD_PRIO, requestFeatures );
2012-12-12 21:22:40 +00:00
requestedPixmaps->push_back( p );
p->setNormalizedRect( preRenderRegion );
p->setTile( true );
else if ( !pageHasTilesManager )
Okular::PixmapRequest * p = new Okular::PixmapRequest( observer, i->pageNumber(), i->uncroppedWidth(), i->uncroppedHeight(), PAGEVIEW_PRELOAD_PRIO, requestFeatures );
2012-12-12 21:22:40 +00:00
requestedPixmaps->push_back( p );
p->setNormalizedRect( preRenderRegion );
void PageView::slotRequestVisiblePixmaps( int newValue )
// if requests are blocked (because raised by an unwanted event), exit
if ( d->blockPixmapsRequest || d->viewportMoveActive ||
( QApplication::mouseButtons () & Qt::MidButton ) )
2011-12-13 18:52:33 +00:00
// precalc view limits for intersecting with page coords inside the loop
2011-12-13 18:52:19 +00:00
const bool isEvent = newValue != -1 && !d->blockViewport;
const QRect viewportRect( horizontalScrollBar()->value(),
viewport()->width(), viewport()->height() );
const QRect viewportRectAtZeroZero( 0, 0, viewport()->width(), viewport()->height() );
// some variables used to determine the viewport
int nearPageNumber = -1;
2011-12-13 18:52:19 +00:00
const double viewportCenterX = (viewportRect.left() + viewportRect.right()) / 2.0;
const double viewportCenterY = (viewportRect.top() + viewportRect.bottom()) / 2.0;
double focusedX = 0.5,
focusedY = 0.0,
minDistance = -1.0;
2012-11-12 02:09:12 +00:00
// Margin (in pixels) around the viewport to preload
const int pixelsToExpand = 512;
// iterate over all items
QLinkedList< Okular::PixmapRequest * > requestedPixmaps;
QVector< Okular::VisiblePageRect * > visibleRects;
QVector< PageViewItem * >::const_iterator iIt = d->items.constBegin(), iEnd = d->items.constEnd();
for ( ; iIt != iEnd; ++iIt )
PageViewItem * i = *iIt;
foreach( FormWidgetIface *fwi, i->formWidgets() )
Okular::NormalizedRect r = fwi->rect();
qRound( i->uncroppedGeometry().left() + i->uncroppedWidth() * r.left ) + 1 - viewportRect.left(),
qRound( i->uncroppedGeometry().top() + i->uncroppedHeight() * r.top ) + 1 - viewportRect.top() );
Q_FOREACH ( VideoWidget *vw, i->videoWidgets() )
const Okular::NormalizedRect r = vw->normGeometry();
qRound( i->uncroppedGeometry().left() + i->uncroppedWidth() * r.left ) + 1 - viewportRect.left(),
qRound( i->uncroppedGeometry().top() + i->uncroppedHeight() * r.top ) + 1 - viewportRect.top() );
if ( vw->isPlaying() && viewportRectAtZeroZero.intersect( vw->geometry() ).isEmpty() ) {
if ( !i->isVisible() )
kWarning() << "checking page" << i->pageNumber();
kWarning().nospace() << "viewportRect is " << viewportRect << ", page item is " << i->croppedGeometry() << " intersect : " << viewportRect.intersects( i->croppedGeometry() );
// if the item doesn't intersect the viewport, skip it
QRect intersectionRect = viewportRect.intersect( i->croppedGeometry() );
if ( intersectionRect.isEmpty() )
// add the item to the 'visible list'
d->visibleItems.push_back( i );
Okular::VisiblePageRect * vItem = new Okular::VisiblePageRect( i->pageNumber(), Okular::NormalizedRect( intersectionRect.translated( -i->uncroppedGeometry().topLeft() ), i->uncroppedWidth(), i->uncroppedHeight() ) );
visibleRects.push_back( vItem );
kWarning() << "checking for pixmap for page" << i->pageNumber() << "=" << i->page()->hasPixmap( this, i->uncroppedWidth(), i->uncroppedHeight() );
kWarning() << "checking for text for page" << i->pageNumber() << "=" << i->page()->hasTextPage();
Okular::NormalizedRect expandedVisibleRect = vItem->rect;
if ( i->page()->hasTilesManager( this ) && Okular::Settings::memoryLevel() != Okular::Settings::EnumMemoryLevel::Low )
double rectMargin = pixelsToExpand/(double)i->uncroppedHeight();
expandedVisibleRect.left = qMax( 0.0, vItem->rect.left - rectMargin );
expandedVisibleRect.top = qMax( 0.0, vItem->rect.top - rectMargin );
expandedVisibleRect.right = qMin( 1.0, vItem->rect.right + rectMargin );
expandedVisibleRect.bottom = qMin( 1.0, vItem->rect.bottom + rectMargin );
// if the item has not the right pixmap, add a request for it
if ( !i->page()->hasPixmap( this, i->uncroppedWidth(), i->uncroppedHeight(), expandedVisibleRect ) )
kWarning() << "rerequesting visible pixmaps for page" << i->pageNumber() << "!";
Okular::PixmapRequest * p = new Okular::PixmapRequest( this, i->pageNumber(), i->uncroppedWidth(), i->uncroppedHeight(), PAGEVIEW_PRIO, Okular::PixmapRequest::Asynchronous );
2012-07-19 03:30:03 +00:00
requestedPixmaps.push_back( p );
if ( i->page()->hasTilesManager( this ) )
p->setNormalizedRect( expandedVisibleRect );
p->setTile( true );
2012-11-12 02:09:12 +00:00
p->setNormalizedRect( vItem->rect );
// look for the item closest to viewport center and the relative
// position between the item and the viewport center
if ( isEvent )
const QRect & geometry = i->croppedGeometry();
// compute distance between item center and viewport center (slightly moved left)
double distance = hypot( (geometry.left() + geometry.right()) / 2 - (viewportCenterX - 4),
(geometry.top() + geometry.bottom()) / 2 - viewportCenterY );
if ( distance >= minDistance && nearPageNumber != -1 )
nearPageNumber = i->pageNumber();
minDistance = distance;
if ( geometry.height() > 0 && geometry.width() > 0 )
focusedX = ( viewportCenterX - (double)geometry.left() ) / (double)geometry.width();
focusedY = ( viewportCenterY - (double)geometry.top() ) / (double)geometry.height();
// if preloading is enabled, add the pages before and after in preloading
if ( !d->visibleItems.isEmpty() &&
Okular::SettingsCore::memoryLevel() != Okular::SettingsCore::EnumMemoryLevel::Low )
// as the requests are done in the order as they appear in the list,
// request first the next page and then the previous
int pagesToPreload = viewColumns();
// if the greedy option is set, preload all pages
if (Okular::SettingsCore::memoryLevel() == Okular::SettingsCore::EnumMemoryLevel::Greedy)
pagesToPreload = d->items.count();
2012-12-12 21:16:28 +00:00
const QRect expandedViewportRect = viewportRect.adjusted( 0, -pixelsToExpand, 0, pixelsToExpand );
for( int j = 1; j <= pagesToPreload; j++ )
// add the page after the 'visible series' in preload
2012-12-12 21:16:28 +00:00
const int tailRequest = d->visibleItems.last()->pageNumber() + j;
if ( tailRequest < (int)d->items.count() )
slotRequestPreloadPixmap( this, d->items[ tailRequest ], expandedViewportRect, &requestedPixmaps );
// add the page before the 'visible series' in preload
2012-12-12 21:16:28 +00:00
const int headRequest = d->visibleItems.first()->pageNumber() - j;
if ( headRequest >= 0 )
slotRequestPreloadPixmap( this, d->items[ headRequest ], expandedViewportRect, &requestedPixmaps );
// stop if we've already reached both ends of the document
if ( headRequest < 0 && tailRequest >= (int)d->items.count() )
// send requests to the document
if ( !requestedPixmaps.isEmpty() )
d->document->requestPixmaps( requestedPixmaps );
// if this functions was invoked by viewport events, send update to document
if ( isEvent && nearPageNumber != -1 )
// determine the document viewport
Okular::DocumentViewport newViewport( nearPageNumber );
newViewport.rePos.enabled = true;
newViewport.rePos.normalizedX = focusedX;
newViewport.rePos.normalizedY = focusedY;
// set the viewport to other observers
d->document->setViewport( newViewport , this );
d->document->setVisiblePageRects( visibleRects, this );
void PageView::slotMoveViewport()
// converge to viewportMoveDest in 1 second
int diffTime = d->viewportMoveTime.elapsed();
if ( diffTime >= 667 || !d->viewportMoveActive )
center( d->viewportMoveDest.x(), d->viewportMoveDest.y() );
d->viewportMoveActive = false;
verticalScrollBar()->setEnabled( true );
horizontalScrollBar()->setEnabled( true );
// move the viewport smoothly (kmplot: p(x)=1+0.47*(x-1)^3-0.25*(x-1)^4)
float convergeSpeed = (float)diffTime / 667.0,
x = ((float)viewport()->width() / 2.0) + horizontalScrollBar()->value(),
y = ((float)viewport()->height() / 2.0) + verticalScrollBar()->value(),
diffX = (float)d->viewportMoveDest.x() - x,
diffY = (float)d->viewportMoveDest.y() - y;
convergeSpeed *= convergeSpeed * (1.4 - convergeSpeed);
center( (int)(x + diffX * convergeSpeed),
(int)(y + diffY * convergeSpeed ) );
void PageView::slotAutoScoll()
// the first time create the timer
if ( !d->autoScrollTimer )
d->autoScrollTimer = new QTimer( this );
d->autoScrollTimer->setSingleShot( true );
2011-07-31 19:22:04 +00:00
connect( d->autoScrollTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotAutoScoll()) );
// if scrollIncrement is zero, stop the timer
if ( !d->scrollIncrement )
// compute delay between timer ticks and scroll amount per tick
int index = abs( d->scrollIncrement ) - 1; // 0..9
const int scrollDelay[10] = { 200, 100, 50, 30, 20, 30, 25, 20, 30, 20 };
const int scrollOffset[10] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4 };
d->autoScrollTimer->start( scrollDelay[ index ] );
int delta = d->scrollIncrement > 0 ? scrollOffset[ index ] : -scrollOffset[ index ];
verticalScrollBar()->setValue(verticalScrollBar()->value() + delta);
void PageView::slotDragScroll()
scrollTo( horizontalScrollBar()->value() + d->dragScrollVector.x(), verticalScrollBar()->value() + d->dragScrollVector.y() );
QPoint p = contentAreaPosition() + viewport()->mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() );
updateSelection( p );
void PageView::slotShowWelcome()
// show initial welcome text
d->messageWindow->display( i18n( "Welcome" ), QString(), PageViewMessage::Info, 2000 );
void PageView::slotShowSizeAllCursor()
setCursor( Qt::SizeAllCursor );
void PageView::slotHandleWebShortcutAction()
#if KDE_IS_VERSION(4,5,70)
2014-08-13 10:45:40 +00:00
QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction*>( sender() );
if (action)
KUriFilterData filterData( action->data().toString() );
if ( KUriFilter::self()->filterSearchUri( filterData, KUriFilter::WebShortcutFilter ) )
KToolInvocation::invokeBrowser( filterData.uri().url() );
void PageView::slotConfigureWebShortcuts()
KToolInvocation::kdeinitExec( "kcmshell4", QStringList() << "ebrowsing" );
void PageView::slotZoom()
if ( !d->aZoom->selectableActionGroup()->isEnabled() )
updateZoom( ZoomFixed );
void PageView::slotZoomIn()
updateZoom( ZoomIn );
void PageView::slotZoomOut()
updateZoom( ZoomOut );
void PageView::slotFitToWidthToggled( bool on )
if ( on ) updateZoom( ZoomFitWidth );
void PageView::slotFitToPageToggled( bool on )
if ( on ) updateZoom( ZoomFitPage );
void PageView::slotAutoFitToggled( bool on )
if ( on ) updateZoom( ZoomFitAuto );
void PageView::slotViewMode( QAction *action )
const int nr = action->data().toInt();
if ( (int)Okular::Settings::viewMode() != nr )
Okular::Settings::setViewMode( nr );
2014-10-01 05:27:09 +00:00
if ( d->document->pages() > 0 )
void PageView::slotContinuousToggled( bool on )
if ( Okular::Settings::viewContinuous() != on )
Okular::Settings::setViewContinuous( on );
2014-10-01 05:27:09 +00:00
if ( d->document->pages() > 0 )
void PageView::slotSetMouseNormal()
Okular::Settings::setMouseMode( Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Browse );
// hide the messageWindow
// reshow the annotator toolbar if hiding was forced (and if it is not already visible)
if ( d->annotator && d->annotator->hidingWasForced() && d->aToggleAnnotator && !d->aToggleAnnotator->isChecked() )
// force an update of the cursor
2014-10-01 05:27:09 +00:00
void PageView::slotSetMouseZoom()
Okular::Settings::setMouseMode( Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Zoom );
// change the text in messageWindow (and show it if hidden)
d->messageWindow->display( i18n( "Select zooming area. Right-click to zoom out." ), QString(), PageViewMessage::Info, -1 );
// force hiding of annotator toolbar
if ( d->aToggleAnnotator && d->aToggleAnnotator->isChecked() )
d->annotator->setHidingForced( true );
// force an update of the cursor
2014-10-01 05:27:09 +00:00
2014-02-24 22:42:10 +00:00
void PageView::slotSetMouseMagnifier()
Okular::Settings::setMouseMode( Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Magnifier );
d->messageWindow->display( i18n( "Click to see the magnified view." ), QString() );
// force an update of the cursor
2014-10-01 05:27:09 +00:00
2014-02-24 22:42:10 +00:00
void PageView::slotSetMouseSelect()
Okular::Settings::setMouseMode( Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::RectSelect );
// change the text in messageWindow (and show it if hidden)
d->messageWindow->display( i18n( "Draw a rectangle around the text/graphics to copy." ), QString(), PageViewMessage::Info, -1 );
// force hiding of annotator toolbar
if ( d->aToggleAnnotator && d->aToggleAnnotator->isChecked() )
d->annotator->setHidingForced( true );
// force an update of the cursor
2014-10-01 05:27:09 +00:00
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
void PageView::slotSetMouseTextSelect()
Okular::Settings::setMouseMode( Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::TextSelect );
// change the text in messageWindow (and show it if hidden)
d->messageWindow->display( i18n( "Select text" ), QString(), PageViewMessage::Info, -1 );
// force hiding of annotator toolbar
if ( d->aToggleAnnotator && d->aToggleAnnotator->isChecked() )
d->annotator->setHidingForced( true );
// force an update of the cursor
2014-10-01 05:27:09 +00:00
void PageView::slotSetMouseTableSelect()
Okular::Settings::setMouseMode( Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::TableSelect );
// change the text in messageWindow (and show it if hidden)
d->messageWindow->display( i18n(
"Draw a rectangle around the table, then click near edges to divide up; press Esc to clear."
), QString(), PageViewMessage::Info, -1 );
// force hiding of annotator toolbar
if ( d->aToggleAnnotator && d->aToggleAnnotator->isChecked() )
d->annotator->setHidingForced( true );
// force an update of the cursor
2014-10-01 05:27:09 +00:00
void PageView::slotToggleAnnotator( bool on )
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
// the 'inHere' trick is needed as the slotSetMouseZoom() calls this
static bool inHere = false;
if ( inHere )
inHere = true;
// the annotator can be used in normal mouse mode only, so if asked for it,
// switch to normal mode
if ( on && Okular::Settings::mouseMode() != Okular::Settings::EnumMouseMode::Browse )
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
// ask for Author's name if not already set
if ( Okular::Settings::identityAuthor().isEmpty() )
// get default username from the kdelibs/kdecore/KUser
KUser currentUser;
QString userName = currentUser.property( KUser::FullName ).toString();
// ask the user for confirmation/change
if ( userName.isEmpty() )
bool ok = false;
userName = QInputDialog::getText(0,
i18n( "Annotations author" ),
i18n( "Please insert your name or initials:" ),
&ok );
if ( !ok )
inHere = false;
// save the name
Okular::Settings::setIdentityAuthor( userName );
2014-10-01 05:27:09 +00:00
// create the annotator object if not present
if ( !d->annotator )
d->annotator = new PageViewAnnotator( this, d->document );
bool allowTools = d->document->pages() > 0 && d->document->isAllowed( Okular::AllowNotes );
d->annotator->setToolsEnabled( allowTools );
d->annotator->setTextToolsEnabled( allowTools && d->document->supportsSearching() );
// initialize/reset annotator (and show/hide toolbar)
d->annotator->setEnabled( on );
d->annotator->setHidingForced( false );
inHere = false;
void PageView::slotAutoScrollUp()
if ( d->scrollIncrement < -9 )
void PageView::slotAutoScrollDown()
if ( d->scrollIncrement > 9 )
void PageView::slotScrollUp( bool singleStep )
// if in single page mode and at the top of the screen, go to \ page
if ( Okular::Settings::viewContinuous() || verticalScrollBar()->value() > verticalScrollBar()->minimum() )
if ( singleStep )
verticalScrollBar()->triggerAction( QScrollBar::SliderSingleStepSub );
verticalScrollBar()->triggerAction( QScrollBar::SliderPageStepSub );
else if ( d->document->currentPage() > 0 )
// more optimized than document->setPrevPage and then move view to bottom
Okular::DocumentViewport newViewport = d->document->viewport();
newViewport.pageNumber -= viewColumns();
if ( newViewport.pageNumber < 0 )
newViewport.pageNumber = 0;
newViewport.rePos.enabled = true;
newViewport.rePos.normalizedY = 1.0;
d->document->setViewport( newViewport );
void PageView::slotScrollDown( bool singleStep )
// if in single page mode and at the bottom of the screen, go to next page
if ( Okular::Settings::viewContinuous() || verticalScrollBar()->value() < verticalScrollBar()->maximum() )
if ( singleStep )
verticalScrollBar()->triggerAction( QScrollBar::SliderSingleStepAdd );
verticalScrollBar()->triggerAction( QScrollBar::SliderPageStepAdd );
else if ( (int)d->document->currentPage() < d->items.count() - 1 )
// more optimized than document->setNextPage and then move view to top
Okular::DocumentViewport newViewport = d->document->viewport();
newViewport.pageNumber += viewColumns();
if ( newViewport.pageNumber >= (int)d->items.count() )
newViewport.pageNumber = d->items.count() - 1;
newViewport.rePos.enabled = true;
newViewport.rePos.normalizedY = 0.0;
d->document->setViewport( newViewport );
void PageView::slotRotateClockwise()
int id = ( (int)d->document->rotation() + 1 ) % 4;
d->document->setRotation( id );
void PageView::slotRotateCounterClockwise()
int id = ( (int)d->document->rotation() + 3 ) % 4;
d->document->setRotation( id );
void PageView::slotRotateOriginal()
d->document->setRotation( 0 );
void PageView::slotPageSizes( int newsize )
if ( newsize < 0 || newsize >= d->document->pageSizes().count() )
d->document->setPageSize( d->document->pageSizes().at( newsize ) );
void PageView::slotTrimMarginsToggled( bool on )
if ( Okular::Settings::trimMargins() != on )
Okular::Settings::setTrimMargins( on );
2014-10-01 05:27:09 +00:00
if ( d->document->pages() > 0 )
slotRequestVisiblePixmaps(); // TODO: slotRelayoutPages() may have done this already!
void PageView::slotToggleForms()
toggleFormWidgets( !d->m_formsVisible );
void PageView::slotFormChanged( int pageNumber )
if ( !d->refreshTimer )
d->refreshTimer = new QTimer( this );
d->refreshTimer->setSingleShot( true );
connect( d->refreshTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ),
this, SLOT( slotRefreshPage() ) );
d->refreshPage = pageNumber;
int delay = 0;
if ( d->m_formsVisible )
delay = 1000;
d->refreshTimer->start( delay );
void PageView::slotRefreshPage()
const int req = d->refreshPage;
if ( req < 0 )
d->refreshPage = -1;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod( d->document, "refreshPixmaps", Qt::QueuedConnection,
Q_ARG( int, req ) );
void PageView::slotSpeakDocument()
// QString text;
// QVector< PageViewItem * >::const_iterator it = d->items.constBegin(), itEnd = d->items.constEnd();
// for ( ; it < itEnd; ++it )
// {
// Okular::RegularAreaRect * area = textSelectionForItem( *it );
// text.append( (*it)->page()->text( area ) );
// text.append( '\n' );
// delete area;
// }
// d->tts()->say( text );
void PageView::slotSpeakCurrentPage()
// const int currentPage = d->document->viewport().pageNumber;
// PageViewItem *item = d->items.at( currentPage );
// Okular::RegularAreaRect * area = textSelectionForItem( item );
// const QString text = item->page()->text( area );
// delete area;
// d->tts()->say( text );
void PageView::slotStopSpeaks()
// if ( !d->m_tts )
// return;
// d->m_tts->stopAllSpeechs();
void PageView::slotAction( Okular::Action *action )
d->document->processAction( action );
void PageView::externalKeyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e )
keyPressEvent( e );
void PageView::slotProcessMovieAction( const Okular::MovieAction *action )
const Okular::MovieAnnotation *movieAnnotation = action->annotation();
if ( !movieAnnotation )
Okular::Movie *movie = movieAnnotation->movie();
if ( !movie )
const int currentPage = d->document->viewport().pageNumber;
PageViewItem *item = d->items.at( currentPage );
if ( !item )
VideoWidget *vw = item->videoWidgets().value( movie );
if ( !vw )
switch ( action->operation() )
case Okular::MovieAction::Play:
case Okular::MovieAction::Stop:
case Okular::MovieAction::Pause:
case Okular::MovieAction::Resume:
void PageView::slotProcessRenditionAction( const Okular::RenditionAction *action )
Okular::Movie *movie = action->movie();
if ( !movie )
const int currentPage = d->document->viewport().pageNumber;
PageViewItem *item = d->items.at( currentPage );
if ( !item )
VideoWidget *vw = item->videoWidgets().value( movie );
if ( !vw )
if ( action->operation() == Okular::RenditionAction::None )
switch ( action->operation() )
case Okular::RenditionAction::Play:
case Okular::RenditionAction::Stop:
case Okular::RenditionAction::Pause:
case Okular::RenditionAction::Resume:
2013-10-27 12:05:45 +00:00
void PageView::slotToggleChangeColors()
Okular::SettingsCore::setChangeColors( !Okular::SettingsCore::changeColors() );
2014-10-01 05:27:09 +00:00
//END private SLOTS
#include "moc_pageview.cpp"
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