
709 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2004 by Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it> *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
// qt/kde includes
#include <QtCore/QSet>
#include <QtCore/QString>
#include <QtXml/QDomDocument>
#include <QtXml/QDomElement>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <QTime>
// local includes
#include "annotations.h"
#include "area.h"
#include "link.h"
#include "page.h"
#include "pagetransition.h"
#include "rotationjob.h"
using namespace Okular;
class TextSelection;
static void deleteObjectRects( QLinkedList< ObjectRect * >& rects, const QSet<ObjectRect::ObjectType>& which )
QLinkedList< ObjectRect * >::iterator it = rects.begin(), end = rects.end();
for ( ; it != end; )
if ( which.contains( (*it)->objectType() ) )
delete *it;
it = rects.erase( it );
class Page::Private
Private( Page *page, uint n, double w, double h, int o )
: m_page( page ), m_number( n ), m_orientation( o ),
m_width( w ), m_height( h ),
m_rotation( 0 ), m_bookmarked( false ), m_maxuniqueNum( 0 ),
m_text( 0 ), m_transition( 0 ),
m_openingAction( 0 ), m_closingAction( 0 )
// avoid Division-By-Zero problems in the program
if ( m_width <= 0 )
m_width = 1;
if ( m_height <= 0 )
m_height = 1;
delete m_text;
delete m_transition;
void imageRotationDone();
QMatrix rotationMatrix() const;
Page *m_page;
int m_number;
int m_orientation;
double m_width, m_height;
int m_rotation;
bool m_bookmarked;
int m_maxuniqueNum;
TextPage * m_text;
PageTransition * m_transition;
Link * m_openingAction;
Link * m_closingAction;
void Page::Private::imageRotationDone()
RotationJob *job = static_cast<RotationJob*>( m_page->sender() );
if ( m_page->m_pixmaps.contains( job->id() ) ) {
PixmapObject &object = m_page->m_pixmaps[ job->id() ];
(*object.m_pixmap) = QPixmap::fromImage( job->image() );
object.m_rotation = job->rotation();
} else {
PixmapObject object;
object.m_pixmap = new QPixmap( QPixmap::fromImage( job->image() ) );
object.m_rotation = job->rotation();
m_page->m_pixmaps.insert( job->id(), object );
emit m_page->rotationFinished( m_number );
QMatrix Page::Private::rotationMatrix() const
QMatrix matrix;
matrix.rotate( m_rotation * 90 );
if ( m_rotation == 1 ) {
matrix.translate( 0, -1 );
} else if ( m_rotation == 2 ) {
matrix.translate( -1, -1 );
} else if ( m_rotation == 3 ) {
matrix.translate( -1, 0 );
return matrix;
/** class Page **/
Page::Page( uint page, double w, double h, int o )
: QObject( 0 ), d( new Private( this, page, w, h, o ) ),
m_textSelections( 0 )
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
delete d;
int Page::number() const
return d->m_number;
int Page::orientation() const
return d->m_orientation;
int Page::rotation() const
return d->m_rotation;
int Page::totalOrientation() const
return ( d->m_orientation + d->m_rotation ) % 4;
double Page::width() const
return d->m_width;
double Page::height() const
return d->m_height;
double Page::ratio() const
return d->m_height / d->m_width;
bool Page::hasPixmap( int id, int width, int height ) const
if ( !m_pixmaps.contains( id ) )
return false;
if ( width == -1 || height == -1 )
return true;
const QPixmap *pixmap = m_pixmaps[ id ].m_pixmap;
return (pixmap->width() == width && pixmap->height() == height);
bool Page::hasTextPage() const
return d->m_text != 0;
bool Page::isBookmarked() const
return d->m_bookmarked;
RegularAreaRect * Page::textArea ( TextSelection * selection ) const
if ( d->m_text )
return d->m_text->textArea( selection );
return 0;
bool Page::hasObjectRect( double x, double y, double xScale, double yScale ) const
if ( m_rects.isEmpty() )
return false;
QLinkedList< ObjectRect * >::const_iterator it = m_rects.begin(), end = m_rects.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
if ( (*it)->contains( x, y, xScale, yScale ) )
return true;
return false;
bool Page::hasHighlights( int s_id ) const
// simple case: have no highlights
if ( m_highlights.isEmpty() )
return false;
// simple case: we have highlights and no id to match
if ( s_id == -1 )
return true;
// iterate on the highlights list to find an entry by id
QLinkedList< HighlightAreaRect * >::const_iterator it = m_highlights.begin(), end = m_highlights.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
if ( (*it)->s_id == s_id )
return true;
return false;
bool Page::hasTransition() const
return d->m_transition != 0;
bool Page::hasAnnotations() const
return !m_annotations.isEmpty();
RegularAreaRect * Page::findText( int id, const QString & text, SearchDirection direction,
Qt::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity, const RegularAreaRect *lastRect ) const
RegularAreaRect* rect = 0;
if ( text.isEmpty() )
return rect;
rect = d->m_text->findText( id, text, direction, caseSensitivity, lastRect );
return rect;
QString Page::text( const RegularAreaRect * area ) const
QString ret;
if ( !d->m_text )
return ret;
ret = d->m_text->text( area );
return ret;
void Page::rotateAt( int orientation )
int neworientation = orientation % 4;
if ( neworientation == d->m_rotation )
if ( d->m_text )
d->m_text->transform( d->rotationMatrix() );
if ( ( d->m_orientation + d->m_rotation ) % 2 != ( d->m_orientation + neworientation ) % 2 )
qSwap( d->m_width, d->m_height );
d->m_rotation = neworientation;
QMap< int, RotationJob::Rotation > rotationMap;
rotationMap.insert( 0, RotationJob::Rotation0 );
rotationMap.insert( 1, RotationJob::Rotation90 );
rotationMap.insert( 2, RotationJob::Rotation180 );
rotationMap.insert( 3, RotationJob::Rotation270 );
* Rotate the images of the page.
QMapIterator< int, PixmapObject > it( m_pixmaps );
while ( it.hasNext() ) {
const PixmapObject &object = m_pixmaps[ it.key() ];
RotationJob::Rotation newRotation = rotationMap[ d->m_rotation ];
RotationJob::Rotation oldRotation = rotationMap[ object.m_rotation ];
RotationJob *job = new RotationJob( object.m_pixmap->toImage(), oldRotation, newRotation, it.key() );
connect( job, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( imageRotationDone() ) );
* Rotate the object rects on the page.
const QMatrix matrix = d->rotationMatrix();
QLinkedList< ObjectRect * >::const_iterator objectIt = m_rects.begin(), end = m_rects.end();
for ( ; objectIt != end; ++objectIt )
(*objectIt)->transform( matrix );
const ObjectRect * Page::objectRect( ObjectRect::ObjectType type, double x, double y, double xScale, double yScale ) const
QLinkedList< ObjectRect * >::const_iterator it = m_rects.begin(), end = m_rects.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
if ( ( (*it)->objectType() == type ) && (*it)->contains( x, y, xScale, yScale ) )
return *it;
return 0;
const PageTransition * Page::transition() const
return d->m_transition;
const QLinkedList< Annotation* > Page::annotations() const
return m_annotations;
const Link * Page::pageAction( PageAction action ) const
switch ( action )
case Page::Opening:
return d->m_openingAction;
case Page::Closing:
return d->m_closingAction;
return 0;
void Page::setPixmap( int id, QPixmap *pixmap )
if ( d->m_rotation == 0 ) {
PixmapObject object;
object.m_pixmap = pixmap;
object.m_rotation = d->m_rotation;
m_pixmaps[ id ] = object;
} else {
static QMap< int, RotationJob::Rotation > rotationMap;
if ( rotationMap.isEmpty() ) {
rotationMap.insert( 0, RotationJob::Rotation0 );
rotationMap.insert( 1, RotationJob::Rotation90 );
rotationMap.insert( 2, RotationJob::Rotation180 );
rotationMap.insert( 3, RotationJob::Rotation270 );
RotationJob *job = new RotationJob( pixmap->toImage(), RotationJob::Rotation0, rotationMap[ d->m_rotation ], id );
connect( job, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( imageRotationDone() ) );
delete pixmap;
void Page::setTextPage( TextPage * textPage )
delete d->m_text;
textPage->transform( d->rotationMatrix() );
d->m_text = textPage;
void Page::setBookmarked( bool state )
d->m_bookmarked = state;
void Page::setObjectRects( const QLinkedList< ObjectRect * > rects )
QSet<ObjectRect::ObjectType> which;
which << ObjectRect::Link << ObjectRect::Image;
deleteObjectRects( m_rects, which );
* Rotate the object rects of the page.
const QMatrix matrix = d->rotationMatrix();
QLinkedList< ObjectRect * >::const_iterator objectIt = rects.begin(), end = rects.end();
for ( ; objectIt != end; ++objectIt )
(*objectIt)->transform( matrix );
m_rects << rects;
void Page::setHighlight( int s_id, RegularAreaRect *rect, const QColor & color )
HighlightAreaRect * hr = new HighlightAreaRect(rect);
hr->s_id = s_id;
hr->color = color;
m_highlights.append( hr );
void Page::setTextSelections( RegularAreaRect *r, const QColor & color )
HighlightAreaRect * hr = new HighlightAreaRect( r );
hr->s_id = -1;
hr->color = color;
m_textSelections = hr;
void Page::setSourceReferences( const QLinkedList< SourceRefObjectRect * > refRects )
foreach( SourceRefObjectRect * rect, refRects )
m_rects << rect;
void Page::addAnnotation( Annotation * annotation )
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
//uniqueName: okular-PAGENUM-ID
annotation->uniqueName = "okular-";
annotation->uniqueName += ( QString::number(d->m_number) + '-' +
QString::number(++(d->m_maxuniqueNum)) );
kDebug()<<"astario: inc m_maxuniqueNum="<<d->m_maxuniqueNum<<endl;
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
m_annotations.append( annotation );
AnnotationObjectRect *rect = new AnnotationObjectRect( annotation );
* Rotate the annotation on the page.
const QMatrix matrix = d->rotationMatrix();
rect->transform( matrix );
m_rects.append( rect );
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
void Page::modifyAnnotation(Annotation * newannotation )
QLinkedList< Annotation * >::iterator aIt = m_annotations.begin(), aEnd = m_annotations.end();
for ( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
return; //modified already
if((*aIt) && (*aIt)->uniqueName==newannotation->uniqueName)
int rectfound = false;
QLinkedList< ObjectRect * >::iterator it = m_rects.begin(), end = m_rects.end();
for ( ; it != end && !rectfound; ++it )
if ( ( (*it)->objectType() == ObjectRect::OAnnotation ) && ( (*it)->pointer() == (*aIt) ) )
delete *it;
*it = new AnnotationObjectRect( newannotation );
rectfound = true;
delete *aIt;
*aIt = newannotation;
bool Page::removeAnnotation( Annotation * annotation )
if ( !annotation || ( annotation->flags & Annotation::DenyDelete ) )
return false;
QLinkedList< Annotation * >::iterator aIt = m_annotations.begin(), aEnd = m_annotations.end();
for ( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
if((*aIt) && (*aIt)->uniqueName==annotation->uniqueName)
int rectfound = false;
QLinkedList< ObjectRect * >::iterator it = m_rects.begin(), end = m_rects.end();
for ( ; it != end && !rectfound; ++it )
if ( ( (*it)->objectType() == ObjectRect::OAnnotation ) && ( (*it)->pointer() == (*aIt) ) )
delete *it;
m_rects.erase( it );
rectfound = true;
kDebug() << "removed annotation: " << annotation->uniqueName << endl;
delete *aIt;
m_annotations.erase( aIt );
return true;
void Page::setTransition( PageTransition * transition )
delete d->m_transition;
d->m_transition = transition;
void Page::setPageAction( PageAction action, Link * link )
switch ( action )
case Page::Opening:
d->m_openingAction = link;
case Page::Closing:
d->m_closingAction = link;
void Page::deletePixmap( int id )
PixmapObject object = m_pixmaps.take( id );
delete object.m_pixmap;
void Page::deletePixmaps()
QMapIterator< int, PixmapObject > it( m_pixmaps );
while ( it.hasNext() ) {
delete it.value().m_pixmap;
void Page::deleteRects()
// delete ObjectRects of type Link and Image
QSet<ObjectRect::ObjectType> which;
which << ObjectRect::Link << ObjectRect::Image;
deleteObjectRects( m_rects, which );
void Page::deleteHighlights( int s_id )
// delete highlights by ID
QLinkedList< HighlightAreaRect* >::iterator it = m_highlights.begin(), end = m_highlights.end();
while ( it != end )
HighlightAreaRect* highlight = *it;
if ( s_id == -1 || highlight->s_id == s_id )
it = m_highlights.erase( it );
delete highlight;
void Page::deleteTextSelections()
if (m_textSelections)
delete m_textSelections;
m_textSelections = 0;
void Page::deleteSourceReferences()
deleteObjectRects( m_rects, QSet<ObjectRect::ObjectType>() << ObjectRect::SourceRef );
void Page::deleteAnnotations()
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
// delete ObjectRects of type Annotation
deleteObjectRects( m_rects, QSet<ObjectRect::ObjectType>() << ObjectRect::OAnnotation );
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
// delete all stored annotations
QLinkedList< Annotation * >::const_iterator aIt = m_annotations.begin(), aEnd = m_annotations.end();
Adding support for annotations in framework. Only need to add and implement annotations now (and create the save/load procedure). Annotations: converging to a stable Annotation definition. Changed a bit the paint functions. Added a first 'template' annotation, a simple pen-like segments recorder for framework testing purposes only. This has events filters in place and the rough paint function implemented. PageView: removed the MouseEdit mode and using that button for toggling the editToolBox instead. Added Annotation support. When the Annotation is created, all pageView events flow through that new object. Repaint of damaged/old areas is done internally and is based on the geometry of the annotation we're creating. When an Annotation is complete, it is reparented to the Page that adds it to its internal list. From that point on the annotation will be rendered by pagePainter using the pixmap-based paint function provided by the annotation itself. PagePainter: draws annotations stored in pages when rendering (using the 'rought paint function' till the good pixmap based one will be in place. Page: added preliminary support for adding Annotation(s) to the page and deleting them all. Document: added the pass-through call to add an Annotation to the Page and notify observers. PageViewToolbox: can be draged and attached to any side. Position is remembered between runs (choose your side and that the toolbox will always be there). Available on Right and Bottom sides too. Emits -1 when the current tool is deselected. Misc: added Annotations to both the 'observers changed flags' and the 'pagepainter' ones and updated ui classes accordingly. svn path=/branches/kpdf_annotations/kdegraphics/kpdf/; revision=390638
2005-02-18 18:24:45 +00:00
for ( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
delete *aIt;
void Page::restoreLocalContents( const QDomNode & pageNode )
// iterate over all chilren (bookmark, annotationList, ...)
QDomNode childNode = pageNode.firstChild();
while ( childNode.isElement() )
QDomElement childElement = childNode.toElement();
childNode = childNode.nextSibling();
// parse annotationList child element
if ( childElement.tagName() == "annotationList" )
QTime time;
// iterate over all annotations
QDomNode annotationNode = childElement.firstChild();
while( annotationNode.isElement() )
// get annotation element and advance to next annot
QDomElement annotElement = annotationNode.toElement();
annotationNode = annotationNode.nextSibling();
// get annotation from the dom element
Annotation * annotation = AnnotationUtils::createAnnotation( annotElement );
// append annotation to the list or show warning
if ( annotation )
m_annotations.append( annotation );
m_rects.append( new AnnotationObjectRect( annotation ) );
int pos = annotation->uniqueName.lastIndexOf("-");
if(pos != -1)
int uniqID=annotation->uniqueName.right(annotation->uniqueName.length()-pos-1).toInt();
kDebug()<<"astario: restored annot:"<<annotation->uniqueName<<endl;
kWarning() << "page (" << d->m_number << "): can't restore an annotation from XML." << endl;
kDebug() << "annots: XML Load time: " << time.elapsed() << "ms" << endl;
// parse bookmark child element
else if ( childElement.tagName() == "bookmark" )
d->m_bookmarked = true;
void Page::saveLocalContents( QDomNode & parentNode, QDomDocument & document )
// only add a node if there is some stuff to write into
if ( !d->m_bookmarked && m_annotations.isEmpty() )
// create the page node and set the 'number' attribute
QDomElement pageElement = document.createElement( "page" );
pageElement.setAttribute( "number", d->m_number );
// add bookmark info if is bookmarked
if ( d->m_bookmarked )
// create the pageElement's 'bookmark' child
QDomElement bookmarkElement = document.createElement( "bookmark" );
pageElement.appendChild( bookmarkElement );
// add attributes to the element
//bookmarkElement.setAttribute( "name", bookmark name );
// add annotations info if has got any
if ( !m_annotations.isEmpty() )
// create the annotationList
QDomElement annotListElement = document.createElement( "annotationList" );
// add every annotation to the annotationList
QLinkedList< Annotation * >::const_iterator aIt = m_annotations.begin(), aEnd = m_annotations.end();
for ( ; aIt != aEnd; ++aIt )
// get annotation
const Annotation * a = *aIt;
// only save okular annotations (not the embedded in file ones)
if ( !(a->flags & Annotation::External) )
// append an filled-up element called 'annotation' to the list
QDomElement annElement = document.createElement( "annotation" );
AnnotationUtils::storeAnnotation( a, annElement, document );
annotListElement.appendChild( annElement );
kDebug()<<"astario: save annot:"<<a->uniqueName<<endl;
// append the annotationList element if annotations have been set
if ( annotListElement.hasChildNodes() )
pageElement.appendChild( annotListElement );
// append the page element only if has children
if ( pageElement.hasChildNodes() )
parentNode.appendChild( pageElement );
#include "page.moc"